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Chemical Engineering 3rd&4th Semester Syllabus

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1) Garment Technology for fashion designers by Gerry Cooklin. FOURYEARDEGREECOURSE
2) Introduction to clothing manufacturing by Gerry Cooklin. BACHELOROFTECHNOLOGY
References Books :
1) Clothing Construction and Wardrobe Planning by Dora S. Lewin, (CREDITGRADESYSTEM)
Mabel Goode Bowers, Manetta Knttunen- The Macmillan Co New
2) Garment technology by Dr. V. Subramanian- Winter School Booklets 3 CH 01/3 PE 01 APPLIED MATHEMATICS-III /
3) BIS Publications 1989.
1. Prerequisite of Subject
Engineering mathematics I and
4 TX 06 Yarn Manufacturing II-Lab. Engineering mathematics II
8 to 10 Practicals based on syllabus of 4 TX 01 2 Objectives of Applied mathematics III. On Completion of the
4 TX 07 Fabric Manufacturing II-Lab. students are expected.
8 to 10 Practicals based on syllabus of 4 TX 02 To understand Fourier transform & Z-transform,
4 TX 08 Applied Electronics & Control Systems-Lab. Laplace transform & their application to engineering
8 to 10 Practicals based on syllabus of 4 TX 03. problems.
To know probability and probability distribution.
To understand Numerical analysis.
Content of the Compulsory Subject To know vector Clarks &their application.
“Environmental Studies” are given on Page
Nos. ES-1 to ES-4 i.e. at the end of this syllabus. SECTION-A

UNIT –I: Ordinary differential equations:- Complete solution, Operator

***** D, Rules for finding complementary function, the inverse
operator, Rules for finding the particular integral, Method of
variations of parameters, Cauchy’s and Legendre’s linear
differential equations. (7 Hrs.)
UNIT-II: Laplace transforms:
Definition, standard forms, properties of Laplace transform,
Inverse Laplace transform, Laplace convolution theorem,
Laplace transforms and Unit step function, Solution of Linear
differential equations. (7 Hrs.)
UNIT-III: Probability & Probability Distribution
Probability: definition, axioms of mathematical probability,
complementation rule, Theorem of total probability, Theorem
of compound probability, Independent Events, subjective
probability, Baye’s Theorem, Probability Distribution:– Binomial
distribution, Poisson and normal Distribution. (7 Hrs.)
61 62
SECTION-B Reference Books:
1. Numerical Analysis- S.S. Sastry.
UNIT-IV: Complex Analysis :- 2. Advancing Engg. Mathematics by E.K.Kreyzig.
Functions of complex variables, Analytic function, Cauchy-
Reimann conditions, Harmonic conjugate functions, Milne’s 3CH02 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION
method, singular points, expansion of function in Taylor’s and
Monitoring and control of processes is an important activity of
Laurent’s series, Cauchy’s integral theorem and formula, Chemical Engineer. This subject deals with measurement principles of
Residue theorem. process parameters like temperature, pressure, level flow.
(7Hrs.) Objectives:
UNIT-V: Numerical Analysis: The students will be able:
Solution of algebric and transcendental equations by method 1. To learn the operating principles, construction and working of
& method of false position, Newton-Raphson method Solution temperature, pressure, level and flow measuring devices.
2. To select the most suitable measuring device based on its
of system of linear equations by Gauss Seidal method,
performance characteristics for specific measuring task.
Relaxation method. Solution of first order ordinary differential 3. To test, Calibrate, Maintain measuring devices elements.
equations by modified Euler’s, method Runge - Kutta method.
UNIT-VI: Vector Calculus :-
UNIT-I: Basic method of measurements –Errors in measurements –
Scalar and vector point functions, Differentiation of vectors,
Types of Errors.
Gradient of a scalar point function, Directional derivatives,
Transducers – definition – classification – Static characterisitics
Divergence and curl of a vector point function and their physical
of instruments – Dynamic characteristic. Transmitter –definition
meaning, line, surface, volume integrals, irrotational and
– different types. (8)
solenoidal vector fields, Stoke’s and Divergence theorem
UNIT-II: Temperature measurements: Introduction – Temperature scale
(without proof). (7Hrs.)
– Conventional methods of temperature sensing. Resistance
OUTCOMES: Thermometer Detector (RTD) –Unbalanced Wheatstone Bridge
– Direct conversion. Thermistors – Temperature sensing using
Students are expected to expertise in solving numerical methods, thermistor – Semiconductor temperature sensor. Thermocouple
Laplace transform, Fourier Transform & Z-transform
–Basics of thermocouple – Thermocouple types – Cold junction
Probability & Probability Distribution and statistics are very useful
to them in future curriculum/student. compensation.Infrared thermometry – Basics of radiation –
Complex functions and vector calculus are backbone of future Emissivity – Methods of sensing –Direct detection – Indirect
academic curriculum and hence should be in tuch with contents in syllabus. detection. (8)
Design of syllabus is more than sufficient for academic curriculum UNIT-III: Pressure measurements: Introduction – Units of pressure –
of student. Types of pressure measurement – Bourdon tube and bellows –
SG based pressure sensors –Capacitance type pressure
Text Books:
transducers. Low pressure measurements – pirani gauge –
1. Higher Engineering. Mathematics by B.S. Grewal, Khanna Publication.
2. A Text Book of Applied Mathematics, Volume-II by P. N. Wartikar and Thermocouple gauge – Ionization gauge. (8)
J.N. Wartikar, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Pune.
3. Applied Mathematics, Vol. III, J.N. Wartikar and P.N. Wartikar, Pune
Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Pune.
63 64

UNIT-IV: Basics of fluid flow – Flow meters – Quantum flow SECTION-A

measurements, Differential pressure measurement – Principle Unit-I : 1. Mechanical properties: Concept of direct, bending and
of the differential pressure flowmeter, Orifice plate, Venturimeter, shear stresses and strains, stress-strain relations, Biaxial
Flow nozzle, Dall tube, Pitot tube. Variable area flow and triaxial loading, elastic constants and their
meter,Magnet Flowmeters – DC Magnetic Flowmeter, Pulsed relationship, stress-strain diagrams and their
Magnetic Flowmeter,Permanent Magnet Type Magnetic characteristics for mild steel, and other metals, factor of
Flowmeter, AC Magnetic Flowmeter. Positive displacement safety,
Flowmeters – Different type of ultrasonic Flowmeter. (7) 2. Uniaxial stresses and strains: Stresses and strains in
UNIT-V: Level Measurements – Level transducer with differential compound bars in uniaxial tension and compression,
pressure sensing –Capacitance based level sensors – temperature stresses in simple restrained bars and
Capacitance sensors for conducting liquids –Capacitance compound bars of two metals only.
sensors for Non – conducting liquids, other liquid sensors – Unit-II : 1. Axial force, shear force & bending moment diagrams :
Displacement type level sensor – Ultrasonic type level sensor Beams, loading and support conditions, bending moment
– Gamma ray level sensor. (7) and shear force for all types of loadings for simply
UNIT-VI: pH measurements – Basic ideas of pH value – Measurement of supported beams, cantilevers, relation between shear
electrode potentials – Glass electrode – Reference electrode – force, bending moment and loading intensity.
Calomel electrode – Silver-Silver chloride electrode, Humidity 2. Simple or pure bending theory: Theory of simple bending,
Sensing – Basic ideas of humidity sensing – Humidity section modulus, moment of resistance, bending stresses
measurement by dew point sensing – Humidity measurement in solid, hollow and built up section.
using Lithium Chloride. (7) Unit-III : 1. Torsion: Theory of torsion & assumptions, derivation of
Text Books: torsion equation, polar modulus, stresses in solid & hollow
1. Tattamangalam R. Padmanaban “Industrial Instrumentation Principles
circular shaft, power transmitted by shaft.
and Design”
2. Shear stress distribution on beam rectangular and circular
Springer, 2000.
cross sections.
2 . Donald P. Eckman, “ Industrial Instrumentation”, CBS Publishers, New
Delhi,2002. SECTION – B
Reference Books:
1. R.K.Jain, “Mechanical and Industrial Measurements” Unit-IV : Thin cylinders and spherical shells subjected to internal
Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1999 pressures.
2. D.Patranabis, “Principles of Industrial Instrumentation”, Axially loaded columns (Euler’s and Rankin’s formula).
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Ltd, New Delhi, 1999 Unit –V: 1. Strain energy under uniaxial tension and compression
3. C.D. Johnsons, “Process Control Instrumentation Technology”, impact loads and instantaneous stresses.
Prentice Hall Inc, 1998 2. Principal Stresses : Biaxial stress system, principal
4. A.K.Sawhney, “A Course In Electrical and Electronics Measurement stresses, principal planes, Mohr’s circle of stresses.
and Instrumentation”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 1999 Unit-VI : Deflection of beams
Deflection in statically determinate (simply supported) beams
subjected to point loads, uniformly distributed loads, moments
by Macauley’s method.
65 66
Books Recommended: changes, enthalpy and heat capacity limitations of the first
Text Books: law, application of first law to different processes. (8)
1. F. L. Singer : Strength of Materials, Harper and Row Publication, New UNIT-III: SECOND LAW THERMODYNAMICS: Second law of
York . thermodynamics and its applications - Entropy, reversible and
2. Ramamruthm : Strength of Material, Danpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi.
irreversible processes, Carnot cycle, T-S diagrams, enthalpy of
Reference Books:
mixing and disorder, refrigeration and liquefaction. (8)
1. E.P.Popov : Mechanics of Materials, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
2. S. Timoshenko and O.H.Young : Elements of Strength of Materials, SECTION B
East West Press Private Ltd., New
3. Shames, I. H. : Introduction to Solid Mechanics, Prentice Hall of India, refrigerator, the vapour-compression cycle, comparison of
New Delhi, 1990. refrigeration cycles, liquefaction processes, heat pump. Rankine
4. Beer and Johston : Mechanics of Materials, McGraw Hill. power cycle. (7)
5. D. S. Prakash Rao : Strength of Material a Practical Approach, First UNIT-V: THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS: Property
Edition University Press, Hydrabad. relations for homogeneous phases, thermodynamic diagram,
generalized property correlation for gases. (7)
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS compressible fluids through ducts, compression processes,
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics is primarily concerned steam turbines and nozzles, condensors. (7)
with the application of thermodynamics to phase equilibria and reaction Text Books:
equilibria. It is concerned with the application of Thermodynamics to heat- 1. J.M. Smith and H.C. Van Ness, “Introduction to Chemical Engineering
to-work and work-to-heat conversion devices. Chemical engineers are
Thermodynamics”, McGraw Hill, 1998
seriously concerned with the calculation of work in separation and in mixing
2. K.V.Narayanan, .”A textbook of Chemical Engineering
processes. Its applications are obvious in the design of Chemical
engineering equipments in processes. Thermodynamics”, Prentice Hall of India Ltd., 2001
Reference Books:
Objective: 1. Sadler S. I., J, “Chemical and Engineering Thermodynamics” John
After studying this subject the student will have: Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, 3rd Ed., 1999
1. The mathematical abilities required for applying 2. Elliot J. R. and Lira C.T., “Introductory Chemical Engineering
thermodynamics to practical problems. Thermodynamics”, Prentice Hall, 1999
2. Its applications in the design of Chemical engineering 3. Eastop T. D. and McConkey A.,” Applied Thermodynamics for
equipments in processes. Engineering Technologists’, Addison Wesley Longman Ltd., England,
SECTION A 5th Ed., 1999

UNIT-I: BASIC CONCEPTS: The terminologies of thermodynamics, 3 CH 05/3 PP05/3 CT 05 PROCESS CALCULATIONS
the variables and quantities of thermodynamics, categorization
This subject deals with the fundamentals of chemical engineering
of systems and processes. Energy classifications, point and operations and processes in an accessible style to help the students gain
path properties, energy in transition, heat and work, reversible a thorough understanding of chemical process calculations.
and irreversible processes, phase rule. (8) The chief objective of this subject is to prepare students to make
UNIT-II: FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS: First law of analysis of chemical processes through calculations and also to develop
thermodynamics - Types of energy, work, heat and energy in them systematic problem-solving skills. The students are introduced
the application of law of combining proportions to chemical reactions, also
67 68
to formulating and solving material and energy balances in processes with 4. Calibration of pressure gauge using Dead Weight Tester.
and without chemical reactions 5. Measurement of level using air purge or capacitance type level detector.
6. Measurement of flow using magnetic flow meter or Ultrasonic flow
SECTION A meter.
UNIT-I: Introduction to Chemical engineering calculations, units and 7. Calibration of thermocouple/Bimetallic thermocouple/Resistance
dimensions, mole and molecular weight, properties of gases, thermocouple.
vapors, liquids, solutions and solids, gas laws, partial 8. Calibration of Pressure gauge/ Pnuematic pressure recorder/
pressures, vapor pressures, saturation and equilibria, Raoults Differential pressure recorder.
law, partial saturation and humidity. (8) 9. Calibration of Orificemeter/ Venturimeter / Rotameter/ Gas flow meter.
UNIT-II: Material balances without chemical reactions, stoichiometry 10. Estimation of viscosity by Redwood/ Saybolt/ Ostwald viscometer.
and unit operations distillation,absorption, stripping, extraction, 11. Calibration of pH meter.
leaching, crystallization, drying, and psychrometry. Recycle, 12. Calibration of Conductivity meter.
purge and bypass calculations. (8) All above experiments are to be arranged in the laboratory. Minimum
8 experiments are required to be performed by the student to complete the
UNIT-III: Material balances involving chemical reactions, simple
term work.
oxidation reaction, calculations involving combustion of
gaseous, liquid and solid fuels. Recycle, purge and bypass 3CH07 / 3PP08 / 3CT08 STRENGTH OFMATERIALS-LAB.
Practicals :
Introduction to unsteady state material balances. (8)
Minimum Six to Eight out of following:
1. Tension test on metals.
UNIT-IV: Energy balance - heat capacity and calculation of enthalpy
2. Compression test on materials.
changes, Enthalpy changes for phase transitions, evaporation,
3. Shear test on metals.
clausius - clapeyron equation. (7) 4. Impact test on metals.
UNIT-V: Energy balances with chemical reaction - heat of reaction and 5. Hardness test on metals.
adiabatic flame temperature calculations. (7) 6. Torsion test on metals.
UNIT-VI: Heating value of fuels. Calculations involving theoretical and 7. Deflection of beams.
excess air, heat and material balances of combustion 8. Modulus of rupture test.
processes. (7) 9. Deflection of springs.
Text Books: Practical examination shall be viva-voce based on above practical
1. B.I.Bhatt and S.M.Vora, “Stoichiometry”, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, and the syllabus of the course.
2. A.Hougen, K.M. Watson and K.A.Ragatz, “Chemical Process
Principles”, Vol 1, John Wiley
List of Study Experiments:
3CH06 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION - LAB 1. Study of low temperature refrigeration system.
2. Study of ranking power cycle.
List of experiments: 3. Study of steam nozzles
1. Measurement of temperature using thermocouple or RTD or Thermistor 4. Study of steam turbine
and to find their characteristics. 5. Study of boiler
2. Measurement of high temperature using radiation or Optical pyrometer. 6. Study of mounting accessories of boiler.
3. Measurement of pressure using LVDT or Strain gauge transducer. 7. Study of condensers.
8. Study of economizer and superheater.
69 70
9. Visit to thermal power station. UNITV: Pumping and compressing of chemicals and gases,
All above experiments are to be arranged in the laboratory. Minimum reciprocating pumps, rotary pumps, centrifugal pumps and
8 experiments are required to be studied by the student to complete the blowers. NPSH and calibration.
term work. Mixing and agitation of fluids. Compressible fluid flow and
aerodynamics. (8)
UNITVI: Flow past immersed bodies, flow through packed bed fluidized
The subject gives the knowledge of fluid flow and various fluid Introductory concepts of two-phase flow. (6)
transportations. This knowledge is useful in different subjects to be studied Books Recommended:
in Chemical Engineering course. 1. McCabe Smith: Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering, McGraw
Objectives: After studying the subject student will be able,
2. Chemical Engineering, Vol. 1, Coulson J. M. and Richardson J. F.
1. To distinguish between different types of fluids.
Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford.
2. To understand the concept of viscosity.
3. To Calculate flow rates.
4. To understand the principles behind different flow meters.
5. To understand the principle and working of different fluid flow Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics is primarily concerned with
machinery. the application of thermodynamics to phase equilibria and reaction
equilibria. It is concerned with the application of Thermodynamics to heat-
to-work and work-to-heat conversion devices. Chemical engineers are
UNITI: Properties of fluids and their classification. seriously concerned with the calculation of work in separation and in mixing
Fluid statics: Forces on fluids, pressure depth relationship for processes. Its applications are obvious in the design of Chemical
engineering equipments in processes.
compressible and incompressible fluids. Forces on submerged
bodies. Rigid body motion, pressure measurements, Euler’s
After studying this subject the student will have:
equation. (8) 1. The mathematical abilities required for applying
UNITII: Kinematics of flow, Description of velocity field, Stream thermodynamics to practical problems.
functions, Angular velocity, Fluids in circulation, Irrational flow. 2. Its applications in the design of Chemical engineering
Dimensional analysis; Buckingham’sÐ.theorem ; equipments in processes.
Dimensionless numbers and their physical significance;
Similitude criteria. Mixing and agitation of fluid, Types of mixers
UNIT-I: First law of thermodynamics, equation of state, critical
and their selection; Power requirement. (7)
properties, Vander Wall’s constants, Virial expansions, Redlich-
UNITIII: Fluid flow: Laminar and turbulent flows; Pressure drop in pipes
Kwong equation, Beattle-Bridgeman equation.
and tubes, pipe fittings and pipe network and friction factor;
First law applied to thermodynamic processes and calculations
Conservation of mass, momentum and energy; Navier-Stokes
of work, free energy and heat changes. Maxwell relation
equation; Mechanical energy balance and Bernoulli’s
equation, second law and third law of thermodynamics.
Theorem. (8)
Thermodynamics relations based on second law. Relation
SECTION B between Cp and Cv, compressibility factor and coefficient of
thermal expansion, concept of residual entropy and entropy of
UNITIV: Flow measuring devices for chemical plants: Orifice meter, nozzle
equilibrium. (8)
and venturi meters, rotameter and pitot tube. (8)
71 72
UNIT-II: Partial molar and apparent molar properties, Gibbs Duhem 2. Thermodynamics for Chemical Engineering: H. C. Weber and J. P.
equation, chemical potential, effect of temperature and pressure Meissner.
fugacity, excess thermodynamic properties of mixing. Gibbs- 3. Engineering Thermodynamics: P.K. Nag.
Duhem-Morgules equation, Konovalov laws. (8)
UNIT-III: Colligative properties, Ebulliometric constant. Determination 4 CH03 / 4 PP03/ 4 CT03 MACHINE DESIGN & DRAWING
of molecular weight of unknown chemical substances. Solubility Unit I : 1. Mechanical Engineering Design : Traditional design
law. Vapour liquid equilibrium, T-X-Y diagrams and X-Y diagram methods, Design process, Design synthesis,
for ideal and non ideal system. Raoult’s law and Henry’s law, Standardisation Limits, Fits and tolerances.
Deviations from Raoult’s law. Comparison of ideal and non- 2. Engineering Materials: Mechanical Properties of
ideal systems. (8) materials I.S.designation of materials, selection of
UNIT-IV: Phase equilibria in non reacting multi-components, binary and Unit II : 1. Design for static and fluctuating loads: Brittle and due
ternary systems. Graphical representation of L/L, L/S and G/S title/Theories of failures, Factor of safety, stress
systems. Right angled triangular diagrams. Equilateral triangular concentration, Fluctuating Stresses, Endurance Limit,
diagrams, Janecke diagram, Phenol-water systems, Aniline- Solderberg diagrams, notch sensitivity/Materials.
water-chlorobenzene systems. (7) 2 Shafts & Bearings: Transmission shafting. ASME Code,
UNIT-V: Statistical thermodynamics, thermodynamics probability, its Design on the basis of rigidity, Design of keys and
relation with entropy, partition function and its relation with couplings. Types of rolling contact bearing. Static and
thermodynamic functions, the Boltzman distribution law, dynamic load carrying capacity, election of rolling contact
bearing from manufacturers catalogue.
Distribution law for chemically reactive system
Thermodynamics charts and their uses. Searching of SECTION-B
thermodynamics data. (7)
Unit III : Bolted, Riveted and Welded joints : Type of rivctted joints,
UNIT-VI: Chemical equilibrium, feasibility of chemical reaction, free
stresses in rivets, Thin cylinders with riveted joints, Types of
energy change, Reaction co-ordinate, equilibrium constant,
welded joints, welded and riveted joints subjected to accentric
effect of temperature and pressure, Relation between Kp, Kc
loading. Belted joints.
and Kv, Le-Chatelier’s principle. Endo-exothermic reactions.
Unit IV : Belt, Chain and Gear Drivers : Types of belts and Chains,
Heterogeneous equilibria, various methods of calculating free
selection of belts and chains from manufactures catalogues.
enegy charge, equilibrium conversions, case study of feasibility
Uniit V: Types of gears, Gear tooth profiles, Gear train velocity ratios,
report for manufacture of industrial chemicals. (7)
Gear tooth load for spur, helical level and worm gears, Design
of spur gears.
Text Books:
1. An Introduction of Chemical Thermodynamics: R.P.Rastogi and R.R. Unit VI : Cylinders and pressure vessels; Thick and thin cylinders,
Mishra Design of pipe lines and hydraulic vavles. Introduction to
2. Chemical Engineering Process: Houghen and Watson design of unfired pressure vessels.
Reference Books: Books Recommended :
1. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics: J. M. Smith 1. Mechanical Engineering Design by J.E.Shigley, Mc Graw hill.
and H. C. Vauhess. 2. Design of Machine Elements, by M.F.Spotts, Prentice Hall.
73 74
4 CH 04 APPLIEDPHYSICALCHEMISTRY its application for determination of surface area of fine powder.
Numerical on isotherm and surface area.
Unit I : Electrochemistry
Catalysis : Characteristics of catalyst, Homogeneous and
Ion transport in electrolytes : Conductivity of strong and weak
Heterogeneous catalysis, mechanism of catalytic action,
electrolytes, Specific, Equivalent and Molar conductivity,
Enzyme catalyst, Concepts of acid- base catalysis, Contact
determination of conductivity, Effect of dilution on
theory of Heterogeneous catalysis (8 Hrs)
conductivity, Kohlraush law and ionic mobility , Transport
Unit VI : Chemical Equilibrium and Kinetics
number and their determination , Electrolytic concentration cell
Chemical equilibrium : Introduction, law of mass action,
with and without transference
equilibrium constants Kp, Kc & Kx, their interrelation
Electrical phenomenon at interface : Electrical double layer,
electrode potential, Nernst equation, Debye- Huckel‘s theory
Kinetics and molecular reaction dynamics : Concept of
of strong electrolyte , electrokinetic phenomenon.
reaction rate and extent of reaction , order and molecularity of
Applications of electrochemistry : Determination of hydrogen
reaction, rate law for first, second and third order reaction,
ion concentration, determination of pH, Determination of
Kinetics of complex and polymerization reaction, Methods for
dissociation constant, Determination of solubility & solubility
determination of order of reactions. Theories of absolute
products of sparingly soluble salts , Determination of activity
reaction rate, Steady state principle, Composites reactions,
and activity coefficient from equilibrium constant, Numericals
Chain reactions and fast reactions, energy of activation and its
Electrometric titrations : Conductometric and potentiometric
determination. ( 8 Hrs.)
titrations, their applications. (10 Hrs)
Unit VI : Thermodynamics
Unit II : Kinetic theory of gases
Origin of First law, thermodynamic terms and their definitions,
Postulates of kinetic theory, derivation of equation of state,
Heat ,Energy and work function Second law, carnot‘s cycle,
Van-der-waal‘s equation, critical phenomenon, calculation of
heat pump and refrigerator, thermodynamic temperature scale,
critical constants from Van-der-waal‘s equation, Maxwel-
concept of entropy, Entropy of spontaneous and reversible
Boltzmann‘s law of distribution of molecular speed, root mean
process, Helmholtz and Gibbs free energy, Gibbs- Helmholtz
square speed, average speed and most probable speed, Mean
equation, pressure – volume and volume – Temperature
free path, collision diameter, collision number and its derivation,
relationship under isothermal condition for ideal gas. Partial
Principle of corresponding state,
molar properties, chemical potential,
Unit III : Radiation chemistry and spectroscopy
Third law of Thermodynamics : Entropy and probability,
Radiation chemistry : Photochemical reactions, Lambert‘s and
partition functions, Determination of entropy at absolute zero.
Beer‘s law, Law of photochemical equivalence, Quantum
( 8 Hrs.)
efficiency and its determination, Deviation from Stark- Einstein
Books Recommended :
law, photosensitization .
1. Physical Chemistry , P.W. Atkins and J.D. Paula, Oxford University
Spectroscopy : Introduction, Types of spectra & different
spectral regions, derivation of moment of inertia , energy and 2. Physical Chemistry , K.J. Laidler and J.M. Meiser, CBS Publisher
wave number for rigid rotator, IR- Spectra, UV- spectra and 3. Chemical kinetics and catalysis , R. J. Masel, John Wiley publications
NMR- Spectra, instrumentation and their applications. 4. Handbook of conducting polymers, Skotheim, Elsenbaumer and
Unit IV : Surface phenomenon and Catalysis Reynolds, Marce Dekker.
Adsorption , Classification of adsorption, Freundlich isotherm 5. Fundamentals of spectroscopy , Banwell, Tata McGraw-Hill
, Langmuir theory of adsorption, BET adsorption isotherm and
75 76
6. Physical chemistry of surfaces, Arthur W. Adamsons, Alice P. Gast, 2. Filter calculations, filtration equation for compressible
John Wiley publications and non-compressible cakes, specific cake resistance.
7. Principle of Heterogeneous catalysis, J.M.Thomas, W.J. Thomas, John 3. Filtration- constant pressure and constant rate and their
Wiley publications equipments. (8)
UNIT-V: 1. Centrifuges: Theory, equipments, types and calculations.
2. Cyclones: Hydrocyclones, liquid scrubbers and electronic
precipitators. (7)
This subject intends to equip the students with concepts and UNIT-VI: 1. Adsorption, theory, type and application, Langmuir’s
principles as well as construction of equipments used for handling Freund Lich;s equation, nature of adsorbents, industrial
Mechanical Operations in a chemical plant. This subject gives idea about
principles of handling mixtures of solids, liquid and gases. This subject
will help students for understanding principles for separation and 2. Adsorption on fixed bed, fluidized beds.
purification techniques of solid, liquids and gases mixtures. 3. Recent developments in mechanical operations. (8)
Objective: Text Books:
After studying this subject’s student will be able to: 1. Bedger and Bencharo, “Introduction to Chemical Engineering”. Tata
1. Explain methods of size reduction and equipments working on those McGraw Hill
principles. 2. Narayanan C.M. & Bhattacharya B.C. “Mechanical opeartions for
2. Describe various equipments used for size separation. chemical engineers”, Khanna Publishers. 3 rd Ed.1999
3. Identify various other physical properties used for purification solid- Reference Books:
solid mixtures and equipments working on this principle. 1. Coulson and Richardson: Chemical Engineering, Vol. 2
4. Describe various method of purification of heterogeneous mixture of 2. Brown,G.G. and Associates “Unit operations” Wiley ,New York
solid liquid, & equipments like filters, settlers, used for separation of
solid liquid mixtures. 4 CH 06 FLUID FLOW OPERATIONS - LAB
5. Identify various types of agitators used for mixing solids-liquids List of Experiments:
mixtures, power calculation of a mixer. 1. To obtain the coefficient of discharge for the given enturimeter and
obtain its relationship with Reynolds’ no.
SECTIONA 2. To calibrate the given Rotameter.
UNIT-I: 1. Size reduction, stages of reduction, equipment operating 3. To obtain the coefficient of discharge for the given orifice meter and
variables, laws of energies, energy requirements. obtain its relationship with Reynolds’ no.
2. Screening: Screen analysis, particle size distribution. (7) 4. To study the flow and determine critical Reynolds no.
UNIT-II: 1. Classification: Equal falling particles, equipment, jigging, 5. To determine the discharge co-efficient of the given v-notch.
tabling. 6. To verify the Bernoulli’s theorem.
2. Gravity settling, drag force, terminal settling velocity 7. To determine the viscosity of the given liquids using Stoke’s law.
3. Sedimentation: Continuous thickners. (8) 8. To determine the viscosity of a given liquid by measuring efflux time
UNIT-III: 1. Storage and handling of solids, transportation. of a given tank. Also determine the diameter of a given capillary and
2. Mixing, mixers, agitation, type of equipments. (7) compare.
9. To determine relation between friction factor and Reynolds number
SECTION B for the given flowing fluid through circular pipe.
UNIT-IV: 1. Filtration: Theory, operation, types, flotation agents, 10. To obtain relation between friction factor and Reynolds number for
flotation cells. flow of water through annulus.
77 78
11. To determine the resistance offered by various pipe fittings and express refractive index. Determination of energy of activation, Verification of
them in terms of equipment straight pipe length. Freundlich and Langmuirs isotherms. Determination of transport
12. To study characteristics curves for a centrifugal pump. number. (Any 10 Experiments)
All above experiments are to be arranged in the laboratory. Minimum 8
experiments are required to be performed by the student to complete the
term work.
4CH07 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS-II LAB 1. To study the performance of Ball Mill and find out it’s crushing
List of experiments: efficiency.
1. Critical solution temperature of phenol water system. 2. To study the performance of Jaw Crusher and find out it’s crushing
2. Critical solution temperature of phenol water system in presence of efficiency.
impurity like NaCl. 3. To study the performance of Crushing Rolls and find out it’s crushing
3. Critical solution temperature of phenol water system in presence of efficiency.
impurity like succnic acid. 4. To study the settling characteristics (Free & Hindered settling) of a
4. Determination of boiling point elevation in presence of impurity. given suspension of particles.
5. Determination of freezing point depression in presence of impurity. 5. To study the filtration characteristics of rotary vacuum filter.
6. Study of T-X-Y Diagram. 6. To study the filtration characteristics of Plate and frame filter press.
7. Lowering of vapour pressure. 7. To study the filtration characteristics of Leaf and sparkle filter.
8. Study of boiling point diagram. 8. To carry out differential and cumulative screen analysis of given sample
9. Study of ternary diagram. of solid particles.
9. To determine energy consumption and crushing law constants for jaw
All above experiments are to be arranged in the laboratory. Minimum crusher.
8 experiments are required to be performed by the student to complete 10. To determine Critical speed of Ball mill & Average particle size of the
the term work. product obtained in ball mill, OR Average particle size of product
obtained in Bhrustone mill.
11. To determine area of batch thickener by conducting batch
DRAWINGWORKS: sedimentation test.
Drawing based on the above syllabus. Atleast four sheets of imperical size 12. To determine efficiency of Cyclone separator.
are expected. 13. To Determine Variation of size reduction in ball Mill by changing the
residence time, size of grinding medium and material of grinding
4 CH 09 Applied Physical Chemistry Lab medium.
All above experiments are to be arranged in the laboratory. Minimum 8
Measurement of molecular weight of polymers by viscosity experiments are required to be performed by the student to complete the
measurement, Heat of neutralization and solution, Hydrolysis of methyl term work.
acetate, relative strength of two acids, rate constant with varying
concentration of ester, order of reaction between ( K2S2O8+
KI),Determination of equivalence conductivity of strong electrolytes Content of the Compulsory Subject
at infinite dilution, conductometric and potentiometric titrations, “Environmental Studies” are given on Page
Verification of Beer- Lamberts law, solubility of sparingly soluble salts
by conductometric and potentiometric measurement, Specific rotation Nos. ES-1 to ES-4 i.e. at the end of this syllabus.
of cane sugar by polarimetry, determination of pH. Determination of

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