09 2015-ImplementationofAPQP
09 2015-ImplementationofAPQP
09 2015-ImplementationofAPQP
Deming's Plan, Do, Check and Act (PDCA) is a four-step Table 1: APQP stages finalised to be implemented and their respective
management method used in business for the control and Sl. APQP Stage Task Description
continuous improvement of processes and products. The No.
first three stages are devoted to the up-front development 1 Plan & Define Problem statement, Team
and planning. Lastly, Act is the implementation phase - organisation, Project
focusing on customer satisfaction and continual timeline, Market research
improvement. APQP practically applies PDCA to the (online survey),
project management process [APQP Reference Manual, Benchmarking, Design goals,
1995]. Preliminary BOM
2 Product Design & DFMEA, DVP, Design for
A. The Necessity of APQP in Projects Development manufacturability and
assembly, list of engineering
Lot of emphasis is placed on different technical approach and material specs, CAD and
to Design problems as they tend to be ill structured and analysis
open-ended, but attention to details of the process remain
3 Feedback & Corrective Check design adherence to
neglected. This can be largely attributed to ED problem
actions rules and goals set in Stage 1
solving process/structure being open ended [Dym, C. et al.,
2005]. While helping nurture student creativity at lower
semesters it can be an impediment at higher semesters and 3. Results and Discussions
during employment especially as organisations rely on
established processes and systems to deliver results The application of APQP streamlined the project. The
[Dutson, A.J. et al., 1997]. There is a need to address this competition required the students to design the vehicle
lacuna through incorporation of an industry developed keeping commercialisation in mind. Hence the design was
framework in higher semesters of Automobile Engineering based on potential customer inputs and the changes and
projects. This will create a uniform process throughout as problems in design were identified early in the process.
students will follow an established and proven project Also, an early planning was ensured for the complete
execution structure. With the technical aspects of the design process.
project still remaining open-ended, individuality/ The team SAEV successfully implemented all the stages
uniqueness of the projects can be maintained. and tasks outlined in table 1 and were also able to carry out
The same can be summarised in form of the objectives of an addition step in terms of Control Plan Methodology
this paper as follows after the completion of the project. Details of important
tasks of each stage are highlighted in the following sections
1. Primary objective: Structured process in project as example.
2. Secondary objective: Bridging the gap between industry A. Plan & Define Program
and academia.
High emphasis was placed on this stage as it would be the
3. Tertiary objective: Addressing Outcome Based
foundation for the following stages. A problem statement
Education criteria.
was developed, project timeline and team was organized
(Fig. 1 and Fig. 2), team carried out a market research and
2. Implementation Methodology analysis on customer needs and requirement through an
online survey (Fig. 3), benchmarking was done considering
APQP was implemented on an undergraduate project Solar
similar competition vehicles and the results of previous
Array Electric Vehicle (SAEV) running in Electric Solar
year, design goals were established (table 2), preliminary
Vehicle Championship organised annually by Imperial
bill of materials was listed out.
Society of Innovative Engineers. It was for the first time
that a student team was participating in this competition.
B. Product Design & Development
The competition is divided into two phases, Virtual round Inputs derived from the outputs of the first stage were used
and Dynamic round. In virtual round the students have to for DFMEA (Design Failure Mode Effect Analysis) extract
submit only the completed design of the vehicle, once of which is shown in table 4, Design for Manufacturability
qualified they have to fabricate it and compete in Dynamic and Assembly, DVP (Design Validation Plan) as in table 3,
round at national level against student teams from other along with the listing of engineering & material
educational institutions [https://www.imperialsociety.in]. specifications, CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings
and technical validations of the SAEV.
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Volume, No, Month 2015, ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707
Sl. No. Process or part Problems Encountered Control Plan Reaction Plan
Name/ Operation
1 Frame Excess Weight of Procured Use of different c/s for frame Intense analysis of designed
Material/Overdesigned Frame material frame and optimization of frame
c/s to be used in the Designing
phase itself
2 Material Cut angles Mismatched cut angles Proper developments for cut Proper calculation of cut angles
for joining process influencing improper welding angles and considering welding
processes in the designing phase
3 Driver seat Uncomfortable entry & exit/ Modification of driver’s seat Frame modification required at
Longer entry & exit time the driver’s compartment/ To be
carried out during designing
4 Impact Bumpers Too high Repositioning of front and Redesigning of bumper
rear bumpers attachments
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Volume, No, Month 2015, ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707
Through implementation of APQP the student team had a [1] Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) and
clear idea of the tasks that needed to be completed at the Control Plan, Reference Manual, Copyright 1994, 1995.
respective stages of the project development. This is clearly Chrysler Corporation, Ford Motor Company and General
evident from the data mentioned in the previous sections. Motors Corporation.