Brmedj02389 0040
Brmedj02389 0040
Brmedj02389 0040
Raynaud (1862, 1874) first described " local syncope of the professorial units of St. Bartholomew's and St. Thomas's
extremities," and Lewis and Pickering (1934) recognized that Hospitals between 1939 and 1960 and who agreed to attend
this phenomenon could result from hypersensitivity of the special follow-up clinics for further investigation formed the
digital arteries to cold (primary Raynaud's phenomenon) or group studied. Reappraisal of the symptoms, signs, earlier
could be secondary to connective-tissue disorders, arterio- investigations, and operative results was made.
sclerosis, local injury, long-standing vibration, or compression Supine barium swallows or oesophageal manometry (by the
of the subclavian artery at the thoracic outlet. Some patients method of Dornhorst et al., 1954) were done at follow-up on
apparently suffering from primary Raynaud's phenomenon the patients with primary Raynaud's phenomenon and when-
ultimately develop systemic scleroderma, the Raynaud's ever systemic scleroderma was suspected. Blood investigations
phenomenon preceding other features of this disease by several consisted of haematology (haemoglobin, white-cell count,
years. differential count, film, and blood-sedimentation rate), serology
Sympathectomy has been used in the treatment -of severe (Wassermann reaction, Rose-Waaler and latex fixation tests, L.E.
Raynaud's phenomenon of the hands since 1928, and although cells, antinuclear factor, and cold agglutinins), and bio-
the immediate post-operative results may be most encouraging chemistry (blood urea, serum proteins, electrophoresis, cryo-
the late results often are not. Few of the follow-up reports, globulins). Routine urinalysis (with microscopy) was carried
however, make any genuine reappraisal of the late operative out. Radiographs of the chest, hands, and thoracic inlet were
results in those patients initially thought to be suffering from taken. Macular telangiectases similar to those which may
primary Raynaud's phenomenon who subsequently developed occur on the hands, lips, buccal mucosa, and face in systemic
a connective-tissue disorder. de Takats and Fowler (1962) scleroderma were searched for in an unselected group of 200
consider that the chief reason for failure of upper thoracic dermatological out-patients (120 females, 80 males) aged 15
sympathectomy stems from operating on patients who are to 70 years who had never suffered from Raynaud's
suffering from incipient or unrecognized connective-tissue phenomenon.
disease, that the presence of such disease is a contraindication
to sympathectomy, and that the operation may precipitate Definitions
dissemination, especially in lupus erythematosus.
We report the results of a follow-up study of 75 patients Primary Raynaud's Phenomenon.-We have adhered to the
with severe Raynaud's phenomenon of the hands who had criteria suggested by Allen and Brown (1932), namely: (1) the
been treated by sympathectomy 3 to 24 years earlier. We have Raynaud's phenomenon should be bilateral and paroxysmal;
been especially interested in the subsequent fate of those (2) there should be no clinical evidence of diseases of the peri-
patients who were thought to be suffering from primary pheral arteries or other conditions known to give rise to
Raynaud's phenomenon, and we have tried to relate the surgical secondary Raynaud's phenomenon; (3) necrotic lesions, if
result in those patients to the final diagnosis. present, should be superficial and confined to the skin of the
finger-tips; and (4) symptoms should have been present for at
least two years at the time of diagnosis.
Materials and Methods Systemic Scleroderma.-This is the form of scleroderma in
Seventy-five patients who had had upper thoracic sympath- which systemic visceral manifestations may occur; it embraces
ectomy for severe Raynaud's phenomenon in the surgical the term "progressive systemic sclerosis" but excludes
disseminated morphoea.
* Consultant Dermatologist, Nottingham and Mansfield Hospital Group. Primary Raynaud's Phenomenon with Scleroderma-like
t St. Thomas's Hospital, London. Changes.--We have used this term for patients whose condition
t Consultant Surgeon, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London.
10 April 1965 Raynaud's Phenomenon-7ohnston et al. BRASH
fell midway between severe primary Raynaud's phenomenon years later both hands were sclerotic, and there were telangiectases
and systemic scleroderma and who may have incipient systemic on the face, lips, and fingers. Oesophageal studies confirmed the
scleroderma. They had severe trophic changes confined to the presence of systemic scleroderma. Despite the symptomatic
fingers, a small number of macular telangiectases on the hands improvement produced by the operation in the right hand, the
or lips, but no other skin changes or evidence of systemic rate of progress of the disease had been the same in both upper
involvement. limbs.
Control Group: Incidence of Macular Telangiectases.-One
Results to five macular telangiectases were found on the face in each
of 40 patients (20%) in the older age-groups; none were found
There were 51 females and 24 males; follow-up was from on the hands, lips, or buccal mucosa.
3 to 24 years (Table I). Sixty-one patients had had bilateral
sympathectomies and 14 unilateral.
The pre-operative diagnoses are shown in Table II. The Discussion
miscellaneous group comprised two patients suffering from The late results of upper thoracic sympathectomy in primary
systemic lupus erythematosus and one patient who had
dermatomyositis. All three had scarring atrophic lesions on Raynaud's phenomenon corresponded with previous reports
the fingers and distressingly severe Raynaud's phenomenon. (Buchanan et al., 1952; Gifford et al., 1958; Hall and
Hillestad, 1960). All our patients were improved during the
TABLE I.-Duration of Follow-up After Sympathectomy first six months after the operation, although some degree of
cold hypersensitivity persisted in spite of adequate sympathetic
Years . .3-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-24 denervation; return of symptoms occurred between the first
No. of patients . . 30 38 5 1 1 and second year after surgery. However, 18 (58%) patients
stated at follow-up that their symptoms were still less severe
TABLE II.-Results of Sympathectomy than before the operation (Table III). As in earlier reports,
the best results occurred in patients with digital-artery
Pre-operative Diagnosis Total No. Improved thrombosis; immediately after the operation tissue loss was
Primary Raynaud's phenomenon..
Digital-artery thrombosis .21
43 25 (58%)
15 (71%)
minimized and gangrene averted, while at follow-up 71% still
Systemic scleroderma .8 2 had an improvement in the Raynaud's phenomenon.
Miscellaneous .3 0
The most interesting results occurred in the 17 patients with
systemic scleroderma. Of the eight patients who at the time
None of the patients was cured by operation. Improvement of operation had sclerodactyly and widespread sclerosis of the
was recorded if, as a result of the operation, the attacks of upper limbs, only two were helped. In the eight patients with
Raynaud's phenomenon became less frequent and less severe, the slowly progressive variant of the disease characterized by
if healing of finger-tip necroses occurred, and if episodes of many years of severe Raynaud's phenomenon the operative
finger-tip necrosis and paronychial infection were reduced. results were similar to those in the patients with confirmed
Patients who experienced temporary relief lasting only one year primary Raynaud's phenomenon. The sympathectomy did not
were classed as operative failures. seem to influence the tempo of the disease in these patients,
The results of sympathectomy in relation to the pre-operative as illustrated in our patient whose initial symptoms were
diagnoses are shown in Table II. The percentage success in predominantly unilateral (see above).
primary Raynaud's phenomenon was 58 %, and in digital artery The difficulty of recognizing systemic scleroderma is demon-
thrombosis 71%. None of the three patients in the strated by our follow-up. Of the 43 patients initially diagnosed
miscellaneous group was helped, nor did the operation as having primary Raynaud's phenomenon, eight (19%) had
precipitate any deterioration in their condition. developed systemic scleroderma 6 to 24 years later. The
diagnostic difficulties arise, firstly, because in systemic sclero-
TABLE III.-Effect of Revision of Diagnosis on Outcome in Primary derma Raynaud's phenomenon may occur with visceral involve-
Raynaud's Phenomenon ment but without skin sclerosis (Tuffanelli and Winkelmann,
Fnal Diagnosis Total No. Improved 1961), and, secondly, because the slowly progressive variant of
Primary Raynaud's phenomenon confirmed ..