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Code No: R201254 R20 SET - 1

I B. Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, March- 2022

(Only ME)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Answer any five Questions one Question from Each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
1 a) Explain in detail the working of constant volume gas thermometer. (7M)
b) Show that work is a path function and not a property. (7M)
2 a) Explain what you understand by (i) Macroscopic and Microscopic view points; (7M)
(ii) Thermodynamic Equilibrium.
b) A fluid contained in a horizontal cylinder fitted with a frictionless leak proof (7M)
piston, is continuously agitated by means of a stirrer passing through the cylinder
cover. The cylinder diameter is 0.4 m. During the stirring process lasting 10
minutes, the piston slowly moves out a distance of 0.485 m against the
atmosphere. The net work done by the fluid during the process is 2 kJ. The speed
of the electric motor driving the stirrer is 840 rpm. Determine the torque in the
shaft and power output of the motor.
3 A fluid system, contained in a piston and cylinder machine, passes through a (14M)
complete cycle of four processes. The sum of all heat transferred during a cycle
is -170 kJ. The system completes 100 cycles per minute. Complete the following
table showing the method for each item and compute the net rate of work output
in kW.

4 a) Show that energy is a property of a system. (7M)
b) A fluid contained in a cylinder receives 150 kJ of mechanical energy by means of (7M)
a paddle wheel, together with 50 kJ in the form of heat. At the same time, the
piston in the cylinder moves in such a way that the pressure remains constant at
200 kN/m2 during the fluid expansion from 2 m3 to 5 m3. What is the change in
internal energy and in enthalpy?
5 a) 1.2 m3 of air is heated reversibly at constant pressure from 300 K to 600 K and is (7M)
then cooled reversibly at constant volume back to initial temperature. If the initial
pressure is 1 bar, calculate the net heat flow and overall change in entropy. Take
Cp = 1.005 kJ/kgK and R = 0.287 kJ/kgK.
b) State and prove Clausius theorem. (7M)
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Code No: R201254 R20 SET - 1

6 a) Define Carnot efficiency and which is the more effective way to increase the (8M)
efficiency of a Carnot cycle: to increase T1 keeping T2 constant; or to decrease T2,
keeping T1 constant? Where T1 is upper temperature and T2 is lower temperature.
b) Discuss the significance of Gibbs and Helmholtz functions. (6M)
7 a) Write short notes on “Mollier diagram”. Why do isobars on the Mollier Diagram (7M)
diverge from one another?
b) Sample of steam from a boiler drum at 3 MPa is put through a throttling (7M)
calorimeter in which pressure and temperature are found to be 0.1 MPa, 1200C.
Find the quality of a sample taken from the boiler.
8 a) Why cannot a throttling calorimeter measure the quality if the steam is very wet? (7M)
How is the quality measured then?
b) A pressure cooker holding 2 kg of steam at 5 bar and 90% dry is being cooled (7M)
slowly. What quantity of heat has to be extracted so as to reduce the steam quality
down to 60%? Also calculate the pressure and temperature of the steam that
remains in the pressure cooker after the heat rejection.
9 a) Explain Dalton’s law of partial pressures. (7M)
3 0
b) 100m of air per min at 40 C DBT and 15% relative humidity is passed through (7M)
adiabatic humidifier. The air is coming out at 250C DBT and 200C WBT. Find: i)
Dew Point Temperature ii) Relative Humidity iii) Water carried by the air per min.
10 a) Explain the following: (7M)
i) Heating and dehumidification
ii) Cooling and dehumidification.
b) Air at 200C, 40% RH is mixed adiabatically with air at 400C, 40% RH in the ratio (7M)
of 1 kg of former with 2 kg of the latter (on dry basis). Find the final condition of

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