Pidato Bahasa Inggris
Pidato Bahasa Inggris
Pidato Bahasa Inggris
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NIM : 8820319150056
Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb
What I respect Miss Dini Hidayanti, M.Pd as a mentor lecturer, and do not forget anyway
that I love Miss and Mrs that I can not mention her name on by name, but does not diminish my
respect and ta’jim to his.
Sholawat and greetings salam do not forget that we also flatly to the sultan of nature, the
prophet Nabi Muhammad SAW. Who brought his people from the age of darkness until the time
of light is strong with a variety of science at is it today.
Praise the presence of allah swt. Who has given a variety of delights so that we can all
present today in order to study. Right away, I will be speaking with a devoted theme to both
Every human being must have had parents. No one man who was born without parents.
We also realize that our parents have stuggled, both day and night, squeeze mind, hardest to fight
so that all children can live well. In this short time, allow me to convey how very important filial
to parents. Devoted to both parents is one of the very noble deeds even allah has mentioned in
the Qur’an about the virtues of filial to parents. In the word of God, we are ordered to devoted to
two parents and juxtaposed with the most important practice in islam. This indicates that the
charity is a very major one in the sight of Allah SWT. The magnitude of the dignity of both
parents is seen through the eyes of the law. As their soon, we have to obey the instruction of our
parent. And be sure that because of our kindness to our parents, we will get a good result for the
Creating a sad in terms of both parents then it already counted as one act of disobedience.
Their cries are as well ah heart rending by the behavior of the child. Now we are together already
know the importance and virtue of filial parents. We remember how often we make them angry
and crying parents. How often we do not carry out any orders? Indeed there is no obedience to
the creature its name in terms of adulterous to God, but how we to deny are that too should be a
good way not haphazard. For that we have to apologize to both of them, we need to remember
again that Allah’s approval of parents is also the pleasure of Allah is Allah’s approval of parents,
both parents wrath of Allah SWT.
Well maybe that’s all I can say more or less apologize if there are words that are less
structured or less pleasing in the heart. That is all and thank you.
Wabilahitaufiq walhidayah
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr Wb