Ej 1363826
Ej 1363826
Ej 1363826
This study investigated the effect of the online, flipped classroom model on learners’ self-directed
learning using the descriptive correlation design. A total of 181 students from three public universities
that applied the online flipped classroom approach participated in the study. The finds reveal that students
did very well in their self-management through the online flipped classroom. They were methodical,
self-disciplined, and confident in their ability to search out new information. Furthermore, they were
systematic in organizing their learning activity. The students were able to access the lecture notes on their
own time, which increased their understanding of the material. The synchronous aspect of the flipped
classroom had a positive correlation with student desire for learning and self-control. This suggests that
the more students are exposed to synchronous activities, the greater their desire for learning and their
self-control in the process of learning. Therefore, synchronous experiences are essential for students to be
self-controlled and for them to have a desire for learning.
Package for Social Science (SPSS) 23. research question. This question sought to estab-
Demographic data analysis involved frequencies lish the perception of students on the asynchronous
and percentages. The data for learners’ perception learning activity whereby learners were to indicate
involved the mean scores and standard devia- their level of agreement or disagreement with par-
tions. Finally, correlation analysis was employed to ticular statements.
examine the relationships between the asynchro- As can be seen in Table 3, the mean score of
nous learning, synchronous learning, and various the first three items in the questionnaire ranged
aspects of self-directed. between 3.50 and 4.49, which means agreement
FINDINGS with the statements. Particularly, learners agreed
This section presents the findings of the study that they are able to accesses the lecturer notes in
guided by the research questions that guided the their own time, the video lecturers increased their
study: understanding of the main problem, and the quiz-
Research Question 1: What are learners’ zes prepared them to solve the problems in the
perspectives of their asynchronous learning synchronous class sessions. However, the mean
activity in the OFC? score for the last two items was between 2.50 and
Asynchronous learning employs learning 3.49, which denotes undecidedness. Particularly,
management systems developed by universities to learners were undecided whether they were satis-
allow teachers and learners to interact with each fied by doing the discussion in the classroom and
other in their own time (see Figure 2). whether they were satisfied by the degree of prob-
We used descriptive analysis (means and stan- lem difficulty in the assignments.
dard deviations) to search for an answer to the first
Research Question 2: What are learners’ in a team during the classroom session, and that they
perspectives of their synchronous learning were satisfied with the discussions in the classroom.
activity in the OFC? However, respondents were undecided whether
Synchronous learning activity employs both working in teams increased their understanding of
video conferencing developed by the university or the main problem and whether they had sufficient
video conferencing platforms such as Zoom to allow time to interact with their instructors and with peers.
teachers and learners to interact with each other at the The undecidedness could mean that students enjoyed
same time (see Figure 3). a heated discussion but they did not reach a definitive
We used descriptive analysis (mean and standard conclusion.
deviation) to search for an answer to this question.
This research question sought to establish the percep- Research Question 3: What is the perception of
tion of learners on the synchronous learning activity learners of their self-management in the OFC?
whereby learners were to indicate their level of agree- Self-management is the sense that learners are
ment or disagreement with particular statements. As working through a required task with minimal super-
can be seen in Table 4, respondents agreed that solv- vision by the teacher. It is interesting to note that
ing problems as a team improved their ability to think under this category, learners agreed with all the items
through a problem. The learners also agreed that except one, which means that learners did very
working in a team motivated them to work hard dur- well in the self-management aspect in the OFC.
ing the class sessions, that they were satisfied working
However, mean score for the last item in Table to learning continuance. They also agreed that
5 was between 2.50 and 3.49, which denotes unde- they need to know why, they enjoy learning new
cidedness. Particularly, learners were undecided information, they have a need to learn, they enjoy
whether they set specific times for their study. challenges in the process of learning, and they crit-
Research Question 4: What is the perception of ically evaluate new ideas in the process of learning.
learners of their desire for learning in the OFC? Research Question 5: What is the perception of
The desire for learning is a key aspect for learners of their self-control in the OFC?
learning effectiveness. Unless the desire for This research question sought to establish the
learning is developed, the learners will lose the perception of learners on their self-control in the
motivation to learn and therefore whatever activity OFC. The learners agreed with all the items in this
takes place in the process of teaching and learn- section. According to Table 7, they agreed that they
ing will be a waste of time and resources. This are responsible, they control their life, they can find
question therefore sought to establish the extent to the information on their own, they are responsible
which students had developed the desire to learn for the decisions they made, they evaluate their
in the OFC. own performance, and they actually have moderate
According to Table 6, learners agreed that personal standards in the process of learning.
they learn from mistakes, which means that mis- Research Question 6: Is there a significant
takes in the process of learning are not an obstacle relationship between asynchronous activities,
synchronous activities, and various aspects of self- Table 8. The Results of the Correlations Analyses
directed learning? Variable (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
This research question sought to establish the Asynchronous r
relationship between asynchronous experiences, 1 .531** .478** .238** .319**
synchronous experiences, and various aspects of Synchronous session r 1 .401** .171* .322**
self-directed learning using the Person Correlation
Self-management r 1 .485** .448**
Coefficients to establish the relationships between
Desire for learning r 1 .560**
asynchronous, synchronous, and various aspects of
self-directed learning (see Table 8). Self-control r 1
We found seven significant Pearson correlations, *
p<.005, **p<.001