Planning Areas
Planning Areas
Planning Areas
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Attributes are characteristics of master data types, for example, an attribute of the customer master data type might be
country or region. Attributes can be either numeric or non-numeric.
You can only use decimal attributes as key gures in the planning area, and not as planning area dimension attributes.
To support the planning calendar function of SAP Integrated Business Planning, special attribute types are available with xed
properties as follows:
Calendar attribute:
Length: 32
Length: 6
Planning Areas
A planning area is a model entity that de nes the structure and forms the backbone of the planning process. A planning area
consists of its assigned time pro le, attributes of master data types, planning levels, key gures, and versions. You could
compare this to SAP APO or SAP ERP, where tables, table values, and con guration are de ned to support the planning process.
Planning areas can contain multiple planning data sets, that is, a base version data set and additional version data sets. The
versions are for alternative plans for all or part of what is in the base version and need to be con gured and activated. Versions
can share master data with the base version or can be based on independent sets of version-speci c master data. Scenarios
de ned by users also exist, which lie on top of the versions (including the base version).
SAP delivers sample planning areas with the SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain solution (SAP IBP), which you
can use as a basis for creating your own planning areas. You can select and copy the sample planning area that best suits your
business needs and then customize the resulting planning area.
A company can have multiple planning areas to enable the processes of SAP IBP in different business units.
As you can use the SAP Integrated Business Planning, add-in for Microsoft Excel for only one planning area at a time, there
are limitations to this use case.
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Separate planning areas are also used for con guration work to separate on-going con guration activities from end-user
testing, for example, or to separate the work from different project phases. For more information, see Best Practices for
Exporting Planning Models.
Planning horizon
List of selected attributes, and the master data types they originate from, for example:
Planning levels
Key gures
Versions (optional)
Additional parameters, such as the enablement of the planning area for supply planning or for change history
The planning area has not yet been activated or has been changed and saved since the activation.
Pending deletion
The planning area has been marked for deletion and has not been activated since.
For more information about activation-related statuses, see Statuses of Model Entities.
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In addition to these statuses, planning areas that are used for speci c application areas may also have application-speci c
statuses. These statuses are based on checks or tasks relevant to the application area concerned and are shown for planning
areas that have already been activated or are being activated. Based on the result or progress of the check or task in question,
the planning area can have the following application-speci c statuses:
Pending (Activation has started and the application-speci c check or task is pending)
The planning area worklist and the General section of the planning area details screen show an aggregated status based on all
the application-speci c statuses available for the planning area.
Related Information
Statuses of Model Entities
Activating Planning Areas
We use the sample model entities in many examples throughout the user assistance for SAP IBP. In general, you have the
freedom to customize the model entities according to your business needs.
However, to run the inventory operators and time-series-based supply planning algorithms, you have to use speci c technical
IDs de ned by SAP for the relevant master data types, attributes, and key gures. For demand sensing, the same applies to
certain master data attributes and key gures for which a business meaning has not been speci ed.
For more information, see the documentation of the relevant planning operator in this guide and the respective chapter of
the application help.
The following table lists the planning areas that are available:
SAP3 Inventory
SAP6 Demand
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SAP7 Order-based planning sample planning area based on external master data
Use planning areas based on exible master data, since planning areas based
on external master data are now outdated in order-based planning. In the past
few releases, we have taken the following steps to prepare deprecation of
planning areas based on external master data:
Since SAP IBP 2211, the SAP7 sample planning area has been hidden in
the Sample Model Entities app in systems, where no existing planning
area had been previously copied from the SAP7 sample. Instead,
SAP7F, which is based on exible master data, has become the default
sample planning area recommended for order-based planning (OBP)
Customers who have been using a planning area based on external master data
can still modify their existing model or copy from the SAP7 sample. In a future
release, which is not yet de ned, SAP will disable the copy function in all
systems. We will announce this at least 6 months in advance.
In a future release, which is not yet de ned, SAP will no longer support planning
with external master data and SDI at all. We will announce this at least 12
months in advance.
To use the SAP7 sample planning area, you need to make assignments in the
Settings for Order-Based Planning app. In this app, you map attributes and select
key gures, for example. For more information, see Settings for Order-Based
Planning and Characteristics of the Flexible Master Data Con guration Model.
If you need a planning area for order-based planning and time-series-based
supply planning, we recommend that you use a combination of the SAP7 and
SAP4 sample planning areas. If you require time-series input such as forecast,
you can copy it from SAPIBP1 as described in SAP Best Practices for SAP
Integrated Business Planning. For more information, see .
SAP7F Order-based planning sample planning area based on exible master data (see
Getting Started Using Order-Based Planning with Flexible Master Data)
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SAPIBP1 The uni ed planning area is a comprehensive sample planning area that supports
an integrated planning process covering all of the following:
Demand planning
Demand sensing
Inventory optimization
You can use the uni ed planning area SAPIBP1 to jump-start the implementation in
case your business process requires integration across different SAP IBP
applications. Just like any other sample planning area, this planning area delivers a
pre-built integration scenario which you can customize to t your unique
requirements. You can also use the uni ed planning area for the separate SAP IBP
applications by copying only the part of the planning area that you need for that
speci c application. For more information about copy options for the SAPIBP1
planning area, see Creating a Planning Area by Copying a Sample Planning Area.
For more information about an integrated planning process using the uni ed
planning area, see Example: Integrated Planning Process with Uni ed Planning
For the integrated planning process based on the uni ed planning area, the SAP
Best Practices for SAP Integrated Business Planning provides sample data,
planning view templates, prede ned dashboards, con guration guides, test
scripts and more. Customer test tenants and IBP Starter Edition instances
include an activated copy of the uni ed planning area with the sample content.
The following table shows the scope of the sample planning areas:
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Multi-level No No No Yes No No No No No
based shelf
life planning
Order-Based No No No No No Yes No No No
To access these planning areas, launch the Sample Model Entities app.
As well as these planning areas, small sample planning areas with examples of advanced con guration to meet different
business requirements are provided in SAP Notes, together with information on how to request L-code if con guration can't
meet your requirements. The SAP Notes are listed in the following table:
2240173 Calculation of Average and Weighted Value of Price Key Figures (Including Unit of Measure
and Currency Conversion)
2240178 View Monthly Key Figures at Weekly Level Based on Number of Weeks in the Month
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SAP provides multilanguage support for the sample planning areas. Translations in all languages supported by SAP IBP are
available for following sample content:
If you enable multilanguage support in the Multilanguage Support app, you can handle these properties in the logon language of
your application. For more information, see Setting Up Multilanguage Support for Modeling Objects.
Before con guring your planning area, SAP recommends that you create a blueprint based on the customer requirements to
map the business processes to a planning area. This blueprint describes the business processes as they are and also as they are
to be. A blueprint outlines the key business functions and the required scope and identi es the master data types, attributes,
data integration, key gures, and calculations that need to be modeled in the system.
Depending on your needs, you can use any of the following options to create a new planning area:
SAP delivers various sample planning areas, which you can use as a basis for creating your own planning areas. Select
the sample planning area that best meets your business needs, copy it, and extend it as necessary.
For more information, see Creating a Planning Area by Copying a Sample Planning Area.
Use this option if you want to create your own con guration, without relying on the sample content provided by SAP.
Before you can start creating the actual planning area, you need to create the time pro le and master data type
attributes that you want to use for the new planning area in the Time Pro les and Master Data Types apps, respectively.
For more information, see Creating a Planning Area in the Planning Areas App.
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You can create a planning area by copying an existing planning area with a new ID and modifying its con guration as
needed. Depending on whether you also want to use the same time pro le and master data types, you can use the
Create New option (which only copies the planning area but not the time pro le or the master data types) or the Create
New with Dependencies option (which takes along the time pro le and the associated master data types as well).
Make sure you have the necessary authorizations for this activity, that is, the business catalogs required for this activity are
assigned to a business role that is assigned to your business user. For more information see Business Catalogs.
You can create a copy of any sample planning area using the Create New with Dependencies copy option. This option copies the
con guration of the source planning area with a new ID, including all dependencies of the planning area; that is, the time pro le
and all the master data types associated with the planning area.
For the uni ed planning area (SAPIBP1) you can also use the Create New by Partial Copy option. This option enables you to
copy only the con guration (key gures, master data attributes and dependent objects) relevant to the applications that you
specify for the target planning area. When copying SAPIBP1, the Create New with Dependencies option allows you to lter for
key gures relevant to speci c applications, but the new option also allows you to exclude the master data types and master
data attributes that are not relevant to SAPIBP1 and the applications selected, as well as dependent objects of those master
data attributes from the copy. SAP recommends that you use the Create New by Partial Copy option for copying SAPIBP1 to
keep the number of objects copied at the minimum and thus allow for the creation of a lean planning area.
For more information, see Create New with Dependenciesand Create New by Partial Copy.
1. In the Sample Model Entities app, select a sample planning area based on your business requirements.
If you want to use SAP Integrated Business Planning for demand sensing, for example, copy the SAP6 planning area. If
you want to use more than one process, for example, demand and inventory, you could create a copy or partial copy of
the SAPIBP1 planning area, ltered for the relevant applications.
2. After selecting the source planning area, choose Copy. The copy options that are available for the speci c planning area
selected are shown in the Copy Planning Area dialog.
3. Select Create New with Dependencies (for any sample planning area including SAPIBP1) or Create New by Partial
Copy (only available for SAPIBP1).
SAP recommends that you use the Create New by Partial Copy option for copying the SAPIBP1 planning area. This
option enables you to keep the number of objects copied at the minimum and thus allows for the creation of a highly
performant planning area.
Use a unique ID that is up to 10 characters long, contains alphabetic or alphanumeric characters, and starts with a letter,
for example, ABCMODEL2. When copying an SAP sample planning area, you can keep the ID of the source planning area,
or enter an ID of your own.
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5. Enter an ID for the new time pro le.
Use a unique ID that is up to nine characters long and only contains numeric characters.
The pre x must be unique in your system, can only contain alphanumeric characters, and can be one to three characters
long. It must start with a letter.
7. If you are copying the SAPIBP1 planning area, set at least one lter for the copy.
If you use the Create New with Dependencies option, this lter determines which subset of SAPIBP1 key gures will be
available in the new planning area, but all other dependencies of SAPIBP1 are copied.
If you use the Create New by Partial Copy option, the lter determines which part of the con guration is copied, and all
dependencies of SAPIBP1 that are not relevant to the application or applications selected are excluded from the copy.
8. Make any optional copy settings available for the speci c sample planning area that you want to copy.
10. After the copy, can navigate to the new planning area, which contains master data types with the pre x that you have
speci ed.
The names of the attributes, key gures, and planning level in the new planning area will be the same as in the source
planning area.
When you use the Create New by Partial Copy for copying SAPIBP1, a Summary dialog is displayed after the copy, which
also allows you to view the status of the copy, number of warnings or errors, and the list of objects created with the copy.
From the dialog, you can navigate to the new item or view the log entries for the copy in the Application Logs app.
We use the sample model entities in many examples throughout the user assistance for SAP IBP. In general, you have
the freedom to customize the model entities according to your business needs.
However, to run the inventory operators and time-series-based supply planning algorithms, you have to use speci c
technical IDs de ned by SAP for the relevant master data types, attributes, and key gures. For demand sensing, the
same applies to certain master data attributes and key gures for which a business meaning has not been speci ed.
For more information, see the documentation of the relevant planning operator in this guide and the respective
chapter of the application help.
SAP recommends that you try out any changes to your planning area in a test environment (including activating the
planning area and testing the results) before you export and import changes to the production system.
Check the integrity of the planning area and activate it. This generates the underlying database artifacts. You can
activate the planning area with its dependent time pro le and master data types, or you can activate the time pro le
and the master data types rst and then activate the planning area.
If you want to change your planning area later, SAP recommends that you create a new entity (for example, an
attribute or a time pro le), and use it in your planning area, instead of changing the existing entity that has already
been in use in an active planning area.
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13. Load data into the planning area.
Use the Data Integration app to import time pro le data, master data, and key gure data into the planning area.
Related Information
Create New with Dependencies
Create New by Partial Copy
For the uni ed planning area (SAPIBP1), you can also use the Create New by Partial Copy option. For more information, see
Create New by Partial Copy. SAP recommends that for copying SAPIBP1 you use the Create New by Partial Copy option,
which enables you to keep the number of objects copied at the minimum and thus allows for the creation of a lean planning
You use the create new with dependencies option to create a new planning area by copying the following con guration from the
source planning area:
When you copy an SAP sample planning area using the create new with dependencies option, the attributes are
copied with the ID that they have in the source planning area.
If you copy an attribute from a sample planning area with this option, change it, and then copy the same planning
area again, the changes you made to the attribute will be overwritten. However, if you have extended the length of
such an attribute, a subsequent advanced copy of the same sample planning area will not overwrite the changed
length. For more information see Extending the Length of an Attribute.
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Planning area–planning operator assignments
Forecast models
To use the Create New with Dependencies option, in the Sample Model Entities app, select the sample planning area that you
want to copy and choose Copy. Specify IDs for the new planning area and time pro le, specify the master data type pre x that
you want to use in the new planning area, and make any special copy settings relevant to the sample planning area selected.
For the time pro le, you can specify a new ID or you can specify the ID of an existing time pro le to be used by the new planning
area. You can reuse a time pro le that is structurally identical to the source time pro le; that is, all the following properties are
the same:
When you copy the uni ed planning area (SAPIBP1) using the create new with dependencies option, you need to specify lters
for the copy, which determine the exact set of key gures that will be available in the target planning area.
Demand planning
Demand sensing
Inventory optimization
Depending on the lter or lters you select, the relevant planning pro les of the planning area are also copied.
The content of the lters is prede ned and cannot be changed.
If you have made a copy of the uni ed planning area that does not include supply planning, that is, you did not apply the sales
and operations planning and supply planning lter, you need to check the Enable Supply Planning setting in the new planning
area and if necessary, you need to switch it off manually. If you disable supply planning for the new planning area, you also
need to make sure that the Input/Output for Supply Planning eld contains no value in any of the key gures (and thus the
eld itself is not shown). When the planning area is no longer enabled for supply planning and you open a key gure that has
a value in the Input/Output for Supply Planning eld for editing, the eld is automatically cleared and you only need to save
the key gure.
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If you use the Create New with Dependencies option, the lters only determine the set of key gures copied. No matter
which applications you specify, all the dependencies associated with the SAPIBP1 planning area are copied, including all
attributes of the sample master data types, which are shared by all sample planning areas, and their dependent objects.
To set the lters for the copy, open the Sample Model Entities app, nd the SAPIBP1 planning area and choose Copy. Select the
Create New with Dependencies option and in the dialog select the relevant lters.
When you copy the uni ed planning area (SAPIBP1), the SAP Sample Model 7 planning area (SAP7), or the sample planning
area for order-based planning based on exible master data (SAP7F), using the Create New with Dependencies option, you can
also select the Copy Analytics and Alerts option to copy sample analytics and alerts. Using these sample analytics and alerts,
you can reduce the manual con guration work for the processes described in the SAP Best Practices for SAP Integrated
Business Planning for Supply Chain available in SAP Signavio Process Navigator .
The ad-hoc lters are set to the sample data coming with the SAP Best Practices for SAP Integrated Business Planning. To
use them with your own data, you need to adjust the pre-con gured ad-hoc lters to the values used in your data.
To copy analytics and alerts, select the checkbox. The following content types are copied:
Sample dashboards
The sample content is based on the processes described in the SAP Best Practices for SAP Integrated Business Planning
available in SAP Signavio Process Navigator .
If you apply lters for partial copy and also select Copy Analytics and Alerts when you copy the sample planning area, only
those sample analytics and alerts are copied for which all key gures are part of the target planning area.
After the copying process is completed, you have to perform the following steps:
1. Share the dashboards with user groups or users in the Dashboards - Advanced app.
2. Share the alert de nition and alert subscriptions with user groups or users in the De ne and Subscribe to Custom Alerts
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4. Optional: Assign categories to dashboards in the Dashboards - Advanced app.
When you copy the SAP7) sample planning area using the Create New with Dependencies option, you can specify one or two
external master data type data sources for additional demand attributes. For more information, see 2633495 and How to
Extend OBP Planning Areas with Customer Number (CUSTOMERID) .
When you copy the SAP7F sample planning area using the Create New with Dependencies option, you can copy master data
types for additional demand attributes along with the planning area. For more information about this option, see How to Extend
OBP Planning Areas with Additional Demand Attributes.
Related Information
SAP Note 2633495
It is an alternative to the Create New with Dependencies option for copying SAPIBP1, the key difference being that the Create
New by Partial Copy option enables you to copy only the con guration (key gures, master data attributes, and dependent
objects) relevant to the applications that you specify for the target planning area. As opposed to the Create New with
Dependencies option, which only allows you to lter for key gures relevant to speci c applications, the Create New by Partial
Copy option also allows you to exclude the master data types and master data attributes that are not relevant to SAPIBP1 and
the applications selected, as well as dependent objects of those master data attributes from the copy.
Sample master data types, which have the IBP pre x, are shared across sample planning areas. This means that when you
create a copy of the SAPIBP1 uni ed planning area using the Create New with Dependencies option and, for example, only
select the inventory optimization application, the IBPLOCATIONPRODUCT master data type is copied with all attributes, even
with those that are only relevant for, for example, demand-driven replenishment. If you select inventory optimization in the
Create New by Partial Copy option, you receive a lean copy that does include the IBPLOCATIONPRODUCT master data type,
but only with the attributes that are required in inventory optimization.
SAP recommends that you use the Create New by Partial Copy option for copying the SAPIBP1 planning area since this
option enables you to keep the number of objects copied at the minimum and thus allows for the creation of a lean planning
To use the Create New by Partial Copy option, in the Sample Model Entities app, select the SAPIBP1 planning area and choose
Copy. Specify IDs for the new planning area and time pro le, specify the master data type pre x that you want to use in the new
planning area, and select one or more applications as lters for the partial copy.
For the time pro le, you can specify a new ID or you can specify the ID of an existing time pro le to be used by the new planning
area. You can reuse a time pro le that is structurally identical to the source time pro le; that is, all the following properties are
the same:
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Number, hierarchy, and period types of time pro le levels
Your selection of applications not only determines the set of key gures that will be included in the target planning area, but
also the set of master data attributes and dependent objects that will be copied. Only the objects relevant to the application or
applications selected and the dependent objects that are required for the con guration will be included in the copy. The
resulting planning area can be activated without making any changes to the con guration on the target side.
Since the Create New by Partial Copy option only copies what is directly related to one of the applications that can be
selected, there are master data types that don’t get copied in any selection of applications. For example, the uni ed planning
area (SAPIBP1) shares master data types and attributes with the SAP4S planning area. However, the applications that can
be selected in the partial copy do not use any of the master data types and attributes that are speci c to only shelf life
planning. For more information about the master data types of the SAP4S sample planning area, see Master Data Types.
Just as Create New with Dependencies, the Create New by Partial Copy option copies the time pro le with the new ID that
you specify.
After the copy run, a Summary dialog is displayed, which allows you to view the status of the copy (Completed, Completed with
Warnings or Completed with Errors, the number of warnings or errors, and the list of objects copied. From the dialog, you can
navigate to the new planning area or view the log entries for the copy in the Application Logs app.
Make sure you have the necessary authorizations for this activity, that is, the business catalogs required for this activity are
assigned to a business role that is assigned to your business user. For more information see Business Catalogs.
Make sure you have already carried out the following tasks:
You have created attributes and assigned them to master data types.
You create a planning area to group and structure your model entities, and to con gure which processes of SAP Integrated
Business Planning for Supply Chain are enabled.
1. In the Planning Areas app, choose New.
2. On the Planning Area screen, under General, enter an ID and a description for the planning area.
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The planning area ID can be up to 10 characters long, can contain numbers and letters and can only start with a letter.
3. Under Planning Area Settings, specify settings for the planning area.
Enable Supply Planning Enables the use of advanced supply planning functions, such
as heuristics and optimizers.
Enable External Time Series Enables the con guration for the usage of external key gures.
Integration Pro le This option is available for planning areas that are enabled for
external time series. Enables you to select an integration
pro le.
Enable Change History Enables change history for the planning area.
If you select the Enable Change History checkbox, and
later decide to deselect it, the previously recorded change
history of the planning area will be deleted upon the next
activation of the planning area.
Enable Change-History-Based Key Figure Calculations Enables operations on historical key gure values that were
captured using the change history, or the shared data tracking
feature in business network collaboration.
4. Under Time Settings, select a time pro le for the planning area.
The settings for Planning Horizons de ne the possible period ranges that you can use for your planning view in the SAP
Integrated Business Planning, add-in for Microsoft Excel (SAP IBP, add-in for Microsoft Excel). The values for the Periods
in the Past and the Periods in the Future elds determine the range of values that you can select for the From and To
elds on the Time Settings tab of the Create New Planning View screen.
The values for the Periods in the Past and Periods in the Future elds are lled automatically based on the selected time
pro le. You can change the values, but you should always make sure that the values do not exceed the start and end
dates of the time pro le and that you de ne a broader horizon than the default display horizon for the time pro le level.
The values in the Periods in the Past and Periods in the Future elds are relative to the current period. For example, if the
current period is May 2020, and you set 12 periods in the past and 6 periods in the future, the user can choose to view
data from the periods between May 2019 and November 2020 in the Excel add-in. The user will not be able to view data
from periods before or after this horizon, even though this data might exist in the system.
5. Under Time Settings, change the value of the Current Period Offset.
The current period offset allows you to shift your planning period. For example, -1 means the current period starts from
the previous period of the lowest time pro le level. This means, if, for example, the lowest time pro le is month, the
planning period starts from the previous month.
Next Steps
Assign attributes to the planning area.
Related Information
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Creating Attributes
Assigning Attributes to a Planning Area
Setting up Change-History-Based Calculations
Creating Planning Levels
Creating Key Figures
Creating Versions
Con guring Original Snapshots
Separation of Data with Smart Data Integration Pro les
To access the copy options for your planning areas, open the Planning Areas app, select the planning area you want to copy and
choose Copy.
You can use the following options to create a new planning area:
Create New
Creates an exact copy of the source planning area with a new ID, but doesn't copy the time pro le, master data types, or
attributes associated with the planning area.
Use this option to copy your own planning area if you want to use the same set of master data types and the same time
pro le and only want to make changes to the con guration in the target planning area.
Copies the planning area and also the associated master data types and time pro le.
Use this option to copy a planning area if you want to create a planning area that contains a different set of master data
types and that uses a different time pro le.
When you copy a planning area using Create New with Dependencies, you need to replace the existing pre x in
master data type IDs with a different one.
For the time pro le, you can specify a new ID or you can specify the ID of an existing time pro le to be used by the new
planning area. You can reuse a time pro le that is structurally identical to the source time pro le; that is, all the
following properties are the same:
When you use any of these options to copy a planning area that has both an active and an inactive instance, it is always the
active instance that gets copied. Changes made to the planning area since the last activation are not included in the copy.
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You can't copy favorites, templates, or user-de ned lters with any of these copy options.
The Overview of Copy Options table contains a high-level overview of the con guration objects that you can copy using Create
New and Create New with Dependencies.
Make sure you have the necessary authorizations for this activity, that is, the business catalogs required for this activity are
assigned to a business role that is assigned to your business user. For more information see Business Catalogs.
1. In the Planning Areas app, nd the planning area you want to assign attributes to and open it.
3. Select the attributes you want to add to the planning area and click the Add button on the dialog screen. Alternatively,
you can use the Add and Assign to Planning Levels button to assign the selected attributes to your planning area and
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planning levels in a single step. This option is also available when adding multiple attributes to the planning area, but only
if all the attributes selected belong to the same master data type.
For more information about assigning attributes to planning levels, see Assigning Attributes to Planning Levels.
In SAP Integrated Business Planning, add-in for Microsoft Excel, you can use the attributes you assigned to a planning
area when you create a planning view.
If you select an attribute in a master data type, you also select and assign the master data type to the planning
area. If you select a master data type, the system automatically selects all attributes that are assigned to that
master data type.
If an attribute is assigned to multiple master data types, you can assign the attribute to the planning area only
once, from one of the master data types.
If an attribute is assigned to a time pro le level of a time pro le that is assigned to the planning area, the
attribute cannot be assigned to the planning area.
If you assign a compound master data type to a planning area, make sure you also assign its component master
data types. Similarly, if you assign a reference master data type or a virtual master data type to a planning area,
assign their referenced master data types as well.
Make sure you do not select the key attributes of a compound master data type. Select the key attributes from
its component master data types instead.
If the ID attribute of a master data type is linked to its description attribute, you only need to include the ID in the
planning area. The description is then included through the link. For more information about linking ID and
description attributes, see Description Attributes.
You cannot assign a decimal attribute to a planning area, but you can create an attribute as key gure based on
the attribute, which you can assign to the planning area.
4. Make settings for the attributes you added to the planning area.
Planning Area Attribute Description The system lls this eld automatically with the description of
the attribute. The user can change the description in the
planning area. The new value is only available for the attribute
in the planning area in which it was changed. This description is
visible in the IBP Excel add-in.
Planning Level Independent Attributes that are assigned to the planning area but are not
relevant to planning levels are marked as planning level
Related Information
Creating Attributes
Creating a Planning Area in the Planning Areas App
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 19
Assigning an Attribute Category to a Planning Area Attribute
Creating Planning Levels
Creating Key Figures
Creating Versions
Con guring Original Snapshots
The attribute category speci es whether master data has to exist for the attribute when new planning objects are added in the
SAP IBP, Add in for Microsoft Excel or during data integration. By default, all attributes have the category NULL (optional).
Attribute Category Explanation Relevant for Data Integration Relevant for New Planning
Optional (default value) An attribute value does not have Yes Yes
to be found. That is, master
No attribute value is found Irrespective of whether an
data records don't necessarily
(master data records are attribute value is found (master
have to exist.
missing). The planning level data records are missing or
attribute value is set to NULL, available), that planning object
and the key gure record(s) are stays in the set of new planning
processed for that planning objects, and attribute value is
object. set to found value or NULL
Attribute value is found (master
data records are available) The
planning level attribute value is
set to fetched value, and
the key gure record(s) are
processed for that planning
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The key gures KF1 and KF2 are stored at the MTHLOCPRD (Month-Location-Product) planning level. Month, PRDID, and
LOCID are root attributes of the MTHLOCPRD (Month-Location-Product) planning level. ATTR1 is a non-root attribute of the
MTHLOCPRD (Month-Location-Product) planning level. The planning area contains data for the key gures KF1 and KF2.
The LOCATIONPRODUCT (Location Product) master data type contains the following data:
L1 P1
L2 P2
Month Yes -
The planning area contains data for key gures KF1 and KF2 for location-product combinations (L1-P1), (L2-P1), and (L2-
As long as locations L1 and L2 and products P1 and P2 exist individually in the LOCATIONPRODUCT (Location Product)
source master data type, any combination of them is valid for the MTHLOCPRD (Month-Location-Product) planning level and
allowed to exist in the planning area.
Then, the planning area con guration is changed such that ATTR1 is set as a mandatory attribute in the planning area. Now
only those location-product combinations are allowed to exist for the MTHLOCPRD (Month-Location-Product) planning level
that are also present as location-product combinations in the LOCATIONPRODUCT (Location Product) master data type. As
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a result of this change, location-product combination (L2-P1), and the associated key gure data are no longer valid in the
planning area:
Any attempt to load key gure data for location-product combinations of the MTHLOCPRD (Month-Location-Product)
planning level that are not present as location-product combinations in the LOCATIONPRODUCT (Location Product)
master data type results in the rejection of such key gure data records.
Deleting any location-product combinations from the LOCATIONPRODUCT (Location Product) master data type also
deletes the corresponding location-product combinations from the MTHLOCPRD (Month-Location-Product) planning
level, and the associated key gure data from the planning area.
To delete the location-product combinations that are not present as location-product combinations in the
LOCATIONPRODUCT (Location Product) master data type from the MTHLOCPRD (Month-Location-Product) planning
level, and the associated key gure data from the planning area, run the Purge Non-Conforming Planning Area Data
application job.
Make sure you have the necessary authorizations for this activity, that is, the business catalogs required for this activity are
assigned to a business role that is assigned to your business user. For more information see Business Catalogs.
To adhere to business requirements, you want to change the time granularity at which planning data is stored and aggregated
in your planning model, so you assign a different time pro le to the planning area.
You have to perform additional con guration steps and data integration tasks - including the deletion and reupload of key gure
values if key gure values already exist in the planning area - to keep the planning model consistent and be able to activate the
planning area after you have replaced the time pro le.
Replacing the time pro le in a planning area that has already been activated is a critical con guration task that cannot be
standardized, and may result in invalid planning data.
SAP recommends that you do a thorough test – including all the additional con guration and data integration tasks
described below – in a test environment before you make this change in the productive environment.
SAP recommends that you consider creating a new planning area instead of replacing the time pro le in a planning area that
is already in use, and contains key gure values.
You don’t need to replace the time pro le if the only change you want to make is assigning an attribute to one of its levels.
You can assign an attribute to a level of an active time pro le that is used in a planning area in the Time Pro les app.
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1. Replace the time pro le in the planning area.
If the Planning Horizons table is lled out, overwrite the values in the From and To columns.
A planning level is a combination of attributes. As for time, the system uses the PERIODIDn attribute, but displays the
name of the time pro le level that belongs to a speci c PERIODIDn attribute. For more information, see PERIODID and
PERIODID(n) Attributes in Time Pro le Levels.
The assigned PERIODIDn attribute to a time pro le level may be different for each time pro le.
For example, both the old and new time pro les have month as a time pro le level, but in the old time pro le, month was
assigned PERIODID2, and in the new time pro le, PERIODID1. When using the old time pro le, PERIODID2
corresponded to month, but in the new time pro le, it represents the technical week.
Check each planning level if they have to be updated because a time pro le level is not available in the new time pro le,
or because the assignment of the PERIODIDn attribute is different.
4. If an attribute is assigned to one or more time pro le levels of the old time pro le, make sure that you carry over the
attribute if it’s used in the new pro le as well, or remove its usage, if it’s not needed anymore before you activate the
planning area.
Replacing the time pro le in an active planning area marks the assignment of an attribute to a time pro le level for
If the same attribute is assigned to a time pro le level in the new time pro le, revoke the pending deletion of the
assignment of the attribute for each planning level that uses the attribute.
If the attribute is not assigned to any time pro le levels of the new time pro le, make sure that the attribute is not used
anywhere in the planning area. With the next activation of the planning area, the attribute is removed from the affected
planning levels. If necessary, on the Key Figures screen, update the de nitions of key gures that use the attribute from
old time pro le as the period weight factor, or in the disaggregation expression so that this attribute isn't referenced
5. For key gures using planning levels that have been changed: Update the base planning level and the affected
calculations to re ect these changes.
6. Update attribute transformations, if any is used in the planning area, so that the time offset remains correct, and no
attributes are used that were assigned to a time pro le level in the old time pro le only.
7. If you use L-script in key gure calculations, create a customer incident to request the update of the L script.
8. Create periods for the new time pro le, if they don't exist yet.
9. If key gure values already exist in the planning area, delete them.
Key gure values are stored per time period (per the ID of a unique time period, such as April 2018). In a different time
pro le, the same period ID may point to a different period, which would make the data inconsistent.
12. If the planning area includes an attribute as a key gure, upload the master data records for the master data type that
contains the attribute used as key gure.
Related Information
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 23
Creating a Planning Area in the Planning Areas App
Change and Deletion of Planning Levels
Attribute Transformations
PERIODID and PERIODID(n) Attributes in Time Pro le Levels
Options for Creating Time Periods
Activating Planning Areas in the Planning Areas App
Data Lifecycle Management
Data Integration Jobs
SAP Note 2298382
SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain allows you to replace the whole planning area con guration with different
content, keeping only the ID, or to merge content from another planning area with the target planning area.
The following options are available for updating an existing planning area:
Replace Existing
Use this option if you want to re-create a planning area with an ID that is already in use. You can overwrite a non-sample
planning area with another non-sample planning area or with a sample planning area if the source and target planning
areas include the same set of master data types, that is, the master data types have the same pre x, ID, and
con guration in both planning areas.
Use this option if you want to re-create a (sample or non-sample) planning area with an ID that is already in use and you
also want to update the master data types in the target planning area.
Use this option to combine two planning areas that contain different planning area settings but are based on the same
set of master data types. You can merge a sample planning area with a non-sample planning area or you can merge two
non-sample planning areas if the source and target planning areas include the same set of master data types, that is,
the master data types have the exact same ID and con guration in both planning areas.
Partial Merge
Use this option to partially merge a sample or non-sample planning area with another (non-sample) planning area, even
if the two planning areas are based on different sets of master data types. The master data attributes and key gures
that you specify for the merge and dependent objects of those primary input objects are included in the merge. You can
make detailed settings to control how objects included in both the source and target planning areas should be handled
by the merge.
Related Information
Replace Existing
Replace Existing Including Dependencies
Merge with Existing
Partial Merge
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Replace Existing
The replace existing option updates an existing target planning area based on the source planning area while keeping the ID of
the target planning area.
You can overwrite a non-sample planning area with another non-sample planning area or with a sample planning area if the
source and target planning areas include the same set of master data types, that is, the master data types have the same
pre x, ID, and con guration in both planning areas.
If you use this option to overwrite a planning area with a sample one, the master data types must have one type of pre x and
it must be the same in both the source and the target planning area. If you use this option to overwrite a non-sample
planning area with another non-sample one, the master data types can have different pre xes.
When you use this option to copy a non-sample planning area that has both an active and an inactive instance, it is always
the active instance that gets copied. Changes made to the planning area since the last activation are not included in the
The replace existing option deletes con guration in the target planning area that is not included in the source planning area,
adds new con guration from the source planning area, and updates the existing con guration in the target planning area based
on the source planning area.
If you replace a non-sample planning area with a sample planning area, make sure that the time pro le assigned to
the sample planning area has already been copied with the same ID as in the sample content.
If you have the same planning level in the source and target planning areas but with different root attributes, the
planning levels in the resulting planning area will have the root attributes of the source. This might lead to
inconsistencies in the existing key gure data records because the root attributes must always contain unique values.
To avoid inconsistencies in the database, make sure that the new con guration is compatible with the existing data
records, or delete the data records and upload the data again.
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Key gures of the source planning area
The planning pro les of the target planning area are deleted.
Sources of change of the source planning area that you selected in the Settings for Change History app.
After you have copied a planning area using this option, you need to make sure that the sources of change you
selected in the Settings for Change History app for the source planning area are also tracked in the resulting
planning area. To do that, rst activate the planning area, then synchronize the sources of change for the resulting
planning area in the Settings for Change History app. For more information about the synchronization functionality,
see Settings for Change History.
The master data types, the time pro le, and the attributes associated with the planning area are not copied.
You use this option to create a copy of the source planning area in an existing target planning area while keeping the IDs of the
target planning area and master data types. The master data types are updated as follows:
If the source planning area contains a master data type that is not available in the target planning area:
If the master data type doesn't exist with the target pre x yet, a new master data type is created with the target
pre x and the source con guration, and it is assigned to the target planning area.
If the master data type already exists with the target pre x, it is updated based on the source master data type
and assigned to the target planning area.
If the target planning area contains a master data type that is not available in the source planning area, the master data
type is removed from the target planning area.
The master data type is only removed from the planning area, it is not deleted from the system.
If a master data type is available in both planning areas, the master data type with the target pre x is updated based on
the con guration of the source master data type.
All other con guration settings come from the source planning area.
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The time pro le of the target planning area is not deleted either, only its assignment to the planning area.
When using this copy option, the target planning area must be active.
When you use this option to copy a non-sample planning area that has both an active and an inactive instance, it is always
the active instance that gets copied. Changes made to the planning area since the last activation are not included in the
If you replace a non-sample planning area with a sample planning area, make sure that the time pro le assigned to
the sample planning area has already been copied with the same ID as in the sample content.
If you have the same planning level in the source and target planning areas but with different root attributes, the
planning levels in the resulting planning area will have the root attributes of the source. This might lead to
inconsistencies in the existing key gure data records because the root attributes must always contain unique values.
To avoid inconsistencies in the database, make sure that the new con guration is compatible with the existing data
records, or delete the data records and upload the data again.
The planning pro les of the target planning area are deleted.
Sources of change of the source planning area that you selected in the Settings for Change History app.
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After you have copied a planning area using this option, you need to make sure that the sources of change you
selected in the Settings for Change History app for the source planning area are also tracked in the resulting
planning area. To do that, rst activate the planning area, then synchronize the sources of change for the resulting
planning area in the Settings for Change History app. For more information about the synchronization functionality,
see Settings for Change History.
When you copy the uni ed planning area (SAPIBP1) using the replace existing including dependencies option, you also need to
apply lters to de ne the set of key gures to be included in the target planning area.
Demand planning
Demand sensing
Inventory optimization
Depending on the lter or lters you select, the relevant planning pro les of the planning area are also copied.
The content of the lters is prede ned and cannot be changed.
If you have made a copy of the uni ed planning area that does not include supply planning, that is, you did not apply the sales
and operations planning and supply planning lter, you need to check the Enable Supply Planning setting in the new planning
area and if necessary, you need to switch it off manually. If you disable supply planning for the new planning area, you also
need to make sure that the Input/Output for Supply Planning eld contains no value in any of the key gures (and thus the
eld itself is not shown). When the planning area is no longer enabled for supply planning and you open a key gure that has
a value in the Input/Output for Supply Planning eld for editing, the eld is automatically cleared and you only need to save
the key gure.
Use this option to combine two planning areas that contain different planning area settings but are based on the same set
of master data types. You can merge a sample planning area with a non-sample planning area or you can merge two non-
sample planning areas if the source and target planning areas include the same set of master data types, that is, the master
data types have the exact same ID and con guration in both planning areas.
The merge with existing option keeps all the con guration in the target planning area, adds everything new from the source
planning area, and updates the intersect con guration based on the source con guration.
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Before you use the merge with existing option, make sure that the source and the target planning areas meet the following
They contain the same set of master data types with identical IDs and con guration.
Their master data types have one type of pre x and the pre x is the same in both planning areas.
Their time pro les have the same number of time pro le levels.
If the source planning area is a non-sample planning area that has both an active and an inactive instance, the target
planning area is updated with the active instance of the source planning area. Changes made to the source planning area
since its last activation are not included in the merge.
After combining two planning areas using merge with existing, you need to check certain con guration settings in the
resulting planning area to make sure that it is still consistent. For more information, see Updating the Resulting Planning
Area After Using Merge with Existing.
If you merge a sample planning area with a non-sample planning area, make sure that the time pro le assigned to the
sample planning area has already been copied with the same ID as in the sample content.
Planning area–attribute assignments of the source and the target planning area
Planning level–attribute assignments of the source and the target planning area
If you have the same planning level in the source and target planning areas but with different root attributes, the
planning levels in the resulting planning area will have the root attributes of the source. This might lead to
inconsistencies in the existing key gure data records because the root attributes must always contain unique values.
To avoid inconsistencies in the database, make sure that the new con guration is compatible with the existing data
records, or delete the data records and upload the data again.
Attributes as key gures of the source and the target planning area
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Planning area–planning operator assignments of the source and the target planning area
Planning pro les of the source and the target planning area
Version settings are only merged if your source planning area has a version that doesn't exist in your target planning
area. In this case, the full set of order-based planning settings for this version is added to the target planning area. If,
however, you have the same versions in your source and target planning areas but some of their order-based
planning settings are different, the new settings from the source planning area are not merged. You have to add
these settings manually. Also, if you have versions in your target planning area that don't exist in your source planning
area, these are not deleted by the merge.
The master data types, the time pro le, and the attributes associated with the planning area are not copied.
Make sure you have the necessary authorizations for this activity, that is, the business catalogs required for this activity are
assigned to a business role that is assigned to your business user. For more information see Business Catalogs.
You have combined two planning areas using the merge with existing option. The resulting planning area contains the planning
area settings of the source planning area and you want to change certain settings based on your target planning area settings.
1. Check the supply planning setting of the planning area.
You can check this setting by selecting your resulting planning area in the Planning Areas app.
Option Description
Turn on the Enable Supply Planning switch. The target planning area was enabled for supply planning,
which has been changed by the merge. You want to use supply
planning in the resulting planning area, so you need to enable
supply planning again manually.
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Option Description
Turn off the Enable Supply Planning switch and then clear The source planning area was enabled for supply planning so
the Input/Output for Supply Planning eld for the key gures after the merge the resulting planning area has the Enable
that have a value in this eld. Supply Planning switch turned on. You do not want to use
supply planning in the resulting planning area so you need to
Note turn off the switch and clear the elds.
You can check this setting by selecting your resulting planning area in the Planning Areas app.
Option Description
Turn on the Enable External Time Series switch and make The target planning area was enabled for external time series,
sure the Data Source for External Key Figure De nition and which has been changed by the merge. You want to use
the External Key Figure Qty elds contain the correct values. response management in the resulting planning area, so you
need to turn on the switch again manually and check the related
Turn off the Enable External Time Series switch and save. The source planning area was enabled for external time series
so after the merge the resulting planning area has the Enable
Note External Time Series switch turned on. You do not want to use
response management in the resulting planning area so you
As a result, the system automatically clears the External
need to turn off the switch.
Key Figure Qty and the Data Source for External Key
Figure De nition elds.
3. Check your planning area for attributes that are assigned to both a time pro le level and the planning area, and delete
any assignments that you don't need.
The same attribute is assigned to a time pro le level in the source and to the planning area in the target (or the other
way around). After merge with existing, this attribute is assigned to both the time pro le level and the planning area.
Since an attribute can be assigned to only one of these entities at a time, you need to remove the attribute from the
entity in which you don’t need it.
4. Check that the aggregation mode of the key gures and their request level calculation de nitions are still consistent.
The same key gure has different aggregation modes in the source and the target planning areas. In the resulting
planning area, this key gure has the aggregation mode of the source planning area, and the request level calculation of
the target planning area.
Option Description
Modify the request level calculation. You want to use the aggregation mode that comes from the
source planning area.
Change the aggregation mode. You want to use the aggregation mode that was speci ed in the
target planning area.
5. Check the stored and calculated settings of your key gures and modify the calculation de nitions if needed.
The same key gure is set as stored in the source planning area and as calculated in the target planning area (or the
other way around). In the resulting planning area, this key gure has the setting of the source planning area.
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6. Select the Root checkbox for all attributes in the base planning level of the key gures for which the Aggregated
Constraint checkbox is selected.
The Aggregated Constraint checkbox is selected for the key gures in the target if it is selected in the source as well.
7. Check that the key gures assigned to the versions are version-speci c key gures.
If the Version-Speci c Master Data checkbox is selected, all key gures assigned to the version must be version-speci c.
8. Check the existing data records and upload data again if necessary.
If the time pro le and related time periods in the source planning area and the time pro le and the related time periods
in the target planning area are not identical, you need to update the existing key gure data records or upload the data
Partial Merge
You can use the partial merge function to update a planning area with speci c parts of a sample or non-sample (custom)
planning area.
Use this function if you want to specify which parts of the source con guration should be merged into the target planning
area. Unlike with the Merge with Existing function, you can also partially merge planning areas that are each based on a
different set of master data type.
Before you use the partial merge function, make sure that the following requirements are met:
The status of the source planning area is either active or inactive but not pending deletion.
A single master data pre x is used in each of the source and target planning areas (but the pre x used in the source
does not need to be the same as the one used in the target).
The source and target planning areas have the same time pro le level structure (with the same number of time pro le
levels and the same base level and period type for each time pro le level).
When you partially merge two planning areas, the target planning area is updated with the objects of the source planning area
that you specify as merge-relevant (primary input objects) and dependent objects that are also required for the con guration.
You can make detailed settings to control the merge behavior.
The partial merge function enables you to merge the objects speci ed for the merge together with the objects supporting
their con guration into the target planning area; however, it does not ensure that the resulting con guration is complete
and ready for activation. To ensure that the con guration is complete and can be activated, you need to make manual
adjustments to the resulting planning area after the merge. You can nd out about the adjustments needed by checking the
application log for the merge.
The following types of objects can be used as primary input objects for the merge:
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Key gures of the source planning area
Attributes that are sourced from master data types with the pre x used by the source planning area
If you start a partial merge of the SAPIBP1 planning area by using the Partially Merge with Existing option, the primary input
objects are determined by your lter settings and you can't add any individual items to the set of input objects.
However, if you use any of the other partial merge options and select speci c key gures or master data attributes as primary
input objects, you can add further key gures or attributes on the Partial Merge screen after the system has identi ed
dependent objects.
You can’t include objects with a pending deletion status in the merge.
Dependent Objects
Objects required for the con guration of primary input objects are identi ed as dependent objects by the system and are
merged into the target planning area along with the primary input objects. Dependent objects include objects directly used by
primary input objects but also objects that are used by other dependent objects. Dependent objects thus form a complex
If a calculated key gure is speci ed as a primary input object for the merge, all the key gures and planning levels in the
calculation chain of the key gure are relevant to the merge. This means that all the key gures and planning levels used in
calculation de nitions of the primary input key gure and all the key gures and planning levels used in the calculation of
those (dependent) key gures are included in the merge, down to the level of stored key gures. On the other hand, key
gures higher up in the calculation chain are not identi ed as dependent objects.
For attributes used as primary input objects, the whole hierarchy of master data types supporting the con guration needs to
be included in the merge, down to the level of simple master data types as follows:
Master data types that the primary input attribute is sourced from
Master data types that use the primary input attribute in their con guration (for example, as a check attribute or a
referenced attribute)
Master data types used by other merge-relevant master data types (for example as a check master data type or a
component master data type of a compound master data type)
Other attributes used in the master data type thus identi ed in turn also become dependent objects to be included in
the merge (for example, key attributes of a dependent master data type, etc.) and will have dependent objects
All dependent objects identi ed by the system are listed on the Partial Merge screen. The type of dependence that makes them
necessary for the con guration is shown in the Dependence column.
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All objects existing in the target planning area are retained.
Merge-relevant objects only existing in the source planning area are copied into the target.
Merge-relevant objects existing in both source and target are updated with the source con guration according to your
merge behavior settings.
No objects are deleted from the target planning area by the merge with the exception of technical key gures that
existed due to a setting that is changed by the merge.
For example, technical key gures for a xing-enabled key gure are removed from the target con guration if xing is
disabled for the key gure by the merge.
The following switches in general planning area settings are never turned off by the merge on the target side:
However, there are some dependences that cause them to be enabled in the target planning area. For more information,
see the application log for the merge.
The time pro le of the target planning area doesn’t get overwritten with the time pro le of the source planning area;
however, the planning horizons and default display horizons are updated according to the relevant merge behavior
setting and dependent attributes used as time pro le level attributes in the source planning area are also added to the
target time pro le.
The following settings are never changed for existing objects in the target planning area:
Key settings of a master data type (attributes added by merge are always non-key)
Root settings of a planning level (attributes added by merge are always non-root)
Type of a key gure (exception: a key gure may be marked or unmarked as an attribute as key gure)
The length of an attribute can be increased but is never reduced by the merge.
Key gure names and attribute names need to be unique within a planning area. If you merge a key gure or attribute
that has a name already used in the target planning area, the name of the object merged is automatically changed
during the merge to ensure uniqueness.
Matching planning area attributes sourced from different master data types in the source and target planning areas are
not merged.
For detailed information about the content of the merge, objects that were skipped, and settings that you need to update
manually on the target side, check the application log for the merge. You can also compare the resulting planning area with the
source planning area after the merge or use the Show History function to nd out about the changes made by the merge.
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The partial merge function doesn’t ensure that the resulting con guration is complete and ready to be activated. Please
make a thorough analysis of the con guration and make the necessary manual changes.
There are, however, some changes that generally don’t inactivate the planning area. If the merge involves such changes, they
can only be reverted manually. For more information about such changes, see Restore Active Instance for Planning Areas. You
can nd out about the manual adjustments needed by comparing the latest state of the target planning area (saved after the
merge) with the state saved before the merge.
Related Information
Partial Merge Options
Running a Partial Merge of Planning Areas
Historical States of Model Entities
Comparing Planning Areas
Restore Active Instance for Planning Areas
The following table contains a summary of how you can use the various partial merge options:
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Sample Model Entities app Uni ed planning area (SAP non-sample Merge speci c key gures of
IBP1) the SAP IBP1 planning area
into the target planning area
together with their dependent
objects. Select key gures of
the source planning area for the
merge, choose Copy, and select
the Merge into Other Planning
Area option. You can also add
further key gures and master
data attributes to the merge
after the dependency
Compare Planning Areas app sample or non-sample non-sample Perform a partial merge of the
two planning areas that you
have compared. On the
Compare Planning Areas
screen, select the primary input
key gures or attributes (or
both) for the merge, choose
Merge and select the relevant
option of the dropdown
depending on which of the two
planning areas you want to use
as the target. You can also add
further key gures and master
data attributes to the merge
after the dependency
Sample Model Entities app Uni ed planning area (SAP non-sample Update a non-sample planning
IBP1) area with a speci c part of the
con guration contained in the
SAPIBP1 planning area.
Specify one or more application
lters for the merge and make
detailed settings for the merge
behavior. For more information,
see Partially Merge with
Make sure you have the necessary authorizations for this activity, that is, the business catalogs required for this activity are
assigned to a business role that is assigned to your business user. For more information see Business Catalogs.
You have various options for initiating a partial merge. For more information, see Partial Merge Options.
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1. De ne the part of the source con guration that you want to update the target planning area with; that is, specify the
primary input objects for the merge. This could be done by selecting application lters for a partial merge of SAPIBP1 or
by specifying speci c key gures or master data attributes to be merged into the target planning area.
2. Based on the primary input objects, the system runs a dependency exploration to identify the dependent objects that
also need to be included in the merge.
3. Check the dependent objects identi ed by the system and add further primary input objects if needed.
When doing a partial merge of the SAPIBP1 planning area using the Partially Merge with Existing option, you can’t
specify additional input objects.
4. On the Partial Merge screen, make settings for the merge behavior to de ne how merge-relevant objects shared by the
two planning areas should be handled.
You can make general settings in the Settings for Merge Behavior section and re ne those settings by making settings
for individual object types and even for individual objects. Objects that you set a source-dominant merge behavior for are
overwritten in the target planning area with the merge-relevant settings and subobjects of the corresponding source
object (but subobjects that only existed on the target side are retained). Objects that you set a target-dominant merge
behavior for are only updated with subobjects that didn’t exist on the target side, while all other parts of them remain
unchanged in the target planning area.
Merge results are shown in the Summary section of the Partial Merge screen. You can check the merge status
(Completed, Completed with Warnings or Completed with Errors) and the lists of items copied or updated during the
merge by item type. You can also navigate to the application logs for detailed information about the merge or to the
details screen of the resulting planning area.
6. Check the exact content of the merge to see if you need to make manual adjustments.
You can check the content of the merge in any of the following ways:
View the log for the merge in the Application Logs app.
Compare the resulting planning area with the state of the target planning area saved before the merge using the
Compare Planning Areas or the Show History function.
Even though dependent objects are merged along with the primary input objects that you specify, that doesn’t ensure
the completeness of the resulting planning area. You always need to check the con guration after the merge and
make manual settings as needed.
This option enables you to update a non-sample planning area with a speci c part of the con guration contained in the
SAPIBP1 planning area. You can set one or more application lters for the merge and only the objects relevant to the
application or applications selected and the dependent objects that are required for the con guration will be included in the
To use the Partially Merge with Existing option, in the Sample Model Entities app, select the SAPIBP1 planning area, choose
Copy, and select the Partially Merge with Existing option. In the Partially Merge with Existing dialog, specify the target planning
area and select one or more applications as lters for the merge.
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Your selection of applications determines the set of key gures, master data attributes, and dependent objects that will be
included in the merge. Merge-relevant objects that are missing from the target planning area are copied from SAPIBP1.
Merge-relevant objects that exist in both source and target but are con gured differently are merged according to the detailed
settings you make for the merge behavior. Depending on your settings, objects in the target planning area may be overwritten
with the source con guration or may be left unchanged.
After the merge run, a summary of the merge is displayed, which allows you to view the status of the merge (Completed,
Completed with Warnings, or Completed with Errors), the number of warnings or errors, and the list of items merged. From the
summary, you can navigate to the updated target planning area or view the log entries for the merge in the Application Logs
Let's see a couple of uses cases where the usage of multiple planning areas might prove to be bene cial.
You might want to create different planning areas for the different regional demand planning process in the following cases:
Different regions have different planning requirements, planning levels, and calculations.
Some regions require a large number of key gures, and have several hundreds of users; while other regions have a
small number of key gures, low data volume, and very few users.
These planning processes and plans can be very different in terms of complexity, user management, consumers and legal
requirements. These differences can be easily handled by using separate planning areas for the different planning processes.
If you want to create management reports and what-if analyses, you can merge the most critical key gures from the different
planning areas into a consolidated, global planning area and run the required reports.
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To manage complexity and improve performance, you can split such a complex planning area into separate planning areas.
Also, you can evaluate new features in a separate planning area without disrupting the planning areas that are used in a
productive environment.
Order-Based Planning
You might want to use one planning area for order-based planning processes, and another one for long- and mid-term time-
series-based planning processes.
Multiple planning areas can share the same master data types; however, it might increase integration time as data is
uploaded to several planning areas.
To copy data between planning areas, use the advanced copy operator. For more information, see Copy Operator.
In the Planning Areas app, select the planning area, choose Download, and select the Planning Area Details option from the
dropdown. The content of the planning area and its entities is downloaded into 10 comma-separated values (CSV) les.
Make sure you check your browser settings, especially those related to le download and enable the download of multiple
A separate le is downloaded with the details of each of the following entities and settings of the planning area:
Key gures
Planning operators
Planning horizons
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General info
Planning levels
Time pro le
To download the con guration of a planning area as a binary le, open the Planning Areas app, select the planning area, choose
Download and select the Con guration as Binary File option from the dropdown.
For planning areas that have both an active and an inactive instance in the system, you can specify whether you want to
download the latest con guration state or the active state. You can specify a name for the le (if you don’t want to use the
name proposed by the system) and optionally a description.
Planning levels
Key gures
Time pro le
Master data types and master data attributes related to the planning area
You can only download a con guration that uses a single master data pre x and contains no items with a pending
deletion status.
Other con guration related to the planning area, including planning pro les, models such as forecast models, settings
such as settings for TS supply planning, and operators, such as the Copy Operator. For a complete list of objects
belonging here, see the following table:
Other Configuration
ID Name
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ID Name
The master data pre x that you may specify when you later upload the con guration to another system is not applied
to objects belonging to Other Con guration. They will use the original master data pre x even if you specify a
different one for the upload.
Please make sure that you make no changes to the content of the le after the download, or you won’t be able to upload it.
Even the smallest modi cation will prevent the upload of the le.
Access to the Download Con guration as Binary File function is controlled by the Planning Model Download and Upload
business catalog (SAP_IBP_BC_PLANMODEL_ADV_PC), which contains the Download and Upload Con guration (CNFACT)
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Since the function can be accessed from the Planning Areas app, the Planning Model Con guration business catalog
(SAP_IBP_BC_PLANMODEL_CF_PC), which is functionally required for the SAP_IBP_BC_PLANMODEL_ADV_PC catalog, also
needs to be assigned to the user.
Related Information
Uploading a Planning Area
The upload con guration from binary le function enables you to create a planning area in a system based on a con guration in
another system. You can, for example, upload a planning area to your development system from a le previously downloaded
from another system, rather than copying a sample planning area. The planning area then can be transported to other systems
of your system landscape, for example, to the test system, using the Export Software Collection and Import Collection apps.
You can use the upload function for an initial upload of a planning area into your system landscape but not for moving the
planning area between systems of your landscape, especially if you also use the export and import functions of the Export
Software Collection and Import Collection apps.
You should never use the upload from binary le function to upload a planning area directly to a production system.
You can upload a con guration from a binary le in the Planning Areas app. After choosing Upload on the planning area worklist,
you can select the le to be uploaded in the Upload Con guration dialog.
Please note that you can only upload les whose content was not changed after the download. Any modi cation of the
content prevents the upload.
The con guration that you upload must ful ll the following requirements:
The planning area can’t have an ID that already exists in the system.
The planning area can’t use a time pro le with an ID that already exists in the system unless the existing time pro le is
structurally identical to the one to be uploaded. If the time pro le header, time pro le levels, default display horizons,
and all assigned attributes are the same in the two time pro les, the existing time pro le can be reused in the
con guration uploaded.
Master data types must use a pre x that is not used by other planning areas already existing in the system.
When necessary, you can modify the default con guration settings taken from the le metadata in the Upload Con guration
dialog to ensure that these requirements are met.
Objects belonging to Other Con guration, such as planning pro les, will use the original master data pre x even if you
specify a different one for the upload.
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You can also specify whether you want to include some or all of the planning pro les downloaded with the con guration in the
To ensure that planning pro les can be used correctly after the upload, you need to activate the planning area and upload
the same transactional data that existed for the planning area in the source system.
Master data attributes used by the planning area uploaded are also included in the upload and there are some requirements
concerning those attributes as well.
If the con guration that you’re uploading contains an attribute that already exists in the target system, the two instances
should have the same data type and type. If that’s not ful lled, your le can’t be uploaded.
If the name, description, or length of two instances is different, the upload does take place but the attribute will keep the
original name, description, and length in the target system.
Access to the upload con guration from binary le function is controlled by the Planning Model Download and Upload business
catalog (SAP_IBP_BC_PLANMODEL_ADV_PC), which contains the Download and Upload Con guration (CNFACT) restriction.
Since the function can be accessed from the Planning Areas app, the Planning Model Con guration business catalog
(SAP_IBP_BC_PLANMODEL_CF_PC), which is functionally required for the SAP_IBP_BC_PLANMODEL_ADV_PC catalog, also
needs to be assigned to the user.
Related Information
Downloading a Planning Area
In SAP Integrated Business Planning, historical states of sample and custom planning areas are available for comparison. For
sample planning areas, the state of each release is automatically saved, while for custom planning areas, the state of the
planning area is saved after each upgrade, before each copy, and after each activation. For custom planning areas, deltas are
also automatically saved each time a change has been made to the object.
Comparing planning areas can support your processes in several ways. Comparing two different states of a sample planning
area allows you to keep track of enhancements in the sample content. Comparing your planning area with the latest state of
the sample planning area that you have copied to create yours helps you to decide which of the new enhancements you would
like to implement on your own planning area. Comparing two different states of your planning area allows you to verify that the
right changes have been made to the con guration.
Each of the planning areas that you compare may only contain one kind of master data pre x. If a planning area contains
master data types with different pre xes, you can’t include it in your comparison.
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Which planning areas and which state of each planning area should be included in the comparison.
You may want to compare two different states of the same planning area. In that case enter the same ID in both
planning area elds.
Whether the output should list differences between items with the same ID or items that are only available in either
planning area but not in the other.
The function is available in the Planning Areas app as well as the Sample Model Entities app.
1. In the Compare Planning Areas dialog, specify the two planning areas that you want to compare, or enter the same ID in
both planning area elds if you want to compare two different states of the same planning area.
2. Specify which state of each planning area (or which two states of the same planning area) should be included in the
Besides the latest state, you may also choose to include any of the historical states saved for the planning area. You can
select one of the states (versions saved after major operations such as a copy, activation, or an upgrade) or deltas
(versions saved after a change has been made to the planning area) for each of the planning areas. Once you have found
the item that you are interested in, click the table row containing it.
4. On the Compare Planning Areas screen, select one of the options for viewing the comparison results. You have the
following options:
View the differences between objects that share the same ID and exist in both planning areas.
View the differences between objects with the same ID and also view objects that only exist in one or the other
planning area. You can choose to view extra objects that only exist in Planning Area A or those that only exist in
Planning Area B.
View differences between objects with the same ID and view all the extra objects (all the objects that only exist in
one of the planning areas).
List all the objects in the two planning areas and view them side by side.
5. After ltering the comparison results, you have the following options:
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You can navigate to the details of the planning areas (or planning area states) being compared in the relevant
app using the View Details option. You can view the details of a custom planning area (state) in the Planning
Areas app and the details of a sample planning area (state) in the Sample Model Entities app.
You can drill down to a detailed comparison of objects (key gures, planning levels or versions) contained in both
of the planning areas. From the comparison results screen for an object you can quickly switch to another object
using the (View next different item) and (View previous different item) buttons.
In the case of objects included in only one of the planning areas compared, you can view the details of the object
by choosing the object ID hyperlink where one is available.
You can navigate to the Planning Areas app or the Sample Model Entities app and view the details of objects as
they exist in the relevant planning area (state) using the View In option.
You can take a quick view of differences between the two occurrences of objects contained in both planning areas
by choosing the number hyperlink in the Differences column.
If you want to delete a planning area, you have the following options:
To delete the planning area only, select it in the planning area worklist and choose Delete without Dependencies in the
dropdown menu of the Delete button.
To delete the planning area with its dependencies, select the planning area and click Delete or select Delete with
Dependencies from the dropdown. This deletes the planning area together with all its dependent master data types and
time pro le, unless the objects are used in other objects.
If any of the dependencies are used in other objects, you have to delete those assignments in the relevant app (Master
Data Types or Time Pro les) and then you can delete the planning area with dependencies.
If all objects (the planning area and its dependencies) are inactive, you can delete them in one step, while active objects are rst
set to Pending Deletion and you need to activate them in the relevant app to complete the deletion. In the case of inactive
objects with an active instance existing in the system, the inactive instances are deleted and the active instances are set to
Pending Deletion.
Once activation is complete, the planning area (and the dependencies) that you have deleted no longer appear in the relevant
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