451-4 DS 20121207

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SEL-451-4 Bay Control, Automation,

and Protection System

Major Features and Benefits

The SEL-451-4 Bay Control, Automation, and Protec- inputs from different systems. Incorporate up to
tion System integrates bay control for breakers and dis- 1000 lines of automation logic to speed and
connect switches with full automation and protection in improve control actions.
one device. ➤ Protection. Use multiple instantaneous and time-
➤ Commissioning. Rapidly commission your Bay overcurrent elements with SELOGIC control equations
Control with preconfigured bay arrangements. to customize distribution protection. Best Choice
Choose among different bus configurations, Ground Directional Element™ logic optimizes
including single- and dual-busbar, transfer bus, tie directional element performance and eliminates the
breaker, breaker-and-a-half, ring-bus, double- need for many directional settings. Protect two break-
bus/double-breaker, and source transfer configura- ers with one relay.
tions. These bus arrangements allow easy status ➤ Synchrophasors. Make informed load dispatch deci-
and control of as many as five disconnect switches sions based on actual real-time phasor measurements
and two breakers. Additional user-selectable bay types from across your power system. Use synchrophasors to
are available via an SEL-5030 Quickset interface that determine actual stability margins with standard
can be downloaded at www.selinc.com. spreadsheet, graphics program, or data management
➤ Automation. Take advantage of enhanced automa- system.
tion features that include 32 programmable ele- ➤ High-impedance Fault Detection. The optional
ments for local control, remote control, protection high-impedance fault (HIF) detection element
latching, and automation latching. Local metering operates for small current ground faults typically
on the large format front-panel Liquid Crystal Dis- caused by downed conductors on ground surfaces
play (LCD) eliminates the need for separate panel such as earth, concrete or other poorly conductive
meters. Use serial and Ethernet links to efficiently materials. HIF event data are made available in
transmit key information, including metering data, standard COMTRADE format.
protection element and control I/O status, IEEE ➤ Ethernet Access. Access all relay functions with the
C37.118 Synchrophasors, IEC 61850 GOOSE optional Ethernet Processor. Interconnect with automa-
messages, Sequential Events Recorder (SER) tion systems using IEC 61850 or DNP3 protocol
reports, breaker monitor, relay summary event directly. Optionally connect to DNP3 networks
reports, and time synchronization. Use expanded through an SEL-2032 Communications Processor. Use
SELOGIC® control equations with math and compari- file transfer protocol (FTP) for high-speed data collec-
son functions in control applications. High-isolation tion. Connect to substation or corporate LANs to trans-
inputs have settable assertion levels to easily combine mit synchrophasors in the IEEE C37.118-2005 format
using TCP or UDP internet protocols.

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet


➤ Digital Relay-to-Relay Communications. Use needs with full metering capabilities including
Enhanced MIRRORED BITS® communications to rms, maximum/minimum, demand/peak, energy,
monitor internal element conditions between bays and instantaneous values.
within a station, or between stations, using SEL ➤ High-Accuracy Time-Stamping. Time-tag binary
fiber-optic transceivers. Send digital, analog, and COMTRADE event reports with real-time accu-
virtual terminal data over the same MIRRORED racy of better than 10 µs. View system state infor-
BITS channel. mation to an accuracy of better than 1/4 of an
➤ Monitoring. Schedule breaker maintenance when electrical degree.
accumulated breaker duty (independently moni- ➤ Oscillography and Event Reporting. Record
tored for each pole of two circuit breakers) indi- voltages, currents, and internal logic points at up to
cates possible excess contact wear. Electrical and 8 kHz sampling rate. Off line phasor and harmonic
mechanical operating times are recorded for both analysis features allow investigation of bay and
the last operation and the average of operations system performance.
since function reset. Alarm contacts provide notifi- ➤ Reclosing. Incorporate programmable reclosing of
cation of substation battery voltage problems (two one or two breakers into an integrated substation
independent battery monitors) even if voltage is control system. Synchronism and voltage checks
low only during trip or close operations. from multiple sources provide complete bay con-
➤ Breaker Failure. Use high-speed (less than one trol.
cycle) open-pole detection logic to reduce coordi- ➤ Fault Locator. Efficiently dispatch line crews to
nation times for critical breaker failure applica- quickly isolate line problems and restore service
tions. Apply the SEL-451-4 to supply breaker faster.
failure protection for one or two breakers. Logic
➤ Thermal Overload Modeling. Use the SEL-451-4
for breaker failure retrip and initiation of transfer
tripping is included. with the SEL-2600A RTD Module for dynamic
overload protection using SELOGIC control equa-
➤ Sequential Events Recorder (SER). Record the tions.
last 1000 entries, including setting changes, power-
➤ Rules-Based Settings Editor. Communicate with
ups, and selectable logic elements.
and set the relay using an ASCII terminal, or use
➤ Dual CT Input. Apply with ring bus, breaker-and- the PC-based ACSELERATOR® QuickSet™
a-half, or other two-breaker schemes. Combine SEL-5030 Software to configure the SEL-451-4
currents within the relay from two sets of CTs for and analyze fault records with relay element
protection functions, but keep them separately response.
available for monitoring and station integration
➤ Auxiliary Trip/Close Pushbuttons. These
optional pushbuttons are electrically isolated from
➤ Comprehensive Metering. Improve feeder load- the rest of the relay. They function independently
ing by using built-in, high-accuracy metering func- from the relay and do not need relay power.
tions. Use watt and VAR measurements to
optimize feeder operation. Minimize equipment

451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Product Overview

Figure 1 Product Overview

Bay Control
The SEL-451-4 Bay Control provides dynamic bay one- ity to customize the names for all of the breakers, discon-
line diagrams on the front-panel screen with disconnect nect switches, and buses. Most one-line diagrams contain
and breaker control capabilities for 25 predefined user- analog display points. These display points can be set to
selectable bay types. Additional user-selectable bay any of the available analog quantities with labels, units,
types are available via an SEL-5030 Quickset interface and scaling. These values are updated real-time along
that can be downloaded at www.selinc.com. The bay with the breakers and switch position to give instant sta-
control is equipped to control as many as five discon- tus and complete control of a bay. The diagrams below
nects and two breakers, depending on the one-line dia- demonstrate some of the preconfigured bay arrange-
gram selected. Certain one-line diagrams provide status ments available in the SEL-451-4.
for up to three breakers and five disconnect switches.
Operate disconnects and breakers with ASCII com- The operator can see all valuable information on a bay
mands, SELOGIC control equations, Fast Operate Mes- before making a critical control decision. Programmable
sages, and from the one-line diagram. The one-line interlocks help prevent operators from incorrectly open-
diagram includes user-configurable apparatus labels and ing or closing switches or breakers. The SEL-451-4 will
as many as six user-definable Analog Quantities. not only prevent the operator from making an incorrect
control decision, but can notify and/or alarm when an
incorrect operation is initiated.
One-Line Bay Diagrams
The SEL-451-4 bay control offers a variety of preconfig-
ured one-line diagrams for common bus configurations.
Once a one-line diagram is selected, the user has the abil-

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet





I:99999.9 A I:99999.9 A
V:99999.9 KV V:99999.9 KV
SW1 SW2 P:99999.9 MW
P:99999.9 MW

NAVIG ESC Figure 5 Source Transfer Bus
Figure 2 Breaker-and-a-Half
Circuit Breaker Operations From
BAYNAME the Front Panel
BAYLAB1 Figure 2 through Figure 5 are examples of some of the
SW1 23 selectable one-line diagrams in the SEL-451-4. The
one-line diagram is selectable from the Bay settings.
BK1 BAYLAB2 Additional settings for defining labels and analog quanti-
ties are also found in the Bay settings. One-line diagrams
SW2 are composed of the following:
I:99999.9 A ➤ Bay Names and Bay Labels (Bay Labels available
BK2 V:99999.9 KV in one-line diagrams 14, 17, 18, and 23. All other
P:99999.9 MW
Q:99999.9 MV one-line diagrams use the Bay Name.)
F:99.9 HZ
➤ Busbar and Busbar Labels
➤ Breaker and Breaker Labels
➤ Disconnect Switches and Disconnect Switch
NAVIG ESC ➤ Analog Display Points
Figure 3 Ring Bus With Ground Switch
Figure 6 shows the Breaker Control Screens available
when the {ENT} pushbutton is pressed with the circuit
BAYNAME breaker highlighted as shown in Figure 6 (a). After press-
BUSNAM1 ing the {ENT} pushbutton with the breaker highlighted and
BUSNAM2 the LOCAL Relay Word bit asserted, the Breaker Con-
trol Screen in Figure 6 (b) is displayed. After entering
the screen in Figure 6 (b), the relay performs the circuit
breaker operations as outlined in the SEL-451 User’s
Guide. If the LOCAL Relay Word bit is not asserted
when the {ENT} pushbutton is pressed, the screen in
I:99999.9 A Figure 6 (c) is displayed for three seconds, then the bay
SW3 V:99999.9 KV
P:99999.9 MW control displays again the screen in Figure 6 (a).
Q:99999.9 MV
F:99.9 HZ

Figure 4 Double Bus/Double Breaker

451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Bay Name

Switch Label BAYNAME Bus Labels
Breaker BUS 2
Highlighted Dis 1 Disconnect
Dis 2
Switch Label
Dis 3 Analog
Bkr 1 Quantites
Breaker 6 ANALOGS
Label Dis 4 I:99999.9 A
V:99999.9 KV
P:99999.9 MW
Disconnect Q:99999.9 MV
Switch Label F:60.000 HZ After three seconds,
re-display the previous screen

(a) Bay Screen NAVIG ESC

Press Enter with breaker


Bay not in
LOCAL Control!
Cannot issue
(b) Breaker Control Screen (c) LOCAL bit NOT asserted
Figure 6 Screens for Circuit Breaker Selection

Rules-Based Settings Editor ACSELERATOR QuickSet Bay Control Settings

Use ACSELERATOR QuickSet to develop settings off- Interface
line. The system automatically checks interrelated set- There are two ways to enter Bay Control settings using
tings and highlights out-of-range settings. Settings cre- the ACSELERATOR QuickSet settings interface. The stan-
ated off-line can be transferred by using a PC dard style settings are displayed in traditional form under
communications link with the SEL-451-4. The ACSEL- the Bay Control form. ACSELERATOR QuickSet also pro-
ERATOR QuickSet interface supports Windows® 98, vides an interactive bay control setting entry method.
2000, XP, and NT® operating systems. Open COM- The interactive method works by clicking on the one-line
TRADE files from SEL and other products. Convert diagram labels. This action automatically displays all the
binary COMTRADE files to ASCII format for portabil- settings for the device selected. This method provides an
ity and ease of use. View real-time phasors and harmonic easy way of organizing and verifying all settings associ-
values. ated with the device.
Figure 7 illustrates the interactive bay control setting
form in ACSELERATOR QuickSet. Click on an apparatus
in the one-line diagram, and a form with apparatus-spe-
cific settings is displayed.

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet


ACSELERATOR QuickSet Designer SEL-5031 ➤ Enforce settings limits narrower than the device
Use the ACSELERATOR QuickSet Designer SEL-5031 to
➤ Define input variables based on the equipment
create custom views of settings, called Application
nameplate or manufacturer’s terminology or scal-
Designs, to reduce complexity, decrease the chance of ing and calculate settings from these “friendlier”
errors, and increase productivity. inputs.
➤ Lock and hide unused settings. ➤ Use settings comments to guide users and explain
➤ Lock settings to match your standard for protec- design reasoning.
tion, I/O assignment, communications, and SEL-
OGIC control equations.

Figure 7 Interactive Bay Control Setting Form

Front-Panel Display ENABLED SER HOT LINE

The liquid crystal display (LCD) shows event, metering, EVENTS TAG

settings, and relay self-test status information. The target

LEDs display relay target information as described in BAY
Figure 8 and explained in Table 1.




Figure 8 Factory Default Status and Trip Target LEDs

(8 Pushbutton, 16 Target Option)

451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Table 1 Description of Factory Default Target LEDs

Target LED Function

ENABLED Relay powered properly and self-tests okay

TRIP Indication that a trip occurred
INST High-speed rip
TIME Time-delayed trip
COMM Communications-assisted trip
SOTF Switch-onto-fault trip
79 RESET Ready for reclose cycle
79 CYCLE Control in cycle state
79 LOCKOUT Control in lockout state
Figure 9 Factory Default Status and Trip Target LEDs A, B, C Phases involved in fault
(12 Pushbutton, 24 Target Option)
GROUND Ground involved in fault
The LCD is controlled by the navigation pushbuttons LOP Loss-of-potential condition
(Figure 10), automatic messages the relay generates, and
user-programmed analog and digital display points. The
VAY ON, VBY ON, VY phase filtered instantaneous voltages
rotating display scrolls through the bay screen, alarm VCY ON applied
points, display points, and metering screens. Each dis-
VAZ ONa, VBZ VZ phase filtered instantaneous voltages
play remains for a user-programmed time (1–15 seconds) ONa, VCZ ONa applied
before the display continues scrolling. Any message gen-
erated by the relay because of an alarm condition takes BKR FAILa Breaker Failure trip
precedence over the rotating display. BKR MAINTa Breaker maintenance needed
EXT TRIP External trip detected
03/15/01 GROUP 1 51 TIMING 51 element picked up and timing
00:00:05.387 IRIG LOCKED a
IRIG synchronization detected
EVENT: BCG T a Only available in 24-LED models.
FREQ: 60.00
SHOT: 3P=1 The SEL-451-4 features a versatile front panel that you
BK2 CLOSED can customize to fit your needs. Use SELOGIC control
equations and slide-in configurable front-panel labels to
change the function and identification of target LEDs
and operator control pushbuttons and LEDs. The blank
Figure 10 Factory Default Front-Panel Display and slide-in label set is included with the SEL-451-4. Label
Pushbuttons sets can be printed from a laser printer using templates
supplied with the relay or hand labeled on supplied blank
Close-up views of the front panel of the SEL-451-4 are labels.
shown in Figure 8, Figure 9, and Figure 10. The front
panel includes a 128 x 128 pixel, 3" x 3" LCD screen;
LED target indicators; and pushbuttons with indicating Advanced Display Points
LEDs for local control functions. The asserted and deas- Create custom screens showing metering values, special
serted colors for the LEDs are programmable. Configure text messages, or a mix of analog and status information.
any of the direct-acting pushbuttons to navigate directly Figure 11 shows an example of how display points can
to an HMI menu item, such as events, bay display, alarm be used to show circuit breaker information and current
points, display points, or the SER. metering. As many as 96 display points can be created.
All display points occupy one, and only one, line on the
Status and Trip Target LEDs display at all times. The height of the line is programma-
ble as either single or double as shown in Figure 11.
The SEL-451-4 includes programmable status and trip These screens become part of the autoscrolling display
target LEDs, as well as programmable direct-action con- when the front panel times out.
trol pushbuttons/LEDs on the front panel. These targets
are shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9 and explained in
Table 1.

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet


buttons are electrically separate from the relay, operating
Circuit Breaker 1 even if the relay is powered down. Make the extra con-
nections at terminals 201 through 208. See Figure 25 for a
Circuit BK1 SF6 Gas
--Alarm-- rear-panel view. Figure 14 shows one possible set of con-
Circuit Breaker 2 nections.
A PH= 119.6 A pri

SF6 ALARM The auxiliary trip/close pushbuttons incorporate an arc

suppression circuit for interrupting dc trip or close cur-
rent. To use these pushbuttons with ac trip or close cir-
Figure 11 Sample Display Points Screen cuits, disable the arc suppression for either pushbutton by
changing jumpers inside the SEL-451-4 Relay. The oper-
ating voltage ranges of the breaker CLOSED and breaker
Alarm Points OPEN indicating LEDs are also jumper selectable.
You can display messages on the SEL-451-4 front-panel
LCD that indicate alarm conditions in the power system.
The relay uses alarm points to place these messages on
the LCD.
Figure 12 shows a sample alarm points screen. The relay
is capable of displaying up to 66 alarm points. The relay
automatically displays new alarm points while in man-
ual-scrolling mode and in autoscrolling mode. The alarm
points message is user-configurable through SER and
can be triggered using inputs, communications, SEL-
2600A, or conditional using powerful SELOGIC equa-
Figure 13 Operator Controls (Auxiliary Trip/Close
tions. The asterisk next to the alarm point indicates an Model)
active alarm. The inactive alarms can be cleared using
the front-panel navigation buttons.
+ +
*Unauthorized Access CLOSE OPEN CLOSED TRIP
*Xfmr Fan Failes (manual/local) LED LED (manual/local)
*Xfmr Heat Overload

43 43
local local
Remote Close/ 52a Remote Trip/
Auto-Reclose Protection Trips
Press to acknldge To Close 52b 52
Circuit TC
Figure 12 Sample Alarm Points Screen — —
Figure 14 Optional Breaker Trip/Close Control Switches
Auxiliary Trip/Close and Indicating Lamps
Pushbuttons and Indicating LEDs
Optional auxiliary trip and close pushbuttons (see
Figure 13) and indicating LEDs allow breaker control
independent of the relay. The auxiliary trip/close push-

Monitoring and Metering

Complete Metering Capabilities scheme operations. These features also aid in testing and
troubleshooting bay settings and control schemes. Oscil-
The SEL-451-4 provides extensive metering capabilities lograms are available in binary COMTRADE and ASCII
as listed in Table 2. COMTRADE formats.

Event Reporting and Oscillography and Event Reporting

In response to a user-selected internal or external trigger,
Sequential Events Recorder (SER) the voltage, current, and element status information con-
Event Reports and Sequential Events Recorder features tained in each event report confirms relay, scheme, and
simplify post-fault analysis and help improve your system performance for every fault. Decide how much
understanding of both simple and complex protective detail is necessary when an event report is triggered:

451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


8 kHz, 4 kHz, 2 kHz, or 1 kHz resolution analog data. better than 1/4 electrical degree. This allows examination
The bay control stores from 5 seconds of data per fault at of the power system state at given times, including load
1 kHz resolution to 2 seconds per fault at 8 kHz resolu- angles, system swings, and other system-wide events.
tion. Reports are stored in nonvolatile memory. Bay set- Triggering can be via external signal (contact or commu-
tings operational in the bay at the time of the event are nications port), set time, or system event. Optimal cali-
appended to each event report. bration of this feature requires a knowledge of primary
input component (VT and CT) phase delay and error.
Event Summary A single IRIG-B time-code input synchronizes the
Each time the SEL-451-4 generates a standard event SEL-451-4 time to within ±1 ms of the time-source
report, it also generates a corresponding Event Summary. input. A convenient source for this time code is the
This is a concise description of an event that includes SEL-2032 Communications Processor (via Serial Port 1
bay/terminal identification, event date and time, fault on the SEL-451-4).
location, phase voltages, fault type at time of trip, and
trip and close times of day.
With an appropriate setting, the relay will automatically
Substation Battery Monitor for
send an Event Summary in ASCII text to one or more DC Quality Assurance
serial ports each time an event report is triggered. The SEL-451-4 measures and reports the substation bat-
tery voltage for two battery systems. Two sets of pro-
Sequential Events Recorder (SER) grammable threshold comparators and associated logic
Use this feature to gain a broad perspective of bay con- provide alarm and control of two separate batteries and
trol element operation. Items that trigger an SER entry chargers. The bay control also provides dual ground
are selectable and can include input/output change of detection. Monitor these thresholds with the SEL-2032
state, element pickup/dropout, recloser state changes, Communications Processor and trigger messages, tele-
etc. The bay control SER stores the latest 1,000 entries. phone calls, or other actions.
The measured dc voltage is reported in the METER dis-
High-Accuracy Time Keeping play via serial port communications, on the LCD, and in
Using a combination of IRIG-B and a global positioning the Event Report. Use the event report data to see an
satellite, the SEL-451-4 can time-tag oscillography to oscillographic display of the battery voltage. Monitor the
within 10 µs accuracy. This high accuracy can be com- substation battery voltage drops during trip, close, and
bined with the high sampling rate of the relay to synchro- other control operations.
nize data from across the system with an accuracy of

Table 2 Metering Capabilities

Capabilities Description

Instantaneous Quantities
Voltages 0–300 V with phase quantities for each of the
VA,B,C (Y), VA,B,C (Z), V3V0, V1, 3V2 six voltage sources available as a separate quantity.

Currents Phase quantities for each of the two current sources

IA,B,C (W), IA,B,C (X) available as a separate quantity or combined as line quantities.
IAL, IBL, ICL, (combined currents)
IGL, I1L, 3I2L (combined currents)
Power/Energy Metering Quantities
MW, MWh, MVAR, MVARh, MVA, PF, single-phase Available for each input set and as combined quantities for the line.
and three-phase
Demand/Peak Demand Metering
IA,B,C, 3I2, 3I0 Thermal or rolling interval demand and peak demand.
MW, MVAR, MVA, single-phase Thermal or rolling interval demand and peak demand.
MW, MVAR, MVA, three-phase Thermal or rolling interval demand and peak demand.

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet


➤ The bay monitors last and average mechanical and

Breaker Monitor Feature Allows electrical interruption time per pole. You can easily
for Wear-Based Breaker determine if operating time is increasing beyond
reasonable tolerance to schedule proactive breaker
Maintenance Scheduling maintenance. You can activate an alarm point if
Circuit breakers experience mechanical and electrical operation time goes beyond a preset value.
wear at each operation. Effective scheduling of breaker ➤ Breaker motor run time and breaker inactivity are
maintenance takes into account the manufacturer’s pub- also monitored.
lished data of contact wear versus interruption levels and
operation count. The SEL-451-4 dual breaker monitor Breaker Manufacturer's
feature compares the breaker manufacturer’s published Maintenance Curve
data to the integrated actual interrupted current and num-

Close to Open Operations

(Set Point 1)
ber of operations.
➤ Every time the breaker trips, the relay integrates
(Set Point 2)
interrupted current. When the result of this integra-
tion exceeds the threshold set by the breaker wear
curve (Figure 15), the bay can alarm via an output (Set Point 3)
contact or the optional front-panel display. With
this information, you can schedule breaker mainte-
nance in a timely, economical fashion.
kA Interrupted
Figure 15 Breaker Contact Wear Curve and Settings

Flexible Control Logic and Replace traditional latching relays for such functions as
“remote control enable” with 32 latching control points.
Integration Features Program latch set and latch reset conditions with
SELOGIC control equations. Set or reset the latch control
Use the SEL-451-4 control logic to do the following:
points via control inputs, remote control points, local
➤ Replace traditional panel control switches
control points, or any programmable logic condition. The
➤ Eliminate RTU-to-bay wiring latch control points retain states when the relay loses
➤ Replace traditional latching relays power.
➤ Replace traditional indicating panel lights
Replace traditional indicating panel lights and switches
Eliminate traditional panel control switches with 32 local with up to 24 latching target LEDs and up to
control points. Set, clear, or pulse local control points 12 programmable pushbuttons with LEDs. Define cus-
with the front-panel pushbuttons and display. Program tom messages (i.e., BREAKER OPEN, BREAKER CLOSED,
the local control points to implement your control RECLOSER ENABLED) to report power system or relay con-
scheme via SELOGIC control equations. Use the local ditions on the large format LCD. Control which mes-
control points for such functions as trip testing, sages are displayed via SELOGIC control equations by
enabling/disabling reclosing, and tripping/closing circuit driving the LCD display via any logic point in the relay.
Eliminate RTU-to-bay wiring with 32 remote control
Open Communications Protocols
points. Set, clear, or pulse remote control points via serial The SEL-451-4 does not require special communications
port commands. Incorporate the remote control points software. ASCII terminals, printing terminals, or a com-
into your control scheme via SELOGIC control equations. puter supplied with terminal emulation and a serial com-
Use remote control points for SCADA-type control oper- munications port are all that is required. Table 3 lists a
ations (e.g., trip, close, settings group selection). brief description of the terminal protocols.

Table 3 Open Communications Protocol

Type Description

ASCII Plain-language commands for human and simple machine communications.

Use for metering, setting, self-test status, event reporting, and other functions.
Compressed ASCII Comma-delimited ASCII data reports. Allows external devices to obtain bay data in an appropriate
format for direct import into spreadsheets and database programs. Data are checksum protected.

451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Table 3 Open Communications Protocol

Type Description

Extended Fast Meter, Binary protocol for machine-to-machine communication.

Fast Operate, and Fast SER Quickly updates SEL-2032 Communications Processors, RTUs, and
other substation devices with metering information, bay element, I/O status,
time-tags, open and close commands, and summary event reports. Data are checksum protected.
Binary and ASCII protocols operate simultaneously over the same communications lines so that
control operator metering information is not lost while a technician is transferring an event report.
Ymodem Support for reading event, settings, and oscillography files.
Optional DNP3 Level 2 Slave Distributed Network Protocol with point remapping. Includes access to metering data,
protection elements, contact I/O, targets, SER, relay summary event reports, and settings groups.
IEEE C37.118 Phasor measurement protocol.
IEC 61850 Ethernet-based international standard for interoperability between intelligent devices in a substation.

Table 4 SELOGIC Control Equation Operators

Operator Type Operators Comments

Boolean AND, OR, NOT Allows combination of measuring units.

Edge Detection F_TRIG, R_TRIG Operates at the change of state of an internal function.
Comparison >, >=, =, <=, <, < >
Arithmetic +, –, *, / Uses traditional math functions for analog quantities in an easily
programmable equation.
Numerical ABS, SIN, COS, LN, EXP, SQRT
Precedence Control () Allows multiple and nested sets of parentheses.
Comment # Provides for easy documentation of control and protection logic.

SELOGIC Control Equations With (assign the alias “TAN” to math variable PMV02)
=>>SET L <Enter>

Expanded Capabilities and Aliases 1: # CALCULATE THE TANGENT OF THETA


Expanded SELOGIC control equations put bay logic in (use the aliases in an equation)
the hands of the engineer. Assign the bay inputs to suit
your application, logically combine selected bay ele-
ments for various control functions, and assign outputs to Add programmable control functions to your bay control
your logic functions. and automation systems. New functions and capabilities
enable using analog values in conditional logic state-
Programming SELOGIC control equations consists of ments. The following are examples of possible applica-
combining bay elements, inputs, and outputs with SEL- tions of SELOGIC control equations with expanded
OGIC control equation operators (Table 4). Any element capabilities.
in the Relay Word can be used in these equations. The ➤ Emulate a motor-driven reclose timer, including
SEL-451-4 is factory set for use without additional logic stall, reset, and drive-to-lockout conditions (refer
in most situations. For complex or unique applications, to Figure 16).
these expanded SELOGIC functions allow superior flexi-
➤ Scale analog values for SCADA retrieval.
➤ Initiate remedial action sequence based on load
Use the new alias capability to assign more meaningful flow before fault conditions.
relay variable names. This improves the readability of ➤ Interlock breakers and disconnect switches.
customized programming. Use as many as 200 aliases to ➤ Restrict breaker tripping in excessive duty situa-
rename any digital or analog quantity. The following is tions without additional relays.
an example of possible applications of SELOGIC control ➤ Construct a compensated overvoltage element for
equations using aliases: open line overvoltage protection.
➤ Hold momentary change-of-state conditions for
=>>SET T <Enter>
1: PMV01,THETA SCADA polling.
(assign the alias “THETA” to math variable PMV01) ➤ Provide a combination of frequency or rate of
2: PMV02,TAN change of frequency functions.

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet


digital, analog, and virtual terminal data. Virtual terminal
allows operator access to remote bays through the local
Lockout 1st Reclose bay. These MIRRORED BITS can be used to transfer infor-
(Hot Line/Dead Bus)
mation between line terminals to enhance coordination
and achieve faster tripping. MIRRORED BITS also help
reduce total pilot scheme operating time by eliminating
the need to close output contacts and debounce contact
outputs. Use the dual-port MIRRORED BITS communica-
tions capabilities for high-speed communications-
assisted schemes applied to three-terminal transmission
2nd Reclose lines.
(Hot Bus/Dead Line)

3rd Reclose Communication

(Synchronism Check)
The SEL-451-4 offers the following serial communica-
Figure 16 Motor-Driven Reclose Timer
tion features.
➤ Four independent EIA-232 serial ports.
Relay-to-Relay Digital ➤ Full access to event history, relay status, and meter
Communications (MIRRORED BITS) information.
➤ Settings and group switching have strong password
The SEL patented MIRRORED BITS technology provides protection.
bidirectional relay-to-relay digital communication
➤ DNP3 Level 2 Slave.
(Figure 17). In the SEL-451-4, MIRRORED BITS can
operate simultaneously on any two serial ports for three- ➤ Patented SEL Fast Message Interleaving of ASCII
terminal power system operation. and binary data for SCADA communications,
including access to SER, relay element targets,
This bidirectional digital communication creates addi- event data and more.
tional outputs (transmitted MIRRORED BITS) and ➤ Communication of synchronized phasor measure-
additional inputs (received MIRRORED BITS) for each ment data using either SEL Fast Messaging for
serial port operating in the MIRRORED BITS communica- Synchrophasors or IEEE C37.118-2005 Standard
tions mode. Communicated information can included for Synchrophasors for Power Systems.

1 2

Bus 1 Digital, Analog, and Virtual Terminal Data Bus 2

SEL-2815 SEL-2815
Other Other
Bays Bays
SEL-451 TX TX SEL-451

Fiber-Optic Cable

Figure 17 Integral Communication Provides Secure Protection, Monitoring, and Control, as Well as Terminal Access to
Both Relays Through One Connection

451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Network Connection and Integration

Bus Protection/System Control Protection, Automation, & Control Communications Processor

SEL Relay SEL-451-4 SEL-2032

Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet
Card IEC 61850 FTP Card IEC 61850 Card Telnet



Remote Remote Local SEL-2407 Remote

Monitoring Control Control Satellite-Synchronized Clock Access
Figure 18 Network Connection and Integration

Connect the SEL-451-4 to Local Area Networks (LANs) IEEE C37.118 Synchrophasors
using the optional Ethernet card. The Ethernet card also
The latest IEEE synchrophasor protocol provides a stan-
allows connection of the SEL-2032 Communications
dard method for communicating synchronized phasor
Processor to a single or dual LAN (see Figure 18). The
measurement data over Ethernet or serial media. The
integrated Ethernet card supports both copper and/or
integrated Ethernet card in the SEL-451-4 provides two
fiber connections with fail-over protection.
independent connections using either TCP/IP, UDP/IP, or
a combination thereof. Each connection supports unicast
Ethernet Card data for serving data to a single client. Each data stream
can support up to 60 frames per second.
The optional Ethernet card mounts directly in the
SEL-451-4. Use popular Telnet applications for easy ter-
minal communications with SEL relays and other DNP3 LAN/WAN
devices. Transfer data at high speeds (10 Mbps or 100 The DNP3 LAN/WAN option provides the SEL-451-4
Mbps) for fast HMI updates and file uploads. The Ether- with DNP3 Level 2 slave functionality over Ethernet.
net card communicates using File Transfer Protocol Custom DNP3 data maps can be configured for use with
(FTP) applications for easy and fast file transfers. specific DNP3 masters.

Provide Operations with situational awareness of the

power system using IEEE C37.118-2005 Standard for IEC 61850 Ethernet
Synchrophasors for Power Systems. Communicate with
SCADA and other substation IEDs using DNP3 or
IEC 61850 Ethernet-based communications provide
IEC 61850 Logical Nodes and GOOSE messaging.
interoperability between intelligent devices within the
Choose Ethernet connection media options for primary substation. Logical Nodes using IEC 61850 allow stan-
and stanldby connections: dardized interconnection of intelligent devices from dif-
➤ 10/100BASE-T Twisted Pair Network ferent manufacturers for monitoring and control of the
substation. Reduce wiring between various manufactur-
➤ 100BASE FX Fiber-Optic Network
ers' devices and simplify operating logic with IEC
61850. Eliminate system RTUs by streaming monitoring
Telnet and FTP and control information from the intelligent devices
Order the SEL-451-4 with Ethernet communications and directly to remote SCADA client devices.
use the built-in Telnet and FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
that come standard with Ethernet to enhance relay com- The SEL-451-4 can be ordered with embedded
munication sessions. Use Telnet to access relay settings, IEC 61850 protocol operating on 100 Mbps Ethernet.
and metering and event reports remotely using the ASCII Use the IEC 61850 Ethernet protocol for relay monitor-
interface. Transfer settings files to and from the relay via ing and control functions, including:
the high-speed Ethernet port using FTP.

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet


➤ As many as 24 incoming GOOSE messages. The client associations are supported by each relay.
incoming GOOSE messages can be used to control Relevant relay word bits are available within the
up to 128 control bits in the relay with <3 ms logical node data, so status of relay elements,
latency from device to device. These messages inputs, outputs or SELOGIC equations can be moni-
provide binary control inputs to the relay for high- tored using the IEC 61850 data server provided in
speed control functions and monitoring. the relay.
➤ As many as 8 outgoing GOOSE messages. Outgo-
Use the ACSELERATOR Architect SEL-5032 software to
ing GOOSE messages can be configured for Bool-
ean or analog data. Boolean data is provided with manage the logical node data for all IEC 68150 devices
<3 ms latency from device to device. Use outgoing on the network. This Microsoft Windows-based software
GOOSE messages for high-speed control and mon- provides easy-to-use displays for identifying and binding
itoring of external breakers, switches, and other IEC 61850 network data between logical nodes using
devices. IEC 61850 compliant CID (Configured IED Description)
➤ IEC 61850 Data Server. The SEL-451-4 Relay files. CID files are used by the ACSELERATOR Architect
equipped with embedded IEC 61850 Ethernet pro- to describe the data that will be provided by the
tocol provides data according to pre-defined logi- IEC 61850 logical node within each relay.
cal node objects. As many as six simultaneous

Protection Features
Directional Elements Increase RORED BITS communications with SEL fiber-optic trans-
ceivers for 3–6 ms relay-to-relay transmission time.
Sensitivity and Security Among the schemes supported are:
The SEL-451-4 provides multiple directional elements to ➤ Permissive Overreaching Transfer Tripping
optimize security and sensitivity. Use ground and nega- (POTT)
tive-sequence directional overcurrent elements to detect ➤ Directional Comparison Unblocking (DCUB)
high-resistance faults when using communications- ➤ Directional Comparison Blocking (DCB)
assisted tripping schemes.
Use the SELOGIC control equation TRCOMM to pro-
The SEL-451-4 includes a number of directional gram specific elements, combinations of elements,
elements for supervision of overcurrent elements. The inputs, etc., to perform communications scheme tripping
negative-sequence directional element uses the same pat- and other scheme functions. The logic readily accommo-
ented principle proven in our SEL-351 Relay. This direc- dates the following conditions:
tional element can be applied in virtually any application, ➤ Current reversals
regardless of the amount of negative-sequence voltage ➤ Breaker open at one terminal
available at the relay location. ➤ Weak-infeed conditions at one terminal
Ground overcurrent elements are directionally controlled ➤ Switch-onto-fault conditions
by three directional elements working together:
➤ Negative-sequence voltage-polarized Overcurrent Elements
directional element
The SEL-451-4 includes four phase, four negative-
➤ Zero-sequence voltage-polarized sequence, and four ground instantaneous overcurrent ele-
directional element ments. The SEL-451-4 also includes six selectable oper-
➤ Zero-sequence current-polarized ating quantity inverse-time overcurrent elements. You
directional element can select the operating quantities from the following:
Our patented Best Choice Ground Directional Element |IA|, |IB|, |IC|, MAX(|IA|, |IB|, |IC|), |I1|, |3I2|, |IG|
selects the best ground directional element for the system
where |IA|, |IB|, |IC| can be fundamental or rms quantities
conditions and simplifies directional element settings
from either circuit breaker or combined currents.
(you can override this automatic setting feature for spe-
cial applications). The time-overcurrent curves (listed in Table 5) have two
reset characteristic choices for each time-overcurrent
Communications-Assisted element. One choice resets the elements if current drops
below pickup for one cycle. The other choice emulates
Tripping Schemes the reset characteristic of an electromechanical induction
Use communications to improve tripping time for better disc relay.
customer service. The SEL-451-4 is the ideal relay for
use in pilot-based tripping schemes. Use Enhanced MIR-

451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Table 5 Time-Overcurrent Curves and other system operation conditions. A running aver-
age provides a stable pre-fault reference and adaptive
US IEC tuning learns and tunes out feeder ambient noise condi-
Moderately Inverse Standard Inverse tions. Decision logic differentiates an HIF condition
from other system conditions such as switching opera-
Inverse Very Inverse
tions and noisy loads. Up to 40 minutes of high-imped-
Very Inverse Extremely Inverse ance fault activity is stored in high-resolution
Extremely Inverse Long-Time Inverse COMTRADE format and a summary of HIF activity is
available using ASCII commands.
Short-Time Inverse Short-Time Inverse

Breaker Failure Protection Six Independent Settings Groups

Incorporated into the SEL-451-4 is a full function Increase Operation Flexibility
breaker failure system. Current can be individually moni- The bay control stores six settings groups. Select the
tored in two breakers. High-speed open-pole detection active settings group by control input, command, or other
logic allows you to set the pickup current below mini- programmable conditions. Use these settings groups to
mum load for sensitivity without sacrificing high-speed cover a wide range of control contingencies. Selectable
dropout. Even in cases with delayed current zero in the settings groups make the SEL-451-4 ideal for applica-
secondary of the CT caused by trapped flux, high-speed tions requiring frequent settings changes and for adapt-
detection of circuit breaker opening is achieved. This ing the bay to changing system conditions.
feature is essential if breaker failure is initiated on all cir-
cuit breaker trips. A reset of less than one cycle reduces Selecting a group also selects logic settings. Program
coordination times, improving stability. group logic to adjust settings for different operating con-
ditions, such as station maintenance, seasonal operations,
emergency contingencies, loading, source changes, and
Thermal Overload Protection adjacent relay settings changes.
The SEL-451-4 supports receipt of Fast Messages from
the SEL-2600A RTD Module. Magnitude information
from the SEL-2600A is placed in predefined analog val-
Combined Current for
ues and status information is stored in predefined Relay Protection Flexibility
Word bits. For more information, see SEL Application In traditional relays, when protecting a line fed from two
Guide AG2003-06, Implementation of the SEL-49 Relay breakers, such as a breaker-and-a-half system or double-
Line Thermal Protection Using the SEL-421 Relay SEL- breaker system, you needed to combine the CT inputs
OGIC Equations. before connecting these inputs to the relay. The
SEL-451-4 can accept separate inputs from two separate
Loss-of-Potential (LOP) Logic CTs (CTs must be the same ratio) and mathematically
combine the currents. This allows collecting separate
Supervises Directional Elements current metering and breaker monitor information for
The SEL-451-4 includes logic to detect a loss-of-poten- each breaker. Breaker monitoring functions for two
tial (LOP) caused by failures such as blown fuses, which breakers are done within one relay. Individual breaker
can cause an incorrect operation in directional elements. currents allow for breaker failure functions on a per-
Simple settings configure the LOP logic to either block breaker basis within the SEL-451-4. Breaker diagnostics
or force forward ground and phase directional elements are reported on a comparative basis allowing for
under these conditions. The logic checks for a sudden advanced, proactive troubleshooting.
change in positive-sequence voltage without a corre-
sponding change in positive- or zero-sequence current.
Tests and field experience show that this principle is very
Custom Control Capabilities
secure and is faster than the tripping elements. Customize control capabilities, adding stability and secu-
rity to your system.
➤ Use expanded SELOGIC control equations to create
High-Impedance Fault Detection advanced stability enhancements such as VAR-
High-impedance faults are short-circuit faults with fault flow controlled time undervoltage load shedding.
currents smaller than what a traditional overcurrent pro- ➤ Combine frequency elements with voltage supervi-
tective relay can detect. The SEL-451 includes logic used sion for added security with underfrequency load-
to detect HIF signatures without being affected by loads shedding systems.

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet


Multifunction Reclosing
With Flexible Applications
Bus 1

Time (s)


Trip Time

0 0.5 1

Volt Drop p.u.

Figure 19 VAR-Flow Controlled
Time Undervoltage Load Shedding
Bus 2
Figure 20 Two-Breaker Reclosing With Synchronism
Control Inputs and Outputs Check
The standard SEL-451-4 includes five independent and The SEL-451-4 includes three-pole trip and reclose func-
two common inputs, two Form A and three Form C stan- tions, for either one or two breakers (Figure 20). Syn-
dard interrupting outputs, and three Form A high-current chronism check is included for breaker control.
interrupting outputs. The following additional input/out- Synchronizing and polarizing voltage inputs are fully
put (I/O) boards are currently available. programmable with Dead Line/Dead Bus closing logic as
➤ Eight independent inputs, 13 standard Form A and well as zero-closing-angle logic to minimize system
two standard Form C contact outputs. stress upon reclosing. Program up to four reclose
➤ Eight independent inputs, eight high-speed, high- attempts. Select Leader and Follower breakers directly,
current interrupting Form A contact outputs. or use a SELOGIC control equation to determine reclos-
➤ Eight independent inputs, 13 high-current inter- ing order based on system conditions.
rupting Form A outputs and two standard Form C
contact outputs.
➤ Twenty-four inputs, six high-speed and two stan-
Two-Breaker Control
dard Form A contact outputs. The SEL-451-4 contains analog voltage inputs for multi-
ple sources and control inputs to indicate both breaker
Assign the control inputs for control functions, monitor- and disconnect position, as well as the logic required to
ing logic, and general indication. Each control output is provide full control for two breakers. This includes sepa-
programmable using SELOGIC control equations. No rate monitoring functions as well as separate elements
additional I/O boards can be added to the 3U chassis; for tripping and closing the two breakers to allow for
however, one board can be added to the 4U chassis, and leader/follower operation or other desired control
two additional I/O boards can be added to the 5U chassis. schemes. All analog values are monitored on a per-
Order standard and additional I/O as either the universal breaker basis to allow station control access to complete
(15-265 Vdc settable pickup) or optoisolated type. information for individual components of the system.

Backup Protection
Add reliability and dependability by providing indepen-
dent backup protection without increasing relay count.
Use each SEL-451-4 to provide primary directional over-

451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


current protection with backup nondirectional overcur-

rent protection on the adjacent feeder. For additional
flexibility, use the available I/O or MIRRORED BITS to
switch protection upon loss of one relay.
SEL-451 SEL-451
Figure 21 Use Two Cross-Connected SEL-451-4 Relays
to Provide Primary and Backup Protection for Two Feeders

Guideform Specification
The microprocessor-based bay control shall provide con- ➤ Independent Trip/Close Pushbuttons. The relay
trol, automation, monitoring, fault locating, and protec- shall include independently operated breaker
tion. Bay control self-checking functions shall be trip/close switches and indicating lamps. The
included. Specific requirements are as follows. switches and breaker status lamps shall be func-
➤ Bay Display. The bay control shall have the ability tional regardless of the relay status.
to display one-line bay diagrams on the front-panel ➤ High Impedance Fault Detection. The relay shall
display. The bay display shall be interactive to include high-impedance fault detection algorithms
view the status and control of breakers and discon- capable of detecting HIF signatures without being
nect switches. affected by loads and other system operation con-
➤ Bay Control. The bay control shall have the ability ditions. The relay shall make high-impedance fault
to control as many as five disconnects and two summary and history information available in
breakers and status of as many as three breakers ASCII format and up to forty minutes of fault data
and five disconnect switches. shall be stored in COMTRADE format.
➤ Bay Control Logic. The bay control shall include ➤ Automation. The bay control shall include 32
programmable logic functions for a wide range of local control switches, 32 remote control switches,
user-configurable protection, monitoring, and con- 32 latching switches, and programmable display
trol schemes. Logic shall have the ability to use messages in conjunction with a local display panel
bay elements, math functions, comparison func- in the relay. The bay control shall be capable of
tions, and Boolean logic functions. displaying custom messages. Input signals to the
bay shall have settable assertion levels.
➤ Overcurrent Fault Protection. The bay control
shall incorporate selectable operating quantity ➤ Communications. The bay control shall include
time-overcurrent elements. Torque control capabil- four independent EIA-232 serial ports for external
ity (internal and external) shall be provided. communications.
➤ Voltage Transfer Capability. The bay control ➤ Digital Relay-to-Relay Communications. The
shall be able to change protection voltage source bay control shall have send and receive logic ele-
upon detection of loss of potential (LOP). Voltage ments, and analog and virtual terminal elements in
shall be capable of changing to a second source each of two communications ports for dedicated
connected to the bay. relay-to-relay communications.
➤ Breaker Failure Logic. The bay control shall ➤ IEC 61850. The relay shall provide IEC 61850-
incorporate dual breaker failure logic for three- compliant communications. The IEC 61850 capa-
pole tripping and reclosing. Retrip and transfer trip bility shall include GOOSE messaging and defined
initiate contacts shall be provided. Dropout time of logical node data points.
the current detection circuit shall be less than one ➤ Distributed Network Protocol (DNP). The bay
cycle, even in cases with residual dc current in the control shall incorporate certified DNP3 Level 2
CT secondary. Slave protocol and Ethernet DNP3 LAN/WAN
➤ Autoreclosing. The bay control shall incorporate communications capability.
three-pole reclosing with four separately-set open ➤ IRIG-B Time Input. The bay control shall include
time intervals for reclosing. Separately-set reset an interface port for either a standard or high-accu-
times from reclose cycle and from lockout shall be racy demodulated IRIG-B time-synchronization
available. Reclosing shall be selectable for one or input signal.
two breakers. ➤ High-Accuracy Timing. The bay control shall
➤ Synchronism Check. The bay control shall time-tag event reports to an absolute accuracy of
include two synchronism check elements with sep- 10 µs. Bay controls at different system locations
arate maximum angle settings. The synchronism shall have the same absolute timing accuracy.
check function shall incorporate slip frequency and ➤ Synchrophasors. The bay control shall include
close angle settings and allow different sources of operation as a phasor measurement and control
synchronizing voltage (VA, VB, VC, VAB, VBC, unit (PMU) following the IEEE C37.118-2005
VCA). Standard for Synchrophasors for Power Systems.

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet


➤ Password Protection. The bay control shall have ➤ Dual Substation Battery Monitor. The bay con-
multilevel passwords to safeguard bay control, pro- trol shall measure and report the substation battery
tection, and automation settings. voltages both at steady-state conditions and during
➤ HMI Display. The bay control shall include cus- trip operations. Two sets of selectable threshold
tom configurable display information to display parameters shall be provided for alarm and control
status, analog quantities with units, user-defined purposes at each battery voltage. DC ground detec-
labels, and alarm information. tion for two systems shall be included.
➤ Bay Display. The bay control shall have the ability ➤ Environment. The bay control shall be suitable for
to display one-line bay diagrams on the front-panel continuous operation over a temperature range
display. The bay display shall be interactive to of -40° to +85°C.
view the status and control of breakers and discon- ➤ PC Interface. The bay control shall be capable of
nect switches. being set by Windows-based graphical and ASCII
➤ Operator Controls. The bay control shall include terminal interfaces.
operator control pushbuttons on the relay front ➤ Terminal Connectors. The bay control shall
panel. Each pushbutton shall be programmable and include the ability to remove the screw terminal
accessible in the bay control logic. block connectors from the back of the bay control
➤ Fault Locator. The bay control shall include a to disconnect I/O, dc battery monitor, and power
fault locating algorithm to provide an accurate esti- without removing each wire connection.
mate of fault location without communications ➤ Configurable Labels. The bay control shall
channels or special instrument transformers. include configurable labels to customize the targets
➤ Event Reporting and Sequential Events and operator control pushbuttons.
Recorder. The bay control shall automatically ➤ IEEE 37.90. The bay control output contacts shall
record disturbance events of up to 2 seconds at 8 be rated to pass the IEEE 37.90-1989 contact stan-
kHz sampling rate and 5 seconds at 1 kHz sam- dard.
pling rate. Events shall be stored in nonvolatile ➤ Conformal Coating. The device shall have
memory. The relay shall also include a Sequential optional conformal coating to protect the circuit
Events Recorder (SER) that stores the latest 1000 boards from harsh environments.
entries. ➤ Warranty. The relay shall have a minimum
➤ Dual Circuit Breaker Monitor. The bay control 10-year worldwide warranty.
shall include a breaker wear monitor function for ➤ Reliability. The manufacturer shall supply the
two circuit breakers with a programmable breaker actual measured Mean-Time Between Failures
monitor curve. Electrical and mechanical operating (MTBF) for the device upon request.
times, with comparison between last and average
➤ Manufacturer. This device shall be manufactured
times, shall be monitored and reported.
in the U.S.A.
➤ Warranty Return. The manufacturer shall support
a 72-hour turn-around on all warranty repairs.

451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Front- and Rear-Panel Diagrams

3U Front Panel, Rack-Mount Option

4U Front Panel, Panel-Mount Option

5U Front Panel, Panel-Mount Option i4075a

Figure 22 Typical SEL-451-4 Front-Panel Diagrams

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet



Figure 23 3U Rear Panel, No Additional I/O Board


Figure 24 4U Rear Panel, Connectorized® Option, One Additional I/O Board


Figure 25 5U Rear Panel, Main Board A, INT4 and INT1 I/O Interface Board

451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.



Figure 26 5U Rear Panel, Main Board B, INT3 and INT1 I/O Interface Board



Figure 27 5U Rear Panel, Main Board B, INT2 and INT7 I/O Interface Board

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet


Bay Control Dimensions

Figure 28 SEL-451-4 Dimensions for Rack- and Panel-Mount Models

(Horizontal Mounting Shown; Dimensions Also Apply to Vertical Mounting)

451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Important: Do not use the following specification information to order an SEL-451-4. Refer to the actual
ordering information sheets.
48 Vdc 0.50 A L/R = 40 ms
General 125 Vdc 0.30 A L/R = 40 ms
AC Current Inputs (Secondary Circuits) 250 Vdc 0.20 A L/R = 40 ms

Note: Current transformers are Measurement Category II. Cyclic Capacity (2.5 cycle/second):

5 A nominal 15 A continuous, 48 Vdc 0.50 A L/R = 40 ms

linear to 100 A symmetrical 125 Vdc 0.30 A L/R = 40 ms
500 A for 1 second 250 Vdc 0.20 A L/R = 40 ms
1250 A for 1 cycle Note: EA certified relays do not have MOV protected standard
output contacts.
Burden: 0.27 VA at 5 A
2.51 VA at 15 A Hybrid (high current interrupting)
1 A nominal 3 A continuous, Make: 30 A
linear to 20 A symmetrical
100 A for 1 second Carry: 6 A continuous carry at 70°C
250 A for 1 cycle 4 A continuous carry at 85°C

Burden: 0.13 VA at 1 A 1s Rating: 50 A

1.31 VA at 3 A MOV Protection 330 Vdc
AC Voltage Inputs (maximum voltage):
Pickup/Dropout Time: 6 ms, resistive load
300 VL-N continuous (connect any voltage up to 300 Vac)
Update Rate: 1/8 cycle
600 Vac for 10 seconds
Break Capacity (10000 operations):
Burden: 0.03 VA at 67 V
0.06 VA at 120 V 48 Vdc 10.0 A L/R = 40 ms
0.8 VA at 300 V 125 Vdc 10.0 A L/R = 40 ms
250 Vdc 10.0 A L/R = 20 ms
Power Supply
Cyclic Capacity (4 cycles in 1 second, followed by 2 minutes idle
125/250 Vdc or 120/230 Vac for thermal dissipation)
Range: 85–300 Vdc <35 W or 85–264 Vac 48 Vdc 10.0 A L/R = 40 ms
VDC Input Ripple: 15% per IEC 60255-11:2008 125 Vdc 10.0 A L/R = 40 ms
250 Vdc 10.0 A L/R = 20 ms
Nominal Frequency: 50/60 Hz
Note: Do not use hybrid control outputs to switch ac control
Range: 30–120 Hz signals. These outputs are polarity dependent.
Burden: <120 VA Fast Hybrid (high-speed high current interrupting)
48/125 Vdc or 120 Vac Make: 30 A
Range: 38–140 Vdc <35W or 85–140 Vac Carry: 6 A continuous carry at 70°C
4 A continuous carry at 85°C
VDC Input Ripple: 15% per IEC 60255-11:2008
1 s Rating: 50 A
Nominal Frequency: 50/60 Hz
MOV Protection
Range: 30–120 Hz
(maximum voltage): 250 Vac/330 Vdc
Burden: <120 VA
Pickup Time: 10 s, resistive load
24/48 Vdc
Dropout Time: 8 ms, resistive load
Range: 18–60 Vdc
Update Rate: 1/8 cycle
VDC Input Ripple: 15% per IEC 60255-11:2008
Break Capacity (10000 operations):
Burden: <35 W
48 Vdc 10.0 A L/R = 40 ms
Control Outputs 125 Vdc 10.0 A L/R = 40 ms
250 Vdc 10.0 A L/R = 20 ms
Cyclic Capacity (4 cycles in 1 second, followed by 2 minutes idle
Make: 30 A for thermal dissipation)
Carry: 6 A continuous carry at 70°C 48 Vdc 10.0 A L/R = 40 ms
4 A continuous carry at 85°C 125 Vdc 10.0 A L/R = 40 ms
250 Vdc 10.0 A L/R = 20 ms
1s Rating: 50 A
Note: Per IEC 60255-23:1994, using the simplified method of
MOV Protection 250 Vac/330 Vdc assessment.
(maximum voltage): Note: Make rating per IEEE C37.90-1989.
Pickup/Dropout Time: 6 ms, resistive load
Update Rate: 1/8 cycle
Break Capacity (10000 operations):

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet


Auxiliary Trip/Close Pushbuttons (Select Models Only) 125 Vdc: Pickup 105–150 Vdc;
Dropout <75 Vdc
Resistive DC or AC Outputs with Arc Suppression Disabled:
220 Vdc: Pickup 176–264 Vdc;
Make: 30 A Dropout <132 Vdc
Carry: 6 A continuous carry 250 Vdc: Pickup 200–300 Vdc;
1 s Rating: 50 A Dropout <150 Vdc

MOV Protection: 250 Vac/330 Vdc/130 J AC Thresholds (Ratings met only when recommended control
input settings are used):
Breaking Capacity (1000 operations):
24 Vac: Pickup 12.8–30.0 Vac rms
48 V 0.50 A L/R = 40 ms
125 V 0.30 A L/R = 40 ms 48 Vac: Pickup 32.8–60.0 Vac rms;
250 V 0.20 A L/R = 40 ms Dropout <20.3 Vac rms

Note: Make per IEEE C37.90-1989. 110 Vac: Pickup 75.1–132.0 Vac rms;
Dropout <46.6 Vac rms
High Interrupt DC Outputs with Arc Suppression Enabled:
125 Vac: Pickup 89.6–150.0 Vac rms;
Make: 30 A Dropout <53.0 Vac rms
Carry: 6 A continuous carry 220 Vac: Pickup 150–264 Vac rms;
Dropout <93.2 Vac rms
1 s Rating: 50 A
250 Vac: Pickup 170.6–300 Vac rms;
MOV Protection: 330 Vdc/130 J
Dropout <106 Vac rms
Breaking Capacity (10000 operations):
Current Drawn: 5 mA at nominal voltage
48 V 10 A L/R = 40 ms 8 mA for 110 V option
125 V 10 A L/R = 40 ms
Sampling Rate: 1/16 cycle
250 V 10 A L/R = 20 ms
Note: Make per IEEE C37.90-1989. Frequency and Rotation
Breaker Open/Closed LEDs: System Frequency: 50/60 Hz

250 Vdc: on for 150–300 Vdc; 192–288 Vac Phase Rotation: ABC or ACB
125 Vdc: on for 80–150 Vdc; 96–144 Vac Frequency
48 Vdc: on for 30–60 Vdc; Tracking Range: 40–65 Hz
24 Vdc: on for 15–30 Vdc
Note: With nominal control voltage applied, each LED draws
Communications Ports
8 mA (max.). Jumpers may be set to 125 Vdc for 110 Vdc input EIA-232: 1 Front & 3 Rear
and set to 250 Vdc for 220 Vdc input.
Serial Data Speed: 300–57600 bps
Control Inputs
Communications Card Slot for optional Ethernet Processor
Direct Coupled (for use with dc signals)
Fiber Optic (Optional)
Main Board A: 5 inputs with no shared terminals
2 inputs with shared terminals Ordering Options: 100BASE-FX
INT1, INT5, and INT6 Mode: Multi
interface boards: 8 inputs with no shared terminals
Wavelength (nm): 1300
Range: 15–265 Vdc, independently adjustable
Source: LED
Accuracy: ±5% plus ±3 Vdc
Connector Type: ST
Maximum Voltage: 300 Vdc
Min. TX Pwr. (dBm): –19
Sampling Rate: 1/16 cycle
Max. TX Pwr. (dBm): –14
Typical Burden: 0.24 W at 125 Vdc
RX Sens. (dBm): –32
Optoisolated (use with ac or dc signals)
Sys. Gain (dB): 13
Main Board B: 5 inputs with no shared terminals
2 inputs with shared terminals Time Inputs
INT2, INT7, and INT8 IRIG Input–Serial Port 1
interface boards: 8 inputs with no shared terminals Input: Demodulated IRIG-B
INT3 and INT4 interface 6 inputs with no shared terminals Nominal Voltage: 5 Vdc +10%
boards: 18 inputs with shared terminals
(2 groups of 9 inputs, with each group Maximum Voltage: 8 Vdc
sharing one terminal) Input Impedance: 333 ohms
Voltage Options: 24 V standard Isolation: 500 Vdc
48, 110, 125, 220, 250 V level sensitive
IRIG-B Input—BNC Connector
DC Thresholds (Dropout thresholds indicate level-sensitive
option): Input: Demodulated IRIG-B
24 Vdc: Pickup 15.0–30.0 Vdc Nominal Voltage: 5 Vdc +10%
48 Vdc: Pickup 38.4–60.0 Vdc; Maximum Voltage: 8 Vdc
Dropout <28.8 Vdc
Input Impedance: 2500 ohms
110 Vdc: Pickup 88.0–132.0 Vdc;
Dropout <66.0 Vdc

451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Operating Temperature Electrostatic Discharge IEC 60255-22-2:2008

Immunity: Severity Level: 2, 4, 6, 8 kV contact;
Without Ethernet: –40° to +85°C (–40° to +185°F) 2, 4, 8, 15 kV air
With Ethernet: –40° to +70°C (–40° to +158°F) IEC 61000-4-2:2008
Severity Level: 2, 4, 6, 8 kV contact;
Note: LCD contrast impaired for temperatures below –20° and 2, 4, 8, 15 kV air
above +70°C IEEE C37.90.3-2001
Severity Level: 2, 4, 8 kV contact;
Humidity 4, 8, 15 kV air
5% to 95% without condensation Fast Transient/Burst IEC 60255-22-4:2008
Weight (Maximum) Immunity: Severity Level: Calss A: 4 kV, 5 kHz;
2 kV, 5 kHz on communication ports
3U Rack Unit: 17.5 lbs (8.0 kg) IEC 61000-4-4:2011
4U Rack Unit: 21.5 lbs (9.8 kg) Severity Level: 4 kV, 5 kHz
5U Rack Unit: 25.5 lbs (11.6 kg)
Magnetic Field IEC 61000-4-8:2009
Terminal Connections Immunity: Severity Level: 900 A/m for
3 seconds, 100 A/m for 1 minute
Rear Screw-Terminal Tightening Torque, #8 Ring Lug IEC 61000-4-9:2001
Minimum: 1.0 Nm (9 in-lb) Severity Level: 1000 A/m
Maximum: 2.0 Nm (18 in-lb) Power Supply Immunity: IEC 60255-11:2008
User terminals and stranded copper wire should have a minimum IEC 61000-4-11:2004
temperature rating of 105°C. Ring terminals are recommended. IEC 61000-4-29:2000
Radiated Digital Radio ENV 50204:1995
Wire Sizes and Insulation Telephone RF Severity Level: 10 V/m at 900 MHz
Wire sizes for grounding (earthing), current, voltage, and contact Immunity: and 1.89 GHz
connections are dictated by the terminal blocks and expected Radiated Radio IEC 60255-22-3:2007
load currents. You can use the following table as a guide in Frequency Immunity: Severity Level: 10 V/m
selecting wire sizes: IEC 61000-4-3:2010
Severity Level: 10 V/m
Minimum Maximum IEEE C37.90.2:2004
Connection Type Severity Level: 35 V/m
Wire Size Wire Size
Surge Immunity: IEC 60255-22-5:2008
Grounding (Earthing) 18 AWG 14 AWG Severity Level: 1 kV Line-to-Line,
Connection (0.8 mm2) (2.5 mm2) 2 kV Line-to-Earth
IEC 61000-4-5:2005
Current Connection 16 AWG 12 AWG Severity Level: 1 kV Line-to-Line,
(1.5 mm2) (4 mm2) 2 kV Line-to-Earth
Potential (Voltage) 18 AWG 14 AWG Surge Withstand IEC 60255-22-1:2007
Connection (0.8 mm2) (2.5 mm2) Capability Immunity: Severity Level: 2.5 kV peak common
mode, 1.0 kV peak differential mode
Contact I/O 18 AWG 14 AWG IEEE C37.90.1:2002
(0.8 mm2) (2.5 mm2) Severity Level: 2.5 kV oscillatory,
4 kV fast transient waveform
Other Connection 18 AWG 14 AWG
(0.8 mm2) (2.5 mm2) Environmental
Use wire with 0.4 mm-thick insulation for high-voltage Cold: IEC 60068-2-1:2007
connections to allow for contact between adjacent wires. If Severity Level: 16 hours at –40°C
possible, use 0.4 mm insulated wires for all connections. Damp Heat, Cyclic: IEC 60068-2-30:2005
Severity Level: 25°C to 55°C,
Routine Dielectric Strength Tests
6 cycles, Relative Humidity: 95%
(Performed on Each Manufactured Relay)
Dry Heat: IEC 60068-2-2:2007
AC Current Inputs, Severity Level: 16 hours at +85°C
optoisolated inputs,
and output contacts: 2500 Vac for 10 s Vibration: IEC 60255-21-1:1988
Severity Level: Class 1 Endurance,
Power Supply 3100 Vdc for 10 s Class 2 Response
Type Tests IEC 60255-21-2:1988
Severity Level: Class 1–Shock
Electromagnetic Compatibility Emissions withstand, Bump, and Class 2–Shock
Emissions: IEC 60255-25:2000 IEC 60255-21-3:1993
Severity Level: Class 2
Electromagnetic Compatibility Immunity (Quake Response)
Conducted RF IEC 60255-22-6:2001
Immunity: Severity Level: 10 Vrms
IEC 61000-4-6:2008
Severity Level: 10 Vrms

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet


Safety Digital Filtering

Dielectric Strength: IEC 60255-5:2000 Full-cycle cosine and half-cycle Fourier filters after low-pass
Severity Level: 2500 Vac on contact analog and digital filtering.
inputs, contact outputs, and analog
inputs. 3100 Vdc on power supply. Protection and Control Processing
Type Tested for 1 minute. 8 times per power system cycle
IEEE C37.90:2005
Severity Level: 2500 Vac on contact Synchrophasors
inputs, contact outputs, and analog
inputs. 3100 Vdc on power supply. Maximum data rate in messages per second
Type Tested for 1 minute. IEEE C37.118 V7.3 60 (nominal 60 Hz system)
Impulse: IEC 60255-5:2000 protocol 50 (nominal 50 Hz system)
Severity Level: 0.5 Joule, 5 kV SEL Fast Message 20 (nominal 60 Hz system)
IEEE C37.90: 2005 protocol: 10 (nominal 50 Hz system)
Severity Level: 0.5 Joule, 5 kV
Control Points
IP Code: IEC 60529:2001 + CRGD:2003
Severity Level: IP30 32 remote bits
32 local control bits
Laser Safety: ANSI Z136.1:2007, Class 1
32 latch bits in protection logic
IEC 60825-1:2007, Class 1
32 latch bits in automation logic
Safety Agency Certifications
Relay Element Pickup Ranges and Accuracies
Product Safety: C22.2 No. 14
cUL Listed Protective Relay, Instantaneous/Definite-Time Overcurrent Elements
Product Category NRGU7
Phase, Residual Ground, and Negative-Sequence
UL 508
UL Listed Protective Relay, Pickup Range
Product Category NRGU
5 A Model: OFF, 0.25–100.00 A secondary,
Certifications 0.01 A steps

ISO: Relay is designed and manufactured 1 A Model: OFF, 0.05–20.00 A secondary,

using ISO 9001:2000 certified quality 0.01 A steps
program. Accuracy (Steady State)
Product Safety: IEC 60255-6:1988 5 A Model: ±0.05 A plus ±3% of setting
Reporting Functions 1 A Model: ±0.01 A plus ±3% of setting

High-Resolution Data Transient Overreach: < 5% of pickup

Rate: 8000 samples/second Time Delay: 0.000–16000.000 cycles,

4000 samples/second 0.125 cycle steps
2000 samples/second Timer Accuracy: ±0.125 cycle plus ±0.1% of setting
1000 samples/second
Output Format: Binary COMTRADE Operating Time: 1.5 cycles
Note: Per IEEE Standard Common Format for Transient Data Time-Overcurrent Elements
Exchange (COMTRADE) for Power Systems, IEEE C37.111–
1999 Pickup Range
Event Reports 5 A Model: 0.25–16.00 A secondary, 0.01 A steps
Storage: 35 quarter-second events or 24 half- 1 A Model: 0.05–3.20 A secondary, 0.01 A steps
second events
Accuracy (Steady State)
Maximum Duration: Record events as long as 5 seconds
5 A Model: ±0.05 A plus ±3% of setting
Resolution: 8- or 4-samples/cycle
1 A Model: ±0.01 A plus ±3% of setting
Event Summary Time Dial Range
Storage: 100 summaries US: 0.50–15.00, 0.01 steps
Breaker History IEC: 0.05–1.00, 0.01 steps
Storage: 128 histories Curve Timing Accuracy: ±1.50 cycles plus ±4% of curve time
(for current between 2 and 30
Sequential Events Recorder
multiples of pickup)
Storage: 1000 entries
Reset: 1 power cycle or Electromechanical
Trigger elements: 250 relay elements Reset Emulation time

Processing Specifications Ground Directional Elements

Neg.-Seq. Directional Impedance Threshold (Z2F, Z2R)
AC Voltage and Current Inputs
5 A Model: –64 to 64 
8000 samples per second, 3 dB low-pass analog filter cut-off
frequency of 3000 Hz. 1 A Model: –320 to 320 

451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Zero-Seq. Directional Impedance Threshold (Z0F, Z0R) Accuracy

5 A Model: –64 to 64  Impedance
Measurement: ±3%
1 A Model: –320 to 320 
Angle Measurement: ±2°
Supervisory Overcurrent Pickup 50FP, 50RP
5 A Model: 0.25 to 5.00 A 3I0 secondary Timer Specifications
0.25 to 5.00 A 3I2 secondary
Setting Ranges
1 A Model: 0.05 to 1.00 A 3I0 secondary
0.05 to 1.00 A 3I2 secondary Breaker Failure: 0–6000 cycles, 0.125 cycle steps
(All but BFIDOn, BFISPn)
Undervoltage and Overvoltage Elements 0–1000 cycles, 0.125 cycle steps
Pickup Ranges: Phase elements: 1–200 V secondary,
1 V steps Communications-
Assisted Tripping
Phase-to-Phase Schemes: 0.000–16000 cycles, 0.125 cycle steps
Elements: 1.0–300.0 V secondary, 0.1 V steps
Pole Open Timer: 0.000–60 cycles, 0.125 cycle steps
Accuracy (Steady State): ±1 V plus ±5% of setting
Recloser: 1–999999 cycles, 1 cycle steps
Transient Overreach: < 5% of pickup
Optional RTD Elements
(Models Compatible With SEL-2600 Series RTD Module) CLOEND, 52AEND: OFF, 0.000–16000 cycles,
0.125 cycle steps
12 RTD Inputs via SEL-2600 Series RTD Module and SEL-2800
Fiber-Optic Transceiver SOTFD: 0.500–16000 cycles, 0.125 cycle steps

Monitor Ambient or Other Temperatures Synchronism Check Timers

PT 100, NI 100, NI 120, and CU 10 RTD-Types Supported, Field TCLSBK1,

Selectable TCLSBK2: 1.00–30.00 cycles, 0.25 cycle steps

Up to 500 m Fiber-Optic Cable to SEL-2600 Series RTD Module Station DC Battery System Monitor Specifications
Breaker Failure Instantaneous Overcurrent Operating Range: 0–350 Vdc

Setting Range Input Sampling Rate: 2 kHz

5 A Model: 0.50–50.0 A, 0.01 A steps Processing Rate: 1/8 cycle

1 A Model: 0.10–10.0 A, 0.01 A steps Maximum

Operating Time:  1.5 cycles
Setting Range
5 A Model: ±0.05 A plus ±3% of setting
DC settings: 15–300 Vdc, 1 Vdc steps
1 A Model: ±0.01 A plus ±3% of setting
AC ripple setting: 1–300 Vac, 1 Vac steps
Transient Overreach: < 5% of setting
Maximum Pickup Time: 1.5 cycles
Pickup Accuracy: ±3% plus ±2 Vdc (all elements but
Maximum Reset Time: 1 cycle DC1RP and DC2RP)
Timers Setting Range: 0–6000 cycles, 0.125 cycle steps ±10% plus ±2 Vac (DC1RP and
(All but BFIDOn, BFISPn) DC2RP)
0–1000 cycles, 0.125 cycle steps
Metering Accuracy
Time Delay Accuracy: 0.125 cycle plus ±0.1% of setting All metering accuracy is at 20°C, and nominal frequency unless
otherwise noted.
Synchronism-Check Elements
Slip Frequency
Pickup Range: 0.005–0.500 Hz, 0.001 Hz steps Phase Current Magnitude

Slip Frequency 5 A Model: ±0.2% plus ± 4 mA (2.5–15 A sec)

Pickup Accuracy: ±0.0025 Hz plus ±2% of setting 1 A Model: ±0.2% plus ± 0.8 mA (0.5–3 A sec)
Close Angle Range: 3–80°, 1° steps Phase Current Angle
Close Angle Accuracy: ± 3° All Models ±0.2° in the current range 0.5 • Inom to
3.0 • Inom
Load-Encroachment Detection
Sequence Currents Magnitude
Setting Range
5 A Model: ±0.3% plus ± 4 mA (2.5–15 A sec)
5 A Model: 0.05–64  secondary, 0.01  steps
1 A Model: ±0.3% plus ± 0.8 mA (0.5–3 A sec)
1 A Model: 0.25–320  secondary, 0.01 steps
Sequence Current Angle
Forward Load Angle: –90° to +90°
All Models: ±0.3° in the current range 0.5 • Inom to
Reverse Load Angle: +90° to +270°
3.0 • Inom

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet


Phase and Phase-to-
Phase Voltage
Magnitude: ± 0.1% (33.5–200 VL-N)
Phase and Phase-to-
Phase Angle: ±0.05° (33.5–200 VL-N)
Sequence Voltage
Magnitude: ±0.15% (33.5–200 VL-N)
Sequence Voltage Angle: ±0.1° (33.5–200 VL-N)
Frequency (Input 40–65 Hz)
Accuracy: ±0.01 Hz
Power and Energy
Real Power, P (MW), Three Phase
At 0.1 • INOM
Power factor unity: ±0.4%
Power factor 0.5 lag,
0.5 lead: ±0.7%
At 1.0 • INOM
Power factor unity: ±0.4%
Power factor 0.5 lag,
0.5 lead: ±0.4%
Reactive Power, Q (MVAR), Three Phase
At 0.1 • Inom
Power factor 0.5 lag,
0.5 lead: ±0.5%
At 1.0 • Inom
Power factor 0.5 lag,
0.5 lead: ±0.4%
Energy (MWh), Three Phase
At 0.1 • Inom
Power factor unity: ±0.5%
Power factor 0.5 lag,
0.5 lead: ±0.7%
At 1.0 • Inom
Power factor unity: ±0.4%
Power factor 0.5 lag,
0.5 lead: ±0.4%
See the SEL-451 Instruction Manual for test exclusions and details
TVE (total vector error):  1%
Frequency Range: ±5 Hz of nominal (50 or 60 Hz)
Voltage Range: 30 V–150 V
Current Range: (0.1–2) • Inom (Inom = 1A or 5A)
Phase Angle Range: –179.99° to 180°

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Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. reserves all rights and benefits afforded under
federal and international copyright and patent laws in its products, including without lim-
itation software, firmware, and documentation.
The information in this document is provided for informational use only and is subject to
change without notice. Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. has approved only the

English language document.
This product is covered by the standard SEL 10-year warranty. For warranty details, visit
www.selinc.com or contact your customer service representative.

451-4 Bay Control Data Sheet Date Code 20121207

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