CSP Incharge

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Evaluation by the Person in-charge in the Community / Habitation Student Name: Registration No: Period of CSP: From: To: Date of Evaluation: ‘Name of the Person in-charge: Address with mobile number: Please rate the student's performance in the following areas: Please note that your evaluation shall be done independent of the Student's self- evaluation Rating Scale: 1 is lowest and 5 is highest rank 1 Oralcommunication reed 2 Written communication 1 2 3.4 5 3. Proactiveness 1 Toes ere 4 Interaction ability with community 1 2 3 4 5 3) | Positive Attitude ia kes eee 6 Self-confidence 1 2 3 4 5 7 Ability to learn (a. a ee. 8 — Work Plan and organization Wo. 8 Gs 2S 9 Professionalism LS eee 10 Creativity 1 2 3 4 5 11 Quality of work done {ee 12 Time Management 1 2 3 4 5 13. Understanding the Community ee. 14. Achievement of Desired Outcomes 12 de eS 15 OVERALL PERFORMANCE 1 Deen! 4.5 | ne Signature of the Supervisor were and Education Assen Jsukzpall Vilage Secretariat U.Kothapall Mandal, E.G.Dt. Page No:

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