21JN1A3051 Final Document Csp.
21JN1A3051 Final Document Csp.
21JN1A3051 Final Document Csp.
Under guidance of
Department of
1. It is mandatory for all the students to complete 2 months (180 hours) of Community Service
Project as a part of the 10-month mandatory internship/on the job training.
2. Consider yourself as a committed volunteer in the community, you work with.
3. Every student should identify the village/community/habitation for Community Service
Project (CSP) in consultation with the College Principal/the authorized person nominated by
the principal.
4. Report to the community/habitation as per the schedule given by the College. You must
make your own arrangements of transportation to reach the community/habitation.
5. You will be assigned with a Faculty Guide from your College. He/she will be creating a
WhatsApp group with your fellow volunteers. Post your daily activity done and/or any
difficulty you encounter during the programme.
6. You should maintain punctuality in attending the CSP. Daily attendance is compulsory.
7. You are expected to learn about the community/habitation and their problems.
8. Know the leaders and the officials of the community/habitation.
9. While in project, always wear your College Identity Card.
10. If your college has a prescribed dress as uniform, wear the uniform daily.
11. Identify at least five learning objectives in consultation with your Faculty Guide. These
learning objectives can address:
a. Information about the community, including the realities and problems of the society.
b. Need for creating awareness on socially relevant aspects/programs.
c. Acquiring specific Life Skills.
d. Learning areas of application of knowledge and technologies related to your discipline.
e. Identifying developmental needs of the community/habitation.
12. Practice professional communication skills with team members, and with the leaders and
officials of the community. This includes expressing thoughts and ideas effectively through
oral, written, and non-verbal communication, and utilizing listening skills.
13. Be regular in filling up your Program Book. It shall be filled up in your own
handwriting. Add additional sheets wherever necessary.
14. At the end of Community Service Project, you shall be evaluated by the person in-charge of
the community/habitation to whom you report to.
15. There shall also be evaluation at the end of the community service by the Faculty Guide and
the Principal.
16. Do not indulge in any political activities.
17. Ensure that you do not cause any disturbance to the inhabitants or households during your
interaction or collection of data.
18. Be cordial but not too intimate with the persons you come across during your service
19. You should understand that during this activity, you are the ambassador of your college, and
your behaviour during the community service programme is of utmost importance.
20. If you are involved in any discipline related issues, you will be withdrawn from the
programme immediately and disciplinary action shall be initiated.
21. Do not forget to keep up your family pride and prestige of your college.
22. Remember that you are rendering valuable service to the society and your role in the
community development will become part of the history of the community.
Date of submission :
Faculty Guide
Head of Department
Certificate from Official of the Community
The overall performance of the Community Service Volunteer during his community
service is found to be...........................(Satisfactory/Good).
Agriculture farming, a cornerstone of human civilization, encompasses
the cultivation of crops and the raising of livestock for sustenance, resources, and
economic prosperity. It is a fundamental and time-honored practice that provides
food, raw materials, and livelihoods across the globe. From staple crops like wheat
and rice to diverse fruits, vegetables, and cash crops, farmers grow a broad
spectrum of produce, while simultaneously rearing livestock for meat, dairy, and
other essential products. Farming can take on various forms, ranging from
subsistence farming, where the focus is on personal consumption, to commercial
farming, geared towards profitability.
In the modern era, technology and innovation have ushered in a new era
of farming. Tractors, precision agriculture techniques, and genetic engineering
have revolutionized the industry, enhancing productivity and sustainability.
Agriculture is pivotal in the global food security landscape, supporting economies,
trade, and rural development. However, it also faces substantial challenges,
including climate change, pest control, volatile markets, and resource accessibility.
Sustainable farming practices and organic farming methods aim to mitigate
environmental impact while ensuring a steady food supply. Agriculture farming, a
dynamic and ever-evolving field, continues to shape our world through its far-
reaching impact on society, the environment, and the economy.
Location: A small and close-knit community located in the jonnavada region of Nellore,
India. It is situated in the southern part of the country, characterized by a warm and tropical
Project Goals: The primary objectives of the project include raising awareness about the
benefits of organic farming, providing training and resources, and fostering a sense of
community unity towards sustainable agricultural practices.
Expected Outcomes: The project envisions a community that embraces organic farming,
resulting in healthier and more profitable agricultural endeavors while contributing to the
overall well-being of jonnavada residents.
Project Initiatives:
Detailed Report:
On day-1:
In order to start the project
Studied the guidelines of the project.
Understood the inclusion of Community Service project in the curriculum.
Pre-planned theWeek-1 schedule of the project.
Understood the changes come in the students behaviour after CSP..
On day-2:
I have selected the topic “AGRICULTURE”.
I have started searching the suitable place for my project.
In the process of selecting place, I came to know what are essential requirements
required for selecting the suitable place for the project.
Understood the procedure to select the suitable place.
On day-3:
As a part of my project,
I have visited nearby sachivalayam and met VRO.
Took permission from VRO for smooth conduct of my project.
I have explained him about my project.
Finally, got signed by the VRO.
On day-4:
I have surveyed some farmers and questioned them on agriculture:
How to check the fertility of the soil?
What type of soil are used for paddy?
How much quantity of pesticides is enough for good growth of crops?
Why don’t you prefer the natural methods rather than artificial methods?
Why don’t you use latest technology for growing of crops?
What are the natural ways for controlling the pests on crops?
On day-5:
I have observed the work done by the farmers on the field.
I started practicing the farming with them.
I got an idea about farming practice.
I got the realtime experience of farming
On day-6:
As a part of final day of the week:
I given an awareness about using natural methods in farming.
I came to know that Organic farming is the best method to do farming.
I have explained them about organic farming and crop rotation.
I came to know that paddy is grown in abundance in our district.
DAY-1 I gave an awareness to farmers about It helped me to know the advantages
natural methods of farming. of natural methods in farming.
DAY-2 I went to the new office in Learnt how to use these machines.
Jonnawada and observed the tools &
machines available.
DAY-5 As a part of our project, I visited I got an idea about the best natural
some fields and interacted with the method to do farming.
DAY-6 I gathered the information that how I learned how we can use small land
farmers are cultivating different to cultivate different crops.
crops in the same field.
Week-2 (From dt: 08.05.23 To dt: 13.05.23)
Objective of the Activity Done: Knowing about machines & schemes.
Detailed Report:
On day-1:
➢ I given an awareness about using natural methods in farming.
➢ I came to know that Organic farming is the best method to do farming.
➢ I have explained them about organic farming and crop rotation.
➢ I came to know that paddy is grown in abundance in our district.
On day-2:
➢ I observed the tools used in the field.
➢ Plough is a equipment that can be attached to a tractor.
➢ Spray, it is a kind of farm equipment is used to spray pesticides and fertilizers etc.
On day-3:
➢ Kiosk is a machine which is used to order the number of products needed for farmers.
➢ Agri-kiosk is a one-stop shop for all agricultural needs providing services such as soil testing, seed selection,
appropriate pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides.
On day-4:
➢National Food Security Mission (NFSM)
➢Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)
➢National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOPS)
➢Supply of seed on subsidy to the farmers (Non plan)
➢Crop cultivator rights card (CCRC)
On day-5:
➢ I visited some fields and interacted with the farmers.
➢ I collected the details about their losses.
➢ I studied the reasons for their losses.
➢ I came to a conclusion that organic farming is the best method to increase the production.
On day-6:
➢ I have seen the farmers cultivating the different crops in the same field.
➢ I have later understood that growing of different crops in the same area is called mixed cropping.
➢ Farmers have instructed us that by use of mixed cropping we can increase the nutrient quality of the soil.
➢ Farmers explained the uses of mixed cropping.
DAY-1 Introduction of Agriculture Agriculture is the art and science
of cultivating the soil, growing
crops and raising livestock.
Figure 1 pea plant Figure 2 ladyfinger plant
Figure 3 cotton plant Figure 4 marigold flowers
Detailed Report:
On day-1:
I visited some fields and interacted with the farmers.
I collected the details about their losses.
I studied the reasons for their losses.
I came to a conclusion that organic farming is the best method to increase the production.
On day-2:
I have seen the farmers cultivating the different crops in the same field.
I have later understood that growing of different crops in the same area is called
mixed cropping.
Farmers have instructed us that by use of mixed cropping we can increase the nutrient
quality of the soil.
Farmers explained the uses of mixed cropping.
On day-3:
I have explained the disadvantages of pesticides to the farmers.
I have explained it by using the various sources such as internet etc.
I have explained the organic farming is the best method to use which can avoid the use of
On day-4:
I instructed the farmers to use organic farming in their field.
I have explained the steps to implement organic farming in their field.
I have explained the types of organic farming.
Two types of organic farming:1.Integrated organic farming
On day-5:
I discussed the use of organic farming which leads to major changes in the future of
India with the farmers.
Some of the factors that organic farming helps to poverty reduction and food security:
Increasing yields of production with low inputs.
Increasing revenue and lowering costs.
Creating a food that is both safe and diverse.
Having a long-term sustainability.
Studied the guidelines of I clearly understood the
DAY-1 community service project guidelines of community
and understood what to be
service project.
done in the fourth week.
Objective of the Activity Done: Educated community members on the principles and
benefits of organic paddy farming
Detailed Report:
On day-1:
On this week we went to jonnavada village which is cultivating the farms organically.
In natural farming there is no ploughing, no tilling of soil and no fertilizers, and no
weeding is done just the way it would be in natural ecosystems. Natural, farm-made
pesticides like Dashparniark and Neem Astra are used to control pests and diseases.
On day-2:
a) The government promoted the use of High yielding variety or HYV seeds.
b) It also provided fertilizers, pesticides and proper irrigation facilities to the farmers.
c) Promotion of modern technologies which can be easily incorporated in agriculture.
d) Intensification of cropping over cultivated land.
On day-3:
I explained about the advantages of organic farming instead of using fertilizers and chemicals.
On day-4:
I was satisfied seeing farmers using organic manure in their fields. Thus, I was successful
in promoting organic farming
On day-5:
We visited nearby areas and grouped some villagers to create awareness. To encourage organic
farming procedures, we made them understood the benefits of organic products.
The people understood that the organic farming is better than the conservative farming.
On day-6:
1.Applied organic fertilizers, such as organic compost or bio-fertilizers, to nourish the paddy
crops. And continued monitoring the progress of the organic paddy crops, observing plant
growth and tillering.
On this week we went to We can clearly learn and
DAY-1 Jonnavada village which is observed about the organic
cultivating the farms farming
Detailed Report:
On day-1:
For better implementation understanding the curriculum of CSP is necessary. So, I have
studied the guidelines of community service project and understood what to be done in
the fourth week.
On day-2:
a. The government promoted the use of High yielding variety or HYV seeds.
b. It also provided fertilizers, pesticides and proper irrigation facilities to the farmers.
c. Promotion of modern technologies which can be easily incorporated in agriculture.
d. Intensification of cropping over cultivated land.
On day-3:
I explained about the advantages of organic farming instead of using fertilizers and
On day-4:
I was satisfied seeing farmers using organic manure in their fields. Thus, I was successful
in promoting organic farming
On day-5:
We visited nearby areas and grouped some villagers to create awareness. To encourage
organic farming procedures, we made them understood the benefits of organic products.
The people understood that the organic farming is better than the conservative farming.
On day-6:
Applied organic fertilizers, such as organic compost or bio-fertilizers, to nourish the paddy
crops. And continued monitoring the progress of the organic paddy crops, observing plant
growth and tillering.
A sample of 310 farmers was taken from 13 selected blocks. The information collected with
the help of questionnaire from the farmers by personal interview method pertained to brief
socio- economic profile of household and farm, farm size, organic manures and pesticides
used by farmers. A broad view of socio-economic parameters of the respondents studied here
included age, education, family size and composition.
Age of respondents: The average age of the sample farmers came out to 46 years,
varying from 39 years to 51
Family size: The state has 1196 thousand rural households of which 896 thousand are in
farming and the rest 25% have to depend upon off-farm employments.
Educational level: Nearly 60% of them were educated either up to high school or
intermediate level. Another 8% of them were graduates and 2.6% were qualified up to
master's level.
Farm size: The average operational holding was 5.6 acres, about 40% farmers were
marginal with less than 2.5 acre area and 28% of small farmers having area of 2.5 to 5.0
acres, 22% were semi- medium (5-10 acres) and 7.7% as medium, Only 1.9% could be rated
as large farmers in the study sample. In spite of small farm size owned and operated by large
percentage of farmers, they had their own tractors.
Although many of them having small farm holdings were having pooled tractors i.e.. 3-4
small farmers owned one tractor to ascertain the availability of machine in time of need and
avoid dependence on hired One.
However, young and farmers interested in joining the organic farming bandwagon
should not be deterred from it. Instead, they should be aware of them in order to make an
informed choice and be better prepared to deal with those challenges. The Challenges of
Organic Farming that Farmers Have to Deal With.
1. Time is Critical
One of the main problems of organic farming is that of timing. This does not concern
all cases, but generally, organic produce and meats require efficient supply chains to reach
the market quicker.
Organic farming isn’t just a trend. It’s a sustainable lifestyle that has many
important benefits over non-organic farming. Whether you’re already a farmer, looking to
transition toward organic farming methods, or you’re wondering how to start an organic
farm, there is plenty of information to help you get started. Fortunately, you’ve come to the
right place to learn everything from the benefits of organic farming to tips on how to farm
Organic action plans provide a framework for integrating policies and measures
in order to encourage organic sector development. Action plans serve as a strategic
instrument for governments and the sector as a whole to achieve policy goals. This is
particularly important where multiple policy goals such as organic sector growth and
development, economic, market and rural development and environment, public health and
societal benefits need to be considered. Action plans vision help create synergies and avoid
contradictory policies whilst also ensuring that different measures are complementary.
Furthermore, action plans allow specific bottlenecks to be better addressed and they enable
broad stakeholder involvement in policy formulation. They depend on effective and inclusive
forums to develop a strategic vision
❖ Soil preparation
❖ Sowing
❖ Manuring
❖ Irrigation
❖ Weeding
❖ Harvesting
Research and learn about organic farming practices: There are many resources
available to help you learn about organic farming, including books, websites, and local
Start small: If you are new to organic farming, it may be helpful to start with a small plot
or a few container plants. This can help you learn the basics of organic farming and see what
works best for your specific location.
Use organic seeds and seedlings: Using organic seeds and seedlings can help to ensure
that your plants are grown without the use of synthetic chemicals.
Use natural fertilizers and pest control methods: Instead of synthetic fertilizers
and pesticides, consider using natural alternatives, such as compost, green manure, and
natural predators.
Maintain soil health: Soil health is essential for successful organic farming. Use
techniques such as cover cropping, mulching, and crop rotation to improve soil structure and
1. Organic farming is an effective way to produce healthy and nutritious food while protecting
the environment.
2. Organic farming reduces the use of synthetic chemicals, which can be harmful to the
environment and human health.
3. Organic farming promotes biodiversity, which helps to maintain the balance of
ecosystems and preserve natural resources.
4. Organic farming is an important contributor to global food security, providing healthy and
affordable food to people in developing countries.
Abstract :
Over the past six weeks, I participated in a community service project
focused on organic farming. Our goal was to promote sustainable agricultural practices and
educate the community about the benefits of organic farming. Through hands-on experiences
and guided learning, we explored various aspects of organic farming such as soil preparation,
composting, crop management, fertilization, and harvesting. During the project, we
conducted a site assessment and developed a detailed plan for effective execution. We
learned about the importance of soil health and implemented organic methods to enhance
fertility. Composting played a crucial role in recycling organic waste and producing nutrient-
rich soil amendments. We also gained practical knowledge of organic crop varieties, planting
techniques, and natural pest management strategies. In addition, we focused on water
conservation by exploring efficient irrigation systems. We learned about organic fertilizers,
prepared compost tea, and utilized green manure crops for nutrient management. The project
concluded with harvesting and post-harvest handling, emphasizing food safety measures. Our
experience in this community service project has inspired us to raise awareness about organic
farming and advocate for sustainable agriculture. We recognize the significance of continued
organic farming practices for a healthier and more environmentally conscious community.
Overall, the project provided valuable hands-on learning opportunities and empowered us to
become ambassadors for organic farming. We are committed to spreading the benefits of
organic farming and contributing to a sustainable future.
Existing system:
Dependence on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, leading to environmental pollution and
health risks.
Lack of knowledge and awareness about organic farming techniques and methods.
Poor soil health due to erosion, nutrient depletion, and lack of organic matter.
High production costs associated with chemical inputs and machinery.
Limited financial resources and access to credit for investing in organic farming practices.
Lack of supportive government policies and incentives for organic farming adoption.
Proposed system:
Enhanced availability of organic inputs and resources through partnerships with local
suppliers and government initiatives.
Conducting training programs and workshops to improve farmers' knowledge and
awareness of organic farming techniques.
Developing integrated pest and disease management strategies using organic methods,
including companion planting, crop rotation, and natural predators.
Streamlining the organic certification process by providing guidance, support, and
resources to farmers.
Creating market linkages and promoting organic produce through awareness campaigns,
farmer's markets, and collaborations with organic food retailers.
1. Laptop with windows 11 O.S ,16GB Ram and 512GB SSD
2. Server: GitHub
The home module serves as the main landing page with navigation links to other
modules. It provides a concise overview of the website's services, guiding farmers to explore
The services module offers detailed information about implementing organic
farming practices and advanced farming techniques. It serves as a comprehensive guide for
farmers, highlighting the benefits and methods of sustainable farming.
The FAQs module addresses common questions and concerns that farmers may have
about organic farming. It provides quick and informative answers, offering clarity and
assisting farmers in making informed decisions.
Gallery: The gallery module showcases pictures of our community service project,
visually capturing the progress and impact of our work in organic farming. It allows users to
see the tangible results of our initiatives.
The contact module provides contact information for website administrators,
enabling farmers to seek personalized assistance or further information. It promotes effective
communication and support for farmers' inquiries and feedback.
With these modules, our website provides a user-friendly and informative platform for
farmers, encouraging sustainable farming practices while offering support and engagement
In conclusion, our community service project on organic farming was a rewarding
experience. We successfully designed and developed a user-friendly website dedicated to
promoting organic farming practices. The website serves as a valuable resource, providing
information and tools for farmers and individuals interested in sustainable agriculture. Our
aim was to bridge the gap between farmers and consumers, promoting healthier food choices
and a sustainable food ecosystem. We believe that our website will make a positive impact by
empowering farmers, raising awareness about organic farming, and contributing to the well-
being of our community.
Website Link:
Student Self-Evaluation for the Community Service Project
Registration No. : 21JN1A3051
Period of CSP : 8 Weeks
Date of Evaluation :
Name of person in-charge : Mr. P. Nagendra Babu
Address with mobile number : Jonnavada, Nellore rural. 9398972037
1) Oral Communication 1 2 3 4 5
2) Written Communication 1 2 3 4 5
3) Proactiveness 1 2 3 4 5
4) Interaction ability with community 1 2 3 4 5
5) Positive attitude 1 2 3 4 5
6) Self-confidence 1 2 3 4 5
7) Ability to learn 1 2 3 4 5
8) Work Plan and organization 1 2 3 4 5
9) Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5
10) Creativity 1 2 3 4 5
11) Quality of work done 1 2 3 4 5
12) Time management 1 2 3 4 5
13) Understanding the community 1 2 3 4 5
14) Achievement of Desired Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5
15) Overall performance 1 2 3 4 5
Date of Evaluation :
1) Oral Communication 1 2 3 4 5
2) Written Communication 1 2 3 4 5
3) Proactiveness 1 2 3 4 5
4) Interaction ability with community 1 2 3 4 5
5) Positive attitude 1 2 3 4 5
6) Self-confidence 1 2 3 4 5
7) Ability to learn 1 2 3 4 5
8) Work Plan and organization 1 2 3 4 5
9) Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5
10) Creativity 1 2 3 4 5
11) Quality of work done 1 2 3 4 5
12) Time management 1 2 3 4 5
13) Understanding the community 1 2 3 4 5
14) Achievement of Desired Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5
15) Overall performance 1 2 3 4 5