Demo 2

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This project aims to develop an instructor evaluation management system in PHP. The
system will allow students to evaluate their instructors and provide feedback. The
feedback will be anonymous and will be used to improve the quality of teaching and

1.2. Background of the organization

(If applicable)

1.3. Statement of the problem

The current instructor evaluation process is often informal and unstructured. Students
may be asked to complete paper-based evaluations at the end of a course, but the
feedback is often not collected systematically and is not used to improve teaching.

1.4. Objectives of the Project

1.4.1. General objective

To develop an instructor evaluation management system that is efficient, user-friendly,

and anonymous.

1.4.2. Specific objectives

 To allow students to evaluate their instructors online.

 To collect feedback from students in a systematic and anonymous manner.
 To provide instructors with feedback from their students.
 To help instructors improve the quality of their teaching.

1.5. Feasibility study

The project is feasible from a technical and economic standpoint. The necessary skills
and resources are available, and the cost of developing and deploying the system is

1.6. Significance of the project

The project will benefit both students and instructors. Students will benefit from a more
transparent and effective instructor evaluation process. Instructors will benefit from
feedback from their students, which will help them improve the quality of their teaching.

1.7. Beneficiaries of the Project

The main beneficiaries of the project will be:

 Students
 Instructors

1.8. Methodology

1.8.1. Data Collection

Data will be collected from a variety of sources, including:

 Existing instructor evaluation forms

 Student surveys
 Instructor interviews

1.8.2. System Development Methodology

The project will use the Agile development methodology. This methodology is iterative
and incremental, which means that the system will be developed and tested in small
stages. This will allow for early feedback and adjustments to be made as needed.

1.9. Development Tools and Technologies

The following tools and technologies will be used to develop the system:

1.9.1. Frontend Technologies

 JavaScript
 React

1.9.2. Backend Technologies

 Laravel

1.9.3. Documentation and Modeling Tools

 Google Docs
 PlantUML

1.9.4. Deployment Environment

 Heroku

1.10. Scope

The scope of the project is to develop an instructor evaluation management system that
includes the following features:

 Online instructor evaluation forms

 Anonymous feedback collection
 Feedback reports for instructors
 Administrative features for managing users and evaluations

1.11. Risks, assumptions and constraints

 Risks:
o Technical challenges: There is a risk that the development team may encounter
technical challenges that could delay the project or increase the cost.
o User acceptance: There is a risk that students and instructors may not accept the
system, or that they may not use it regularly.
 Assumptions:
o The development team has the necessary skills and experience.
o Students and instructors are willing to use the system.
 Constraints:
o The project must be completed within a certain budget and timeframe.

1.12. Phases and Deliverables of Project

The project will be divided into the following phases:

 Requirements gathering and analysis

 System design
 System development
 System testing
 System deployment

The following deliverables will be produced at the end of each phase:

 Requirements gathering and analysis: Requirements document

 System design: System architecture and design documentation
 System development: Working prototype of the system
 System testing: Test report
 System deployment: Deployment package and documentation

1.13. Work-break down structure

The following is a high-level work-break down structure for the project:

 Frontend development
 Backend development
 Testing
 Deployment

1.14. Project schedule for instructor evaluation management system in PHP

The following is a high-level project schedule:

 Requirements gathering and analysis: 2 weeks

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