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A survey paper on smart validation for managing

access and identity

Ajay Kumar Singh
School of Computer Science &
Lovely Professional University
Phagwara, India

Abstract—This The primary focus of this paper is to Typically, a company's information system interface is
investigate the significant advantages that Identity and Access located within its boundaries, forming a "trust area" guided
Management (IAM) systems offer to enterprises. IAM systems by expert-recommended strategies. Digital identity
encompass predefined tasks within the realm of information represents a set of attributes that entities leverage with
security, with authentication being a crucial function responsible information technology to establish their identity, whether it
for validating user identities for service providers collaborating be a person, company, application, or device. Identity and
with other IAM systems [1]. The paper delves into an analysis of Access Management (IAM) systems play a crucial role in
how intelligent authentication operates within IAM systems, managing digital identities, ensuring that individuals gain
examining key factors associated with this concept. However, the
appropriate access to resources as needed [4]. User
study revealed that achieving authentication that fulfills all these
key factors remains a challenge. In the context of efficiently
authentication comprises three key tasks: identification,
managing modern, intricate IT systems, it is imperative to assign enrollment, and verification. The first two subtasks focus on
distinct identities and associated responsibilities to users for describing and registering digital user attributes used for
accessing various applications, operating systems, and database verification, often determined in collaboration between IAM
platforms. Users are burdened with the need to remember and service providers. The final task occurs when a user
multiple passwords, while IT teams must exert repeated efforts to attempts to access a specific service platform through IAM
manage users across diverse platforms, impacting productivity [5]. This verification process is pivotal in any authentication
and posing risks of unauthorized access to sensitive data and system, as it confirms the user's identity. Traditional
corporate resources. Fortunately, a solution exists in the form of authentication methods relied on knowledge-based and
a unified and intelligent approach to IAM. This approach possession-based techniques, which had various
enables companies to consolidate a user's multiple identities into shortcomings. For instance, password-based authentication
a few, or ideally, a single identity, while establishing a unified set depended on matching the digital signature (password) in the
of roles and rules. Such an approach simplifies IAM individual's knowledge with the stored secret phrase in the
administration significantly, enhancing both user and IT system [5]. However, this approach had vulnerabilities, such
efficiency while optimizing security and compliance. This paper as the potential for password theft or forgery.
comprehensively explores how intelligent IAM authentication
methods streamline various critical activities, including Frequent data breaches have become a troubling trend in
multifactor authentication and password management [1]. recent times, with the USA experiencing an alarming
increase of over 30% in data thefts over the past decade,
Keywords—Identity and Access Management (IAM), Identity according to the Identity Theft Resource Center. While it's
Management strategy, Access management, IAM enterprise. easy to attribute these incidents to global hackers, the truth is
that many breaches occur much closer to home, often
I. INTRODUCTION resulting from a combination of inadequate security
measures, software vulnerabilities, human errors, insider
In the historical context of corporate information
threats, and the misuse of access privileges. In this
systems, software programs were traditionally developed and
landscape, Identity and Access Management (IAM) emerges
deployed within the company's established perimeter. This
as a critical tool for organizations in their cybersecurity
so-called "safety zone" was fortified using static methods
efforts. IAM offers a robust and comprehensive solution to
and was primarily maintained by the IT department's
prevent data breaches and address the risks associated with
personnel. Typically, this "trust area" encompassed the
remote work and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies.
network infrastructure of the organization, as well as
IAM continually evolves to address essential tasks, including
application systems hosted within in-house data centers. In
data security, authentication, data synchronization, managing
some cases, internal specialists managed or outsourced
customer preferences, and complying with privacy standards.
server farms to alternate sites while retaining control over
Underestimating the importance of a well-developed IAM
security policy formulation and implementation. The
strategy is unwise, yet a startling 83% of companies, as
safeguarding of the company's information resources
revealed by a study conducted by Forrester, lack a mature
followed a traditional paradigm, employing a range of
IAM strategy. These organizations face a doubled risk of
multidisciplinary mechanisms at the network level
data breaches compared to those with a mature IAM
(Reference: [2,3]).
approach. The research also establishes a clear connection
Authentication techniques based on the automation of between effective IAM practices and reduced security risks,
identities for network access are critical challenges in the increased productivity, better control over privileged
field of information systems. An entity's identity comprises activities, and substantial financial loss mitigation. The
distinct characteristics that set it apart from others [3]. primary focus here is to explore the synergy between AI and


IAM in enhancing cybersecurity and other operational to recognize that IAM serves as a tool to facilitate the
aspects. efficient operation of your company, rather than being the
primary focus of your organization. Throughout history, two
II. PROBLEM STATEMENT predominant strategies have driven efforts to tackle the
intricacies of IAM:
Abbreviations and Acronyms The primary challenge
addressed in this paper pertains to the significance of Using point solutions: Companies employ point
intelligent authentication in the context of identity and access solutions to address specific system requirements by
management (IAM). IAM has historically been marked by its implementing and coordinating features like self-service
inherent complexity and the diverse range of features it password resets within a single. [6].
encompasses, which are crucial but often viewed as a The use of an IAM Framework: In the realm of identity
necessary inconvenience. However, the constant influx of and access management, a viable approach involves the
innovations in the form of applications, computer systems, development of a versatile framework that can be customized
and networks necessitates distinct identities, roles, processes, to suit the distinct requirements and goals of an organization
and permissions within every organization. Consequently, (Smith et al., "Intelligent Authentication for Identity and
most organizations find themselves in need of two critical Access Management: A Review Paper"). Notable examples
components within their IAM systems: unity and of such solutions include IBM's Tivoli Identity Manager,
intelligence. This article underscores the advantages of Oracle's offerings, particularly those stemming from their
unifying identities, roles, processes, and confidentiality Sun technologies acquisition, Novell's range of solutions, IT
agreements to establish a singular, all-encompassing Associates' offerings, and the relatively recent entrant into
intelligent IAM strategy that seamlessly spans across the field, Microsoft's Forefront Identity Manager. This
platforms, users, environments, and various needs, be they approach promotes adaptability and efficiency in addressing
security-related, operational, or compliance-driven. The an organization's identity and access management
realization of such a unified and intelligent IAM system has challenges. [6,7].
the potential to transform IAM from a cumbersome, costly,
and frustrating endeavor into an organized, achievable, and The methods discussed in this context may indeed offer
individually optimized strategy that not only supports an significant value to companies and contribute to bringing
organization but propels it forward. them closer to their strategic objectives. However, it is worth
noting that these approaches often do not address the
In tis quest for an intelligent IAM strategy, the concept of fundamental root cause of the problem, which is the inherent
Intelligent Authentication (IA) emerges as a pivotal complexity of managing identity, roles, rules, and policies.
component. IA serves as a means to counter untrusted Often, these elements are handled individually,
sources attempting fraudulent account sign-ins, presenting inconsistently, particularly in the context of application
itself as either a complement to or a replacement for services, or through costly custom-programmed logic in the
traditional hardware and mobile identities in IAM. IA offers case of an Identity and Access Management (IAM)
end-users a multi-layered security approach while framework. Furthermore, compliance and security concerns
minimizing disruptions to their user experience. It relies on a are frequently managed reactively rather than proactively, as
"risk-based" authentication model that considers various noted in the paper "Intelligent authentication for identity and
profile information in addition to the conventional username access management: a review paper" [7].
and password, as well as the common login credentials
shared by all users. This methodology enables corporate web
B. An Intelligent and Coherent to Identity and Access
developers and IT professionals to seamlessly integrate
intelligent authentication into their online applications, Control
ensuring that users can securely access their accounts. To The ideal scenario for Identity and Access Management
implement IA, clients are required to configure the Smart (IAM) would involve a unified approach where each user
Authentication policy within the Manager tool, thus ensuring possesses a single identity across all platforms, with a fixed
a robust and secure authentication process for end-users set of functions that can be automatically applied as needed,
(Author, Year, Paper Title). and a single set of processes that are independent of
organizational systems. This would also entail a single set of
III. LITERATURE REVIEW authorizations driven by business requirements rather than
technological advancements, resulting in a more
A. Conventional IAM Approaches straightforward, cost-effective, and secure IAM system
(Paper: "Intelligent Authentication for Identity and Access
A The realm of Identity and Access Management (IAM) Management: A Review Paper"). However, achieving this
has long been acknowledged for its intricate and multifaceted level of integration and uniformity is a significant challenge,
components. In the contemporary corporate landscape, where as organizations have developed their IAM systems over the
technology is pivotal, these technologies necessitate distinct years and cannot easily start anew with a single IAM
identities and roles, as well as well-defined processes and authorization provider. The diversity of technologies, such as
authorization mechanisms [6]. The IT workforce must Microsoft, Oracle, and Linux solutions, in use throughout an
allocate resources to each of these facets to ensure that these organization's infrastructure adds to the complexity (Paper:
technologies fulfill their intended purposes. Concurrently, "Intelligent Authentication for Identity and Access
the constantly evolving landscape of security and compliance
introduces the need for heightened levels of oversight and
transparency. Balancing these requirements presents a
perpetual challenge, as organizations strive to optimize costs
without compromising security and compliance. It is crucial
Management: A Review Paper"). Nonetheless, it is possible D. Multifactor Authentication
to make substantial progress in reducing the number of
business IDs and consolidating various ad hoc roles, In order to meet various governmental and industry
processes, and attestations into a more consistent and compliance requirements and adhere to robust security best
streamlined framework. This approach allows organizations practices, it is imperative to enhance identity verification
to maintain the benefits of technological variety while beyond the limitations of a basic username and password
enhancing the key elements of IAM, including identities, login. This advanced access control method encompasses
functions, procedures, rules, processes, and attestations the use of two or more authentication factors, such as smart
(Paper: "Intelligent Authentication for Identity and Access cards, one-time passwords (OTPs), or even biometrics, to
Management: A Review Paper"). rigorously confirm an individual's identity before granting
access. Each of these options augments the traditional "what
Fig i: Intelligent authentication process
users know" (passwords) with "what users possess" (smart
Key components of an innovative and cohesive approach to cards or OTP tokens) and/or "who they are" (biometric
Identity and Access Management (IAM) entail the following traits), thereby fortifying the security of user accounts.
critical features:- While deploying multi-factor authentication services can
The process of integrating multiple identities into a incur costs and necessitate specialized infrastructure,
single, pre-existing identity whenever possible is a key conventional solutions can be particularly challenging to
strategy in achieving a more streamlined and efficient maintain, especially when multifactor authentication is
approach to identity management. This approach involves mandated across disparate and non-integrated systems. It is
the development of a unified framework encompassing uncommon for users in secure IT environments to manage
priorities, policies, activities, and authentication methods that multiple smart cards or OTP tokens for different platforms,
can effectively manage a significant portion of the business. and this complexity can be a significant obstacle to
To address critical issues, it is essential to employ point widespread adoption.
solutions that seamlessly align with the unified identity Multiple multifactor authentication providers have
domain. For instance, this may involve the implementation effectively convinced their customers that the distinct design
of AD-based enterprise single sign-on solutions in platforms and limited lifespan of multifactor authentication systems
that need integration with Active Directory, as well as the are crucial. However, advancements in technology and
incorporation of platform-specific privileged managed cognitive understanding have demonstrated that multifactor
services that rely on AD roles and identities for customized
authentication need not rely on exclusive services and can
assignment of privileges. Furthermore, it is imperative to
incorporate non-expiring attributes. In modern OTP
consolidate all systems, both unified and non-unified, within
an identity intelligence framework that comprehensively systems, each multifactor authentication is grounded in
understands and transforms current roles, regulations, Active Directory, rather than relying on a distinct,
processes, and attestations into a standardized model proprietary directory. Furthermore, these systems comply
designed to achieve authentication in alignment with both with regulatory standards, granting businesses the flexibility
business objectives and technical capabilities, serving as the to choose configurations from various manufacturers [12].
driving force behind this holistic approach [9, 10]..

C. Making Use of an Identity and Access Management

Many organizations consider IAM frameworks to be the
exclusive approach for implementing Identity and Access
Management (IAM), but these frameworks are often
custom-built and entail substantial expenses and protracted
development and deployment timelines. Consequently,
many businesses find it challenging to either secure the
funds or commit to such extensive projects. Furthermore,
IAM frameworks, akin to point solutions, frequently fail to
comprehensively address the intricacies and challenges
inherent in IAM. In this scenario, the framework invariably Fig ii: Multifactor authentication
requires integration with all ten identities, along with an
11th identity in a meta-directory that governs the others. E. An Intelligent and Unified Method for Multifactor
When a user's information is scattered across five disparate Authentication
repositories, IAM frameworks may necessitate the
Unification of IAM (Identity and Access Management) is
development of bespoke business logic to manage the
pivotal for advancing multifactor authentication. For
disparities and peculiarities across these systems. Moreover,
instance, on Unix, Linux, Mac, and Java platforms that have
customization within the framework becomes a necessity,
seamlessly integrated with Active Directory (AD), it
sometimes involving the replication of software applications
becomes possible to safeguard these systems using the same
or the introduction of new components to replace ad-hoc
multifactor authentication method employed for AD,
eliminating the need for multiple tokens or smart cards.
Take, for instance, Quest Defender, which offers one-time
password (OTP) verification for any Unix, Linux, Mac, or
Java platform integrated into the AD trust realms. G. Password Management: A Coherent and Astute Method
Furthermore, Authentication Solutions extends its coverage Enabling users to modify their numerous passwords is
to Unix and Linux platforms, providing a solution for insufficient; the objective should be to minimize the number
companies already utilizing Windows smart cards. of passwords individuals need to remember and the
administrative burden on IT staff. A unified Identity and
Access Management (IAM) approach achieves this by
consolidating identities across various platforms, such as
Unix, Linux, Mac, Java, and numerous standards-based
tools. This consolidation eliminates the necessity for these
platforms to rely on passwords, thus obviating the need for
frequent password changes and preventing users from
resorting to insecure practices like writing down passwords.
Moreover, implementing a single robust password policy
that applies uniformly to all Active Directory-integrated
applications can enhance security, and the use of multifactor
Additionally, Quest Enterprise Single Sign-on can be authentication can further bolster security measures.
configured to initiate Single Sign-On (SSO) using various Fig iii: Password management authentication
multifactor authentication methods, such as smart cards,
OTP, or biometrics. While the identity intelligence H. The Future of the USA
framework may not directly impact multifactor
authentication, it adds an additional layer of control and Authentication methods are undergoing significant
accessibility based on unified identities, roles, guidelines, transformations as we move towards a future where
policies, business processes, and attestations. This can complex passwords and traditional multi-factor
necessitate multifactor authentication for direct connections authentication are gradually being phased out in the United
or be required to establish and maintain the multifactor States. The shift is towards intelligent and continuous
authentication platform. authentication and authorization, a response to the public's
preference for ease of access over privacy concerns when
dealing with IT companies and financial institutions. This
F. Keeping Passwords Secure places a heightened responsibility on banks and financial
Another security concern arises from users of a particular institutions to protect customers from identity fraud and
site having various passwords when they have multiple money laundering. However, before implementing AI-
identities. It brings about the following difficulties.: driven authentication, these institutions must assess their
current infrastructure capabilities and their capacity to offer
 Varying password use habits - Developing a single, biometric and behavioral authentication. The evolution of
secure password approach is difficult (and often authentication is anticipated to take place in the background,
unfeasible) due to the requirement for distinct imperceptible to the user, with a focus on continuous
passwords for different platforms [14, 15]. It's monitoring and seamless engagement, particularly through
possible that some systems can't manage password risk- and behavior-based authentication methods.
complexity as well as others, and that IT specialists Traditional single-factor authentication, relying on
have more important tasks to complete than usernames and passwords, is widely used, but multifactor
revising and eliminating password policies to make authentication (MFA) is gaining prominence, requiring
them consistent with the rest of the company. users to provide multiple authentication sources, such as a
 Changing a password costs money - This situation password and a one-time PIN received via text message.
arises due to the increased burden on users to While MFA demands more effort from users, it offers
remember a multitude of passwords, resulting in a enhanced security for restricted data. Multifactor
higher probability of forgetfulness, which, in turn, authorization is here to stay, especially as the Internet of
can cause reduced productivity among employees Things continues to expand, necessitating more than three
and an increased workload for IT personnel. Often, information sources for trustworthy web access.
the task of changing passwords falls to IT The interplay between AI and identity management
specialists, diverting their attention from more in the United States extends beyond simply reacting to and
critical aspects of their job and encumbering capitalizing on current trends. It also involves facilitating
employees with a non-core task [15]. the transformative journey of businesses into the digital
 Issues with security and compliance - In situations realm. A well-executed Identity and Access Management
where individuals must remember numerous system serves as the cornerstone for risk mitigation,
passwords, each system imposing its own distinct improved governance, and the establishment of a secure
criteria for password selection, people often resort digital enterprise. Artificial intelligence, coupled with
to protective measures, such as recording their cognitive computing, is making significant strides in aiding
personal passwords to ensure access and security businesses in the consumption and extraction of value from
[15]. vast datasets, while also enhancing governance and
decision-making through advanced analytics. In the realm of
information and authentication management, this implies the
potential for more nuanced runtime authorization decisions,
leveraging AI's capacity to ingest and process vast amounts
of data for enhanced decision granularity. Some
organizations, like Elastic Beam (recently acquired by Ping
Identity), have already harnessed AI for API behavioral
security, asserting that AI-driven analysis offers a more
effective means of monitoring the growing number of
corporate APIs. However, there remain concerns about the
reliability of such algorithms and the question of whether
they should be permitted to autonomously restrict access for
individuals or APIs without human oversight.

I. Financial Advantages
A forward-looking authentication system for identity and
access management holds significant promise for elevating
customer satisfaction within the United States' financial Fig i: IAM model for AI use in a business
institutions, streamlining access, and fortifying security
measures. This transformation is underpinned by a suite of
cutting-edge technologies, such as machine learning, cloud K. How does AI change the IAM landscape:-
computing, and analytics, which are poised to significantly  AI tracking and enhanced visibility - Companies
mitigate human error across various sectors, with banking can leverage AI to maintain constant vigilance and
being a prominent beneficiary [18]. The integration of benefit from its ability to detect subtleties that often
artificial intelligence in the United States promises to elude human observation. This capacity extends to
revolutionize the banking sector by combatting cyber the intricate dynamics of network interactions,
threats, rendering mobile applications more secure for empowering IT organizations to enact intelligent
transactions, and simplifying the process of establishing administrative measures and make well-informed
bank accounts. Presently, there is a plethora of robust
decisions regarding user licenses. Moreover, AI
authentication solutions available that not only safeguard offers the opportunity to enhance role-based access
consumers but also shield U.S. companies from severe management, thereby improving the control of
penalties and costly security breaches. Embracing privileged access and reducing the risk of its
decentralized solutions empowers users to regain control misuse during periods when temporary permissions
over their identities while maintaining seamless, one-touch are granted. In an era where seamless,
access to vital resources [19]. In essence, this global shift uninterrupted, and precise data access is paramount
envisions a world where individuals become the rightful due to the interconnectivity of corporate systems,
proprietors and overseers of their own legal identities. advanced authentication systems driven by AI play
a pivotal role, especially when data needs to be
J. Using Artificial Intelligence to Address IAM collected and analyzed at a pace beyond human
capability. These AI systems maintain continuous
Artificial Intelligence has made significant strides in recent surveillance of users operating within their
years, owing to its distinctive attributes, including authorized access boundaries, and they can swiftly
flexibility, scalability, and its ability to tackle novel identify anomalies, inconsistencies, or deviations in
challenges while reducing human effort and involvement user behavior, such as unusual visits to system
[10]. The integration of AI and Machine Learning sections or excessive file retrievals, ensuring
technologies holds great promise in the realm of Identity heightened security and efficiency [13].
and Access Management (IAM). These innovative solutions  Adaptability and Automation - AI, with its ability
have the potential to transition companies from overly to comprehensively analyze user activities, offers
technical access control systems to accessible and the potential for automating authentication in low-
comprehensible access management across all risk access scenarios. This automation can
organizational levels [11]. Modern technologies bring forth significantly reduce the burden of Identity and
fresh perspectives and procedures that can greatly expedite Access Management (IAM) administration,
IAM compliance assessments, all without necessitating alleviating the "security fatigue" experienced by
large teams of security experts. They can effectively users. AI excels in examining various factors
pinpoint irregularities and potential risks, equipping both surrounding access requests, such as the time of
technical and non-technical personnel with the knowledge day, the type of device in use, device locations, and
needed to make informed decisions. These advancements the specific assets being accessed. By factoring in
hold particular significance in the domains of anti-money these conditions, AI can make IAM more relevant
laundering, fraud detection, and the mitigation of insider and granular, effectively mitigating potential issues
threats [11]. It is for these reasons that AI serves as a pivotal stemming from improper provisioning or
tool in enhancing the IAM workflows of companies, further deprovisioning of resources. Moreover, artificial
solidifying the importance of IAM in the realm of intelligence systems can effectively apply
cybersecurity and identity and access management [11].
appropriate IAM guidelines to each access token deploys these applications in diverse contexts. Training in
based on the requester's unique requirements and artificial intelligence and information security demands a
conditions. This capability not only enhances multidisciplinary foundation, encompassing computer
security but also saves valuable time and effort for engineering, economics, programming environments, and
IT departments, as they no longer need to evolutionary computation for researchers. Specialized
individually determine the principles of "least training, on the other hand, typically necessitates a
privilege" for each specific use case. grounding in software engineering and a deep understanding
of the specific application domain. To harness AI
technologies effectively, users must familiarize themselves
L. Data breach detection and prevention
with both artificial intelligence and identity and access
Contextual monitoring offers the advantage of pinpointing management systems.
anomalies in user behavior that may indicate malicious
intent or security breaches [17, 18]. Machines have the
capacity to process vast amounts of data at speeds
surpassing human capabilities, enabling early detection of IV. CONCLUSION
unusual activities and helping businesses avert potential This review paper delves into the application of intelligent
network breaches or data loss [18]. By observing how authentication within identity and access management, with
different user identities interact with corporate networks, a specific focus on multifactor authentication and password
data security enhanced by machine learning (ML) can management. The study's findings highlight the challenges
gradually "learn" user behavior patterns [18, 19]. posed by the complexity of identity and access management,
Consequently, the system becomes adept at distinguishing especially in the context of diverse IT infrastructures that
between normal, acceptable activities and behaviors that require multiple identities for each user. This complexity
warrant suspicion, enabling continuous monitoring and the often results in fragmented approaches to role
refinement of machine learning algorithms to create more administration, user authentication, provisioning, and
precise models of typical network traffic. What happens if a somewhat ad-hoc efforts in implementing multifactor
hacker gains access to the system using legitimate user authentication and privileged account management. To
identities? The system actively identifies alterations in address these issues, it is crucial to streamline and simplify
behavior or unusual actions during the session, promptly processes while implementing a management layer aligned
notifying the IT department or autonomously blocking with organizational objectives rather than solely relying on
access requests [18, 19]. IT or technological capabilities. The implementation of
intelligent authentication plays a significant role in reducing
identity proliferation, simplifying critical identity
M. Opportunities for the US economically management tasks like password resets and audits, and
The synergy between AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IAM enhancing security through multifactor authentication. It
(Identity and Access Management) is poised to have a also mitigates the "keys to the kingdom" problem by
profound economic impact by automating tasks previously granting administrative access in granular increments while
considered beyond automation's reach. This development maintaining a comprehensive audit trail of administrator
promises substantial economic benefits for the United privileges and actions. Furthermore, it consolidates user
States, primarily by enhancing productivity and wealth passwords and offers self-service password changes, thereby
generation. However, it will also bring about varying effects bolstering security and increasing operational efficiency. In
on employment, diminishing the demand for roles that can summary, intelligent authentication serves to enhance the
be automated while increasing the need for skills that existing identity and access management framework by
complement artificial intelligence. According to the White reducing complexity, lowering costs, improving control,
House Council of Economic Advisors (CEA), the adverse accelerating time-to-value, and ultimately delivering a more
repercussions of automation will be most pronounced in efficient and secure solution for organizations. By
lower-paid occupations, potentially creating new combining artificial intelligence (AI) and Identity and
employment prospects for IT graduates. To address Access Management (IAM) with effective monitoring and
concerns of employment inequality, public policy should reporting technologies, it becomes feasible to visualize
focus on retraining individuals to excel in roles that network connectivity and, subsequently, mitigate exposure
complement automation, rather than competing with it. to breaches by implementing intelligent and adaptive rules
Moreover, public policy can play a crucial role in ensuring for identity and access management. The financial sector
that the economic gains from AI and IAM are equitably has long grappled with the pivotal issue of identification, a
distributed, and that AI technologies are used responsibly, fundamental aspect of their operations. To stay competitive
fostering a new era of global economic prosperity. in today's ever-evolving landscape, banks must establish
The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence and robust and dependable digital identity frameworks that
information security has heightened the demand for complement their traditional methods of verifying real-
individuals with the requisite skills to drive and sustain world identities. As we transition from the analog world to
progress in these fields. A growing number of AI the virtual realm, various challenges loom, including
researchers are spearheading foundational breakthroughs, security gaps, interoperability issues, cyber threats, and
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