Composite Construction in Structural Steel and Concrete - Code of Practice

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भारतीय मानक IS 11384 : 2022

Indian Standard

सरं चनात््मक स््टटील और कंक्रीट मेें सम्ं ्ममिश्र

निर््ममाण — रीति सहं िता
( पहला पनु रीक्षण )

Composite Construction in
Structural Steel and
Concrete — Code of Practice
( First Revision )

ICS 91.080.13; 91.080.40

© BIS 2022

भारतीय मानक ब््यरयू ो

मानक भवन, 9 बहादरु शाह ज़फर मार््ग, नई िदल््लली – 110002
NEW DELHI-110002

September 2022  Price Group 16

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Special Structures Sectional Committee, CED 38

This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards after the draft finalized by
the Special Structures Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
Composite construction consists of the use of prefabricated steel structural units like steel beams and steel open
web joists (trusses) in combination with concrete elements and often with steel reinforcements. The design and
construction should ensure monolithic action between the structural steel and concrete components so that they
act as a single structural unit.
This Indian Standard was first published in 1985. Since composite construction in steel and concrete has come
a long way after that in India, the revision of this standard has become necessary. Further, both IS 456 ‘Code of
practice for plain and reinforced concrete’ and IS 800 ‘Code of practice for general construction in structural steel’
have been revised extensively since this standard was published in 1985. This is a major revision of the standard
and includes provisions for the design of most of the members and components of composite construction, based
on the Limit States Method. This standard is restricted to the design of steel-concrete composite components and
systems used in buildings.
In this revision, the following major modifications have been effected:
a) This standard conforms to limit state design philosophy, and it is in line with IS 456 ‘Code of practice for
plain and reinforced concrete’ and IS 800 ‘Code of practice for general construction in structural steel’.
b) Provisions for the design of slab, beam, and columns of composite construction have been added.
c) Two types of composite column constructions are covered; namely, the concrete encased steel columns
(both fully encased and partially encased), and the concrete-filled steel columns have been considered.
d) The following types of composite slabs are presented in this standard:
1) Profiled sheeting, serving as form work for the reinforced concrete slab, and
2) The embossed profile sheeting acting as form work and also as a tension reinforcement acting along
with in-situ concrete with or without shear connectors.
3) Improved provisions for the design of shear connectors and their testing methods.
e) Revised limit state of serviceability is also included to check for deflection, vibration and fire performance
of the steel-concrete composite components.
f) Additional specifications on the use of light gauge steel and lightweight Concrete (structural) are included
in this revision.
Though the common methods of designs have been covered in this code, special systems of design and construction,
not covered by this code, may be permitted on production of satisfactory evidence regarding their design adequacy
and safety based on specialist literature or by analysis, test, or both.
All requirements of IS 456 and IS 800, in so far as they apply, shall be deemed to form a part of this code, except
where otherwise laid down in this standard.
Composite construction may be used in beams, columns as well as slabs in structures. Because of the special
nature of bridge structures, where dynamic loadings are expected, this code is restricted to buildings.
The sectional committee responsible for the preparation of this standard has taken into consideration the need for
international coordination among standards prevailing in different countries of the world. These considerations
have led the sectional committee to derive assistance from the following:
1) Eurocode 4 (Part 1-1) Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures, General Rules and Rules
for Buildings, European Committee for Standardization.
2) Eurocode 3 (Part 1-1) Design of Steel Structures, General Rules, and Rules for Buildings, European
Committee for Standardization.
3) ANSI/AISC 360 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings.

(Continued to third cover)

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IS 11384 : 2022

Indian Standard
( First Revision )

1 SCOPE 3.6 Composite Action — Integral action of primary

supporting steel member and supported concrete deck
1.1 This standard deals with the design and construction with or without limited slip at their interface to ensure
of composite structures made up of structural steel and greater strength and rigidity. In composite columns, it
cast in-situ/precast concrete, joined together to act is the integral action between steel and its encasement
integrally. or infill concrete. The shear transfer is to be ensured
through the use of mechanical devices known as,
1.2 This standard is applicable to simply supported as
shear connectors in composite beams and columns, as
well as continuous beams and slabs, and supporting
required (see Fig. 8).
column systems. The design provisions in this code are
based on the limit states method of design. 3.7 Design Load/Factored Load — A load value
obtained by multiplying the characteristic load with the
2 REFERENCES partial safety factor for loads.
The standards listed in Annex A contain provisions
3.8 Design Service Life — The time period during
which, through reference in this text, constitute the
which the structure or its components should satisfy the
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication,
design objectives and functions.
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based 3.9 Detail Category — Designation given to a
on this standard are encouraged to investigate the particular detail to indicate the S-N curve to be used in
possibility of applying the most recent editions of these fatigue assessment.
3.10 Differential Shrinkages — It is entirely due to
3 TERMINOLOGY shrinkage of concrete from the time composite action
comes into effect. When the coefficient of thermal
For the purpose of this standard, the definitions given in
expansion varies significantly between steel and
IS 456, IS 800 and the following shall apply.
concrete (concrete with limestone or granite aggregate),
3.1 Accidental Load — The load is not normally it also includes the difference in thermal strain between
expected in design life but has a major impact if it ever the steel and concrete. Differential shrinkage may
occurs, such as ramming of vehicles against columns lead to increase in stresses and is more pronounced in
or any other member of the frame like bracings, blast continuous beams.
loading, etc.
3.11 Fatigue — Damage caused by repeated fluctuations
3.2 Accompanying Load — Live (imposed) load of stress, leading to progressive cracking of a structural
acting along with leading imposed load but causing element.
lower action and/or deflections.
3.12 Fatigue Limit State — The state of failure through
3.3 Action — The primary cause for stress or fatigue damage due to repeated application of loads.
deformations in a structure, such as dead, live, wind,
3.13 Fatigue Strength — Stress range that can be
seismic or temperature loads.
endured by a category of detail, depending upon the
3.4 Built-up Section — A member fabricated by number of cycles.
inter-connecting more than one element to form a
3.14 Flexible Shear Connector — It resists shear
compound section acting as a single member.
forces by bending, tension or shearing in the root, at the
3.5 Camber — Intentionally introduced pre-curving connection point of the steel member. It is subjected to
(generally upwards) in a system, member or any plastic deformations as it reaches the ultimate strength,
portion of a member with respect to its chord. These and the failure mode is ductile. It consists of studs,
are generally introduced to compensate for deflections channels etc. (Fig. 8) welded to steel members to
at a specific level of loads. develop composite action with the concrete.

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IS 11384 : 2022

3.15 Initial Dead Load — The combination of weight 3.26 Stress Range — Algebraic difference between
of steel structure and the portion of the concrete deck two extremes of stresses in a cycle of loading at a
that is supported by the steel structure alone before the location in a member.
development of full composite action with concrete
reaching 75 percent of its 28 days strength. 3.27 Superimposed Dead Load — The dead loads
added subsequent to concrete hardening of concrete
3.16 Limit State — The load state beyond which the that is resisted by composite action.
structure is incapable of performing its desired function.
3.28 Transient Load — The loads that are assumed
3.17 Loads — Applied forces as per loads indicated to be varying over a short time interval like live load,
in relevant standards like IS 875 (Part 1 to 5) for dead, loads with dynamic effect, temperature effects, wind
live, wind, snow loads, etc; and IS 1893 (Part 1 to 4) for loads on the structure, earthquake loads, accident
seismic loads that the structure is subjected to during loads, etc.
its lifetime.
3.29 Ultimate Limit State — The state at which the
3.18 Partial Safety Factor For Loads — The factors structure fails and loses its integrity leading to its
multiplied by the loads or their combinations to obtain collapse.
design loads while checking performance under various
limit states. 4 SYMBOLS

3.19 m-k Factors — Physically, in a composite slab, The symbols, other than those used for load
‘m’ is a broad measure of the mechanical interlock categorization are as follows:
between the embossed profiled decking sheet and the a Span length of the slab transverse to the steel
reinforced cement concrete on top of the deck, and ‘k’ beams.
represents the frictional resistance between the two As Area of structural steel cross section.
elements, that is, steel and concrete (see Fig. 38).
Asl Area of structural steel cross section in tension.
3.20 Rigid Shear Connectors — These are shear hoops Ac Gross area of concrete.
welded to bars, angles, horseshoes, or tees welded Aco Equivalent area of the cracked composite
to the flange of the fabricated steel units as shown in beam section.
Fig. 8 (b) and (c). They resist shear forces by concrete
bearing on the vertical face and shearing. They exhibit Aec Area of concrete effective in compression.
negligible deformation under shear transfer (that is, Ap Effective cross-sectional area of profile steel
brittle failure). These are not usually recommended for sheeting.
ultimate limit state design. Ast Area of steel reinforcements.
3.21 Service Limit — The loading state beyond which Af Area of each flange of steel section.
the structure or its components becomes incapable Ae Effective cross sectional area.
of performing its intended function due to excessive Asv Area of shear resistance.
deformation, or deflection, or vibration.
B Centre to centre distance between beams and is
3.22 Serviceability Loads — The loads on the structure equal to the transverse span of inner beam.
against which the serviceability of the structure needs bc Width of concrete encasement.
to be checked. bp Distance between the centres of adjacent ribs
3.23 Shear Connectors — These are the mechanical or one wave length of a profile deck.
attachments to steel members to transfer interface be Effective width of the flange between pair of
shear between steel and concrete to develop composite bolts.
action and are composed of flexible shear connectors beff Effective width of concrete flange.
[Fig. 8(a), (c)], rigid shear connectors [Fig. 8(b)], etc. bf Width of the structural steel flange.
3.24 S-N Curve — Curve, defining the relationship D Overall depth of girder/diameter of the steel
between the numbers of stress cycles to failure (Nsc) at cross section.
a constant stress range (Sc), during fatigue loading on d Depth of the web, Nominal diameter of
parts of a structure. bolts/rivets/studs.
3.25 Strength Factors — The factors by which the d2 Twice the clear distance from the compression
specified strength is divided to obtain design strength; flange of angles, plates, or tongue plates to
while assessing the safety under limit states of strength. the neutral axis.

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IS 11384 : 2022

dc Vertical distance between the centroid of fy Characteristic yield stress of structural steel.
concrete slab and centroid of steel beam. fyp Characteristic yield stress of profiled deck.
ds Overall depth of the concrete slab. h Depth of the section/total depth of steel beam.
do Nominal diameter of the pipe column or the H Distance between top of concrete and bottom
dimensions of the column in the direction of of bottom flange of steel beam.
depth of the base plate.
hs Distance between centroids of top and bottom
dp Depth of profiled sheet deck. flanges/nominal height of stud.
dsp Overall depth of the profiled sheet deck and hy Distance between shear centre of the two
concrete slab. flanges of the cross section.
e Distance between the C.G. axis of the profiled I Moment of inertia of the member about an axis
steel sheeting and the extreme tension fiber of perpendicular to the plane of the frame.
the composite slab.
Ic Moment of inertia of concrete (assumed
ep Distance between the plastic neutral axis and uncracked) about the axis of bending for
the extreme tension fibre of the composite column.
Ico Moment of inertia of the composite section.
Ec, l Modulus of elasticity of lightweight concrete.
Ifc, y Moment of Inertia of the compression flange
Es Modulus of elasticity of structural steel. about the minor axis of the steel beam.
Ecm Secant Modulus of elasticity of concrete. Ift,y Moment of Inertia of the tension flange about
Est Modulus of elasticity of steel reinforcements. the minor axis of the steel beam.
Ff Axial capacity of a single flange. Is Moment of inertia of the steel section about the
Fsr Axial capacity of reinforcing steel. axis of bending for column.
Fcc Compressive force in the concrete above the Ist Moment of inertia of reinforcement about the
neutral axis. axis of bending for column.
Fsc Compressive force in the steel section above Iz Moment of inertia about the major axis.
the neutral axis. Iys, Izs Second moment of area of steel section about
Fst Tensile force in the steel section below the the minor and major axis respectively.
neutral axis. Iybf Moment of inertia of the bottom flange about
Fw Design capacity of the web in bearing. the minor axis of the steel section.
f Actual normal stress range for the detail Izco Second moment of the equivalent area of the
category. cracked composite beam section for major axis
fc Actual axial compressive stress in concrete at
service load. k1 Flexural stiffness of the steel web per unit
length along the beam.
fctm, l, Tensile strength of lightweight concrete.
k2 Flexural stiffness of the cracked concrete or
fck Characteristic compressive cube strength of
composite slab transverse to the spanning
concrete at 28 days.
direction of steel beam.
fctk (0.05) Characteristic axial tensile strength of concrete
KL Effective length of the member.
based on 5percent fractile.
KL/r Appropriate, effective slenderness ratio of the
fctm Mean axial tensile strength of concrete.
ff Fatigue stress range corresponding to 5 × 106
KL/ry Effective slenderness ratio of the section about
cycles of loading.
the minor axis.
ffd Design fatigue normal stress range.
KL/rz Effective slenderness ratio of the section about
ffeq Equivalent constant amplitude stress. the major axis.
ff max Highest normal stress range. L Actual span of composite beams.
ffn Normal fatigue stress range. Lbs Minimum bearing lengths of steel decking on
fo Proof stress. the support.
fyk Characteristic yield strength of reinforcement. Lbc Composite slab including the cast in place
fyf , fyw Yield strength of flange and web, respectively. concrete.
fu Characteristic ultimate tensile stress. Lc Effective span of the cantilever for overhang.
fup Characteristic ultimate tensile stress of the Lo Length between points of zero moments
profiled deck. (inflection) in the span.

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IS 11384 : 2022

Ls Shear span. Vvd Design vertical shear resistance.

Lx Distance of the maximum moment cross W Total equivalent load.
section under consideration to the support. X Distance from the centre line of edge beam to
M Bending moment. the edge of slab.
Mv Reduced bending moment due to effect of xe Depth of elastic neutral axis of the composite
shear force. section from the centroid of steel section.
Mcr Elastic critical moment corresponding to xu Depth of neutral axis at limit state of flexure
lateral torsional buckling. from top of the concrete.
Md Design bending strength/design bending Ze Elastic section modulus.
resistance under only bending moment. Zp Plastic section modulus.
M’d Design bending resistance under combined Zpc, Zpcn Plastic section modulus of concrete about its
bending and compression. own centroid and about the neutral axis of the
Mdp Design bending resistance of profiled steel composite section, respectively.
sheeting. Zpr, Zprn Plastic section modulus of reinforcement about
Me Elastic moment capacity of the section. its own centroid and about the neutral axis of
Mf Design plastic resistance of the flange alone the composite section, respectively.
for steel section. Zps, Zpsn Plastic section modulus of structural steel
Mp Plastic moment capacity of the section. section about its own centroid and about
the neutral axis of the composite section,
My Factored applied moments about the minor
axis of the cross section.
yg Distance between the point of application of
Mz Factored applied moments about the major
the load and shear centre of the cross section.
axis of the cross section.
α Imperfection factor.
m Modular ratio.
αc Strength coefficient of concrete.
mdl Modular ratio (long term).
δ Steel contribution ratio.
mll Modular ratio (short term).
χ Stress reduction factor due to buckling under
NSC Number of stress cycles.
P Design axial force.
χm Stress reduction factor, χ, at fym.
Pcr Elastic critical buckling load.
χm Stress reduction factor to account for lateral
Pp Plastic resistance of encased steel column torsional buckling of a beam.
section or concrete filled rectangular or square
γ Unit weight of steel.
column section.
γc Partial safety factor for material (concrete).
Rh Flange stress reduction factor for hybrid
section. γf Partial safety factor for load.
r Appropriate radius of gyration. γm0 Partial safety factor against yield stress and
buckling (structural steel).
ry Radius of gyration about the minor axis.
γm1 Partial safety factor against ultimate stress
rz Radius of gyration about the major axis.
(structural steel).
S Spacing.
γmf Partial safety factor for the strength of bolt.
Sl Spacing of shear connectors for longitudinal
γfft Partial safety factor for fatigue load.
shear due to flexural force.
γmft Partial safety factor for fatigue strength.
Sr Spacing of shear connectors due to bending
moment. γmv Partial safety factor against shear failure.
t Thickness of element/angle, time in minutes. γmw Partial safety factor for the strength of the
tf Thickness of flange of steel section.
γk Partial safety factor for material
tp Thickness of profiled deck sheet.
tw Thickness of web of steel section.
ε Yield stress ratio, (250/fy)1/2.
V, Vv, VL Factored applied shear force.
λ, λr Non dimensional slenderness ratio =
Vd Design shear resistance.
f y  KL / r  /  2 E = f y / f cc = Py / Pcc
Vdvd Vertical shear resistance.
Vp Plastic shear resistance under pure shear. λe Equivalent slenderness ratio.

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IS 11384 : 2022

µs Poisson’s ratio of structural steel. The mechanical properties of steel like yield stress,
µc Correction factor. ultimate stress and, elongation shall be as per values
indicated in IS 800.
η1, η2 Strength coefficients.
η10, η20 Strength coefficients. 5.2.2 Specifications of Structural Steel
τ Actual shear stress range for the detail Unless otherwise permitted herein, structural steel used
category. shall, before fabrication, comply with the requirements
τf Fatigue shear stress range. of the following Indian Standards or their latest
revisions as appropriate:
τfd Design fatigue shear stress range.
τf, max Highest shear stress range. IS 808 Hot rolled steel beam, column,
channel and angle sections —
τfn Fatigue shear stress range at NSC cycle for the
Dimensions and properties
detail category.
IS 1161 Steel tubes for structural purposes —
IS 1239 Steel tubes, tubular and other
5.1 The main materials for composite construction are
(Part 1) wrought steel Fittings Specification:
structural steel, reinforcing steel and concrete. The
Part 1 Steel tubes
materials and workmanship of structural steel shall
generally comply with specifications laid down in IS1239 Steel tubes, tubular and other
IS 800, and that of reinforced concrete shall comply (Part 2) wrought steel Fittings: Part 2 Steel
with specifications laid down in IS 456. However, the pipe fittings
general properties and specifications of materials for IS 1730 Dimensions for steel plates, sheets,
composite construction are detailed as given in 5.2 to strips and flats for structural and
5.4. general engineering purposes
5.2 Structural Steel IS 1732 Dimension for round and square
steel bars for structural and general
All the structural steel used in general construction,
engineering purposes
coming under the purview of this standard shall before
fabrication conform to IS 2062. IS 1852 Rolling and cutting tolerances for
hot rolled steel products
Structural steel other than those complying with IS 2062
may also be used provided that the limiting stresses and IS 2062 Hot rolled medium and high tensile
other design provisions are suitably modified and the structural steel — Specification
steel is also suitable for the type of fabrication adopted. IS 4923 Hollow steel sections for structural
Steel that is not supported by mill test results may be use — Specification
used only in unimportant members and details, where IS 11587 Structural weather resistant steel-
their properties such as ductility and weldability would Specification
not affect the performance requirements of the members
IS 12779 Rolling and cutting tolerances for
and the structure as a whole. However, such steels may
hot rolled parallel flange beam and
be used in the structural system after confirming their
column sections
quality is as per IS 2062, by carrying out appropriate
tests in accordance with the method specified in
The use of structural steel not covered by the above
IS 1608 (Part 1).
standards may be permitted with the specific approval
5.2.1 Properties of Structural Steel of the competent authority.
The following physical properties shall be assumed for 5.2.3 Other Steels
all grades of steel for design purposes:
Except where permitted with the specific approval of
Unit mass of steel = 7850 kg/m3 the authority, steels for machined parts and for uses
Young’s modulus = 2.0 × 105 MPa in features other than structural members or elements
(modulus of elasticity) shall comply with the following or relevant Indian
Standards, as appropriate.
Shear modulus = 0.769 × 105 MPa
IS 1875 Specification for carbon steel billets,
Poisson’s ratio = 0.30
blooms, slabs and bars for forgings
Coefficient of thermal = 0.000012/℃
IS 6911 Specification for Stainless steel plate,
sheet, and strip

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IS 11384 : 2022

5.2.4 Castings and Forgings IS 5372 Specifications for taper washers

Steel casting and forgings shall comply with the for channels (ISMC)
requirements of the following Indian Standards as IS 5374 Specifications for taper washer
appropriate: for I-beams (ISMB)
IS 1030 Specification for carbon steel IS 5624 Specifications for foundation
castings for general engineering bolts
IS 6610 Specifications for heavy
IS 1875 Specification for Carbon steel billets, washers for steel structures
blooms, slabs bars for forgings
IS 6623 Specifications for high strength
IS 2004 Specification for carbon steel structural nuts
forgings for general engineering
IS 6649 Specifications for hardened
and tempered washers for high
IS 2644 Specification for high tensile steel strength structural bolts and
castings for general engineering and nuts
structural purposes
IS 7002 Prevailing torque type hexagon
IS 4367 Specification for alloy steel forgings nuts (with non-metallic insert),
for general industrial use style 1 - Property Class 5, 8 and
5.2.5 Fasteners
Bolts, nuts, washers and rivets shall comply with the 5.2.6 Welding Consumables and Practices
following or relevant Indian Standards, as appropriate: Welding consumables and practices shall comply with
IS 1148 Steel rivet bars (medium and the following Indian standards, as appropriate:
high tensile) for structural IS 813 Scheme of symbols for welding
IS 814 Covered electrodes for manual
IS 1363 (Part 1 to 3) Hexagon head metal arc welding of carbon and
(Part 1 to 3) bolts, screws and nuts of carbon-manganese steel —
product grade ‘C’ (size range Specification
M5 to M64) — Specifications
IS 3613 Acceptance tests for wire-flux
IS 1364 Hexagon head bolts, screws combinations for submerged-arc
(Part 1) and nuts of product grades A & welding of structural steels
B (size range M1.6 to M64) —
Specifications IS 1395 Low and medium alloy steel covered
electrodes for manual metal arc
IS 1367 Technical supply conditions for welding — Specification
(Part 1 to 18) threaded steel fasteners
IS 6419 Welding rods and bare electrodes for
IS 1929 Hot forged steel rivets for gas shielded arc welding of structural
hot closing (12 to 36 mm steels
diameter) — Specifications
IS 6560 Molybdenum and
IS 2155 Specifications for Cold forged chromium-molybdenum low alloy
solid steel rivets for hot closing steel welding rods and bare electrodes
(6 to 16 mm diameter) for gas shielded arc welding —
IS 3640 Specifications for hexagon fit Specification
IS 7280 Specifications for bare wire
IS 3757 Specifications for high strength electrodes for submerged arc welding
structural bolts of structural steel
IS 4000 High strength bolts in steel IS 812 Glossary of terms relating to welding
structures-code of practice and cutting of metals
IS 5369 General requirements for plain IS 816 Code of practice for the use of metal
washers and lock washers arc welding for general construction
IS 5370 Specifications for plain washers in mild steel
with outside diameter = 3 ×
inside diameter

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IS 11384 : 2022

IS 822 Code of procedure for inspection of material specification and workmanship as stipulated in
welds IS 456. The strengths shall be specified in terms of
the characteristic compressive strengths of cubes,
IS 1024 Code of practice for the use of fck, measured at 28 days. The design provisions in this
welding in bridges and structures standard are applicable for concrete strength between
subject to dynamic loading M20 to M75. Specialist literature shall be adopted
IS 1182 Recommended practice for in composite design, while using concrete strength
radiographic examination of fusion outside this range.
welded butt joints in steel plates
5.3.2 Concrete grade shall be designated based on
IS 4853 Recommended practice for its characteristic strength. The three main categories
radiographic inspection of fusion of concrete strength grade are given below, and the
welded butt joints in steel pipes recommended design properties of Concrete are
IS 5334 Code of practice for magnetic particle correlated to 28-day characteristic compressive strength
flaw detection of welds unless specified otherwise. The mechanical properties
of Concrete namely, tensile strength and modulus of
IS 7307 Approval tests for welding elasticity, shall be determined as per IS 456. Additional
(Part 1) procedures: Part 1 Fusion welding of data for the same is given in Annex F.
a) Ordinary Concrete — Concrete grades up to M20
IS 7310 Approval tests for welders working are included in this type. It could be prepared by
(Part 1) to approved welding procedures: Part a nominal mix proportioned by the weight of its
1 Fusion welding of steel main ingredients.
IS 7318 Approval tests for welders when b) Standard Concrete — This type comprises of
(Part 1) welding procedure approval is not concrete grades from M25 to M50. It is made
required: Part 1 Fusion welding of based on a design mix proportioned by the weight
steel of its main ingredients, along with chemical
IS 9595 Recommendations for metal arc admixtures to achieve certain target values.
welding of carbon and carbon c) High strength concrete — Concrete grades from
manganese steels M60 to M80 are included in this type. Even
IS 15977 Classification and acceptance tests though usage of high strength concrete is allowed
for bare solid wire electrodes and in composite construction, capacity equations
wire flux combination for submerged specified in this provision shall not be directly
arc welding of structural steel — used in the design. Specialist literature and
Specification experimental results are required for using this
5.2.7 Wire Ropes and Cables 5.3.3 Lightweight Concrete
These shall conform to the following or relevant Indian Lightweight Concrete may be used in composite
standards except where use of other types is specifically construction, and the design provisions in this code
permitted by the authority: shall be used within a strength range of M20 to M60.
The mean tensile strength fctm, l and modulus of elasticity
IS 1785 Specification for plain hard-drawn Ecm, l of lightweight Concrete are to be calculated as
(Part 1) steel wire for pre-stressed concrete: modifications over the provisions in IS 456 as follows:
Part 1 Cold drawn stress-relieved
wire fctm, l = ηl fctm
IS 1785 Specification for plain hard-drawn Ecm, l = ηE Ecm
(Part 2) steel wire for pre-stressed concrete: The factors ηl and ηE are determined using the following
Part 2 As drawn wire equation:
IS 2266 Steel wire ropes for general 0.6 
engineering purposes l  0.4 
IS 2315 Thimbles for wire ropes

5.3 Concrete  2200 
Where, ρ is the upper limit of the oven dry density of
5.3.1 All structural reinforced Concrete shall be of the relevant class of lightweight Concrete, as given in
minimum grade M20 and shall be in accordance with Table 1.

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IS 11384 : 2022

Table 1 Density Classes and Corresponding Design Densities, ρ for Lightweight Concrete
( Clause 5.3.3 )
Sl Density Class, ρ 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
i) Density (kg/m3) 801-1000 1001-1200 1201-1400 1401-1600 1601-1800 1801-2000
Plain concrete 1050 1250 1450 1650 1850 2050
ii) Density (kg/m3)
Reinforced concrete 1150 1350 1550 1750 1950 2150

5.3.4 Design of concrete components of a composite c) Stainless Steel Reinforcements — Properties of

structure against creep shrinkage and temperature stress stainless steel reinforcement shall not be inferior
may be done as indicated in IS 456 or as per specialist to carbon steel reinforcement of corresponding
literature. strength and class. These reinforcements are
5.4 Reinforcement Steel conforming to IS 16651.
5.4.1 Reinforcement steel shall consist of hot rolled, 6 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS
thermo-mechanically treated or heat-treated rods,
de-coiled rods or cold-worked steel of various grades as This section is applicable to composite structures in
given in Table 2. The grade designations and strength which most of the members are composite. Where the
properties are given in Table 3. structural behaviour is essentially that of reinforced
or prestressed concrete, with only a few composite
Table 2 Grades of Reinforcing Steel members, analysis provisions of IS 456 or IS 1343
( Clause 5.4 ) respectively shall be used. Similarly, where the
structural behaviour is essentially that of structural
Sl Types of Steel Grade/Designation Relevant steel, with only a few composite members, analysis
No. Standard
provisions of IS 800 shall be used.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) Mild Steel (MS) Grade - I IS 432 6.1 Modelling and Basic Assumptions
(Part 1)
6.1.1 Local Buckling of Plate Elements of Steel Section
ii) High yield strength Fe 415, Fe 415S,
deformed (HYSD)
and Section Classification
Fe 415D ,
Fe 500, Fe 500S, IS 1786
The types of elements that are encountered in steel
sections are listed below:
Fe 500D, Fe 550,
Fe 550D, Fe 600 a) Internal elements are elements attached along
both longitudinal edges to other elements or
5.4.2 The minimum strength of reinforcing steel as to longitudinal stiffeners connected at suitable
specified in IS 456 is either the yield stress in case of intervals to transverse stiffeners, for example, web
mild steel or 0.2 percent proof strength in case of high of I-section and flanges and web of box section.
yield strength steel and it is notionally taken as the b) Outside elements or outstands are elements
characteristic strength of reinforcement fyk. attached along only one of the longitudinal edges
5.4.3 The steel may be coated or galvanized to improve to an adjacent element, the other edge being free to
its corrosion resistance. The following corrosion displace out of plane for example, flange overhang
resistive steel may be used as reinforcements: of an I-section, the stem of T-section and legs of
an angle section.
a) Galvanized Reinforcements — The strength,
c) Tapered elements may be treated as a flat elements
elongation and bond properties are not adversely
having an average thickness as defined in IS 808.
affected by galvanizing.
b) Epoxy-coated Reinforcements — These are 6.1.2 The section strength at the ultimate limit state
reinforcements conforming to IS 1786 coated by should be considered based on their ability to resist
fusion bonding epoxy conforming to IS 13620. The local buckling before full plastic strength is developed.
bond of coated reinforcements is lowered by up to In this respect, the structural steel sections may be
20 percent compared to un-coated reinforcements. classified as given in IS 800. Guidelines for sectional
The lap length and anchorage length shall be classification of composite sections with and without
increased by 25 percent while using these steel bars. concrete encasements are given below:

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Table 3 Strength of Reinforcing Steel

( Clause 5.4.1 )
Sl No. Type of Steel Grade/Designation Minimum Yield Minimum Tensile Strength, as Minimum
Stress/0.2 Percent Proof Stress Percent of the Actual Percent
0.2 Percent Proof Stress/Yield Elongation
stress but not less than
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
i) Mild Steel Grade-I Bars up to and including 410 MPa 23.0
20 mm dia = 250 MPa
Bar dia > 20 mm and ≤ 50 mm 410 MPa 23.0
= 240 MPa
ii) High Fe 415 110 Percent (≥ 485 MPa) 14.5
415 MPa
Yield Fe 415D/S 112 Percent (≥ 500 MPa) 18.0
Strength Fe 500 108 Percent (≥ 545 MPa) 12.0
500 MPa
Deformed Fe 500D/S 110 Percent (≥ 565 MPa) 16.0
Steel Fe 550 110 Percent (≥ 585 MPa) 10.0
550 MPa
(HYSD) Fe 550 D/S 108 Percent (≥ 600 MPa) 14.5
Fe 600 600 MPa 106 Percent (≥ 600 MPa) 10.0

1 Elongation on a gauge length of 5.65√A, where A is the cross-sectional area of the test piece, when tested in accordance with
IS 1608 (Part 1).
2 For Seismic Zone III, IV and V; HYSD steel bars having a minimum elongation of 14.5 percent and conforming to other requirements
of IS 1786 shall be used.
3 For Seismic Zone III, IV and V; Structural steel maximum yield strength shall not exceed specified minimum value by more than
20 percent and conforming to other requirements of IS 1786 shall be used.

a) Composite sections in 5.4, only can be used in evaluating the

1) Steel compression elements (plates) in strength in the hogging moment regions of
a composite section should be classified the composite members. The welded wire
according to the least favourable class of steel mesh should not be used in the section unless
elements in compression. it has been shown to have sufficient ductility
as required. When the design resisting moment
2) The class of a composite section depends on
of the full or partial composite members is
the direction of the bending moment at that
evaluated based on either simple rectangular
stress block or parabolic stress block, the
3) A steel compression element restrained by minimum area of steel reinforcement, Ast,
a reinforced concrete element through shear used within the effective width of the concrete
connectors may be placed in a more favourable flange should satisfy the following:
class, after ensuring its improved local buckling
resistance due to the above connection. 1 f ctm
Ast ≥ Ac α kc
4) Plastic stress distribution over the cross section ε 2 f yk
should be used for section classifications 1
and 2. In classification 3, the elastic stress ε = 250 / f y .
distribution should be used taking into account Ac = Effective area of the concrete flange.
the sequence of construction and the effects of fy = Nominal value of yield strength of
creep and shrinkage. structural steel, in MPa.
5) For classification, design values of the strength fyk = Characteristic yield strength of tension
of materials should be taken. Concrete in reinforcement, in MPa.
tension should be neglected. The stress
fctm = Mean tensile strength of Concrete, in MPa
distribution should be established for the gross
(Annex F).
cross-section of the steel web and the effective
concrete flanges. 1
 0.3  1.0 .
kc =
6) The tension capacity of steel reinforcements (1  ds /  2 z0  
satisfying the ductility requirements specified

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α = 1.06 for compact section, 1.17 for plastic 20ε tw adjacent to the plastic neutral axis of the
section. effective cross-section where ε = 250 / f y
ds = thickness of concrete slab excluding and tw is the thickness of the web.
haunch if any. c) Composite section with concrete encasements
z0 = vertical distance between the centroid 1) Steel outstand flange shall be classified as per
of the uncracked concrete slab and the Table 4.
centroid of the uncracked effective 2) In partially concrete-encased I-section
composite section using the modular ratio (Fig. 2), wherein the concrete is effectively
m for short term loading. attached to the web with stud or any
7) The welded mesh should not be included in reinforcement and covers on each side of the
the effective section unless it has sufficient at least 80 percent of the flange overhang,
ductility before fracture when embedded in the limiting overhang width of the flange to
concrete. thickness ratio, b/tf , for section classification
8) Account should be taken of the class of steel may be taken as given in Table 4, where
section at every stage of construction in the ε = 250 / f y .
global elastic analysis.
b) Composite sections without concrete encasements Table 4 Encased I Section Classification
1) A steel compression flange that is restrained [ Clause 6.1.2 (c) ]
from buckling by effective attachment to
Sl Section Flange Overhang to Thickness Ratio
a concrete flange by shear connectors may No. (b/tf)
be assumed to be in class 1 if the maximum
spacing of the connectors is in accordance Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
with 11.6.3. Plastic Compact Semi-compact

2) Other steel flanges and webs in compression (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
in the composite beams should be classified i) Rolled Section 9.4 ε 10.5 ε 15.7 ε
on the basis of width to thickness ratios and ii) Welded Section 8.4 ε 9.4 ε 13.6 ε
susceptibility to local buckling of steel only
unless they are also restrained by concrete 6.1.3 Joints
as in columns. Accordingly, sections are Joints in a composite structure may be modelled as:
categorized into three groups as indicated in
IS 800. a) Hinged, wherein the connection transfers only
axial force and shear force, and negligible moment
3) In beams, cross-sections with webs in Class 3 may be assumed to be transferred.
and flanges in class 1 or 2 may be treated as
an effective cross-section in Class 2 with an b) Rigid, wherein relative deformation between
effective web in accordance with Fig. 1. The the members being joined is negligible due to
proportion of the web in compression should rigid nature of the joint, and the compatibility of
be replaced by a part of 20ε tw adjacent to deformation of the adjacent members at the joint
the compression flange, with another part of may be assumed in the analysis.

Fig. 1 Effective Class 2 Web in Bending

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Fig. 2 Partially Encased I Section

c) Semi-rigid, wherein the joint deformation under under deformed configuration. Such an analysis is
the force transferred across the joint should be referred to as second-order analysis.
modelled. First-order analysis is adequate if the increase
The effects of the deformation behaviour of the joints in the internal forces or moments due to actions on
on the internal force resultants and deformations in the the deformation from the first-order analysis is less
members and structure may be generally neglected. than 10 percent. This may be assumed to be satisfied
However, where such effects may be significant (such if the ratio of the Pcr /Pd is greater than or equal to 10,
as in semi-rigid connections), they shall be considered where Pcr is the load corresponding to elastic instability
as discussed in IS 800. of the member or structure as a whole and Pd, is the
factored design compressive load. In evaluating the
6.1.4 Foundation Support elastic critical load, Pcr, effect of cracking and creep of
Normally the support from the foundation may be concrete, deformation of the joint shall be considered.
assumed as hinged or rigid, depending on the soil
condition and foundation type. Effects of support 6.1.6 Imperfections
deformation may be considered, where significant, as Effects of imperfections in the member (local
given in IS 800. imperfections) and imperfections in the overall
geometry of the structure should be considered if they
6.1.5 Deformation of the Structure are significant. The first order analysis does not account If under the external actions, the deformations for these, and hence the design method used should
are small, then the analysis can be done by studying consider these effects. The second-order analysis should
the equilibrium of the undeformed structure. Such an include the imperfections in the modelling, if the ratio
analysis is referred to as first-order analysis or linear of the factored design loads to the elastic critical load,
elastic analysis. Pd/Pcr < 4.0. If the second-order analysis does not include
the imperfection effects (when Pd/Pcr ≥ 4.0), the design If under the external actions, the deformations method used should consider the imperfection effects.
are large enough to significantly affect or modify If the second-order analysis includes imperfection
the structural behaviour, then the analysis should be modelling, then the design method shall not include the
performed considering the equilibrium of the structure effects of imperfections.

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6.1.7 Shear Lag and Effective Width of Flanges load considering the effects of the staged construction
The effectiveness of steel and concrete flanges is may be obtained by superposing the analysis results
reduced due to shear deformation in their plane either for different loads obtained from different appropriate
through rigorous analysis or by using effective width of models for the stage of construction.
the concrete as given in 8.3.3 and that of steel flanges The effect of the sequence of construction may be
as given in IS 800. neglected in structures made of plastic and compact
steel sections and the model corresponding to the final
6.1.8 Creep, Shrinkage and Temperature stage of construction may be utilized for the ultimate
The effect of creep of concrete on the internal forces can limit state, other than fatigue.
be accounted by using effective modulus of elasticity of
concrete, as recommended in IS 456, by considering 6.2 Methods of Global Analysis
the creep and the age of concrete at the time of loading. Different methods of global analysis, as discussed
The shrinkage strain may be taken as recommended in in the following sections, are permitted. The design
IS 456 or as per specialized literature. and member strength check methods are chosen to
When permanent loads are imposed in several stages, be consistent with assumptions in analysis and actual
one mean value of time may be used for calculating global/member behaviour. Linear elastic first order
creep coefficient. Such a mean value may also be used method is most commonly used, but the second order
for evaluating prestressing deformations if the age effects and member imperfection effects etc., have to be
of the relevant portion of the concrete at the time of taken care of in the design and member check stages.
prestressing is more than 14 days. 6.2.1 Linear Elastic Analysis
If a prefabricated and prestressed concrete slab is made
composite with structural steel subsequently, the creep Effect of cracking of concrete in tension, creep,
and shrinkage values only after the composite action shrinkage, temperature, prestressing and sequence of
becomes effective are to be taken. construction should be considered in the linear elastic
analysis, as discussed in 6.1 and 7. Forces and moments
The effects of creep, shrinkage and differential from the linear elastic analysis may be used even when
temperature, in terms of internal forces, moments and the design is based on the ultimate limit state. In the case
deformation in determinate structure and indeterminate of continuous structures with hogging moments over
structures, where compatibility is not enforced, are supports, evaluation of the effective section at supports
referred to as ‘primary effects’. In indeterminate may be necessary, as mentioned in 8.3.3. Appropriate
structures, wherein the compatibility of deformation load combinations with corresponding load factors are
is ensured in the analysis, the additional effects of to be used to find out the maximum design values of
enforcing compatibility are referred to as ‘secondary moments and shears.
The stability of a structure as a whole against
The effects of creep, shrinkage, and temperature are overturning shall be ensured under the limit state as
normally neglected in analysis for the ultimate limit per provisions of IS 456. The foundation components
state other than fatigue for composite members, in of the structure shall also be safe against sliding under
which steel sections used should meet either plastic or adverse conditions of the applied characteristic loads.
compact classification. The following factor of safety shall be ensured:
The characteristic values of indirect actions due to a) Overturning — The stability of a structure as a
the controlled imposed deformations (e.g. jacking of whole against overturning shall be ensured so
supports) may be calculated using the characteristic that the restoring moment shall not be less than
or nominal values of material properties in prestressed the sum of 1.2 times the maximum overturning
indeterminate composite beams and slabs unless a moment due to the characteristic dead load and
more accurate method is followed. 1.4 times the maximum overturning moment due
6.1.9 Cracking of Concrete to the characteristic imposed loads. In cases where
dead load provides the restoring moment, only
The effect of cracking of concrete in tension zones, 0.9 times the characteristic dead load as per
as obtained from elastic analysis of the uncracked IS 456 shall be considered. Restoring moments
concrete model, may be considered by using effective due to imposed loads shall be ignored.
stiffness of cracked concrete as give in IS 456.
b) Sliding — The structure shall have a factor against
6.1.10 Sequence of Construction sliding of not less than 1.4 under the most adverse
combination of the applied characteristic forces.
Depending upon the type of construction
In this case also, only 0.9 times the characteristic
(propped/unpropped, prestressed, precast etc.) the
dead load shall be taken into account if it assists in
model for different stages of loading may differ. For the
resisting sliding.
resultant internal forces, stresses and deflection at service

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c) Instability — Linear elastic instability analysis 6.2.2 Non-Linear Global Analysis

of member and the global system is possible, The non-linear analysis may be performed as specified
wherein first order assumptions and the resulting in IS 800. The non-linear behaviour of the shear
eigenvalue problem leads to eigenvalues as the connection shall be taken into account. Effects of
instability load. deformed geometry of the structure, imperfections, Redistribution of moments from first order joint and foundations, creep, shrinkage, temperature,
analysis stages of loading shall be taken into account as
discussed in 6.1.
Bending moments obtained from the linear elastic
analysis of indeterminate slabs, beams and frames in 6.2.3 Rigid Plastic Analysis
composite structures in buildings may be redistributed
Rigid plastic global analysis may be used in composite
to a limited extent as given below while ensuring the
structures to obtain ultimate limit state design values
equilibrium is still satisfied:
other than fatigue if the conditions given below are
a) concrete members are subjected primarily to satisfied. Second-order effects, imperfections, creep,
flexure in accordance with IS 456; shrinkage, temperature effects, etc. need not be
b) steel members satisfy the plastic section considered in the rigid plastic analysis. The effect of
requirements of IS 800; alternating plasticity due to variable loading need not
c) composite members have partial or full shear be normally considered in buildings.
connection as given in 11; a) All the members and joints of the frame are either
d) redistributed internal forces and moments should composite or structural steel.
satisfy equilibrium; b) Material and cross-section should satisfy
e) inelastic behaviour of the material, and local and requirements of plastic analysis as given in
lateral-torsional buckling should allow such a IS 800;
redistribution; c) Joints are able to sustain the plastic resisting
f) at least one end of the beam should be connected by moments over a large plastic hinge rotation;
rigid or full-strength joint to the adjacent member; d) Critical plastic hinge location shall satisfy the
g) each span is of uniform depth. following requirements:
Table 5 gives the maximum percentage reduction in the 1) Cross-section of the structural steel section
hogging bending moments obtained from linear elastic shall be symmetric about the plane of bending.
global analysis, in composite beams, unless it is verified 2) restraints are provided to prevent lateral
that the plastic rotation capacity permits a higher value. torsional buckling.
3) lateral restraint is provided to the compression
Table 5 Limits to Percentage Redistribution of flange at all critical plastic hinge section under
Hogging Bending Moments Obtained from Linear any loading.
Elastic Analysis
4) The rotation capacity of the section, considering
( Clause ) any axial compression at the section, should be
Classification of the Plastic Compact Semi- Slender adequate to permit the plastic hinge rotation to
cross-section in the compact form the plastic collapse mechanism.
hogging moment 5) When rotation requirements are not calculated
and ensured, all effective sections at potential
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) plastic hinge locations should be of plastic
For un-cracked 40 30 20 10 classification.
section analysis
e) The plastic hinge rotation capacity in composite
sections may be assumed to be adequate where:
For cracked section 25 15 10 0
analysis moment 1) the yield strength of structural steel does not
exceed 450 MPa.
2) the concrete slab is of normal density concrete,
1 For grades of steel having yield strength greater than
having a characteristic strength within the
360 MPa, redistribution is applicable to beams with plastic or
compact cross-sections. In the redistribution, the reduction in
range of 25 MPa to 50 MPa.
hogging moment should not exceed the values for compact 3) contribution of reinforced concrete encasement
sections given in Table 5, unless it is demonstrated that rotation in compression is neglected in calculating
capacity permits a higher value. design moment resistance.
2 The limits in Table 5 for semi-compact and slender sections
4) all effective steel sections at potential plastic
relate to bending moments to be resisted by composite members
and moment to be resisted by bare steel section should not be
hinge rotation should be plastic, and all the
redistributed. other sections should be plastic or compact.

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5) all beam connection to adjacent analysis about the stage of loading and the effectiveness
beams/columns should have adequate plastic of the system resisting the load. In the ultimate limit
rotation capacity or should have a design state, however, this distinction is not necessary while
resisting moment of at least 1.2 times the checking for flexural resistance. For the design of steel
design plastic resistance of the adjacent beam. components and concrete deck, stipulations of IS 800
6) structural steel compression flange at plastic and IS 456 and this standard shall be applied.
hinge location should be laterally restrained. 7.1.2 The sequence of construction should be considered
7) adjacent span lengths do not differ by more as an integral part of the design process, for example,
than 50 percent of the shorter span length. when calculating the stresses under serviceability limit
8) the end span length is not more than criteria. The sequence and method of construction
115 percent of the adjacent span length. need to be mentioned in the drawings. Additional
9) at plastic sections with the concrete slab is information such as the position of construction joints,
under compression, not more than 15 percent if any, may also be included in the drawings.
of the total depth of the section shall be under Where the composite section is loaded before the
compression at the ultimate moment unless the concrete has attained its 28-days characteristic
plastic hinge at the section is the last to form cube strength, the elastic properties and limiting
(not requiring much plastic hinge rotation). compressive strength of the concrete, and the nominal
10) Plastic hinges shall not be located in composite strengths of shear connectors should be based upon
columns unless plastic rotation capacity can be the cube strength of the concrete at the time of
verified. loading. Where a partially cast slab is assumed to act
compositely, the shear connection should be designed
11) The lateral support to the compression flange
for this condition as well as for the final condition. In
shall be located within half the depth of the calculating deflections, consideration should be given
steel section from the plastic hinge section. to the sequence of construction and, where appropriate,
12) Sections away from plastic hinge regions should proper account should be taken of the pre-camber
satisfy at least compact section requirements. of steel section, the deflections of the steel section
due to loads applied to it prior to the development
7 LIMIT STATE DESIGN of composite action and of partial composite action
where deck slabs are cast in stages. In execution, the
7.1 General rate and sequence of concreting should be required to
In the limit state design method, the structure shall be be such that partly matured concrete is not damaged
designed to withstand safely all loads likely to act on as a result of limited composite action occurring from
it throughout its life. The objective of the design is to the deformation of the steel beams under subsequent
arrive at a structure that will remain fit for use during concreting operations.
its life with acceptable target reliability. In other words,
the probability of a limit state being reached during its 7.2 Limit States
lifetime should be very low. The acceptable limit for A composite structure or part of it is considered unfit
the safety and serviceability requirements before failure for use when it exceeds a particular state called the limit
occurs is called a limit state. In general, the structure state, beyond which it infringes on one of the criteria
shall be designed on the basis of the most critical limit governing its performance or use. The limit states can
state and shall be checked for other limit states. be classified into the following categories:
For satisfactory functioning of a structure during its a) Ultimate Limit State.
design life conditions, stipulations and directives laid b) Serviceability Limit State.
down in IS 800 and IS 456 shall be adequately satisfied
for all steel-concrete composite structures. c) Fatigue Limit State.

7.1.1 Effect of Construction Sequence 7.2.1 Ultimate Limit State

The linear elastic method is valid for the analysis of It is the state when under the worst combination of
the structure after considering load history, sequence factored loads the structure or its components either
of concrete casting and development of composite reach design strength or becomes unstable. Both
strength. In the case of propped construction, most of stability and strength need to be checked under the
the initial dead load is resisted through the beam -prop ultimate limit state.
system and the steel beam remains basically unstressed In steel-concrete composite structures used in buildings
at this stage. In the case of un-propped construction, or general constructions, the significant ultimate limit
the steel beam alone have to carry the initial dead load states to be considered are as follows:
and construction loads. Consequently, stresses and a) Collapse due to flexural, shear or bearing failure
deflections at this stage shall not exceed specified design of one or more critical sections or components,
limits. The necessary distinction has to be made in the

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b) Collapse due to horizontal shear failure at the causing failure of the structure and its components
interface between the steel beam and the concrete or causing hindrances to the smooth operation of the
slab or composite slab system involving concrete structure for which it is intended.
slab and embossed profiled sheets,
7.4 Design Actions (Loads)
c) Collapse due to the vertical separation of the
concrete/composite slab from the steel beams, and 7.4.1 Actions (loads) are classified into three main
d) Collapse due to shear failure between steel and categories:
concrete components of the composite column a) Permanent or dead loads — Loads due to
or due to buckling of both fully/partially concrete self-weight of structural and non-structural
encased steel columns or Concrete filled hollow components, fittings, ancillaries, and fixed
sections used as columns. equipment etc. Dead loads shall be calculated on
7.2.2 Serviceability Limit States the basis of unit weights which shall be established
taking into consideration the materials specified
It is the state at which any of the following conditions for construction. Alternatively, the dead loads
occur during the loads encountered under construction may be calculated on the basis of nominal
and service: dimensions and unit weights of materials given in
a) Stress in structural steel has reached the prescribed IS 875 (Part 1).
limit. b) Variable or live loads — Construction and
b) Stress in concrete has reached the prescribed limit. service stage loads such as imposed (live) loads
c) Deflection of a structure or its component reaches (for example, crane loads, impact, etc.), wind
the prescribed limit. loads, snow loads and other loads shall be
assumed in accordance with IS 875 (Parts 1 to 5)
d) Concrete crack width reaches the prescribed limit. and the earthquake forces shall be calculated in
e) Slip at the interface between steel and concrete accordance with IS 1893 (Part 1).
exceeds the prescribed limit. c) Accidental loads — Accidental loads are actions
f) Vibration becomes excessive, especially at or loads expected due to explosions and the
overhangs. impact of vehicles, etc. The characteristic values
g) Excessive corrosion affecting the durability of the of accidental loads generally correspond to the
structure. value specified by relevant code, standard or
h) Unacceptable effects due to fire. client. Design for the accidental load is generally
not required in every building unless it is required
7.2.3 Fatigue Limit State by the client or approving authority, in which
It is the state at which stress range due to the application case, general recommendations given in IS 800 or
of live loads reaches the prescribed limit, corresponding specialist literature shall be followed.
to the number of load cycles and detail configuration. 7.4.2 Other than the actions due to the externally applied
loads as given in 7.4.1, if the effects of shrinkage, creep
7.3 Design Philosophy
and temperature are liable to affect material safety and
For ensuring the design objectives, the design should serviceability of the structure, these shall be accounted
be based on the characteristic values for material for in the design calculations [see IS 875 (Part 5)].
strengths (resistance) and applied loads (actions),
which take into account the probability of variations in 7.4.3 Load Combination
the material strengths and in the loads to be supported. The different combinations of loads considered shall
The characteristic values should be based on statistical be as given in IS 875 (Part 5). For each combination,
data, if available. Where such data is not available, they different partial safety factors for loads, γf are assigned
should be based on experiments. The design values are to different loads to account for:
derived from the characteristic values through the use
of partial safety factors, both for material strengths and a) Possibility of unfavourable deviation of the load
for loads. In the absence of special considerations, these from the characteristic value,
factors should have the values given in this section b) Possibility of inaccurate assessment of the load,
according to the material, the type of load and the limit c) Uncertainty in the assessment of effects of the
state, being considered. The reliability of the design is load, and
achieved by ensuring that: d) Uncertainty in the assessment of the limit states
Design Action (Load) ≤ Design Strength (Resistance) being considered.
Design action refers to the external actions or load The loads or load effects shall be multiplied by the
which act on the structure and the design resistance relevant γf factors, given in Table 6, to calculate the
refers to the maximum resistance the structure and design loads or design load effects.
its components provides to resist the actions without

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Table 6 Partial Safety Factor for Loads, γf for the Limit States
( Clause 7.4.3 )
Combination Limit State of Strength Limit State of Serviceability


Leading Accompanying Leading Accompanying

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
DL+LL+CL 1.5 1.5 1.05 – – 1.0 1.0 1.0 –
DL+LL+CL+ WL/EL 1.2 1.2 1.05 0.6
1.2 1.2 0.53 1.2 – 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8
DL+WL/EL 1.5
(0.9) 1) – – 1.5 – 1.0 – – 1.0
DL+ER 1.2 –
(0.9)1) 1.2 – – – – – –

DL+LL+AL 1.0 0.35 0.35 – 1.0 – – – –

 This value is to be considered when the dead load contribution to stability against overturning is critical or the dead load causes a
reduction in stress due to other loads.
 When the action of different live loads is simultaneously considered, the leading live load shall be considered to be the one causing
the higher load effects in the member/section.
NOTE — The effects of actions (loads) in terms of stresses or stress resultants may be obtained from an appropriate method of
Abbreviations: DL = Dead Load, LL = Imposed Load (Live Loads), WL = Wind Load, CL = Crane Load (Vertical/horizontal),
AL = Accidental Load, ER = Erection Load, EL = Earthquake Load.

Table 7 Partial Safety Factor for Material, γm

( Clause 7.5 )
Sl No. Material Item Partial Safety Factor γm

Strength Limit State Serviceability Limit

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
i) Structural Steel, and steel Resistance against yield stress, γm0 1.10 1.00
Resistance of member to buckling, γm0 1.10 1.00
Resistance against ultimate stress, γm1 1.25 1.00
For accidental load combinations, γm0, γm1 1.00 1.00
ii) Reinforcement Reinforcement resistance against yield stress, γk 1.15 1.00
iii) Shear connectors Yield stress, γmv 1.25 1.00
iv) Connections Bolts-friction type, γmf 1.25 1.00
Bolts-bearing type, γmb 1.25 1.00
Rivets, γmr 1.25 1.00
Welds for shop fabrication, γmw 1.25 1.00
Welds for site fabrication, γmw 1.50 1.00
v) Concrete For basic and seismic load combinations, γc 1.50 1.00
For accidental load combinations, γc 1.20 1.00

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7.5 Material Strength and Partial Safety Factor an alternative method. Both methods and
The design strength, Sd of a structural component, the design resistance equations are given in
is obtained as given below from nominal ultimate Annex B.
strength, Su, and partial safety factors for material NOTE — Critical cross-sections include the following:
strength, γm. a) sections where the bending moment is maximum;
b) at the faces of support;
Sd = Su/ γm
c) sections adjacent to concentrated force or reactions;
Where, the partial safety factor for materials, γm, d) locations where a sudden change of cross-section
(see Table 7), account for: occurs; (ratio of greater to lesser resisting moment
a) Possibility of unfavorable deviation of material at adjacent sections exceeds 1.2), (changes due to
cracking of concrete not to be included).
strength from the characteristic value,
b) Possibility of unfavorable variation of member 8.1.2 Ultimate Bending Resistance
sizes, For determining the position of the plastic neutral axis
c) Possibility of unfavorable reduction in member and the ultimate moment of resistance of composite
strength due to fabrication and tolerances, and beams, the guidelines given in Annex B may be used.
d) Uncertainty in the calculation of the strength of General
the members.
Composite constructions of types: (a) Top flange of
8 DESIGN FOR ULTIMATE LIMIT STATES steel beam supporting the concrete slab (Fig. 3) and
(b) composite slab resting on structural steel beam
8.1 Composite Beams (Fig. 4) are included in this design philosophy. A
Composite beams shall be checked for the following: typical composite beam arrangement is shown in
Fig. 3, where cast in place or precast RC slab is directly
a) resistance to flexure; resting on the steel beam. Fig. 4 depicts a composite
b) resistance to lateral-torsional buckling; slab consisting of RC and profiled deck sheet (with or
c) resistance to web shear buckling; and without embossments) and supported on a structural
d) resistance to longitudinal shear (between steel and steel beam, parallel and perpendicular to the steel beam,
concrete components). respectively. The neutral axis may be in the concrete
slab, in the top flange of the steel section, or in the web
8.1.1 Assumptions of the steel section.
Design for the limit state of collapse in flexure shall be Bending moments and shears due to the application
based on the assumptions given below: of factored loads may be analyzed in indeterminate
1) Plane sections normal to the neutral axis structures by elastic theory assuming the concrete in
remain plane and normal after bending; the slab as un-cracked and unreinforced.
2) The maximum strain in concrete at the Hogging moments over internal supports as calculated
outermost compression fiber at collapse is above should be checked against section resistance
taken as 0.0035 in bending as per IS 456; assuming steel beam acting integrally with concrete
3) The tensile strength of the concrete is ignored; (considering un-cracked and unreinforced). If the
flexural tensile stress in concrete thus calculated
4) The stress-strain curve for the reinforcing steel exceeds the tensile strength of concrete, fctk, 0.05 in
shall be assumed to be the same as given in Annex F then a new analysis, neglecting concrete but
IS 456; including reinforcements over the effective width of
5) The properties of structural steel shall be taken the slab (see 8.3.3) and over 15 percent of the span on
as given in IS 800. each side of the support should be done to calculate the
6) The stress-strain curve for concrete may required design resistance, provided adjacent spans do
be taken to be the same as given in IS 456. not differ appreciably.
The corresponding parabolic stress block The redistribution of elastic analysis moment of
may be used to evaluate the design bending indeterminate structure, as recommended in,
resistance of composite beams and slab. The is allowed to arrive at the design moments in the case
bending resistance of a composite beam for of plastic beams. Design for plastic analysis moments
the value of concrete stress using an equivalent (as given in 6.2.3) is permitted in the case of beams
rectangular stress block, which simplifies the classified as plastic.
design resistance equation, may be used as

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Fig. 3 Typical Composite Beams without Profiled Decking Sheet

Fig. 4 Typical Composite Beams with Profiled Decking Sheet (A) Ribs Parallel To Beams (B) Ribs
Perpendicular to Beams

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The bottom flange of the beam in the hogging moment e) To ensure full bond between the cast in-situ
zone should be adequately braced against lateral concrete and precast panels, it is recommended that
buckling. Otherwise, lateral buckling resistance has to the top surface of the precast panel is intentionally
be evaluated as recommended in B-4. roughened while casting it and is cleaned by
removing the laitance or other contaminants on
8.2 Precast Slab on Steel Beam the surface and other measures may be taken,
The use of precast slab, both full depth and partial before the placement of the cast in-situ concrete
depth, is allowed for composite construction as one so as to ensure a good bond between precast and
of the components of composite beams. Precast slabs cast in place concrete.
shall be erected and connected to the steel section so as f) After the precast panels are in place, the top layer
to ensure composite action along with the steel beam. of the reinforcing steel shall be placed over it, and
8.2.1 Full Depth Precast Slab the cast in-situ concrete shall be placed on top of
the panels.
Full-depth precast concrete deck panels may be used
for new construction as well as for the replacement of 8.2.3 General Design Principles
deteriorated concrete decks on existing steel beams so The design of precast slabs is based on the following
as to obtain composite action. This shall be ensured by principles:
proper shear connection during the erection of these
precast panels. The typical requirements for these types a) The precast slab together with any in-situ concrete
of beams are as given below: (for partial depth slab) should be designed as
continuous in both the longitudinal and the
a) Panels shall either span the full width of the
transverse direction.
concreting deck or shall be in lengths that span
between two or more parallel beams. The b) The joints between slabs should be designed to
minimum thickness of the slab shall be 150 mm. transmit membrane forces as well as bending
moment and shear forces.
b) The panels shall be connected to the beams
using shear connectors in pockets, which consist c) The effective width of precast slab in the composite
of mechanical connectors, such as shear studs beam action shall be calculated as per 8.3.3.
encapsulated in non-shrinking grouted pockets. d) The design principles of composite beam involving
These connections cause the panels to develop either full depth or partial depth precast slabs are
composite action with the beam. similar to standard composite decks using cast
c) The contact between the precast panels at their in-situ reinforced concrete.
longitudinal edge should ensure transfer of e) Vertical shear check of the composite beam shall
compression between the panels, necessary for be done as per 8.3.6.
composite action.
f) For serviceability limit states, guidelines given in
8.2.2 Partial Depth Precast Slab 7.2.2 and 9 shall be followed.
Partial depth precast concrete deck panels are generally 8.2.4 Joints between Steel Beam and Precast Concrete
thin RCC/prestressed concrete panels that span Slab
between beams and also serve as forms/shuttering for
a) Where precast slabs are supported on steel beams
the cast-in-place concrete deck. The typical geometrical
without bedding, the influence of the vertical
parameters that govern the use of these panels as a
composite unit for the floor system are as given below: tolerances of the bearing surfaces shall be
a) The minimum thickness of the precast panels shall
b) The shear transfer between steel flange and precast
be 75 mm.
concrete through mechanical shear connector
b) As a composite floor system, the cast in-situ shall be designed as per 11 with the following
concrete and the partial-depth panels together precautions:
create the total thickness of the slab, with the
panel’s reinforcing steel serving as the positive 1) If shear connectors are welded to the steel
moment reinforcement in the bending direction of beam projecting into the recesses within the
the combined slab. slabs or joints between slabs, which are filled
with concrete after erection, the detailing and
c) Dimensions of the precast panels shall be chosen the properties of the concrete should be such
from consideration of easy handling, ease of lifting that it can be cast properly.
by cranes and for catering to the construction
loads, including load of wet cast in-situ concrete. 2) The minimum infill around the shear
connectors should be at least 25 mm.
d) Partial-depth panels must be capable of developing
sufficient composite action with the cast in-situ 3) If shear connectors are arranged in groups,
concrete to be an effective floor system. sufficient reinforcement should be provided

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near each group to prevent premature local 8.3 Design Method

failure in either the precast or the in-situ Connections should, where possible, be designed
concrete. in accordance with the generally accepted methods
4) Special provision for protection against applicable to reinforced concrete or structural steel.
corrosion shall be adopted, wherein the steel
flange under precast slabs without bedding 8.3.1 General Considerations in Design Details
should have the same corrosion protection as In addition to ultimate resistance requirements, the
the rest of the steelwork in addition to the top following should be considered:
coating provided after erection.
a) Protection — Connections should be designed so
5) Bedding with the purpose of protecting against
that the standard of protection against weather and
corrosion may be designed to be non-load
corrosion required for the rest of the structure is
sufficiently maintained.
8.2.5 Joints between Precast members b) Appearance — Where connections are to be
The critical sections of members close to joints should exposed, they should be designed to achieve and
be designed to resist the most adverse combination of maintain the quality of appearance required for the
shear, axial force and bending caused by the ultimate rest of the structure.
vertical and horizontal forces. When the design of c) Manufacture, assembly, and erection — Methods
the precast members is based on the assumption that of manufacture and erection should be considered
the joint between them is not capable of transmitting during design. Care should be taken during erection
bending moment (see 8.3.4), suitable precautions and the following precautions are mandatory:
should be taken to ensure that if any crack developed
is not excessive, and reduce the shear or axial force 1) Where projecting bars or sections are required,
resistance of the member and should not be aesthetically they should be kept to a minimum and made
or functionally objectionable. as simple as possible. The lengths of such
projections should be not more than necessary.
Where space is left between two or more precast units, to
be filled later with in-situ concrete or non-shrink grout, 2) Fixing devices should be located in concrete
the gap should be large enough for easy placement and sections of adequate strength.
adequate compaction of the filling material to fill the 3) The practicability of both casting and assembly
gap completely. should be considered.
4) Most connections require the introduction of
8.2.6 Structural Connection at Joints
suitable jointing material. Sufficient space
When designing and detailing the connections across should be allowed in the design for such
joints between precast members the overall stability of material to ensure that the proper filling of the
the structure, including its stability during construction, joint is possible.
shall be considered, a typical joint connection is shown
in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5 Typical Joint Connection For Partial Depth Precast Slab

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8.3.2 Reinforcement Continuity at Joint Reinforcements placed parallel to the steel beam within
Where continuity of reinforcement is required through the effective width of the concrete slab should be
the connection, the joining method used should be such considered for hogging moment resistance calculation
that the assumptions made in analyzing the structure of the composite beam at the continuous support.
and critical sections are realized. The standard methods b) The effective width at an end beam may be
applicable for achieving continuity of reinforcements determined as:
are lapping and butt welding of bars. beff = b0+ βe1 be1 + βe2 be2
8.3.3 Effective Width of Concrete Slab where
a) For resistance calculation, the width of the slab, βe1 = (0.55 + 0.025 (Le/be1)
which is effective as the compression flange of the βe2 = (0.55 + 0.025 (Le/be2)
composite beam on each side of the steel beam, Le = Equivalent effective end span
beff, shall be as per the equation given below:
be1 = 0 for end spans as shown in Fig.6
beff  bo   be1  be 2   bo   bo   b 1 b 2  8.3.4 Effective Cross Section for Strength Calculation
In calculating the strength of the cross section of the
composite beam, the following should be considered:
bo = centre to centre between the outer a) For Sagging Moment – Concrete in the effective
row of shear connectors. width and structural steel beam to be included but
be1, be2 = the value of the effective width of not the steel reinforcements in the effective width
the concrete flange on each side of of concrete.
the web and taken as Le/8 but not b) For Hogging Moment – Concrete to be neglected
greater than the geometric width but longitudinal steel reinforcement along the
b1 and b2, respectively as shown in beam length within the effective width of the
Fig. 6. concrete in tension and structural steel beam to be
= Le/8 ≤ b1 and b2 (respectively) included
Le = the effective equivalent span 8.3.5 Design of Structure for Bending Moment
length of the corresponding
composite beam, usually taken as The factored design flexural strength, Md, in a
the approximate distance between beam and the external action, M, shall satisfy.
points of zero bending moment. M ≤ Md
= centre-to-centre distance between where
the supports for simply supported
Md = Mn/γm0 = design flexural resistance calculated
as given below.
= as shown in Fig. 7 in continuously γm0 = partial safety factor against flexural failure
supported beam (Table 7).
Mn = Nominal ultimate flexural resistance.

Fig. 6 Effective Widths for Concrete Flange of Composite Beams

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Fig. 7 Effective Span of Continuous Beams Considering local buckling, sections are to be At the construction stage, the effect of lateral buckling
analyzed as plastic, compact or semi-compact with the on the bottom flange in a continuous beam shall be
following additional consideration. taken care of by considering cantilever action up to the
a) Load history and development in composite action point of inflection from the support.
are to be taken into consideration with appropriate If required, suitable horizontal bracings or members
values of the modular ratio, m at each stage, and may be provided at the bottom flange to reduce the
stresses and deflections are to be the summation of effective length of the compression flange near support.
values over successive stages. For beams that are provided with such bracings
b) Determination of bending resistance for a beam or members giving effective lateral restraint to the
before composite action has set in or during the compression flange at intervals along the span, the
construction stage shall be done as per IS 800. effective lateral restraint shall be capable of resisting a
force equal to 2.5 percent of the maximum force in the
c) The structural steel reinforcement and concrete
compression flange taken as divided equally between
fully interact with full shear transfer between
the numbers of points at which the restraint in bracing
the concrete and structural steel under composite
members occur. In beams supporting composite slabs,
wherein the sheeting is welded to the top flange before
d) The effective width of concrete in composite concreting is done, the lateral restraint of the deck sheet
action may be as mentioned in 8.3.3. may be considered.
e) For calculating the bending resistance of plastic, The effective laterally unsupported length of
compact and semi-compact composite beams, the compression flange of steel sections in sagging and
procedure presented in Annex B may be followed. hogging moment regions may be taken as given in
f) The partial shear connection may be used in plastic IS 800. In sagging moment segments of composite
and compact sections either for attaining economy beams, the concrete slab may be assumed to provide
without losing much in the moment capacity of the lateral support, provided an adequate shear connection
composite section or under conditions where the between the slab and the beam is provided. In the
number of shear connectors required for full shear hogging moment regions of composite beams, the
interactions cannot be provided. Requirements on effective length considering the rotational restraint
the method of evaluating the bending resistance of provided by the slab to the top tension flange may be
partial shear connection are presented in B-1.2. taken into account as given in B-2 of Annex B.
The bending moment and shear force distribution in Simplified design of continuous beams in
continuous beams for secondary, as well as primary
buildings without lateral bracings
moment resistant frames/beams have to be determined
by structural analysis. Continuous composite beams (or composite beams
within a frame) with plastic, compact, or semi-compact Design of structure for effect of lateral buckling sections may be designed without any additional lateral
on moment resistance bracings to the compression flange when the following
Lateral Buckling may govern the design under the conditions are satisfied:
following conditions: a) The concrete slab on top should be adequately
a) At construction stage, in the top flange closer to attached with shear connectors to the structural
mid-span in both simply supported and continuous steel section and to at least on another parallel
beams. member top flange to facilitate inverted U-frame
action that rotationally restrains bottom flange
b) At construction and composite stage, in the bottom
lateral buckling at hogging moment sections.
flange closer to support in continuous beams.

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b) Adjacent span lengths of continuous beams should b) Shear buckling resistance

not differ by more than 20 percent of the shorter Resistance to shear buckling shall be verified as
span length. Cantilever span length should not specified in IS 800. The nominal shear resistance,
exceed 15 percent of the adjacent span length. Vn, of webs with or without intermediate stiffeners
c) The loading on each span should be uniformly as governed by buckling may be evaluated as
distributed, with the permanent design loads detailed in IS 800 either using simple post-critical
exceeding 40 percent of the total design load. method or tension field method. The contribution
d) At each support of steel member, the bottom flange of encasing concrete to shear resistance may be
should be laterally restrained with a web bearing considered and that of shear reinforcement can be
stiffener at that location. considered provided they consist of closed loop
stirrups. The total shear may be shared between
e) The maximum depth of beam sections should not
the structural steel section and encasing concrete
exceed the value given in Table 8.
in the ratio of contribution to the plastic moment
8.3.6 Design of Structural Steel Web against Vertical capacity.
Shear Force Reduction in bending resistance under high The factored design shear force, Vd, in a shear force
composite beam due to external action, V, shall satisfy: If V is less than 0.6Vd, reduction in the plastic bending
V ≤ Vd resistance of the section need not be considered. When
V > 0.6Vd, the bending resistance is reduced as the
contribution of the web to bending gets diminished.
Vd = design shear resistance calculated as given The reduced bending resistances of the following
below. sections are given below:
Vd = Vn/γm0 a) Plastic or compact section
γm0 = partial safety factor against shear failure Mdv= Md – β (Md – Mfd) ≤ (1.2 ze fy)/γmo
(Table 7). where
Vn = nominal ultimate shear resistance
β = (2V/Vd – 1)2.
The vertical shear force is assumed to be resisted by
Md = plastic design moment of the whole section
the web of the steel section only unless the value for
disregarding high shear force effect considering
contribution from the reinforced concrete part of
web buckling effects.
the beam has been established. The nominal shear
resistance, Vn may be governed by plastic shear V = factored applied shear force.
resistance or strength of the web as governed by shear Vd = design shear resistance as governed by web
buckling as given below: yielding or web buckling.
a) Plastic shear resistance Mfd = Plastic design resistance of the area of the cross
The nominal plastic shear resistance of composite section excluding the shear area, considering
beams under pure shear shall be calculated as partial safety factor γmo.
indicated in IS 800, disregarding the contribution b) Semi-compact Section
of the concrete slab. The shear resistance for Mdv = Ze fy/γmo
I-sections, channels both for major axis bending
and minor axis bending as well as for rectangular
and circular hollow sections of uniform thickness Ze = elastic section modulus of the whole section.
shall be as per IS 800.

Table 8 Maximum Depth of Steel Beams in Composite Construction (In mm)

[ Clause (e) ]
Sl No. Type of Member Nominal Yield Strength Limit of Structural Steel (MPa)

250 300 350 >400

Un-cased En-cased Un-cased En-cased Un-cased En-cased Un-cased En-cased
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
i) I Section 800 1000 700 900 650 850 500 650
ii) Parallel Flange 600 800 550 750 400 600 270 430

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8.3.7 Hybrid Sections composite section. When props are used, they
Use of hybrid steel sections consisting of different should be kept in place until the in-situ concrete
grade steel elements is permitted. The plastic and has attained a strength equal to approximately
compact section design strength is obtained by using twice the stress to which the concrete may be
the appropriate value of yield stress in the different subjected to upon removal of props.
elements of the hybrid section. The design strength of c) Non-composite Construction – In non-composite
the semi-compact section is evaluated with necessary construction, the concrete slab is designed
adjustment (reduction) in stresses of the flange element according to IS 456 and the steel deck sheet act
in the cross-section with higher yield stress by the just as a permanent shuttering.
reduction factor, Rh. The Rh may be determined using This difference in the method (a) and (b) of construction
the procedure as presented in B-3 of Annex B. does not, however, affect the ultimate limit load,
wherein the total load, including the transient loads,
8.3.8 Partially Encased Sections
shall be resisted by the composite section.
This section is applicable for partially encased
composite plastic or compact beams, provided the web 9.2 Negative Moments
depth to thickness ratio, d/tw, is less than or equal to Negative moments over intermediate supports may be
117ε. adjusted as mentioned in
Full shear connection between the structural steel
9.3 Stresses and Deflections
section and concrete encasing the web shall be ensured.
The steel reinforcement in the compression zone and For calculating stresses at service load and deflection,
concrete in the tension zone may be disregarded. the value of the modular ratio, m shall be taken as,
Partial shear connection may be used in the partially Es
m= ≥ 7.5 For short-term effect or loading.
encased composite section, provided the requirements Ecm
of are satisfied.
9 DESIGN FOR SERVICEABILITY LIMIT m= ≥ 15.0 For permanent or long-term loads.
K c Ecm
9.1 General Kc = Creep factor = 0.5.
9.1.1 Serviceability limit states are related to the criteria Es = Modulus of elasticity for steel = 2.0 × 105
governing normal use. Serviceability limit state is the N/mm2.
limit state beyond which the serviceability criteria Ecm = Modulus of elasticity of cast in-situ concrete
specified below are no longer met: (IS 456).
a) Stress and deflection limit, fck = characteristic cube compressive strength of
b) Vibration limit, concrete in N/mm2.
c) Durability consideration, and Eci = Modulus of elasticity of cast in-situ concrete at
i days (i < 28 days).
d) Fire resistance.
The equivalent area of concrete slab at any stage shall
9.1.2 Linear elastic analysis is used for finding out be determined by dividing the effective width of the
design moments and stresses under various load concrete slab by the modular ratio as given below:
combinations and load factors, as mentioned in
Table 7, for serviceability limit states. Concrete is m=
assumed as unreinforced and un-cracked for the Eci
analysis. Final stresses and deflection are to be worked out
separately at each stage of load history with relevant
9.1.3 Method of Construction
modular ratios and section modulus as discussed above
The stress and strain at serviceability limit state depend and then added together.
on whether the steel beam is propped or un-propped
during construction, as given below: 9.3.1 Limiting Stresses for Serviceability
a) Un-propped construction — In un-propped Limiting stresses for different stages of construction are
construction, the steel beam has to carry the as indicated below:
construction load, including shuttering, wet a) Concrete – The limiting compressive stress in
concrete and its own weight until the concrete concrete should not exceed one-third of the
hardens. characteristic strength of concrete.
b) Propped construction — In propped construction, b) Reinforcement Steel – The limiting tensile stress
both the dead and live load are resisted by the in steel reinforcement should not exceed fyk/k.
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c) Structural Steel – The limiting stress in steel beam 9.4 Vibration

considering the different stages of construction Suitable provisions in the design shall be made for the
should not exceed fy/mo. dynamic effects of live loads, impact loads and vibration
Where bearing stress is combined with tensile or due to machinery operating loads. In severe cases,
compressive stress, bending and shear stresses under the possibility of resonance, fatigue or unacceptable
the most unfavourable conditions of loading, the vibrations shall be investigated. Unusually flexible
equivalent stress obtained from the following equation structures (generally the height to the effective width of
shall not exceed 0.9fy: lateral load resistance system exceeding 5 : 1) shall be
investigated for lateral vibration under dynamic wind
f ec  f bc 2  f p 2  f bc . f p  3 b 2 loads. Structures subjected to a large number of cycles
of loading shall be designed against fatigue failure in
and accordance with IS 800. The floor vibration effect shall
be considered using specialist literature.
f et  f bt 2  f p 2  f bc . f p  3 b 2
where 9.5 Durability

fec and fet = equivalent compressive and 9.5.1 Several factors that affect the durability of the
tensile stress in steel section; buildings under conditions relevant to their intended
life are listed below:
fbc and fbt = actual compressive and tensile
stress in steel section; a) The environment,
fp = actual bearing stress in steel b) The degree of exposure,
section; and c) The shape of the member and the structural detail,
τb = actual shear stress in steel d) The protective measure, and
section. e) Ease of maintenance.
The durability of the structural steel component of a
The value of bending stresses fbc about each axis, to be
composite section shall be ensured by recommendations
used in the above formula, shall be individually lesser
as given in IS 800. Specialist literature may be referred
than the values of the maximum allowable stresses in
to for more detailed additional information in design for
bending about the corresponding axis.
durability. For concrete, the durability shall be ensured
9.3.2 Limiting Deflection and Camber by following the recommendations as given in IS 456. Deflection limit 9.5.2 Profiled Steel Sheeting for Composite Slabs
The deflection under serviceability loads of a building The durability criteria for profiled steel sheets of
or a building component should not impair the strength composite deck slab shall be met by the following
of the structure or components or cause damage to procedures:
finishing. Deflections are to be checked for the most a) The exposed surfaces of the steel sheeting shall
adverse but realistic combination of service loads and be adequately protected to resist particular
their arrangements, by elastic analysis using a load atmospheric conditions.
factor given in Table 7. The deflection of a member b) A zinc coating of a total mass 275 g/m2 (including
shall be calculated without considering the impact both sides) is sufficient for internal floors in a
factor or dynamic effect of the loads on deflection. non-aggressive environment, but the specification
IS 800 gives recommended limits of deflections for may be varied depending on service conditions
certain structural members and systems. Circumstances
may arise where greater or lesser values would be more 9.6 Fire Resistance
appropriate depending upon the nature of the material Fire resistance of a steel component of a composite
in element to be supported (vulnerable to cracking or member is a function of its mass, its geometry, and the
not) and intended use of the structure, as required by actions to which it is subjected, its structural support
the client. conditions, fire protection measures adopted and the Provision of camber fire to which it is exposed. Design provisions to the
resistance of fire for concrete shall be as per guidelines
Where the deflection due to the combination of given in IS 456. For the design of structural steel
dead load and live load is likely to be excessive, components for fire resistance, IS 800 shall be referred.
consideration should be given to pre-camber the steel Specialist literature may be referred to for more
beams. The values of desired camber shall be specified detailed information on the design for fire resistance of
in the design drawing. Generally, for spans greater than steel/composite structures. The aspect of fire resistance
25 m, camber approximately equal to the deflection due is given in 15.
to dead loads plus half the live load may be used.
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9.7 Control of Cracking in Concrete and Crack states shall be considered as per 11.2.1, 11.2.2 and 11.3,
Width Calculation respectively.
Minimum reinforcements in terms of diameter and 11.2.1 Design Strength of Shear Connectors
spacing required for crack control at the top of concrete
as per IS 456 is to be provided in composite beams Design static strengths of flexible shear connectors,
at the zone of the negative moment to prevent cracks mainly stud connectors and channel connectors can be
adversely affecting the appearance and durability of the determined by the following equations:
structure. Crack width calculation as well as limiting a) Stud Connectors
crack width as given in IS 456 may be followed, The design resistance, Qd of stud shears connectors
subject to the discretion of engineers. The crack width shall be as given below:
in concrete shall be restricted to values as indicated in
IS 456. 0.8 f us . .d 2 / 4 0.26.  .d f ck .Ecm

 mv  mv
This section applies to the design of structures and
structural elements subject to loading which could h  h h
  0.2  s  1 for 3  s  4 and   1.0 for s  4
lead to fatigue failure. The following effects are not d  d d
considered in the section:
Qd = design strength of stud in, Newton (N);
a) Corrosion fatigue,
γmv = partial safety factor for stud connector = 1.25;
b) Low cycle (high stress) fatigue,
d = diameter of the shank of the stud, in (mm)
c) Thermal fatigue, (16 mm ≤ d ≤ 25 mm);
d) Stress corrosion cracking, fus = ultimate tensile strength of the stud material
e) Effects of high temperature (> 150 °C), and ≤ 500 N/mm2;
f) Effects of low temperature (< below transition fck = Characteristic compressive strength of
temperature). concrete of density not less than 1 750 kg/m3;
The fatigue design of various components of composite hs = nominal height of stud, in mm; and
structures like members, welded joints, bolts, shear Ecm = Secant modulus of elasticity of concrete
lugs, etc. shall be carried out as per the specifications (see also Annex F).
laid down in IS 800. Fatigue provisions in the design of b) Channel Connectors
shear connectors are discussed in 11.3.
Assuming that the web of the channel is placed vertical
11 SHEAR CONNECTORS and the shear applied is nominally perpendicular to the
web, the design resistance of a channel connector shall
The shear connectors shall fulfill the dual purpose of be determined as given below:
transferring shear force between concrete and structural
steel as well as anchoring the two components relative Qn  45  tf  0.5tw  L f ck
to each other with minimum slip to ensure full or partial
composite action as per the design requirement. The Qd  Q n /  mv
dimensional details of shear shall be as given in Fig. 8. where
11.1 Longitudinal Shear in Beams and Slabs Qd = Design strength of channel in Newton (N).
Longitudinal shear load on shear connectors in a L= Length of the channel in mm.
composite section, irrespective of boundary conditions tf =Thickness of flange in mm.
of the members, is to be calculated for service and tw = Thickness of web in mm.
fatigue limit states on the basis of elastic theory. fck = Characteristic compressive strength of
Appropriate sectional properties based on effective concrete.
widths and modular ratios as per the load history and
development of composite action shall be considered γmv = partial safety factor for channel shear connector
for the design of the section for resistance against = 1.25.
longitudinal shear between steel and concrete. While using the channel shear connectors, the following
recommendations need to be followed:
11.2 Design Strength of Shear Connectors
1) The height h of the channel should not
Shear connectors shall be checked for adequacy exceed 20 times the channel web thickness or
against failure in both ultimate limit states and fatigue 150 mm, whichever is less.
limit states. The strength of shear connectors against 2) The width b of the channel should not exceed
failure under ultimate limit states and fatigue limit 300 mm.

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Fig. 8 Details of Shear Connector

1 The diameter of the stud connector welded to the flange plate shall not exceed two and half times the flange plate thickness.
2 The height of the stud connectors shall not be less than four times their diameter nor 100 mm.
3 The diameter of the head of the stud shall not be less than one and a half times the diameter of the stud and the depth shall not be less
than 0.4d.
4 The size of the fillet weld joining other types of connectors to the flange plate shall not exceed half the thickness of the flange plate.
5 Channel and angle connectors shall have at least 6 mm fillet welds placed along the heel and toe of the channels/angles. The clear
distance between the edge of the flange and the edge of the shear connectors shall not be less than 25 mm
6 The overall height of a connector, including any hoop, which is an integral part of the connector, shall be at least 100 mm with a clear
cover of 25 mm.

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3) The underside of the top flange of the channel sections. The number of connectors has to be meet
should not be less than 30 mm clear above the both ultimate strength consideration as well as
bottom reinforcement. fatigue consideration
4) The size of the fillet weld connecting the h) In order to avoid undesirable slip, the maximum
channel to the flange plate should not exceed interface shear per unit length due to superimposed
half the flange plate thickness. dead load and live load under service conditions at
any point in the beam should satisfy 11.3.1.
11.2.2 The design strengths of some standard shear
connectors are given in Table 9. The following points 11.2.3 Design Resistance of Studs Used with Profiled
have to be considered while using Table 9: Steel Sheeting
a) fck is the specified characteristic cube strength at Sheeting with ribs parallel to the supporting
28 days. beams
b) Connector strengths for concrete of intermediate The studs are located within a region of concrete that
grade may be obtained by linear interpolation. has the shape of a haunch (Fig. 9). When the sheeting is
c) For channels of lengths different from those continuous across the beam, the width of the haunch b0
quoted above, the capacities are proportional to is equal to the width of the trough, as given in Fig. 10.
the lengths greater than 150 mm. Where the sheeting is not continuous, b0 is as given in
d) For rolled angle and tee shear connectors, the Fig. 9. The depth of the haunch should be taken as dp, the
values given for channel connectors are applicable, overall depth of the sheeting excluding embossments.
provided the height is at least equal to that of the The design resistance of the shear connector should be
channel. taken as the resistance in a solid slab, multiplied by the
e) For stud connectors of overall height greater than reduction factor kp given by the following expression:
100 mm, the design static strength should be taken
as the values given in Table 9 for 100 mm high  hs
kp  0.6   1  1.0
connectors. dp
f) The above provisions of stud connectors are not Where hs is the overall height of the stud, but not greater
applicable to composite slab using a profiled deck. than dp + 75 mm.
The strength of the shear connector in such cases
is given in 11.2.3. Where the sheeting is not continuous across the
beam as shown in Fig.9, the side of the haunch and
g) The number of shear connectors given by the its reinforcement should be taken as the depth of the
above Table 9 shall be distributed in the zone profile dp excluding the embossments.
between the maximum and the zero moment

Table 9 Ultimate Static Design Strengths of Shear Connectors (Qn for Different Concrete Strengths)
( Clause 11.2.2 )
Sl No. Type of Connector Material Size Ultimate static strength in kN
per connector
Nominal Nominal For concrete strengths, fck
diameter (mm) height (mm) (MPa)

25 30 40 50
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
i) Stud Connectors Material with a characteristic yield 25 100 25 30 40 50
strength of 385 MPa, minimum
22 100 79 91 113 133
elongation of 18 percent and a
characteristic tensile strength of 20 100 65 75 93 110
495 MPa
20 75 62 71 88 105
16 75 42 48 59 70
ii) Channels 150 mm As per IS 2062 (E250 A/BR) ISMC 125 244 259 285 307
long (min)
ISMC 100 206 219 241 260
ISMC 75 166 176 194 209

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Fig. 9 Beam with Profiled Decking Sheet Ribs Parallel to the Beam

Fig. 10 Beam With Profiled Decking Sheet Ribs Transverse to the Beam Sheeting with ribs transverse to the supporting the diameter of the studs is not greater than 20 mm, or
beams for holes provided in the sheeting, the diameter of the
Provided that the conditions given in 11.2.2 are studs is not greater than 22 mm.
satisfied, the design shear resistance should be taken 11.3 Fatigue Strength of Shear Connectors
as the resistance in a solid slab, calculated as given
by 11.2.1 (except that fus should not be taken as greater The fatigue shear stress range (fatigue Strength) of
than 450 N/mm2) multiplied by the reduction factor the shear connector shall be obtained from IS 800,
kt given by: corresponding to the design load life cycle, NSC.
The strength shall be determined as given below:
0.7 b0  hs 
kt    1  1.0 τf =  fn 5 5  106 / NSC
nr d p  dp  τfn = design normal and shear fatigue stress range
where respectively of the detail for 5 × 106 cycles as
nr is the number of stud connectors in one rib at the given in IS 800.
beam intersection, not to exceed two in calculation of τfn = 67 N/mm2 for stud connector as per IS 800
the reduction factor kt and of the longitudinal shear τfn = 59 N/mm2 for channel connector as per IS 800,
resistance of the connection. provided that the thickness of the top flange of
The factor kt should not be taken greater than the steel beam is greater than or equal to 12 mm
appropriate value kt, max given in Table 10. The values and the edge distance from the end of weld to
for kt are applicable provided that the studs are placed the edge of the top flange is 10 mm.
in ribs with a height dp not greater than 85 mm and a The nominal fatigue strengths of some standard shear
width b0 not less than dp and for through deck welding, connectors are presented in Table 11.

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Table 10 Upper Limits Kt, max for the Reduction Factor KT

( Clause )
SL No. Number of stud Thickness t of sheet Studs 20 mm in diameter and welded Profiled sheeting with holes and
connectors per rib (mm) through profiled steel sheeting studs 19 mm or 22 mm in diameter
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
i) nr = 1 < 1.0 0.85 0.75
> 1.0 1.0 0.75
ii) nr = 2 < 1.0 0.70 0.60
> 1.0 0.8 0.60

Table 11 Nominal Fatigue Strengths Qr (in kN)

( Clause 11.3 )
Sl No. Type of Connectors Connector Material N = Nos. of Cycles × 106

0.1 0.5 2 10 100

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

i) Headed studs φ 25 72 52 40 29 18
fys = 385 MPa
ii) Headed studs φ 22 56 40 31 22 14
fus = 495 MPa
iii) Headed studs φ 20 46 33 25 18 12
Elongation = 18 percent
iv) Headed studs φ 16 29 21 16 12 7
v) Channel 150 long for a IS 2062
nominal weld of 8 mm 108 79 60 43 27

NOTE — For intermediate stress cycles the values may be interpolated from log scales (that is, the above equation). Other connectors,
if used, should have their capacities established through tests.

11.3.1 Spacing of Shear Connectors load, transient load, or composite action

The design shear action per unit length of the steel live load. These loads are to be considered
concrete interface, VL, is given by: with appropriate load factors at this stage.
Maximum spacing of shear connectors, SL1is given as
V  Aec  y 
VL    I 
 DL, LL S L1 
Qn is the ultimate static strength of one shear connector
VL= Longitudinal shear per unit length. (Table 9) and the summation is over the number of
V = The factored vertical shear forces due to shear studs in one section.
dead load and live load (including impact
The maximum longitudinal force at the interface due
if any) separately at each state of load
to bending moment shall also be calculated over the
shear span, L, equal to the distance from zero moment
Aec = The transformed compressive area of to maximum moment section and is given by the
concrete above the neutral axis of the following equations:
composite section with the appropriate
modular ratio depending on the nature of H1  Asl f y  103 /  m 0
load (short term that is, live load, or long
term, that is, dead load). H 2  0.36 f ck Aec  103
Y = C.G. distance of transformed concrete where
area from the neutral axis. H1, H2 = Longitudinal interface shear force due to
I = Moment of Inertia of the composite section bending (kN);
using an appropriate modular ratio. Asl = Area of tensile steel (mm2) in the longitudinal
DL, LL = Different load history conditions, that is, direction;
sustained load or composite action dead

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Aec = Effective area of concrete: Mps = Plastic moment of resistance of steel section
beff .xu (for neutral axis within the slab); and alone.
beff . ds (for the neutral axis in the steel section). M R  M ps
np  nf
Sufficient connectors should be provided to resist the M d  M ps
longitudinal force H, the maximum compressive force
action in the composite beam slab interface, which is 11.4.2 Limitation on the Use of Partial Shear
the smaller of H1 and H2. Connection in Beams for Buildings
The maximum spacing of shear connectors, SL2, is Headed studs with an overall length after welding not
given as: less than 4 times its diameter and with shank diameter
not less than 16 mm and neither greater than 25 mm
 Qn may be considered as ductile with the following limits
SL 2  .L
H for the degree of shear connection, Sc:
11.3.2 Fatigue Strength of Shear Connectors a) For steel sections with equal flanges:
  Le ≤ 25: Sc  1  1.42  2  0.75  0.03Le  ; Sc ≥ 0.4
V . A .Y 
Vr    R ec    Le > 25: Sc = 1.0
 I  DL
b) For steel sections having a bottom flange with an
where area of three times the area of top flange:
VR = The Shear range in which is the difference   Le ≤ 20: Sc  1  1.42  2  0.30  0.015 Le  ; Sc ≥ 0.4
between the maximum and minimum vertical
shear envelop due to live load and impact   Le > 20: Sc = 1.0
H = is live load with impact. Where, ε = 250 / f y , Le is the distance between
Spacing of shear connectors from fatigue consideration points of zero bending moment in the sagging
is given as: bending range in metres. For typical continuous
beams, Le may be assumed as shown in Fig. 6
SR  and 7.
c) For steel sections having a bottom flange with an
Qr is the design fatigue strength of one shear connector, area exceeding the area of the top flange but less
which is to be taken from IS 800 Table 10. than three times that area, the limit for Sc may be
For full shear connection, the lowest spacing of SL1, SL2, determined from expressions in (a) and (b) above
and SR is to be provided as the actual spacing of the by linear interpolation.
shear connectors.
11.5 Precautions Against Separation of Steel Beam
11.4 Partial Shear Connection from Concrete
a) Where, a concrete haunch is used, between the
11.4.1 Partial shear connection may be used either for
steel flange and the soffit of the slab, top of stud
attaining economy without losing much in the moment
and top flange of channel shear connectors shall
capacity of the composite section or where the number
extend up to at least 40 mm above the transverse
of shear connectors required for full shear cannot be
reinforcements in the haunches, provided
provided without compromising minimum spacing
the reinforcements are sufficient to transfer
longitudinal shear.
Partial shear connections may be used in plastic and
b) Where shear connectors are placed adjacent
compact sections. The number of connectors np shall
to the longitudinal edge of the slab, transverse
then be determined by a partial shear connection
reinforcement provided in accordance with 11.7
theory, taking into account the deformation capacity of
shall be fully anchored in the concrete between
the shear connector.
np the edge of the slab and the adjacent row of
Sc degree of shear connection; = connectors.
np = Number of shear connectors provided for
11.6 Detail of Haunches in Reinforced Concrete
partial shear connection;
nf = Number of shear connectors required for full 11.6.1 Figure 11 indicates the dimension of haunches
shear connection; as applicable for slabs with haunches resting on steel
MR = Required reduced bending resistance of the beam. The edge of haunches shall be located outside a
section; line drawn at 45 degrees from the outside edge of the
base of the connector, as shown in Fig. 11.
Md = Design moment of resistance of the entire
composite section;

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Fig. 11 Dimension of Haunches

Fig. 12 Clear Cover to Shear Connectors

11.6.2 Clear Cover to Shear Connectors In addition, the clear distance from the edge of the
The clear depth of concrete cover over the top of the compression flange to the nearest line of shear connectors
shear connectors shall not be less than 25 mm. The should not be greater than 9tf ε or 50 mm, whichever is
horizontal clear concrete cover to any shear connector less.
shall not be less than 50 mm as shown in Fig. 12. In all cases, a shear connector shall be provided
throughout the length of the beam and may be uniformly
11.6.3 Spacing of Shear Connectors spaced between critical cross sections. The maximum
Where the compression flange of steel beam, in spite of longitudinal spacing of the shear connectors shall be
being semi-compact is assumed to be compact or plastic limited to the lesser of 600 mm or 8 times the total
based on the restraint provided by shear connectors, slab thickness or four times the height of the connector
the centre-to-centre spacing of the shear connectors (including any hoop which is an integral part of the
in the direction of the compression should satisfy the connector), whichever is least.
following: Minimum spacing should be such as to allow proper
a) Where the slab is in contact over the full length concrete flow and compaction around the connectors. In
(for example, solid slab) stud connectors, the minimum spacing should not be less
SL < 21⋅ tf .ε than 75 mm.
b) Where the slab is not in contact over the full 11.7 Transverse Shear Check (Requirement of Bottom
length (for example, slab with ribs transverse to Steel in Concrete Slab)
the beam):
Planes, which are critical for longitudinal shear failure
SL < 14⋅ tf .ε in the process of transfer of longitudinal shear from the
where beam to the slab are of four main types as shown in
ε = 250 / f y . Fig. 13. The shear force Q in kN/m of beam is given by:
tf = thickness of the flange; N r Qu
fy = nominal yield strength of the flange in N/mm2; SL
and where
SL = maximum spacing of the shear connector. Nr = Number of shear connection at a section.

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Qu = Design strength one shear connection. from the beam to the effective width of the slab
SL = Longitudinal of spacing of connector in meter. (see Fig. 13). The area of transverse reinforcement per
unit length of the beam will be the sum total of all the
The shear force transferred per metre length from steel
reinforcement [At, Ab or Ah, as shown in Fig. 14(a),
beam to concrete slab above, VL shall satisfy both the
Fig. 14(b) and Fig. 14(c)], which are intersected by the
following conditions:
shear plane and are fully anchored on both the sides of
a) VL ≤ 0.623L f ck , or the shear plane considered.
b) VL  0.232 L f ck  0.1. Ast . f yk .n 11.8.2 Total Transverse Reinforcements

where The total transverse reinforcements Ast‘ per unit length

of the beam in case of shear plane 1-1, which crosses
VL = Longitudinal shear force per unit length the whole thickness of the slab, will be the sum of
calculated for the ultimate limit state; (At + Ab) [Fig. 14(a)]. Area of reinforcements At and Ab
fck = Characteristic strength of concrete, in MPa; include those provided for flexure. The total transverse
fyk = Yield stress of transverse reinforcement, in reinforcements across plane 2-2 [Fig. 14 (a)] is
MPa; Ast = 2Ab and that across plane 3-3 [Fig. 14(b)] is
Ast = 2Ah as these planes do not cross the full
L = Length (in mm) of possible shear planes
thickness of the slab. In the case of shear plane 4-4
envelop as indicated in Fig.14;
[Fig. 14 (c)], the total transverse reinforcement is
n = Number of times each lower transverse Ast = 2(Ah + Ab). The transverse reinforcements shall
reinforcing bar is intersected by a shear be placed at locations as shown in Fig. 14. The haunch
surface (that is, the number of rows of shear bars shall be extended beyond the junction of bottom
the connector at one section of the beam). bars by a length equal to the anchorage length.
Generally, for T-beam n = 2 and for L-beam
Ast = Sectional areas (in cm2) of transverse STEEL SHEETING
reinforcements per meter run of the beam.
12.1 General
The amount of transverse steel (cm2/m) in the bottom
2.5 Q The provisions in this section deal with composite
of the slab shall not be less than . floor slabs spanning only in the direction of ribs of the
f yk
11.8 General Arrangements of Transverse decking. The provisions are applicable in buildings,
Reinforcements wherein the slabs are subjected to predominantly static
imposed loads. The application of the provision is
11.8.1 If the concrete by itself is insufficient to take the limited to narrowly spaced web, which is defined by
longitudinal shear, sufficient transverse reinforcements the ratio of the width of the sheet rib to the rib spacing
shall be provided to transfer longitudinal shear force br
≤ 0.6 (see Fig. 15).

Fig. 13 Arrangement of Transverse Reinforcements

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1-1 Ab+At
2-2 2Ab
3-3 2Ah
4-4 2(Ab+Ah)

Fig. 14 Transverse Reinforcements Along Shear Planes

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Fig. 15 Profile Dimension for Composite Slabs

12.2 Prequalifications 12.2.2 Bearing Length

12.2.1 Prequalification of Slab dimension The recommended minimum bearing lengths of steel
decking on the support (Lbs) and the composite slab,
The prequalification of composite and non-composite including the cast in place concrete (Lbs) shall be as
slabs are presented below. given below (see Fig. 16):
a) Where the slab acts composite with a steel beam a) For composite slab bearing on steel or concrete:
or used as a diaphragm, Lbc= 75 mm, Lbs= 50 mm
1) the overall depth of the slab should not be less b) For composite slab bearing on other material:
than 90 mm; and Lbc= 100 mm, Lbs= 70 mm
2) the thickness of concrete above the main top
12.2.3 Reinforcement for Shrinkage and Temperature
flat surface of the sheeting ribs should not be
less than 50 mm.
b) Where the slab does not act composite with a steel The effect of temperature stress in composite slabs
in buildings is normally neglected unless required in
beam or has no other stabilizing function,
special conditions. The effect of shrinkage is to be
1) the overall depth of the slab should not be less considered. The total shrinkage strain for design may
than 80 mm; and be taken as 0.003 in the absence of test data.
2) the thickness of concrete above the main flat
top surface of the sheeting ribs should not be 12.2.4 Minimum Reinforcement
less than 40 mm. The minimum reinforcement in either direction should
be according to IS 456. The spacing of the reinforcement
bar should be in accordance with IS 456.

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Fig. 16 Minimum Bearing Lengths

12.2.5 Size of Aggregates b) The following method of analysis may be used for
In addition to the above, the largest nominal aggregate ultimate limit states:
size should be according to IS 456. 1) Linear analysis without redistribution
(serviceability limit state), and with
12.3 Analysis for Internal Forces and Moments redistribution (Ultimate limit state). If the
effects of cracking of concrete are neglected
12.3.1 Analysis of Profile Steel Sheeting as Shuttering
in the analysis for ultimate limit states, the
a) The elastic analysis shall be used where sheeting hogging bending moments at internal supports
is considered. The design based on the elastic may be optionally reduced by up to 30 percent
distribution of bending moment is conservative, and corresponding increases are made to the
as it does not take into account of redistribution of sagging bending moments in the adjacent
moments that can occur between support and mid spans.
span sections. 2) Rigid-plastic global analysis may be used
b) In the analysis of propped profile steel sheeting, provided it is shown that sections where
the magnitude of bending moments and shear plastic rotations are required have sufficient
forces could be conservatively calculated by using rotation capacity. Plastic analysis without any
the coefficients of bending moment and shear direct check on rotation capacity may be used
force as per IS 456. for the ultimate limit state if reinforcing steel
c) More accurate analysis and design of profile steel satisfying the ductility requirement in 6.2.3 is
sheeting as a shuttering should be in accordance used and the span length is not greater than
with IS 801. 3.0 m. (Ultimate limit state).
d) If the deflection at the center of the shuttering due 3) Elastic-plastic analysis accounting for the
to its own weight and the wet weight of concrete is non-linear material behavior. (Ultimate limit
less than (1/10) of the depth of the composite slab, states).
the effect of ‘ponding’ due to shuttering deflection c) A continuous slab may be designed as a series of
can be disregarded. Otherwise, that effect of simply supported spans. Nominal reinforcement
additional load shall be evaluated by taking the should be provided in accordance with IS 456,
additional uniform depth of concrete over the span over the intermediate supports to manage crack
as 0.7 times the central deflection. size.
e) The effect of ponding, especially in longer d) Concentrated loads may be assumed to be
span, can be reduced by propping the shuttering distributed over an effective width of the slab,
during concreting until the concrete hardens. assuming the load is distributed at an angle of
Plastic redistribution of moments in the propped 45° to the horizontal up to the top surface of the
shuttering is not allowed in evaluating stresses due decking.
to self-weight and wet concrete weight.
12.4 Design of Composite Slabs
12.3.2 Analysis of Composite Slab
Proprietary data backed by analysis and tests may
a) The application of linear methods of analysis is be used in the design. Otherwise, the procedure
suitable for the serviceability limit states as well given below may be used to evaluate the strength of
as for the ultimate limit states. Plastic methods composite slabs.
shall be used only in the ultimate limit state.

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12.4.1 Effective Span b) The effect of local buckling of compressed parts

a) When a continuous composite slab is designed as of the sheeting should be considered by using
a series of simply supported spans, for simplicity, effective widths not exceeding twice the limiting
the effective span can be taken as the lesser of the values of class-1 steel webs as discussed in IS 800.
following: c) For the effective area Ap of the steel sheeting, the
1) Distance between centres of the supports, and width of embossments and indentations in the
sheet should be neglected unless tests infer that a
2) The clear span plus the effective depth of the larger area is effective.
d) The sagging bending resistance of a cross-section
b) Where the composite slab is designed as should be calculated from the equilibrium of stress
continuous, it is permitted to use an equivalent distribution as shown in C-4.
isostatic span for the determination of the
e) In hogging bending regions, the contribution of
resistance. The span length should be taken as:
steel sheeting shall be taken into account only
1) 0.8 L for internal span (effective span L) and where the sheet is continuous. The redistribution
2) 0.9 L for external span (effective span L). of moments that can occur between support and
mid-span sections shall not be considered. If the
12.4.2 Design of Profile Steel Sheeting as Shuttering contribution of the steel sheeting is neglected,
During Construction the hogging bending resistance of a cross-section
The stress analysis of the profiled steel sheeting should should be calculated as reinforced concrete for the
be evaluated using the design equations or tests. For stress distribution, as shown in C-4.3.
the ultimate limit state, the resistance of the sheet to f) In the case of partial shear connection, the sagging
sagging and hogging bending, together with the effects design bending resistance, Md, shall be calculated
of combined bending and web crushing, are normally as per C-5.
12.5 Shear Resistance of Composite Slab
a) For the serviceability limit state, the limiting value
of deflection δmax of steel sheeting under its own 12.5.1 Punching Shear
weight plus the weight of wet concrete may be
The punching shear resistance of a composite slab
considered as L/180 (where L is the effective span
should be calculated as per IS 456, where the critical
between supports) as per Table 6 of IS 800.
perimeter is as shown in Fig. 17.
b) Profiled decking acting alone resists construction,
dead, and live load until the concrete hardens and 12.5.2 Resistance to Shear
gains strength. ‘Ponding’ effect, especially in long The vertical shear resistance Vdvd of composite slab over
spans due to excessive deflection of decking, has a width equal to the distance between centres of ribs
to be accounted while evaluating design forces and the effective depth, which depends on the effective
and design strength unless sufficient propping is depth of the cross section to the centroid of the tensile
provided during the construction stage until the reinforcement, should be in accordance with IS 456.
concrete hardens.
The sheeting may be considered as the tensile
c) The longer spans will require propping to eliminate reinforcement, provided that it is fully anchored beyond
substantial deflection. Otherwise, a significant the section considered. For heavily loaded slabs,
increase in concrete weight due to ponding has to additional reinforcement may be required at the support
be accounted. when the profiled steel sheeting is discontinuous and
12.4.3 Design of Composite Slab for the Ultimate States has only limited anchorage.
The bending moment and shear force distribution in In the case of partial shear connection, the shear capacity
continuous beams for secondary, as well as primary may be governed by the interface shear strength
moment resistant frames/beams, have to be determined between steel decking and concrete, as presented in
by structural analysis. The design values of load effects Annex C.
shall not exceed the design values of resistance for the 12.6 Serviceability Limit State
relevant ultimate limit states.
12.6.1 Design Against Cracking Design flexural resistance The crack width is calculated at the top surface in
The design flexural resistance calculation shall take the the hogging moment region using standard methods
following provisions into consideration: prescribed for reinforced concrete in IS 456. Crack
a) The design bending resistance, Md of any cross width should not exceed 0.3 mm. The provision of
0.4 percent steel at the top of the slab will normally
section should be in accordance with Annex C,
avoid cracking problems in propped construction. The
where the yield stress of the steel sheeting should
provision of 0.2 percent of steel is normally sufficient
be taken as fyp.
for the same in un-propped construction.

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Fig. 17 Punching Perimeter in A Profiled Composite Slab

If the environment is corrosive, it is advisable to design hot gases to nearby compartments. These are met by
the slab as continuous at supports and take advantage of specifying the adequate thickness of insulation below
steel provided for negative bending moment resistance the metal decking. When the metal decking is used as
and for minimizing cracking during service loads. a permanent shuttering, the fire resistance of the slab
shall be considered as per IS 456.
12.6.2 Deflection Limits
IS 456 gives a stringent deflection limitation of span/350 13 COMPOSITE COLUMNS
or 20 mm whichever is less, which may be unrealistic
for un-propped construction. The span to depth ratio 13.1 General
in the range of 25 to 35 for the composite condition 13.1.1 This section applies to various forms of
is recommended for the simply supported slabs and steel-concrete composite columns, including fully or
the continuous slabs. The deflection of the composite partly encased steel columns and concrete in-filled
slabs is influenced by the slip between sheeting and rectangular or circular steel tubes, provided:
concrete. Testing is the best method to estimate the
actual deflection for the conditions adopted. a) The columns or compression members consist of
structural steel with grade conforming to IS 2062
12.6.3 Fire resistance and normal weight concrete of strength M20 to
The fire resistance is based on (a) thermal insulation M60.
criterion concerned with limiting the transmission b) Shear transfer between steel-concrete interfaces
of heat by conduction and (b) integrity criteria is ensured basically through a bond for which
concerned with preventing the spread of flames and calculated shear stress at interface shall be

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in accordance with Table 15, beyond which b) In-filled where concrete fills rectangular or circular
mechanical shear connectors are to be provided. steel tube (see Fig. 19).
c) The columns or compression members are in 13.2 Details for Composite Action
framed structures where the other structural
members are either composite or steel members. In composite columns with fully encased steel sections,
concrete cover to structural steel sections shall be at
d) The steel contribution ratio δ (Table 12) should least 40 mm or one-sixth of the breadth b of the flange,
fulfill the criteria: over steel section. The concrete shall be adequately
0.2 ≤ δ ≤ 0.9 held by steel reinforcements and stirrups all around.
e) Further, The steel section shall be unpainted to ensure bond
and friction between steel and concrete, but cleaned
1) The influence of local buckling of the structural
to ensure protection against corrosion and spalling of
steel section on the resistance of the composite
concrete. The cover to steel reinforcement should be in
section as a whole shall be considered in the
accordance with IS 456.
2) The effects of local buckling may be neglected Shear transfer between steel-concrete interfaces is
for a steel section fully encased in accordance ensured basically through bond for which calculated
with 13.2, and for other types of cross-section, shear stress at interface shall be limited in accordance
the maximum width to thickness ratio given in with Table 15, beyond which mechanical shear
IS 800 shall not be exceeded. connectors are to be provided.

13.1.2 Types of composite columns 13.3 Members Under Axial Compression

Composite columns can be of two types: Standard composite sections used as columns are as
a) Encased where concrete encases the steel section shown at Fig 18 and Fig 19.
(see Fig. 18); and

Fig. 18 Fully and Partially Concrete Encased Columns

Fig. 19 Concrete In-Filled Columns

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13.3.1 General Design Philosophy

d for concrete-filled circular tubular
To ensure structural stability of a compression member,  88  2
t sections
second-order effects like residual stresses, geometrical
imperfections, local instability, cracking of concrete,
h for concrete-filled rectangular
creep/shrinkage of concrete, yielding of structural  50 
t tubular sections
steel and reinforcement etc. shall be considered. While
designing the compression members, including design
for the above effects, the following shall be taken into bf
 43  for partially encased I sections
account: tf
a) The above effects shall be considered in any 250
direction in which failure might occur if they    Where,   and fy is the yield strength of the
affect the structural stability significantly. fy
b) Internal forces shall be determined by any of the   steel section, in MPa
analysis methods discussed in 6. 13.4.2 For fully encased steel sections, the above local
c) Full composite action between steel and concrete buckling check is not required. However, the concrete
shall be considered up to failure. cover to the flange of a fully encased steel section
d) Effects of creep and shrinkage shall be considered should not be less than 40 mm, nor less than one-sixth
if they are likely to reduce the structural stability of the breadth, b, of the flange.
significantly. For simplification, creep and
shrinkage effects may be ignored if the increase 13.4.3 Design of concrete-filled rectangular tubular
in the first-order bending moments due to creep sections where h/t ratios exceed the local buckling
deformations from permanent loads is not greater limits for semi-compact sections should be verified by
than 10 percent of first-order bending moments tests.
due to total design loads. 13.4.4 The cover to reinforcement should be in
13.3.2 Design Guidelines accordance with IS 456.
The simplified design provisions given in the following 13.4.5 The steel section shall not be painted to ensure
sections is applicable for composite members that friction between steel and concrete but cleaned at the
are doubly symmetrical and uniform in cross-section abutting surface to ensure protection against corrosion
throughout the length of the member. This method is and spalling of concrete.
not applicable to members consisting of two or more
unconnected sections. Further, the composite member 13.5 Design Compressive Resistance of Short
should conform to the following conditions. Composite Columns
a) The non-dimensional slenderness λ should not 13.5.1 A column is termed as a ‘short column’ when
be greater than 2. one of the following conditions is satisfied.
b) For a fully encased steel section (Fig. 18a), the a) Its non-dimensional slenderness ratio, λ ≤ 0.2.
maximum thickness of concrete cover that may be b) If the actual design compressive force on the
used in the strength calculation is limited to: composite column, P, is less than 0.1 Pcr.
Cz (Max) = 0.4 b where
Cy (Max) = 0.3 h
c) The longitudinal steel reinforcement that may be 
used in the calculation should not exceed 6 percent P
of the concrete area. Pcr = the elastic buckling load of the column =
d) The ratio of the cross-section’s depth hc to  2  EI e
width bc, (see Fig. 18), should be within limits .
(0.2 ≤ hc/bc ≤ 5.0) L2
(EI)e = effective elastic flexural stiffness of the
13.4 Local Buckling of Steel Sections composite column (13.5.2).
13.4.1 To prevent premature local buckling of structural L= the effective length of the column, which may
steel components in partly encased steel section and be conservatively taken as the overall length
concrete filled steel sections (see Fig. 18 and Fig. 19), L for an isolated non-sway composite column.
the width to thickness ratio of individual elements The design compressive strength Pn of short columns
of the steel sections in compression must satisfy the of plastic and compact sections may be evaluated using
following limits: the design strength of the material with appropriate

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partial safety factors. The most common column where

sections are bi-symmetric. The design compressive P = the applied factored axial load; and
strength of short bi-symmetric columns is evaluated
using equations given in D-2. Pdd = the part of the factored load permanently
acting on the column.
NOTE — While providing spiral ties it must be designed as per
IS 456, and the ratio of the volume of helical reinforcement to The effect of long-term loading may be ignored for
the volume of the core is not less than 0.36 (Ag /Aco–1)fck/fyk . concrete filled tubular sections with λ ≤ 2.0 provided
(Where, Ag = Gross area of section; Aco = Area of core of the that δ > 0.6 for braced (non-sway) columns and
confined core of column measured to the outer diameter of the δ > 0.75 for unbraced (sway) columns.
13.6 Long Members Subjected to Axial Compression
13.5.2 Effective Elastic Flexural Stiffness
The non-sway composite columns need not be checked
a) Short Term Loading — The effective elastic
for buckling if any one of the following conditions is
flexural stiffness, (EI)e, is obtained by adding up
the flexural stiffness of the individual components
of the cross-section: a) P < 0.1Pcr, where, P is the axial force in the
column, and Pcr is the elastic buckling load of the
(EI)e = Es Is + 0.6 Ecm Ic + Est.Ist
column, defined in 13.5.1.
b) Non-dimensional slenderness λ < 0.2.
Es and Est = modulus of elasticity of the structural For columns not satisfying the above conditions, safety
steel section and the reinforcement, against buckling strength shall be checked about the
respectively. corresponding axis. The following equation needs to be
Ecm = secant modulus of the concrete. satisfied for buckling load:
b) Long Term Loading — In slender columns P ≤ χ ⋅ Pd
(λ > 0.2), the effect of long-term loading should
be considered.
If the eccentricity ‘e’ of loading is more than twice the P = the applied factored axial load;
cross-section dimension ‘D’ (e > 2D), the effect on the Pd = is the design plastic resistance to compression
moment distribution caused by increased deflections (D-2).
due to creep and shrinkage of concrete will be very 1
small and may be neglected. The effect of long-term  - is the stability reduction factor
  2  2
loading need not be considered if the non-dimensional
slenderness (λ) of the composite column is less than the   0.5 1      0.2    2 
limiting values given in Table 12.
λ = Non-dimensional slenderness ratio.
Table 12 Limiting Values of λ for Long Term
Loading α = A value that represents initial imperfections
and residual stresses which is based on the
( Clause 13.5.2 )
buckling curve to be adopted, which is further
Sl No. Cross-Sections Braced Un-braced dependent on the type of section and the axis
Non-sway and/or Sway of bending as given below (see Table 13):
Systems System
Curve a – for concrete-filled tubular sections with
(1) (2) (3) (4) reinforcement percentage less than
i) Concrete encased
0.8 0.5
3 percent of gross cross section area and
cross-section buckling about both axes.
ii) Concrete filled 0.8 0.5 Curve b – for fully or partially concrete-encased
1  1  I-sections buckling about the strong axis
A .f (z-z axis) of the steel sections and for
NOTE — δ is the steel contribution ratio defined as   s y
Pd m 0 concrete-filled tubular sections with steel
Pd is defined in D-2.
reinforcement percentage more than
When λ exceeds the limits prescribed above and 3 percent of gross cross section area and
e/D < 2, the effect of creep and shrinkage of concrete buckling about both axes or concrete
should be considered by adopting the modulus of filled tubular section with the addition of
elasticity of concrete Ecs instead of Ecm where Ecs is I section at the core and buckling about
defined as follows: both axes.
Curve c – for fully and partially concrete-encased
 0.5 Pdd  I-sections buckling about the weak axis
Ecs  0.75 Ecm 1 
 P  (y-y axis) of the steel sections.

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Table 13 Imperfection Factor α for the Buckling Cm

Curves k  1.0
( Clause 13.6 ) 1
Buckling Curve a b c
(1) (2) (3) (4)
P = the applied factored axial load,
Imperfection Factor 0.21 0.34 0.49
Pcr = elastic critical load for the relevant axis and
13.7 Members Subjected to Combined Compression corresponding to a modified effective flexural
and Bending stiffness given by (EI)e as given in 13.5.2 and
When the bending moment in the section is zero the effective length of the column is taken as
(that is, M = 0), the design compressive strength is per IS 800.
as given in 13.5. Similarly, the plastic moment of Cm = equivalent moment factor given in Table 14
resistance of a column at zero compression load is as to account for non-uniform bending moment
given D-3. The equations for evaluating the design over the length of the member.
bending resistance of symmetric column sections are ψ = the ratio of moments at the ends of the laterally
given in D-4. unsupported members
13.7.1 Bending Resistance Under High Shear 13.8 Members Subjected to Axial Force and
While determining the plastic resistance when the Uni-axial Bending
simultaneous shear force is high at the section as given 13.8.1 While checking a section for combined axial
below, the bending resistance shall be reduced as given force and bending moment, first, it should be ensured
below: that the section is safe against an axial force acting
If the shear force V on the steel section exceeds alone, considering buckling along each principal axis.
60 percent of the design shear resistance Vd of the steel The resistance of the section shall then be checked
(, the influence of the transverse shear on the for combined axial compression and uniaxial bending
resistance in combined bending and compression shall moment, as described below:
be taken into account by a reduced design steel strength The design against combined bending and axial
(1 – β) fy/ɣmo in the shear area Av (β is determined as per compression are adequate when the following condition is satisfied:
Unless a more accurate analysis is used, the design M 'd = αm μd Md
shear action, Vd, may be distributed into (Vs, acting on
the structural steel) and (Vc, acting on the reinforced where
concrete section) as: αm = reduction coefficient based on steel yield
M ds strength;
Vs = V . = 0.9 for 250 ≤ fy ≤ 400 MPa
= 0.8 for fy > 400 MPa
Vc = V – Vs
M’d = design bending moment, which is to be
where amplified to account for the second-order
Mds = design moment of resistance of steel section effects as discussed in 13.7.2, when the column
alone; is not short.
Md = design moment of resistance of the entire Md = Design bending resistance of the section about
composite section; and the bending axis evaluated as in D-3.
Vd = may be assumed to be resisted by steel sections The moment resistance reduction ratio µd for a long
alone as a simplifying approximation. composite column under combined compression and
uniaxial bending shall be evaluated as follows:
13.7.2 Second Order Effects on Bending Moment
If neither of the two conditions (a) and (b) for short    d 
d  when  d   c
compression members in 13.5.1 is satisfied, then the 1   c  
second-order effects on first-order analysis moment and
shall be considered by modifying the maximum
first-order bending moment (moment obtained linear 1     d
d  1  when  d   c
elastic analysis), Mmax, with an amplification factor k, 1   c  
which is defined as:

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where Pc = Axial compressive strength of concrete

χ c = Axial resistance ratio to the concrete Pc/Pd  cc
 Ac     f ck
χ d = Design axial resistance ratio to the concrete c
Pd = see D-2.
χ = Reduction factor due to column buckling as
per IS 800.

Table 14 Equivalent Uniform Moment Factor

( Clause 13.7.2 )
Bending Moment Diagram Range Cmy, Cmz, Cm LT
Uniform Loading Concentrated Load

M (1) (2) (3) (4)

My for Cmy
−1 ≤ ψ ≤ 1 0.6 + 0.4 ψ ≥ 0.4
Mh αs =Ms / Mh MM
yz for Cmy
for Cmz
0 ≤ αs ≤ 1 −1 ≤ ψ ≤ 1 0.2 + 0.8 αs ≥ 0.4 0.2 + 0.8 αs ≥ 0.4

Mh 0≤ψ≤1 for
0.1 − 0.8 αs ≥ 0.4M CM
mLT − 0.8 αs ≥ 0.4 for Cmz
αs =Ms / Mh z y for Cmy
−1 ≤ αs ≤ 0
−1 ≤ ψ ≤ 0 0.1 (1−ψ) − 0.8 αs ≥ 0.4 0.2 (− ψ) − 0.8 αs ≥ 0.4
Mh for CmLT
M for Cmz
αs =Ms / Mh z
0 ≤ αh ≤ 1 −1 ≤ ψ ≤ 1 0.95 − 0.05 αh 0.90 + 0.10 αh
ψMh 0≤ψ≤1 0.95 + 0.05 αh for CmLT
0.90 + 0.10 αh

ψMh −1 ≤ αh ≤ 0
Mh −1 ≤ ψ ≤ 0 0.95 + 0.05 αh (1+2 ψ) 0.90 + 0.1αh (1+2 ψ)
Ms αh =Ms / Mh

Mh αh =Mmode,
Ms sway buckling s / Mh
For members with the equivalent uniform moment factor C my
= Cmz = 0.9.

Cmy, Cmz, CmLT shall be obtained according to the bending moment diagram between the relevant braced points
ψM αh =Ms / Mh

Moment factor Bending axis Points braced in direction

Cmy y-y z-z My for Cmy
Cmz z-z y-y
CmLT z-z z-z
Mh αs =Ms / Mh Mz for Cmz
for CmLT


Ms αh =Ms / Mh
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13.8.2 Members Subjected to Axial Force and Bi-axial Table 15 Design shear strength (τ)
Bending ( Clause 13.9.1 )
Members subjected to combined axial compression and
Sl Type of Cross-section τ
biaxial bending shall satisfy the following interaction No. (N/mm2)
relationships equations:
(1) (2) (3)
Mz My i) Completely concrete-encased steel sections 0.30
dz M dz dy M dy ii) Concrete filled circular hollow sections 0.55

Mz iii) Concrete filled rectangular hollow sections 0.40

dz M dz iv) Flanges of partially encased sections 0.20
v) Webs of partially encased columns 0.00
dy M dy Due to the action of creep and shrinkage, no shear
connection is required for composite columns or
where compression members if the load application is by
μdz and μdy = moment resistance reduction factors in z endplate, where the full interface between steel and
and y directions, respectively (see 13. 8) concrete is permanently under compression. Otherwise,
αmx = αmy = αm (see 13.8) the load application/introduction should be verified as
given below:
13.9 Mechanical Shear Connection and Load a) If the cross-section is partially loaded, as shown
Introduction in Fig. 20(a), the loads may be distributed with a
Proper sharing of loads between the steel section and ratio of 1:2.5 over the thickness te of the endplate.
concrete of composite columns should be ensured at The concrete stresses should then be limited in the
points of load introduction due to load and moment area of effective load introduction.
reactions coming from members connected to the ends b) For concrete-filled circular hollow section or
of the column and also for axial loads applied anywhere square hollow section, under partial loading
within the length of the column, considering the shear as shown in Fig. 20(b), for example, by gusset
resistance at the interface between steel and concrete. plates or by stiffeners, the local design strength of
Where composite columns and compression members concrete σc under the gusset or stiffener resulting
are subjected to significant transverse shear, for from the sectional forces of the concrete section
example, by local transverse loads and by end moments, shall be determined as:
the provision shall be made for the transfer of the
0.8 f ck  t f y  Ac 0.8. Ac . f ck . fy
corresponding local longitudinal shear stress at the c  1  0   ;
interface between steel and concrete. For axially loaded c  d 0.8 f ck  A1 A1 . c  m00
columns and compression members, longitudinal shear
outside the region of load introduction need not be where
considered. Ac/A1 ≤ 20
t = is the wall thickness of the steel tube;
13.9.1 Load Introduction
d = diameter of the tube or width of the square
Shear connectors should be provided at regions of load section;
introduction and at regions with change in cross section,
if the design shear resistance at the concrete-steel Ac = is the cross sectional area of the concrete
interface, τ, (Table 15) is exceeded. The shear forces section of the column;
should be determined from the change of sectional A1 = is the loaded area under the gusset plate
forces of the steel or reinforced concrete section within (see Fig. 20); and
the introduction length. If the loads are introduced into η0 = 4.9 for circular steel tubes and 3.5 for square
the concrete cross section only, the values resulting sections.
from an elastic analysis considering creep and shrinkage c) For concrete-filled circular hollow sections,
should be taken into account. Otherwise, the forces at longitudinal reinforcements may be taken into
the interface should be determined by elastic theory account while determining the resistance of the
or plastic theory to determine the more severe case. In composite column, even if the reinforcement is
the absence of any accurate method, the introduction not directly connected to the endplate, provided
length should not exceed 2d or L/3, where d is the that the gap [Fig. 20(a)] between the end of
minimum transverse dimension of the column and L is reinforcement and the surface of the endplate does
the column length. not exceed 30 mm.

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Fig. 20 Partially Loaded Circular Concrete Filled Hollow Section

13.9.2 Shear connection development of the frictional forces between concrete

When a mechanical connection is introduced in and steel flanges.
the form of stud connectors to the web of a fully or 13.9.3 Longitudinal Shear Outside Area of Load
partially concrete-encased steel I-section, an account Introduction
may be taken of the frictional forces that develop due
to the restraint in lateral expansion of the concrete by a) Outside the area of load introduction, longitudinal
the adjacent steel flanges. This resistance is assumed to shear at the interface between concrete and steel
be equal to µ.Qu/2 on each flange and each horizontal should be verified where it is caused by transverse
row of studs, as shown in Fig. 21 and may be added loads and/or end moments. Shear connectors should
to the calculated resistance of the shear connectors. be provided based on the distribution of the design
µ is the relevant coefficient of friction and be taken as value of longitudinal shear, where this exceeds the
0.5. Qu is the resistance of a single stud as per 11.2. design shear resistance τ. In the absence of a more
accurate method, elastic analysis, considering
The clear distance between the flanges should not long-term effects and cracking of the concrete,
exceed the values given in Fig. 21 to ensure the

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Fig. 21 Additional Frictional Forces in Composite Columns by use of Headed Studs

may be used to determine the longitudinal shear at given by the steel section as per 8.3.6. The shear force
the interface. Provided that the surface of the steel shall be distributed between the steel section and the
section, in contact with the concrete, is unpainted concrete section in accordance with 13.9.
and free from oil, grease, and loose scale or rust,
the values given in Table 15 may be assumed for τ. 14 CONSTRUCTION AND ERECTION
The value of τ given in Table 15 for fully concrete-
encased steel sections applies to sections with a 14.1 Fabrication and Inspection Procedure for
minimum concrete cover of 40 mm. For greater Structural Steel
concrete cover and adequate reinforcement, higher Fabrication and erection of steel sections and
values of τ may be used. Unless verified by tests, components, as and where situated in a composite
for completely encased sections, the increased structure would include fabrication procedures, both
value βc. τ may be used, with βc given by: shop and site fabrications, along with fabrication
 C  tolerances, inspection, testing, handling, transportation,
 c  1  0.02.Cz . 1  z , min   2.5 site storage, erection along with erection tolerances,
 Cz  etc.
where Fabrication and erection specifications of all steel
components of a composite structure shall refer to
Cz = is the wall thickness of the steel tube; and stipulations laid down in IS 800.
Cz,min = diameter of the tube or width of the square
b) Unless otherwise verified, for partially encased
I-sections with transverse shear due to bending 15.1 In closed structures, an accidental fire may lead
about the weak axis caused by lateral loading or to a rise in temperature under which failure of the
end moments, shear connectors should always material may take place unless a proper design and
be provided. If the resistance of the structural construction against fire is carried out. Open structures
steel section alone against transverse shear is such as bridges are not generally vulnerable to failure
not sufficient to take care of the total transverse under fire since the temperature does not go up to the
shear on the composite section, then the required level which may cause material damage. Also, in an
transverse reinforcement for the shear force Vc open structure, the fire can be extinguished easily and
according to 12.5.2, should be welded to the web quickly. Fire tests on open structures such as elevated
of the steel section or should pass through the web parking lots and bridges have shown that the structure
of the steel section. does not undergo any material damage due to reasons
indicated above. However, all structures, including
13.10 Shear Check both closed and open ones, shall be protected from all
The factored shear force in the compression members possible accidental fires caused by different kinds of
should be less than the design shear strength of the hazards.
member, which is the sum total of the shear resistance Fire-resistant designs for open and closed structures
given by the concrete section along with steel at specialized locations, such as those in proximity
reinforcements as per IS 456 and the shear resistance to oil installations or pipelines carrying inflammable

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materials, etc., as in the case of industrial buildings and 15.2.1 Design Fire
structures, shall be done based on recommendations The design of a structure against fire load is dependent
given in specialized literature. Also, adequate on the required fire resistant level (FRL), which is
provisions may be made for firefighting equipment to dependent on the function of the structure itself and
access all parts of the structure. After the occurrence the period of structural adequacy (PSA). These shall be
of fire in a structure, it should be mandatory for the calculated based on the stipulation laid down in IS 800.
concerned authorities to have the structure inspected by
competent experts in order to ascertain the condition of The response of steel elements of a composite structure
the structure before it can be declared safe for re-use. against fire as laid down in IS 800 shall be binding on
all steel elements of the composite structures which are
In addition to the above, locations in any structural susceptible to rise in temperature during its design life.
system that may be prone to accidental occurrence For all general buildings, an adequate fire protection
of fire, shall be adequately provided with basic methodology shall be adopted.
fire protection methods as per specialist literature.
These will include both active as well as passive fire 15.2.2 Fire Protection Methodology
protection. Apart from the direct design of steel components
15.2 Response to Fire against fire as required in IS 800 (protected as well
as unprotected section), other protective measures,
Steel is a good conductor of heat that experiences an (both active and passive), may also be adopted as
almost uniform temperature increase over its entire recommended in literature as fire-resistant procedures.
volume. Concrete is a poor conductor of heat has a
large temperature gradient within its volume. Due For active fire resistance, provisions of fire locating
to this, the entire steel member gains the heat faster, and fighting measures like the smoke detectors, fire
whereas the surfaces of concrete exposed directly to extinguishers inside a building along with accessory
heat experience high temperature, with the temperature fire water supply, sprinkler system, etc shall be made
dropping off drastically in the interior of the concrete available at vantage points. The planning of the structure
mass. shall be made in such a way that it is accessible from all
sides to fire extinguishing vehicles.
Both steel and concrete exhibit a drastic reduction
in strength with an increase in temperature above For passive fire resistance, protective paints and
400 °C. Due to this, the resistance of steel members materials like intumescent paints, vermiculite boards
tends to decrease drastically above 400 °C, whereas etc, may be used on exposed steel surfaces, and their
concrete at the surfaces exposed to high temperature provision shall be made as per the required fire-resistant
tends to spall off due to high temperature gradient. The level and as per their properties and specification
steel structure, if it does not fail under fire, regains its provided by the manufacturers. The design of protected
strength after the fire, the damage at the surface of the sections shall be done as per the stipulations laid down
concrete is permanent due to chemical changes. The in the relevant section of IS 800. Detailed design against
steel reinforcement in concrete is protected from loss of the fire may be based on provisions of other composite
strength due to an increase in temperature by providing codes and specialized literature.
adequate concrete cover as per IS 456. Composite 15.2.3 Fire Resistance of Composite Slabs
floor system deck sheeting is to be provided with fire
protection. The fire resistance is assumed based on the following
two criteria:
However, literature shows that the minimum necessary
fire resistance can be achieved by using the composite a) Thermal insulation criterion, concerned with
floor systems and the composite columns, without limiting the transmission of heat by conduction;
applying fire protection. Interaction of the steel beam and
and the concrete slab in the composite flooring leads to b) Integrity criterion is concerned with preventing the
a higher critical temperature and higher fire resistance. flames and hot gases from nearby compartments.
The requirements for fire resistance shall apply to It is met by specifying an adequate thickness of
steel elements of steel-concrete composite structure insulation.
designed to exhibit a required fire resistant level as per
the relevant specifications.
For testing methods, Annex E may be referred.

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( Clause 2 )

IS Number Title IS Number Title

432 Specification for mild steel and 1148 : 2009 Steel rivet bars (medium and high
(Part 1) : 1982 medium tensile steel bars and tensile) for structural purposes
hard-drawn steel wire for concrete (fourth revision)
reinforcement: Part 1 Mild steel 1161 : 2014 Steel tubes for structural
and medium tensile steel bars purposes — Specification
(third revision) (fifth revision)
456 : 2000 Plain and reinforced concrete — 1182 : 1983 Recommended practice for
Code of practice (fourth revision) radiographic examination of
800 : 2007 General construction in steel — fusion welded butt joints in steel
Code of practice (third revision) plates (second revision)
808 : 2021 Hot rolled steel beam, column, 1239 Steel tubes, tubulars and
channel and angle sections — other wrought steel fittings —
Dimensions and properties Specification
(fourth revision) Part 1 : 2004 Part 1 Steel tubes (sixth revision)
812 : 1957 Glossary of terms relating to Part 2 : 2011 Part 2 Steel pipe fittings
welding and cutting of metals (fifth revision)
814 : 2004 Covered electrodes for manual 1363 Hexagon head bolts, screws and
metal arc welding of carbon nuts of product grade C:
and carbon manganese steel — Part 1 : 2019 Part 1 Hexagon head bolts (size
Specification (sixth revision) range M 5 to M 64) (fifth revision)
816 : 1969 Code of practice for use of Part 2 : 2018 Hexagon head screws (size range
metal arc welding for general M 5 to M 64 ) (fifth revision)
construction in mild steel
Part 3 : 2018 (Style 1) Hexagon nuts (size range
(first revision)
M 5 to M 64) (fifth revision)
822 : 1970 Code of procedure for inspection
1364 Hexagon head bolts, screw and
of welds
(Part 1) : 2018 nuts products grade A and B:
875 Code of practice for design Part 1 Hexagon head bolts
loads (other than earthquake) for (size range M 1.6 to M 64)
buildings and structures (fifth revision)
Part 1 : 1987 Dead loads — Unit weights of 1367 Technical supply conditions for
building materials and stored threaded steel fasteners:
materials (second revision)
Part 1 : 2014 Part 1 General requirements for
Part 2 : 1987 Imposed loads (second revision) bolts, screws, studs and nuts
Part 3 : 2015 Wind loads (third revision) (fourth revision)
Part 4 : 2021 Snow loads (third revision) Part 2 : 2002 Part 2 Tolerances for fasteners —
Part 5 : 1987 Special loads and combinations Bolts, screws, studs and nuts —
(second revision) Product grades a, b and c
(third revision)
1024 : 1999 Use of welding in bridges and
structures subject to dynamic Part 3 : 2017 Part 3 Mechanical properties of
loading — Code of practice fasteners made of carbon steel
(second revision) and bolts, screws and studs
(fifth revision)
1030 : 1998 Carbon steel castings for
general engineering purposes —
Specification (fifth revision)

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IS 11384 : 2022

IS Number Title IS Number Title

Part 5 : 2018 Part 5 Mechanical properties of Part 18 : 1996 Packaging (third revision)
fasteners made of carbon steel Part 19 : 1997 Axial load fatigue testing of bolts,
and alloy steel — Set screws and screws and studs
similar threaded fasteners with
specified hardness classes — Part 20 : 1996 Torsional — Test and minimum
Coarse thread and fine pitch thread torques for bolts and screws
(fourth revision) with nominal diameters 1 mm to
10 mm
Part 6 : 2018 Part 6 Mechanical properties of
fasteners made of carbon steel and 1395 : 1982 Specification for low and medium
alloy steel — Nuts with specified alloy steel covered electrodes
property classes — Coarse for manual metal arc welding
thread and fine pitch thread (third revision)
(fourth revision) 1608 (Part 1) : Metallic materials tensile testing:
Part 7 : 1980 Part 7 Mechanical properties 2018 Part 1 Method of test at room
and test methods for nuts temperature (fourth revision)
without specified proof loads 1730 : 1989 Dimensions for steel plates,
(second revision) sheets, strips and flats for
Part 8 : 2020 Part 8 Prevailing torque type steel general engineering purposes
nuts — Functional properties (second revision)
(fifth revision) 1732 : 1989 Dimensions for steel bars, round
Part 9/Sec 1 : Part 9 Surface discontinuities, and square for structural and
1993 Section 1 bolts, screws and general engineering purposes
studs for general applications (second revision)
(third revision) 1785 Specification for plain
Part 9/Sec 2 : Part 9 Surface discontinuities, hard-drawn steel wire for
1993 Section 2 bolts, screws and pre-stressed concrete:
studs for special applications Part 1 : 1983 Cold drawn stress relieved wire
(third revision) (second revision)
Part 10 : 2002 Part 10 Surface discontinuities — Part 2 : 1983 As-drawn wire (first revision)
Nuts (third revision) 1786 : 2008 High strength deformed steel
Part 11 : 2020 Part 11 Electroplated coatings bars and wires for concrete
systems (fourth revision) reinforcement — Specification
Part 12 : 1981 Part 12 Phosphate coatings (fourth revision)
on threaded fasteners 1852 : 1985 Specification for rolling and
(second revision) cutting tolerances for hot rolled
Part 13 : 2020 Part 13 Hot — Dip galvanized steel products (fourth revision)
coatings on threaded fasteners 1875 : 1992 Carbon steel billets, blooms,
(third revision) slabs and bars for forgings —
Part 14/Sec 1: Part 14 Mechanical properties of Specification (fifth revision)
2018 corrosion — Resistant stainless — 1893 Criteria for earthquake resistant
Steel fasteners, Section 1 Bolts, design of structures,
screws and studs (fourth revision) Part 1 : 2016 General provisions and buildings
Part 14/Sec 2 : Part 14 Mechanical properties (sixth revision)
2018 of corrosion-resistant stainless Part 2 : 2014 Liquid retaining tanks
steel fasteners, Section 2 Nuts (fifth revision)
(fourth revision)
Part 3 : 2014 Bridges and retaining walls
Part 16 : 2002 Part 16 Designation system for
Part 4 : 2015 Industrial structures including
fasteners (third revision)
stack like structures (first revision)
Part 17 : 2005 Part 17 Inspections, sampling
1929 : 1982 Specification for hot forged steel
and acceptance procedure
rivets for hot closing (12 to 36 mm
(fourth revision)
diameter) (first revision)

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IS 11384 : 2022

IS Number Title IS Number Title

2004 : 1991 Carbon steel forgings for 6419 : 1996 Welding rods and bare electrodes
general engineering purposes — for gas shielded arc welding of
Specification (third revision) structural steel — Specification
2062 : 2011 Hot rolled medium and high tensile (first revision)
structural steel — Specification 6560 : 2017 Welding consumables — Wire
(seventh revision) electrodes, wires rods and
2155 : 1982 Specification for cold forged solid deposits for gas shielded arc
steel rivets for hot closing (6 to welding of creep resisting steel —
16 mm diameter) (first revision) Classification (second revision)
2266 : 2019 Steel wire ropes for general 6610 : 1972 Specification for heavy washers
engineering purposes — for steel structures
Specification (fifth revision) 6623 : 2004 High strength structural nuts
2315 : 1978 Specification for thimbles for wire (second revision)
ropes (first revision) 6649 : 1985 Specification for hardened and
2644 : 1994 High strength steel castings tempered washers for high
for general engineering and strength structural bolts and nuts
structural purposes — (first revision)
Specification (fourth revision) 6911 : 2017 Stainless steel plate, sheet
3640 : 1982 Specification for hexagon fit bolts and strip — Specification
(first revision) (second revision)
3757 : 1985 Specification for high strength 7002 : 2018 Prevailing torque type hexagon
structural bolts (second revision) nuts (with non-metallic insert),
style — Property classes 5, 8 and
4000 : 1992 High strength bolts in steel 10 (third revision)
structures — Code of practice
(first revision) 7307 (Part 1) : Approval tests for welding
1974 procedures: Part 1 Fusion welding
4367 : 1991 Alloy steel forgings for general of steel
industrial use — Specification
(first revision) 7310 (Part 1) : Approval tests for welders
2019 procedures: Part 1 Fusion welding
4853 : 1982 Recommended practice for of steel (first revision)
radiographic inspection of fusion
welded butt joints in steel pipes 7318 (Part 1) : Approval tests for welders when
(first revision) 1974 welding procedure approval is not
required: Part 1 Fusion welding of
4923 : 2017 Hollow steel sections for steel
structural use — Specification
(third revision) 9595 : 1996 Metal — Arc welding of carbon
and carbon manganese steels —
5334 : 2014 Magnetic particle flaw detection Recommendations (first revision)
of welds — Code of practice
(third revision) 11587 : 1986 Specification for structural
weather resistant steels
5369 : 1975 General requirements for plain
washers and lock washers 13620 : 1993 Fusion bonded epoxy coated
(first revision) reinforcing bars — Specification
5370 : 1969 Specification for plain washers 15977 : 2013 Classification and acceptance
with outside diameter 3 x inside tests for bare solid wire electrodes
diameter and wire flux combination
for submerged arc welding of
5372 : 1975 Specification for taper washers for structural steel — Specification
channels (ISMC) (first revision)
5374 : 1975 Specification for taper washer for
I-beams (1SMB) (first revision)
5624 : 2021 Foundation bolts — Specification
(second revision)

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IS 11384 : 2022

( Clauses 8.1.1 and )
The stress distribution and the methods of evaluation In both the above methods, the stress in the reinforcing
of the sagging and hogging bending resistances under steel in the concrete slab under compression is
full and partial shear interaction of composite beams are disregarded.
discussed in this Annex.
B-1.1.1 Based on Parabolic Stress Block Satisfying
B-1 SAGGING MOMENT RESISTANCE OF Stress Strain Relationship
COMPOSITE SECTION WITH PLASTIC OR Calculation of bending resistance is based on parabolic
COMPACT STRUCTURAL STEEL BEAMS stress block, which is compatible with strain diagram.
The design bending resistance depends on the location
B-1.1 Sagging Bending Resistance with Full Shear of the plastic neutral axis. Table 16 gives the various
Interaction cause of design bending moments of a composite section
The equations for calculating the bending resistance depending upon the location of the plastic neutral axis
of composite beams are presented in this section. It is as shown in Fig. 22, 23 and 24. For hybrid sections,
assumed that sufficient shear connectors are provided appropriate yield strength in flanges and web shall be
between the structural steel and concrete to develop full considered for calculation of the plastic moments.
shear with no-slip during the service load.
B-1.1.2 Based on Rectangular Stress Block
Initially, evaluating the resistance based on parabolic stress
block over the entire depth of concrete in compression The design plastic bending resistance depends on the
is presented. This is theoretically slightly more accurate location of the neutral axis, as shown in Figs. 25, 26
than the rectangular stress block (maximum of 2-3 and 27. Table 17 gives the equations for evaluating the
percent difference), but computationally more tedious, bending resistance of a composite section, depending
particularly when it comes to sections subjected to upon the location of the neutral axis. For hybrid sections
combined bending and compression. appropriate yield strength in flanges and web shall be
considered for calculation of the plastic moments.
Subsequently, equations based on rectangular stress
block for concrete in compression is presented. This Figs. 26b and 27b show the actual stress distribution
is assumed so that the calculations are simplified. This and Figs. 26c and 27c show the equivalent stress
method is easier to use, particularly when the neutral axis distribution to simplify the equations.
is in or closer to compression flange of the steel section.

Fig. 22 Stress Distribution in a Composite Beam with Plastic Neutral

Axis within the Concrete Slab at Ultimate Moment

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g g

g g

Fig.23 Stress Distribution in a Composite Beam with Plastic Neutral Axis within
the Flange of Steel Beam at Ultimate Moment

g g

g g

Fig. 24 Stress Distribution in Composite Beam with Plastic Neutral Axis within
the Web of Steel Beam at Ultimate Moment

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Table 16 Sagging Moment Resistance of Composite Section with full Shear

Interaction (Parabolic Stress Block)
( Clause B-1.1.1 )
Case Position of Plastic Location of N A Design Moment Capacity,
Neutral Axis xu Md
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Within slab (Fig. 22) xu = aAs / beff Md = As (fy/γm0) (dc + 0.5 ds – 0.42 xu)
beff .ds > a.As
2 in steel flange (Fig. 23) Md = (fy/γm0) [{As (dc+0.08 dS.) – {bf. (xu – ds)
xu  ds 
 aAs  beff ds  (xu + 0.16 ds )}]
beff .ds<a.As< (beff .ds+2a.Af) 2bf a

3 In web (Fig. 24) xu= ds + tf + Md = (fy/γm0) [{As (dc + 0.08ds)} – {2Af (0.5tf + 0.58ds)}
a As> (beff ds + 2a Af) {a (As − 2 Af) − beff ds}/(2atw) –{2tw(xu – ds – tf) (0.5xu+ 0.08ds + 0.5tf}]

Where a 
0.36 f ck

Fig. 25 Stress Distribution in a Composite Beam with Plastic Neutral Axis within
Concrete Slab at Ultimate Moment

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g g

g g

Fig. 26 Stress Distribution in a Composite Beam with Plastic Neutral Axis within
the Flange of the Steel Beam at Ultimate Moment

g g

g g

Fig. 27 Stress Distribution in a Composite Beam with Plastic Neutral Axis within
the Web of the Steel Beam at Ultimate Moment

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Table 17 Sagging Moment Resistance of Composite Section with full Shear Interaction
(Rectangular Stress Block)
( Clause B-1.1.2 )
Case Position of Plastic Neutral Axis Location of N A Design Moment Capacity,
xu Md
1 Within slab (Fig. 25) beff .ds > a.As xu = aAs /beff Md=As fy/γm0 (dc + 0.5ds – λ. xu /2)

2 Plastic neutral axis in steel flange Md = fy/γm0 [As {dc+0.5dS.(1 – λ)} –bf. (xu – ds)
(Fig. 26) xu  ds 
 aAs  beff ds  {xu + (1 – λ).ds }]
2bf a
beff .ds<a.As<(beff ds+2a Af)
3 Plastic Neutral axis in web (Fig. 27) a  As  2 Af   beff ds Md = fy. /γm0 [As.{dc + 0.5 ds.(1 – λ)} – 2Af. {0.5tf +
beff .ds + 2a Af < a As xu  ds  tf  (1 – λ/2) ds} – tw.(xu – ds – tf ) {xu + (1 – λ) ds + tf }]

where a
...  f ck 

NOTE — Notations used in the determination of plastic bending resistance are given below:
Af = area of the top flange of steel beam of a composite section.
As = cross sectional area of structural steel beam of a composite section.
beff = effective width of concrete slab.
bf = width of top flange of steel section.
ds = overall depth of concrete slab.
dc = vertical distance between centroids of concrete slabs and steel beam in a composite section.
tf = average thickness of the top flange of the steel section.
tw = thickness of the web of the steel section.
xu = depth of neutral axis at ultimate limit state of flexure from top of concrete
Md = design bending resistance.
αcc = 0.67.
γc = material safety factor for concrete
= 1.50 (for basic and seismic combinations)
= 1.20 (for accidental combinations)
γm0 = material safety factor for structural steel = 1.10
γk = material safety factor for reinforcing steel = 1.15
η = 1.0 [for fck ≤ 60 MPa]
= 1.0 - (fck-60) / 250 [for 60 < fck ≤ 110 MPa]
λ = 0.8 [for fck ≤ 60 MPa]
= 0.8 - (fck-60) / 500 [for 60 < fck ≤ 110 MPa]

B-1.2 Bending Moment with Partial Shear np Fcp M  M ds

Interaction Sc   
nf Fcf M d  M ds
B-1.2.1 Partial shear connection is applicable only in np = Number of shear connectors provided for partial
the case of plastic resistance of plastic and compact shear connection,
classifications. Provisions for partial shear connection is
applicable either for attaining economy without losing nf = Number of shear connectors required for full
much in moment capacity of the composite section or shear connection,
in conditions where the number of shear connectors Fcp = Capacity of shear connectors in partial shear
required for full shear interactions cannot be provided connection with np numbers of connectors,
due to lack of space resulting in the increased spacing Fcf = Capacity of shear connectors in full shear
of shear connectors due to provision of lesser numbers connection with nf numbers of connectors,
of shear connectors than that needed for full composite
MR = Required bending resistance of the section,
Md = Design bending resistance of the composite
Degree of shear connection Sc is given as section
Mds = Design bending resistance of steel section alone.

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B-1.2.1 To obtain required bending resistance M, the where

number of shear connectors required (assuming all γk = partial safety factor for reinforcement = 1.15.
connectors have equal capacity) is given as:
fyk = Characteristic yield strength of the reinforcing
np = (M – Mds)/(Md – Mds) nf steel.
B-1.3 Sagging Bending Resistance of Composite Ast = the effective area of longitudinal reinforcement
Section with Non-Compact Structural Steel Beams within the effective width beff of the beam.
Since the compression flange of semi-compact steel The plastic moment of resistance for plastic and
sections buckle locally under compression on reaching compact structural steel section is given as:
yield stress fy, the design resistance of the composite Zp . fy
section consisting of semi-compact sections is M ds 
evaluated using equations of compact sections as per
B-1, wherein the effective width of elements of section where
like the compression flange is restricted to limiting Zp is the plastic section modulus of the structural steel
value of that of the compact section. section and γm0 is the material safety factor to be taken
as 1.10. In the absence of any tensile reinforcements,
the bending resistance of the section would be that of
the structural steel section as given by Mds above. To
allow for reinforcements, it is assumed that the stress
Figure 28 shows stress distribution across a composite in a depth y changes from tension to compression
beam section subjected to hogging bending moment. for Plastic and compact section. The corresponding
Since the steel bottom flange is in compression depth for a non-compact section is xe. For plastic
section classification shall be done as per IS 800. For
and compact sections, stress distribution y may be
classification of the web, the distance, ( y ), of the
determined from
plastic neutral axis above the centroid of the area of the
steel section shall first be found. 2 fy
y tw  Fs
B-2.1 Hogging Bending Resistance for Plastic and
Compact Structural Steel Sections The locations of the neutral axis and the bending
The design tensile force in reinforcement is given as: resistance for the plastic and compact section are given
in Table 18.
Fsr = fyk.Ast/γk

g g

Fig. 28 Stress Diagram For Hogging Moment Region at Ultimate Moment

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Table 18 Hogging Bending Resistance of plastic and compact Composite Section

( Clause B-2.1 )
Case Position of Plastic Value of Moment Capacity Mdh
Neutral Axis y
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 In Web D Mdh = Mds +Fsr.Z
y tf

2 In Flange D D  F  Fsr  . tf
 y  tf D
M dh  Fb .  Fsr .d s  b
2 2 2 Ff 4

D y
Z=  ds 
2 2 f y . Af
Ff = Axial capacity of a single flange =
ym 0
f y . As
Fb = Axial capacity of steel section =
ϒ m0
f yk . Ast
Fsr = Axial capacity of reinforcing steel =
As = area of structural steel cross section
Af = area of top flange of structural steel cross section
Ast = area of reinforcing steel within the effective width of concrete flange
ds = overall depth of the concrete slab
de= Effective depth of the slab
tf = Average thickness of the top flange of the steel section
tw = Thickness of the web of the steel section
NOTE — The web shall be classified as being in compression throughout.

B-2.2 Hogging Bending Resistance for Non-Compact stress in the reinforcement may govern the design. It is
Section given in the following equation:
Where elastic analysis is used, creep is considered in  fy  D 
the choice of modular ratio m (=Es /Ecm). Here, at the   f s    ds  xe 
section considered, the loading causes bending moment   m0  2  f yk
(Me(s)) in the steel member alone and (Me(c)) in the  D  k
composite member. 2 
The location of the elastic neutral axis of the composite
semi-compact section (see Fig. 28(b)) is given as: B-3 FLANGE STRESS REDUCTION FACTOR
xe  As  Ast   Ast   ds  Flange stress reduction factor is applicable for hybrid
 2  sections using higher-grade steel flanges where the
and the second moment of area of the composite section section is non-compact, or in other words, where the
is given as: section reaches the plastic moment capacity. In such
cases, design limiting stress for both compression and
 tension shall be modified by the reduction factor ‘Rh’
I co  I s  As .xe2  Ast   ds  xe 
2  and shall be taken as:
Where, Is is the second moment of area of the steel fn = Rh . fyf /γm0
section alone.
The yield moment is mostly governed by the total stress
Rh = (D.fyw) /(d.fyf) ≤ 1.0
in the steel bottom flange. The locations of the neutral
axis and the moment of resistance for non-compact fyf, fyw = the yield strength of the flange and web
section is given in Table 19. respectively
The bending moment (Me(s)) causes no stress in the slab D, d = the distance of the extreme compression/tension
reinforcements. In propped construction, the tensile flange and the corresponding extreme fiber of
the web from the neutral axis of the composite
section respectively.
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Table 19 Hogging Bending Resistance of Non-compact Composite Section

( Clause B-2.2 )
Location of Neutral Axis Moment capacity of Steel section Moment Capacity Md(c)
alone [fs] y
(1) (2) (3)

D  D  fy 
xe  As  Ast   Ast   ds  2   f s  I co
2  fs  M es  . 
Is M d c   M e s    m 0 
NOTE: — The web shall be classified as being in compression throughout.
Ast = Cross sectional area of reinforcements within the effective width of the concrete flange
As = Cross sectional area of steel beam of a composite section
ds = Overall depth of the slab
de = effective depth of the slab
Me(s) = Hogging moment in the steel section alone
fs = Compressive stress in steel flange due to moment Me(s)
Is = moment of inertia of the steel beam alone
Ico = moment of inertia of the composite section
= I co  I s  As .xe  Ast   ds  xe 

tf = average thickness of the top flange of the steel section
tw = Thickness of the web of steel section

For homogeneous grade steel sections, Rh shall be where,

1.0. The reduction factor shall not apply to compact
or plastic sections because the effect of lower strength  LT   1.0
 2 2

 LT   LT   LT  
material in the web is accounted for in calculating the 2

plastic moment as specified in B-1.1.  

B-4 MOMENT OF RESISTANCE AGAINST  LT  0.5 1   LT    0.2    LT 2 
(CONSTRUCTION STAGE) αLT = As per Table 13
The non-dimensional slenderness ratio, λLt, is given by:
At the construction stage, before the concrete hardens,
the structural steel beam strength may be dictated by b ZP fy 1.2 Z e f y
the lateral buckling strength. This may be evaluated as  LT  
per IS 800. M cr M cr
Effect of lateral-torsional buckling on flexural strength
need not be considered if λLT ≤ 0.4. fy
f crb
B-4.1 Sagging Lateral Buckling Resistance of
Structural Steel Beams where
The design buckling resistance moment of a laterally βb = 1.0 for Plastic and Compact sections.
unrestrained beam under un-propped condition during = Ze/Zp for semi-compact sections.
the construction stage shall be taken as: Mcr = the elastic critical moment corresponding to
  LT f y  lateral torsional buckling.
M d   b Zp   In the case of simply supported prismatic members with
symmetric cross-section, the elastic critical moment,

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IS 11384 : 2022

Mcr, can be determined as: Composite Beams

  2 EI y The effective unsupported length, LLT, in case of bare

  2 EI w  steel section may be taken as recommended in IS 800.
M cr   GI t 

  b .Z p . f cr.b
  LLT   LLT   When a slab connects in the hogging moment region
2 2

the top flange of two or more beams running parallel,
The maximum bending compressive stress then the effect of U-Frame action in restraining the
corresponding to lateral buckling, fcr.b of non-slender lateral buckling of bottom flange under compression
rolled I-sections may be approximately calculated (Fig. 29) may be considered as given as below:
using the following equation:
B-4.2.1 The rotational spring restraint stiffness of the
1.1 E  1  LLT / ry   concrete slab, ks, per unit length of steel beam is given
f crb  1     by
( LLT / ry ) 2  20  hf / tf  
ks = k1 k2/(k1 + k2)
The following simplified conservative equation may be
used in the case of prismatic members made of standard
rolled I-sections and welded doubly symmetric k1 = Flexural stiffness of the cracked concrete or
I-sections for calculating the elastic critical lateral composite slab transverse to the spanning
buckling moment. direction of steel beam = α (EI)s/a,
0.5 α = 2 for an edge beam,
 2 EI y hf  1  LLT / ry  

M cr  1       b Z p f cr , b = 3 for inner beam and

2 L2LT  20  hf / tf   = 4 for inner beam with four or more such beams
where running parallel and supporting the continuous
fcr,b =lateral torsional buckling stress,
a = span length of the slab transverse to the steel
Iw = warping constant, beams
It =torsional constant = ∑bi ti3/3 for open sections, (EI)s = cracked flexural stiffness of the concrete or
Iy = moment of inertia about the weak axis, composite slab per unit width parallel to the
ry = radius of gyration of the section about the steel beam, taken as the lower of the sagging
weak axis], bending slab stiffness of the slab in between
the steel beams and hogging bending stiffness
LLT = effective length for lateral torsional buckling,
of the slab at the supporting steel section;
hf = Center to center distance between flanges, and
k2 = flexural stiffness of the steel web per unit
tf, = thickness of the flange. length along the beam,
Mcr for different beam sections, considering loading, = Es tw3/[4(1-υs2)hs)] in un-encased steel section
support condition, and non-symmetric cross-section,
= Es tw bc2/[16 hs (1+ 4 m tw/bc)] in encased steel
shall be more accurately calculated using the method
section as per 8.3.8
given in IS 800.
Es = modulus of elasticity of structural steel;
B-4.2 Hogging Lateral Buckling Resistance of υs = Poisson’s ratio of structural steel;

Fig.29 Inverted U-Frame Action to Restrain Lateral Buckling of Bottom Flange

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tw = thickness of the steel section web; e = Aco Izs/[As Zc (Aco-As)]

bc = width of concrete encasement (Fig. 27); hs = Distance between the centers of the flanges of
hs = distance between centroids of top and bottom the steel section
flanges Iys, Izs = Second moment of area of steel section about
m = long term modular ratio of encasing concrete the minor and major axis, respectively
as per IS 456 Zc = distance between the centroid of steel section
and the mid depth of concrete slab.
B-4.2.2 The torsional rigidity of the steel section may
be taken as Gs Ist, where Gs is the shear modulus of C4 = constant depending upon the bending stress
steel, Ist, is the St. Venant’s torsion constant of the steel distribution over the span length as given in
section. The torsional rigidity stiffness contribution Tables 20 and 21.
of encasing concrete may be taken as being equal to B-5 MOMENT OF RESISTANCE FOR FILLER
GcIct /10, where Gc, may be taken as equal to 0.3 Es/m BEAM DECKS
and Ict is the St. Venant’s torsion constant of encasing
concrete of rectangular shape and m is the modular Filler Beam decks most likely to be designed for
ratio for long term effects. structures with wide column-free zones having higher
live loads. The stress distribution diagram for a standard
B-4.2.3 The elastic hogging critical buckling moment filler beam decks is as shown in Fig. 30.
of the composite beam at an internal support of a
continuous beam is given by the following equation: For equilibrium, Fst = Fsc + Fcc

Mcr = (kcC4/L) [(Gs Ist + ks L2/π2) Es Iybf]2 where

where Fst = Tensile force in the steel section below the

neutral axis.
Iybf = moment of inertia of the bottom flange about
Fsc = Compressive force in the steel section above
the minor axis of the steel section
the neutral axis.
Izco = second moment of the equivalent area, Aco, of
Fcc = Compressive force in the concrete above the
the cracked composite beam section for major
neutral axis.
axis bending
The depth of the neutral axis is given as,
Kc = composite beam section property =
(hs Izc/Iys)/[(hs2/4+(Iys+Izs)/As)/e+ hs] xu = H-xg
Table 20 Linear BMD Over the Span
( Clause B-4.2.3 )
ψ = –1 – 0.75 – 0.5 – 0.25 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0

M 18.1 16.3 14.6 12.8 11.1 9.5 8.2 7.1 6.2

Table 21 Non-Linear BMD over the span

( Clause B-4.2.3 )
BMD β C4
ψ = 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5
0.00 41.5 30.2 24.5 21.1 19.0 17.5 16.5 15.7 15.2
M 0.50 33.9 22.7 17.3 M14.1 13.0 12.0
M 11.4 10.9 10.6
M M M
0.75 28.2 18.0 13.7 11.7 10.6 10.0 9.5 9.1 8.9
1.00 21.9 13.9 11.0 9.6 8.8 8.3 8.0 7.8 7.6
0.00 28.4 21.8 18.6 16.7 15.6 14.8 14.2 13.8 135
M M 1.00 12.7 9.8 8.6 8.0 7.7 7.4 7.2 7.1 7.0

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g g

Fig. 30 Stress Diagram for Filler Beam

where tw= Thickness of the web of steel section.

 cc fy H = Distance between top of concrete and bottom
.. f ck .  B.H  bf .tf  tw .  h  tf    tw .h. of bottom flange of steel beam.
xg  c h = Total depth of steel girder.
 cc fy
.. f ck .  B  tw   2tw . xg = Distance of neutral axis from bottom of bottom
c  m0
flange of steel beam.
Bending resistance is given as, Ast = Cross sectional area of reinforcements within
Mp = Fsc . Xsc + Fcc . Xcc + Fst . Xst the effective width of the concrete flange.
where As = Cross sectional area of steel beam of a
Xsc, Xcc and Xst are respectively the distance between the composite section.
neutral axis of the composite beam and the individual ds = Overall depth of the slab.
centre of gravities of the corresponding forces]. de = effective depth of the slab.
B = center-to-center distance between two filler Mp = Ultimate bending moment.
beff = Effective width of concrete for one filler beam.
bf= width of the top flange of steel section.

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( Clauses and 12.5.2 )

C-1 GENERAL C-2.3 Shear Connectors

Composite slabs consist of metal decking spanning To enable composite action to be assumed between the
between the supports and acting integrally with the profiled steel sheet and the concrete, the longitudinal
concrete after the concrete hardens (Fig. 31). The steel shear force be transferred by the sheet by the above
decking performs several roles as given below: following form of connection (Fig.33):
a) It supports loads during construction and acts as a a) Mechanical interlock through the provision of
working platform. indentations or embossments rolled into the
b) It develops adequate composite action with
concrete to resist the imposed loading. b) Frictional interlock of re-entrant profile.
c) It transfers in-plane loading by diaphragm action c) Through-deck welded stud connectors or any
to vertical bracing or shear walls. other local connection between the steel and the
d) It may stabilize the compression flanges of the
beams against lateral buckling until the concrete d) Deformation of the ends of the ribs at the ends of
hardens. the sheeting.
e) It reduces the volume of concrete in the tension C-2.4 Reinforcement for Shrinkage and
zone of the slab. Temperature Stresses
f) It distributes shrinkage strains, thus preventing In buildings, the temperature difference in the
serious cracking of concrete. slabs is negligible; thus, there is no need to provide
reinforcement to account for temperature stresses. The
effect of shrinkage is to be considered, and the total
C-2.1 Composite floors with profiled decking consist shrinkage strain for design may be taken as 0.003 in the
of the following structural elements along with in-situ absence of test data.
concrete and steel beams:
a) Profiled Decking.
Fig. 34 shows ponding of the profiled deck. In
b) Shear Connectors. unpropped construction, the profiled decking acting as
c) Reinforcement for shrinkage and temperature a formwork to support wet concrete and construction
stresses. live load. Due to this, the deck sheeting may deflect
Connections between the structural steel beam and and cause an increase in the thickness of concrete at
decking elements are generally designed as ‘simple’, or closer to mid-span. This is referred to as ‘Ponding.’
that is, not moment-resisting. Stud shear connectors are Ponding increases the volume of concrete consumed as
welded through the sheeting onto the top flange of the well as dead load. These effects should be accounted
beam to facilitate the shear transfer between concrete for, particularly in long spans.
and steel decking, serving as end anchorage, as well as
the shear transfer between the slab and steel beam for C-4 BENDING RESISTANCE OF COMPOSITE
mobilising composite action along the beam span. SLAB WITH FULL SHEAR CONNECTION
NOTE — In C-4, instead of the usual Fcc, the concrete
C-2.2 Profile Decking compressive force is denoted as Fccf to represent the concrete
The steel deck is normally rolled into the desired profile compressive force with a full shear connection.
from 0.9 mm to 1.5 mm galvanized coil sheets. It is C-4.1 Sagging Bending Resistance [Neutral axis is
profiled such that the profile heights are usually in the above the steel decking (Fig. 35)]
range of 38-75 mm, and the pitch of corrugations is
between 150 mm and 350 mm. Generally, composite The design stress distribution is shown in Fig. 35. This
slab spans of the order of 2.5 m to 3.5 m between is valid when xu ≤ ds, that is, when the neutral axis lies
the beams are chosen, and the beams are designed to above steel decking. Centroid of concrete force lies at
span between 6 m to 12 m. There are two well-known 0.42 xu from top concrete surface. The equations for the
generic types of profiles as given below (Fig.32). design resistance are given in Table 22.

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C-4.2 Sagging Bending Resistance [Neutral axis is extreme fibre of the deck sheet in tension and e is the
within the steel decking (Fig. 36)] distance between the centroidal axis of the profiled
The design stress distribution is shown in Fig. 36. This steel sheeting to the extreme fibre of the deck sheet
is valid when xu > ds, that is, when the plastic neutral in tension. The centroid of concrete force Fccf lies at
axis lies in the steel decking. The depth of the parabolic 0.42 ds from top of the concrete surface. The equations
compressive stress block in concrete is between the top for the design resistance are given in Table 22. The value
of the concrete slab to the top fibre of the deck sheet Mdp used in Table 22 is plastic moment capacity of the
as shown in Fig. 36. Also, ep is the distance between deck sheet which may be provided by the manufacturer
the plastic neutral axis of the composite slab to the or calculated independently.

Fig. 31 Composite Slab

a) Trapezoidal profile with web indentations

b) Dovetail profile with flange indentations

(a) (b)
Fig. 32 Composite Slab Decking Profile

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Fig. 33 Typical Forms of Shear Connectors in Composite Slab

Fig. 34 Ponding in Profile Decking Due to Weight of Concrete Slab

Fig. 35 Stress Distribution Under Sagging Bending Moment (Xu < Ds)

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g g

g g
g g

Fig. 36 Stress Distribution Under Sagging Bending Moment (Xu > Ds)

Table 22 Design Moment Capacity, Mds, of Composite Slabs with Full Shear Connection
( Clauses C-4.1, C-4.2 and C-4.3 )
Case Position of Plastic Neutral Axis Value of xu Design Moment Capacity, Mds
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Sagging moment, NA above Ap f yp Ap f yp
sheeting material (Fig. 35)  mo M ds   d  0.42 xu 
xu   ds  mo
0.36 f ck bp

2 Sagging moment NA within the xu > ds Mds = Fccf × z + Mdr

steel decking (Fig. 36) A simplified stress block is shown in   
Fig.36. Using which Mds is calculated   Fccf  
without the need for xu M dr  1.25 M dp 1      M dp
  Ap f yp  

z  d cp  0.42dS  ep 
 ep  e 
Fccf = 0.36 fck bp ds

Ap f yp
3 Hogging moment (Fig. 37) Ast f yk Ast f yk
M ds    dsp  c  0.42 xu 
k k
0.36 f ck bo

Ast = area of the reinforcing bar within one wave length bs of decking sheet.
d = distance between the C.G axis of the profiled steel sheeting and the extreme fibre of the composite slab in compression (dsp– e).
e = distance between the C.G axis of the profiled steel sheeting and the extreme fibre of the composite slab in tension.
ep = distance between the plastic neutral axis and the extreme tension fibre of the composite slab.
bp = distance between the centres of adjacent ribs or one wave length of a profile deck.
Ap = effective cross-sectional area of profile decking sheeting.
Mdr = design bending resistance of profile decking sheeting.
Mps = Plastic moment of resistance of the profile decking sheeting.
fck = characteristic compressive strength of concrete.
fyp = yield strength of profile decking sheeting.
dsp = total depth of the composite slab (dsp = ds + dp).

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C-4.3 Hogging bending resistance of composite Deck recorded end slip of 0.1 mm by more than 10 percent. If
The contribution of steel decking is neglected. The the maximum load is reached at a mid-span deflection
design stress distribution is shown in Fig. 37. This is exceeding L/50, the failure load shall be taken as the
valid when xu is in the range of (ds < xu < dcp), that is, load at the mid-span deflection of L/50. Otherwise, the
when the neutral axis lies in the steel decking. The behaviour is classified as brittle.
centroid of concrete force lies at 0.42 xu from the The shear resistance due to the chemical bond shall not
bottom concrete surface b0 the concrete width at be considered. This clause is applicable to the composite
the neutral axis is to be evaluated by trial and error. slabs with the mechanical or frictional interlock. Literature
The equations for the design resistance are given in gives two main methods for determining the shear transfer
Table 22. for partial shear connection from test results. They are
(i) the m-k method and (ii) the partial shear connection
C-5 BENDING RESISTANCE OF COMPOSITE method. The m-k method is valid for both ductile and
SLAB WITH PARTIAL SHEAR CONNECTION brittle failure cases but disregards the effect of overhang
NOTE — In C-5, instead of the usual Fcc, the concrete beyond the support, whereas the partial shear connection
compressive force is denoted as Fccp to represent the concrete method is valid only for ductile behaviour, but accounts
compressive force with a partial shear connection. for the effect of the support reaction and the overhang
beyond the support.
C-5.1 The stress distribution in slabs with partial
shear connection is similar to Fig. 37. However, the C-5.2.1 m-k Method for Composite Slabs without End
compressive force in the concrete above the neutral axis Anchorage
(Fccp<Fccf) is controlled by the interface shear resistance The m-k method is based on establishing the gradient
due to the partial shear connection. The interface shear and intercept of an assumed linear relationship between
resistance is obtained from tests. The details of tests to two parameters of the slab, obtained from two groups
obtain the shear strength between the interface of decking of composite slab tests. The evaluation of m-k values is
and concrete is given in C-5.2. illustrated in Fig. 38.
C-5.2 Shear Resistance of Composite Slab For cases when the longitudinal shear behaviour may be
The longitudinal shear behaviour may be considered considered ductile,is taken as the value of the support
as ductile if the failure load exceeds the load causing a reaction at the failure load. However, if the behavior

Fig. 37 Stress Distribution Under Hogging Bending Moment (ds < xu < dsp)

B b
𝑁𝑁/𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚2 
𝑏𝑏𝐷𝐷𝑝𝑝 d
A 

𝑚𝑚 V V
Ls Ls


Fig. 38 Test Setup to Evaluate M-K Values

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is brittle, the value should be reduced using a factor C-5.2.2 Partial Interaction Method
0.8. By plotting the results from the composite slab The degree of shear connection is defined as,
tests in terms of the vertical shear parameter [V/(b Dp)]
against the shear bond parameter [Ap/(b Ls)] for two Fccp
groups of data corresponding to the long specimens 
(Group-A) and the short specimens (Group-B). The Fccf
relationship between vertical shear and shear bond where
capacity is approximated by constructing a straight line
through the two groups of data (Fig. 38). The effect Fccp = Compressive force in the concrete as governed
of any overhang in the test specimen is neglected in by partial shear transfer, as obtained from a
the m-k method, unlike in the partial shear connection standard test
approach. Fccf = Compressive force in the concrete for full
From all the values of V, 5percent fractile of the shear connection as given in C-4.
characteristic shear strength linear regression line The variation in bending resistance with the degree
should be calculated to define the characteristic m and of shear connection is shown in Fig. 39. In case
k values (Fig. 38). The minimum value of each group is η = 0, composite action between the steel sheet and
further reduced by 10 percent for design consideration the concrete does not exist, and it is assumed that
if two groups of three tests are used and the deviation the bending resistance is provided by the bending
of any individual test result in a group does not differ resistance, Mdp, of profiled steel sheet alone. For
by more than 10 percent from the mean. the case η = 1, in the full shear connection, the full
If the m-k method is used, it should be shown that tensile resistance of the sheet is developed, or the full
the maximum design vertical shear V for a width of compressive resistance of concrete above the ribs of
slab ‘b’ does not exceed the design shear resistance the sheet is attained. For intermediate cases such that
Vl.d specified in Table 23. 0 < η < 1, the partial shear connection exists. Typical
behaviour of open trough profile steel sheeting with
partial shear connection is illustrated in Fig. 39.

Fig. 39 Test to Determination of The Degree of the Partial Shear Connection

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For a given bending resistance, the degree of shear test Fccf  V

connection provided in the test ηtest may be assessed u 
b  Ls  Lo 
from the points on the partial shear interaction curve in
Fig.37. By neglecting the effect of the support reaction, where
the longitudinal shear strength τu can be obtained from
μ = frictional coefficient taken as 0.5.
the following equation:
V = support reaction under the test load.
test Fccf
u  The characteristic shear strength τ should be
b  Ls  Lo  calculated from the test values as the minimum value of
where, stress below which not more than a specified percentage
(usually 5 percent) of the corresponding stresses of
Fccf = Compressive normal force in the concrete flange samples tested are expected to occur. This is divided by
with full shear connection the partial safety factor governed by the ultimate state
b = width of the slab. to obtain the design value, τu.d.
Ls = Shear span. The determination of the design moment resistance of
Lo = Length of the overhang (Fig. 39). the composite slab with the partial shear connection
is similar to the case (Fig. 39). The design bending
If the additional longitudinal shear, the additional resistance of the partial shear connection slab is
resistance caused by the friction due to the support evaluated using equations given in Table 23.
reaction is taken into account, τu may be obtained from
the following equation:

Table 23 Design Moment Capacity, Mdp, of Composite Slabs with Partial Shear Connection
( Clauses C-5.2.1 and C-5.2.2 )
Case Position of Plastic Neutral Axis Methods/ Value of xu Design Moment Capacity, Mdp
(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) Sagging moment (Fig. 38) m-k method Mdp = Vdp × Ls
bd p  mAp 
Vlp   k
 m1  bLs 

ii) Sagging moment, NA above profile Partial shear connection method Ap f yp

decking sheet (Fig. 39)
M dp   d  0.42 xu 
xu   ds
0.36 f ck bp
Fccp = τud bpLx ≤ Fccf
iii) Sagging moment, NA within the Partial shear connection method Mdp = Fccp × z + Mpr
profile decking sheet (Fig. 39) A simplified stress block is shown Fccp = τud bp Lx ≤ Fccf
in Fig. 39. Using which Mdp is
calculated with Fccp
z  d cp  0.42 xu  ep 
Ap f yp
 ep  e 
xu =  mo
0.36 f ck bp
M dr  1.25 M dp 1      M dp
  Ap f yp 

Where Lx is the distance of the cross-section being considered to the nearest support.

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( Clause 13.8.1 )

D-1 GENERAL fy = Minimum Guaranteed yield strength of

structural steel section.
This section deals with the calculation of the design
resistance of the doubly symmetric composite fyk = Minimum Guaranteed yield strength of steel
columns. The resistance equations are derived based reinforcement.
on the rectangular stress block in concrete. The general Md = Design bending resistance under only bending
dimensional view of the fully or partially concrete- moment.
encased single I-section is as given in Fig. 40a. The Mn = Ultimate bending resistance under only
general dimensional view of the concrete infilled bending moment.
tubular composite column section is given in Fig. 40b.
Pd = Design compressive resistance under
The following are the notations used in this section, in compression only.
addition to the dimensions shown in Fig. 40. Pn = Ultimate compressive resistance under
Ac = cross sectional area of concrete. compression only.
As = cross sectional area of structural steel. M'd = Design bending resistance under combined
Ast = cross sectional area of total steel reinforcement. bending and compression.
Astc = cross sectional area of steel reinforcement in M'n= Ultimate bending resistance under combined
the compression zone. bending and compression.
fck = characteristic compressive cube strength of P'd = Design compressive resistance under
concrete. combined bending and compression.

a) Fully and partially concrete encased

b) Concrete infilled tubular columns

Fig. 40 Typical Composite Column Details
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P'n = Ultimate compressive resistance under Grade of Reinforcing Steel Value of αk

combined bending and compression.
Fe250 0.9
r = Inner radius of the rounded corners in RHS.
Fe415 0.82
γc = partial safety factor for the compressive
strength of concrete = 1.5. Fe500 0.77
γm0 = partial safety factor for the yield strength of
structural steel = 1.1.
γk = partial safety factor for the yield strength of
steel reinforcement = 1.15. The stresses on the different components of the
composite columns at the ultimate stage under only
D-2 DESIGN COMPRESSIVE RESISTANCE the bending moment about the z-z axis are as shown in
The stresses on different components of the composite The design bending resistance is given by:
columns at the ultimate stage under only axial force are Md = (Zps – Zpsn) fy / γm0 + (Zpr – Zprn) fyk /γk + 0.4
as shown in Fig. 41. The ultimate design compressive (Zpc – Zpcn) αc fck /γc
resistance, Pn, of the plastic, compact and semi-compact
sections are given by:
Zps, Zpr and Zpc = Plastic section moduli of the steel
Pn = As fy + Ast fyk+ 0.8 Ac αc fck
section, reinforcement and concrete about their own
where centroidal axis, respectively (the concrete in tension
αc = 0.85, for partially or fully encased column region is assumed to be uncracked for this calculation).
αc = 1.0, for infilled columns Zpsn, Zprn and Zpcn = Plastic section moduli of the steel
section, reinforcement and concrete, all within the depth
The axial design resistances of different types of the
hn on both sides of the neutral axis of the gross section,
composite column are given in Table 24.
about the neutral axis of gross cross section, respectively.
To account for minimum eccentricity and grade of (Table 25 may be referred for evaluating the value of hn)
reinforcing steel, the design axial capacity can be αc = the strength coefficient of concrete,
estimated using the following expression,
= 0.85 for fully and partially encased composite
fy f yk f ck sections,
Pd  As   k Ast  0.48  c Ac
 m0 k c = 1.0 for concrete filled hollow sections and
Where αk values can be taken as = 0.89 for fully or partially encased concrete
columns with spiral ties

Table 24 Design Compressive Resistance of Short Composite Compression Members

( Clause D-2 )
Type of section Design compressive resistance
(1) (2)
Partially or fully encased composite section fy f f
Pd  As  Ast yk  0.68 Ac ck
 m0 k c

fy f f
Concrete filled rectangular tubular section Pd  As  Ast yk  0.8 Ac ck
 m0 k c

fy f f  t fy 
Pd  As 2  Ast yk  0.8 Ac ck 1  1 
 m0 k c  d 0.8 f ck 

1  10 1 
Concrete filled circular tubular section
2  20  1  20 

η10 = 4.9 – 18.5 λ + 17 λ2   ≥ 0.0

η20 = 0.25(3 + 2 λ) ≤ 1.0

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y y y
fy cc fck fyk

z z z

Fig. 41 Stress Distribution at Ultimate Stage Under Only Axial Force

g cc g

Fig. 42 Stress
FIG.Distribution at Ultimate
STAGE UNDER Only Bending

g cc g

Fig. 43 ShortFIG.
43 SHORTCompression andAND
COLUMN COMPRESSION Bending Interaction

D-4 DESIGN RESISTANCE OF COMPOSITE It is seen that the resistance under only compression
SHORT COLUMN UNDER COMBINED (Table 23) is a point, (A), on the curve. The resistance
BENDING AND COMPRESSION under only bending is also a point, (B), on the curve.
Further, from the case of pure bending, as the axial load
The stresses on the different components of the
is increased from 0 value, the bending resistance also
composite columns at the ultimate stage under only
increases until point D. Similarly, the point C corresponds
the bending moment about the z-z axis are as shown in
to the case, where spite of the axial compression, the
Fig. 43.
ultimate plastic bending resistance, Mn, is reached.
If the concrete section is in compression below the neutral
axis of the gross section, hn, is assumed. The integration It is tedious and time-consuming to develop the full
of the stresses over the cross section gives the ultimate interaction curve for every section designed. In order to
nominal compressive resistance, P 'n, for the cross section. simplify, the values corresponding to the points A, B, C and
The integration of the moment of the stresses over the D are computed and in between a straight-line variation is
cross section about the neutral axis of the gross section assumed in the design. The simplified procedure and the
give the corresponding ultimate bending resistance, M 'n. equations are discussed in the following sections.
For various values of hn, the corresponding simultaneous The values of Pd and Md corresponding to plastic section
compressive and bending resistance of the cross section under pure compression (point A, Fig. 41) and pure
can be calculated to obtain an interaction curve as shown bending (Point B, Fig. 42) are obtained as in D-2 and D-3.
in Fig. 44.

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Table 25 Location of Neutral axis in Composite Column at Ultimate moment

( Clause D-3 )
Section Case Depth, hn
(1) (2) (3)
a) Major axis Bending
f ck 2f f 
encased sections Ac 0.8 ac  Astc  yk  0.8  c ck 
 k  c 
hn ≤ [h/2- tf ]
f ck  fy f ck 
2bc 0.8 ac  2tw  2  0.8  c 
c   m0 c 

f ck  f f   f f 
0.8ac Ac  Astc  2 yk  0.8ac ck    b  tw   h  2tf   2 y  0.8 c ck 
c  k c    m0 c 
[h/2-tf] ≤ hn ≤ h/2
f  f f 
1.6bc ck  2b  2 y  0.8 ck 
c   m0 c 

f ck  f f   f f 
0.8 Ac  Astc  2 yk  0.8 ck   As  2 y  0.8 ck 
c  k   c    m0 c 
h/2 ≤ hn ≤ hc/2
1.6 bc ck

Concrete filled
f ck  f f ck 
sections 0.8 Ac  Ast  2 yk  0.8 
c  k c 
f ck  fy f ck 
1.6 bc  4 tw  2  0.8 
c   m0 c 

CHS substitute D and t for bc and tw, respectively as an approximation.

b) Minor axis Bending
f ck  f f 
encased sections 0.8 Ac  Astc  2 yk  0.8 ck 
c    c 
hn ≤ tw /2

f ck  fy f ck 
1.6 hc  2 h2  0.8 
c   m0 c 

f ck  f f   f f 
0.8 Ac  Astc  2 yk s  0.8 ck   tw  2tf  h   2 y  0.8 ck 
c    c  
 m0  c 
tw/2 < hn < b/2

f  f f 
1.6 hc ck  4tw  2 y  0.8 ck 
c   m0 c 

f ck  f f   f f 
0.8 Ac  Ast  2 yk  0.8 ck   As  2 y  0.8 ck 
C  k c    m0 c 
b/2 ≤ hn ≤ bc/2
1.6 hc ck

Concrete filled Recatangular

f ck  f f ck 
sections Hollow Section 0.8 Ac  Ast  2 yk  0.8 
(RHS) C  k c 
f ck  fy f ck 
1.6bc  4tw  2  0.8 
c   m0 c 

Circular Hollow Substitute D and t for hc and tw, respectively as an approximation.

Section (CHS)

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𝑀𝑀n′ 1.0
𝑚𝑚d =
Fig. 44 Short Column Compression and Bending Interaction

g cc g

Fig. 45FIG.
Stress Distributions for the Point C of the Interaction Curve for Concrete Filled
Rectangular Tubular

Fig. 46 Stress Causing Resisting Compression at Point C

g cc g

Fig. 47 Stress Distribution at Point D at Ultimate Stage Under Combined Compression and Bending

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IS 11384 : 2022

D-4.1 The Design Resistance at Point C (Fig. 45) D-4.2 Design Resistance at Point D (Fig. 44)
The design bending resistance corresponding to point C The stress diagram on the section corresponding to
is the same as pure bending resistance. point D on the interaction curve is shown in fig. 47.
M 'd,C = Md P 'd,D = 0.5 P 'd,C
The design compressive resistance corresponding
fy f yk f ck
to point C on the interaction diagram is obtained as M d' , D  M max  Z ps  Z pr  0.4ac Z pc
given below. The typical position of the neutral axis  m0 k C
for points B is shown in fig. 43 and at the point C in
the beam-column interaction curve in fig. 44. The Knowing the values of the compressive and bending
location of the neutral axis from the CG of section, hn, design resistances at the points A, B, C and D the values
can be determined from table 21. The integration of the of the resistance at any other point may be obtained
stresses shown in fig. 46 is equal to at point C. The axial approximately by linear interpolation, as shown by
force corresponding to point C in the interaction curve dashed lines in Fig. 44, assuming a linear variation.
is given by the equation in Table 26.

Table 26 Design Compressive resistance at point C

( Clause D-4.1 )
Section Case Depth, hn
(1) (2) (3)
a) Major axis Bending
Concrete encased
column f ck  f f 
hn ≤ [h/2-tf] Pd',C  1.6hn bc ac  4hn tw  y  0.8 ck 
c   m0 c 

f ck  f f 
[h/2-tf] ≤ hn ≤ h/2 Pd',C  1.6hn bc c  4  0.5 As  h  hn  b f   y  0.8 c ck 
 m0  c 

f ck  f f 
h/2 ≤ hn ≤ hc/2 Pd',C  1.6hn bc c   2 As   y  0.8 c ck 
 m0  c 

Concrete filled  f
f ck f 
sections RHS Pd',C  1.6hn bc  8hn tw  y  0.8 ck 
c  m c 

CHS substitute D for bc and t for tw

b) Minor axis Bending

Concrete encased  f
f ck f 
column hn ≤ tw/2 Pd',C  1.6hn hc  4hn h  y  0.8 ck 
c   m0 c 

f ck  f f 
tw/2 < hn < b/2 Pd',C  1.6hn hc 2   4hn tf  tW  h  2tf    y  0.8 ck 
c   m0 c 

f ck  f f 
b/2 ≤ hn ≤ bc/2 Pd',C  1.6hn hc  2 As  y  0.8 ck 
 m0  c 

Concrete filled  f
f ck f 
RHS Pd',C  1.6hn hc  8hn tf  y  0.8 ck 
c   m0 c 

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IS 11384 : 2022

( Clause 16 )

E-1 TESTING OF MATERIALS procedures which shall be followed while performing

the tests are as indicated below:
Testing of materials shall be done as per standard laid
down norms given in E-1.1 to E-1.3. a) The dimensions of the standard test are as shown
in Fig. 48.
E-1.1 Concrete b) The bond at the steel-concrete interface shall be
For testing of concrete, reference shall be made to prevented by greasing the flanges or by any other
IS 456. suitable method.
E-1.2 Steel Sections c) The rate of application of load should be uniform
and such that the failure load is reached in not less
All the structural steel and accessories like rivets, than 10 minutes.
bolts, nuts, washers, welding consumables, steel
d) The strength of the concrete fc, at the time of
forging, casting, etc., shall be tested for mechanical and
testing, should not differ from the specified
chemical properties as applicable and shall conform to
cube strength fck of the concrete by more than
requirements of appropriate Indian standards referred
± 20 percent.
to in IS 800. Steel shall conform to the requirements of
IS 2062 and IS 11587. Bolts and bolted connection e) Not less than three tests shall be done, and the
joints with high strength bolts shall be inspected nominal static strength Pu shall be taken as the
according to IS 4000. lowest value of fck.P/fc for any of the tests, where
P is the failure loads of the connectors at concrete
For testing of the strength, flexibility, and other relevant strength fc and fck is the characteristic cube strength
properties of the shear connectors, the test procedures of the concrete.
as indicated in E-1.3 shall be adopted.
f) The load-deformation curve, the ultimate
E-1.3 Testing of Shear Studs for steel-concrete resistance of the shear per shear connector, relative
interface shear. slip at ultimate load shall be recorded.
The nominal static strength of a shear connector may
be determined by push-out tests. The conditions and

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IS 11384 : 2022

Fig. 48 Standard Push Out Test For Shear Studs

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AHMEDABAD( [for non-commercial use only].

( Clauses 5.3.2, 6.1.2, and 11.2.1 )


Sl No. Symbol Grade of Concrete M20 M25 M30 M35 M40 M45 M50 M55 M60 M65 M70 M75
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
i) fck (MPa) Characteristic cube compressive 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
ii) fcm (MPa) Mean concrete compressive strength 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
iii) fctm (MPa) Mean tensile strength of concrete 1.91 2.21 2.50 2.77 3.03 3.28 3.52 3.75 3.97 4.42 4.54 4.66
iv) fctk (0.05) Characteristic tensile strength at 1.34 1.55 1.75 1.94 2.12 2.29 2.46 2.62 2.78 3.09 3.18 3.26
(MPa) 5 % fractile of concrete
v) Ecm (MPa) Elastic modulus 28608 29962 31187 32308 33346 34313 35220 36076 36887 37659 38395 39100

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IS 11384 : 2022

( Foreword )
Special Structures Sectional Committee, CED 38

Organization Representative(s)

Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai Dr Devdas Menon (Chairman)

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, New Delhi Shri Anand Narayan
C R Narayana Rao Architects, Chennai Dr C. N. Srinivasan
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi Shri A. K. Garg
Shri Rajesh Khare (Alternate)
CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee Dr Achal K. Mittal
Shri S. K. Singh (Alternate)
CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi Dr Rajeev Kumar Garg
Dr Lakshmy Parameswaran (Alternate)
CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Dr K. Ramanjaneyulu
Chennai Dr J. Rajasankar (Alternate)
Central Warehousing Corporation, New Delhi Shri S. K. Sharma
Shri R. S. Raperia (Alternate)
Consulting Engineers Association of India, Delhi Shri S. C. Mehrotra
Shri V. P. Agrawal (Alternate)
Department of Space, Bangaluru Shri N. Narayana Murthy
Engineers India Limited, New Delhi Shri R. B. Bhutda
Shri Rajanji Srivastava (Alternate)
Food Corporation of India, New Delhi Shri A. K. Grover
Shri K. D. Ummat (Alternate)
Gammon India Limited, Mumbai Shri Venkataramana N. Heggade
Shri Anand Desai (Alternate)
Housing and Urban Development Corporation Shrimati Taranjot Kaur
Limited, New Delhi Shri T. T. Dines (Alternate)
Indian Association of Structural Engineers, Representative
New Delhi
Indian Concrete Institute, Nagpur Shri N. P. Rajamane
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai Representative
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi Dr D. R. Sahoo
Dr A. K. Jain (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur Dr Durgesh C. Rai
Dr Samit Ray Chaudhuri (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur Dr Sriman Kr Bhattacharya
Dr Nirjhar Dhang (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai Dr A. Mehar Prasad
Dr C. V. R. Murty (Alternate I)
Dr Amlan Kumar Sengupta (Alternate II)
Dr S. Arul Jayachandran (Alternate III)
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee Dr A. K. Jain
Dr Pradeep Bhargava (Alternate)

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IS 11384 : 2022

Organization Representative(s)

Indian Society for Structural Engineers, Mumbai Representative

Institute for Steel Development & Growth, Kolkata Shri Arijit Guha
Shri P. L. Rao (Alternate)
Invictus Consultancy Services, Mumbai Shri A. S. Oundhakar
Larsen & Toubro, ECC Division, Chennai Shri S. Kanappan
Shri S. Veeramani (Alternate)
M N Dastur Company Limited, Kolkata Shri Tapan Kumar Bhaumik
Shri Mrinal Kanti Ghosh (Alternate)
MECON Limited, Ranchi Shri T. K. Ghosh
Shri S. Kumar (Alternate)
National Disaster Management Authority, Delhi Representative
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal Dr B. R. Jayalekshmi
NBCC (India) Ltd, New Delhi Shri S. C. Jain
Shri Pradeep Chawla (Alternate)
NTPC Ltd, New Delhi Shri H. K. Ramkumar
Dr Praveen Khandelwal (Alternate)
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd, Mumbai Shri Arvind Shrivastava
Shri G. Prabhakar (Alternate)
Paharpur Cooling Tower Ltd, Kolkata Shri R. N. Rai
Shri M. Ramakrishnan (Alternate)
SAIL (India) Ltd, Ranchi Representative
STUP Consultants Limited, Mumbai Shri G. S. Bhargava
Shri S. N. Patwardhan (Alternate)
Tandon Consultants Pvt Limited, New Delhi Shri Mahesh Tandon
Shri Vinay Gupta (Alternate)
VMS Consulting Engineers, Mumbai Ms Alpa Sheth
Shri Hitendra J. Shah (Alternate)
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Dr O. R. Jaiswal
Nagpur Dr Ratnesh Kumar (Alternate)
In personal capacity, (Block 2, Flat 2A, Rani Dr V. Kalyanaraman
Meyyammai Towers, MRC Nagar, RA Puram,
In personal capacity, (80, SRP Colony, Peruvallur Dr N. Lakshmanan
In personal capacity, (36 old Sneh Nagar, Wardha Dr L. K. Jain
Road Nagpur)
BIS Directorate General Shri Sanjay Pant, Scientist ‘F’ and Head (Civil Engineering)
[ Representing Director General ( Ex-officio ) ]

Member Secretary
Shri Abhishek Pal
Scientist ‘C’ (Civil Engineering), BIS

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IS 11384 : 2022

Composites Subcommittee, CED 38 : 2

Organization Representative(s)

Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai Dr Arul Jayachandran S. (Convener)

C R Narayana Rao Architects, Chennai Shri C. N. Srinivasan
CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Dr Prabha
Engineers India Ltd, New Delhi Shri Anurag Sinha
Gammon India Ltd, Mumbai, Mumbai Shri R. K. Mehta
Indian Concrete Institute, Nagpur Dr N. P. Rajamane
Institute for Steel Development & Growth, Kolkata Shri Arjit Guha
Shri P. L. Rao (Alternate)
Larsen & Toubro, ECC Division, Chennai Shri R. Balasubramanian
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, Mumbai Shri A. K. Laharia
Shri Y. T. Praveenchandra (Alternate)
SRM University, Chennai Dr Umamaheshwari
Stup Consultants Pvt Ltd, Mumbai Shri A. T. Samuel
Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai Prof Arul Mary
In Personal Capacity, (Block 2, Flat 2A, Rani Dr V. Kalyanaraman
Meyyammai Tower, M R C Nagar, R A Puram,

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(Continued from second cover)

The composition of the Committee responsible for the in the formulation of this standard is given in Annex G.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 2022 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( second revision )’. The number of significant places retained
in the rounded-off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
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AHMEDABAD( [for non-commercial use only].

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Head (Publication & Sales), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the website- or
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 38 (13455).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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