Educational Visit Application
Educational Visit Application
Educational Visit Application
Complete this form in triplicate and send the three (3) copies to your Local Manager Fourteen working (14) days before the
date of the visit. After the Manager has made his/her comments and indicate her/his approval or disapproval, he/she will send
the three copies of the form to the District Education Officer for endorsement. The District Education Officer will return two
copies of the form to the Local Manager who will inform the Principal Teacher of the outcome of the application.
3. Which Class or classes will go to the Visit? (have provisions been made for students not going on trip as it is not a holiday)
4. Have you written to the parents explaining the purpose of the visit and obtained their written permission for their children to
go on the visit? (Copy of signed returned permission slips) Yes. Note is attached to this application.
5. Number of children from class or classes to go on the visit.
6. Date on which the visit will be made.
7. At what time of the day will the visit start and what time will it end?
9. Name of person/s who gave written permission for visit to be made to the place/s named at (attach written permission)
11. Give the name of the owner of the boat or vehicle to be used for transporting the children and teachers on the visit.
12. Is the boat or vehicle licensed to carry passengers?
13. How many adult passengers is the boat or vehicle licensed to carry?
14. Give the name of the Insurance Company that insured the boat or vehicle.
15. Do the trip applications have an attached list of complete names of students and date of births?
16. Give a brief description of the lesson or project that the visit is connected with.
17. I certify that the information given on this form is true and correct. _________________________ __________________
Principal Teacher Date
Manager’s Comments and Approval or disapproval
____________________________________________________ ___________________ _______________
School Manager Date
District Education Officer’s Comments and endorsement.
__________________________________________________________ ___________________ _______________
District Education Manager Date
Dear Parents,
Carmelita Gov’t School is participating in the Orange Walk Sports Council Football Tournament. On
Thursday November 1, 2018, the boys and girls will be playing the District Finals at 9:00 a.m. at the People’s
Stadium. We should be leaving the school campus at 8:30 a.m. and be back by 3:00 p.m. Bus fare is $1.00. Please
indicate if you allow your child to travel along with the team below. Parents are welcomed to support the team.
Tr. Satish and Tr. Marina
Team Coaches
Child’s Name: _____________________________
Yes, I grant permission __________ Parent’s Signature: _________________________
Dear Parents,
Carmelita Gov’t School is participating in the Orange Walk Sports Council Football Tournament. On
Thursday October 30, 2018, the boys and girls will be playing the District Finals at 9:00 a.m. at the People’s
Stadium. We should be leaving the school campus at 8:30 a.m. and be back by 3:00 p.m. Bus fare is $1.00. Please
indicate if you allow your child to travel along with the team below. Parents are welcomed to support the team.
Tr. Satish and Tr. Marina
Team Coaches
Child’s Name: _____________________________
Yes, I grant permission __________ Parent’s Signature: _________________________
Dear Parents,
Carmelita Gov’t School is participating in the Orange Walk Sports Council Football Tournament. On
Thursday November 1, 2018, the boys and girls will be playing the District Finals at 9:00 a.m. at the People’s
Stadium. We should be leaving the school campus at 8:30 a.m. and be back by 3:00 p.m. Bus fare is $1.00. Please
indicate if you allow your child to travel along with the team below. Parents are welcomed to support the team.
Tr. Satish and Tr. Marina
Team Coaches
Child’s Name: _____________________________
Yes, I grant permission __________ Parent’s Signature: _________________________
Male Players
1. Jonathan Coleman
2. Jairo Mendez
3. Israel O’Campo
4. Esdras Morales
5. Joel Barrera
6. Dionicio Mesh
7. GianCarlo Vasquez
8. Juan Guerra
9. Jonathan Gomez
10. Gamael Orellana
11. Oscar Reyes
12. Dewilson Cocom
13. Christopher Flowers
14. Jayden Neil
15. Valentine Young
16. Nathaniel Medina
Female Players
1. Katrina Tejeda
2. Amy Metzgen
3. Amira Jones
4. Liannie Sanchez
5. Glendy O’Campo
6. Leidy Troches
7. Rosa Troches
8. Josefin Reyes
9. Alexandra Allen
10. Anayeli Morales
11. Esther Gonzalez
12. Julissa Gonzalez
13. Sara Hoare
14. Jeidy Lopez
15. Edilsa Mejia
16. Karen Ramirez
Mr. Juan Baeza
1. Christian Murillos
2. Jerome Herbert
3. Cristian Can
4. Jahyra Cal
5. Silvani Can
6. Damaris Coy
7. Mariah Crawford
8. Hannah Escalante
9. Jocelyn Guerra
10. Evana Hall
11. Monica Martinez
12. Cristina Medina
13. Joannie Mejia
14. Wendy Villamil
15. Sheiny Mendez