SG 248553
SG 248553
SG 248553
Draft Document for Review October 13, 2023 3:24 pm
IBM Redbooks
October 2023
SG24-8553-00 Draft Document for Review October 13, 2023 3:24 pm
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on
page xiii.
Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Now you can become a published author, too! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi
Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi
Stay connected to IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Cyber Resilient infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Data path resilience for long distance replication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Planning for infrastructure refreshing and migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3.1 Migration methodology and techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3.2 General guidelines for migrating to a new SAN Extension platform . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Contents v Draft Document for Review October 13, 2023 3:23 pm
9-7 Select the installed version (in case of update) or All for a new installation . . . . . . . . 149
9-8 Select fixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
9-9 Entitlement check on FixCentral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
9-10 Link to the Broadcom software portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
9-11 Enter your email address and the captcha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
9-12 Verification code in your email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
9-13 Entering Broadcom verification code and captcha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
9-14 Select files to download . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
9-15 End user license agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
9-16 Scalability feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
9-17 SANnav Management Portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
9-18 Basic layout of the SANnav user interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
9-19 Detail page for Inventory page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
9-20 Detail page on the Discovery page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
9-21 Filtering violations: SAN42B-R7 example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
9-22 Added filter window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
9-23 Browse Topology page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
9-24 Tunnels tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
9-25 Status column values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
9-26 Extension Dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
9-27 Tunnel or circuit utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
9-28 Investigation Mode dialog for a tunnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
9-29 Properties of a tunnel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
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This IBM® Redbooks® publication is focused on the IBM b-type SAN Extension platforms
and their deployment within IBM storage solutions. IBM b-type Extension platforms provide
long distance storage data transport over FCIP, FICON® over IP or IP Extension protocols.
The content within this book provides the reader an extensive look at the IBM b-type SAN
Extension technology, an overview of supported IBM long distance solutions, infrastructure
design and the best practices for migrating from older generation systems to the latest
This book was produced by a team of specialists from around the world.
Brian Larsen joined Broadcom in July 1991 and has more than 35 years of professional
experience in high-end processing, storage, disaster recovery, cloud, virtualization, and
networking environments. Larsen is the Director of Partner Business Development and is
responsible for solution and business development within all IBM divisions. In addition to his
14 years in Business Development, Larsen has held positions in sales, consulting, product
management and solutions marketing.
Mark Detrick is a Principal R&D Engineer who has worked for over 20 years with Broadcom.
Involved with many Fortune 500 large-scale IBM projects worldwide, Mark plays a
consultative role in storage network design and deployment. Mark is an expert in many data
center technologies, including mainframe SAN design and extension; distributed systems
large-scale SAN design, FC Routing and extension; IP routing and Ethernet switching; and
WAN technologies. Mark has over 30 years of experience in data center networking
Tim Jeka leads the technical and positioning effort of Brocade’s storage networking
businesswith IBM as an IBM North America Systems Engineer of Storage Networking. Tim
isresponsible for driving technical awareness and positioning of Brocade’s storage
networkingproducts to the IBM field across the Americas. He joined Brocade in 2008,
bringing over 34years of experience in Networking, Storage, and SAN technology with IBM.
Before joiningBrocade, Tim was a Networking and Storage Area Networking RDS at IBM. Tim
also heldTechnical Team leadership roles in IBM’s Storage and Networking product divisions
for over34 years with IBM
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Preface xvii Draft Document for Review October 13, 2023 3:23 pm
Chapter 1. Introduction
This IBM Redbooks publication is focused on the IBM b-type SAN Extension platforms and
their deployment within IBM storage solutions. IBM b-type Extension platforms provide long
distance storage data transport over FCIP, FICON over IP or IP Extension protocols.
The content within this IBM Redbooks will provide the reader an extensive look at the IBM
b-type SAN Extension technology, an overview of supported IBM long distance solutions,
infrastructure design and the best practices for migrating from older generation systems to the
latest offerings.
Cyber resiliency embraces the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) security
framework. This framework includes "five" dimensions of security with each dimension
building on top of one another to create a holistic approach to eliminating threats. The “five”
dimensions include: Identify, Detect, Protect, Recover and Response.
IBM Storage and b-type SAN and Extension platforms have strive to create solutions that
integrate with higher levels of the NIST dimensions that assist with Identifying, Detecting and
Responding to those threats. Through integration with IBM's software platforms like Q Radar
and Safeguarded Copy early detection and identification of abnormal behavior can be
recognized and actions can be taken to offset the risk. Working with Safeguarded Copy,
multiple copies of data can be taken to help IT departments recover from a known good copy
of data and help businesses get up and running as soon as possible.
The two NIST dimensions that the IBM Storage and b-type SAN and Extension platforms
have directly focused on together is, Protect and Recover. IBM Storage is capable of
replicating and recovering data between any data center sites using their flash arrays and
tape subsystems. IBM flash arrays provide data replication through offerings like IBM
Metro/Global Mirroring and Hyper Swap to meet very low Recovery Point Objectives (RPO)
and Recovery Time Objectives (RTO). IBM tape storage can also address data protection by
using their TS77xx VTL replication of block or object stores through their Grid (TCP/IP)
replication solution.
There are challenges when replicating data over distance and one of those challenges is the
latency (or time it takes) to move data from Site A to Site B and beyond. The second
challenge is having a stable network (TCP/IP Ethernet network) that does not interrupt the
flow of data. The IBM b-type SAN Extension platforms provide technology that has evolved
over 30 years to offset and eliminate the impact of latency and faulty network challenges.
“Data path resilience for long distance replication” on page 2 will review how an IT architect
can create a long-distance infrastructure that supports a Cyber Resilient solution.
Designing a long-distance data path is a critical element in making sure your data arrives at
its destination. Having multiple paths between locations will provide redundancy and fail over
in the event an outage occurs on one of the paths. This IBM Redbooks publication will review
the best practices of designing and deploying long-distance transport. Figure 1-1 on page 5
will examine a more detailed look at the network paths and configuration layout.
The long-distance infrastructure design cannot be "sound" unless the foundation is “solid”.
The IBM b-type SAN Extension platforms provide that solid foundation. These platforms have
evolved into having on board security capabilities, hardened access, license validation and
WAN encryption technologies.
In addition to the security elements mentioned previously in this section, the features included
in the IBM b-type platforms provide the IT infrastructure designers flexibility when creating
their data transport network.
Each of these features are advanced in their ability to manage high performance storage data
flows. Several of these are unique within the industry and provide the highest value possible
to an IT Infrastructure Designer. Each of these advanced features will be reviewed in Chapter
3 of this book, you can also find content on these features in IBM b-type Gen 7 Installation,
Migration, and Best Practices Guide, SG24-8497.
In “Planning for infrastructure refreshing and migration” on page 3 we will review the need to
understand an aging long distance infrastructure and creating plans to refresh and migrate to
the next generation platforms.
Chapter 1. Introduction 3 Draft Document for Review October 13, 2023 3:23 pm
With the ever-increasing amount of data that needs to be protected and IP WAN networks
moving from 1GbE to 10GbE, 25GbE, 50GbE, 100GbE, many older IBM b-type SAN
Extension platforms may not support the increased workload speeds. In addition to not
supporting the high-speed WAN's these platforms are reaching the end of their product life
cycles. This IBM Redbooks section describes the general principles of refreshing and
migrating a current environment to a new, modernized SAN Extension platform.
The IBM b-type SAN Extension offerings have evolved since the mid-1990's to it's latest Gen
7 offering that is based on a Condor 5 ASIC. The current SAN extension offerings are the IBM
b-type SAN42B-R7, SAN18B-6 and SX-6 Extension blade for directors. This IBM Redbooks
publication will focus on a SAN42B-R7 migration plan, but all the same principles can be
applied to the other extension platforms.
One of the most common inquiries about migrating to a new Brocade Extension platform is
the question around “will I need to take an outage?” The short answer is “maybe.” Users can
avoid a full outage and essentially avoid any downtime if the proper methods for conversion
are followed.
To remove nearly all the risk of taking a full outage, you should plan to stage and configure
your new platforms to mimic or be able to accept the same configurations that you are using
today. Of course, if you are going through a consolidation effort, increasing the number of IP
WAN connections, or upgrading from a lower speed IP WAN to a higher speed IP WAN
circuit, there will be additional steps needed to integrate those changes.
In general, the following migration methodology and techniques can be applied to any
platform conversion strategy. In Chapters 5 - 7 of this IBM Redbooks, a more detailed
description of best practices and configuration of the IBM b-type SAN extension platforms will
be addressed.
In our migration scenario below, we will assume that you are doing a one-for-one replacement
of an aging SAN Extension Platform to a new IBM b-type SAN Extension platform with no
change to the Fiber Channel connections or IP WAN circuits. Using Figure 1-1 on page 5 as
our example network to convert, we will walk through some guidelines for migrating the
b-type SAN
The “dual fabric” topology provides one of the most seamless transitions from one platform to
another. By leveraging one of the fabrics (or paths), you can keep replication traffic flowing
without taking a full outage.
Note: With a dual fabric design, the other fabric/path will continue to replicate between the
storage arrays but there may be some backlog in data replication since only half the
bandwidth will be available.
For the first path to migrate, disable power to the SAN42B-6 on Site A and Site B.
Remove storage and network cables from each SAN42B-6 and reattach the cables to the
SAN42B-R7s that are replacing them.
Chapter 1. Introduction 5 Draft Document for Review October 13, 2023 3:23 pm
Apply power to the new SAN42B-R7s in Site A and B and check the configurations and
any error messages. Note: with the new path offline to the mirror, you can run the onboard
traffic generator within the SAN42B-R7 to confirm that the IP WAN can support your
bandwidth SLA.
Once the entire path has been verified, re-enable the mirror (if required) for the path that
was suspended.
Monitor the mirror and network for errors and confirm that the network is running as
Once the initial fabric or path is working as expected, repeat these steps for the other
As you can see, by taking only one path down at a time, the administrator can reduce or
eliminate the need for a complete outage.
To close out the guidelines for planning a migration from an older IBM b-type SAN Extension
platform to a new version, it should be noted that a new software management platform is
available. The Brocade SANnav management tool is the only management tool that supports
the latest IBM b-type SAN Extension platforms. The Brocade SANnav offering has been
completely re-architect with a new look and feel for the next generation of SAN infrastructure.
SANnav will be reviewed in Chapter 9 of this IBM Redbooks.
In Chapter 2, “The IBM SAN42B-R7 and IBM SAN18B-6 Extension Switches” on page 7, we
will provide a more detailed look at the IBM SAN42B-R7 and IBM SAN18B-6 offerings and
later in this IBM Redbooks we take you through specific best practices for a long-distance
network design and configuration steps in Chapter 5, “Extension best practices” on page 43
and Chapter 6, “Extension refresh guidance” on page 53.
These switches integrate easily into any existing IP network providing local performance over
long distances with strong encryption, Brocade WAN-Optimized TCP with high-efficiency
encapsulation to accelerate TCP, achieving the fastest replication speeds possible from
storage devices, and ensuring in-order lossless transmission of data. They consolidate Fiber
Channel, FICON, and IP storage traffic from heterogeneous devices for remote data
replication (RDR), centralized backup, and data migration over long distances.
IBM SX6 Extension Blade Feature Code #3892 & 3893 Brocade SX6 Blade
Only a feature code is given for the extension blade because the machine type and model is
associated with the:
IBM Storage Networking SAN512B-6 Model 8961-F08 (Brocade X6-8)
IBM Storage Networking SAN256B-6 Model 8961-F04 (Brocade X6-4)
IBM Storage Networking SAN512B-7 Model 8961-F78 (Brocade X7-8)
IBM Storage Networking SAN256B-7 Model 8961-F74 (Brocade X7-4)
With twenty-four 64G FC/FICON ports, sixteen 1/10/25-GbE interfaces, and two 100-GbE
interfaces, customers can achieve the bandwidth, port density, and throughput needed for
maximum application performance over a wide area network (WAN). Additionally, it delivers
strong security, continuous availability, unmatched scalability, and simplified operations to
handle the most demanding requirements for business continuity and disaster recovery
The SAN42B-R7 can be purchased as one of two models, depending on the environment and
applications it will be primarily used in- Open Systems or Mainframe. Both units have all FC
ports enabled, are licensed with full WAN rate capabilities with no restrictions, and have the
same bundled shortwave Ethernet optics included (alternative Ethernet optics are available la
The Open Systems model includes shortwave FC optics and the full software feature set with
the exception of features that are specific to the mainframe.
The Mainframe model includes longwave FC optics and the full software feature set including
Advanced Accelerator for FICON and FICON CUP. See Figure 2-1
Table 2-2 provides a comparison of the hardware and software bundles associated with these
two model types.
Note: For more than 16 FC ports, a la carte SFP-DD SWL optics are available. All Ethernet
speeds covered with the bundled optics at short reach. For long reach Ethernet optics, ala
carte 25/10 LR SFPs are available.
Note: There is no upgrade path from the Open Systems Model to the Mainframe Model.
Fibre Channel:
64G FC SFP+ LC connector (supports 16/32/64G): SWL, LWL, ELWL
32G FC SFP+ LC connector (supports 8/16/32G): SWL, LWL
2x64G FC SFP-DD SN connector (supports 16/32/64G): SWL
10GbE SFP/SFP+ LC connector (supports 1/10GbE): SR
25GbE SFP/SFP+ LC connector (supports 10/25GbE): SR, LR
100GbE QSFP MPO connector (supports 100GbE): SR4
The switch can operate in one of two VE Modes with different VE port groupings.
The SAN18B-6 base model includes 4 (of 12) 32 Gbps FC ports enabled, 6 (of 6) 1/10 GbE
FCIP ports, and total of 1 Gbps maximum of WAN Rate throughput. Software features
included- Adaptive Rate Limiting, HW compression, FCIP FastWrite, WAN Optimized TCP,
and IPSec.
The SAN18B-6 upgraded model activates the additional 8 (12 total) FC ports with and
upgrades 1 Gbps WAN rate to 2.5 Gbps throughput and up to 10 Gbps of application
throughput with 4:1 compression (dependent on data pattern). Upgraded software features-
Advanced Extension, Enterprise Package (Fabric Vision, ISL Trunking and Extended Fabric)
and Integrated Routing (IR).
Table 2-3 provides a summary of the supported features and scalability limits of each model.
FC Port Limit 4 12
Tunnel Limit 2 4
FC Routing No Yes
Virtual Fabrics No No
FICON Support No No
Note: Qty (4) 16 Gbps FC SWL SFPs are included for the Base Model. Qty (12) 16 Gbps
SWL SFPs are included for the Upgraded Model ordered from the factory. Optical GE
SFPs are not included and need to be ordered a la carte.
Note: The upgraded model can be ordered from the factory or the base model can be
upgraded in the field. Field Upgrade Kit includes Qty (8) 16 Gbps FC SWL SFPs
Note: FICON traffic, and TS7700 Tape Grid are not supported on the SAN18B-6.
Fibre Channel:
32G FC SFP+ LC connector (supports 8/16/32G): SWL, LWL
16G FC SFP+ LC connector (supports 4/8/16G): SWL, LWL
1GbE SFP/SFP+ LC connector: SX, LX
10GbE SFP/SFP+ LC connector: SR, LR, USR
1GE SFP/SFP+ RJ-45 Copper: (CAT5 or higher)
The IBM SAN06B-R was withdrawn from marketing (WFM) and will be reaching its end of
service life on October 31, 2024. The recommend replacement product is the SAN18B-R.
At the time when the SAN42B-R reaches WFM, the SAN42B-R7 will be the recommended
replacement product.
Note: The SX Extension Blade and SAN42B-R are covered in detail in the IBM
Redpaper IBM SAN42B-R Extension Switch and IBM b-type SX6 Extension Blade in
Distance Replication Configurations (Disk and Tape), REDP-5404.
Zoning is specific to the FC and FICON side, and end devices can be zoned across FCIP
connections like any other fabric. A fabric can be set to either open or closed access as it
pertains to end devices being able to communicate with or without being zoned. The best
practice is closed access, which requires end devices to be zoned before communicating.
Array-to-array replication ports should be zoned, which is best practice. In FICON
environments, zoning is used and often matches the HCD (Hardware Configuration
Virtual Fabrics
Virtual Fabrics is an architecture to virtualize hardware boundaries. IBM SAN42B-R7 comes
with Virtual Fabrics enabled. Traditionally, SAN design and management are done at the
granularity of a physical platform. Virtual Fabrics allow fabric design and management to be
done with port granularity.
From an extension perspective on the FC and FICON side, Virtual Fabrics applies to F_Ports,
E_Ports, and VE_Ports.
The WAN side consists of the following components and features of the IBM b-type extension:
IP Extension
IP WAN network
Virtual Fabrics
GE interfaces
IP interfaces (IPIF)
IP routes
Encryption (IPsec)
OSTP (Open Systems Tape Pipelining)
Advanced FICON Accelerator
BET (Brocade Extension Trunking)
Extension Hot Code Load (eHCL)
Failover/failback (metrics)
IP Routable Yes
IP Routable Yes
IP WAN network
The IP WAN network must be capable of transporting data to the remote data center. It
should offer multiple redundant, highly-available pathways. Requirements include adequate
bandwidth for the data sent during peak loads.
On the IBM SAN42B-R7, there are 1GbE, 10GbE, 25GbE, and 100GbE interfaces. GE
interfaces are abstracted from the VE_Ports, which means that the GE interfaces are not fixed
to a VE_Port. See Table 3-3.
Link Level Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is supported on the extension GE interfaces of the IBM
SAN42B-R7 extension platform. It is a vendor-neutral, open protocol referred to as IEEE
802.1AB. LLDP is a Layer 2 protocol that exchanges device identity and port numbers with
the peer. LLDP applies to all extension GE interfaces on both the WAN and LAN sides.
Note: LLDP works with the management port starting with FOS 9.2.0.
LLDP ensures connectivity to the intended port and device. Additionally, LLDP aids in
troubleshooting to ensure the Ethernet link is functioning. If an LLDP exchange stops due to a
physical layer problem (cable, optics, or configuration), the LLDP port entry times out and is
removed from the list. LLDP is enabled by default, and preset global parameters are applied
to all interfaces.
Each IPIF is associated with a GE interface and DP. The IBM SAN42B-R7 has two DPs (DP0
and DP1).
An extension tunnel is an ISL that transports data between extension platforms. Extension
tunnels allow FC and IP storage traffic to pass through a WAN optimally. A tunnel is the basis
of an extension connection, composed of one or more circuits between two extension
endpoints. Whether FC or IP storage, applications are unaware of the intermediate IP
network. End devices do not experience WAN-associated data transmission reliability or
latency issues. An extension tunnel ensures lossless transmission and in-order delivery when
multiple circuits are deployed. The WAN side uses High-Efficiency Encapsulation (HEE),
WAN Optimized TCP, protocol optimization (FastWrite and OSTP), encryption, compression,
and QoS to transport data from the FC and LAN sides to the corresponding side at the
remote end.
Encryption (IPsec)
IPsec (Internet Protocol Security) of in-flight data employs cryptographic security to ensure
private, secure communications over IP networks. IPsec supports network-level data integrity,
data confidentiality, data origin authentication, and anti-replay protection. It helps secure
extension traffic against network-based attacks from untrusted entities.
Using IPsec is recommended for securing data transmission in a network that crosses the
confines of a secure data center. IPsec is enabled at the tunnel level, not the circuit level,
which means all of a tunnel’s circuits are encrypted and use the same SA (security
association). Different tunnels can have unique IPsec settings. IPsec uses Internet Key
Exchange (IKE) to set up the SA. The key exchange can be through a pre-shared key (PSK)
or a public-key infrastructure (PKI).
IBM extension platforms provide an advanced compression architecture that supports
multiple algorithms to optimize compression ratios at various throughput requirements. The
available algorithms include hardware-based (FPGA) compression and software-based
(HW-assisted processor) compression. The available compression modes depend on the
platform and the protocol (FCIP or IP Extension).
Compression options
The following are the compression options:
Hardware-implemented compression. Fast-Deflate compresses data upon entering the
DP and on the opposite side decompresses it upon leaving. It provides the highest
throughput with the least amount of compression ratio. Because Fast-Deflate is
hardware-based, it has the least propagation delay and is most appropriate for
synchronous applications.
Hardware-assisted compression. Deflate mode can process FC or IP Extension data.
Deflate's ingress speed (pre-compression) operates at a lower throughput than
Fast-Deflate and faster than Aggressive-Deflate. Deflate provides more compression than
Fast-Deflate and less than Aggressive-Deflate.
Hardware-assisted compression. Aggressive deflate mode can process FC or IP
Extension data. The ingress speed (pre-compression) of Aggressive-Deflate has the
lowest throughput of the algorithms. Aggressive-Deflate provides the most compression of
the algorithms.
Protocol optimization
Protocol optimization features on the IBM b-type extension include the following:
FCIP-OSTP (Open Systems Tape Pipelining)
Advanced Acceleration for FICON
Teradata Acceleration
FastWrite is an FCIP algorithm that reduces the number of round trips required to complete a
SCSI write operation. FastWrite can maintain throughput levels over links that have significant
latency. An RDR (Remote Data Replication) application still experiences latency; however,
reduced throughput due to that latency is minimized for asynchronous applications, and
response time is reduced by up to 50 percent for synchronous applications.
FastWrite is not used if the SCSI implementation uses similar techniques to achieve the same
outcome. IBM replication products, like Global Mirror, do not engage FastWrite, even if
FastWrite has been enabled for other traffic flows.
Extension circuits are connections within a tunnel, and data flows between the source and
destination VE_Ports. A circuit connects a local and remote IPIF (IP interface). Each tunnel
contains at least one circuit; however, a tunnel can comprise multiple circuits. When there is
more than one circuit, it is called a Brocade Extension Trunk (BET). Within each circuit are
multiple WAN-optimized TCP sessions.
BET is automatically enabled by creating a tunnel with multiple circuits. The tunnel uses
multiple circuits to carry data between the source and destination data centers. BET does not
apply to the LAN side. BET provides all the functionality of a port channel and more; it is used
instead of LAG (Link Aggregation) on the WAN side.
ARL utilizes WAN-Optimized TCP to determine and adjust circuit rate limits dynamically. ARL
adjusts quickly to ever-changing conditions in the IP WAN network. ARL dynamically
increases the rate limit up to the maximum until either it reaches the maximum or detects that
no more bandwidth is available, whichever comes first. If it detects that no more bandwidth is
available and ARL is not at the maximum, it periodically tests for more bandwidth. If ARL
determines that more bandwidth is available, it continues to increase toward the maximum.
On the other hand, if congestion events are encountered, ARL reduces the rate based on the
selected backoff algorithm. ARL never attempts to exceed the maximum configured value and
reserves at least the minimum configured value; everything in between is adaptive.
If the min and max are configured equally, this is called CIR.
The IBM SAN42B-R7 and IBM SX6 Extension Blade have two data processor (DP)
complexes, referred to as DP0 and DP1. A firmware update occurs on one DP at a time.
eHCL does not apply to the IBM SAN18B-6 because it has only one DP. During the eHCL
process, each DP reloads sequentially while the other DP remains operational. When
initiated, the update always starts on DP0. Before DP0 is updated to the new firmware, all
eHCL-enabled circuits move to DP1 to maintain communication.
The failover process guarantees lossless and in-order delivery of data. eHCL uses three
tunnel groups to perform non-disruptive updates. Consider the primary data center as local
and the DR site as remote. The perspective in this section stays location consistent. The
example assumes that the tunnel is from DP0 to DP0; however, tunnels can be created from
either DP to either DP. The local backup tunnels (LBT) and remote backup tunnels (RBT) are
automatically created when configuring an eHCL circuit by adding the HA IP addresses. A
tunnel does not require that all circuits within it be enabled with eHCL; some circuits might be
eHCL enabled while others might not.
NOTE: eHCL is not supported on the IBM SAN18B-6 Extension Switch; however, the
SAN18B-6 does support the configuration of remote HA addresses for peer eHCL support
when connected to an IBM SAN42B-R7 or an IBM SX6 Extension Blade.
IBM extension has several Quality of Service (QoS) features. QoS on these platforms has two
general categories of functionality. First, there is a two-tier classification into the protocol
(FCIP and IP Extension) and priority (high, medium, and low). The second category is traffic
marking with DSCP and L2CoS, which the IP network uses to prioritize flows.
There are two QoS tiers for WAN bandwidth allocation: protocol distribution and priority ratio.
Each extension protocol (FCIP and IP Extension) has a QoS distribution. By default, each
protocol receives 50% of the bandwidth. The distribution for a protocol can be set as low as
10% or as high as 90%, and the total must equal 100%. If a protocol path is utilized, the
configured percentage of bandwidth is reserved. The other protocol cannot use the reserved
bandwidth. If a protocol path is not utilized, for example, FCIP is used, and IP Extension is
not, then the IP Extension bandwidth is not reserved, and FCIP can consume all the
bandwidth regardless of the configured settings. The same is true if IP Extension is used and
FCIP is not.
Figure 3-1 on page 24 shows the internal architecture of TCP connections that handle Priority
TCP QoS (PTQ). The figure illustrates a tunnel containing a single circuit. Hybrid mode
provides three QoS priorities for each FCIP and IP Extension, six QoS priorities, plus one for
Class-F control traffic.
Circuit failover
By providing a lossless link loss (LLL), BET ensures that all lost data in flight is retransmitted
and reordered before being delivered to the upper-layer protocols. LLL is an essential feature
to prevent interface control checks (IFCCs) on mainframes that use FICON and SCSI
timeouts for open-system-based replication.
Multiple extension tunnels can be defined between pairs of extension switches or blades, but
this defeats the purpose of defining a single tunnel for multiple circuits. Two tunnels between
switches or blades are less redundant and fault-tolerant than multiple circuits within one
Failover metrics
Failover circuits and groups are a feature supported on all IBM b-type SAN extension
platforms. A group defines a set of metric-0 and metric-1 circuits. Each group operates
autonomously. Metric-1 circuits provide failover protection for the metric-0 circuits. All metric-0
circuits in a group must fail before the metric-1 circuits become active. Typically, one metric-0
and one metric-1 circuit is configured per group, which provides one-to-one circuit protection.
Circuits in a failover group must belong to the same tunnel. Failover and failback use LLL
(Lossless Link Loss), which means no data is lost or delivered out of order during failovers
and failbacks.
A circuit's Keepalive Timeout Value (KATOV) determines failed connectivity when a circuit
goes offline. When a circuit goes offline in a Brocade Extension Trunk (BET), the data takes
an alternative circuit in the trunk. In failover and failback, the data takes a metric-1 circuit.
Both methods prevent interruption by seamlessly switching circuits that have gone offline.
Failover groups
The purpose of failover groups is to group circuits so that they can back up each other if one
fails—a circuit failover group controls which metric-1 circuits are activated when which
metric-0 circuits fail. A specific set of metric-0 and metric-1 circuits are grouped. When all
metric-0 circuits within the group have gone down, metric-1 circuits in that group become
active. As each failover group is autonomous, circuits with metric 0 in other failover groups are
For example, two circuits (metric-0 and metric-1) in one group would form a one-to-one
backup. Failover groups are numbered; group ID is a value from 0 through 9, and the default
is 0.
Typically, one metric-0 circuit and one metric-1 circuit are grouped. This aims to immediately
replace the offline metric-0 circuit with a corresponding metric-1 circuit, avoiding a degraded
tunnel. The remaining metric-0 circuits continue to operate as usual.
In Figure 3-2 circuit-0 is assigned a metric of 0, and circuit-1 is assigned a metric of 1. Both
circuits are in the same tunnel and failover group (group 1). Circuit-1 is inactive until all
metric-0 circuits within group-1 go offline. If all metric-0 circuits go offline within the failover
group, traffic is transmitted and sent over available metric-1 circuits within the failover group.
Failover between circuits is lossless; all lost data is retransmitted.
Circuit spillover
The spillover feature is supported on all IBM b-type extension platforms. The spillover feature
enables you to configure primary circuits that are regularly used and secondary circuits that
are only used during high utilization. When circuits are configured for spillover, the metric-0
circuits are utilized until the configured bandwidth is reached, after which the remaining traffic
is sent over the higher metric-1 circuits.
For example, consider three 1 Gbps circuits that are configured on a tunnel as follows:
Two circuits are metric-0 circuits
One circuit is a metric-1 circuit
Each circuit supports a maximum of 1 Gbps
This configuration starts at 2 Gbps and runs over the metric-0 circuits. If the traffic increases
to 2.5 Gbps, the metric-0 circuits continue to support the 2 Gbps traffic, and the additional 500
Mbps runs over the metric-1 circuit.
Circuit spillover is a load-balancing method defined at the tunnel level, not per circuit. This
feature allows circuits to be used only when there is congestion or during periods of
high-bandwidth utilization.
SLA checks circuits for packet loss and ensures the network meets that parameter before
bringing the circuit into service. If other circuit verifications are required, such as throughput,
congestion, and out-of-order delivery, use Wtool to run tests manually.
When configured, SLA automatically invokes Wtool and runs a circuit test. Wtool verifies the
network path using the same circuit configuration, so no additional configuration is needed.
After the network condition is met, the Wtool session stops, and the circuit is returned to
service. If a circuit bounces, it reverts to test mode, and the SLA condition must be met before
the circuit is enabled again.
IBM b-type extension platforms have speed-settable GE interfaces. GE speeds are not
auto-negotiated; extension GE interfaces operate at the configured speed and with the optic
supporting that speed. GE optics might or might not be able to operate at more than one
speed. See Table 3-4.
Any interface configuration must be removed before changing the GE interface’s WAN or LAN
mode. Once configured as a LAN side interface, it cannot be used as a WAN side interface for
Portchannels (LAG)
IBM b-type IP Extension supports portchannels on the LAN side, also called link aggregation
groups (LAG). A LAG forms a single logical connection from multiple links. It depends on the
platform how many links a portchannel can have and how many portchannels there can be. A
LAG can be defined as static or dynamic. Dynamic LAGs use Link Aggregation Control
Protocol (LACP).
Deployment types
End device IP Extension connectivity is supported via direct connections to the extension
platform, layer 2 (data center LAN), and layer 3 (data center routed) networks.
Layer 2 deployment
Layer 2 communicates at the Ethernet level. End devices on the same VLAN with IP
addresses on the same subnet as the IP Extension Gateway can communicate at the
Ethernet level. Alternatively, IP storage can be connected directly to the IP Extension LAN
ports; however, data center LAN switches scale the number of end-device Ethernet
connections that may be needed. Utilizing a static route on the end device can differentiate
the gateway to which it sends traffic based on the destination. Figure 3-3 on page 28 shows
an IP Extension deployment using a Layer 2 method.
With Layer 2 connectivity, configure IP storage replication with static routes and the IP
Extension gateway as the next hop. The IP Extension gateway is configured on the DP (DP0
or DP1) that owns the tunnel’s VE_Port. The IP Extension gateways are LAN IPIFs, which
have IP addresses specific to a DP. The same IP Extension gateway cannot be configured on
more than one DP. Also, the same IP Extension gateway cannot be configured on multiple
DPs across platforms, which would cause an IP address conflict on the IP network. Since it is
Layer 2, the end device learns the IP Extension gateway’s MAC address through an ARP or
Neighbor Discovery (ND) request.
When IP storage devices are connected to a Layer 2 switch, as shown in the following figure,
you can use Link Aggregation 802.3ad (LAG) to connect IP Extension LAN interfaces to the
switch. The IBM b-type extension platforms support static and dynamic LAG to data center
switches. Dynamic LAG uses LACP. The LAG can be 802.1Q tagged if end devices live on
more than one VLAN. Tagging enables multiple VLANs to communicate across the same
physical LAG. The default is no tagging.
Note: Only one path between the data center LAN switches and the IP Extension Gateway
can exist. A LAG (portchannel) is considered a single path.
Figure 3-4 shows that the IP Extension LAN interfaces are connected to IP storage by a Layer
2 LAN switch. For a Layer 2 deployment, each VLAN requires a LAN side IPIF (IP Extension
gateway). The LAN side IPIF corresponds to the DP that owns the tunnel to which the TCL
matches traffic. The LAN side IPIF has an IP address on the same subnet as the end device
replication ports and acts as the IP Extension gateway that forwards traffic to the remote data
Layer 3 deployment
In a Layer 3 deployment, end devices do not require special routes. Traffic is sent to the
traditional default router gateway instead of sending it to the IP Extension gateway. Changes
are made in the network routers, which must be configured to intercept specific traffic and
forward it to the IP Extension gateway. Policy Based Routing (PBR) is a common mechanism
to perform this task.
In Figure 3-5, IP Extension in a routed network configured with PBR. The network intercepts
traffic matched by an access control list (ACL) and redirects the traffic to an IP Extension
gateway. A Layer 3 deployment simplifies IP storage connectivity and scales to more subnets
than a Layer 2 deployment.
IP Extension considerations:
For TCP traffic:
– The LAN side uses the Rx window for source flow control to prevent buffer overflows
– The Rx window closes when there is congestion
– The Rx window closes when the destination exhibits slow drain behavior
– Each TCP session has an autonomous Rx window; no session blocks another
– Up to 512 TCP open requests per second are allowed; additional open requests are
– Limiting open requests per second mitigates Denial of Service (DoS) attacks
– Statistics are available for the number of dropped connections
Table 3-5 Maximum supported TCP sessions and RASlog warning threshold
Platform TCP Sessions per DP RASlog Warning Threshold
LAN-side GE interfaces can access all IP Extension gateways; therefore, all untagged (no
802.1Q) Ethernet traffic can access IP Extension gateways on either DP. If the LAN-side
traffic is tagged (802.1Q), access depends on matching the incoming VLAN tag with the
In a Layer 2 deployment, the IP Extension gateway is the next-hop address for the storage
end device. A layer 2 deployment requires IP routes on the end device to direct its replication
traffic to the IP Extension gateway. Changes must be made to the end devices. On each end
device, for each subnet that is used on an interface, an IP route must be added to the end
device forwarding replication traffic to the IP Extension gateway. For each subnet on which an
end device has an interface, an IP Extension gateway must be configured. These end device
IP routes are required before the end device can send traffic to an IP Extension gateway.
In a layer 3 deployment, the end device’s default route is used, and no changes are made to
the end devices. However, a network router must be modified to intercept the IP storage flows
and forward them to the IP Extension gateways.
Note: LAN side end device subnets must differ on the local and remote sides.
LAN side VLAN IDs are configured on LAN side IPIFs. Configuring the same VLAN ID on
multiple IPIFs, for example, on an IPIF for DP0 and an IPIF for DP1, is possible. IPIFs for DP0
and DP1 cannot share the same gateway IP address but can belong to the same VLAN.
A VLAN ID is needed only when the traffic from the data center network switches is tagged.
The Ethernet port directly connected to a LAN side GE must be configured for VLAN tagging;
otherwise, do not configure a VLAN ID on the IPIF. Usually, switch ports are members of a
VLAN and not configured for VLAN tagging, so a VLAN ID on the IPIF is unnecessary. The
Ethernet link cannot be established if there is a tagging mismatch between the extension
platform and the data center switch.
bytes. The larger the MTU, the less relative overhead and the more efficient the data transfer
A layer 2 deployment does not use LAN-side IP routes because the end devices are on the
same subnet as the IP Extension gateway; therefore, no intermediate LAN-side router exists.
In a Layer 3 deployment, when traffic arrives at the local LAN side router from an IP storage
end device, it is intercepted by the router and forwarded to the IP Extension Gateway.
Typically, an access control list (ACL) and policy-based routing (PBR) match the incoming
traffic and forward it to the IP Extension Gateway. The router must be configured to perform
this function. End devices do not require any particular configuration with Layer 3
Configuration steps for PBR are done on the router. PBR is configured with the next hop as
the IP Extension Gateway. An ACL and PBR policy determines traffic sent to the IP Extension
A LAN-side IP route to the next-hop gateway is configured on the extension platform. The IP
Extension Gateway and the next-hop router are on the same subnet. The steps for
configuring a LAN-side IP route are similar to configuring a WAN-side IP route. PBR forwards
traffic from the end devices toward the tunnel. IP Extension LAN side IP routes forward traffic
from the tunnel toward the end devices.
Figure 3-5 on page 29 shows a network topology where IBM IP Extension is the next-hop
gateway for end device traffic forwarded by PBR on the local LAN side router. Traffic not
diverted by PBR to IBM IP Extension continues to be routed based on the traditional routing
The protocol-based compression modes can be set to default, which causes the compression
setting for each protocol to be inherited from the general tunnel setting. If the tunnel’s general
compression is set to fast-deflate, IP Extension compression is set to none, and FCIP
compression is set to fast-deflate. Only deflate and aggressive-deflate are allowed with the
--ip-compression option.
Note: IP Extension does not support Fast-deflate compression, only Deflate and
Aggressive-Deflate are supported.
Bandwidth distribution
Each protocol (FCIP and IP Extension) can configure a custom QoS protocol bandwidth
distribution; the default distribution is 50/50% FCIP/IP Extension.
Each protocol has a high, medium, and low priority distribution. The default is 50%, 30%, and
20% for high, medium, and low. IP Extension has three QoS priorities; ip-high, ip-medium,
and ip-low. The minimum distribution allocation per priority is 10%. The maximum distribution
allocation for a priority is 90%. QoS allocations must total 100%.
FCIP and IP Extension protocol distribution percentages and priority bandwidth percentages
are rate-limiting. When bandwidth is utilized in a protocol distribution or bandwidth priority, the
entire percentage is reserved and not shared with other distributions or priorities. If a protocol
is not configured for use or a priority is not configured for use, the bandwidth is not reserved
and available. For example, if IP Extension is not being used, and low and high priorities are
not configured for FCIP, medium is the default, and FCIP medium will get all the bandwidth.
IP Extension traffic can be marked with DSCP and L2 CoS (802.1P). Work with your
Networking Administrators to determine if QoS marking should be used to expedite traffic in
the network.
DSCP marking
Layer 3 Class of Service Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) refers to a specific
implementation for establishing QoS policies defined by RFC 2475. DSCP uses six bits of the
Type of Service (TOS) field in the IP header to establish up to 64 values to associate with data
traffic priority. DSCP settings are helpful only if IP routers are configured to enforce QoS
policies uniformly within the network. IP routers use the DSCP value to index per-hop
behavior (PHB). Control connections and data connections can be configured with different
DSCP values. Before configuring DSCP settings, determine if the IP network implements
DSCP, and consult with the WAN administrator to determine the appropriate values for
4.1 Introduction
IBM Storage Solutions that replicate data have been around for decades. However, those
solutions have evolved from moving data from a local disk array to a local tape device to
infrastructure that can move data anywhere in the world. These solutions provide protection
of your data but also allow you to recover that data if you experience a disaster or
At a high level, all the solutions we will review in this chapter can be applied to any IBM
storage platform. However, depending on whether you are responsible for a mainframe
environment or an open systems environment, variants of these solutions may apply.
Figure 4-1 provides an example of an IBM Z environment where the IBM b-type SAN42B-R7
is being used in a TS77xx Grid solution. The SAN42B-R7 provides the interconnect across
TCP/IP wide area networks to each of the remote TS77xx systems and helps maintain the
performance and stability needed for a Cyber Resilient system.
Figure 4-1 IBM Z environment using TS77xx grid for block and object store replication
The IBM b-type SAN Extension platforms support all the IBM Storage Solutions mentioned
above. The SAN extension platforms can also support all of these solutions concurrently
within the same physical system and network. Having this flexibility gives IT Infrastructure
designers and planners the ability to protect different "tiers" of storage without needing
separate equipment.
In the following sections of this chapter, a general description of the IBM Storage Solutions
that leverage the IBM b-type SAN Extension will be provided. These general descriptions are
not meant to be a “how to guide” for solution design. Detailed information for implementation
and design of these solutions can be found in other IBM Redbooks publications specific to
those IBM Storage Platforms, such as:
Implementation Guide for IBM Storage FlashSystem and IBM SAN Volume Controller (for
IBM Storage Virtualize 8.6), SG24-8542
IBM Storage DS8900F Architecture and Implementation: Updated for Release 9.3.2,
IBM business continuity solutions that utilize IBM b-series Extension switches consist of the
following disk replication services:
Metro Mirror
Global Mirror
Global Copy
z/OS Global Mirror, previously known as extended remote copy (XRC)
SVC Stretched Cluster
Using combinations of remote disk replications the following multi-site solutions can also be
deployed utilizing b-series extension solutions:
3-site Metro/Global Mirror with Incremental Resync
z/OS Metro/Global Mirror across three sites
IBM z/OS Metro/Global Mirror Incremental Resync (RMZ Resync)
IBM Multiple Target Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy
SVC Stretched Cluster with Global Mirror or Metro Mirror
All of the disk replication applications, other than z/OS Global Mirror, use FCP or Open
Systems protocol end-to-end over the extension switches, so the deployment and topology for
those solutions are very similar.
z/OS Global Mirror is a FICON extension solution and therefore has unique pathing
requirements and topologies compared to the other disk replication solutions.
SVC Stretched Cluster also has very specific fabric connectivity and zoning requirements that
must be followed when deploying extension switches.
Global Mirror operations provide the benefit of supporting operations over unlimited distances
between the local and remote sites, which are restricted only by the capabilities of the
network and the channel extension technology. It can also provide a consistent and restorable
copy of the data at the remote site, created with minimal impact to applications at the local
Figure 4-2 shows an example of two site open systems topology for Metro Mirror or Global
mirror utilizing IBM FlashSystems and the SAN42B-R7 Extension Switch.
Figure 4-2 IBM FlashSystems and IBM b-type SAN Extension Mirroring
Figure 4-3 shows an example of a three site mainframe topology for Metro Mirror and Global
mirror utilizing IBM DS8000® Enterprise Storage and the SAN42B-R7 Extension Switch.
Figure 4-3 IBM Z and IBM Enterprise Storage Leverage IBM b-type SAN Extension for GDPS® configurations
Global Copy is also used as the data transfer mechanism for Global Mirror. With Global Copy,
write operations complete on the primary storage system before the data is copied to the
secondary storage system, thus preventing the primary system’s performance from being
affected by the time that is required to write to the secondary storage system. This method
allows the sites to be separated by a large distance.
All data that is written to the primary array is transferred to the secondary array, but not
necessarily in the same order that it was written to the primary. This method means that data
on the secondary is not time-consistent. Making use of the data on the secondary volume
requires using some technique to ensure consistency.
The SAN extension topology for Global Copy would be identical to the topology deployed for
Metro Mirror or Global Mirror.
zGM is a remote mirroring function that is available for FICON attached devices on z
Systems® architectures (z/OS, z/VM®, and z/VSE®). zGM asynchronously maintains a
consistent copy of the data at a remote location and can be implemented over unlimited
Figure 4-4 shows an example topology of a z/OS Global Mirroring topology. Data replication
is taking place from the Primary Data Center to the Secondary Data Center utilizing the
SAN42B-R7 Advanced Acceleration for FICON feature, allowing the SDM running on the IBM
z to maintain read I/O performance from the DS8000 over long distances.
Note: The IBM DS8900F family will be the last platform to support z/OS Global Mirror.
There will not be any new z/OS Global Mirror functions provided with IBM DS8900F.
Figure 4-4 IBM Z and IBM Enterprise Storage z/OS Global Mirror (XRC) with IBM b-type FICON Extension
When implemented, this configuration can be used to maintain access to data on the system,
even if failures occur at different levels, such as the SAN, back-end storage, IBM Spectrum®
Virtualize controller, or data center power. Stretched cluster configurations can support
distances up to 300 km (186.4 miles).
Figure 4-5 on page 41 shows an example topology utilizing redundant fabrics, a best practice
that is not unique to Stretched Clusters or HyperSwap®. However, what is unique to these
IBM Spectrum Virtualize cluster configurations is a further subdivision of each of the
redundant fabrics into public and private fabrics. This subdivision can be done using virtual
fabrics for the public and private SANs. However, care must be taken to ensure that the public
and private fabrics traverse dedicated ISLs.
Note: For more information about Stretched Cluster and HyperSwap SAN design and
topology best practices, reference the Redpaper IBM Spectrum Virtualize HyperSwap SAN
Implementation and Design Best Practices, REDP-5597.
Figure 4-5 IBM SVC Stretched Cluster and IBM b-type SAN Extension
IBM b-type extension has always been the leader in innovation and was the first to develop
technologies such as extension trunking (BET), FC Routing (FCR), Advanced FICON
Accelerator, Adaptive Rate Limiting (ARL), FastWrite, Open Systems Tape Pipelining (OSTP),
FC compression, FCIP encryption, PerPriority TCP QoS (PTQ), IP Extension, and more.
These capabilities deliver unmatched value and drive down capital and operational expenses
as well as losses due to unplanned downtime.
On IBM b-type extension platforms, the Gigabit Ethernet interfaces are called GE interfaces.
Every effort should be made to connect the GE interfaces as close to the WAN as possible to
prevent excessive hops, added latency, potential congestion, and performance degradation.
The supported propagation delay across an IP network is 200 ms RTT, which will usually
reach anywhere on Earth. IBM b-type products do not support network switch ports that block
or oversubscribe. Some Ethernet switches have host access ports that are oversubscribed or
blocked, which degrades performance.
From end to end, the IP network must allow specific protocols to pass. When not using IPsec,
IBM b-type extension uses TCP destination ports 3225 and 3226. IBM b-type extension
selects a random ephemeral port (source port) between 49152 and 65535.
The TCP URG flag is required on IBM b-type extension and must not be dropped or modified
by any intermediate network device, such as a firewall. Dropped or changed TCP URG flags
by intermediate firewalls are not supported. Refer to 7.3.8, “Encryption (IPsec)” on page 80
section in this document for additional information concerning the network path when using
5.1.1 Redundancy
Multiple extension tunnels can be defined between a pair of extension domains, but doing so
defeats the benefits of a single multiple-circuit extension tunnel. Defining two tunnels between
a pair of switches or blades is less redundant or fault-tolerant than multiple circuits in one
Brocade Extension Trunking (BET) provides lossless link loss (LLL), which ensures that all
data lost in flight is retransmitted and reordered before being delivered to upper-layer
protocols. This essential feature prevents interface control checks (IFCCs) on mainframes
and SCSI timeouts for open-system-based replication.
Furthermore, the best practice is to deploy two replication fabrics (A and B) for redundancy.
Each replication fabric should be identical and autonomous, with no interconnections
(referred to as anan “air gap”).
In practice, separate replication fabrics can be constructed from standalone IBM b-type
extension platforms or logical switches on director platforms using the IBM SX6 Blade. Create
one logical switch for replication per director. Do not place both of the redundant replication
fabrics on the same director. Placing the FC and VE_Ports used for replication into an
autonomous logical switch logically separates the replication fabric.
5.1.2 Bandwidth
The best practice for critical remote data replication (RDR) is to use a separate and dedicated
WAN connection between the production data center and the backup site. Even so, a
dedicated WAN connection between data centers is often impractical. In this case, bandwidth
must be, at a minimum, logically dedicated to extension. There are a few ways this can be
Use QoS and prioritize extension, logically dedicating enough bandwidth to extension over
other traffic.
Use committed access rate (CAR) to identify and rate-limit certain traffic types. Use CAR
on non-extension traffic to apportion and limit that traffic to a maximum bandwidth, leaving
the remainder of the bandwidth to extension. Set the aggregate circuit min-comm-rates to
use the remaining dedicated bandwidth, logically dedicating bandwidth to extension.
For all traffic to coexist without congestion, massively over provisioning bandwidth is the
easiest, most costly, and most common practice in extension deployments.
IBM b-type extension uses an aggressive TCP stack called WAN Optimized TCP (WO-TCP),
which dominates other TCP stacks by causing them to dramatically back off. UDP-based
flows may result in considerable congestion and excessive packet drops for all traffic.
The best practice is to rate-limit and flow-control traffic on the extension platforms at the
source and destination and not rate-limit in the IP network. Rate-limiting extension in the IP
network leads to performance problems and complex troubleshooting issues. IBM b-type
extension rate limiting is advanced, accurate, and consistent; there is no need to rate limit in
the IP network.
To determine the network bandwidth needed, record the number of bytes written over a
month (or more). A granular recording capable of calculating rolling averages of varying
lengths is helpful. It is essential to understand the number of bytes written to volumes during
various interims of the day, night, weekends, end of quarter, end of fiscal year, holidays, etc.
These data rates must be available for replication to maintain an adequate Recovery Point
Objective (RPO).
If replicating asynchronous RDR (RDR/A) across a tunnel, calculate the average value over a
finite number of minutes throughout the day and night to determine the maximum average.
Remember that business transactions may increase, and replication may require significantly
more bandwidth during the quarter end, the fiscal end, and certain holidays. RDR/A needs
enough bandwidth to accommodate the high averages discovered over a finite period. RDR/A
performs traffic shaping, which moves peaks into troughs. Averaging over too long a period
may cause a backlog of writes when the troughs do not occur frequently enough to relieve the
peaks. Excessive journaling is challenging to recover from, depending on available
The best practice for synchronous replication (RDR/S) is to dedicate the IP network without
sharing bandwidth. A 10 Gbps DWDM λ is an example of dedicated bandwidth. Dedicated
bandwidth virtually eliminates packet drops and reduces the need for TCP retransmits.
Record the peak traffic rates if you plan to replicate RDR/S across an extension tunnel.
RDR/S must be able to send writes immediately, accommodating the entire demand at any
Plot the recorded values into a histogram. Suppose you have calculated 5-minute rolling
averages from your recorded data. Bytes written over each period will be an integer value.
The x-axis is the number of bytes written in each of the 5-minute averages. The left x-axis
starts at zero bytes. The right x-axis is the largest number of bytes written during an interim.
Averages with the same number of bytes will occur multiple times. The y-axis is the number of
times that a particular average occurred. The smallest size occurred relatively rarely. The
largest size occurred relatively often. 68% of the averages fall into the middle section (see
Figure 5-1 on page 46), the largest group and the group you are most concerned with. The
resulting curve is a bell curve.
Based on cost, plan your WAN bandwidth to accommodate at least the first standard
deviation (68%), and if possible, include the second standard deviation (95%). In most cases
beyond the second deviation, occurrences are so rare that they can be disregarded in
bandwidth planning.
You can plan for a certain amount of compression, such as 2:1 if your data is compressible;
however, data compressibility is a moving target. The best practice is to use compression as a
safety margin to address unusual and unforeseen situations. Also, achieving some
compression can provide headroom for potential future growth. If there is no margin, periodic
demand increases may not be advantageous.
For remote tape backups, extension is used to extend a fabric to a remote VTL. Measuring
tape volume in MB/h and the number of simultaneous drives in use is crucial. Bandwidth will
limit the backup window even if an adequate number of drives are available.
5.1.3 IP networking
IP networking is a primary part of extension. The ability of the IP network to deliver storage
traffic is directly related to storage replication completing sufficiently and reliably.
Less than 250 ms RTT, and in some cases less than 200 ms RTT depending on the
KATOV. RTT greater than 250 ms is not supported.
IPsec through NAT is not supported.
Altering TCP flags (that is, firewalls changing TCP flags) is not supported.
WAN optimization devices are not supported.
Network must be able to deliver the volume of data configured on the extension boxes.
Extension platforms perform flow control between the destination and source.
5.1.4 QoS
If the IP network uses QoS to parse bandwidth, work with the Network Admins to apportion
the bandwidth required for storage. Determine the DSCP or L2CoS marking required for the
IP network to recognize the storage traffic as part of that QoS class. Test replication across
extension and the IP network to ensure that the QoS class is being recognized and is
performing adequately.
5.2.1 Connectivity
FC replication connections from storage to the extension platforms should be direct
connections. If replication uses a blade in a director, extension should be separated from
production via a logical switch. If the replication ports are dedicated to replication, there is no
reason to connect these dedicated ports through the production network. Move the replication
FC ports to the replication logical switch and move the tunnel’s VE_Port to the same logical
A single VE_Port should be used to connect the local and remote extension domains, and
multiple circuits belonging to the VE_Port should be used. Using multiple circuits improves
resiliency, increases bandwidth, and enhances redundancy.
Always connect each extension platform’s power supply to independent power sources within
the data center.
5.2.2 Redundancy
Replication SANs are typically deployed in redundant pairs called “A” and “B.” If one of the
replication fabrics goes offline, the remaining replication fabric maintains replication. Offline
fabrics could be due to a planned outage or an unplanned outage.
It is common for mainframe environments to have four fabrics in their replication SAN such
that, at most, 25% capacity is sacrificed during an offline replication fabric event.
Many aspects of redundancy are required beyond just the fabrics themselves. The IP network
and connections require redundancy as well. Every replication fabric should have its own IP
WAN connection, potentially from a unique service provider. Each replication fabric should
have its own autonomous IP networking equipment; IP networking equipment should not be
shared between replication fabrics or IP WAN connections.
Considering connections, ports, optics, cables, and bandwidth, each should have
First, when a backup circuit needs to be passive until a production circuit goes offline. Passive
means there is a low quantity of traffic, such as keepalives; nevertheless, there is minimal
Second, use metric 1 backup circuits when licensing doesn’t permit the aggregate maximum
needed to retain bandwidth after a production circuit has gone offline. For example, extension
platforms calculate aggregate bandwidth based on currently active circuits, and only metric 0
or 1 can be active at any time. It is common to use a failover group for each circuit; therefore,
each circuit has a backup circuit. See Figure 5-2.
5.2.4 KATOV
IBM b-type extension circuits use keepalives to determine circuit health and to ensure that
higher-level FC or TCP/IP extended flows do not experience protocol timeouts caused by
WAN or routing outages. Five keepalives are sent during the keepalive timeout value (KATOV)
unless it would cause a keepalive to be greater than 1 second, in which keepalives are sent at
a maximum of 1-second intervals. Each keepalive arrival resets the timer. If the timer expires,
the circuit is deemed offline.
Keepalives are injected into the same transport as data. Data is never lost in transit; therefore,
keepalives are never lost. Massive IP network congestion and dropped packets can cause
keepalives to be delayed, which can cause the time to be extended and could cause a circuit
to drop.
Keep the KATOV short enough because WO-TCP can quickly recover through brief outages
or bouts of congestion. When the timer is too short, circuits can be inadvertently dropped
when they should not have been. Conversely, a longer KATOV will take more time to detect
failed circuits.
FICON and FCP circuits have different default keepalive values. FICON has stricter timing
than FCP and must have no more than a 1-second KATOV. Specify --ficon when creating a
tunnel with circuits that carry FICON.
If there is only one circuit in a tunnel, the proper KATOV is probably the application timeout
value plus 1 second. A circuit may drop if the KATOV is set too short when the IP network has
over subscription, congestion, long convergence times, or deep buffers.
If multiple circuits are in a tunnel, set the KATOV to a value less than the overall application
protocol timeout, so each circuit could fail with a KATOV before the protocol timer expires.
Most supported RDR application have a 6-second application protocol timeout. If there are
two circuits, set a 2.5-second KATOV for each circuit. If there are three circuits, set a
1.8-second KATOV for each circuit, and so on.
5.2.5 Encryption
Would your company operate Wi-Fi with no encryption? Of course not! A best practice is to
use IBM b-type extension IPsec to protect data end-to-end. When you implement IBM b-type
extension, it is always prudent to enable IPsec. Data leaving its secure confines into a service
provider’s infrastructure is vulnerable to opportunistic attack, and for data in flight, there is no
service provider security guarantee. Links must be authenticated and data encrypted to
prevent eavesdropping and attacks. IBM b-type IPsec is easy and practical to deploy.
IBM b-type IPsec is a hardware implementation that operates at line rate. IPsec includes no
additional licenses or costs in all base extension platforms. Encryption adds a propagation
delay of approximately 5 microseconds. Pre-shared key configuration is easy.
Using IBM b-type IPsec removes the need for a firewall. A best practice is to connect
extension directly to the WAN routers or switches and to avoid intermediate devices such as
firewalls. IPsec IKEv2 uses UDP port 500 as its destination.
IBM b-type IPsec is Suite B and CNSA compliant and implements the latest encryption
technologies and ciphers, such as AES 256, SHA-512 HMAC, IKEv2, and Diffie-Hellman.
Rekeying occurs in the background approximately every 2 billion frames or every 4 hours, and
the process is non-disruptive.
Firewalls are not considered best practice for the following reasons:
Per DP, IBM b-type IPsec operates at line rate on the WAN side, which on the IBM
SAN45B-R7 is 50 Gbps. Most firewalls cannot meet this throughput requirement.
Storage traffic requires minimal propagation delay.
IBM b-type IPsec encrypts data closer to the data source and destination, which is
considered best practice.
Firewalls and WAN optimization devices may proxy TCP sessions, resulting in remote IP
packets not being identical to the originals, which is not supported. These devices are not
5.2.6 Compression
Fast-Deflate, Deflate, and Aggressive-Deflate are the compression algorithms implemented
on the IBM SAN45B-R7 and IBM SX6 Extension Blade. Compression operates in the tunnel
scope, not per circuit. Compression must be configured identically on both ends of the tunnel;
asymmetrical compression is not supported.
The IBM SAN18B-R has Deflate and Aggressive-Deflate; it does not have Fast-Deflate. The
IBM SAN18B-R does not support the throughput warranting Fast-Deflate hardware and can
achieve higher compression ratios using Deflate and Aggr-Deflate while meeting throughput
capacity. Fast-Deflate is unavailable for IP Extension on any IBM b-type extension platform,
and IP Extension compression is limited to Deflate and Aggressive-Deflate.
Compression can be configured specifically for each protocol (FCIP and IP Extension). For
example, on an IBM SAN42B-R7, configure Fast-Deflate for FCIP and Deflate for IP
Extension. Using these algorithms for each protocol is considered best practice because the
Fast-Deflate and Deflate compression engines differ. Fast-Deflate uses an FPGA engine, and
Deflate uses a hardware engine in a DP processor. 20 Gbps of Fibre Channel ingress to the
Fast-Deflate engine does not consume any IP Extension Deflate or Aggressive-Deflate
compression engine resources.
5.2.7 SLA
The primary purpose of SLA (service-level agreement) is to provide automated circuit testing
before placing it back into service. SLA checks the circuit for packet loss. If you must verify the
circuit for network performance, such as throughput, congestion, and out-of-order delivery,
use the WAN Test Tool to run additional tests manually.
Before testing can commence, configure matching SLA sessions at each end of the circuit.
SLA uses the circuit configuration information to establish an SLA connection. If the circuit
ends specify different transmission rates, SLA uses the lower configured rate. This allows
SLA to run when circuit configurations have a minor mismatch. When the session is
established, traffic starts automatically. During the test, the packet loss percentage must
remain under the specified amount before the circuit can be placed into service. On an IBM
SAN42B-R7, a maximum of 20 SLA sessions can be defined per DP. On an IBM SX6 Blade,
up to 20 SLA sessions can be defined per DP. On an IBM SAN18B-R, a maximum of 12
sessions can be defined.
In addition to packet loss, SLA can test for timeout duration. If the timeout value is reached
during an SLA session, the session is terminated, and the circuit is put into service. A timeout
value of none means the test runs until the runtime and packet-loss values are met.
SLA interaction is limited while it is running. You can view statistics, and you can abort an
active session. Any attempt to modify a session while it is active is blocked, which means the
WAN Test Tool commands cannot be used while an SLA session is running.
Whenever a tunnel or circuit goes offline and comes back online, or when a circuit is
administratively disabled and enabled, an SLA session is started. It tests the link before
allowing the circuit to go back into service. Configured SLA sessions are persistent across
reboots because circuit configurations are persistent across reboots, and SLA is part of circuit
configuration. However, user-configured WAN Test Tool sessions are not persistent.
6.1.1 Planning
As you prepare to migrate your environment from legacy technology to Gen 7, it is a good
idea to consider preparing for the transition to Brocade Fabric OS 9.2.x release.
The advent of the FICON logical switch is intended to simplify setting up IBM b-type platforms
for FICON configuration and management. In earlier releases of FOS, many settings required
manual configuration and needed to be validated during the process, which was prone to
mistakes. FICON logical switches save valuable time and prevent users from wasting time
determining the cause of connectivity errors. The IBM b-type High Integrity Fabric (HIF) limits
manually induced errors, and the FICON logical switch was added to further reduce
configuration errors by providing inherent configuration of the necessary parameters.
In addition to simplification, the FICON logical switch provides a mechanism to abstract the
FICON director definition from the physical hardware, which can now support more ports than
the FICON director architecture permits. This mechanism mimics the abstraction that logical
partitions (LPARs) provide on the mainframe and is a container for all FICON connectivity.
Note: A FICON logical switch is required if FICON connections are to be made; otherwise,
a FICON logical switch is not required.
Address binding – In prior versions of FOS, determining if a port address was bound was
challenging for non-expert users. A bound address means that the FC address for the port
cannot change. A bound address is vital because the IBM Z channel subsystem builds FC
addresses based on the link addresses defined in the Hardware Configuration Definition
(HCD) tool.
Although circumstances for changing the FC address assigned to a port on the switch are
unlikely, should it happen, the I/O definition file (IODF) would no longer be valid, resulting
in device or channel errors. This potential problem is fixed by defining a FICON LS.
Ensuring FICON switch requirements do not change – It is possible to configure an LS
meeting all FICON requirements and then back out specific changes after the channels
come online. A FICON LS does not permit changes not conforming to FICON
Since a mainframe channel checks the proper security attributes only at login time, with an
LS not explicitly designated a FICON LS, the potential exists for a channel not to come
online when it goes offline and comes back online. Note that login is handled by the
physical channel (PCHID), not the logical channel path (CHPID). A channel login results
from a CPC initial machine load (IML) or channel path maintenance for most customers.
Address mode – Addressing mode restrictions depend on the switch type; these
restrictions cause considerable confusion and, in some cases, limit options. A FICON LS
ensures that the proper address mode is used.
The address mode is essential because specific modes use the lower byte, ALPA. The
lower byte must always be the same throughout the fabric because IBM Z builds FC
addresses from link addresses.
When introducing the IBM SAN42B-R7 into an environment with existing IBM SAN42B-R
extension switches, first deploy IBM SAN42B-R7 units parallel to the IBM SAN42B-R units,
preferably one location at a time. The IBM SAN42B-R units remain connected to the remote
IBM SAN42B-R units. New IBM SAN42B-R7 units connected to remote IBM SAN42B-R7
units. Interconnectivity is not necessary between generations. The conservative and
deliberate process of adding IBM SAN42B-R7 units facilitates transition and performance
while using the Gen 7 feature set. Eventually, connectivity will be transitioned to the refreshed
In Figure 6-1 the new IBM SAN42B-R7 extension platforms were added to the core and each
remote data center; however, connectivity was not yet relocated to the new platforms.
Because the same IP addresses are being used on the new extension platforms, no changes
are needed on the IP network, provided the Ethernet speeds remain consistent. No IP
Extension TCLs or storage end device routing changes are needed.
In Figure 6-2, one site was migrated to the new IBM SAN42B-R7 platforms in the core and
remote data centers. There are no remaining connections to the legacy extension platforms;
they must be disconnected from the IP network to prevent IP address conflicts. It is best to
power down the legacy extension platforms once connectivity on the new platforms has been
In Figure 6-3, another site was migrated to the new IBM SAN42B-R7 platforms in the core
and a different remote data center.
In Figure 6-4, all the remote data centers have been migrated to the new IBM SAN42B-R7
extension platforms. All connectivity to the legacy extension platforms has been removed.
Power has been disconnected from the legacy extension platforms, which are no longer
operational. All storage replication traffic has been tested and verified.
This approach provides transition flexibility. Gradually replace IBM SAN42B-R units with IBM
SAN42B-R7 units – at suitable times that work for your environment. As older IBM SAN42B-R
units are replaced, replication traffic gradually moves to IBM SAN42B-R7 units, and the core
IBM SAN42B-R units handle less and less traffic. Once all IBM SAN42B-R are replaced, they
can be de-commissioned.
To remove the risk of an outage, stage and configure new platforms to mimic in-use
configurations. Suppose you are embarking on a consolidation effort, increasing the number
of WAN connections, or upgrading to a higher-speed WAN; additional steps are needed to
integrate such changes. For example, new IP addresses, reuse, or changes may be required.
Additionally, new or different interface connections, IP route changes, VE_Port numbers on a
new platform, bandwidth changes, rate limiting changes, and TCL changes are all things that
need to be considered when migrating.
An outage can be eliminated by converting one path at a time. Follow the guidelines below for
a one-for-one replacement of IBM SAN42B-R to an IBM SAN42B-R7 with no changes to FC
connections or the IP network:
1. Preliminary work: Run Brocade SAN Health to capture a snapshot of your environment
and see if you have any current “network health” problems that need attention before the
migration. See Additional Resources for more information about Brocade SAN Health.
2. Gather information from the IBM SAN42B-R required to build and configure the replication
connections on the IBM SAN42B-R7, such as IP interfaces (IPIF), IP routes, eHCL, IPsec,
compression, tunnels (VE_Ports), circuits, QoS settings, Fastwrite, OSTP, failover metrics,
failover groups, TCL, etc.
3. Install the IBM SAN42B-R7 and configure the management IP address to gain access to
the platform.
4. Leave disconnected all FC and Ethernet data connections.
5. Apply power to the IBM SAN42B-R7 in Sites A and B.
6. There are two ways to configure the IBM SAN42B-R7: IBM SANnav or the CLI.
7. Configure the IBM SAN42B-R7 in sites A and B with the information gathered.
8. Select which fabric you intend to migrate first, and if required by the storage vendor’s
process, suspend the path for the mirrored volume. Review your storage vendor's
administration guide for the proper process to take down one or more mirrored paths.
Note: The other fabric will continue replicating between arrays with a dual-fabric
architecture. However, there may be a replication backlog since only half the bandwidth is
SAN Health gives you a powerful tool that helps you focus on optimizing your SAN rather than
manually tracking its components. Various useful features make it easier to collect data,
identify potential issues, and check your results over time. As a result, you can significantly
increase your productivity while enhancing your SAN operations.
Because it provides a point-in-time SAN snapshot, the SAN Health Diagnostics Capture is
invaluable to your change-tracking process.
With SAN Health, you can generate personalized storage network performance and inventory
reports to help optimize operations. SAN Health automatically discovers, analyzes, and
reports the critical characteristics of your SANs, including switch, topology, and performance
details. Results are presented in standard Excel and Visio formats. Figure 6-5 through
Figure 6-8 show you some example SAN Health reports.
If you have no Broadcom CSP account, SAN Health will create one for you.
Note: Initial FOS fundamental settings configuration are not in the scope of this document.
The assumptions listed here are specific to this deployment guide and example. You can
change configuration parameters to suit your own needs and environment.
Cabling (power, management, LAN Ethernet, and WAN Ethernet) is complete.
IBM b-type extension requires both ends to operate with the same Fabric OS version.
The IBM b-type extension platforms are installed, powered, and initially configured with
fundamental settings such as: domain ID, DNS, NTP, and management port access.
IBM b-type extension platforms and management network are operational.
If IP Extension will be deployed with two data center LAN switches at a site, the two
switches must form a single logical switch (i.e., vPC, VLT, MLAG, or VCC).
You have administration access to all switches that you need to configure. The default
username and password is admin and password.
IP WAN network is provisioned, up, and operational.
IBM SAN42B-R7 extension platforms do not have any preexisting extension configuration.
100GE interfaces are used for the WAN side.
25GE interfaces are used for the LAN side.
The two data center LAN switches have redundant 25GE connections to the IBM
SAN42B-R7 LAN side, one link from each.
The two data center WAN switches have one IBM SAN42B-R7 100GE connection to each.
There is one circuit per link.
The LAN side uses a default MTU of 1500 bytes.
The WAN side uses an MTU of 9216 bytes.
You have the LAN information of your IP storage end devices.
The IP Extension gateway is on the same VLAN as the end devices.
No VLAN tagging is required on the LAN or WAN sides.
No QoS implementation is required on the LAN or WAN sides.
The WAN can accommodate up to 100 Gbps of data traffic.
A maximum of 50 Gbps (ceiling) and a minimum of 30 Gbps (floor) of bandwidth per tunnel
will suffice for the replication applications.
The VE_Port is 24 (Tunnel ID 24). Typically, the first VE_Port is used.
The tunnel comprises two circuits: VE24–Circuit0 and VE24–Circuit1.
The following SAN42B-R7 Ethernet interfaces are used:
– GE2–GE5 (IP Extension: LAN side)
– GE0–GE1 (tunnel: WAN side).
Table 7-1 shows the WAN IP subnets and masks that are used at each circuit’s endpoint.
Table 7-1 WAN IP subnets and masks used at each circuit’s endpoint
Side Subnet Cir0 Cir1
Table 7-2 on page 67uses the LAN IP subnets and masks that are used to assign IP
Extension gateway addresses.
Table 7-2 LAN IP subnets and masks used to assign IP Extension gateway addresses
Side LAN IP Subnet IP Extension Gateway
Table 7-3 shows that gateway addresses are on the same IP subnet as the WAN circuit’s IP
Table 7-4 shows the minimum and maximum values represent the adaptive rate limiting’s
(ARL) rate per circuit.
Note: If ARL is unnecessary, set the minimum equal to the maximum to disable ARL and
enable CIR (Committed Information Rate).
Metrics are not used in this example. Metrics and groups are used for failover/failback
On your IP storage device, redirect your replication traffic from the default gateway to the new
IP Extension gateway.
Internal to the IBM SAN42B-R7 are backend FC ports that connect to two Data Processors
(DP). These backend ports have special processing called VE_Ports (VE) and are logical
representations of E_Ports. VE_Ports are not ports on the Brocade FC ASIC. Multiple internal
FC ports feed a DP. On the IBM SAN42B-R7, the maximum FC rate per DP is 100 Gbps. A
VE is considered the transition point between FC and the FCIP tunnel within an extension
Note: Array-to-array replication (RDR) is FC-based replication. Even though a volume may
be written to by FICON, the array does not use FICON to replicate to the remote array.
Therefore, the considerations and caveats of FICON do not apply to array-to-array
Note: FICON is supported only on the IBM SAN42B-R7 and the IBM SX6 Extension
Blade. It is not supported on the IBM SAN18B-6.
GE interfaces are not added to the replication LS. All LSs can access the GE interfaces in the
default LS. Some extension portions are configured in the default LS (IPIF and IP routes), and
others in the replication LS (tunnels and circuits).
Ports can be in only one logical switch; they cannot span across logical switches. If the logical
switch needs to connect to other local switches, E_Ports must be added to the logical switch,
or an xISL must be used. The F_Ports connecting to the end-devices communicating across
extension must be in the same logical switch as the VE_Port.
Refer to the Brocade Fabric OS Users Guide for creating, configuring, deleting, and
managing Virtual Fabrics.
Example 7-1 shows the CLI syntax for the lscfg command.
Example 7-2 shows the Logical Switch listing on an IBM SAN42B-R7. The default switch (ds)
is FID 128 and contains all ports. No additional logical switches have been added.
Ensure that routers and firewalls in the data path are configured to pass extension traffic
through specific ports and to provide the throughput that replication through extension
To enable resiliency against a WAN failure or device outage, ensure redundant network paths
are available from end to end. Ensure that the underlying WAN infrastructure supports the
redundancy and performance expected in your implementation. If you configure jumbo
frames on the extension platforms, ensure the network supports it.
Note: IBM b-type extension sets the IP DF bit (Do Not Fragment). Fragmentation in the IP
network is not supported.
Note: Use the IPIF AUTO option if the network’s MTU is unknown. This option will avoid
unexpected circuit behavior due to unsupported MTU sizes.
Then create and add the circuits, with no settings, using the command:
portcfg fcipcircuit <ve> create <cir_num>
Change the command verb from create to modify for portcfg fcipcircuit, and add the
--min and --max bandwidth values. Next, remove the --min and --max arguments and
reissue the command with the --local-ip and --remote-ip addresses. Again, reissue
the command with the --local-ha-ip and --remote-ha-ip addresses for eHCL. Each
step is easy, less error-prone, and has a clear objective for the final configuration. Staging
permits smaller, more manageable, and readable CLI input vs. long, unwieldy entries. Cut,
paste, and up-arrow are helpful tools when working with staging.
Output from the portcfgge command is shown in Example 7-4 on page 72.
It shows FCIP as the WAN side protocol, although IP Extension is also supported if enabled
on the tunnel.
GE interface considerations
The following lists the GE interface considerations:
An extension GE interface can be set for either WAN or LAN
GE interfaces default to FCIP (legacy term for WAN side)
GE interfaces are not associated with any particular set of VE_Ports until designated by
an IPIF. The specified DP must own the VE_Port to be used.
Ensure the GE interface speed (1, 10, 25 Gbps) configuration is complete before creating
IPIF, IP routes, tunnels, and circuits.
Once a tunnel exists, you can create circuits and add them to the tunnel. Each tunnel can
have multiple circuits, and each circuit endpoint uses an IP interface (IPIF) and associated
GE interface. Creating circuits and adding them to the same tunnel groups them into a
Brocade Extension Trunk (BET). Each tunnel can use multiple GE interfaces; however, a
circuit cannot span multiple interfaces.
If a VE_Port is disabled, the tunnel is brought down. Disabling and enabling a VE_Port
bounces the tunnel.
Multiple VEs in different virtual fabric logical switch FIDs can share a GE interface if the
interface remains in the default logical switch (FID 128). If a GE interface is moved to a
non-default LS, the interface can only be used by VE_Ports in that FID. The best practice is to
keep the GE interfaces in the default LS.
For BET, the DP owning the VE_Port controls all member circuits. There is no distributed
processing, load sharing, in-order delivery, or LLL (lossless link loss) across DPs. FCIP
failover from one DP to another is done at the FSPF level, provided another DP and the
configuration and architecture permit it. The only component that can be shared is a GE
IP networks can route circuits over separate paths based on the destination IP addresses,
VLAN tagging, QoS marking, and other Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4 attributes. GE
interfaces on the IBM SAN42B-R7 provide connectivity to the network for one or more
Table 7-5 shows the LLDP timeout values and transmission intervals:
LLDP considerations
The following are the LLDP considerations:
The IBM SAN42B-R7 supports LLDP on LAN and WAN side GE interfaces.
LLDP is not supported on the management port.
LLDP is an Ethernet Layer-2 protocol and operates only on the data link. It is not IP-based
or IP routable.
LLDP advertises and receives network switch and port identities specific to the Ethernet
LLDP uses keepalives on the GE interfaces. These keepalives should not be confused with
extension circuit Keepalive Timeout Values (KATOV).
Use the following command to view the LLDP relationship. SW37_7850_A is connected to
SW38_7850_B on interfaces ge16 and ge17.
Typically, the default settings for LLDP are sufficient. LLDP is an open protocol and works with
most networking equipment. Most networking equipment supports LLDP. Use the command
below to display Ethernet connectivity to devices that support LLDP:
lldp --show -nbr
SW37_7850_A:FID128:admin> lldp --show -nbr
Local Dead Remaining Remote Chassis Tx Rx System
Intf Interval Life Intf ID Name
ge16 120 104 ge16 0acd.1fd8.0000 8837 8816 SW38_7850_B
ge17 120 92 ge17 0acd.1fd8.0000 8757 8735 SW38_7850_B
Example 7-5 shows the CLI syntax for the lldp command.
The IPIF must be configured on the GE interface that will be used for the circuit. The DP
specified must own the VE_Port used for the tunnel. The IP address and subnet mask is the
IP address of the circuit’s endpoint. The VLAN ID and MTU are optional arguments.
The IPIF consists of an IP address and a netmask length, optionally, an IP MTU size and
The maximum number of IPIFs supported on the IBM SAN42B-R7 is 60 per DP and 64 per
GE interface.
portcfg ipif ge2.dp0 create vlan 100
portcfg ipif ge2.dp0 modify vlan 101
portcfg ipif lan.dp0 create vlan 100 mtu 4000
IPIF considerations
The following are the IPIF considerations:
A tunnel can have a mixture of IPv4 and IPv6 circuits
Each circuit must be either IPv4 or IPv6 at both ends; its endpoints cannot have a mixture
of IPv4 and IPv6
CIDR notation is supported for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
CIDR subnet mask of 31 is supported
An IPv4 address with a 31-bit subnet mask has no network and broadcast addresses
31-bit subnet mask example, there is a one-bit difference in the following two addresses.
They are on the same subnet.
Address A:
Address B:
Specifying an IP MTU is optional; if not specified, the default is 1500 bytes
The minimum supported MTU is 1280 bytes
The maximum supported MTU is 9216 bytes
The MTU can be set manually, or it can be set to AUTO
Auto uses Path MTU discovery (PMTU) to determine the MTU
Using 31-bit subnet mask IP addresses, as defined in RFC 3021, reduces the number of IP
addresses consumed by networking devices for point-to-point connectivity. Before RFC 3021,
the longest subnet mask for point-to-point links was 30 bits, which meant that the all-zeros
(the subnet itself) and all-ones (the broadcast) IP addresses were wasted, which was 50% of
the IP addresses.
IPv6 addressing
The WAN side implementation of IPv6 uses unicast addresses for circuit IPIF. The link-local
unicast address is automatically configured on the interface; however, using the link-local
address space for a circuit endpoint is not permitted. Site-local unicast addresses are not
allowed for circuit endpoints.
Note: IPv6 addresses can exist with IPv4 addresses on the same interface, but each
circuit must be configured as IPv6-to-IPv6 or IPv4-to-IPv4. Mixed IPv6-to-IPv4 circuits are
not supported.
IPv6 considerations
The following are IPv6 considerations:
IPv6 IPsec is supported.
IPv6 PMTU (Path MTU) discovery is supported.
IPv6 interfaces have unique unicast addresses.
Users must statically configure IPv6 addresses and routes.
IPv6 interfaces cannot be configured with anycast addresses.
IPv6 interfaces cannot be configured with multicast addresses.
The IPv6 8-bit Traffic Class field is defined by the configured Differentiated Services field
for IPv6 (RFC 2474).
The DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point) marking configuration is done per circuit
using the portcfg fcipcircuit DSCP arguments.
IPv6 optional Extension Headers are not supported.
IPv6 router advertisements and stateless address auto-configuration (RFC 2462) are not
IPv6 Neighbor Discovery (ND) and RFC 4443 ICMPv6 message types are supported.
IBM b-type Extension platforms use portions of the Neighbor Discovery protocol (RFC
Hop limits, such as Time to Live (TTL), are learned from Neighbor Advertisements.
IBM b-type extension supports PMTU (path maximum transmission unit). PMTU is sending a
set of various known-size ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) datagrams across the IP
network to determine the maximum size that was successfully received. The ICMP
datagrams are marked Do Not Fragment. Based on the largest ICMP Echo Reply received,
the PMTU discovery process sets the IP MTU for the circuit's IP interface (ipif).
PMTU does not discover an MTU greater than 9100 bytes. If the MTU is larger than 9100
bytes, the best practice is to configure the MTU manually. Suppose the MTU of the IP network
is known. In that case, the best practice is to set it manually, avoiding values that may be less
optimal and eliminating the additional time required to bring up a circuit.
If a circuit bounces, the PMTU discovery process is initiated when reestablishing the circuit.
Each circuit initiates the PMTU discovery process before coming online. This is required
because circuits may have gone offline due to an IP network failure and rerouted to a new
path with different network characteristics. The PMTU discovery process requires additional
time when bringing a circuit online.
If the PMTU discovery cannot communicate with the peer switch, the circuit will use the
smallest supported MTU (1280 bytes). PMTU requires that ICMP Echo Requests and Replies
are permitted end-to-end across the WAN IP network. As a rudimentary check, ping the
remote IBM extension WAN side IPIF.
7.3.7 IP routes
When configuring WAN side IP routes on the IBM SAN42B-R7, up to 128 routes per GE
interface and a maximum of 120 routes per DP can be created.
The following example in Figure 7-1 shows an IP route configuration for a layer 3 routed
network. A layer 3 routed network means the local and remote subnets differ. Notice that the
IPIF IP address and router gateway are in the same subnet. IPIFs communicate to the WAN
through a router gateway.
The GE interface and DP are specified when creating an IP route. Circuits are configured on
a VE_Port owned by the DP and with an IP address configured on an IPIF, which puts the
circuit on a specific GE interface. DPs own a set of VE_Ports. The DP specified for the IPIF,
the IP route, and the VE_Port must align. For example, specifying the command portcfg
ipif and portcfg iproute with ge2.dp0 puts the IPIF and iproute on ge2 and DP0.
IP routes do not span across GE interfaces or DPs. The same iproute must be added to all
GE interface/DP combinations when a subnet is used for multiple circuits, including eHCL.
For example, on the IBM SAN42B-R7, VE24 is owned by DP0; therefore, creating an IPIF
must designate the desired GE interface and DP0.
The IProute must be assigned to the same IPIF (ge#.dp#), for example, the command:
Side A: portcfg iproute ge2.dp0 create
Side B: portcfg iproute ge2.dp0 create
eHCL is the exception; the IPIF and IP route are configured on the opposite DP, for example,
the commands:
Side A:
portcfg iproute ge2.dp0 create
portcfg iproute ge2.dp1 create
portcfg iproute ge3.dp0 delete
Side B:
portcfg iproute ge2.dp0 create
portcfg iproute ge2.dp1 create
When using a PSK (Pre-Shared Key), both ends of the secure tunnel must be configured with
the exact key string. If both ends are not configured with the same key, the IKEv2 session will
not form, preventing the tunnel from coming up. The IPsec policy name can differ at each end,
but the key must be identical. The pre-shared key is a string of 16 to 64 alpha-numeric
IBM b-type IPsec supports a cryptographic suite that is CNSA and Suite B compliant, which
requires generating and importing compliant X.509 end-entity certificates and issuing CA’s
certificates used to sign them. This requires each end of a secure connection to have access
or a means to look up the CA certificate for verification purposes. PKI enables the
configuration of the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) for key agreement and the Elliptic
Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) for peer authentication.
PKI considerations
The following are PKI considerations:
CNSA and Suite B compliant.
X.509 certificates are supported.
X.509 Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) are not supported.
ECDSA certificates are supported on the IBM SAN42B-R7 platforms.
Non-ECDSA certificates are not supported.
PKI support is restricted to key-size P384 and hash-type SHA384.
Note: The PKI profile uses certificates. The PKI profile complies with the Commercial
National Security Algorithm (CNSA) and Suite B. For information on configuring and
managing certificates using the secCertMgmt command, refer to “SSL Configuration
Overview” in the Brocade Fabric OS Administration Guide at
Note: Both ends of the extension tunnel must run the same Brocade Fabric OS version
when running IPsec.
An IPsec policy can be modified while assigned to a tunnel or WAN Tool session. Sometimes,
the local and remote sides get out of sync preventing the tunnel from coming up, and an
authentication error is indicated. See IPsec IKEv2 Authentication Failures for information on
how to restart IKEv2 authentication.
IPsec considerations
The following applies to IPsec:
IPsec encryption is at the tunnel level, not per circuit.
IPsec supports IPv6 and IPv4-based tunnels
There are IPsec-specific statistics
Network Address Translation (NAT) is not supported
Authentication Header (AH) is not supported
The --connection-type tunnel option must be the default (type is not specified)
A single predefined mode of operation is used for protecting TCP traffic over a tunnel:
– AES-GCM-ESP: AES (Advanced Encryption Standard described in RFC 4106)
– GCM (Galois Counter Mode)
Table 7-6 shows the algorithm selection for a Suite B-compliant configuration supported in
Brocade Fabric OS.
Authentication ECDSA-P384
Diffie-Hellman ECDH-P384
Integrity HMAC-384-192
7.3.9 Circuits
Extension circuits are individual connections within a tunnel, and data flows between the
source and destination VE_Ports. Each tunnel can contain a single circuit or multiple circuits.
A circuit connects a pair of IPIF (IP interfaces). Each IPIF must have a unique IP address.
Each circuit has a unique pair of source and destination IP addresses. A circuit's local and
remote IP addresses can be from the same subnet, which is referred to as Layer 2 (L2), or
from different subnets, referred to as Layer 3 (L3). L2 and L3 architectures are supported on
the WAN side with FCIP and IP Extension.
After creating a tunnel, create its circuits. Start with circuit-0 and add each circuit
incrementing the circuit number by 1. Creating a circuit for each unique path through the IP
WAN infrastructure is best. Circuits require identical settings at each end.
Note: The WAN side subnets have no restrictions. They can be layer 2 or 3, as described
above. The WAN side subnets are flexible to the environment of the organization. The
subnets do not have to be different (L2) but can be (L3). On the LAN side, the local and
remote subnets must be different.
When the remote IPIF is not on the same subnet as the local IPIF, an IP route to the remote
subnet through the local gateway must be configured for the interface DP pair.
Local and remote, tunnel, and circuit settings must match to obtain a UP state. For example, if
you configure IPsec on a tunnel, each end of the tunnel must be configured to use the same
IPsec parameters, such as the PSK (pre-shared key). Other circuit parameters must be
consistent, such as MTU, min/max bandwidth, QoS distribution and priority percentages, and
keepalive timeout (KATOV) values.
All circuits are point-to-point. To form a circuit, there is a source and destination IP address;
on the opposite side, the same addresses are merely swapped.
Circuit considerations
The following requirements and limitations apply to extension circuits:
Each circuit has a unique pair of source and destination IP addresses.
An IP interface (IPIF) defines an IP address associated with a circuit endpoint and GE
The maximum rate of a circuit cannot exceed the GE interface speed.
On a GE interface, defining multiple IPIFs allows multiple circuits on that interface.
A VE_Port with multiple circuits is a Brocade Extension Trunk (BET).
If a circuit's source and destination IP addresses are not on the same subnet, an IP route
must be configured on both ends.
Metric-0 circuits are active under normal operating conditions within the failover group.
Metric-1 circuits are active when all metric-0 circuits within the failover group have gone
A failover group control in which metric-1 circuits become active when metric-0 circuits in
the group go offline.
When a spillover is configured, failover groups are not used.
When a spillover is configured, metric-1 circuits are used when the capacity of the metric-0
circuit is exceeded.
4:1 Rule: Within a tunnel, consider the ARL minimum rates; the difference between the
slowest min rate and the fastest min rate can be no greater than 4x.
– For example, the minimum rates of Cir0 = 1 Gbps and Cir1 = 4 Gbps is supported;
however, Cir0 = 1 Gbps and Cir1 = 5 Gbps is not.
– If circuits are configured with rates greater than 4x apart, the bandwidth may not be
fully utilized.
--dscp-ip-low <dscp> - Set DSCP marking for IP-Low priority traffic.
--l2cos-f-class <l2cos> - Set L2CoS value for Control priority traffic.
--l2cos-high <l2cos> - Set L2CoS value for FC-High priority traffic.
--l2cos-medium <l2cos> - Set L2CoS value for FC-Medium priority
--l2cos-low <l2cos> - Set L2CoS value for FC-Low priority traffic.
--l2cos-ip-high <l2cos> - Set L2CoS value for IP-High priority traffic.
--l2cos-ip-medium <l2cos> - Set L2CoS value for IP-Medium priority
--l2cos-ip-low <l2cos> - Set L2CoS value for IP-Low priority traffic.
--sla { <sla-name> | none } -
- Set the SLA name for this circuit.
--help - Print this usage statement.
portcfg fcipcircuit 24 create 0 --min-comm-rate 1G
7.3.10 Compression
Set the desired compression algorithm per protocol if the tunnel has IP Extension enabled.
The IBM SAN42B-R7 allows the configuration compression at a protocol level per FCIP or IP
Extension. The per-protocol compression configuration overrides the general compression
setting for a tunnel. See Table 7-7.
Compression is set at the tunnel level, meaning compression is not set per circuit. Setting
compression is disruptive. Compression can be set for the entire tunnel (regardless of
protocol) or per protocol (FCIP and IP Extension). To set compression per protocol, the tunnel
must have IP Extension enabled. The IBM SX6 must be configured in hybrid mode to enable
IP Extension on tunnels.
Compression considerations
The following considerations apply to ompression:
The overall algorithm throughput depends on the algorithm and platform.
The compression ratio depends on the compressibility of the data and the algorithm.
The available compression algorithms depend on the protocol (FCIP and IP Extension).
Enabling IP Extension on a tunnel enables compression algorithm selection at the protocol
Protocol-level compression overrides the general compression setting.
The available compression algorithms depend on the platform
Use the following guidelines in the tables Table 7-8 through Table 7-10 on page 87 to assign a
compression algorithm for a tunnel:
Note: Throughput for all compression modes depends on the compression ratio
achievable for the data. IBM and Broadcom make no promises, guarantees, or
assumptions about the compression ratio that user data may achieve.
Note: Each end of a tunnel must have the same compression setting.
Note: Fast-Deflate compression mode is not supported for IP Extension on any platform.
Deflate and Aggressive Deflate function for both FC and IP Extension protocols.
See Example 7-10 for setting the compression mode when creating or modifying a tunnel.
Example 7-10 Setting the compression mode when creating or modifying a tunnel
SW37_7850_A:FID128:admin> portcfg fciptunnel
Usage: portCfg fciptunnel [<slot>/]<port> { create [<args>] | modify [<args>] |
delete | --help }
Table 7-11 describes the maximum bandwidth that a single circuit can have on each platform:
ARL considerations
The following considerations apply to ARL:
The aggregate of circuit minimum-rate bandwidth settings should not exceed the available
WAN bandwidth. For example, given a dedicated 10 Gbps WAN, the aggregate of the ARL
minimum rates should be no more than 10 Gbps. There is no limitation for FC ingress
rates because flow control (BBC) limits incoming FC data.
The aggregate of the minimum configured bandwidth values on a GE interface cannot
exceed the interface's speed.
Configure minimum rates from all tunnels on a DP so that the aggregate does not exceed
the DP’s capacity.
5:1 Min/Max Committed Rate Rule: The ratio between a circuit’s minimum and maximum
rates cannot exceed five times. For example, if the minimum is set to 2 Gbps, the
maximum for that circuit cannot exceed 10 Gbps. This limit is enforced.
4:1 Lowest to Highest Circuit Rule: The ratio between any two circuits in the same tunnel,
the highest bandwidth, should not exceed four times the lowest bandwidth. For example, if
one circuit is configured with a minimum of 2 Gbps, another circuit cannot be configured
with a maximum exceeding 8 Gbps. This rule is not enforced in software but is
recommended for proper operation.
For any circuit, the minimum and maximum bandwidth values must match on the local and
remote ends.
ARL is enabled only when a circuit’s minimum < maximum bandwidth value. If you configure
the minimum equal to the maximum, for example, 1G bps, ARL is not used. Such a
configuration is referred to as CIR (Committed Information Rate).
If there are multiple parallel tunnels between the same domains, set identical static link costs
for the VE ports and configure lossless DLS, which helps to minimize FC frame loss during
bandwidth updates caused by circuit bounces.
Note: Multiple tunnels between the same domains are supported but not recommended.
Note: ARL min and max values are not optional. Circuits will not come up until the min and
max values have been configured. The values must be the same at both ends.
The back-off mechanism implemented by ARL is optimized to increase the overall throughput.
ARL dynamically preserves bandwidth and evaluates network conditions to see whether
additional back-offs are required. ARL maintains the round-trip-time (RTT) state information
to better predict network conditions and to allow intelligent and granular decisions about
proper adaptive rate limiting. ARL examines the prior stateful information when it encounters
a network error. Rate-limit decisions are made using the ARL algorithm. When configured for
automatic, ARL dynamically determines which algorithm to use based on changing network
The ARL algorithm for backing off traffic can be configured on all extension platforms. The
default is automatic, and the ARL logic determines the best approach.
Note: Only change the ARL backoff algorithm if instructed by your support organization.
See Example 7-11 for ARL and CIR Comm-Rate CLI configuration.
We assume configuring a tunnel between a local and remote DP0. The main tunnel (MT)
uses IPIF IP addresses on the local DP0 going to the remote DP0. The LBT uses IPIF IP
addresses on the local DP1 to the remote DP0. The RBT uses IPIF IP addresses on the local
DP0 to the remote DP1. You only configure the production IP addresses, the HA IP
addresses, and the production tunnel and circuits; do not create the backup circuits (LBT and
RBT), as they are created automatically. This collection of circuits and tunnels forms the HA
tunnel group.
When configuring a production tunnel and circuits, you designate IP addresses specific to
eHCL through the HA arguments in the portcfg fcipcircuit command.
portcfg fcipcircuit <ve#> modify <cir#> --local-ha-ip <IP>
eHCL requires two IP addresses per circuit, with one HA IP address at each end. Each circuit
has four IP addresses: the production local and remote IP addresses and the eHCL local and
remote HA IP addresses used during firmware updates. Each HA IP address has its own IPIF.
Local IP addresses are typically part of the same subnet, and remote IP addresses are part of
the same subnet, with different subnets at each site. All IP addresses must be able to
communicate across the IP WAN infrastructure. If the production IPIF is on DP0, then the
eHCL IPIF is on DP1; conversely, if the production IPIF is on DP1, then the eHCL IPIF is on
DP0. On different GE interfaces and DPs, an IP route to the remote site must be configured
on an IPIF for each subnet a circuit will go to.
The IBM SAN18B-6 has only one DP and does not support eHCL by itself; however, when
connected to an IBM SAN42B-R7 or an IBM SX6 Extension Blade, it does support eHCL on
those platforms. Therefore, the local HA option on the IBM SAN18B-6 is not configurable.
portcfg fcipcircuit <ve#> modify <cir#> --local-ha-ip <IP>
However, the HA option on the remote side is required on the IBM SAN18B-6 to facilitate
eHCL operation on the IBM SAN42B-R7 and IBM SX6 Extension Blade.
portcfg fcipcircuit <ve#> modify <cir#> --remote-ha-ip <IP>
When the IBM SAN42B-R7 and the IBM SX6 Extension Blade are configured for eHCL with
an IBM SAN18B-6 at the other end, only the --local-ha-ip option should be used. If you
use the --remote-ha-ip option on the IBM SAN42B-R7 or the IBM SX6 Extension Blade,
the tunnel will not reach an ONLINE state and remain DEGRADED. Only the MT and RBT
groups appear on the IBM SAN18B-6, and only the MT and LBT groups are found on the IBM
SAN42B-R7 or IBM SX6.
The below command functions for the IBM SAN18B-6, even though it does not support eHCL.
This command on the IBM SAN18B-6 provides DP connectivity information for the MT and
RBT groups.
portshow fciptunnel --hcl-status
eHCL performs coordinated upgrades, meaning the firmware update can be initiated
simultaneously on both tunnel ends. Fabric OS coordinates the update process to maintain
online, lossless, in-order data delivery.
eHCL considerations:
The following considerations should be made when implementing eHCL:
eHCL was designed for FICON environments such as IBM XRC, FICON tape, and
TS7700 Grid.
In-order delivery is guaranteed.
No data is lost inflight during the update process.
eHCL does not cause a FICON interface control check (IFCC).
eHCL was designed for FC replication, such as IBM Global Mirror.
eHCL implementation requires proper planning.
eHCL has a circuit scope and must be configured per circuit; only circuits that specify a
local and remote HA IP address are protected. If eHCL does not protect a circuit, it goes
offline during the firmware update process.
eHCL supports all features, such as Virtual Fabrics (VF) and FC Routing (FCR).
Bandwidth planning might include dedicating one of the two DP complexes to HA or limiting
each DP to a maximum of 50% of the licensed capacity to reserve adequate bandwidth for
high-availability operations. Most firmware updates support eHCL; however, not every
Brocade Fabric OS release guarantees a firmware update capable of eHCL. Refer to the
Brocade Fabric OS Release Notes for potential caveats. The firmware at each end of the
tunnel must be compatible; start with the same version of Brocade Fabric OS on each end.
Regular production operation of extension with disparate Brocade Fabric OS versions is not
tested and can introduce instability, aberrant behavior, prevent successful tunnel formation, or
exhibit impaired feature functionality.
eHCL does not require a different communication path. The production IP WAN network used
for extension tunnel communications is used for the two eHCL backup tunnels (LBT and RBT)
that exist alongside.
Do not configure specific pairs of VE_Ports in different logical switches with different Brocade
Fabric OS routing policies. For example, on an IBM SX6 Extension Blade, one logical switch
has Exchange-Based Routing (EBR), and the other has Port-Based Routing (PBR), a typical
configuration in mainframe environments. The logical switches use VE_Ports 24 (FID 1) and
33 (FID 2). During eHCL, these VEs share backend virtual channels (VC) when on the HA
path. This configuration can cause unexpected results. Table 7-12 on page 93 shows the
VE_Port pairs to avoid. On the IBM SX6 Extension Blade, the pairing restriction is per blade.
24 33 16 26
25 34 17 27
26 35 18 28
27 36 19 29
28 37 20 30
29 38 21 31
30 39 22 32
31 40 23 33
32 41 24 34
25 35
QoS marking is configured per circuit, not per tunnel. Each circuit takes its own IP network
route, which could have its own QoS paradigm. The default is no marking. Marking is not
enforcement. It is up to the IP network to perform QoS enforcement based on the markings.
Therefore, working with the network administrators to establish enforcement is essential.
See the CLI syntax for setting the protocol (FCIP and IP Extension) distribution in
Example 7-12. The tunnel must have IP Extension enabled; otherwise, only FCIP is enabled.
Example 7-12 CLI syntax for setting the protocol (FCIP and IP Extension) distribution
SW37_7850_A:FID128:admin> portcfg fciptunnel
Usage: portcfg fciptunnel [<slot>/]<port> { create [<args>] | modify [<args>] |
delete | --help }
Option: create - Create the specified tunnel/circuit
modify - Modify the specified tunnel/circuit
delete - Delete the specified tunnel/circuit
help - Show this usage message
Optional Arguments:
-p,--distribution [<mode>,]<percentage ratio,...> -
- Set protocol distribution ratio for the tunnel.
mode:protocol ratio:<fc>,<ip>
-Q,--fc-qos-ratio <high>,<med>,<low> -
- Set the bandwidth ratio for FC priorities.
[distribution:protocol only].
-I,--ip-qos-ratio <high>,<med>,<low> -
- Set the bandwidth ratio for IP priorities.
[distribution:protocol only].
-q,--qos-bw-ratio { <ratio> | default } -
- Set the QoS bandwidth percentages for FC
and/or IP or restore the defaults with
'default' option. Ratio syntax: FCIP-Only
Tunnels: <fcHigh>,<fcMed>,<fcLow> Hybrid
Example of setting the FCIP and IP Extension distribution to 60% and 40%:
portcfg fciptunnel 24 modify --distribution 60,40
!!!! WARNING !!!!
Modify operation can disrupt the traffic on the fciptunnel specified for a brief
period of time. This operation will bring the existing tunnel down (if tunnel is
up) before applying new configuration.
Continue with Modification (Y,y,N,n): [ n] y
Operation Succeeded.
A set of internal virtual tunnels is created for each protocol and priority. Created within each
circuit are seven virtual tunnels, one F-Class, three for IP Extension (H/M/L), and three for
FCIP (H/M/L). Medium priorbty is the default for both protocols. IBM extension uses
Priority-TCP-QoS (PTQ), which opens a set of WAN-Optimized TCP sessions for each
protocol’s priority. Flows are automatically mapped to the TCP session of its corresponding
priority. No TCP session carries more than one priority.
The priority is based on the virtual circuit (VC) that carries the data into the DP. For FC,
zoning with QoS prefixes assigns the flows to a specific set of VCs; in turn, VCs are mapped
to extension priority TCP sessions. For example, if data enters through a high VC, it is placed
into high TCP sessions; if it enters through a low VC, it is placed into low TCP sessions. The
Traffic Control List (TCL) matches flows and assigns them to the correlating priority TCP
sessions for IP Extension.
High, medium, and low are each assigned a percentage of bandwidth; the default is 50%,
30%, and 20%. The ratios must add up to 100%. If traffic flows on a priority, its bandwidth
becomes reserved and is unavailable to other priorities. Suppose only the medium priority
(default) is used, for example. In that case, no flows have been designated as high or low, and
all bandwidth is made available to medium, even if the medium queue remains configured at
30% (default).
An egress queue is serviced once every millisecond, and the amount of traffic sent on that
queue is based on the priorities being used and the configured ratios.
The default distribution is 50/30/20% (H/M/L).
Medium is the default priority.
The distribution (H/M/L) must total 100%.
10% is the minimum value.
90% is the maximum value.
Distribution ratios must be the same on both ends of a tunnel.
FCIP QoS assignment (H/M/L) is configured using zoning.
IP Extension QoS assignment (H/M/L) is configured using TCL.
Priority distribution between high, medium, and low is rate-limiting. If a priority is used, its
total bandwidth percentage is reserved and unavailable to other priorities. If a priority is
not being used, its percentage of bandwidth is available for the other priorities to use.
If your storage device supports Fibre Channel CS_CTL prioritization, the CS_CTL values
in the FC header to prioritize the QoS traffic.
DSCP marking
Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) operates across IP (layer 3). Its implementation
for establishing QoS policies is defined in RFC 2475. DSCP uses six bits of the Type of
Service (TOS) field in the IP header to establish up to 64 different classes of service.
Enterprise network administrators assign service classes and configure the network to
handle traffic accordingly. DSCP settings are helpful only if routers and switches are
configured to enforce such policies uniformly across the network. Extension control, high,
med, and low-priority flows can be configured with different DSCP values.
The IP network must implement Per Hop Behavior (PHB) with the appropriate DSCP
enforcement before enabling DSCP marking.
Note: Whenever IPsec is enabled on a tunnel, all priorities inside a circuit must use the
same QoS markings.
Example 7-13 shows the CLI syntax for setting DSCP marking on a circuit.
Example of setting the DSCP marking for FCIP High to 46 on tunnel 24, circuit 0:
portcfg fcipcircuit 24 modify 0 --dscp-high 46
Example of setting the DSCP marking for IP Extension low to 3 on tunnel 24, circuit 0:
Portcfg fcipcircuit 24 modify 0 --dscp-ip-low 2
Enterprise network administrators assign classes of service and configure the network to
handle traffic accordingly. L2CoS settings are helpful only if routers and switches are
configured to enforce such policies uniformly across the network. Extension control, high,
med, and low-priority flows can be configured with different L2CoS values.
The IP network must implement Per Hop Behavior (PHB) with the appropriate L2CoS
enforcement before enabling L2CoS marking.
Note: Whenever IPsec is enabled on a tunnel, all priorities inside a circuit must use the
same QoS markings.
Example 7-14 shows the CLI syntax for setting L2CoS marking on a circuit.
Example of setting the L2CoS marking for FCIP to 3 on tunnel 24, circuit 0:
portcfg fcipcircuit 24 modify 0 --l2cos-high 3
Example of setting the L2CoS marking for IP Extension to 2 on tunnel 24, circuit 0:
portcfg fcipcircuit 24 modify 0 --l2cos-ip-low 2
7.3.14 FastWrite
FastWrite has a tunnel scope; it is not configured per circuit. The best practice is to have the
same version of Brocade Fabric OS at both ends of the tunnel. Either only FastWrite or
FastWrite and OSTP are enabled at both ends.
If multiple tunnels with protocol optimization are required between the exact two domains, a
Virtual Fabric Logical Fabric (LF) must be implemented. FastWrite requires a deterministic FC
path between the initiator and the target. When multiple protocol-optimized tunnels exist on
the same platform, two logical fabrics can be implemented with one tunnel to provide a
deterministic path for each tunnel. Non-controlled, parallel, equal-cost multipath tunnels are
unsupported between two domains when protocol optimization is enabled on one or more
tunnels. Protocol optimization requires the source ID and destination ID (SID/DID) pairs to
remain on a specific tunnel during the exchange of I/Os.
Note: IBM b-type extension recommends identical Fabric OS versions at each end. When
planning Fabric OS upgrades or downgrades, it is recommended that both ends of an
extension tunnel have the same Fabric OS version
7.3.15 OSTP
OSTP has a tunnel scope; it is not configured per circuit. FastWrite and OSTP have to be
enabled at both ends. To use OSTP, you must enable FastWrite as well.
Note: Best practice is to have the same version of Fabric OS at both ends of the tunnel.
If multiple tunnels with protocol optimization are required within the same platform, A Virtual
Fabric Logical Fabric (LF) must be implemented. OSTP requires a deterministic FC path
between the initiator and the target. When multiple protocol-optimized tunnels exist on the
same platform, two logical fabrics can be implemented with one tunnel to provide a
deterministic path for each tunnel. Non-controlled, parallel, equal-cost multipath tunnels are
unsupported between two domains when protocol optimization is enabled on one or more
tunnels. Protocol optimization requires the source ID and destination ID (SID/DID) pairs to
remain on a specific tunnel during the exchange of I/Os.
This change should improve FICON over FCIP performance as FICON flows will not all be
mapped to the same VT or VC; therefore, head-of-line blocking is avoided in the WAN and FC
egress paths.
The total number of FICON device control blocks (FDCBs) that are created over a FICON
emulating tunnel is represented by the following equation:
FDCBs = Host Ports × Device Ports × LPARs × LCUs × FICON Devices per LCU
FDCB example
In the following example, the tunnel extends two channel path IDs (CHPIDs) from a System
Data Mover (SDM) site to a production site. There are also two SDM-extended LPARs, the
IBM DS8000 production controllers have 32 LCUs per chassis, and each LCU has 256 device
addresses. Based on the previous equation, the number of extended FICON device control
block images created is as follows:
2 Host Ports × 2 Device Ports × 2 LPARs × 32 LCUs × 256 Devices per LCU = 56,536
Output from the command below helps determine how a tunnel configuration is affecting
tunnel control block memory:
As a guideline, up to 80% of the tunnel DP control block memory pool (dram2) should be
allocated for SID/DID pair-related control blocks (ITNs, ITLs, FDPBs, FCHBs, FCUBs, and
FDCBs). When more than 80% of the pool is allocated, consider redesigning the tunnel
configuration to ensure a continuous operation. Consider the number of SID/DID pairs in the
tunnel configuration when redesigning it and determine whether new switches, chassis, or
blades are necessary to reduce the impact on DRAM2.
DP complexes such as the IBM SAN42B-R7 extension platform and the IBM SX6 extension
blade generate the XTUN-1008 RASlog message when the following percentages of DRAM
memory remain:
RASlog messages include information regarding the amount of allocated memory, free
memory, and the total size of the pool. Refer to the RASlog messages to determine if you
must reduce the size of the extended configuration or plan for additional switch resources.
The IBM b-type extension DPs are limited to the number of FICON device control blocks
(FDCB) and extended LUNs (ITL) listed in Table 7-13.
Failover metrics
Failover metrics and groups are features supported on IBM b-type extension platforms. A
group defines a set of metric-0 and metric-1 circuits. Within that group, failover protection is
provided. All metric-0 circuits in a group must fail before metric-1 circuits become active.
When the metric-0 circuits within a group fail, the metric-1 circuits are immediately activated.
Each failover group is independent.
Typically, one metric-0 and one metric-1 circuit are configured per group, which provides
one-to-one protection. Circuits in a group must be connected to the same VE_Port to have
LLL, meaning no data is lost during failovers and failbacks.
A circuit's Keepalive Timeout Value (KATOV) is the amount of time before detecting an offline
Failover and failback of circuits prevent interruptions by seamlessly switching offline circuits to
a designated backup. To manage failover, each circuit is assigned a metric value, either 0
(default = production) or 1 (failover), which manages the failover from one circuit to another
within a group.
BET uses LLL; no data in-flight is lost during a failover or failback event. LLL retransmits data
over another metric-0 circuit if a circuit goes offline. In Figure 7-2, circuit-0 and 1 are both
metric-0 circuits. Circuit-0 has gone offline, and transmission fails to circuit-1, which has the
same metric. Traffic at the time of failure is retransmitted over circuit-1. LLL ensures all data is
delivered and delivered in the same order as it was sent.
Failover groups
Circuit failover groups control which metric-1 circuits are activated when a set of metric-0
circuits have gone offline. A set of metric-0 and metric-1 circuits are configured into groups.
When all metric-0 circuits within the group have gone offline, the metric-1 circuits become
active. As each failover group is autonomous, circuits in other failover groups are unaffected.
The purpose of a failover group is to sort circuits so metric-1 circuits can back up the metric-0
circuits if they fail. For example, two circuits (metric 0 and metric 1) in one group would form a
one-to-one backup. Failover groups are numbered; group ID is a value from 0 through 9, and
the default is 0.
Typically, one metric-0 and one metric-1 circuit are grouped. This aims to replace the offline
metric-0 circuit with an online metric-1 circuit as quickly as possible. As a result, the problem
of a degraded tunnel is avoided, and other metric-0 circuits in different groups remain
In Figure 7-3 , circuit-0 is assigned a metric of 0, and circuit-1 is assigned a metric of 1. Both
circuits are in the same tunnel (VE24). Circuit-1 does not become active until all the metric-0
circuits within its failover group have gone offline. If all metric-0 circuits go offline within the
failover group, the traffic is retransmitted and sent over available metric-1 circuits within the
failover group. Failover between like metric circuits or between different metric circuits is
There might be differences in behavior between the metric-1 circuits and the production
circuits (metric-0) if the configuration of the metric-1 circuits differs from the configuration of
the metric-0 circuits. Also, if the metric-1 circuits’ WAN path has different characteristics, the
behavior might differ from production.
With circuit failover groups, you can control which metric-1 circuits are activated if metric-0
circuits fail. To create circuit failover groups, define a set of metric-0 and metric-1 circuits
within a joint failover group. When all metric-0 circuits within the group fail, metric-1 circuits
are activated. A failover group is autonomous.
Typically, there is only one metric-0 circuit in a group, so when the metric-0 circuit fails, a
specific metric-1 circuit takes over, known as one-to-one failover grouping. A one-to-one
configuration prevents a tunnel from operating in a degraded mode because a subset of the
overall metric-0 circuits failed.
– If either circuit 0 or 1 goes offline, traffic continues to flow over the remaining metric-0
circuit. The available bandwidth is still considered 1.5 Gbps.
– If circuits 0 and 1 go offline, failover to circuits 2 and 3; the available bandwidth is
updated to 2 Gbps.
– If a metric-0 circuit comes online, the metric-1 circuits return to standby status, and the
available bandwidth is updated as each circuit comes online. For example, if circuit-0 is
recovered, the available bandwidth is updated to 1 Gbps. When circuit-1 recovers, the
available bandwidth is updated to 1.5 Gbps.
For circuit failover in a tunnel, two failover groups, each with two circuits, are shown in
Table 7-15.
The following table shows a tunnel with five circuits. Two circuits have a failover group defined
(Group 1), and three circuits are left in the default failover group (Group 0). In this example, all
data is initially balanced across circuits-0, circuit-1, and circuit-2 because they all have metric
0. The following events occur when various circuits go offline:
Circuit-0 goes offline
– Circuit-3 becomes active in group-1
– Data is balanced over circuit-1, circuit-2, and circuit-3
– Circuit-0 fails over to circuit-3 in group-1
– Circuits-1, 2, and 3 have equal cost (each has a bandwidth of 500 Mbps).
Additionally, circuit-2 goes offline:
– Data is balanced over circuit-1 and circuit-3
– No other circuits are active
– Circuit-1 and circuit-3 are the only online circuits because circuit-4 becomes active only
when both circuit-1 and circuit-2 are offline.
– If circuit-1 and circuit-2 go offline, circuit-4 becomes active and data is balanced over
circuit-0 and circuit-4. Circuit-0 in group-1 is online, and circuit-1 and circuit-2 in
group-0 failover to circuit-4.
The Table 7-16 describes a tunnel with five circuits. Three circuits are in failover group-0
(default group), and two are in failover group-1.
Active-active circuits
An active-active configuration has two circuits, and both are configured with the same metric,
metric 0. One circuit uses ge0, and the other circuit uses ge1. Both circuits are configured for
10 Gbps and are sending data. The load is balanced across the two circuits. The effective
tunnel bandwidth is 20 Gbps.
1. Create IPIFs for circuits (no VLAN or MTU specified).
portcfg ipif ge0.dp0 create
portcfg ipif ge1.dp0 create
2. Create IP routes for the IPIF.
portcfg iproute ge0.dp0 create
portcfg iproute ge1.dp0 create
3. Create Tunnel 24.
portcfg fciptunnel 24 create --ipsec MyIPsecPolicy --compression deflate
4. Create two circuits to tunnel 24.
portcfg fcipcircuit 24 create 0
portcfg fcipcircuit 24 create 1
5. Add circuit IP addresses .
portcfg fcipcircuit 24 modify 0 --local-ip
portcfg fcipcircuit 24 modify 1 --local-ip
6. Add 10 Gbps bandwidth to each circuit.
portcfg fcipcircuit 24 modify 0 --min 10G --max 10G
portcfg fcipcircuit 24 modify 1 --min 10G --max 10G
Note: If the source and destination addresses are on different subnets, you must configure
IP routes to reach the gateway to the destination. See “IP routes” on page 78.
Active-passive circuits
The following example shows an active-passive configuration with two circuits. Circuit-0 has
metric-0 (default, production), and circuit-1 has metric-1 (failover). Both circuits are grouped
into failover group-1. One circuit uses ge0, and the other circuit uses ge1. In this example,
circuit-1 is the failover circuit because it has metric-1. When circuit-0 goes down, the traffic
fails over to circuit-1. The effective bandwidth of the tunnel in this example is 1 Gbps.
Note: If the source and destination addresses are on different subnets, you must configure
IP routes to the destination addresses.
Failover considerations
Circuit failover groups operate under the following conditions:
Failover group IDs can range from 0-9.
The default failover group is 0.
A valid failover group requires at least one metric-0 and one metric-1 circuit; otherwise, a
warning is displayed. The number of failover groups per tunnel is limited by the number of
circuits that can be created on the extension platform as follows:
The IBM SAN18B-6 can configure up to three valid groups on a 6-circuit tunnel.
The IBM SAN42B-R7 can configure up to five valid groups on a 10-circuit tunnel.
The IBM SX6 Extension Blade can configure up to five valid groups on a 10-circuit tunnel.
Consider circuit bandwidth calculations when configuring failover circuit groups. A tunnel is an
ISL with an FSPF cost associated with it. The FSPF cost can change as circuits go on and
offline. For a single route to the destination domain, a changing FSPF cost is inconsequential.
Suppose there are multiple routes to the destination domain. A changing FSPF cost can
cause disruption. In this case, static FSPF costs can be associated with various tunnels to
control traffic routes.
Primary and secondary circuits are controlled using the circuit’s metric field. For example,
when a tunnel is configured for spillover, traffic uses the metric-0 circuits until their maximum
bandwidth is reached. When the bandwidth in the metric-0 circuits is exceeded, the metric-0
and metric-1 circuits are used. Conversely, when the utilization drops below the maximum on
the metric-0 circuits, the metric-1 circuits are no longer used.
Tunnel failover remains intact. If a tunnel has spillover configured and the metric-0 circuits
within a failover group go offline, the metric-1 circuits within the group are activated. Whether
configured for failover or spillover, metric-1 circuits behave as backup circuits. Unlike spillover,
failover requires all metric-0 circuits to go offline before the metric-1 circuits are used within a
failover group.
Circuit failover groups can be configured along with spillover and behave the same without
spillover configured; however, only the metric value determines whether a circuit is
considered primary or spillover. Failover groups do not affect which circuits are used for
spillover. For example, if a tunnel has four circuits, group-0 has a metric-0 and a metric-1, and
group-1 has a metric-0 and a metric-1. When the metric 0 circuits become saturated, the
metric 1 circuits start to be used. Also, if the metric-0 circuit in group-0 goes offline, the
metric-1 circuit becomes active, and the same would be true in group-1 if its metric-0 went
Due to how spillover is implemented, the observed behavior might be different than expected.
For example, consider traffic flows with high, medium, and low QoS, with corresponding
bandwidth percentages of 50/30/20. The active circuits carry QoS traffic according to the
percentage allocated to each priority. If the QoS low-priority traffic reaches saturation before
the bandwidth allocation limit, it spills over from a metric-0 circuit to a metric-1 circuit.
For example, consider QoS traffic flows designated as high, medium, and low. The high QoS
traffic flow can be assigned to metric-1 circuits, while the medium and low QoS traffic flow can
be assigned to metric-0 circuits. In this instance, the spillover circuits (metric 1) are used even
though the metric 0 circuits are not saturated. When the metric-0 circuits are saturated,
additional traffic will spill over to the metric-1 circuits.
Example 7-16 shows the CLI syntax to change the failover or spillover setting.
different packet loss values, SLA uses the lower value. The lower the packet loss value, the
better the circuit quality, ensuring the circuit adheres to better quality. When an SLA session is
triggered, traffic starts automatically. During the test, packet loss must remain under the
specified percentage before the circuit returns to service.
SLA considerations
The following are the SLA considerations:
The default SLA runtime is 5 minutes.
The default SLA timeout is 0 (expiration time not set).
If setting the SLA timeout, it must be greater than the runtime value.
After a circuit goes offline, there are two ways a circuit can be placed back into service:
– Packet loss remains under the specified loss percentage for the SLA runtime.
– SLA timeout was set and expired; the packet loss did not remain under the specified
loss percentage during runtime.
If a timeout value is not set, SLA testing continues indefinitely until packet loss remains
under the specified loss percentage for the runtime.
An active SLA session can be aborted but cannot be modified.
An active SLA session is limited to viewing statistics.
During eHCL, SLA is disabled, and no SLA sessions are created until after all eHCL
operations have been completed. After all eHCL operations are complete, SLA is
IBM SAN42B-R7: Up to 20 SLA sessions can be defined per DP
IBM SX6 Extension Blade: Up to 20 SLA sessions can be defined per DP
IBM SAN18B-6: Up to 12 SLA sessions can be defined
Attempts to modify an active SLA session are blocked. Wtool commands cannot be used
while an SLA session is running. Active SLA sessions can be aborted, and SLA statistics can
be viewed.
Configured SLA sessions are persistent across reboots because they are part of the circuit
configurations, unlike user-configured Wtool sessions, which are not persistent.
Example 7-17 shows the CLI syntax for creating an SLA profile.
Example of creating an SLA with loss (required), runtime (default 5 minutes), and timeout
(default is no timeout) profiles:
portcfg sla networkB create --loss 1 --runtime 10 --timeout 30
Operation Succeeded.
When the KATOV sum from all circuits in a tunnel is slightly less than the I/O timeout, this is
the appropriate KATOV. For example, a mirroring application has a 6-second I/O timeout.
There are three circuits belonging to the tunnel. Set the KATOV to 2 seconds on each circuit,
which allows the maximum number of retries across all circuits before an I/O times out by the
A 2-second to 3-second KATOV is often optimal for IP Extension and should be considered.
Note: A 250 ms RTT with a maximum of 1% packet loss is supported at a 2 sec or more
Note: A 200 ms RTT with a maximum of 0.1% packet loss is supported at a 2 sec or less
KATOV considerations
The following are the KATOV considerations:
KATOV has a circuit scope. It is configured per circuit.
The default for a non-FICON tunnel, circuit KATOV is 6 seconds.
KATOV must be the same on both ends of a circuit.
– If the local and remote KATOV do not match, the tunnel uses the shorter of the
configured values.
Example 7-18 shows the CLI syntax for setting the KATOV to 2 seconds on tunnel 24, circuit
Example 7-18 CLI syntax for setting the KATOV to 2 seconds on tunnel 24, circuit 0:
SW37_7850_A:FID128:admin> portcfg fcipcircuit 24 modify 0 --keepaline 2000
Usage: portCfg fcipcircuit [<slot>/]<port> modify [<args>] <cid>
Optional Arguments:
-k,--keepalive-timeout <ms> - Set keepalive timeout in ms.
End-device TCP sessions are locally terminated at the IP Extension Gateway, termed TCP
proxy, and reformed on the remote side. This process has the advantage of providing local
acknowledgments resulting in acceleration. WAN-optimized TCP (WO-TCP) is used to
transport between data centers, not to the storage end devices.
IP Extension requires IBM SX6 Extension Blade to be in hybrid mode. Enabling hybrid mode
is disruptive because a blade reboot is required to load the hybrid mode image.
Table 7-17 Maximum supported TCP sessions and RASlog warning threshold
Platform TCP sessions per DP RASlog Warning
Example 7-19 shows the CLI syntax for enabling IP Extension on tunnel 24.
All Brocade Extension platforms have speed-settable GE interfaces. GE speeds are not
auto-negotiated; extension GE interfaces operate at the configured speed and with the optic
supporting that speed. GE optics might or might not be able to operate at more than one
speed, for example, 1/10GE and 10/25GE optics. See Table 7-18.
GE16-GE17 No 100GbE
A GE interface’s configuration must be deleted prior to changing its WAN or LAN mode. Once
configured as a LAN side interface, it cannot be used as a WAN side interface for circuits.
The IBM SAN42B-R7 has sixteen 1/10/25GE interfaces in which up to eight can be
configured as LAN side.
The IBM SX6 Extension Blade has sixteen 1/10GE interfaces in which up to eight can be
configured as LAN side.
The IBM SAN18B-R has six GE interfaces available (6 x 1/10GE optical ports or 4x
1/10GE optical ports plus 2x 1GE RJ-45 copper ports), in which up to four interfaces can
be configured as LAN side. The number of available interfaces depends on whether the
upgrade license has been installed.
4. Use portcfgge <ge#> --set -lan to configure a GE interface to be on the LAN side. The
following example puts port GE7 in LAN mode.
switch:admin> portcfgge ge7 --set -lan
Operation Succeeded.
5. Use the portcfgge --show command to verify that the GE interface is in LAN mode, show
the speed, and see if GE interfaces are part of a LAG. See Example 7-21.
The switchshow command can verify the GE interface speed and mode:
switch:admin> switchshow
switchName: switch
switchType: 178.0
switchState: Online
switchMode: Native
switchRole: Principal
switchDomain: 20
switchId: fffc14
switchWwn: 10:00:88:94:71:60:99:7e
zoning: ON (EXT-Testing)
switchBeacon: OFF
FC Router: OFF
Index Port Address Media Speed State Proto
0 0 140000 id N32 No_Light FC
1 1 140100 id N32 No_Light FC
2 2 140200 id N32 No_Light FC
3 3 140300 id N32 No_Light FC
4 4 140400 -- N32 No_Module FC
5 5 140500 -- N32 No_Module FC
6 6 140600 -- N32 No_Module FC
7 7 140700 -- N32 No_Module FC
8 8 140800 -- N32 No_Module FC
9 9 140900 -- N32 No_Module FC
10 10 140a00 -- N32 No_Module FC
11 11 140b00 -- N32 No_Module FC
12 12 140c00 -- -- Offline VE
13 13 140d00 -- -- Offline VE
14 14 140e00 -- -- Offline VE
15 15 140f00 -- -- Offline VE
ge0 cu 1G Offline FCIP Copper Disabled (Unsupported blade
ge1 cu 1G Offline FCIP Copper Disabled (Unsupported blade
ge2 id 10G No_Light FCIP
ge3 id 10G No_Light FCIP
ge4 id 10G No_Module FCIP
ge5 id 10G No_Module FCIP
ge6 id 10G No_Light FCIP
ge7 id 10G No_Light LAN
LAN side IP Extension links cannot connect to more than one data center LAN switch unless
the switches are logically one switch. For example, VCC, vPC, and MLAG are technologies
that logically form a single switch. When connecting to multiple data center LAN switches that
are logically a single switch, the LAN side links must be in a portchannel.
A LAG can be configured with or without 802.1Q VLAN tagging. When a link or LAG has
VLAN tagging enabled, it is called a trunk and can carry multiple VLANs. A separate LAG is
not required for each VLAN. A single LAG can accommodate multiple VLANs if it has VLAN
tagging enabled; otherwise, only the data center switch’s access VLAN can communicate
across the LAG.
All links in a LAG must operate at the same speed. The IBM SAN42B-R7 and IBM SX6
Extension Blade support LAGs with up to four links. The maximum number of LAGs is two,
each with two links.
The IBM SAN18B-6 has two 1 Gbps RJ-45 copper ports that support LAN side LAGs. A LAG
can have a mix of copper and optical 1 Gbps interfaces.
A LAG is given a name when it is configured. GE interfaces are added to a LAG. The interface
speeds (1, 10, 25 Gbps) and auto-negotiation (1GE only) settings must match all interfaces
added to the LAG. Individual LAG interfaces can be enabled or disabled.
IBM SAN18B-6 4 4 2 2
IBM SAN42B-R7 8 8 4 4
Extension Blade 8 8 4 4
Note: An IP Extension LAN side LAG cannot span multiple IBM SX6 Extension Blades.
Note: A GE must be configured as LAN before adding it to a LAG. LAG does not enhance
the ability of links to come online. Each link must be capable of coming online
Note: There are no WAN side LAGs. The WAN side uses BET to achieve enhanced
functionality compared to LAG.
Note: GE interfaces are not portchannel members after configuration. Add ports
individually or by specifying a range
WARNING: While making configuration changes the modified LAN GE ports will be
disabled. Please manually enable the modified LAN GE ports after completing all
the configuration changes.
switch:admin> portchannel --show -all
Name Type Oper-State Port-Count Member Ports
MyDynLag Dynamic Online 1 ge6
MyStaticLag Static Offline 3 ge15 ,ge16 ,ge17
In static LAGs, LAN-side GE interfaces are disabled when added to the LAG and must be
re-enabled after completing the LAG configuration. When adding an interface to a disabled
dynamic LAG, the interface is disabled. When you remove an interface from a disabled
dynamic LAG, the interface is enabled. If a disabled dynamic LAG is deleted using the
portchannel --delete command, all member interfaces are enabled.
Set auto-negotiation for all 1 Gbps interfaces in the LAG using the portchannel --config
switch:admin> portchannel --config slag101 -autoneg on
Note: GE interfaces are disabled after changing the auto-negotiation configuration. Fabric
OS automatically re-enables the ports.
The following RASlog example shows that Fabric OS has reenabled the ports:
2023/02/16-22:37:18 (GMT), [ESM-2801], 94, FID 128 | PORT 0/GE7, INFO, Awing-2,
Port ge7 speed set to 1G, auto negotiation Enabled, FEC clause Off [API].
2023/02/16-22:37:19 (GMT), [PORT-1008], 95, FID 128, INFO, Awing-2, GigE Port
(0/GE7) has been enabled.
7. Enable or disable a LAG with the portchannel --enable | --disable command.
Name :static
Type :Static Key :2
Speed :1G
Admin-state: Enable Oper-state : Offline
Portchannel Member count = 2
Port Oper state Auto-Negotiation
ge0 offline Enabled
ge1 Offline Enabled
9. Reset the statistics with the portchannel --reset command. See Example 7-24.
Adding an end device static route, the end device can differentiate the gateway to which it
sends traffic based on the destination IP address or subnet. The assumption is that the end
device can add static routes. The following Figure 7-4 shows an IP Extension deployment
using direct connections, a Layer 2 method. End device direct connectivity typically requires
its replication ports to be dedicated to that traffic. The IBM IP Extension platforms use the
TCL to determine which tunnel (location) to send the traffic to. See Figure 7-4.
In the case of L2 deployment, configure the IP storage with the IP Extension Gateway as the
next-hop for replication traffic. The IP Extension Gateway is configured on a DP (DP0 or DP1)
owning the VE_Port of the tunnel. The IP Extension Gateways are a LAN side IPIF specific to
a DP. The same IP Extension Gateway cannot be configured on more than one DP on an
extension platform. An IP Extension Gateway configured on multiple platforms will cause an
IP address conflict on the data center network. Based on the next-hop configured on the
storage end device, the end device learns the IP Extension Gateway’s MAC address through
an ARP or Neighbor Discovery (ND) request. See Figure 7-5,
When an IP storage end device is connected to a Layer 2 LAN switch, as shown in the above
figure, you can use Link Aggregation 802.3ad (LAG) to connect IP Extension LAN interfaces
to the switch. The IBM extension platforms support static and dynamic LAG to data center
switches. Dynamic LAG uses LACP. The LAG can be 802.1Q tagged if end devices live on
multiple VLANs. Tagging enables multiple VLANs to communicate across the same physical
LAG. The default is no tagging.
Note: Only one path between the Layer 2 LAN and the IP Extension LAN side interfaces
can exist. A LAG is considered a single path.
As shown in Figure 7-5 above, the IP storage is connected to the IP Extension LAN side
interfaces by a Layer 2 LAN switch. At least one IP Extension Gateway (LAN side IPIF) must
be configured to receive the replication traffic on the LAN network. For a Layer 2 architecture,
each connected VLAN requires a LAN-side IPIF used as an IP Extension gateway. The LAN
side IPIF should have an IP address on the same subnet as the end device and the same
VLAN ID as the connected Ethernet network.
Extension gateway. Some storage end devices cannot send replication traffic to an alternate
gateway (no ability to add static routes). Changes are made on the router in the IP network.
The router is configured to intercept specific flows and forward them to an IP Extension
gateway. Policy Based Routing (PBR) is the most common method of performing this task in
an IP network.
Figure 7-6 below shows IP Extension used in a routed network configured with PBR. The
image is the same as in Figure 5 above; the difference is where the routing occurs, on the end
device (static routes) or the router (PBR). The IP network intercepts traffic matched by an
access control list (ACL) and redirects the traffic to an IP Extension gateway. A Layer 3
deployment simplifies IP storage over IP Extension and scales the number of subnets
available compared to a Layer 2 deployment.
In a Layer 3 deployment, the IP storage end devices can be located on different subnets from
the IP Extension gateway. The IP Extension gateway only requires a point-to-point network
with the IP router, relying on the IP router to communicate with the end devices.
The best practice is to use a specific subnet on the end devices for IP Extension replication,
which significantly eases PBR configuration. Nevertheless, IP storage end device replication
ports may still exist on various subnets. A LAN-side IP route is added to IP Extension for each
LAN-side destination subnet. IP Extension relies on the next-hop local IP router to deliver
traffic to the end devices.
LAN-side GE interfaces can access all IP Extension gateways. All untagged (no 802.1Q)
Ethernet traffic can access any IP Extension gateway on either DP that does not have an IPIF
VLAN ID configured. If the LAN side traffic is tagged (uses 802.1Q), then access depends on
matching the incoming VLAN tag with the same IPIF VLAN ID of the IP Extension gateway.
The IPIF for a lan.dp# interface forms an IP Extension gateway that IP storage end devices
use to access IP Extension. IP storage traffic is sent to the IP Extension gateways. The IP
Extension gateways are used for layer 2 and layer 3 deployments.
In a Layer 2 implementation, the IP Extension gateway is the next-hop address for the storage
end device’s replication traffic. A layer 2 deployment requires IP routes on the end device to
direct the replication traffic to the IP Extension gateway. Changes must be made to the end
devices. For each end device, an IP route must be added to forward replication traffic to the IP
Extension gateway for each remote subnet replication is using. For each subnet, an IP
Extension gateway must be configured. These end device IP routes are required before the
end device can forward traffic to the IP Extension gateway.
In a layer 3 implementation, the end device’s default route to the data center’s gateway is its
next-hop address; therefore, no changes should be made to end devices. However, it is
necessary to modify the data center’s router so that IP storage replication flows destined for
remote sites are intercepted and forwarded to the IP Extension gateway.
End device replication ports can be on the same subnet or different subnets within the same
site; however, networks separated by IP Extension cannot be on the same subnet; they must
be on different subnets.
An IBM SAN42B-R7 and IBM SX6 Extension Blade can have a maximum of eight IP
Extension gateways per DP, and the IBM SAN18B-R can have a maximum of four IP
Extension Gateways.
All LAN side IPIF form one Software Virtual Interface (SVI) per DP, which means there is only
one LAN side MAC per DP, which is why only a single link to the data center LAN is
IP address and subnet using CIDR IP address notation (/subnet mask length) or the
netmask argument.
The IP Extension gateway is local to the platform and registered with DP0, which is essential
when associating the gateway with a tunnel (VE_Port) - both must be on the same DP.
4. Using the CIDR notation (/24):
switch:admin> portcfg ipif lan.dp0 create
5. Using the netmask notation:
switch:admin> portcfg ipif lan.dp0 create netmask
6. Delete an IPIF:
switch:admin> portcfg ipif lan.dp0 delete
While an IP Extension gateway IPIF is in use, it can be deleted. Clean-up enforcement checks
are not done on a LAN side IPIF.
Note: If a LAN-side IPIF is accidentally deleted, all IP Extension flows that use that IP
Extension gateway will be disrupted.
The following example shows two LAN side IP Extension gateways that are configured on slot
7 DP0 and two WAN side circuit IPIFs configured on slot 7 DP0: on VLAN 100 with MTU 1500 on VLAN 200 with MTU 9216 on GE4 on GE17
switch:admin> portshow ipif
Port IP Address / Pfx MTU VLAN Flags
7/ge4.dp0 / 24 1500 0 U R M
7/ge17.dp0 / 24 1500 0 U R M
7/lan.dp0 / 24 1500 100 U R M
7/lan.dp0 / 24 9216 200 U R M
Flags: U=Up B=Broadcast D=Debug L=Loopback P=Point2Point R=Running I=InUse
N=NoArp PR=Promisc M=Multicast S=StaticArp LU=LinkUp X=Crossport
In a Layer 3 deployment, when traffic arrives at the local router from an IP storage end device,
it is intercepted by the router and forwarded to the IP Extension gateway. Typically, an access
control list (ACL) and policy-based routing (PBR) match the incoming traffic and forward it to
the IP Extension gateway. The router must be configured to perform this function. Storage
end devices do not require a particular configuration with Layer 3.
Configuration steps for PBR are done on the router. An ACL and PBR policy determines
precisely what traffic is sent to the IP Extension gateway. The router is configured with the IP
Extension gateways to forward the traffic.
A LAN-side IP route to the next-hop gateway is configured on the extension platform. The IP
Extension Gateway and the next-hop gateway are on the same subnet. The steps for
configuring a LAN-side IP route are similar to configuring a WAN-side IP route. PBR
forwarded traffic from an end device toward the tunnel does not use the IP Extension LAN
side IP route. The IP Extension LAN side IP route forwards traffic from the tunnel toward the
network’s IP router. The network’s IP router forwards the traffic to the end device.
Figure 7-7 shows an example network topology where IBM b-type IP Extension is the
next-hop gateway for traffic forwarded by PBR from the DC router. Traffic not diverted by PBR
to IBM IP Extension is routed based on the traditional routing table.
3. Use the portcfg iproute lan.dp# command to specify the next-hop gateway address.
Perform this action on each end.
admin:switch_siteA> portcfg iproute lan.dp0 create
admin:switch_siteB> portcfg iproute lan.dp0 create
These commands configure a LAN-side IP route with the destination subnet of the local
storage end device.
The IP Extension gateway and the data center’s gateway connect via a LAG, and both
gateways use a point-to-point subnet to communicate.
4. On the routers in data centers A and B, configure the portchannel (LAG) and router
interface that is connected to the IBM extension platforms. Usually, there are two routers,
and each has a gateway interface. Virtual IP addresses (VIPs) are created between them
using protocols such as VRRP and HSRP. Using VRRP or HSRP protocols allows one
router to be active and the other for failover. For example, router-1 has, router-2
has, and the shared VIP is; therefore, for this subnet, the IP
Extension GW is as shown below.
DC Router Site A:
DC Router Site B:
Note: For detailed instructions, refer to the documentation provided with your router
DC Router Site A:
Destination subnet:
Source subnet:
Next-Hop Gateway:
DC Router Site B:
Destination subnet:
Source subnet:
Next-Hop Gateway:
6. Configure the replication ports with IP addresses from the network subnet used for IP
Extension (in this example, on the IP storage end devices in data centers A
and B. Configure non-replication ports with IP addresses typically used in the data center
for non-replication traffic (in this example,
7. All IP addresses are examples.
When traffic matches an allow rule, the rule specifies which tunnel and QoS priority to assign
that traffic. Medium is the default QoS priority. The default QoS marking is none. Unless a
specific DP is configured, a rule denying traffic in a chassis system with multiple IBM SX6
Extension Blades applies to all DPs across all blades.
TCL rules have an order of precedence, each with a unique priority integer less than 65535.
Smaller numbers are a higher priority (evaluated first), and larger numbers are a lower priority
(evaluated last). 65535 is the lowest priority (highest number); therefore, it is the last rule
enforced. A TCL priority number can be modified to reposition the rule within the list. Leave
gaps between numbers for flexibility; for example, count by 100s.
Note: The TCL priority number must be unique across all active TCL rules within an IP
Extension platform. For example, if a director chassis has multiple IBM SX6 Extension
Blades, the priority numbers must be unique across all blades. If a TCL is defined as
priority 10, that same priority cannot be used for another TCL rule on a different blade in
the same chassis. A check is performed when the rule is enabled to ensure the priority
value is unique.
Note: The IBM SAN42B-R7 and IBM SX6 Extension Blade provide 1024 defined TCL
rules with up to 128 active rules. The IBM SAN18B-6 provides 256 defined TCL rules with
up to 32 active rules.
Note: At least one TCL rule must be configured. One default rule exists to deny all traffic;
therefore, all traffic is denied if no other rule is created. The default rule cannot be removed
or modified. One or more TCL rules must be configured to match traffic to the tunnel to
allow traffic through an IP Extension tunnel.
A TCL rule has one of two actions, allow or deny. The allow rule specifies the target tunnel
into which matching traffic should be directed. Upon the first match, further TCL processing
TCL considerations
The following considerations apply to TCL:
Traffic matching an “allow” rule is sent to the rule’s specified target.
Target is the VE_Port number of the tunnel.
Target must be an IP Extension-enabled tunnel.
The IP Extension gateway (ipif lan.dp#) must specify the target’s DP.
Allow rules are automatically activated on the target VE_Port’s DP.
Traffic matching a “deny” rule is dropped.
A target is not specified in a deny rule.
Deny rules are activated on all DPs in the chassis.
Directly connected end device ports; all traffic is intended for the remote data center.
IP routes on end devices are managed such that only the desired traffic is allowed to use
the IP Extension LAN gateway. All other traffic uses the default gateway.
No target can be specified in a deny rule because matching traffic will be dropped. Deny rules
are pushed to all DPs in the chassis, accounting for traffic that might arrive at a DP. Traffic not
destined for a particular IP Extension Gateway (LAN side IPIF unicast address) cannot be
forwarded to a specific DP. For example, Broadcast, Unknown unicast, and Multicast (BUM
traffic) traffic have no specific destination; therefore, a specific IP Extension Gateway is
undeterminable. LAN side interfaces cannot determine which IPIF to forward this traffic to, so
all DPs receive the deny rules, and all DPs must be capable of handling such traffic.
If the deny rule has clear matching criteria for processing specific flows, the deny rule can be
assigned to a specific DP. The rule is pushed to the specified DP, denying any matching traffic
on that DP only.
After traffic is matched to an allow rule, it is sent to the tunnel and further TCL processing
stops. The target parameter specifies the tunnel to which the matched traffic will be routed.
Optionally, you can specify a traffic priority (high, medium, low). For example, when
configuring the TCL rule, specify --target 24 or --target 24-high. The traffic is sent
over the IP Extension medium-priority if no priority is specified. IP Extension traffic priorities
are egress scheduled separately from FCIP. Each protocol (FCIP and IP Extension) has QoS
priorities in the egress scheduler.
The TCL is evaluated once when an end device’s TCP stream performs the initial handshake.
If TCL rules change, including priority numbers, enabled/disabled, QoS,
terminated/non-terminated, etc., those changes do not affect existing streams. There is no
effect on an existing stream because it has already completed its TCP handshake, and the
TCL is not referenced again. If you do not see a change after changing a rule, it might be
because the traffic streams already exist. Newly established streams that match changed
rules will demonstrate the change.
Before TCL changes can take effect, the VE_Port (tunnel) must be disabled and re-enabled.
Disabling a VE_Port disrupts all traffic passing through the tunnel (FCIP and IP Extension).
All IP Extension TCP sessions will be reset.
All traffic that appears at the IP Extension LAN interface is intended to pass through the
tunnel. The simplest solution in these situations is to configure an allow rule that passes the
source and destination subnets of the replication ports.
The best practice approach is configuring the fewest number of allow rules to pass the
required traffic without creating an allow-all rule. Unmatched traffic encounters the default
deny-all rule. You can isolate a subset of the allowed traffic by first using a more specific allow
rule before a more general allow rule. For example, you can allow specific source and
destination subnets with a specific protocol number followed by a rule with just the source and
destination subnets.
When IP routes on the end device or PBR on the routers are configured correctly, no
undesired traffic should be sent to the TCL. Undesired traffic is not matched and is dropped.
Nonetheless, you can configure specific deny rules to ensure that certain devices or
addresses cannot communicate across the IP Extension tunnel. When configuring and
troubleshooting a complex rule set, there is an increased possibility of error.
Note: When using Virtual Fabric Logical Switches (VF LS), IP Extension LAN-side GE
interfaces must be in the Default LS. IP Extension LAN-side GE interfaces cannot be
assigned to different logical switches. The lan.dp0 and lan.dp1 IPIFs behind the LAN-side
GE interfaces are not part of VF LS contexts and cannot be assigned to an LS. When an IP
datagram arrives at an IP Extension gateway, it is processed by the TCL.
LAN side GE interfaces must remain in the Default LS. Even though a VE_Port can reside
within an LS other than the Default LS, there is no requirement for LAN-side GE interfaces to
reside in that LS too. The TCL directs traffic to a specified VE_Port regardless of the LS in
which it resides.
The target tunnel specified in a TCL allow rule must be native to the DP processing the TCL.
IP storage traffic arrives on a deterministic DP based on the IP Extension gateway, a LAN
IPIF (lan.dp#) on either lan.dp0 or lan.dp1.
If the TCL on the DP processing the incoming traffic matches traffic to a tunnel, the tunnel
must be owned by that DP; otherwise, the TCL finds no valid match, and the traffic is
Note: You may have chosen a different extension environment than illustrated in this
example. For example, you may have used two extension platforms at each location
instead of one.
Note: Only a single connection is allowed: a single physical connection or one logical
connection made from multiple connections. Link Aggregation Group (LAG) uses multiple
links for redundancy while maintaining a single logical connection. The reference
architecture uses a LAG on the LAN side.
RDR is typically array-to-array communications. The local storage array at the production site
sends data to the array at the backup site. RDR can be done via native Fibre Channel if the
backup site is within a metro distance, enough buffer-to-buffer credits exist, and there is fiber
service between sites. However, cost-sensitive, ubiquitous IP infrastructure is often available,
not dark fiber or native FC.
IBM b-type extension is ultra-high speed and ultra-low propagation delay per extension
platform (four passes per round trip (0.3 ms). It is appropriate for both asynchronous RDR
and synchronous RDR applications. A best-practice deployment connects array N_Ports
directly to extension F_Ports and does not connect through the production fabric. Frequently,
replication has its own SAN because replication ports are dedicated, have no host traffic, and
extension firmware updates can be done at unique intervals. Nevertheless, there remain valid
reasons to connect via the production fabric, such as tape applications, and when there are
more replication ports than the extension platform can accommodate.
Each replication fabric has its own BET consisting of two circuits. Two WAN connections are
being used; each has two circuits, one from each replication fabric. There are two WAN
routers in each location. If a WAN connection or router goes offline, both fabrics continue to
operate, albeit with diminished bandwidth. A single WAN link for both paths may be used, or
different service providers may be used depending on the user’s tolerance to disruption and
In environments that require extending a production SAN, do not interconnect the same
extension platform to both the A and B fabrics. A best practice is to have two separate and
redundant fabrics in a production environment, especially if the organization could suffer
financial losses during a SAN outage. Even momentary SAN outages can cause servers to
stop responding, forcing a reboot and consistency check, which in most situations takes
significant time.
Building a redundant SAN with A and B fabrics is the best practice for maximum availability,
implying an air gap between the two autonomous fabrics from the server to the storage. There
are no physical links between the two fabrics. Servers, storage, and VMs have drivers that
monitor pathways and send data accordingly. When a path is detected as down, the driver
fails over the traffic to a remaining path.
When using extension with FCR to connect production edge fabrics, do not connect both the
A and B fabrics, as shown in Figure . Without FCR, both fabrics would merge into one big
fabric destroying any notion of redundant autonomous fabrics. If FCR is used, the fabrics do
not merge; however, both fabrics are attached to a common Linux platform. If maximum
availability is a goal, this architecture is unacceptable, risky, and considered poor practice. A
SAN with a common platform to A and B fabrics is susceptible to human, hardware, software,
and environmental errors; each can bring down the entire SAN. See Figure 8-5.
Figure 8-5 Poor practice: Two-box solution connecting both production fabrics - Not recommended
In a four-box solution, connecting an ISL between the “A” and “B” extension platforms is
inappropriate for the same reasons discussed above, a common Linux instance, hardware
failures, and human errors.
Use FCR if a production SAN must be isolated from potential WAN instability. Disruption
stems from fabric services that attempt to converge with each WAN flap. Convergence
requires CPU processing, and excessive convergence may lead to excessive utilization. If the
CPU can no longer process tasks promptly, instability ensues. Limiting fabric services to a
local edge fabric and not permitting services to span the WAN prevents large-scale and
taxing convergence. The best practice is to construct completely separate production and
replication SANs. FCR is unnecessary when only replication ports are connected to a
dedicated fabric or logical switch.
Refer to Figure below, isolated fabrics connected to FCR EX_Ports are called edge fabrics.
EX_Ports are the demarcation points used to contain fabric services. Fabric services do not
pass beyond an EX_Port, forming an edge. FCR constrains fabric services to within edge
fabrics and edge fabrics are connected via a backbone fabric. Extension can make up a
backbone fabric.
IBM b-type extension can be represented by having three sides, and one of those sides is the
LAN side. The LAN side is specific to IP Extension and used to connect IP storage, typically
via the data center LAN. IP Extension supports the connectivity of multiple data center LANs
over a single Ethernet trunk using VLAN tagging (802.1Q). Using a tag, the Ethernet trunk
between the extension platform and the LAN switch identifies each VLAN. An IP Extension
gateway (ipif lan.dp#) must be configured for each VLAN.
This section covers points unique to IP Extension design, best practices, and architectures.
Figure 8-7 shows a high-availability and secure architecture used in a VM-NAS environment
replicating traffic between a primary site and a cloud site. The cloud site provides compute
elasticity and DR. The data is quickly replicated to maintain a coherent RPO.
Between the same domains, the best practice is to use one VE_Port for FCIP and IP
Extension to manage the bandwidth of both protocols. Managing congestion and the
bandwidth of both protocols cannot be done when different VE_Ports are used.
I Figure 8-8 below, traffic from the IP storage cluster comes into the data center LAN switch.
The data center LAN switch forwards traffic to the traditional router gateway, which may be an
inherent part of the LAN switch. The router sends the traffic toward the destination.
Note: The LAN side subnet used for the IP Extension gateway must differ on the local and
remote ends.
With IP Extension, it is required that the end device have a static route or some route that is
more specific than the default route. The remote end device is on the remote subnet. The
more specific static route forwards traffic destined for the remote subnet to the IP Extension
gateway. The default route points to the traditional router gateway and is used for traffic not
headed to the remote subnet.
Remember that putting IP Extension in the path and removing it involves activating or
deactivating the end devices’ static route that redirects the traffic to the IP Extension gateway.
Traffic goes to the IP Extension gateway with static routes; IP Extension is in the path. The
traffic goes to the traditional router without static routes; IP Extension is out of the path.
Additionally, there is a method of intercepting traffic flows at the data center’s router and
diverting the traffic from there; in this case, no routes are needed on the end devices. The
router intercept technology is called policy based routing (PBR) and is supported by IBM
b-type extension.
Figure 8-9.below shows that replication traffic to remote IP storage is directed to the IP
Extension gateway. The TCL evaluates the incoming TCP 3-way handshake. If the traffic
matches an “allow” rule that session’s traffic enters the specified tunnel, it is sent to the tunnel
(target). The IP Extension traffic is now on the WAN side.
Specific to the IBM SX6 Extension blade, it must be in the hybrid (FCIP and IP Extension)
application mode before a GE interface can be configured as LAN. The IBM SAN18B-R and
IBM SAN45B-R7 have no app-mode setting; they only have hybrid mode. The maximum
number of LAN side interfaces on the IBM SAN45B-R7 and IBM SX6 is 8 out of the 16 GE
interfaces. On the IBM SAN18B-R, the maximum number of LAN side interfaces is 4 out of
the 6 GE interfaces.
The IBM SAN18B-R has two copper (RJ-45) ports that operate only at 1 Gbps. There is no
advantage or disadvantage to using the copper ports (GE0 and GE1) over the SFP ports
(GE2 and GE3). Speed is the only copper port limitation.
This chapter describes how to deploy IBM SANnav Management Suite 2.3 in your SAN
infrastructure. It also includes detailed steps for installing the IBM SANnav Management
Portal and SANnav Global View 2.3.
This chapter also describes all the system and server requirements before you start the
SANnav Management suite installation. The system and server requirements are included for
the deployment of SANnav Management Portal and SANnav Global View.
Note: Refer to the Brocade SANnav Management Portal User Guide, 2.3.x for detailed
You can also refer to the IBM Redbooks publication IBM SANnav Management Portal
v2.2.X Implementation Guide, SG24-8534.
Note that this document applies only to the IBM SANnav Management Portal product. There
is a separate Release Notes document for the Brocade SANnav Global View v2.3.0 release.
Within this document, SANnav Management Portal might also be referred to simply as
“SANnav” or “SANnav MP”.
For environments larger than 15,000 ports, you can deploy multiple SANnav Management
Portal instances, which SANnav Global View can manage.
Note: Up to two instances of the SANnav Management Portal may be used to monitor the
same fabric.
Use the SANnav Management Portal to monitor and manage fabrics, switches, ports, and
other SAN elements. Dashboards provide summary health status and performance
information, from which you can drill down to get detailed views. You can sort and search your
inventory using filters and tags to find exactly the information you want. A highly flexible
reporting infrastructure allows you to generate custom graphical or tabular reports.
SANnav Management Portal does not replace Brocade Web Tools or the Fabric OS
command line interface.
Refer to the Brocade SANnav Management Portal User Guide for detailed information:
You log in to the SANnav Global View application and add portals to SANnav Global View,
which then uses information in the portals to build a global view of the dashboard and
Note: SANnav Global View is a separate product from SANnav Management Portal, and it
requires different installation and licensing.
Note: SANnav Global View is compatible only with SANnav Management Portal instances
that are running the same version as Global View.
Refer to the Brocade SANnav Global View User Guide for detailed information:
Security and infrastructure: Provide security features and enhancements in all areas
(SANnav server and managing Switch and FOS security).
SANnav licensing.
FOS Certificates Management.
FOS Firmware platform specific download (PSD) management.
Call Home.
Inventory: Simplify device ports to enclosure mapping using host and storage mapping
Zoning: Simplify daily zoning tasks with new or enhanced workflows such as Zone
Database snapshots and zone policies.
Configuration policy management: Accelerate the deployment of new switches, hosts, and
targets with enhanced features.
Flow management: Quickly identify issues with device ports with the new IO Health &
Latency widget.
Events and violations.
UI/UX and usability changes: enhanced overall UI/UX usability features in Inventory,
topology, dashboards and reporting
9.2.5 New hardware platforms and FOS support matrix supported in SANnav
The officially supported matrix of supported hardware platforms and FOS versions is listed in
Figure 9-1 on page 144.
Note: that no Gen4 platform is officially supported with SANnav v2.3.0. SANnav will
continue to recognize and discover/manage these no longer supported platforms, however,
support may be limited in some cases.
Note: Switches running unsupported FOS versions (such as FOS v7.4.x or any FOS v8.x
non target path releases) may be managed by SANnav, however, issues specific to those
FOS firmware versions will not be addressed by Broadcom.
Figure 9-1 The officially supported matrix of supported hardware platforms and FOS versions
SANnav MP v2.2.1 OVA packages Rocky Linux 8.6 in the .ova file
The OVA deployment allows user to select a small or large deployment configuration.
The recommended CPU speed is 2000 MHz. Running SANnav with lower CPU speed
may result in lower performance.
The recommended number of physical CPU sockets is 2.
Note: Refer to Web Tools User Guide and Release Notes for supported list of browsers for
Web Tools launch for all FOS versions (FOS v8.x and below – Java required, and FOS v9.x
and above – no Java required). See
SANnav v2.2.2.x to SANnav v2.3.0 OVA upgrade and migration requires full extraction of
the OVA and upgrade/migration due to disruptive OS change (CentOS 7.9, Rocky 8.6)
Refer to SANnav Installation and Upgrade Guide for details before attempting SANnav MP
upgrade in all deployments.
SANnav Management Portal Enterprise enables management of up to 15,000 ports from any
embedded switch, fixed port switch, or director class products. See Figure 9-6 on page 148.
SANnav Management Portal uses a subscription-based licensing model, which allows the
product to function for the duration purchased. The SANnav Management Portal license must
be renewed and installed in a timely manner to keep the product functioning without
New customers wanting to try out the SANnav software for a short duration may contact
Brocade Support.
Customers wanting to trial the SANnav product may do so with previous versions of SANnav
as follows:
SANnav versions up to and including SANnav v2.2.0 have a 90-Day Trial period
SANnav v2.2.1.x and v2.2.2.x have a 30-Day Trial period embedded.
With SANnav v2.3.0, when the license expires, the functionality will be restricted following the
expiration date. A user will no longer be allowed to login to the server from the UI.
The SANnav server will continue to run and monitor the environment, but the UI will not be
available (except for the ability to install a new license)
This 30-day expiration is completely independent of the SANnav subscription expiration date.
Refer to the SANnav Management Portal v2.3.0 User Guide, section Licensing for details on
how to regenerate the SANnav license file (.xml file) and how to apply it to the SANnav server
should this happen.
SANnav calculates the number of days between the start and end renewal dates in days
(renewal end – renewal start, expressed in days).
The Export Renewal Request will download and generate a file (on the client specified
browser default “Download Folder”) containing all the relevant information for the customer
to request the renewal quote.
SANnav will generate a new SRV (SANnav Renewal Verification) Code as part of the
Export Renewal Request to be used when placing an order for a license renewal.
Example SRV Code - SRVS999D0777FMX12345 Refer to the SANnav Management
Portal v2.3.0 User Guide, section Licensing for details on how to export the License
Renewal Request file from the SANnav UI.
Note: Refer to the IBM SANnav Management Portal v2.2.X Implementation Guide,
SG24-8534 for detailed information:
The SANnav software can be downloaded from IBM FixCentral. The detailed steps are
outlined below.
1. Navigate to IBM FixCentral:
2. Search for “SANnav” and select the version you want to download. See Figure 9-6.
3. Select the installed version (in case of update) or All for a new installation. See Figure 9-7
on page 149.
Figure 9-7 Select the installed version (in case of update) or All for a new installation
4. Click Continue.
5. Under Select fixes, choose the SAN Storage Networking b type fix pack. See Figure 9-8.
6. Click Continue.
7. To pass the entitlement check, you need to enter the machine type and the serial number.
8. Click Continue. You will be presented with a customized link to the Broadcom software
portal. See Figure 9-10 on page 151.
11.Click Submit.
12.You will be sent a verification code to your email address. See Figure 9-12.
13.Enter the verification code and the captcha on the Broadcom Assist Portal. See
Figure 9-13.
15.Read and accept the end user license agreement (EULA) and click I Accept.
16.In the next step you can download your file(s) and save them for the installation.
Applying TruFOS certificate from SANnav fails on FOS v9.1.1. Users need to upgrade to
FOS v9.1.1a or use CLI to install TruFOS certificate on switches running FOS v9.1.1.
Disaster Recovery (DR) is supported for SANnav Management Portal on VM or OVA
deployments only. SANnav MP DR is not supported on bare metal deployments. DR is not
supported on Global View (all deployments)
Refer to the Brocade SANnav Management Portal User Guide for detailed information:
You can view violations in the Violations tab. The Violations tab displays the violations for the
switches for which a rule threshold has been crossed.
– Measures
– Port Type
– Rule Name
– Severity
– Source Address
– Source Name
You can filter violations that are based on the following violation categories:
– All
– Backend Port Health
– Extension GE Port Health
– Extension Health
– FRU Health
– Fabric Health
– Fabric Performance Impact
– Flow Collection Aggregation
– IO Health
– IO Latency
– Port Health
– Security Violations
– Switch Resource
– Switch Status Policy
– Traffic Performance
– Virtual Machine Violations
When you select a violation category other than the All option (for example, Fabric Health),
the violation column drop-down menu displays the All option. With the All option, you can filter
all violations by category. The Value field does not appear when you select the All option in
the violation column. The rule name is applicable for both single and multiple violation
category selections. It is auto-populated after you type three letters. You can also filter the
violations based on the port type, measures, threshold values, and severity.
Note: The value for the measures is the measure name as listed in the Measure Name
When you are viewing violations, the filter bar on the Violations window provides the following
options for filtering the displayed violations:
Click the + button to add existing filters and create violation filters.
Click the All Fabrics drop-down to select a fabric.
Click Last 30 Minutes to select the date range for displayed violations. In addition to
filtering the violations, you can also click the hamburger icon ( ) to hide or display specific
columns of data.
The Add Filter window displays. You can add existing violation filters, or you can create new
violation filters.
The Topology page displays graphical representations of the fabrics. For example, after you
discover a fabric, you might want to view the topology to see a pictorial representation of the
connected switches and devices.
Note: If an icon on the topology page is grayed out, it means that the associated object is
unavailable. The topology shows information that is related to discovered fabrics only.
For this reason, for FC Routing, you should discover all fabrics (backbone and edge fabrics)
in the same instance of SANnav Management Portal.
Topology views are a snapshot in time, and they are not automatically updated. You can
update the topology view by clicking the refresh icon in the upper-right corner of the page.
Also, if you navigate away from the Topology page, when you return to the page, the view is
updated with the latest data.
The Browse Topology page (Figure 9-23) displays a pictorial view of the fabric. This view is
the fabric context, so the topology displays all switches in the fabric.
Note: The fabric name that is shown in the context navigation panel at the top of the
Brocade extension products support both FC/FICON-based data flows and IP-based storage
data flows. Brocade extension solutions maximize replication and backup throughput over
distance using data compression, disk and tape protocol acceleration, and WAN-optimized
TCP. Brocade extension supports applications such as remote data replication (RDR),
centralized backup, and data migration.
Brocade extension uses the existing IP wide area network (WAN) infrastructure to connect
Fibre Channel and IP fabrics between distant endpoints, which are impractical or costly using
native Fibre Channel or IP connections. The basis of the connection is the extension tunnel,
which is built on a physical connection between two extension switches or blades. Extension
tunnels allow Fibre Channel and IP traffic to pass through the IP WAN. The extension tunnel
connections ensure lossless transmission and in-order delivery of FC and IP frames. The
Fibre Channel fabric and all targets and initiators, whether FC or IP, are unaware of the
presence of the IP WAN.
The extension tunnel provides load balancing across separate network paths, optimization for
extended links, rate limiting to ensure optimal performance, and lossless link loss (LLL)
IP Extension
FCIP tunnels
FCIP tunnels are typically established across WANs. Management of the tunnels often
involves monitoring the FCIP traffic across the WAN and monitoring the associated FC traffic
at each end of the tunnel. SANnav Management Portal provides ample tools for monitoring
both types of traffic.
IP Extension tunnels
The IBM SAN42B-R7 Extension Switch, the IBM SAN42B-R Extension Switch, the IBM
SAN18B-6 Extension Switch, and the IBM SX6 Extension Blade support IP Extension.
Extended IP traffic receives the same benefits as traditional FCIP traffic. IP Extension
provides Layer 3 extension for IP storage replication.
The Status column values are defined as follows (see Figure 9-25 on page 162).
Note: One-sided tunnels (discovered from a switch) are not displayed in the Extension
Tunnels configuration list. You can see those tunnels only from Inventory connections.
Note: If the list of tunnels is incomplete, the SANnav server has yet to discover all
switches. The description from the first switch is displayed. If the description is unavailable
for the first switch, then data from the second one is displayed. If the description is set on
the SANnav server but not set on either switch, the setting on the server is displayed.
SANnav provides four dashboards, one of which is devoted to the extension tunnel
Perform the following steps to launch and utilize the Extension Dashboard.
1. Click Dashboard & Reports in the navigation bar, and then click Dashboard View in the
sub-navigation bar.
2. Click the Select Dashboard button in the upper-right corner of the window, select
Extension Dashboard, and click OK.
The Extension Dashboard displays. The dashboard consists of six widgets: two showing
extension tunnel data, and four showing circuit data. See Figure 9-26 on page 163.
3. If you want to examine tunnel or circuit utilization, click a bar in one of the utilization
widgets, and then select Investigate from the list. See Figure 9-27 on page 164.
4. Using Investigation mode, you can see trends over time. Figure 9-28 on page 165 shows
the Investigation Mode dialog for a tunnel. Click the X in the upper-right corner of the
window to return to the dashboard view.
5. If you want to display the properties of a tunnel or circuit, click a bar in one of the graphs,
and then select Show Properties from the list. This displays a pop-up list with details about
the tunnel or circuit. Figure 9-29 shows the properties of a tunnel.
6. To change the network scope and time range, click the drop-down lists in the upper-right
corner of the dashboard window. The extension widgets display data for the tunnels and
circuits that belong to the fabrics in the selected network scope and for the selected time
The Brocade SANnav offering has been completely rearchitectured with a new look and feel
for the next generation of SAN infrastructure. The Brocade SANnav management tool is the
only management tool that supports the latest IBM b-type SAN Extension platforms.
For more information on Brocades SANnav management tool refer to the following url:
Related publications
The publications listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a more detailed
discussion of the topics covered in this book.
IBM Redbooks
The following IBM Redbooks publications provide additional information about the topic in this
document. Note that some publications referenced in this list might be available in softcopy
IBM b-type Gen 7 Installation, Migration, and Best Practices Guide, SG24-8497
IBM SANnav Management Portal v2.2.X Implementation Guide, SG24-8534
IBM SAN42B-R Extension Switch and IBM b-type SX6 Extension Blade in Distance
Replication Configurations (Disk and Tape), REDP-5404
Implementation Guide for IBM Storage FlashSystem and IBM SAN Volume Controller (for
IBM Storage Virtualize 8.6), SG24-8542
IBM Storage DS8900F Architecture and Implementation: Updated for Release 9.3.2,
IBM Spectrum Virtualize HyperSwap SAN Implementation and Design Best Practices,
You can search for, view, download or order these documents and other Redbooks,
Redpapers, Web Docs, draft and additional materials, at the following website:
Online resources
These websites are also relevant as further information sources:
IBM Storage area network (SAN) solutions
Brocade Fabric OS Extension User Guide, 9.2.x
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