Project On Manufacturing Process Selection
Project On Manufacturing Process Selection
Project On Manufacturing Process Selection
Take a close look of your environment (Home, industry, university e.t.c) to identify a
mechanical part (component) and provide the appropriate manufacturing process selection to
Introduce the part you are planned to design the manufacturing process. What are
In which kind of industry this part is used such as automobile, airplane, turbine,
Present the part description in figure and table as given by the sample.
Material type and size are important parameter to select the appropriate
manufacturing processes
III. Bibliography ( not more than 5)
eg. William F. Hosford and Robert M. Caddle, Metal Forming Mechanis and
IV. Appendix
Paper Format
The title page should include the following information centered on the page in the following
Date of submission, M / D /Y
Papers should be formatted on A4 paper with 1” margins on all sides and with font size 12,
Times New Roman. Use double space to allow easy reading and space for the instructor’s
comments. The right margin may be either “justified” (straight) or “unjustified.” A page number
should be included at the bottom of every page except the title page.
Sample format (part II)
The function of the juice heaters is to heat the juice to the desired temperature. The juice is
entered to the pre-heater twice, before Sulphitation and after Sulphitation. The tubular juice
heaters are cylindrical shells fitted with tube plates at both ends, the tube plates are provided with
baffles beyond the tubes so as to divide the two end portions of the heater into compartments.
The compartments of juice entry and exit have only one pass while the remaining compartments
have two passes viz., upward and downward flow. The shell, headers and tube plates are of mild
steel construction but stiffeners are welded to the covers to enable them to withstand high
pressures. These covers are hinged to the body of the heater and closed by hinged bolts of
sufficient strength to hold the covers under pressure. The pre-heater vessel and its juice tube are
shown in [Figure 3.2]. Based on the data collected from the equipment specification and part
drawings the assembly chart, part description and the process plan are developed as shown in