Ijett V68i2p216
Ijett V68i2p216
Ijett V68i2p216
Biomass based fuels is one of the renewable dropping and maize silage [4] by using the process
energy fuels because it is derived from the renewable such as pyrolysis, densification, fermentation,
fuels because it is derived from the renewable briquetting and anaerobic digestion [1-25, 29] it
resources such as agricultural, forestry, industrial and undergoes following test such as Moisture content,
municipality residues. Agricultural waste residue is volatile matter, calorific value, Carbon-Nitrogen
considered as one of the main sources of biomass fuel ratio, fixed carbon, ash contents [25, 28, 16] to
production. These residues mainly consist of organic determine better resources for biomass production
waste which contains numerous quantity of waste; it with different with different binders such as cow
is used mainly as a fodder for animals [25]. But dung [21, 9], Cassava, plastic [14], micro algae [8],
major parts of waste are not used properly and these paper waste [29], slop waste [23] and cactus plant
wastes are mainly dumped in the land fill [7]. [21] as binders which is especially made for biomass
Resources which is used for producing
biomass production by using various agricultural Most of the developing countries has
resources such as Jastropha, Sweet Sorghum and promoted biomass energy has followed the biomass
Molasses and food crops such as Cassava[1, 9], rice, conversion process. This process is mainly followed
coconut cashew, citrus [6], micro algae [5], oil, by the countries such as Nigeria, Turkey, Malaysia,
palm, maize [19,21], rice husk [21], animal manure Brazil, India, Iran, Germany, China etc., [32].
[2], lignocelluloidal residues [3], cactus plant [3, 9, According to WBA (world bioenergy association),
24] etc., and household resources such as kitchen share of biomass in final energy consumption in 2014
waste, hotel waste [2] and Municipality waste such as all over the world [36] as shown in the Fig. 2.
Municipal sludge, human excreta, pig slurry, chicken
India is one of the most populated country natural feed stocks [32]. Direct usage of this biomass
in the world which having large quantity of production can cause more emission of smoke. In
agricultural waste are produced per year. These order to control that Indian government has provides
agricultural wastes are mainly disposed by dumping more development schemes for the production of
and burning which causes pollution to the biofuel by the establishment of biogas plant,
environment and health problems to the human briquetting production plant etc.,
beings. So it is necessary to prevent the following
problems and also to explore many other sustainable In Nigeria [1], which is the 7th most
energy resources to meet the energy demand. One of populated country in order to provide sustainable
the main methods of biomass conversion method is development in the country, have to concentrate
biomass consumption process. In India, this method mainly on the solar energy and biomass production.
is used in the ancient time in the form of cow dung Renewable resources available in the Nigeria such as
cake firewood and most of them available in the Jastropha, Sweet Sorghum, Molasses, Food crops,
solid waste
Fig.3. Sources of Biomass
d) Methanogenesis:
Third step will be methanogenesis in a Crushing of raw materials
anaerobic digestion process converting methane
substrate into methane gas through two pathways.
Firstly acetic acid is converted into carbon dioxide
and methane and then combination of carbon Drying of raw materials
dioxide and hydrogen produces methane and water.
Finally it produces a biogas which is converted into
biofuel and also provides digestate, fertilizer and
other products [6,17]. Mixing of raw materials
F. Chemical conversion
Bulk density = (ws-wc)/vs (1) [39] e) Volatile matter and Fixed Carbon:
Sample of weight two gram is taken in to the Presence of hydrogen content can be
already weighted crucible was burned or heated in a determined by taking two grams of samples and
muffle furnace at 7600C to 10000C, this process is allowed to burn completely and the exhaust produced
continued until the samples are completely burned. by the sample is passed through the two grams of
Again cooled in to the room temperature and then the anhydrous CuSO4 and then the colour change is
cooled samples are again weighted. The percentage observed. Final weight of sample is taken after the
of ash content was calculated by using the following complete combustion process. Percentage of
formulae hydrogen content present in the sample is calculated
by using the following formulae
Ash content (%) = (w3-w1) / (w2-w1) * 100%
(4) [39] % Hydrogen content = (Weight of water * Molar
mass of hydrogen / Weight of .sample) * 100% (8)
Where: [39]
w1 = Initial weight of the empty crucible
w2 = Weight of the sample along with the crucible
before heating
w3 = Final weight of the sample along with the
crucible after heating
Sample of weight two grams are kept in to Biomass conversion method is used to
the digestion flask and add the suitable catalyst and develop sustainable development in Nigeria, Iran,
20 ml of acidic solution is added to the sample and Brazil, Turkey and Malaysia [1, 6-7]. This
then fix the digester after obtaining clear solution. method is very much helpful for producing
After the digestion process can be takes place and biofuel, bioethanol and biomass briquetting in
then it is transferred to the 100 ml volumetric flask, highly populated country to meet the energy
In this stage suitable acid solution and indicator demand for non-renewable sources is mandatory
should be added depends upon the sample and then it [1, 12, 15]. It is used for reducing deforestation,
is diluted with the distilled water of 75 ml. 10 ml of emission of greenhouse gases, recycling and
digest was made with the 20 ml of alkaline solution
reducing of waste generation and also for
and then it is diluted. Amount of nitrogen present in
controls odour and environmental pollution.
the sample can be determined by the following
Biomass conversion method is also used to
reduce landfill space by recycling of municipal
% N = ( (titre – blank) * Nf * Df * 100%)\ Sw waste and paper waste produced by the industry
(9) [39] [23]. This process is used to achieve some
energy policies of various developing countries
Where: such as Turkey, Sweden, Iran, Brazil and other
N = Normality of solution developing countries. This review provides the
Nf = Factor of nitrogen future guidance for adopting for biofuel
Df = Factor of dilution conversion process and also for analysing the
Sw = Weight of the sample. technologies for environmental life cycle thinking
perspective contributing to their sustainable use is
performed [16]. This biomass conversion process
can be mainly plays a important role in heat and
electricity generation. Heat and electricity
generation from biomass in leading country was
shown in
Heat generation from
biomass(in TJ)
Fig.6. Heat generation from biomass in leading countries (Data source [37]