MATH138 Spring23

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Classroom Syllabus


(5 Credit Hours)
Effective: April 2023

TRIMESTER: Spring 2023

Instructor: Kročitá Martina, MBA

Office: -
Tel. Number: +421905308243
Office hours: by appointment


Barnett, Ziegler, Byleen. (2008). College Algebra with trigonometry (8th ed.). McGraw-Hill .

Whitaker, A. (2010). Research and APA style guide. (2nd edition) Bratislava, Slovakia: City University of
Seattle. Available online at
or for purchase in the CU Slovakia library

Access to the Internet is required.

All written assignments must be in Microsoft-Word-compatible formats.
See the library’s APA Style Guide tutorial for a list of resources that can help you use APA style.

Copyright 2011 by City University of Seattle

All rights reserved.
MATH 138

MATH138 is an examination of definitions and concepts of College Algebra including a review of fundamental
algebra concepts. Topics also include graphing, linear and quadratic equations, linear inequalities, and linear
programming. Every concept includes practical everyday applications, which focus on reducing math anxiety.
This course satisfies the general math requirement and is essential as preparation for mathematics, statistics, and
accounting courses.

Required and recommended resources to complete coursework and assignments are listed on the My.CityU
portal at Library>Resources by Course.


This course supports the following City University learning goals:
 City University of Seattle graduates exhibit professional competency and a sense of professional
 City University of Seattle graduates are critical thinkers.
 City University of Seattle graduates are lifelong learners.

This course fulfills college algebra requirement for your degree.

Upon the successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
1.Identify algebraic properties and rules;
2.Solve linear and quadratic equations for unknowns;
3.Graph linear and quadratic equations;
4.Evaluate polynomial functions;
5.Evaluate exponents and radicals;
6.Solve linear systems of inequalities with two variables;
7.Solve linear programming problems.


To achieve the goals of this course, you will need to master the following core concepts:
1. Real numbers;
2. Exponents;
3. Radicals;
4. Polynomials;
5. Rational expressions and variations;
6. Coordinate system and graphing;
7. Linear equations and inequalities;
8. Quadratic equations;
9. Systems of equations and inequalities;
10. Linear programming.

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Scholastic Honesty
City University of Seattle expects each student to do his/her own work. The University has "zero tolerance" for
cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration on assignments and papers, using "notes" during exams,
submitting someone else's work as one's own, submitting work previously submitted for another course, or
facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others. Scholastic Honesty policy applies also to online discussions
that represent a part of assignments in online courses. Every reference material used in discussion contributions
must be cited according to the current Research & APA Style Guide. The penalties are severe! A first offense
results in a zero grade for the course; a second offense can result in a zero grade for the course and suspension
for one or more quarters; a third offense can result in expulsion from the University. The policy, procedures and
other supporting documentation may be found at
In addition to providing your work to the instructor for grading, you must also submit an electronic copy for the
City University of Seattle archives (unless the work is specifically exempted by the instructor). You will not
receive a grade for particular work until and unless you submit this electronic copy. The procedure for
submitting work to the archives is to upload it via the website . Files should include the cover page of the work with
the student name, instructor name, course name and number, and date. File names should indicate the type of
assignment, such as “researchpaper.doc”, “casestudy.doc” or “thesis.doc” (student name should not be a part of
the file name because the system adds it). All files received into the archives are submitted to system
SafeAssign for plagiarism checking.


As a City University of Seattle student, you have access to library resources regardless of where and how you
are taking this class. To access the resources that are necessary to complete your coursework and assignments,
visit the library menu in the My.CityU portal at
A good place to begin your research is through the program or course resource sections that provide links to
relevant journals, books, and Web sites. Search the library's online catalog to locate books and videos, and
place requests to have items mailed to you (services vary by location). Search the online databases for journal,
magazine, and newspaper articles. Articles that are not available full text in the library's collection can be
requested from other libraries and delivered to you electronically.
For additional help, submit your question via the Ask a Librarian e-mail service available through the portal or
call 800.526.4269 (U.S. or Canada) or 425.709.3444.

Amdahl, K., & Loats, J. (1995). Algebra unplugged. Broomfield, CO: Clearwater.
Blitzer, R. (2004). Student solution manual for college algebra. (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Clawson, C. C. (1991). Conquering math phobia: A painless primer. New York: Wiley.
Hult, C. A., & Huckin, T. N. (2004). The brief new century handbook (2nd ed.). Boston: Allyn &
Kitchens, A. N. (1995). Defeating math anxiety. Chicago: Irwin.
Orr, B. (1992). Harpercollins college outline: College algebra. New York: HarperCollins.
Smith, R. M. (1998). Mastering mathematics: How to be a great math student. (3rd ed.) Pacific Grove, CA:
Brooks Cole.
Tobias, S. (1995). Overcoming math anxiety. New York: Norton.

The following Internet resources may be of use to you in this course. Please be aware that Web addresses may
change from time to time. Consult your instructor if you have questions about electronic resources.
A Catalogue of Mathematics Resources on WWW and the Internet
Vysoká škola manažmentu

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The Directory of World Wide Web Sites is designed as a research and learning tool for students following City
University courses of study. The directory can be found via the new Library Home Page at:-
The directory lists World Wide Web sites of potential interest to students under the following headings:-
APA Style Internet Search Engines
Banking and Finance - International Law
Banking and Finance – Slovakia Libraries
Business Sites Management Resources
Company Data – International Miscellaneous
Company Data – Slovakia/Czech Rep. News Sources
Countries Philosophy and Ethics
Education Politics
Environment Slovak Organizations
European Union and United Nations Statistics
The directory of World Wide Web sites will be updated every semester by City University Library staff, so the
site will evolve and change to ensure that listed sites are worthy of inclusion.
Faculty are encouraged to give comments and suggestions in order to enhance the WWW directory. Comments
should be addressed to the

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The grade you receive for the course will be derived using City University of Seattle’s decimal gr ading system, based on the
Quizzes (4x8%) 32%
Midterm 33%
Final 35%
TOTAL 100%
Please see the current City University of Seattle catalog or consult your instructor for guidance in determining your decimal grade.


The objective of the quizzes is to check your comprehension of the material covered during the lectures through
your readings and homework assignments. The exact days and hours of taking the quizzes will be
communicated with you through the Brightspace. All students are obliged to take the quizzes on the assigned
day and time. There will be no make up quizzes and no correction quizzes. In case of any unexpected or serious
circumstances, you should inform me in advance of the quiz-taking day. Later excuses will not be accepted.


Both examinations will be closed book and will take up to 1.5 hours. You should be prepared to solve various
computational problems. When writing the examinations, you should provide clear, well-labeled answers.
Moreover, all supporting computations should be labeled, well organized, and presented on the pages provided.
Partial credit may be earned based on the work and methodologies demonstrated even if a math or other error
occurred causing an incorrect answer. You are required to have own calculator during the examinations. No
mobile phones are allowed to be used as calculators.
The exact days and hours of taking the tests will be communicated with you through the Brightspace. All
students are obliged to take the tests on the assigned day and time. There will be no make up exams and no
correction exams. In case of any unexpected or serious circumstances, you should inform me in advance of the
test-taking day. Later excuses will not be accepted.

Late Assignments, Attendance, and Participation
Students are expected to meet submission requirements for assignments in a timely manner. Evaluation
includes an assessment of timeliness. Late assignments jeopardize your learning and may also penalize your
classmates as most assignments will not be returned to students until all students have submitted their work.
Late submission of assignments may be penalized up to 50% of the grade per late week. Your instructor will
provide additional details. Quizzes, exams, and comprehensive assessments must be taken at the scheduled
times. Any absences or late submissions must be approved before the scheduled assessment date, by your
instructor. Not completing a quiz, exam, or comprehensive assessment in a timely manner will result in a grade
of zero unless a student has been preapproved by the instructor to complete the assessment at an alternative
There is free attendance policy in this class. However, if you decide to come to my classes, you are
required to come on time. Latecomers (students coming to the class after I take the attendance) will be marked
absent. If you decide not to come to my class, you must bear all the consequences such as, for example, losing
points for a missed quiz or getting a lower grade from participation.

Homework Assignments (not graded)

Although some exercises will be covered and calculated in class, you will be asked to complete a
number of assignments at home as well. Although the homework assignments are not graded, completing them
will help ensure that you successfully master the concepts in this course. The best way for you to gain a

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thorough understanding of the underlying concepts is to apply those concepts to solving the problems. A
suggested study strategy for each week’s assignment is to read the assigned chapters in the text and do the
assigned problems and bring them to class. You will be expected to have completed the assigned homework
problems before the appropriate class. You will be able to check the HMW results on the Brightspace. If you
have questions about the homework, you will be able to ask those questions during class, during my office
hours, or through e-mail. Assigned problems will be covered in class as time permits.

Professional Writing
All assignments submitted for this course should be of professional quality. Their presentation should
always take into account consideration for whom they are intended. This course requires that you use the
American Psychological Association (APA) style in preparing any required research papers, or any written work
where other sources are used. A style guide is included in the “Required Text and Materials” section. Refer to
this style guide for proper format, referencing methods, and bibliographic format. References should be cited for
all facts, ideas, conclusions, and opinions not your own. A proper title page should preface all written
assignments, unless otherwise required. The title page should include your name, the title of the paper, the name
and number of the course, the date submitted and the name of the instructor. Your work should be typed or
word-processed instructions on white 8 1/2 by 11-inch paper and all narrative portions should be double-spaced.
If financial statements or accounting records are required, they should be in good form. Some assignments may
require that your work be prepared on a computer spreadsheet. Do not use binders or special covers when
submitting your assignments. Staple your completed assignments in the upper-left hand corner. Your instructor
may have different or additional requirements for the submission of written work.

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The schedule for course activities and assignments is below. If you find you are unable to complete the assignments as scheduled, contact
your instructor. Your instructor may elect to adjust the outline to meet the unique needs of the class.


Review of Fundamental Concepts of Algebra: Barnett & Co.
Algebra and Real Numbers Chapters R.1 – R.2
Exponents pp. 2-26
HMW: see the BB for details
Review of Fundamental Concepts of Algebra continued: Barnett & Co.
Radicals Chapters R.3 – R.4
2 Polynomials: Basic operations pp. 27-46
DUE: HMW: see the BB for details
Quiz 1 (R.1+R.2+R.3+R.4) Thursday, April 20, 18:00
Review of Fundamental Concepts of Algebra continued: Barnett & Co.
Factoring Polynomials Chapters R.5 – R.6
Rational Expressions: Basic Operations pp. 47-67
HMW: see the BB for details
Linear Equations Barnett & Co.
Linear Inequalities Chapters 1.1 and 1.2
4 DUE: pp. 76-102
Quiz 2 (R.5+R.6++1.1+1.2) Thursday, May 4, 18:00 HMW: see the BB for details
Quadratic Equations Barnett & Co.
DUE: Chapter 1.5
5 MIDTERM EXAM (ch. R1-6 + 1.1 + 1.2 + 1.5) pp. 128-144
Thursday, May 11, 18:00 HMW: see the BB for details
Distance in the Plane Barnett & Co.
Equation of a line Chapter 2
6+7 Linear Equations and models pp. 164-228
DUE: HMW: see the BB for details
Quiz 3 (ch.2) Thursday, May 25, 18:00
Barnett & Co.
Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables Chapters 10.1 and 10.7
8 Systems of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables pp. 824-841 and
HMW: see the BB for details
Linear Programming Barnett & Co.
Chapter 10.8
9 DUE: pp. 938-949
Quiz 4 (10.1+10.7+10.8) Thursday, June 8, 18:00 HMW: see the BB for details
10 DUE:
FINAL EXAM Thursday, June 15, 18:00

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