Republic of Maldives
1.1 The projects are packaged into 07 packages as specified in section 4 of this
document. The consultant may submit expression of interest for one or more
1.2 The scope of services includes topographic survey and land use plan as listed
above. A detailed terms of reference (TOR) is provided under section 04 of this
1.3 The consultant shall enclose one (1) original and one (1) copy of the documents
in a sealed envelope which shall:
1.5 Consultants must respond to all mandatory requirements and provide complete
information as advised in this document. Any lapses to provide essential
information may result in dis-qualification of the consultant
2.1 The Applicant must be a local firm. Joint Venture or Association with international
firms may be formed to enhance the capacity of the applicant. However, the lead
party must be a local firm. When submitting EOI, the JV must nominate and
authorize the lead party.
2.2 The Consultant shall not be part of more than one JV/Association which is
submitting proposals under this project.
2.3 The Applicant must demonstrate that it meets the following requirement as a single
entity or collectively as a JV or Association.
a) General Consultancy Experience
Experience in Engineering Consultancy services. Consultant must have
successfully/substantially completed at least 03 Engineering Consultancy
Projects in the last 10 years.
All individual firms and each partner of a joint venture applying for prequalification are
requested to complete the information in this form.
3 Telephone
Email address
4 Place of Incorporation/Registration:
Year of Incorporation/Registration:
5 Applicant’s authorized representative:
{Using the format below, provide information on assignments which your firm, associate or JV
Partner, has successfully/substantially completed, to demonstrate eligibility under general and
particular experience, as set under section II of this document}
Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your firm
involved and functions performed (indicate
most significant profiles such as Project
Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):
Firm’s Name:
The Ministry of Finance, on behalf of the Local Government Authority (hereinafter called “the
Client”) is seeking the assistance of a qualified and competent consulting firm and intends to
apply part of the proceeds from the Government PSIP Budget for the following services:
Topographic surveys and Land Use Plans (LUP) for selected islands in the country
The Local Government Authority (LGA) is seeking interested parties to prepare Topographic
surveys and Land Use Plans (LUP) for selected islands in the country. The purpose of this
assignment is to prepare Land Use Plans, to enable sustainable development of land to be in
consistent with the overall development objective/vision of the island locality. Additionally,
the Land use plans will ensure the efficient use of resources taking into the consideration the
broader development objectives/goals/vision of the regions which the island locality is
The topographic surveys will facilitate effective administration and management of land
information. The output of the works will benefit Island councils, Atoll Councils and land use
planners at local and national levels land management and development.
Package 1
1 Ha Maarandhoo
2 Ha Vashafaru
3 Ha Thakandhoo
4 Ha Molhadhoo
5 Hdh Kurinbi
6 Hdh Hirimaradhoo
Package 2
1 Sh Foakaidhoo
2 Sh Feydhoo
3 Sh Lhaimagu
4 Sh Narudhoo
5 Sh Noomara
6 Sh Maroshi
7 Sh Komandoo
Package 3
Package 4
1 Adh Kun’burudhoo
2 V Keyodhoo
3 V Rakeedhoo
4 F Magoodhoo
Package 5
1 Dh Maaen’boodhoo
2 M Mulah
3 M Maduvvari
4 M Veyvah
5 M Raiymandhoo
Package 6
1 Th Hirilandhoo
2 Th Kinbidhoo
3 Th Dhiyamigili
4 Th Kan’doodhoo
5 Th Omadhoo
6 Th Buruni
7 Th Vandhoo
8 Th Gaadhiffushi
Package 7
1 L Dhanbidhoo
2 L Mundoo
3 L Maamendhoo
4 Ga Kan’duhulhudhoo
5 GA Nilandhoo
6 GA Dhevvadhoo
7 GDH Nadalla
8 GDH Fiyoari
The selected party is required to undertake topographic survey and prepare Land Use Plans and
for the islands in the packages as per the requirements outlined in this TOR. The party should
conduct topographic surveys as per the survey brief in Annex 1. The Plan period for the Land
Use Plans is 20 years and must comply with all existing standards, criteria and requirements
stated in the “Binaaveshi Plan Kurumaai Hingumuge Gavaaidhu–2008”, which will be
available from the Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure’s website
The selected party should be familiar with the institutional processes and issues associated with
Land Use Planning and topographic surveying in the Maldives. The following tasks are
required to be carried out in order to accomplish the services:
Works commissioning
This assignment will generate outputs and deliverables described in the project objective,
through Scope of Services and tasks stated out in Assignment described above. These will
The consultant shall supply surveyed maps in AutoCAD DWG format (version 2014 or
later), also all the Maps should be combined to one pdf file.
2 sets of printed Survey Reports with Maps and completed PSM information forms.
2 CD-ROM with Digital AutoCAD.dwg, pdf files and RAW data.
The consultant shall supply Land Use Plans in AutoCAD DWG format (version 2014
or later), also all the Maps should be combined to one.pdf file.
2 sets of printed Land Use Plans (A3 size).
2 sets of soft copies of Land Use Plans in Digital AutoCAD.dwg, and .pdf files
2 sets of printed Land Use Plan reports (A4 size).
2 sets of soft copies of Land Use Plan reports in MicrosoftWord.docx and. pdf files.
While the actual staffing and composition of the Survey and Land Use Plan teams is up to the
Consultants to propose.
The composition of the team should include but not limited to specialist skills at an appropriate
level and experience of urban planning, land-use/management and environmental
planning/management. In addition, drafting, layout and presentation of maps, plans and any
illustrative material are expected to be provided by the selected party. Thus, Land Use Plan
Team should at least consist of;
The Urban/Land use specialist can be common to more than one package since maximum
number of packages a single consultant will be awarded is three. The Urban/Land Use Planning
Specialist will also be the designated Team leader for the Assignment.
Accurate and reliable base maps are mandatory to develop land use plan hence it necessary to
ensure the team behind this important work is carried out by qualified professionals. The
composition of the team should include but not limited to specialist skills at an appropriate
level and experience of surveying. The survey team should at least consist of;
1. Chief Surveyor,
2. Surveyor and,
3. Two assistant surveyors.
The Chief Surveyor can be common to more than one package since maximum number of
packages a single consultant will be awarded is two. Chief Surveyor will also be the designated
Team leader for the Assignment. Surveyor
A/Level (English, Mathematics and Physics) with 1 year work experience under the
supervision of a registered surveyor or;
O/Level (English, Mathematics) with 2 years’ work experience under the supervision
of a registered surveyor and;
Fair understanding of surveying technology and AutoCAD programs.
Must be able to work on the field for the extent of the field works of the project.
The Consultants shall establish and maintain a site office at project site(s) and ensure that the staffs
are adequately supported and equipped in order to carry out their obligations under the contract.
The Consultant shall meet the full costs for the supply of the teams including all travels,
remuneration, insurance, emergency medical aid, facilities and all else necessary for the competent
operation of their teams.
The survey team shall use safety equipment such as appropriate clothing and procedures to
personal to undertake the work safe and safety for others.
The Survey team and the Land Use Plan team shall adopt appropriate quality management
procedures to ensure that the information and material produced and supplied shall comply with
the specifications and fitness for the purpose in the quality, completeness, standard of presentation
and timely delivery.
Organization and Staffing (Experience with respect to specific aspects of the assignment)
A signed CV of the proposed members should be submitted together with the proposal.
Composition of the work team, the Team Leader and experience of each team member on similar
projects should be included in the proposal. An organization chart with the names of key expert
responsible and the proposed technical and support staff, who will be assigned to the project should
also be presented in the proposal.
In the event of a joint venture, partnership, or contract with other firms, provide a contractual
agreement signed between the parties, briefly outlining of the responsibilities of the parties
In this chapter you should explain your understanding of the objectives of the assignment,
approach to the services, methodology for carrying out the outputs required, and the degree of
detail of such output. You should highlight the problems being addressed and their importance and
explain the technical approach you would adopt to address them. You should also explain the
methodologies you propose to adopt and highlight the compatibility of those methodologies with
the proposed approach. Documents validating work experience of staff should be signed by the
Projected schedule or work plan for completing the Scope of Work, including an outline of the
process that will be used for;
a. Reviewing the current situation, relevant documents and information gathering with
regard to topographic surveying and land use planning.
b. Consultation with relevant government and local authorities and other relevant
institutions in addition to local council and the Ministry of National Planning, Housing
and Infrastructure.
c. Formulation of the Planning Strategies and Land Use Plans with the consultation of all
relevant agencies and stakeholders.
The proposed work plan should be consistent with the technical approach and methodology,
showing understanding of the TOR and ability to translate into a feasible working plan.
Proposed teams (Survey and Land Use Plan) should include the key professional staff mentioned
in Section 7. The failure to include these staff will eventuate in disqualification of the proposal.
Proof of professional qualification (attested and accredited certificates by the Maldives
Qualifications Authority) and signed CVs should be included in the proposal. Documents verifying
work experiences of staff should be signed by relevant and appropriate personnel and must embody
the official stamp/seal of the institution.
30% On presenting the Draft Land Use plans for the selected package/packages
25% On submission of the Final Land Use plans and Planning Report
The interested Party is expected to include in the proposal a lump sum fee for carrying out the
Assignments for each package separately, along with a financial proposal containing breakdowns of the
lump sum fee. The interested Party should identify all the costs which will be incurred in carrying out
assignment. If the interested Party feels the need to carry out the work in separate stages, the key stages
involved and the timeline related to key stages needs to be defined. The price or prices proposed should
be stated both in writing and in figure, and any proposal not so stated may be rejected.
The consultants shall complete the following deliverables and submit the following reports;
1 Weekly progress reports At the end of every week, after the contractor is
mobilized on site
3 Quarterly inspection Report At the end of each quarter of the Defects Liability
4 Testing and Commissioning Report At the end of testing and commissioning of the
respective project
It is expected that a period of 2-3 months will be required to complete a single package.
The objective of the Topographic surveys is to prepare topographic maps for the preparation of
Land use plans for the selected islands in the Maldives.
All features of the maps whether existing or new must be referenced to the PSM.
The survey should be carried out using calibrated and well-maintained equipment only. The
validity of the calibration certificate of the equipment should last until the end of survey period.
Digital Data
The Surveyor shall supply surveyed maps in AutoCAD DWG format (version 2014 or less), also
all the Maps should be combined to one .pdf file. The digital raw files from the survey also should
be submitted for the review. Final processed data in .csv file format (Point ID, Easting, Northing,
and Description).
The results of any analyses, tests and audits carried out shall be supplied as part of the survey
2 sets of printed Survey Reports with Maps and completed PSM information forms.
2 CD-ROM with Digital AutoCAD .dwg, .pdf files and RAW data