Com Res 10945
Com Res 10945
Com Res 10945
Intramuros, Manila
Pursuant to the powers vested in it by the Constitution ofthe Republic ofthe Philippines.
the Omnibus Election Code (B.P. Blg. 881), Republic Act Nos. 6646, 8189, and other election
laws, the Commission on Elections (Commission), RESOLVED to prescribe the following
calendar of activities and periods of certain prohibited acts in connection with the conduct of the
December 9,2023 Special Election in the 3'd Legislative District, Province of Negros Oriental:
R.A. No. 7166):
Use of security
personneI or bodyguards
by candidates. (Sec. 33,
R.A. No. 7166);
Alteration of territory of
a precinct or
establishment of a new
precinct. (Scc.5, R.A.
No. 8189);
Raising funds thru
dances, lotteries,
cockfights, etc. (Sec. 97.
OEC) (Up to election
day only)
Vote-buying and vote-
selting. (Sec. 261 (a).
Wagering upon result of
election. (Sec. 261 (c),
Transfbr or detail of
officers and employees
in the civil service.
including public school
teachers. (Sec. 261 (h),
Coercing. threatening,
intimidating or
terrorizing any election
official or employee in
the performance ol- his
election functions or
duties. [Sec 261 (t),
OECI; (Note:
Prohibited until
proclamation of
winning candidates)
Illegal release of prisoners
before and after elections.
(Sec. 261 (n). OEC in
relation to Sec. 29, R.A.
Organization or
maintenance of reaction
forces, strike forces or
similar lorces. (Sec. 261
(u), OEC);
elective ofhcials (Sec.
261 (x), OEC);
November 13, 2023 Last day for the ERB, Citizens' Arm and
(MoN) Civic Organizations to verifu, cerlifr and
seal the List of Voters
Posting, displaying,
distributing and using
illegal campaign
materials. (Sec.8 5,
Appointing or using
special policemen,
agents or the like. (Sec.
261 (m), OEC) (Nale:
Also prohibited on lhe
day before election and
on election day);
Using armored land,
water or air craft. (Sec.
261 (r). OEC) (Note:
Also prohibited on the
day bejore election and
on election dty):
Policemen and
provincial guards acting
as bodyguards of public
olficials or candidates.
(Sec. 261 (t), OEC)
(Nole: Also prohibited
on the tkty before
election antl on election
Release, disbursement or
November 9, 2023
(THU) to expenditures of public
funds (Sec. 261(v),OEC)
December 8,
2023 (FRr)
Construction of public
works, delivery of
materials for public
works and issuance of
treasury ['arrants or
similar devices for a
future undertaking
chargeable against
public funds. (Sec. 261,
(w), OEC in relation to
Sec. 29, R.A. 6646);
Appointment or hiring
of new employees,
creation of new
positions, filling of new
positions, promotion or
giving of salary
increases. remuneration
or privileges. (Sec. 261
(e), oEC);
Selling. furnishing,
olfering, buying, serving
or taking intoxicating
liquor. (Sec. 261 (dd),
(1), oEC);
Using voter's afhdavit I
Destroying. substiluting,
or taking away from the
possession ol those
having legal custody
thereoi or from the
place where they are
legally deposited, any
election form or
document or ballot box
which contains ol1'rcial
ballots or other
documents used in the
election. (Sec. 261 (z)
(12), oEC);
Soliciting votes or
undertaking any
propaganda for or
against any candidate
within the polling place
or within thirty (30)
meters thereoi (Sec. 261
(cc) (6), oEC);
Selling, lurnishing.
offering. buying. serving
or taking intoxicating
liquor, etc. (Sec. 261
(dd) (1), oEC);
Opening of booths or
stalls for the sale, ctc.,
of wares, merchandise
or refreshments, within
thirty (30) metcrs
radius from the polling
place. (Sec. 261
(ddx2), oEC);
Holding of fairs,
cockfights. boxing, I
(3), oEC).
The Education and Information Department shall disseminate copies ol'this Resolution,
and shall cause its publication in two (2) daily newspapers of general circulation in the
Philippines. The Iniormation and Technology Department shall likewise post a copy of this
Resolution in the COMELEC website.
This Resolution shall take effect on the seventh (7'h1 day after its publication in two (2)
daily newspapers of general circulation in
0 F i,
I INo \,
Commissioner m$sl
A .C N trELo B. IOLA
Director IV
Office of the Commission Secretary