Chatgpt Money 2
Chatgpt Money 2
Chatgpt Money 2
Subscribe Newsletter - Biweekly 5 Unique Product Idea with Income Proof + 3
New Tools + My 0 to $1M Challenge in a Year Story -
Finally, OpenAI launched GPT-4 on 14 March, and 1000s of new products are
already launched making thousands or millions of dollars. These are the 100
best ideas I found on the internet!!
1. Copywriting services
AI-Helper - One of the most irritating part of using GPT-4 is, every time we
want to access GPT-4, first we need to change tab, login and filling captcha
and its make us so unproductive, so i built this AI tool to solve this problem
and now you can use GPT-4 on any site without changing the tabs!! (
Demo Video )
You can download the complete source code and 100% ownership of my
AI tool, so you can use, modify or resell my AI with your own name and
branding or do whatever you want.
In Just 47 Days, I made over $1700+ by selling my HelperAI source code and
helping over 17 people to start their own AI startups. ( Video Proof of my
earning in 22 Days )
Download Now!!
Earning in gumroad.
Earnings in lemonsqueezy platform.
3. Website creation
Even if you don’t know how to code, you can ask GPT-4 to create a whole
Customers love having the code of their website, so you can sell this as a
high-ticket service.
With the right prompt, you can ask ChatGPT to generate guides and tutorials
for your audience.
Of course make sure to check the information to provide the best possible
content to your future customers.
Many clients are looking for people to write simple scripts to perform tasks.
Learn →
GPT-4 can transform a sketch into website code to create fully functional
websites and apps.
You can also use MidJourney for creating landing page designs.
You can use ChatGPT with other AI-powered tools to create videos and sell
them to make money.
Here are three amazing AI tools you can use to create videos:
Within seconds, you will have your full-fledged video scripts ready.
Chatbots are quite easy to build and are in high demand in 2023.
GPT-4 comes with the superpower to generate text, images and videos.
Leverage this powerful tool and create high-quality content comic books and
sell them on online stores like Gumroad. Check this video for more details:
75% of small businesses use email marketing as it is the 3rd highest ROI of
marketing media.
You can pitch in and help them by writing catchy subject lines and email with
Use Midjourney and ChatGPT to produce journals, guides, and full books to
publish on KDP. Pro tip: Make sure to run your content through plagiarism
15. Create and sell online courses, webinars, and other educational
materials. With its ability to generate high-quality content quickly and
efficiently. ChatGPT can help you create compelling learning experiences that
your customers will love.
Create unique and exciting music using a service like Boomy and post it on
Spotify and Apple Music.
Learn -
20. Automation of repetitive tasks like Data entry and customer service By
automating these tasks, you can free up your time to focus on more important
aspects of your business or even take on additional clients.
Thanks for reading Guys, But don’t forget to download these 500+ Unique
Ideas People built using ChatGPT and making millions of dollars.
Download My Complete research of 500+ Products ideas built using
GPT-4 [ Free ] -