AP01 Pauls Prayer in Ephesians 1.17 20 092620
AP01 Pauls Prayer in Ephesians 1.17 20 092620
AP01 Pauls Prayer in Ephesians 1.17 20 092620
E. That you may know: The Greek word for knowledge (epignosis) refers to experiential knowledge
which is much more than informational knowledge of true facts about God. To know or encounter
God is the essence of eternal salvation (Jn. 17:3; Phil. 3:10).
This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only God and Jesus Christ. (Jn. 17:3)
F. Foundational to Paul’s approach to discipleship is that “the heart of a believer be enlightened.”
It takes God to know God; thus, we earnestly pray for more. To Paul, this was the primary need
for the Ephesian believers. It is the most powerful influence that equips us for wholeheartedness.
I pray, “Lord, let me see what Paul saw, so that I can see and obey You like Paul did.”
E. Our external calling (in this age): This aspect of our divine assignment includes our position and
function in the marketplace, a ministry organization, or our home, etc. This is what most people are
focused on when considering their “calling.” This is an important part of our calling. However, it is
the least important aspect of God’s calling on our lives.
1. History testifies that the Lord has given the vast majority of people (99.9%) an assignment
that involves “few things” and makes “very little” public impact as individuals (in terms of
the numbers directly impacted). Of the approximately one billion believers today, my guess is
that maybe only 1,000 (?) of them directly impact 10,000 or more people on a regular basis.
17You were faithful in a very little; have authority over ten cities. (Lk. 19:17)
21You were faithful over a few things; I will make you ruler over many things. (Mt. 25:21)
2. I compare this life to a 70-year internship which prepares us for ministry in the age-to-come.
It is important to understand that what we do in this age has continuity with the age-to-come.
3. Our life is changed when we have assurance that the “small things” that we do in seeking to
obey God are valuable to Him—He esteems and remembers them forever (Mt. 10:42).
42And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a
disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward.” (Mt. 10:42)
F. Our eternal calling (starting in the Millennium): The impact or the measure of God’s glory that the
Spirit will release through us in the age to come will be much greater than it is in this age. It takes
revelation to see that our greatest measure of power and ministry impact is in the age-to-come.
By revelation we see that faithfulness in “little” now leads to “ruling ten cities” in the age-to-come.
D. The great prize of all the ages that the Father has chosen to give Jesus is a Church filled with those
who voluntarily choose to love Him.
1. We are the reward that God gave to Jesus because we are what Jesus most desires. This
reveals His passion for us and gives us great dignity.
2. We are that which is nearest and dearest to His heart. We are the reward that Jesus longs for.
E. Seeing who we are to God is foundational to our spiritual identity—we are objects of His affection.
We are transformed when we see the value, dignity, honor, and beauty that we possess in His eyes.
1. We confess that we are Jesus’ favorites in that He loves us as the Father loves Him.
As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you… (Jn. 15:9)
2. We confess that the heart of Jesus, the Bridegroom King, is ravished for His Bride.
9You have ravished My heart, My sister, My Bride… (Song 4:9)
3. We confess that Jesus’ desire if for His people.
10I am my Beloved’s and His desire is toward me. (Song 7:10)
F. We can overcome passivity and discouragement by growing in revelation of who we are to Jesus.
D. We must walk in the tension of being grateful and faithful in the days of small beginnings while
contending to see a far greater measure of His power. We pray earnestly for an historic visitation of
the Spirit while giving thanks for the smaller measure that we walk in today.
E. The greatest outpouring of the Spirit in history will occur in the end times, resulting in a Church
filled with God’s glory (Eph. 5:27). The spirit of prophecy will be released in an unprecedented
measure, resulting in a great ingathering of new believers from all nations (Mt. 24:14; Rev. 7:9).
17“…in the last days…I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters
shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams…19I will
show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath: blood and fire and vapor of
smoke…20before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD.” (Acts 2:17-20)
F. We need revelation of God’s zeal to pour out His Spirit in this way—to have a sustained vision to
contend for the full breakthrough of God’s power in our lives, city, and nation.