1) Welder Akilesh Gond with ID ARC/008/ARV passed their WPQ test on October 13th, 2022 for the SMAW welding process.
2) The test was conducted on a 25mm butt joint of IRS GR DH36 to IRS GR DH36 steel with an E7018 electrode and qualified the welder for the 3G position from 12mm to 50mm thicknesses.
3) The welder passed visual inspection, bend tests of the root and face, microtest for fusion, and mechanical tests according to ASME Section IX and IACS URW28 standards.
1) Welder Akilesh Gond with ID ARC/008/ARV passed their WPQ test on October 13th, 2022 for the SMAW welding process.
2) The test was conducted on a 25mm butt joint of IRS GR DH36 to IRS GR DH36 steel with an E7018 electrode and qualified the welder for the 3G position from 12mm to 50mm thicknesses.
3) The welder passed visual inspection, bend tests of the root and face, microtest for fusion, and mechanical tests according to ASME Section IX and IACS URW28 standards.
1) Welder Akilesh Gond with ID ARC/008/ARV passed their WPQ test on October 13th, 2022 for the SMAW welding process.
2) The test was conducted on a 25mm butt joint of IRS GR DH36 to IRS GR DH36 steel with an E7018 electrode and qualified the welder for the 3G position from 12mm to 50mm thicknesses.
3) The welder passed visual inspection, bend tests of the root and face, microtest for fusion, and mechanical tests according to ASME Section IX and IACS URW28 standards.
1) Welder Akilesh Gond with ID ARC/008/ARV passed their WPQ test on October 13th, 2022 for the SMAW welding process.
2) The test was conducted on a 25mm butt joint of IRS GR DH36 to IRS GR DH36 steel with an E7018 electrode and qualified the welder for the 3G position from 12mm to 50mm thicknesses.
3) The welder passed visual inspection, bend tests of the root and face, microtest for fusion, and mechanical tests according to ASME Section IX and IACS URW28 standards.
(See QW-301, Sec-IX, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code)
Welder’s Name: AKILESH GOND ID No: ARC/008/ARV TEST DESCRIPTION Identification of WPS followed: 3G/008 Date: 13/10/2022 √ Test Coupon - Production Weld Specification of Base Metal: IRS GR DH36 TO IRS GR DH36 Thickness: 25 MM TESTING CONDITIONS AND QUALIFICATION LIMITS Welding Variables (QW-350) Actual Values Range Qualified WELDING PROCESS(ES) SMAW SMAW Type: (i.e. Manual, Semi-Automatic) Used MANUAL MANUAL Backing (with/Without) (Metal, Weld Metal, Double-welded etc.) YES YES √ Butt joint - Pipe (Enter Pipe Dia. or Tube) 25 12MM to 50MM Base Metal P- or S-Number to P- or S-Number - - Filler Metal or Electrode specification (SFA) 5.1 5.1 Filler Metal or Electrode Classification(s) 7018 7018 Filler Metal F-Number(s) 4 4 Consumable Insert (GTAW or PAW) SMAW SMAW Filler Type (Solid/Metal or Flux cored/Powder) (GTAW or PAW) - - Deposit Thickness for each process Process 1 2 Layers Min YES NO 25MM 25MM Process 2 2 Layers Min YES NO - Position Qualified (1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 3F, 4F etc.) 3G 1G,1F,2G,2F,3G, Vertical Progression (Uphill & Downhill) - - Type of Fuel Gas (OFW) - - Inert Gas Backing (GTAW, PAW, GMAW) - - GTAW Current type/Polarity (AC, DCEP, DCEN) DCEP DCEP Results Visual Inspection of Completed weld (QW-302.4): Bend Test √ Transverse Root & Face (QW-462.3 (a) √ Longitudinal Root & Face (QW-462.3 (b) √ Side (QW-462.2) - Plate bend specimen, corrosion-resistant weld metal overlay [QW-462.5(d)] √ Micro test for Fusion QW-462.5 (e) Type Result Type Result Type Result Hardness Test Tensile Test Satisfactory Charpy V Notch Macro Test Side Bend Test Satisfactory Impact Test Alternative Volumetric Examination Results (QW 191) - or UT - Fillet Weld – Fracture test (QW-181.2): Length and Percent of defects: √ Fillet Welds [QW-462.4(b)] Macro Examination (QW-184) Fillet: √ Convexity/Concavity: N/A Other Test Films or Specimen Evaluated by: Company: Mechanical Tests conducted by: Lab Test No.: Welding Supervised By: We certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test coupons were prepared, welded, and tested in Accordance with requirement of section IX of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE & IACS URW28. Date & Sign: Date & Sign: