SEL-351S Protection System: Optimize Protection, Automation, and Breaker Control
SEL-351S Protection System: Optimize Protection, Automation, and Breaker Control
SEL-351S Protection System: Optimize Protection, Automation, and Breaker Control
SEL-351S Protection System shown with front-panel USB port and SafeLock® Trip/Close Pushbuttons with high-visibility
breaker status LEDs.
Protection Functions
➤ Second-harmonic blocking secures relay during transformer energization.
➤ High-speed breaker failure element and native breaker failure logic enhance breaker failure detection.
➤ Phase, negative-sequence, residual-ground, and neutral-ground overcurrent elements with directional control
optimize radial and looped network protection for lines and equipment. Load-encroachment logic provides
additional security to distinguish between heavy load and three-phase faults.
➤ Under- and overfrequency and under- and overvoltage elements and powerful SELOGIC® control equations help
implement load shedding and other control schemes.
➤ Built-in communications-assisted trip scheme logic permits fast trip times, reducing fault duration that adversely
impacts system loads and power system equipment.
➤ SELOGIC control equations permit custom programming for traditional and unique protection and control
➤ Directional power elements on SEL-351S-7.
➤ Four levels of rate-of-change-of-frequency elements help detect rapid frequency changes to initiate load shedding
or network decoupling.
➤ Improve operator awareness of system conditions with standard IEEE C37.118-2005 Level 1 synchrophasors at as
many as 60 messages per second.
➤ Synchronize 128 sample-per-cycle oscillography and event reports to the microsecond to reconstruct complex
disturbances. Synchronize meter reports to verify proper phasing.
➤ Use the “MRI of the power system” to replace state estimation with state measurement.
Fault Locator
➤ Reduce fault location and repair time with built-in impedance-based fault locator and faulted phase indication.
➤ Efficiently dispatch line crews to quickly isolate line problems and restore service faster.
Communications Protocols
➤ Optional IEC 61850 MMS and GOOSE. As many as 6 MMS sessions, guaranteed GOOSE performance with 24
subscriptions and 8 publications.
➤ Standard Modbus with label-based map settings (serial and Ethernet—as many as three sessions).
➤ Standard DNP3 Level 2 with label-based map settings (serial and Ethernet—as many as six sessions).
➤ IEEE C37.118-2005 Synchrophasor Protocol (serial and Ethernet).
➤ ASCII, SEL Fast Meter, SEL Fast Message, SEL Unsolicited SER, SEL Fast Operate, and SEL Distributed Port
Switch (LMD) serial protocols are all standard.
➤ Standard Telnet and integrated web server on Ethernet.
➤ Dual-channel MIRRORED BITS® communications on SEL-351S-6 and SEL-351S-7.
➤ Parallel redundancy protocol (when supported by hardware).
Communications Hardware
Two 10/100BASE-T Ethernet ports with RJ45 connector included.
➤ One or two 10/100BASE-FX Ethernet ports with LC multimode fiber-optic connectors optional.
➤ One 10/100BASE-T Ethernet port and one 10/100BASE-FX Ethernet port with LC multimode fiber-optic
connectors optional.
➤ Front-panel high-speed USB Type-B port included.
➤ Front-panel EIA-232 DB-9 serial port included.
➤ Two rear-panel EIA-232 DB-9 ports included.
➤ One optional rear-panel EIA-485 port with five-position compression terminal block.
➤ One optional SEL-2812-compatible fiber-optic serial port.
Complete Protection and Control Functions Load Profile and MIRRORED Voltage Sag, Swell, Power
With QuickSet Support BITS Communications Interruption Reports Elements
SEL-351S-5 x
SEL-351S-6 x x
SEL-351S-7 x x x x
➤ Available 750 KB of on-board storage space for ACSELERATOR QuickSet® SEL-5030 Software settings file,
QuickSet Design Template, or anything else you choose.
➤ Expanded I/O is available. Order any one of the following I/O options:
➢ Option X: No extra I/O board
➢ Option 2: Additional 8 Inputs and 12 Standard Outputs
Functional Overview
Figure 1 shows the device numbers associated with the protection and control functions available on the SEL-351S Pro-
tection System, along with a list of the standard and optional monitoring and communications features.
Protection Features
Overcurrent Elements
All SEL-351S models include numerous phase, negative-sequence, residual-ground, and neutral overcurrent elements,
as shown in Table 2.
Overcurrent Element
Number of Elements Directional Control Torque Control Definite-Time Delay
Operating Quantity
Inverse-time overcurrent element settings include a wide The SEL-351S Protection System inverse-time overcur-
and continuous pickup current range, continuous time- rent relay curve settings offer two reset characteristic
dial setting range, and time-current curve choices from choices for each element. Setting EM Reset Delay = Y
both US (IEEE) and IEC standard curves shown in emulates electromechanical induction disc elements,
Table 3. where the reset time depends on the time-dial setting, the
percentage of disc travel, and the amount of current. Set-
Table 3 Inverse Time-Overcurrent Curves
ting EM Reset Delay = N resets the elements immedi-
IEEE IEC ately if current drops below pickup for at least one cycle.
This choice is unavailable when using one of the stan-
Moderately Inverse (U1) Standard Inverse (C1)
dard recloser curves; the elements reset immediately if
Inverse (U2) Very Inverse (C2) the current drops below pickup for at least one cycle.
Very Inverse (U3) Extremely Inverse (C3)
Extremely Inverse (U4) Long-Time Inverse (C4)
Overcurrent Elements for Phase
Short-Time Inverse (U5) Short-Time Inverse (C5)
Fault Detection
In addition to the curves listed in Table 3, the SEL-351S
provides 38 standard types of recloser curves. The The SEL-351S Protection System provides the tools nec-
recloser curves allow easy coordination with downstream essary to provide sensitive fault protection, yet accom-
reclosers and fuses. Sequence coordination logic is also modate heavily loaded circuits. Where heavy loading
included to provide coordination between fast and prevents the phase overcurrent elements from being set
delayed curves on the SEL-351S and downstream reclos- sufficiently sensitive to detect lower magnitude phase-to-
ers. Figure 2 represents an SEL-351S coordinated to a ground faults, residual-ground overcurrent elements are
downstream SEL-351R Recloser Control. Inverse-time available to provide sensitive ground fault protection
relay and recloser curve settings include a wide and con- without tripping under balanced heavy load conditions.
tinuous pickup current range, continuous time-dial (verti- Likewise, when heavy loading prevents the phase over-
cal multiplier), constant time adder, and minimum current elements from being set sufficiently sensitive to
response time. detect lower magnitude phase-to-phase faults, negative-
sequence overcurrent elements are available to provide
more sensitive phase-to-phase fault detection without
tripping under balanced heavy load conditions. Phase
52 Recloser overcurrent element pickup can be set high to accommo-
date heavy load, yet remain sensitive to higher magni-
tude three-phase faults. Block any element during
SEL-351S transformer inrush with programmable second-harmonic
SEL-651R blocking.
t Delay
Curves On extremely heavily loaded feeders, when phase over-
current elements cannot be set to provide adequate three-
Curves Retrofit older phase fault sensitivity and also accommodate load, the
existing reclosers with SEL-351S load-encroachment logic adds security. This
SEL-651R Recloser Control
logic allows you to set the phase overcurrent elements
below peak load current to see end-of-line phase faults in
Figure 2 Coordinate Overcurrent Protective Devices heavily loaded feeder applications. This load-encroach-
ment logic uses positive-sequence load-in and load-out subsidence current, especially following high-current
elements to discriminate between load and fault condi- faults. The high-speed 50BF element drops out less than
tions based on the magnitude and angle of the positive- one cycle after successful breaker operation, even with
sequence impedance (Figure 3). When the measured subsidence current. Faster dropout times mean faster
positive-sequence load impedance (Z1) resides in a breaker failure detection and clearing times. Use the
region defined by the load-encroachment settings, load- breaker failure trip and retrip timers to trigger dedicated
encroachment logic blocks the phase overcurrent ele- breaker failure trip logic. Built-in breaker failure ele-
ments. As Figure 3 shows, when a phase fault occurs, Z1 ments and logic save valuable programmable logic for
moves from a load region to the line angle and allows the other tasks.
phase overcurrent elements to operate.
Line Connect a Single-Phase Voltage
Input or a Three-Phase Voltage
3φ Fault
With Wye or Open-Delta Connected
Potential Transformers
Impedance Plane
Fault With a single-phase voltage input connected, the
Maximum Load-Out
Minimum Load SEL-351S Protection System creates phantom phase
Impedance (Z1) voltages to emulate balanced three-phase voltages for
metering. The single-phase voltage must be connected to
VA and N, as shown in Figure 4, but can come from any
phase or phase-to-phase voltage source. Make Global
Load-In Load-Out setting PTCONN = SINGLE and set PHANTV to the
Region Region desired phase or phase-to-phase voltage to identify the
single-phase voltage source for proper metering. Single-
Figure 3 Load-Encroachment Characteristics
phase voltage input also permits some voltage-dependent
protection functions. See Table 4 for more details. Other
Overcurrent Elements for Ground nonprotection functions, including fault locating and
Voltage Sag, Swell, Interrupt (SEL-351S-7 only) are not
Fault Detection available with only single-phase voltage connected.
Residual-ground (IG) and neutral (IN) overcurrent ele- Three-phase voltages from either wye-connected (four-
ments detect ground faults. Increase security by con- wire) or open-delta-connected (three-wire) sources can
trolling these elements using optoisolated inputs or the be applied to three-phase voltage inputs VA, VB, VC,
internal ground directional element. The SEL-351S Pro- and N, as shown in Figure 4. You only need to make a
tection System includes patented Best Choice Ground Global setting (PTCONN = WYE or PTCONN =
Directional Element™ logic, providing a selection of DELTA, respectively) and an external wiring change—
negative-sequence impedance, zero-sequence imped- no internal relay hardware changes or adjustments are
ance, and zero-sequence current polarizing techniques required. Three-phase, wye-connected voltage inputs
for optimum directional ground element control. permit full use of voltage-dependent protection func-
tions. Some limitations exist with delta-connected volt-
age inputs. See Table 4 for more details.
High-Speed Breaker Failure
Detect a failed circuit breaker quickly with built-in
breaker failure detection elements and logic. Dropout of
conventional overcurrent elements can be extended by
Global settings:
q Connections PHANTV =
VB-G VB PHANTV = (see q)
A single-phase voltage can be connected to provide
phantom three-phase voltages for metering.
Figure 4 Connect Wye or Open-Delta Voltage to
SEL-351S Three-Phase Voltage Inputs or Connect any
Single-Phase or Phase-to-Phase Voltage to VA and N
Traditionally, single-phase voltage (phase-to-neutral or Ground directional elements provide directional control
phase-to-phase) is connected to voltage input VS/NS for to the residual-ground and neutral overcurrent elements.
synchronism check across a circuit breaker (or hot/dead- The patented negative-sequence and zero-sequence
line check), as shown in Figure 25. impedance directional elements and the zero-sequence
current directional element use the same principles
Alternatively, voltage input VS/NS can be connected to a proven in our SEL transmission line relays. Our patented
broken-delta voltage source, as shown in Figure 5. This Best Choice Ground Directional logic selects the opti-
broken-delta connection provides a zero-sequence volt- mum ground directional element based on the ORDER
age source (3V0)—useful when zero-sequence voltage is setting you provide.
not available via the three-phase voltage inputs VA, VB,
VC, and N, (e.g., when open-delta connected voltage is
applied to the three-phase voltage inputs—see Figure 4). Directional Protection for Various System
Zero-sequence voltage is used in zero-sequence voltage- Grounding Practices
polarized ground directional elements and in the direc-
tional protection for Petersen Coil grounded systems. Current channel IN, ordered with an optional 0.2 A sec-
ondary nominal rating, provides directional ground pro-
Choosing between synchronism-check or broken-delta tection for the following systems:
(3V0) voltage source operation for voltage input VS/NS
➤ Ungrounded systems
requires only a Global setting (VSCONN = VS or
VSCONN = 3V0, respectively) and an external wiring ➤ High-impedance grounded systems
change—no internal relay hardware changes or adjust- ➤ Petersen Coil grounded systems
ments are required. Therefore, a single SEL-351S model
➤ Low-impedance grounded systems
can be used in either traditional synchronism-check
applications or broken-delta voltage applications. This optional directional control allows the faulted feeder to
be identified on a multifeeder bus, with an SEL-351S on
A B C each feeder (Figure 6). Alarm or trip for the ground fault
SEL-351S Relay
condition with sensitivity down to 5 mA secondary.
Core-Balance CT
VB VS Global setting
VSCONN = 3V0 2
NS 3
➤ Overpower and/or underpower protection and ➤ Trip/alarm or event report triggers for voltage sags
control. and swells
➤ Reverse power protection and control. ➤ Undervoltage (27) load shedding scheme. Having
both 27 and 81U load shedding schemes allows
➤ VAR control for capacitor banks. detection of system MVAR- and MW-deficient
Programmable Torque-Control ➤ Control schemes for capacitor banks
Feature Handles Cold-Load Use the following undervoltage and overvoltage ele-
ments, associated with the VS voltage channel, for addi-
Energization tional control and monitoring:
When a feeder is re-energized following a prolonged out- ➤ Hot-line/dead-line recloser control
age, lost load diversity causes large phase currents (cold- ➤ Ungrounded capacitor neutrals
load inrush). Avoid phase overcurrent element misopera-
tion during cold-load inrush by programming cold-load ➤ Ground fault detection on delta systems
block elements into the phase overcurrent element torque ➤ Generator neutral overvoltage
controls. One example of a cold-load block element is a ➤ Broken-delta zero-sequence voltage (see Figure 5)
time-delayed 52 status (long time-delay pickup and drop-
out timer with 52 as the input). An alternative is to detect
the long outage condition (breaker open) automatically, Sequence Voltage Elements
and temporarily switch to a setting group with higher
phase overcurrent element pickup thresholds. Independently set positive-, negative-, and zero-sequence
voltage elements provide protection and control. Appli-
cations include transformer bank single-phase trip
schemes and delta-load back-feed detection scheme for
dead-line recloser control. Note that zero-sequence ele-
ments are not available when the relay is delta-
connected, and no sequence elements are available when
only single-phase voltage is connected.
The SEL-351S Protection System has many power sys- impedance grounded systems, and directional overpro-
tem protection, monitoring, and control applications. tection ground fault protection on ungrounded, high-
Figure 7 shows some of the typical protection applica- impedance grounded and tuned reactance (Petersen Coil)
tions that are well suited for the SEL-351S. The grounded systems. Over- and underfrequency, over- and
SEL-351S directional and nondirectional overcurrent undervoltage, rate-of-change-of-frequency, and
functions can be used to protect virtually any power sys- synchronism-check elements are well suited for applica-
tem circuit or device including lines, feeders, breakers, tions at distributed generation sites. Directional power
transformers, capacitor banks, reactors, and generators. elements in the SEL-351S-7 model also make the relay
Special relay versions can be ordered to provide suitable for utility/customer interface protection where
nondirectional sensitive ground fault protection on high- customer generation is present.
Powerful SELOGIC control equations in all SEL-351S Protection System models can be used to provide custom protec-
tion and control applications. SEL Application Guides and technical support personnel are available to help with many
unique applications.
Transmission Bus
52 52
Trip and
Close SEL-351S
remote TX Comm.
terminal RX Equip
Distribution Bus
Utility Distribution Feeder Current Transformer
Protection and Reclosing Trip and
SEL-351S Trip
Industrial Distribution
VS Distributed Generation Feeder Protection
G Line Recloser
The SEL-351R Recloser Control and the SEL-351S Protection
System share many similar protection, monitoring, and
control attributes. The SEL-351R is powered by 120 Vac and
is ideally suited for outdoor pole-mounted and substation
rack-mounted recloser applications.
NOTE: Dashed lines indicate portion that can be changed with the
configurable labels option, see Configurable Labels (Ordering Option) on AUX 1, AUX 2
page 22.
These user-defined operator controls enable/disable user-
The SEL-351S Protection System factory-set operator programmed auxiliary control functions.
pushbutton and LED functions are described below.
buttons with ac trip or close circuits, disable the arc sup- in a variety of ways using SELOGIC control equations
pression for either pushbutton by changing jumpers with local and remote control. As shown in Figure 11,
inside the SEL-351S Relay. The operating voltage ranges achieve remote disable/enable control using an optoiso-
of the BREAKER CLOSED and BREAKER OPEN indicating lated input or the serial communications port. The opera-
LEDs are also jumper selectable. tor control pushbutton handles local disable/enable
control. Output contacts, serial ports and the local LED
indicate both remote and local ground relay operating
status. Remote control capabilities require programming
SELOGIC control equations.
Conventional SCADA Conventional
Serial or
SELOGIC Output Ground
Control Relay
Control Input Local Indication
of Control Output
Quantities Description
Currents IA,B,C,N, IG Input currents, residual-ground current (IG = 3I0 = IA + IB + IC).
Voltages VA,B,C Wye-connected and single-phase voltage inputs.
Voltages VAB,BC,CA Delta-connected voltage inputs, or calculated from wye-connected voltage inputs.
Voltage VS Synchronism-check or broken-delta voltage input.
Harmonics and THD Current and voltage rms, THD, and harmonics to the 16th harmonic.
Power MWA,B,C,3P, MVARA,B,C,3P Single-b and three-phase megawatts and megavars.
Energy MWhA,B,C,3P, MVARhA,B,C,3P Single-b and three-phase megawatt-hours and megavar-hours.
Power Factor PFA,B,C,3P Single-b and three-phase power factor; leading or lagging.
Sequence I1, 3I2, 3I0, V1, V2, 3V0 Positive-, negative-, and zero-sequence currents and voltages.c
Frequency, FREQ (Hz) Instantaneous power system frequency (monitored on channel VA).
Power Supply Vdc Battery voltage
Demand and Peak Current, IA,B,C,N,G, 3I2 Phase, neutral, ground, and negative-sequence currents
Demand and Peak Power, MWA,B,C,3P, MVARA,B,C,3P Single- and three-phase megawatts and megavars, in and out
a If single-phase or true three-phase voltage is not connected, voltage, MW/MVAR, MWh/MVARh, and power factor metering values are not available.
With single-phase voltage connected and Global setting PTCONN = SINGLE, the relay measures the single-phase voltage and calculates other
phase voltages and power measurements assuming balanced three-phase voltage.
Note that single-phase power, energy, and power factor quantities are not available when delta-connected PTs are used.
Sequence voltages are not metered with only single-phase voltage connected and Global setting PTCONN = SINGLE.
demand), frequency, and energy; and maximum/mini- The SEL-351S also includes harmonic meters, Total Har-
mum logging of selected quantities. The relay reports all monic Distortion (THD), and rms metering through the
metered quantities in primary quantities (current in A 16th harmonic.
primary and voltage in kV primary).
=>MET H <Enter>
FEEDER 1 Date: 11/13/09 Time: 13:19:22.102
Currents (A pri) Voltages (kV pri)
THD (%) 19 22 11 0 2 4 2 2
RMS 35.40 41.79 38.60 0.00 21.61 21.54 21.50 21.50
Fund. 34.77 40.80 38.35 0.00 21.60 21.52 21.50 21.50
2 (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 (%) 7 14 4 0 0 4 0 0
4 (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 (%) 3 12 6 0 2 0 0 0
6 (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 (%) 13 4 2 0 0 0 2 2
8 (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 (%) 5 6 4 0 0 0 0 0
10 (%) 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
11 (%) 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 (%) 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0
14 (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 (%) 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 (%) 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
Load Profile The relay SER feature stores the latest 1024 entries. Use
this feature to gain a broad perspective at a glance. An
The SEL-351S-6 and -7 feature a programmable Load SER entry helps to monitor input/output change-of-state
Profile (LDP) recorder that records as many as 15 meter- occurrences, element pickup/dropout, and recloser state
ing quantities into nonvolatile memory at fixed time changes.
intervals. The LDP saves several days to several weeks of
The IRIG-B time-code input synchronizes the SEL-351S
the most recent data depending on the LDP settings. time to within 1 ms of the time-source input. A conve-
nient source for this time code is an SEL communica-
Event Reporting and Sequential tions processor (combining data and IRIG signals via
Serial Port 2 on the SEL-351S) or an SEL GPS clock
Events Recorder (SER) connected to the high-accuracy BNC IRIG-B connector
on the SEL-351S rear panel. The optional SEL-2812-
Event Reports and the SER simplify post-fault analysis compatible fiber-optic serial port is also an IRIG-B
and improve understanding of simple and complex pro- source when paired with a compatible serial transceiver
tective scheme operations. In response to a user-selected that transmits IRIG-B.
trigger, the voltage, current, frequency, and element sta-
tus information contained in each event report confirms
relay, scheme, and system performance for every fault. Synchrophasor Measurements
The Global setting LER determines if the relay stores 15-
cycle, 30-cycle, or 60-cycle event reports. The relay Send synchrophasor data using IEEE C37.118-2005 pro-
stores the most recent eleven 60-cycle, twenty-three 30- tocol to SEL synchrophasor applications. These include
cycle, or forty-four 15-cycle event reports in nonvolatile the SEL-3306 Synchrophasor Processor, SEL-3378
memory; a total of 11 seconds of oscillography. The Synchrophasor Vector Processor (SVP), SEL-3530 Real-
relay always appends relay settings to the bottom of each Time Automation Controller (RTAC), and the
event report. SEL-5078-2 SYNCHROWAVE® Central Visualization and
Analysis Software suite. The SEL-3306 Synchrophasor
The following event report formats are available: Processor time correlates data from multiple SEL-351S
➤ 1/4-cycle, 1/16-cycle, 1/32-cycle, or 1/128-cycle relays and concentrates the result into a single output
resolution data stream. The SEL-3378 SVP enables control applica-
tions based on synchrophasors. Directly measure the
➤ Unfiltered or filtered analog
oscillation modes of your power system. Act on the
➤ ASCII or Compressed ASCII result. Properly control islanding of distributed genera-
tion using wide-area phase angle slip and acceleration
measurements. With the SVP you have the power to cus-
tomize synchrophasor control application based on the
unique requirements of your power system. Then use Improve Situational Awareness
SEL SYNCHROWAVE software to archive and display
wide-area system measurements, which are precisely Provide improved information to system operators.
time-aligned using synchrophasor technology. Advanced synchrophasor-based tools provide a real-time
view of system conditions. Use system trends, alarm
The data rate of SEL-351S synchrophasors is selectable points, and preprogrammed responses to help operators
with a range of one to sixty messages per second. This prevent a cascading system collapse and maximize sys-
flexibility is important for efficient use of communica- tem stability. Awareness of system trends provides opera-
tions capacity. The SEL-351S phasor measurement accu- tors with an understanding of future values based on
racy meets the highest IEEE C37.118-2005 Level 1 measured data.
requirement of 1 percent total vector error (TVE). This
means you can use the low-cost SEL-351S in any appli-
cation that otherwise would have required purchasing a
separate dedicated phasor measurement unit (PMU).
Backward compatibility with the SEL Fast Message Pro-
tocol is maintained in the SEL-351S. Send data from one
message per second to slower rates such as one message
per minute using this protocol. The slow data rates are
useful for integration into an existing SCADA scan rate.
Use with the SEL communications processors, or the
SEL-3530 RTAC, to change nonlinear state estimation
into linear state estimation. If all necessary lines include
synchrophasor measurements then state estimation is no
longer necessary. The system state is directly measured. Figure 15 Visualization of Phase Angle
Measurements Across a Power System
V1 δ1 ➤ Increase system loading while maintaining
V2 δ2 adequate stability margins.
= h (V,θ) + error = h (V,θ)
P12 V1 ➤ Improve operator response to system contingencies
State State
Q12 V2 such as overload conditions, transmission outages,
or generator shutdown.
Measurements Measurements ➤ Advance system knowledge with correlated event
reporting and real-time system visualization.
10 Minutes 1 Second
➤ Validate planning studies to improve system load
Figure 14 Synchrophasor Measurements balance and station optimization.
Turn State Estimation Into State Measurement
Voltage Sag, Swell, Interruption Every time the breaker trips, it integrates the measured
current information. When the result of this integration
Records exceeds the breaker wear curve threshold (Figure 17) the
relay alarms via output contact, serial port, or front-panel
The SEL-351S-7 can perform automatic voltage distur- display. This kind of information allows timely and eco-
bance monitoring for three-phase systems. (This function nomical scheduling of breaker maintenance.
is not available when only single-phase voltage is con-
nected and PTCONN = SINGLE.) The Sag/Swell/Inter- Breaker Manufacturer's
ruption (SSI) Recorder uses the SSI Relay Word bits to Maintenance Curve
Fault Locator
The SEL-351S provides a valuable estimate of fault loca- voltage inputs. Wye-connected voltages are required for
tion even during periods of substantial load flow. The phase and ground fault distance calculations. Only phase
fault locator uses fault type, replica line impedance set- fault distance calculations are available with delta-con-
tings, and fault conditions to calculate fault location nected voltages. The fault locator is not available when
without communications channels, special instrument no voltage or single-phase voltages are connected. The
transformers, or pre-fault information. This feature con- fault locator also does not operate for ground faults on
tributes to efficient dispatch of line crews and fast resto- ungrounded, high-impedance grounded, or Petersen Coil
ration of service. The fault locator requires three-phase grounded systems.
Flexible Control Logic and nicate directly with SCADA systems, computers, and
RTUs via serial or Ethernet port for local or remote com-
Integration Features munication (see Figure 19).
Computer - SEL Protocols Network
Communications Processor - Modbus RTU
Synchrophasor Processor - DNP3 Level 2 Outstation
- IEEE C37.118-2005
Managed Managed
Ethernet Ethernet
Switch Switch
Figure 18 Typical Serial Communications Architecture SEL-351
SEL manufactures a variety of standard cables for con-
necting this and other relays to a variety of external Figure 20 Self-Healing Ring Using Internal Ethernet
devices. Consult your SEL representative for more infor- Switch
mation on cable availability. The SEL-351S can commu-
SEL-2725 SEL-2725
Type Description
IEC 61850 Ethernet-based international standard for interoperability between intelligent devices in a substation. Operates remote bits, breaker
controls, and I/O. Monitors Relay Word bits and analog quantities. Use MMS file transfer to retrieve event and breaker monitor reports.
Simple ASCII Plain language commands for human and simple machine communication. Use for metering, setting, self-test status, event report-
ing, and other functions.
Compressed ASCII Comma-delimited ASCII data reports. Allows external devices to obtain relay data in an appropriate format for direct import into
spreadsheets and database programs. Data are checksum protected.
Extended Fast Meter and Serial or Telnet binary protocol for machine-to-machine communication. Quickly updates SEL communications processors,
Fast Operate RTUs, and other substation devices with metering information, relay element and I/O status, time-tags, open and close commands,
and summary event reports. Data are checksum protected. Binary and ASCII protocols operate simultaneously over the same com-
munications lines so binary SCADA metering information is not lost while an engineer or technician is transferring an event report
or communicating with the relay using ASCII communication through the same relay communications port.
SEL Distributed Port Enables multiple SEL devices to share a common communications bus (two-character address setting range is 01–99). Use this
Switch (LMD) Protocol protocol for low-cost, port-switching applications.
Fast SER Protocol Provides serial or Ethernet SER data transfers with original time stamps to an automated data collection system.
Modbus RTU or TCP Serial or Ethernet-based Modbus with point remapping. Includes access to metering data, protection elements, contact I/O, targets,
relay summary events, and settings groups.
DNP3 Serial or LAN/ Serial or Ethernet-based Distributed Network Protocol with point remapping. Includes access to metering data, protection ele-
WAN ments, contact I/O, targets, SER, relay summary event reports, and setting groups.
IEEE C37.118-2005 Serial or Ethernet Phasor Measurement Protocol. Streams synchrophasor data to archiving historian for post-disturbance analysis,
to visualization software for real-time monitoring, or to synchrophasor data processor for real-time control.
Control Logic and Integration pushbuttons and LEDs and the Local Bits into your
control scheme with SELOGIC control equations.
SEL-351S control logic improves integration in the fol- Use the front-panel operator pushbuttons and the
lowing ways: Local Bits to perform functions such as turning
ground tripping and autoreclosing on and off or a
➤ Replace traditional panel control switches. Ten breaker trip/close.
conveniently sized programmable operator
pushbutton controls and associated programmable ➤ Eliminate RTU-to-relay wiring. Use serial or
LEDs are located on the SEL-351S relay front LAN/WAN communication to control as many as
panel (see Figure 8), eliminating the need for 32 remote control switches (Remote Bits RB1–
traditional panel control switches and lights. In RB32). Set, clear, or pulse selected Remote Bits
addition, as many as 16 local control switch over serial port or network communication using
functions (Local Bits LB1–LB16) can be ASCII, DNP, or Modbus commands. Program the
programmed for operation through the CNTRL front- Remote Bits into your control scheme with
panel pushbutton. Set, clear, or pulse selected SELOGIC control equations. Use Remote Bits for
Local Bits with the front-panel pushbuttons and SCADA-type control operations such as trip, close,
display. Program the front-panel operator and turning autoreclose on or off.
➤ Replace traditional latching relays. Perform ➤ Eliminate settings changes. Selectable setting
traditional latching relay functions, such as groups make the SEL-351S ideal for applications
“remote control enable”, with 16 internal logic requiring frequent setting changes and for adapting
latch control switches (Latch Bits LT1–LT16). the protection to changing system conditions.
Program latch set and latch reset conditions with The relay stores six setting groups. Select the
SELOGIC control equations. Set or reset the active setting group by optoisolated input,
nonvolatile Latch Bits using optoisolated inputs, command, or other programmable conditions. Use
remote control switches, local control switches, or these setting groups to cover a wide range of
any programmable logic condition. The Latch Bits protection and control contingencies.
retain their state when the relay loses power.
Changing setting groups switches logic and relay
➤ Replace traditional indicating panel lights. Use element settings. Program groups for different
16 programmable rotating messages on the front- operating conditions, such as feeder paralleling,
panel LCD display to define custom text messages station maintenance, seasonal operations,
(e.g., Breaker Open, Breaker Closed, and real-time emergency contingencies, loading, source changes,
analog quantities) that report power system or and downstream relay setting changes.
relay conditions. In addition, many of the target
LEDs are programmable for either trip-latch or
real-time status indication. The operator Fast SER Protocol
pushbutton LEDs can also be programmed for
latching or status indication. Use SELogic control SEL Fast Sequential Events Recorder (SER) Protocol
equations to control which rotating display provides SER events to an automated data collection sys-
messages, target LEDs, or operator pushbutton tem. SEL Fast SER Protocol is available on any serial
LEDs the relay displays. port. Devices with embedded processing capability can
➤ Eliminate external timers. Provide custom use these messages to enable and accept unsolicited
protection or control schemes with 16 general binary SER messages from SEL-351S Relays.
purpose SELOGIC control equation timers. Each SEL relays and communications processors have two
timer has independent time-delay pickup and separate data streams that share the same serial port. The
dropout settings. Program each timer input with normal serial interface consists of ASCII character com-
any desired element (e.g., time qualify a current mands and reports that are intelligible to people using a
element). Assign the timer output to trip logic, terminal or terminal emulation package. The binary data
transfer trip communication, or other control streams can interrupt the ASCII data stream to obtain
scheme logic. information, and then allow the ASCII data stream to
continue. This mechanism allows a single communica-
tions channel to be used for ASCII communication (e.g.,
transmission of a long event report) interleaved with
short bursts of binary data to support fast acquisition of
metering or SER data.
Added Capabilities
MIRRORED BITS Communications This bidirectional digital communication creates eight
additional virtual outputs (transmitted MIRRORED BITS)
The SEL-patented MIRRORED BITS communications and eight additional virtual inputs (received MIRRORED
technology provides bidirectional digital communica- BITS) for each serial port operating in the MIRRORED
tion between any two MIRRORED BITS-capable devices. BITS mode (see Figure 22). Use these MIRRORED BITS to
MIRRORED BITS can operate independently on as many transmit/receive information between upstream relays
as two EIA-232 serial ports on a single SEL-351S-6 or -7 and downstream recloser control (e.g., SEL-351R) to
(not available on the SEL-351S-5). enhance coordination and achieve faster tripping for
downstream faults. MIRRORED BITS technology also
helps reduce total scheme operating time by eliminating
the need to assert output contacts to transmit information.
Channel A Relay Word bits shown. Channel B Relay Word Program any of these LEDs as either a status or trip target LED.
bits are TMB1B to TMB8B and RMA1B to RMA8B. Figure 23 Fixed-Logic and Programmable LEDs
Figure 22 MIRRORED BITS Transmit and Receive Relay
Word Bits (Shown for Channel A)
Programmable Outputs Programmable Inputs
to Annunciator, RTU, or
Communications Processor
OUT101 and OUT102 are polarity Inputs are not polarity sensitive
Status (+)
Breaker (–)
Contacts. Observe polarity marks and sensitive, requiring more than 1/2
Breaker (+)
Circuit (–)
Circuit (–)
but can be changed to operate as extra Debounce input settings can be used
All main board and optional I/O Single PORT 5A Dual PORT 5 (5A & 5B)
b 100BASE-FX LC optical 10/100BASE-T RJ45
board output contacts (OUT1xx
(–) Breaker
solder-jumper selectable for Dual PORT 5 (5A & 5B) Dual PORT 5 (5A & 5B)
form a or form b configuration. 100BASE-FX LC optical One 100BASE-FX LC
All inputs, outputs and analog connector (REAR) optical connector and
connections use screw terminals. one 10/100BASE-T RJ45
metallic connector (REAR)
CC TC Secondary Voltage
Secondary Current Inputs Inputs
Figure 25 Example SEL-351S Wiring Diagram (Wye-Connected PTs; Synchronism-Check Voltage Input)
Panel or Projection Mount With USB Port
Panel or Projection Mount With USB Port and SafeLock Trip/Close Pushbuttons
Operator control buttons are labeled CLOSE and TRIP on relays that do not have configurable labels and do not have
SafeLock Trip/Close Pushbuttons.
Figure 26 SEL-351S Horizontal Panel- or Projection-Mount Front-Panel Drawings
i4397b i4296a
Operator control buttons are labeled CLOSE and TRIP on relays that do not have configurable labels and do not have
SafeLock Trip/Close Pushbuttons.
Figure 28 SEL-351S Vertical Front-Panel Drawings
Vertical mount is identical to horizontal mount configuration rotated by 90 degrees counterclockwise from these figures.
Figure 29 SEL-351S Horizontal Rear-Panel Drawings (see Figure 30 for communications port configurations)
Figure 31 SEL-351S Dimensions and Drill Plan for Rack-Mount and Panel-Mount Models
Important: Do not use the following information to order an SEL-351S. Refer to the actual ordering information sheets.
Note: The 0.2 A nominal neutral channel IN option is used for directional
Compliance control on low-impedance grounded, Petersen Coil grounded, and
Designed and manufactured under an ISO 9001 certified quality ungrounded/ high-impedance grounded systems (see Table 4.4). The 0.2 A
nominal channel can also provide nondirectional sensitive earth fault (SEF)
management system
UL Listed to US and Canadian safety standards (File E212775; NRGU, The 0.05 A nominal neutral channel IN option is a legacy nondirectional SEF
NRGU7) option.
CE Mark
UKCA Mark Power Supply
RCM Mark
High-Voltage Supply
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rated: 125–250 Vdc nominal or 120–230 Vac
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection nominal
against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a Range: 85–350 Vdc or 85–264 Vac
commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in Burden: <25 W
accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful Medium-Voltage Supply
interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a
residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the Rated: 48–125 Vdc nominal or 120 Vac nominal
user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. Range: 38–200 Vdc or 85–140 Vac
General Burden: <25 W
Note: Terminals or stranded copper wire. Ring terminals are Rated: 24–48 Vdc nominal
recommended. Minimum temperature rating of 75ºC. Range: 18–60 Vdc polarity dependent
Tightening Torque Burden: <25 W
Terminals A01–A28 Fuse Ratings
Terminals B01–B40 (if
present): 1.1–1.3 Nm (9–12 in-lb) High-Voltage Power Supply Fuse
Output Contacts Cyclic Capacity (4 cycles in 1 second, followed by 2 minutes idle for
thermal dissipation):
24 V 10 A L/R = 40 ms
DC Output Ratings 48 V 10 A L/R = 40 ms
Make: 30 A 125 V 10 A L/R = 40 ms
250 V 10 A L/R = 20 ms
Carry: 6 A continuous carry at 70°C
4 A continuous carry at 85°C Note: Make per IEEE C37.90-1989.
Note: Do not use high-current interrupting output contacts to switch ac control
1s Rating: 50 A signals. These outputs are polarity dependent.
MOV Protected: 270 Vac/360 Vdc/75 J Note: Breaking and Cyclic Capacity per IEC 60255-0-20:1974.
Total Storage: 11 seconds of analog and binary Steady-State Pickup ±0.05 A and ±3% of setting (5 A nominal)
Accuracy: ±0.01 A and ±3% of setting (1 A nominal)
Sampling Rate: 128 samples per cycle unfiltered
32 and 16 samples per cycle unfiltered and Transient Overreach: ±5% of pickup
filtered Reset Time: ≤1 cycle
4 samples per cycle filtered
Pickup Time: ≤1 cycle for current greater than 2
Trigger: Programmable with Boolean expression multiples of pickup
Format: ASCII and Compressed ASCII Time Delay: 0.00–16,000.00 cycles, 0.25 cycle steps
Binary COMTRADE (128 samples per
Timer Accuracy: ±0.25 cycle and ±0.1% of setting
cycle unfiltered)
Time-Stamp Resolution: 1 μs with precise time event (EVE P) Time-Overcurrent Elements
reports and Compressed ASCII event Pickup Range: 0.25–16.00 A, 0.01 A steps
(CEV) reports. 1 ms otherwise. (5 A nominal)
Time-Stamp Accuracy: See Time-Code Inputs on page 30. 0.10–16.00 A, 0.01 A steps
(5 A nominal—for residual-ground
Sequential Events Recorder elements)
Time-Stamp Resolution: 1 ms 0.05–3.20 A, 0.01 A steps
(1 A nominal)
Time-Stamp Accuracy (with 0.02–3.20 A, 0.01 A steps
respect to time source): (1 A nominal—for residual-ground
±5 ms elements)
0.005–0.640 A, 0.001 A steps
(0.2 A nominal neutral channel (IN)
current input)
0.005–0.160 A, 0.001 A steps
(0.05 A nominal neutral channel (IN)
current input)
Steady-State ±0.05 A and ±3% of setting Timer Accuracy: ±0.25 cycle and ±0.1% of setting
Pickup Accuracy: (5 A nominal)
Undervoltage Frequency 25.00–300.00 VLN (wye)
±0.01 A and ±3% of setting
Element Block Range: or VLL (open delta)
(1 A nominal)
±0.005 A and ±3% of setting Rate-of-Change-of-Frequency Element
(0.2 A nominal neutral channel (IN)
current input) Pickup Range: 0.10–15.00 Hz/s, 0.01 Hz/s steps
±0.001 A and ±5% of setting Dropout: 95% of pickup
(0.05 A nominal neutral channel (IN)
Pickup Accuracy: ±100 mHz/s and ±3.33% of pickup
current input)
Pickup/Dropout Time: See Equation 3.1.
Time-Dial Range: 0.50–15.00, 0.01 steps (US)
0.05–1.00, 0.01 steps (IEC) Pickup Time Delay: 0.10–60.00 seconds, 0.01 second steps
0.10–2.00, in 0.01 steps (recloser curves)
Dropout Time Delay: 0.00–60.00 seconds, 0.01 second steps
Curve Timing Accuracy: ±1.50 cycles and ±4% of curve time for
Timer Accuracy: ±6 ms and ±0.1% of setting
current between 2 and 30 multiples of
pickup Timers
±1.50 cycles and ±4% of curve time for
current less than 1 multiple of pickup Pickup Ranges: 0.00–999,999.00 cycles, 0.25-cycle steps
±3.50 cycles and ±4% of curve time for (reclosing relay and some programmable
current between 2 and 30 multiples of timers)
pickup for 0.05 A nominal neutral 0.00–16,000.00 cycles, 0.25-cycle steps
channel (IN) current input (some programmable and other various
±3.50 cycles and ±4% of curve time for timers)
current less than 1 multiple of pickup for Pickup and Dropout
0.05 A nominal neutral channel (IN) Accuracy for all Timers: ±0.25 cycle and ±0.1% of setting
current input
Second-Harmonic Blocking Elements Substation Battery Voltage Monitor
Pickup Range: 5–100% of fundamental, 1% steps Pickup Range: 20–300 Vdc, 1 Vdc steps
Steady-State Pickup Pickup accuracy: ±2% of setting ±2 Vdc
Accuracy: 2.5 percentage points
Fundamental Metering Accuracy
Pickup/Dropout Time: <1.25 cycles
Accuracies are specified at 20°C, at nominal system frequency, and
Time Delay: 0.00–16,000.00 cycles, 0.25 cycle steps voltages 67–250 V unless noted otherwise.
Timer Accuracy: ±0.25 cycle and ±0.1% of setting VA, VB, VC: ±0.2% (67.0–250 V; wye-connected)
Under- and Overvoltage Elements ±0.4% typical (250–300 V; wye-connected)
Technical Support
We appreciate your interest in SEL products and services. If you have questions or comments, please contact us at:
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
2350 NE Hopkins Court
Pullman, WA 99163-5603 U.S.A.
Tel: +1.509.338.3838
Fax: +1.509.332.7990
This product is covered by the standard SEL 10-year warranty. For warranty details, visit or contact your customer service representative.