GBGF Best Practice Guide - April 2023
GBGF Best Practice Guide - April 2023
GBGF Best Practice Guide - April 2023
April 2023
1 Contents
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................. 5
Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................................... 8
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................10
2.1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................11
3.2.1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................24
3.2.2. Normal System Operating Conditions for GBGF-I (Normal Mode) ............................25
3.2.3. Abnormal System Operating Conditions for GBGF-I (Withstand Mode) ...................25
4.1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................29
5.1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................33
5.2.1. Simulation Test 1 – Active ROCOF Response Power under Extreme System
Frequencies (ECP.A. ..........................................................................................................36
5.2.2. Simulation Test 2 – Active ROCOF Response Power over Full System Frequency
Range (ECP.A.
5.3.1. Simulation Test 1 – Active Phase Jump Power under Normal Operation
5.3.2. Simulation Test 2 – Active Phase Jump Power under Extreme Conditions
5.3.3. Simulation Test 3 – Active Phase Jump Active Power during a faulted condition for
Whilst this GB Grid Forming Best Practice Guide is published by Electricity System Operator
(ESO), it wouldn’t have been possible without collaboration with the organisations listed
below. We would like to acknowledge and express our great appreciation for their invaluable
contributions and feedback during the development stages of this GB Grid Forming Best
Practice Guide.
BP Huawei Technologies
Enercon NR Electric
(Acknowledgements - Continued)
ScottishPower Renewables SSE Renewables
SolarEdge Vattenfall
Executive Summary
The GB Grid Forming (GBGF) Best Practice Guide aims to help relevant stakeholders (e.g.
developers, manufacturers) understand generic requirements for implementation of GBGF
applications within the GB electricity system.
For the avoidance of doubt, this GBGF Best Practice Guide should be used in conjunction
with the Grid Code (GC) and supporting information developed through Grid Code
modification GC0137 “Minimum Specification Required for Provision of GB Grid Forming
(GBGF) Capability” rather than as a standalone document.
To avoid duplication with the GC0137 final modification report & annexes as well as other
relevant documented guidance, this GBGF Best Practice Guide is structured as follows:
a) Chapter 2 evaluates the capabilities of multiple existing and emerging analysis tools for
GBGF plants’ compliance testing purpose.
b) Chapter 3 discusses generic modelling requirements for GBGF-oriented analysis tools
and typical operational modes of GBGF-I controllers against normal and abnormal
operational conditions.
c) Chapter 4 discusses some key definitions for GBGF-Inverter (GBGF-I) plants.
d) Chapter 5 suggests some testing examples as relevant to compliance requirements of
Active ROCOF Response Power, Active Phase Jump Power and Active Damping Power
as defined in GC0137 Legal Text. Some further considerations are also discussed for
compliance tests of Active Phase Jump Power under extreme conditions and during a
faulted condition.
At end of each chapter as mentioned above, a table of potential future Grid Code
modifications, as identified at the GBGF Best Practice Group, are proposed in order to
facilitate future GB Grid Forming applications.
In line with key findings/suggestions of this GBGF Best Practice Guide, ESO proposes to
progress the Grid Code modifications required for GB Grid Forming in stages reflecting the
varying levels of urgency and effort required to complete the Grid Code changes beginning
in Q2 2023.
AC Alternating Current
CCM Component Connection Method
DRC Data Registration Code
DC Direct Current
ECC European Connection Conditions
ECP European Compliance Process
EMT Electro-Magnetic Transient
ESIG Energy Systems Integration Group
ESO Electricity System Operator
FACTS Flexible AC Transmission System
FFC Fast Fault Current
FRT Fault Ride Through
FSM Frequency Sensitivity Mode
GBGF Great Britain Grid Forming
GBGF-I Great Britain Grid Forming - Inverter
GBGF-S Great Britain Grid Forming - Synchronous Generator
GB Great Britain
GD Glossary & Def inition
GFL Grid Following
GFM Grid Forming
HIL Hardware-in-the-Loop
HVDC High Voltage Direct Current
IBR Inverter-Based Resource
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
I/O Input/Output
IVS Internal Voltage Source
LFSM Limited Frequency Sensitivity Mode
LTI Linear Time-Invariant
NFP Network Frequency Perturbation
NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory
OC Operating Code
PART Phase Angle Ride Through
PC Planning Code
PLL Phased Locked Loop
PSS Power System Stabiliser
pu Per Unit
RMS Root Mean Squared
ROCOF Rate of Change of Frequency
SoW Scope of Work
STATCOM Static Synchronous Compensator
TIV Transient impedance value
ToR Terms of Ref erence
TSO Transmission System Operator
V2G Vehicle-To-Grid
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
This Great Britain Grid Forming (GBGF) Best Practice Guide is produced by Electricity System Operator (ESO)
in collaboration with external stakeholders in the UK and across the world to ensure a workable standard to
f acilitate Grid Forming applications within GB energy markets.
This GBGF Best Practice Guide will be evolved over time as Grid Forming technology develops and f ollowing
the developments of ESO’s documented consultations with wider stakeholders and f uture Grid Code
modif ications where appropriate.
1.3. References
[1] ESO, Grid Code (GC) Issue 6 Revision 16, 5 January 2023.
[2] GC0137 Modification Report and Annexes.
2. Analysis Tools for Compliance Testing
2.1. Introduction
This Chapter provides guidance on the most appropriate time-domain non-linear analysis tools (e.g. EMT and
RMS) and/or linear analysis tools (e.g. Network Frequency Perturbation (NFP) and Impedance Scan) as
suggested f or the series of tests listed in ECP Appendix 9 – Compliance Testing f or Grid Forming Plant.
Due to the f eatures mentioned above, EMT simulations have become essential in analysing the dynamic
behaviours of Grid Forming Plants under large disturbances such as system f aults. The simulation studies
f ocus on the f ollowing aspects but not limited to:
• Transient overvoltage or overcurrent
• Oscillations
• Control interactions between converters and/or between a converter and other power system components
For these types of studies, the Grid Forming Plant and relevant parts of a power network will be modelled in
EMT simulation environment. Detailed time-domain analysis studies need to be carried out under large
disturbances in the network.
Among various EMT simulation studies, a Real-Time EMT simulation f acility of fers additional f eatures on
dif f erent types of Hardware in the Loop (HIL) testing:
a) The power network and converters are simulated in the Real-Time EMT simulation f acility while the control
hardware is interf aced with it through I/O devices and amplif iers if applicable. This kind of study is used to
test the perf ormance of control hardware.
b) Part of the power network and converters are simulated in Real-Time EMT simulation f acility and physical
power devices (e.g. converters) under test are interf aced with it. This kind of study is used to test the
perf ormance of physical power devices.
c) The power network and converters are simulated in the Real-Time EMT simulation f acility while the
protection relays are interf aced with it through I/O devices and amplif iers if applicable. This kind of study is
used to test the perf ormance of protective relays during certain disturbances in a power network.
Following such key dif f erence, as mentioned in Section 2.2.1, the time step of an EMT simulation is usually
around microseconds, whereas in an RMS simulation, it would typically be a f ew milliseconds. It means that,
compared with the RMS-based tools, the EMT-based tools can achieve more accurate simulation results within
a wider f requency range but requiring much more computational ef f orts.
In this way, when a trade-of f between computational ef f ort and simulation accuracy should be caref ully
considered, the RMS-based tools are more suitable f or dynamic stability studies of large-scale power system
around a f undamental f requency.
NFP Plot declared by the Grid Forming Plant Owner as submitted in
ii) Test i) is repeated with variations in the f requency of the Test Signal. An
acceptable perf ormance will be judged when the result matches the NFP
Plot declared by the Grid Forming Plant Owner as submitted in
PC.A.5.8.1(i) (i) Each GBGF-I shall be designed so as not to interact and af f ect the
operation, perf ormance, saf ety or capability of other User’s Plant and
Apparatus connected to the Total System. To achieve this requirement,
each User shall be required to submit a Network Frequency Perturbation
Plot and Nichols Chart (or equivalent as agreed with The Company) which
shall be assessed in accordance with the requirements of ECP.A.3.9.3.
The NFP method f undamentally applies intentional perturbations on system f requency (e.g. through controllable
grid emulators), enabling the Grid Forming Plant’s characteristic to be ref lected in the f orm of Bode Plot in
response to dif ferent f requency perturbations [1][5].
The f requency of a source (e.g. a controllable grid emulator) can be modulated f ollowing (1):
𝑓(𝑡) = 𝑓0 + ∆𝑓 cos (2𝜋 𝑓𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝑡) (1)
where f0 is the nominal f requency of the system, Δf is the magnitude of the f requency variation, and f mod is the
modulation f requency of the applied perturbation (all in Hz).
The Grid Forming Plant connected to the modulated source will response to the f requency perturbation with
modulated active power which can be represented by (2):
𝑃𝑜 (𝑡) = 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑓 + ∆𝑃 cos(2𝜋𝑓𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝑡 + ∅ ∆𝑃 ) (2)
It is assumed that the perturbation f requency magnitude (Δf) is suf f iciently small, so the Grid Forming Plant can
be treated as a linear system. The active power response (Po) of the Grid Forming Plant can be recorded at
each modulated f requency by varying modulation f requency. Through perf orming a Fourier Transf ormation of
both amplitude (ΔP) and Phase Angle (𝜙ΔP), the f requency-domain Magnitude and Phase of the resulting power
perturbation can be adopted. For every f requency, it can produce a response with the same f requency, with a
certain Magnitude of ΔP and Phase Angle of 𝜙ΔP. When repeating the tests at a range of perturbation f requency,
a Bode Plot representing the characteristics of the Grid Forming Plant can be adopted. The response
characteristic can be represented in (3):
𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑒 =
∆𝑓 (3)
Based on such basic principle, dif ferent solutions to production of NFP-based Bode plots and relevant analysis
methods are suggested f rom multiple BPG contributors. Their reports with details are included in the Annex es
of this GBGF Best Practice Guide [4][5].
2.3.2. Impedance-based Analysis Tool
Relevant Grid Code Clauses [1]:
ECC. (v) Each GBGF-I shall be capable of : -
(c) being designed so as not to cause any undue interactions which could
cause damage to the Total System or other User’s Plant and Apparatus.
The impedance-based methods and tools are suggested in [6]-[8] f or the f ollowing areas of power system
analysis, particularly considering f or f uture high penetration of Inverter-based Resources (IBRs):
• Dynamic interaction among power grid and IBRs
• Control Interaction between IBRs as located in proximity to each other
• Damping of wide-area oscillation modes
• Frequency response
It is known f rom (4)-(5) that regardless of the selected f rame, the impedance of power converters always has
a 2 by 2 matrix representation. Hence, the accurate impedance measurement should measure all 4 elements
in the impedance matrix [9]-[11].
Vg 0
Xf Impedance Xg
Vdc measurement
where the f requency range of interest is beyond several hundred Hz. The impedance measurement result
based on single arbitrary operating points of the power conv erter can be used.
b) Impedance measurement of power converters under unstable operation: For a stable converter-grid system,
the impedance matrix of the power converter can be directly measured by inserting toolbox between AC -
terminal of the power converter and the AC grid, as shown in Figure 1. Yet, it is not f easible if the converter-
grid system itself is unstable, as the impedance measurement can only be perf ormed based on a stable
case. In this scenario, we need to go through f ollowing 2 steps f or the impedance measurement:
▪ To perf orm power f low analysis to the original unstable converter-grid system and obtain the operating
point of the power converter.
▪ To create a stable case while keeping the operation point of the power conv erter to be the same as that
obtained in Step 1.
Since the unstable operation of the converter-grid system is usually caused by the dynamic interaction between
the power converter and the grid impedance, the simplest way to “create” the stable case is to connect the
power converter to an ideal AC voltage source. It should be emphasized that the impedance matrix of the power
converter is operating-point dependent, and hence, it is important to guarantee the same operating point when
creating these stable cases.
Figure 2: Impedance Measurement Results based on Automated Impedance Measurement (AIM) Toolbox
(Source: Aalborg University).
3) Impedance measurement of power converters in real field
While there have been increasing research ef f orts made in academia to improve the accuracy of the impedance
(matrix) measurement of power converters, the verif ications of the proposed impedance measurement methods
are of ten based on simplif ied converter-grid models, f rom which their ef f ectiveness on the real-world project
cannot be f ully demonstrated. In recent years, there have been a f ew real -f ield impedance measurement
demonstrations, below are some examples:
a) An example as suggested in [14]: The impedance measurement toolbox as developed is used f or measuring
the AC impedance matrix of the commercial wind turbine converter.
b) An example co-developed between academia and TSO: By collaborating with a European TSO, a BPG
member has developed the EMT-compatible sof tware toolbox f or TSO’s model validation and stability
assessment [15], which can be used to measure the AC/DC impedance matrix of the vendor-specif ic HVDC
[16][17]. Figure 2 shows the measurement results. More details of the toolbox can be f ound in [15].
Similarly, such impedance methods can be rolled out f or Grid Forming (GFM) based IBRs as well. An example
f or the admittance spectrum in d-q f rame (Ydd) f or GFM and GFL converters is illustrated in [19] with testing
parameters in Table 1 [18].
Figure 3: Comparison between Admittance Characteristics of GFL and GFM IBR Plants
(Source: Imperial College).
Table 1: Parameters for Impedance-base Testing for GFL and GFM Converters (Source: Imperial College)
LCL filters:
Converter side filtering inductor L f 0.05 pu
Filtering capacitor Cf 0.02 pu
Grid side coupling inductor Lc 0.01 pu
Line inductor Ll 0.1 pu
The inner resistance of all inductors is selected based on X/R 10
GFM controller:
Droop gain 0.1 pu
Droop bandwidth 0.5 Hz
Ideal voltage bandwidth 300Hz
GFL controller:
PLL bandwidth 10 Hz
Ideal current bandwidth 300 Hz
As illustrated in [6], [20] and [21], Figure 4 shows study results of positive-sequence impedance response of the
2.3 MVA hardware inverter and the EMT model of 2.5 MW Type III wind turbine, operating in both control modes
of GFL and GFM.
Figure 4: Positive Impedance Measurement for GFM and GFL IBRs (Source: NREL).
A key observation f rom Figure 3 and Figure 4: Compared with GFL converters, the impedance magnitude of
the GFM converters can be much lower (admittance magnitude is much higher) around the f undamental
f requency (in Stationary Frame) due to dif f erent typical characteristics of GFL mode (as a Current Source) and
GFM mode (as a Voltage Source).
In addition, the positive damping characteristics of the GFM converters can be learnt f rom Figure 4. Due to
their phase angles vary within the range between -90 degrees to +90 degrees. Such damping characteristics
can be quantif ied via impedance-based tools as suggested in [6].
As also suggested in [6], a f requency scan method can be used to test a GFM converter’s f requency response.
Such test aims to measure the Transf er Function f rom the GFM converter’s active power output to the f requency
of its terminal voltage. The low f requencies up to a f ew tens of are considered f or implementation of such
f requency scan test [21]. An example of such impedance-based tools f or f requency response testing is
illustrated in Figure 5 based on simulation models as well as physical device (a physical 2 MW synchronous
generator using a grid simulator) [6][23]:
a) The primary f requency response can be measured via the DC gain of the transf er f unction at low
f requencies.
b) The inertia (instantaneous active power response) can be measured via capacitive response.
where A, B, C, D are time-invariant coef f icient matrix f or a Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) system, and the
eigenvalues of the state matrix A can be derived by
det (𝑠𝐼 − 𝐴) = 0 (7)
which is also the characteristic equation of the LTI system. The eigenvalues indicate dynamic modes of the
power system. The right eigenvector depicts the distribution of system modes through state variables, and the
lef t eigenvector identif ies the relative ef f ects of initial conditions of state variables on system modes. The
combination of these two eigenvectors leads to the participation f actor, which weighs the contribution of state
variables to system modes. Hence, the state-space modelling and analysis not only characterise the input -
output stability of the system but give a global view on system oscillation modes and the contributions of state
variables to those modes.
For legacy power systems, the small-signal stability is mainly governed by the electromechanical dynamics of
synchronous generators. The electro -magnetic transients of power networks are of ten overlooked, except the
study of sub-synchronous resonances. The well-decoupled timescales of generator- and network-dynamics
f acilitates using the closed-f orm eigenvalue analysis f or large-scale power grids. Nevertheless, the small-signal
stability of power-electronic-based power systems f eatures multi-timescale and f requency-coupling dynamics,
which may lead to oscillations in a wide f requency range. The wide-timescale dynamics of power converters
are tightly coupled with that of power networks, leading to a high-order system state matrix and consequently
imposing a high computational burden f or the stability analysis.
To address the high computational demand, the Component Connection Method (CCM) was reported f or
converter-based power grids, and it f eatures a computationally ef f icient procedure f or deriving the st ate-space
model given in (6). Figure 6 shows a comparison between the procedures of the general state-space modelling
and the CCM [24]. In the CCM, the power system is f irst decomposed into multiple components, e.g. power
converters, generators, and the power network, which are then interconnected by linear algebraic relati onships
def ined by their interf aces. Next, the components are linearized locally, and their LTI state-space models
constitute a composite component model. The CCM provides a modularised and scalable modelling f ramework,
which is prominent f or large-scale power systems. The algebraic interconnections of components significantly
reduce the computational ef f ort.
Note*: For compliance purposes, where necessary and applicable, more than one tool can be selected to assist each other
for validating performance of GBGF plants for specific compliance test. For example: EMT + Linear analysis tools for Item
8 in Table 2.
2.5. Suggestions for Further Grid Code Modifications
The key suggestions are captured by ESO in the Table 3 below f ollowing GB Grid Forming Best Practice Group
discussions and data contributions f rom its Subgroup 2.
Table 3: Key Suggestions as Captured by ESO after consulting with GBGF BPG Members.
Existing and new linear analysis Medium Medium Further review and development, from
tools can be further validated as a reasonable mix of subject-matter
appropriate for the compliance expert volunteers from industry and
test of GBGF-I’s active damping academia in UK and wider, can be
power and other compliance considered during the 2nd Grid Code
testing purposes, as potentially Modification Working Group
identified by ESO in future, for collaboration for GB Grid Forming,
GB Grid Forming Plant. developing detailed guidance on
existing and proposed new linear
analysis tools as appropriate to assist
with relevant existing and emerging
compliance tests as identified by
High Such change is urgent and High Intensive efforts are needed from Grid
important for GBGF Code Modification Working Group to clearly
implementation understand a specific topic.
Medium Such change is important but Medium Certain efforts are needed from Grid Code
not urgent for GBGF Modification Working Group to clearly
implementation understand a specific topic.
Low Such change is neither urgent Low Minimal efforts are needed from Grid
nor important for GBGF Code Modification Working Group to clearly
implementation understand a specific topic.
2.6. References
[1] ESO, Grid Code (GC) Issue 6 Revision 16, 5 January 2023.
[2] Yu, M., et al.: Instantaneous penetration level limits of nonsynchronous devices in the British power system. IET
Renew. Power Gener. 11(8), 1211–1217 (2017).
[3] M. Khan, Q. Hong, D. Liu, A. Egea-Àlvarez, A. Avras, A. Dyśko, C. Booth, D. Rostom , “Experimental assessment and
validation of inertial behaviour of virtual synchronous machines”. IET Renewable Power Generation. 16, 1897-1907
[4] Enstore, “Data on GBGF models and NFP plots – Enstore 3 - 001F.”, October 2021.
[5] Siemens Gamesa, “GC0137 20211122 SGRE Guide to Producing NFP plots and interpreting them R1”, November
[6] ESIG, Technical Report “Grid-Forming Technology in Energy Systems Integration”, March 2022, URL:
[7] Shah, S., P. Koralewicz, V. Gevorgian, H. Liu, and J. Fu. 2021a. “Impedance Methods for Analyzing the Stability
Impacts of Inverter-Based Resources: Stability Analysis Tools for Modern Power Systems.” IEEE Electrification
Magazine 9(1): 53-65.
[8] Y. Sun, “PROMOTioN Work Package 16 Harmonic Resonance Demonstrator: Wind Turbine Input-Impedance
Measurement in DQ Frame”, 18th Wind Integration Workshop 2019, Dublin, Ireland.
[9] X. Wang, L. Harnefors, and F. Blaabjerg, “Unified impedance model of grid -connected voltage-source converters,”
IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 1775–1787, Feb. 2018.
[10] Y. Liao and X. Wang, "Stationary-frame complex-valued frequency-domain modeling of three-phase power
converters," IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Power Electron., vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 1922 -1933, June 2020.
[11] B. Wen, D. Boroyevich, R. Burgos, P. Mattavelli, and Z. Shen, “Small signal stability analysis of three -phase AC
systems in the presence of constant power loads based on measured d -q frame impedances,” IEEE Trans. Power
Electron. vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 5952–5963, Oct. 2015.
[12] H. Gong, D. Yang and X. Wang, “Impact analysis and mitigation of synchronization dynamics for DQ impedance
measurement,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 8797 -8807, Sept. 2019.
[13] M. Zhang, X. Wang, D. Yang and M. G. Christensen, "Artificial neural network based identification of multi -operating-
point impedance model," IEEE Trans. Power Electron, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 1231 -1235, Feb. 2021.
[14] S. Shah, P. Koralewicz, V. Gevorgian and R. Wallen, "Sequence impedance measurement of utility -scale wind
turbines and inverters reference frame, frequency coupling, and MIMO/SISO forms," in IEEE Transactions on
Energy Conversion, doi: 10.1109/TEC.2021.3093516.
[15] H. Wu and X. Wang, AIM-Toolbox: Automated Impedance Measurement Toolbox for Screening Stability Risks.
Aalborg University, Denmark. URL:
[16] D. Yang, X. Wang, M. Ndreko, W. Winter, R. Juhlin and A. Krontiris. “Automation of impedance measurement for
harmonic stability assessment of MMC HVDC systems,” Proc. 18th Wind Integr. Work., 2019.
[17] H. Wu, X. Wang, Y. Liao, M. Ndreko, R. Dimitrovski and W.Winter, “Development of an AC/DC impedance matrix
measurement Toolbox for MTDC System” in 20th Proc. Wind Integr. Workshop, 2021 .
[18] Yitong Li, Yunjie Gu, et al, "Simplus Grid Tool", URL:
[19] Yitong Li, Yunjie Gu, Timothy C. Green, "Revisiting Grid-Forming and Grid-Following Inverters: A Duality Theory,"
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2022.
[20] Shah, S., P. Koralewicz, V. Gevorgian, and R. Wallen. 2021b. “Sequence Impedance Measurement of Utility-Scale
Wind Turbines and Inverters—Reference Frame, Frequency Coupling, and MIMO/ SISO Forms.” IEEE Transactions
on Energy Conversion.
[21] Shah, S., P. Koralewicz, V. Gevorgian, H. Liu, and J. Fu. 2021a. “Impedance Methods for Analyzing the Stability
Impacts of Inverter-Based Resources: Stability Analysis Tools for Modern Power Systems.” IEEE Electrification
Magazine 9(1): 53-65.
[22] Dysko, A., A. Egea, Q. Hong, A. Khan, P. Ernst, R. Signer, and A. Roscoe. 2020. “Testing Characteristics of Grid
Forming Converters Part III: Inertial Behaviour.” Presentation at the 19th International Wind Integration Workshop,
November 2020.
[23] Shah, S., and V. Gevorgian. 2019. “Impedance-Based Characterization of Power System Frequency Response.” In
the proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, pp. 1 -5.
[24] X. Wang and F. Blaabjerg, “Harmonic stability in Power Electronic Based Power Systems: Concept, Modeling and
Analysis,” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 2858-2870, May 2019 (Open Access).
3. GBGF-I Modelling Requirements
3.1. General GBGF-I Modelling Requirements
3.1.1. Time-domain Modelling Requirements
The EMT-based non-linear models are used f or evaluating f ast electrical transients that involve high bandwidth
controls of IBRs, such as grid f aults (balanced and unbalanced), line switching, and electrical resonances.
Those EMT models should include a detailed representation of the converter controls that participate in
interactions with grid electrical transients, which may include at least the f ollowing elements
• Detailed inner control loops (e.g. current control and or voltage controls if used)
• Controller limits and rate limits
• Synchronising logic
• Active power, reactive power, voltage control loops
• DC Voltage controls
• Protection f unctions
Those EMT models should also include a representation of hardware components that impact interactions with
the grid, which may include at least the f ollowing
• Transf ormers (including its saturation ef f ect)
• DC Capacitance
• Passive harmonic f ilters
• Converter bridge model (averaged or switching model acceptable, but includes overmodulation ef f ect)
• DC Chopper/dynamic brake
Frequency-domain models are used f or evaluating small-signal stability aspects that involve the inverter-based
resource controls and hardware together with the grid. Frequency domain models are derived based on a given
initial operating condition of the system and small perturbation around that operating condition (such as small
changes in grid f requency).
Frequency-domain models should be supplied together with documentation indicating the f ollowing:
• Range of operating points f or which the model is valid
• Frequency range f or which the model is valid (e.g. 0-20Hz)
• Def inition of inputs and outputs and units
• Description of any assumptions or limitations of the model)
3.2. Operational Mode and Model of GBGF-I Control System
3.2.1. Introduction
This Section aims to f ind answers to the question raised during the GBGF Best Practice Group Discussion:
a) Is the “Linear Mode” is def ined based on the voltage level, rather than the current limit level?
b) Instead of “Linear” and “Nonlinear” Modes, are there any more appropriate alternative def initions of
operational modes e.g. “Normal Operation” and “Current-Limiting Operation”?
ECC. Figure ECC. def ines the reactive current to be supplied under a
f aulted condition which shall be dependent upon the pre-f ault operating
condition and the retained voltage at the Grid Entry Point or User System Entry
Point voltage. For the avoidance of doubt, each Grid Forming Plant (and any
constituent element thereof ), shall be required to inject a reactive current which
shall be not less than its pre-f ault reactive current and which shall as a minimum,
increase each time the voltage at the Grid Entry Point or User System Entry
Point (if Embedded) f alls below 0.9pu whilst ensuring the overall rating of the
Grid Forming Plant (or constituent element thereof ) shall not be exceeded.
ECC. In addition to the requirements of ECC. and ECC., each
Grid Forming Plant shall be required to inject reactive current above the shaded
area shown in Figure ECC. when the retained voltage at the Grid
Entry Point or User System Entry Point f alls to 0pu. Where the retained voltage
at the Grid Entry Point or User System Entry Point is below 0.9pu but above 0pu
(f or example when signif icant active current is drawn by loads and/or resistive
components arising f rom both local and remote f aults or disturbances f rom other
Plant and Apparatus connected to the Total System) the injected reactive
current component shall be in accordance with Figure ECC.
For this f ault it is expected that GBGF-Is in the local zone will leave the Normal Mode and use the Withstand
Mode control f or a short time bef ore returning to the Normal Mode. The Withstand Mode can be based on the
control and response as used by any viable control system. However, it is encouraged to remain in Grid f orming
behaviour unless current limiting is required.
For this f ault condition, the phase angle of the local zone AC Grid can have very large phase angle changes
that can be up to 90 degrees or larger. For this f ault, all synchronous generators will produce reactive power
and the large phase angle changes do not produce damaging mechanical transients.
3.2.4. GBGF-I Control System Model
Where applicable and appropriate, main f eatures of GBGF-I model operating under Normal AC Grid operating
conditions are suggested as f ollows:
a) Operate as a slowly changing real voltage source with an AC impedance.
b) Provide Active Phase Jump power with an initial response time def ined by the AC supply impedance Rac +
Lac .
c) Provide Active Inertia power with a response def ined by the synthetic inertia, which is the same as or may
be equivalent to the response of a GBGF-S generator that has real inertia with the same H value.
d) Provide Active Frequency Response Power that is produced by the control system’s algorithms in response
to a f requency change and is measured one second af ter the start of a ROCOF event.
e) Provide damping power. Damping f actor can be greater than 1.
f ) Control f or the worst-case f requency transient: Control and rating validation of the associated energy store
f rom the worst-case transient of 50 Hz to 52 Hz then to 47 Hz as def ined in ECP.A.3.9.4. iv).
g) Provide a well-def ined Transient Impedance Value “TIV” (Note: See [2] f or more details).
A Normal Mode time domain simulation model, as shown on Figure 7, implements a basic time domain
simulation model f or a f ull three phase system. The three phase variables are the simulation model of the AC
Grid and the DC variables are the sof tware control system f unctions that have time varying signals.
This Normal Mode simulation model does not need to include the operation of the associated energy storage
system because there are no control f unctions associated with an energy storage system directly connected to
the DC bus of an inverter. If the energy storage system uses an extra inverter, then this model should be
The model also does not need to implement the current limit f unction of the GBGF -I as it is rated to not reach
the current limit f or the normal operating conditions of the GB AC Grid.
The main parts of the model shown in Figure 7 are:
• An integrating f unction to provide the systems appropriate inertia
• A damping f unction to allow the systems damping to be adjusted on site over a range of 0.2 to 2 pu
• Basic controls like a Droop control with a bandwidth limit of 5 Hz
• System’s AC supply impedance with the Rac parameter that provides a low value of damping
• A closed loop response with a well damped resonant f requency that ensures that the inverter f requency
tracks the AC Grid’s f requency to keep the inverter synchronised to the AC Grid
• For a sudden change of the phase angle of the AC Grid a very f ast AC current change will occur with a
bandwidth of up to 1000 Hz but f or all other changes the f requency and phase of the GBGF-I’s IVS (Internal
Voltage Source) only change slowly to produce Active Phase Jump power and give a very stable AC system
This is the model f or the system operating in the Normal Mode.
There are several conditions that require a f aster and non-linear action f rom a GBGF-I when the abnormal
operating conditions occur. This is called the Withstand Mode. The operation of a specif ic GBGF-I f or these
abnormal operating conditions are:
a) A power overload that causes a phase jump angle greater than the set limits in the local zone and in the
remote zone.
The GBGF-I provides the Phase Jump current limiting f unction f or Phase Jump Angles that should not occur for
normal operating conditions. This requires operation in the Withstand Mode f or a very short time.
The worst case is f or the withstand value of AC Grid’s Phase Jump angle of 60 degrees at the rated AC voltage
that can occur f or closing a f eeder on to the main AC Grid, this is to allow the associated AC circuit breakers to
close with a phase dif f erence of up to 60 degrees.
This is in the existing GB Grid Code and is a very rare condition in a very small part of an AC Grid.
b) A Power overload that causes a ROCOF rate greater than +/- 1 Hz/s. The GBGF-I provides the ROCOF
rate limiting f unction f or ROCOF rates up to +/- 2 Hz/s that should not occur f or normal operating conditions.
This requires operating in the Withstand Mode.
c) An AC grid short circuit f ault. The GBGF-I provides the Fast Fault Current (FFC) f unction that can use the
proven control methods of existing power converters. The GBGF-I can leave the Normal Mode and enter
the Withstand Mode f or a short time period bef ore resuming operation in the Normal Mode.
A GBGF-I Withstand Mode model f or this f ault must include the f ollowing:
a) Control f or large voltage dips and AC Grid short circuit f aults. For this f ault condition the phase angle of the
local zone AC Grid can have very large phase angle changes that can be up to 90 degrees or larger.
b) During AC Grid short circuit f aults, the GBGF-I will use Grid Fault Ride Through capability f or a short time
period, bef ore resuming the Normal Mode operation. It is however encouraged to keep the Grid Forming
behaviour during AC grid f aults causing voltage dips beyond normal voltage ranges unless the current
limiting is necessary to protect the Grid Forming Plant.
3.3. Suggestions for Further Grid Code Modifications
The key suggestions are captured by ESO in the Table 4 below f ollowing outcomes of the group discussions
and data contributions in Subgroup 3 of the GBGF Best Practice Group.
Table 4: Key Suggestions as Captured by ESO after consulting with GBGF BPG Members.
Key Suggestions Priority for Grid Further Efforts Comments
Code Change during 2nd
Round GC Mod.
Different operational modes Medium Low To avoid confusion, Normal & Withstand
should be clearly specified. Modes instead of “Linear” and “Non-
Linear” Modes will be considered to
reflect the operational conditions of
GBGF Plants. Such definition and
relevant Grid Code clauses will be
reviewed and modified, where necessary,
during the 2nd Grid Code Modification
Working Group collaboration for GB Grid
The IBRs with pre-defined Grid High High Following two questions raised in group
Forming Mode should operate as discussion:
long as possible to provide
Question 1: When the voltage is below 0.9
nature responses
p.u. yet the current limiter of the GFM
inverter is not triggered, shall we force the
inverter to fast inject the current (or
equivalent active and reactive power)?
Question 2: When the current limiter is
triggered, e.g., the fault current of GFM
inverter is clamped, shall we force the
inverter to inject fully reactive current?
3.4. References
[1] ESO, Grid Code (GC) Issue 6 Revision 16, 5 January 2023.
[2] Enstore, “Basic specification of a GBGF inverter system – 002”, 9 August 2022.
4. Key Definitions for GBGF-I
4.1. Introduction
A series of group discussions and major comments f rom members of GBGF Best Practice Group f ocus on the
impedance def inition of the equivalent Internal Voltage Source (IVS) of GBGF-I plants. The relevant Grid Code
clauses are listed in the Table below. In addition, an example of the GBGF-I’s impedance conf iguration is shown
in Figure PC.A.5.8.1 as shown in the table below:
Relevant Grid Code Clauses [1]:
GD - Grid Forming Is (but not limited to) the capability a Power Generating Module, HVDC
Capability Converter (which could f orm part of an HVDC System), Generating Unit,
Power Park Module, DC Converter, OTSDUW Plant and Apparatus, Electricity
Storage Module, Dynamic Reactive Compensation Equipment or any Plant
and Apparatus (including a smart load) whose supplied Active Power is
directly proportional to the dif ference between the magnitude and phase of its
Internal Voltage Source and the magnitude and phase of the voltage at the
Grid Entry Point or User System Entry Point and the sine of the Load Angle.
As a consequence, Plant and Apparatus which has a Grid Forming Capability
has a f requency of rotation of the Internal Voltage Source which is the same
as the System Frequency f or normal operation, with only the Load Angle
def ining the relative position between the two. In the case of a GBGF-I, a Grid
Forming Unit f orming part of a GBGF-I shall be capable of sustaining a voltage
at its terminals irrespective of the voltage at the Grid Entry Point or User
System Entry Point f or normal operating conditions.
For GBGF-I, the control system, which determines the amplitude and phase
of the Internal Voltage Source, shall have a response to the voltage and
System Frequency at the Grid Entry Point or User System Entry Point) with a
bandwidth that is less than a def ined value as shown by the control system’s
NFP Plot. Exceptions to this requirement are only allowed during transients
caused by System f aults, voltage d ips/surges and/or step or ramp changes in
the phase angle which are large enough to cause damage to the Grid Forming
Plant via excessive currents.
GD - Internal Voltage For a GBGF-S, a real magnetic f ield, that rotates synchronously with the
Source or IVS System Frequency under normal operating conditions, which as a
consequence induces an internal voltage (which is of ten ref erred to as the
Electro Motive Force (EMF)) in the stationary generator winding that has a
real impedance.
In a GBGF-I, switched power electronic devices are used to produce a voltage
wavef orm, with harmonics, that has a f undamental rotational component
called the Internal Voltage Source (IVS) that rotates synchronously with the
System Frequency under normal operating conditions.
For a GBGF-I there must be an impedance with only real physical values,
between the Internal Voltage Source and the Grid Entry Point or User
System Entry Point.
For the avoidance of doubt, a virtual impedance, is not permitted in GBGF-I
Each GBGF-I shall comprise an Internal Voltage Source and reactance. For
ECC. (ii) the avoidance of doubt, the reactance between the Internal Voltage Source
and Grid Entry Point or User System Entry Point (if Embedded) within the Grid
Forming Plant can only be made by a combination of several physical discrete
reactances. This could include the reactance of the Synchronous Generating
Unit or Power Park Unit or HVDC System or Electricity Storage Unit or
Dynamic Reactive Compensation Equipment and the electrical Plant and
Apparatus connecting the Synchronous Generating Unit or Power Park Unit
or HVDC System or Electricity Storage Unit (such as a transformer) to the
Grid Entry Point or User System Entry Point (if Embedded).
Following those group discussions, this section provides background inf ormation and suggestions around the
three topics as listed below:
a) To introduce background inf ormation of Virtual Impedance when introduced f or GBGF-I, particularly its pros
and cons.
b) To evaluate if Virtual Impedance can be introduced together with Real Impedance during normal operational
conditions and transient conditions e.g. f ault conditions and large disturbances – Does the ESO need to give
clear def initions and requirements of virtual/real impedance (So-called White Box) or f ocus on
f unctionality/perf ormance as whole and inputs/outputs (So-called Grey Box).
c) To introduce background inf ormation of the Control 5Hz Bandwidth Limit.
The Virtual Impedance may change the network dynamics Rv +jXv + jX L+ sL. Rv is helpf ul to damp the network
mode (transient DC components decay f aster), but Xv may shif t the network mode to lower f requency and cause
interaction between swing mode and network mode [2]. In this way, the applicable f requency range f or the
Virtual Impedance deserves close attention, as the virtual impedance may introduce negative ef f ects at certain
f requency range, which should be avoided. Xv may also change the f ault-induced transient current prof ile: it
may no longer be DC but be a negative sequence AC current.
The Virtual Impedance is closely related to f ault level. As suggested in [3], the use of a variable Virtual
Impedance instead of hard current limit during the f ault may simplif y the f ault -level calculation and eliminate the
need f or hard mode switching between Grid Forming and Grid Following.
As a downside, the Virtual Impedance may reduce the grid strength and compromise part of the Grid Forming
f unctionality and should be used with caution f or weak grids. However, on the other hand, the Virtual Impedance
may increase the adaptiveness of Grid Forming converters to a strong grid. As a result, the Virtual Impedance
is a way to increase the robustness of Grid Forming control against a volatile grid environment, at the price of
reduced perf ormance (voltage and angle f orming capability) at weak grids.
This is probably the main dif f erence of GBGF-I systems when compared with the other Grid Forming inverter
systems described in technical literature f rom other sources.
The AC Grid stability problems in existing systems were produced by a number of dif ferent sof tware f unctions
that Included:
(1) Fast acting Phase Locked Loop control f unctions, and similar control f unctions, responding to f ast
changes in the AC Grid’s wavef orms.
(2) Fast acting Current Control D and Q control loops, and similar control f unctions, responding to f ast
changes in the AC Grid’s wavef orms.
(3) Fast acting Synthetic Impedance control f unctions, and similar control f unctions, responding to f ast
changes in the AC Grid’s wavef orms.
There are f ast acting control loops allowed within the control system of GBGF -I systems that includes the
sof tware damping f unction and the control of the associat ed plant.
These can cause low levels of current disturbances in the AC supply which is why the data in the Active Control
Based Power GB Grid Code def inition states: Active Control Based Power also includes Active Power
components produced by the normal o peration of a Grid Forming Plant that comply with the Engineering
Recommendation P28 limits. These Active Power components do not have a 5 Hz limit on the bandwidth of the
provided response.
For GBGF-I systems operating in the Withstand Mode, the GBGF-I systems IVS must change rapidly to avoid
the GBGF-I systems f rom tripping. The Grid code allows any type of control software which is why the change
to the Grid Code f or ECC. has been proposed.
For the avoidance of doubt the f ollowing app lies:
a) For a GBGF-I system operating in the Normal Mode, all control f unctions are allowed, including items (1),
(2) and (3) in this Section 4.3 provided their control action conf orms to the 5 Hz bandwidth limitation as listed
in Grid Code ECC.
b) For a GBGF-I system operating in the Withstand Mode, all control f unctions are allowed, including items (1),
(2) and (3) in this Section 4.3 with no limit on their bandwidth as listed in the proposed revision to Grid Code
Table 5: Key Suggestions as Captured by ESO after consulting with GBGF BPG Members .
Note*: Background Information for the Normal Mode of GBGF-I, please see Chapter 3.
4.5. References
[1] ESO, Grid Code (GC) Issue 6 Revision 16, 5 January 2023.
[2] Y. Gu, N. Bottrell and T. C. Green, "Reduced-Order Models for Representing Converters in Power System Studies,"
in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 3644 -3654, April 2018.
[3] Qoria, Taoufik; Wu, Heng; Wang, Xiongfei, Colak, Ilknur (2022): Variable Virtual Impedance -based Overcurrent
Protection For Grid-forming Inverters: Small-Signal, Large-Signal Analysis and Improvement. TechRxiv. Preprint.
[4] Enstore, “Final version of Proposed Grid Code Changes – 002F”, 17 March 2023.
[5] Enstore, “Basic specification of a GBGF inverter system - 002”, 9 August 2022.
5. Compliance Testing for GB Grid Forming Plant
5.1. Introduction
Grid Forming Plants, as def ined as GBGF-S or GBGF-I in Grid Code, can take many f orms and can be a mixture
of any of the technologies available as def ined in the Grid Code. The list below indicates some typical Grid
Forming technologies which are available, but this list is not exhaustive.
• Synchronous Condensers / Compensators with and without f lywheels
• Synchronous Generators
• Grid Forming Converter storage systems
• Grid Forming Synchronous storage systems
• Grid Forming STATCOM Systems with an energy storage component
• Smart loads including Electric Vehicles (V2G)
It is also possible to mix the technologies to provide the overall Grid Forming package. It should be noted that,
as part of this guidance, it is important that the provider tests compliance of each Grid Forming Plant type being
proposed. In addition, at ESO’s discretion, the Provider may need to test a combination of each technology at
a single location to conf irm service compliance and perf ormance.
Generic compliance tests that all types of Grid Forming Plant are required to demonstrate are illustrated in
Figure 8, the Scope of Work (SoW) of Generic Tests f or Compliance Purpose are listed as f ollows [1]:
• Reactive Capability (including HV operation across voltage range)
• Voltage Control
• Active Power Control
• Power output with f alling f requency
• Frequency Response (LFSM/FSM)
• PSS Tuning / Damping control
• Fault Ride Through and Fast Fault Current Injection
As suggested in Figure 8, the SoW of additional tests and simulations f or the Grid Forming Plant are listed as
f ollows
• Active ROCOF Response Power f or GBGF-I
• Active Phase Jump Power f or GBGF-I
• Active Damping Power f or GBGF-I
Three sections, f rom Section 5.2 to Section 5.4, f ocus on all the specif ic additional tests and simulations f or
GBGF Plants with the key outcomes:
• Testing examples of Active ROCOF Response Power under extreme system f requencies as well as over
the f ull system f requency range
• Testing examples of Active Phase Jump Power under normal operation
• Testing examples of Active Damping Power
• Discussion on Phase Jump Angle Withstand Value f or Active Phase Jump Power under extreme conditions
• Discussion on the test f or Active Phase Jump Power during a f aulted condition
Following the discussions on the topics below, some potential grid code changes f or relevant parts are
suggested in Section 5.5.
ECP.A. These tests are required to assess the Grid Forming Plant’s withstand
capabilities under extreme System Frequencies.
(a) For Grid Forming Plant comprising a GBGF-I the f requency of the test
network is increased f rom 50Hz to 52Hz at a rate of 2Hz/s with
measurements of the Grid Forming Plant’s Active ROCOF Response
Power, System Frequency and time in (ms).
(b) For a Grid Forming Plant comprising a GBGF-I the f requency of the test
network is increased f rom 50Hz to 52Hz at a rate of 1Hz/s with
measurements of the Grid Forming Plant’s Active ROCOF Response
Power, System Frequency and time in (ms).
(c) For Grid Forming Plant comprising a GBGF-I the f requency of the test
network is decreased f rom 50Hz to 47 Hz at a rate of 2Hz/s with
measurements of the Grid Forming Plant’s Active ROCOF Response
Power, System Frequency and time in (ms).
(d) For Grid Forming Plant comprising a GBGF-I the f requency of the test
network is decreased f rom 50Hz to 47 Hz at a rate of 1Hz/s with
measurements of the Grid Forming Plant’s Active ROCOF Response
Power, System Frequency and time in (ms).
ECP.A. This test is to demonstrate the Grid Forming Plant’s ability to supply Active
ROCOF Response Power over the f ull System Frequency range.
(a) With the f requency of the test network set to 50Hz, the GBGF-I should be
initially running at 75% Maximum Capacity or Registered Capacity, zero
MVAr output and both Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode and Frequency
Sensitive Mode disabled.
(b) The f requency is then increased f rom 50Hz to 52Hz at a rate of 1Hz/s
over a 2 second period. Allow conditions to stabilise f or 5 seconds and
then decrease the f requency f rom 52Hz to 47Hz at a rate of 1Hz/s over a
5 second period. Allow conditions to stabilise.
(c) Record results of Active ROCOF Response Power, Reactive Power,
voltage and f requency.
(d) The test now needs to be re-run in the opposite direction. The same initial
conditions should be applied as per ECP.A.
(e) The f requency is then decreased f rom 50Hz to 47Hz at a rate of 1Hz/s
over a 3 second period. Allow conditions to stabilise f or 5 seconds and
then increase the f requency f rom 47Hz to 52Hz at a rate of 1Hz/s o ver a
5 second period. Allow conditions to stabilise.
(f ) Record results of Active ROCOF Response Power, Reactive Power,
voltage and f requency.
Two testing examples are presented below to illustrate the potential setup f or compliance tests f or
ECP.A. and ECP.A. It should be noted that the tests are from existing studies in [3][4],
which are not designed for implementing the guideline as presented in the table above, so the steps
and results are for illustration purpose only. More details of the studies can be f ound in [3]-[5].
5.2.1. Simulation Test 1 – Active ROCOF Response Power under Extreme System
Frequencies (ECP.A.
The testing examples f or ECP.A. are presented below.
The example test setup is shown in Figure 9, where a grid emulator composed of a Triphase programmable bi-
directional power converter rated at 540 kVA is used, along with a simulation model running on the real-time
EMT simulation f acility. Frequency prof iles is def ined in Real-Time EMT simulation f acility, which is then used
to control the Triphase output connected to the plant being tested f or emulating the extreme f requency
conditions. The f ast response of the Triphase converter allows precise control of the terminal voltages to f ollow
the def ined f requency prof iles.
In the f irst test, the GFM unit’s power setpoint Pset is set as 100 kW exporting power and the inertia constant (H)
is set as 4 s. The starting f requency of the grid is set as 50 Hz and a ROCOF of 2 Hz/s is applied f or 1 s,
f ollowed by a ROCOF of -2 Hz/s f or another 1 s to bring the f requency back to nominal value. The results f or
this test are shown in Figure 10, where it can be seen that, the event is initiated at around 4.3 s with a ROCOF
of 2 Hz/s, and the f requency reaches 52 Hz at around 5.3 s. The GFM unit decreases its active power output
in response to the positive ROCOF to provide emulated inertia support. Furthermore, disconnection of the GFM
unit occurs at around 6.7 s can be observed, and it came back online at around 7 s.
It should be noted that the reason f or ramping the f requency down right af ter reaching 52 Hz is due to the f act
that the device under test has over-f requency protection with a threshold of 52 Hz, thus ramping down to avoid
In the second example test, a negative ROCOF of -2 Hz/s is applied f or 1.5 s so that f requency of the system
ends at 47 Hz. The inertia constant (H) value and other parameters of the system remained unchanged as the
f irst example case. A ROCOF of -2 Hz/s f or 1.5 s is applied in the test and results f or the test are shown in
Figure 11. As can be seen f rom the f igure that a ROCOF of -2 Hz/s is applied at 5.4 s and as a result, active
power supplied reaches to 209.58 kW f rom 101.69 kW, resulting in a power change of 107.89 kW. In this case,
The GFM unit remains connected throughout the pro cess.
It should be noted that the reason f or ramping the f requency up right af ter reaching 47 Hz is due to the f act that
the device under test has under-f requency protection with a threshold of 47 Hz, thus ramping up to avoid
214.06 kW
112.5 kW
101.56 kW
-115.09 kW
-13.97 kW
Figure 10. Results of Testing Example 1 (ECP.A. (i)) – Source: University of Strathclyde.
209.58 kW
107.89 kW
101.69 kW
-114.43 kW
-12.74 kW
Figure 11. Results of Testing Example 2 (for ECP.A. (iii)) – Source: University of Strathclyde.
5.2.2. Simulation Test 2 – Active ROCOF Response Power over Full System
Frequency Range (ECP.A.
210.48 kW
109.05 kW
101.44 kW
-113.22 kW
-11.78 kW
208.93 kW
113.6 kW
95.33 kW
-115.28 kW
-19.95 kW
The example tests f or ECP.A. are presented in Figure 12 above.
In the f irst test, the Grid Forming Plant’s power setpoint Pset is set as 100 kW exporting power (Note: in
ECP.A., the setpoint is required to be 75% Maximum Capacity or Registered Capacity) and the inertia
constant (H) is set as 4 s. In this test, the grid emulator is programmed to have a starting f requency of 52 Hz
and is then ramped down at a ROCOF of -2Hz/s.
An inertial power of 109.05 kW is observed provided by the Grid Forming Plant due to the constant ROCOF. In
the second part of this test, a positive ROCOF of 2 Hz/s is applied around 7.8 s, and a change of power of -
113.22 kW can be observed. An unusual characteristic of the Grid Forming Plant can be observed in this test
between 7 s to 7.8 s. When f requency decreases f rom 52 Hz and crosses the 49.5 Hz boundary (i.e. f requency
drop is a bit more than 3.5 Hz), the Grid Forming Plant stops outputting power unexpectedly. However, it
reconnects to the system when f requency reaches 47 Hz. It is considered that this could be due to an internal
protection implemented as part of the control system.
In this test, a f requency ramp of 2 Hz/s starting f rom 47 Hz (instead of 50 Hz) is applied at around 7.4 s until the
f requency reaches 52 Hz. During the positive ROCOF, the GFM unit remains connected and provided an inertial
power of -115.28 kW. However, during negative ROCOF of -2 Hz/s i.e. negative ramp f rom 52 Hz to 47 Hz, it
can be observed that the tested GFM unit disconnects suddenly af ter a f requency drop of 3.5 Hz (i.e. f requency
of 49.5 Hz and between 11.5 s and 12.1 s) and remains disconnected f or f ew milliseconds. The GFM unit gets
back online when the f requency stabilises at 47 Hz. A potential reason behind could be the same as the
previous test described above.
agreed deloaded point, zero MVAr output and all control actions (e.g.
Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode, Frequency Sensitive Mode and
voltage control) disabled.
(b) Apply a positive phase jump of up to the Phase Jump Angle Limit at the
Grid Entry Point or User System Entry Point (if Embedded).
(c) This test can then be repeated by injecting the same angle into the Grid
Forming Plant’s control system (as indicatively shown in Figure
ECP.A. This specif ic test can be repeated on site as required f or
a routine perf ormance evaluation test. It should be noted that Figure
ECP.A. is a simplif ied representation. Each Grid Forming Plant
Owner can use their own design, that may be very dif f erent to Figure
ECP.A. but should contain all relevant f unctions that can include
test points and other equivalent data and documentation. Any additional
signals, measurements, parameters and tests shall be agreed between
the Grid Forming Plant Owner and The Company.
(d) Repeat tests (b) and (c) with a negative injection up to the Phase Jump
Angle Limit.
(e) Record traces of Active Power, Reactive Power, voltage, current and
f requency f or a period of 10 seconds af ter the step change in phase has
been applied.
As part of these tests, the corresponding Active Power change resulting f rom
a phase shif t will be a f unction of the local reactance and the location of where
the phase shif t is applied in addition to any additional upstream impedance
between the GBGF-I and phase step location.
ECP.A. This test is to demonstrate the Grid Forming Plant’s ability to supply Active
Phase Jump Power under extreme conditions. Where it is not possibl e to
undertake this test as part of a type test, The Company will accept
demonstration through a combination of simulation studies as required under
ECP.A.3.9.4(vi) and online monitoring as required under ECC.
(a) With the f requency of the test network set to 50Hz, the Grid Forming
Plant should be initially running at its Minimum Stable Operating Level or
Minimum Stable Generation, zero MVAr output and all control actions
(e.g., Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode, Frequency Sensitive Mode
and voltage control) disabled.
(b) Apply a phase jump of 60 degrees at the connection point of the GBGF-I
or into the Grid Forming Plant’s control system as shown in Figure
(c) Record traces of Active Power, Reactive Power, voltage, current and
f requency f or a period of 10 seconds af ter the step change in phase has
been applied.
(d) Repeat steps (a), (b) and (c) of ECP.A. but on this occasion apply
a phase jump equivalent to the positive Phase Jump Angle Limit at the
ECP.A. This test is to demonstrate the GBGF-Is ability to supply Active Phase Jump
Power, Fault Ride Through and GBGF Fast Fault Current Injection during a
f aulted condition. Where it is not possible to undertake this test as part of a
type test, The Company will accept demonstration through a combination of
simulation studies as required under ECP.A.3.9.4(vii) and online monitoring
as required under CC.6.6 and ECC.
(a) With the f requency set to 50Hz, the Grid Forming Plant should be initially
running at its Maximum Capacity or Registered Capacity or at an
alternative loading point as agreed with The Company, zero MVAr output
and all control actions (e.g., Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode,
Frequency Sensitive Mode and voltage control) disabled.
(b) Apply a solid three phase short circuit f ault at the connection point in the
test network f orming part of the type test f or 140ms or alternatively the
equivalent of a zero retained voltage f or 140ms.
(c) Record traces of Active Power, Reactive Power, voltage, current and
f requency f or a period of 10 seconds af ter the f ault has been applied.
(d) Repeat steps (a) to (c) but on this occasion with f ault ride through, GBGF
Fast Fault Current Injection Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode and
voltage control switched into service.
(e) Record traces of Active Power, Reactive Power, voltage, current and
f requency f or a period of 10 seconds af ter the step change in phase has
been applied and conf irm correct operation.
Table PC.A.5.8.2
Quantity Units Range (where User Def ined
Applicable Parameter
Phase Jump Degrees 5 degrees
Angle Limit recommended
Phase Jump Degrees 60 degrees
Angle Withstand specified
5.3.1. Simulation Test 1 – Active Phase Jump Power under Normal Operation
A testing example f or GBGF-I is illustrated in Figure 13 [6]. The f ollowing actions occur f or an AC Grid phase
angle change:
• The inverter’s output voltage does not change its magnitude, f requency or phase
• The AC supply current occurs due to the change in the phase angle of the AC supply
• The rate of rise of the current is def ined by the Lac
• The current amplitude is given by 2 x sin (phase angle change / 2) / AC impedance in pu
• This produces a current transient as shown on Figure 13
The magnitude of the phase angle is the rated value of the system’s Phase Jump Angle Limit. The test should
be carried out f or +ve and -ve phase angle changes that are applied with a phase change time of 1 and 20
milliseconds to the AC Grid’. This is a set of 4 tests.
The decay time of the current’s main wavef orm is def ined by the system’s resonant f requency. The essential
f eature is that the phase angle of the GBGF-I’s IVS does not change at the start of the transient.
This can be recorded by either an output signal of the GBGF-I’s IVS phase shif t signal or by a measurement of
the inverter’s real output voltage via a second order low pass f ilter.
This test should be repeated using the Phase Test Signal shown on Figure 14 to validate that this test signal
produces identical results. This validates that the Phase Test Signal can be used on site f or commissioning and
routine testing. The Phase Test Signal must be provided by the supplier of a GBGF -I.
Figure 14: A typical Normal Mode System for GBGF Plant (Source: Enstore).
5.3.2. Simulation Test 2 – Active Phase Jump Power under Extreme Conditions
Figure 15: Active Power Responses of an Inverter to Phase Jump in Its Terminal Voltage
for GFM and GFL Operation Mode (Source: NREL).
Figure 16: Reactive Power and Max Current Contribution Responses of an Inverter to Phase Jump in Its Terminal
Voltage for GFM and GFL Operation Mode (Source: NREL).
The Phase Angle Jump is widely regarded as a very important issue when addressing the Phase Angle Ride
Through (PART) capability of IBR as a large phase angle jump may cause overcurrent of inverters and hence
the disconnection of these inverters f rom the Power Grid.
The maximum Phase Angle Change f or withstand purposes is very important f or def ining the reasonable PART
capability. Although higher values of p hase jump angle have been observed f rom research papers (e.g. 79.2
degrees as indicated in [7], the maximum phase jump angle of 60 degrees has been recommended f rom the
IEEE Standard [8].
During the Best Practice Group discussion, a phase jump scenario of 60 degrees has been suggested [9]:
Control f or the withstand value of AC Grid’s Phase Jump angle of 60 degrees at the rated AC voltage that can
occur f or closing a f eeder on to the main AC Grid, this is to allow the associated AC circuit breakers to close
with up to a phase dif f erence of up to 60 degrees. This is in the existing GB Grid Code but is a very rare
condition in a very small part of the AC Grid as discussed in the Best Practice Group discussions.
Figure 15 and Figure 16 show the study results of response of the 2.3 MVA hardware inverter in GFL and GFM
modes during phase jumps of magnitudes ranging f rom 5 to 50 degrees with the key f indings [10]:
a) During the phase jump angle range of 5-50 degrees, the GFM-based inverter was able to ride through all
phase-jump tests.
b) The GFM-based inverter responded more aggressively to phase jump events than GFL-based inverters
due to dif f erent typical characteristics of GFL mode (as a controlled current source) and GFM mode (as an
independent voltage source).
As a result, as suggested in [10], this may be a challenging requirement f or these IBRs to ride through a phase
jump event with 60 degrees of phase angle change. In order to achieve compliance f or such a large phase jump
of up to 60 degrees, increasing advanced grid -support capabilities are required to be developed and
commercially employed within the GB system in line with compliance requirement s.
Following a comprehensive literature review of the GBGF Best Practice Group there are a large number of
publications on the testing of the impacts of phase angle jump on the system dynamics and PART capability.
There are however no suf f icient research studies on quantif ication of the reasonable values of Phase Jump
Angle Withstand that need be considered in the rolling out of GBGF-Is. The Phase Jump of IBRs is a complex
issue as it depends on many f actors including the inverter control system parameters, inverter loading conditions
prior to the f ault and grid impedance/f ault impedance at the location.
As the results show, f urther ef f orts will be needed during f uture Grid Code modif ication workgroups to work on
identif ication of the reasonable Phase Jump Angle Withstand f or rolling out GBGF-Is across GB. A reasonable
phase jump change event with 20 degrees is illustrated in Figure 17 [9].
5.3.3. Simulation Test 3 – Active Phase Jump Active Power during a faulted
condition for GBGF-I (ECP.A.
Figure 18: Fault Ride Through Curve for IBRs at Interface Point at or above 110kV.
According to outcomes of group discussion: The 3Ph-to-Earth symmetrical f ault within GB system at 110kV or
above is generally considered as the most severe scenario f or f aulted conditions.
In this way, f or an example, f or the IBRs as connected at the Int erf ace Point at or above 110kV, the voltage
against time curve and parameters can be illustrated in Figure 18 according to the Grid Code.
For such a scenario, as shown in (1) the output active power is independent f rom such phase angle changes
when the voltage dip can reach to 0.0 pu at the Interf ace Point (VIP=0) or Connection Point during such a f ault
condition as the initial power response is dominated by
𝑃𝛿 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛿 (1)
In this way, the Fault Ride Through can cover such scenarios and f urther Phase Angle Ride Through is not
needed. For the avoidance of doubt, the scope of work f or the tests of active phase jump power under extreme
conditions will not include f aulted conditions as discussed.
5.4. Active Damping Power for GBGF-I
Relevant Grid Code Clauses [2]:
GD - Active The Active Power naturally injected or absorbed by a Grid Forming Plant to
Damping Power reduce Active Power oscillations in the Total System.
More specif ically, Active Damping Power is the damped response of a Grid
Forming Plant to an oscillation between the voltage at the Grid Entry Point
or User System Entry Point and the voltage of the Internal Voltage Source of
the Grid Forming Plant.
For the avoidance of doubt, Active Damping Power is an inherent capability
of a Grid Forming Plant that starts to respond naturally, within less than 5ms
to low f requency oscillations in the System Frequency.
ECP.A. The f inal test required is to demonstrate the GBGF-I is capable of contributing
to Active Damping Power. The Grid Forming Plant Owner should conf igure
their Grid Forming Plant in f orm or equivalent (as agreed with The Company)
as shown in Figure ECP.A.3.9.6(a) or Figure ECP.A.3.9.6(b) as applicable.
Each Grid Forming Plant Owner can use their own design, that may be very
dif f erent to Figures ECP.A.3.9.6(a) or ECP.A.3.9.6 (b) but should contain all
relevant f unctions.
As part of this test, the Grid Forming Plant Owner is required to inject a signal
into the Grid Forming Plant controller. The results supplied need to verif y the
f ollowing criteria:-
(a) Inject a Test Signal into the Grid Forming Plant controller to demonstrate
the Active Control Based Power output is supplied below the 5Hz
bandwidth limit An acceptable perf ormance will be judged where the
overshoot or decay matches the Damping Factor declared by the Grid
Forming Plant Owner as submitted in PC.A.5.8.1 in addition to
assessment against the requirements of CC.A. or ECC.A.
or CC.A. or ECC.A. as applicable.
Figure 19: The NFP Plot Test without Control Functions (Source: Enstore).
5.4.1. Testing Example 1
A testing example based on NFP is introduced in [6]:
a) This is to apply an appropriate test signal with an amplitude of 0.01 pu RMS with a f requency of 1 Hz
together with the system’s AC Grid’s voltage with an amplitude of 1.0 pu.
b) The measured current amplitude and phase at the 1 Hz test f requency gives one po int on the NFP plot and
the test signal is applied to the three phases of the AC Grid’s voltage.
c) This test is repeated with 5 points in each f requency band f rom 0.01 Hz to 20 Hz which typically provides
16 data points that can be compared with the system’s simulated NFP plot shown on Figure 19.
d) This f requency domain test is limited to 20 Hz due to cross modulation ef f ects with the 50 Hz main grid
f requency.
e) The Figure 19 is f or a NFP test produced in the f requency domain that can plot the NFP plot f or test
f requencies above 20 Hz.
f ) This test is initially done with all the added control f eatures turned of f as shown on Figure 14 and with the
damping sof tware set to give a Damping Factor of 0.2.
g) This validates the system’s resonant f requency and damping sof tware f or one set of the system’s
h) The test is repeated with all the added control f eatures enable to give the systems f ull NFP plot.
i) The test is repeated with the input at the system’s resonant f requency with the system’s damping set to give
a Damping Factor of 5.
j) The results of these test data points can be compared with the system’s simulated NFP plot shown on
Figure 19 including complying with the f ive limit lines and Area1.
Figure 20: Bode Plot for Frequency Sweep Test (Source: University of Strathclyde).
In this set of tests, frequency sweep using the NFP approach with Real-Time EMT simulation f acility, controlling
the Triphase as a voltage source is perf ormed as shown in Figure 9. The test is perf ormed as f ollows:
a) The 3-phase voltage source (grid emulator) is programmed in the Real-Time EMT simulation f acility with its
f requency def ined in Section 2:
𝑓 = 𝑓0 + 𝛥𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑠(2𝜋𝑓𝑚𝑜𝑑 ) (2)
• 𝑓0 = 50 𝐻𝑧
• 𝛥𝑓 = 0.5 𝐻𝑧, the selection value of perturbance amplitude depends on the expected peak response
around the resonant f requency (typically 1–3 Hz)
• 𝑓𝑚𝑜𝑑 : Frequency of the modulation in Hz (f rom 0.02 Hz to 20 Hz in these tests)
• Voltage magnitude will be maintained at nominal at all times
b) At any given value of 𝑓𝑚𝑜𝑑 the GFM unit’s output is captured the same way as f or all the other tests (e.g.
f requency, ROCOF, voltage, current and power supplied by the GFM unit). The only dif ference is that during
the NFP test, the collection of data during a steady state condition required a s uf f iciently long time, i.e. at
least one (pref erably two) cycles of the modulation f requency. The modulation f requency is changed f rom
0.02 Hz to 20 Hz. To achieve a reasonably accurate representation of the characteristic, approximately 10
tests have been perf ormed per decade, i.e. 30 tests within 3 decades (0.2, 2 and 20 Hz).
c) The instantaneous power f or each of the recorded steady state conditions is analysed using a Fourier
Transf orm to determine the amplitude and phase of the Grid Forming Plant’s f requency response.
Figure 20 presents the “Bode Plot” that has been achieved through the above mentioned NFP test and
Fourier transf orm of the recoded results f rom the tested GFM unit.
Figure 21: Block Representation of a Second Order Grid Forming Converter (Source: University of Strathclyde).
A general representation of a second order Grid Forming Plant with inertial control is shown in Figure 21, and
the overall transf er f unction of the represented Grid Forming Plant’s block diagram is shown in (3). The f ollowing
relationship shown in (4) and (5) can be derived f rom the overall transf er f unction of the Grid Forming Converter
as discussed in [5], where, 𝜔𝑛 and 𝜁 can be calculated f rom the Bode Plot as shown in Figure 20. Subsequently,
using (4) and (5), inertia constant, H and damping constant, D of the Grid Forming Plant c an be determined
through (6) and (7) respectively.
Δ𝑃𝐺𝐹𝐶(𝑠) −𝐾𝑋 𝑠
= (3)
Δ𝜔𝑔𝑟𝑖𝑑 (𝑠) 𝑠 2 + 𝐷 𝑠 + 𝐾𝑋 𝜔0
2𝐻 2𝐻
ωn = √ (4)
𝐷 2
𝜁= √ (5)
4 𝐻𝐾𝑋 𝜔0
𝐾𝑥 𝜔0
𝐻= (6)
4𝜁 (7)
𝐻𝜔0 𝐾𝑋
3 dB
f1 = 9.27 Hz f2 = 13.1 Hz
fn = 2.95 Hz
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 22: Magnitude in Bode Plot (Source: University of Strathclyde)
The second approach of calculating H and D of the Grid Forming Plant is using a curve f itting method. In this
approach, a curve f itting graph is plotted as presented in Figure 23, where the dynamic model of the Grid
Forming Plant is utilised to obtain the f requency characteristics which is subsequently f itted into the (3) in order
to obtain the unknown values of H and D. From Figure 23, the estimated values of H and D are 3.372 s and
218.9 respectively.
The actual and estimated values of H and D calculated using the two af orementioned approaches are shown in
Table 6. The assumed values of H and D (provided by the manuf acturer) f or the Grid Forming Plant were 2 s
and 256 respectively. It should be noted that the errors presented in Table 6 do not indicate the
effectiveness or accuracy of the presented methods, but the level of difference of the inertia response
and damping from the Grid Forming Plant as compared with an equivalent synchronous generator with
the same inertia and damping constant.
5.6. References
[1] ESO Compliance Process,
[2] ESO, Grid Code (GC) Issue 6 Revision 16, 5 January 2023.
[3] A. Khan, Q. Hong*, D. Liu, A. Egea Alvarez, A. Avras, A. Dysko, C. Booth, and D. Rostom, Experimental
Assessment and Validation of Inertial Behaviour of Virtual Synchronous Machines, IET Renewable Power
Generation, 2022.
[4] A. Dyśko, A. Egea, Q. Hong, A. Khan, P. Ernst, R. Singer, and A. Roscoe, Testing Characteristics of Grid Forming
Converters Part III: Inertial Behaviour, 19th Wind Integration Workshop, 2020.
[5] ESO’s NIA Project “Demonstration of Virtual Synchronous Machine Control of a Battery System”, Ref.
NIA_NGSO0026 (Complete), URL:
[6] Enstore, “Basic specification of a GBGF inverter system - 002”, 9 August 2022.
[7] X. Tian, G. Li, Y. Chi, W. Wang, H. Tang and X. Li, "Voltage phase angle jump characteristic of DFIGs in case of
weak grid connection and grid fault," Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 256-
264, April 2016, doi: 10.1007/s40565-015-0181-4.
[8] IEEE Standard 15471-2020 “IEEE Standard Conformance Test Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting
Distributed Energy Resources with Electric Power Systems and Associate d Interfaces”.
[9] Enstore, “The Enstore guide to GB Grid Forming technology 002”, 21 April 2022.
[10] ESIG, “Grid-Forming Technology in Energy System Integration”, March 2022.