Airline OR Innovations Soar During COVID 19 Recovery: Laurie A. Garrow Virginie Lurkin Lavanya Marla
Airline OR Innovations Soar During COVID 19 Recovery: Laurie A. Garrow Virginie Lurkin Lavanya Marla
Airline OR Innovations Soar During COVID 19 Recovery: Laurie A. Garrow Virginie Lurkin Lavanya Marla
Received: 19 September 2021 / Accepted: 5 February 2022 / Published online: 22 February 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022
The Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies
(AGIFORS) held four conferences during May to July 2021 that focused on how
COVID-19 was impacting and reshaping the airline industry. Dozens of airline rep-
resentatives from around the world spoke about how fundamental changes in pas-
senger demand and booking patterns are reshaping the airline industry and driving
innovation and research needs. Customers are booking much closer to departure and
are canceling or exchanging their tickets more frequently than before COVID-19.
Volatility in demand has increased as travel restrictions change and borders reopen.
Consequently, greater uncertainty in demand forecasts used as inputs to optimization
algorithms is motivating the need for new approaches. Revenue management and
scheduling departments are innovating how they predict market sizes and exploring
ways to use new data sources or historic bookings in forecasting models. Sched-
uling and operations departments are making many more flight-cancellation and
equipment-swap decisions one to three days from flight departure, which is chang-
ing the role of recovery planning. New urgency exists within crew to design duties
and rosters that are robust to ever-evolving schedules. Across functional areas, the
increasing emphasis is to develop integrated solutions that jointly optimize sched-
ules, crew pairings, and crew rosters for demand forecasts that are uncertain at the
time rosters are published. This paper describes how these changes are reshaping
the airline industry during COVID-19, explains why short lead times for bookings
and uncertainty in demand volumes are expected to remain after COVID-19, and
describes how the airline industry is innovating and developing new operations
research approaches for handling uncertain and volatile demand.
* Laurie A. Garrow
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
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1 Introduction
The year 2020 was unprecedented within aviation. Never before has the airline
industry—at a global level—experienced such a sharp and sustained decline in air
passenger demand. While prior events such as SARS1 and MERS2 provided airlines
with some experience in dealing with a health crisis caused by a coronavirus, they
were in isolated regions of the world and “didn’t prepare [us] for dealing with some-
thing like this global pandemic” [1]. In the spring of 2020, global demand dropped
off by 90 to 95 percent and airlines throughout the world were scrambling to control
costs and realign their schedules and business models to help minimize daily cash
burn [2]. As of the summer of 2021, at least 40 airlines have ceased or suspended
operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic [3].
In 2021, many airlines have moved from crisis mode to recovery mode. Several
factors are contributing to the recovery of airline passenger demand—most nota-
bly the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines and the reopening of international borders.
For example, in July 2021, Ed Bastian, Delta’s chief executive officer, noted that
in the USA, “domestic leisure travel is fully recovered to 2019 levels and there are
encouraging signs of improvement in business and international travel” [4]. Almost
all major US airlines, including Alaska, Allegiant, American, Delta, JetBlue, South-
west, and Spirit, reported second-quarter profits in 2021 [4–8].
Move the clock forward by just two months to September 2021, however, and
the timeline for US recovery has lengthened as concerns about new variants have
emerged. Outlooks for recovery are changing frequently. In its update as of Sep-
tember 4, 2021, Airlines for America reported that since mid-July the growth of
overall and corporate ticket sales has declined, in large part due to a resurgence of
COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations [9]. As of early September 2021, domestic US
air travel was down 17 percent and international air travel was down 43 percent [9].
Outside of the USA, many airlines are experiencing slower recoveries—particularly
those that predominately serve international markets. For example, Bertalan Juhasz,
senior manager of Operations Research and Insights at Finnair, notes that “our busi-
ness model relies heavily on ferrying passengers between Europe and Asia, and that
just doesn’t happen right now” [10]. Mirco Bharpalani, head of Data and Analytics
at the Lufthansa Group, notes that “in Europe, we are a bit jealous of our colleagues
on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean [given] we don’t have a big domestic market
and are still [seeing depressed demand] due to all of the travel restrictions that are still
in place” [11]. Similar observations on slower recoveries due to the lack of interna-
tional travel, border restrictions, and unwillingness of passengers and crew to travel to
COVID-19 hotspots have been expressed by Emre Pekesen of Pegasus, a low-cost air-
line headquartered in Istanbul, and Rodrigo Correia of the LATAM Airlines Group, an
airline holding company headquartered in Santiago, Chile, with subsidiaries in several
Latin American countries [12, 13].
Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus, or SARS-CoV
Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus, or MERS-CoV
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From May to July 2021, the Airline Group of the International Federation of
Operational Research Societies (AGIFORS) held four online conferences that
focused on how COVID-19 was reshaping the airline industry and driving the need
for new research in OR. This paper provides a summary of the technical presenta-
tions and panel discussions from these conferences. Some of the conferences, such
as the one on revenue management and pricing, focused more on practical perspec-
tives, whereas other conferences, such as the one on crew management, included
more academic perspectives.
The balance of this paper is focused on summarizing discussions from these con-
ferences. Innovations from each of the individual conferences is first presented. For
the revenue management study group, this includes an overview of fundamental
changes in passenger demand and booking patterns and innovations in incorporating
new data into demand forecasts. In the schedule planning area, increased focus is
being placed on how to schedule flights given high levels of uncertainty in demand.
Within operations, the primary role of recovery planning has shifted from cance-
ling or holding flights or swapping aircraft on the day of operation due to weather
or mechanical reasons, to continuously canceling, adding, and up-gauging or down-
gauging flights in order to better match supply with passenger bookings that have
actually materialized. Within crew, much attention is being placed on manpower
planning and designing duties and rosters that are robust to ever-evolving schedules.
Across all conferences, there was a recognition of the need to develop integrated
solutions, particularly with respect to jointly optimizing schedules, crew pairings,
and crew rosters under demand uncertainty. These and other innovations are pre-
sented in the following sections.
Several changes to airline passenger demand and booking patterns have occurred
during the pandemic. Some of these changes have been quite dramatic, such as an
increase in the percentage of leisure travelers flying; other changes have been sub-
tler, such as the presence of a larger number of inelastic leisure travelers. This sec-
tion presents an overview of how airline passenger demand and booking patterns
have changed since 2019 and industry experts’ opinions as to how airline customer
segments may further evolve in 2022 and beyond.
Airline passengers traveling during the COVID-19 recovery represent a different
mix of customers who have distinct travel needs, particularly with respect to when
they want to book their flights. As Juhasz at Finnair notes, “One thing that we have
observed is that passengers now book much closer to departure, and I think that will
probably stay like that for quite some time, probably many years, as long as there’s
uncertainty on when [and where] the next wave of COVID infections will come”
[10]. Customers’ desire to book closer to departure is motivated in part by travel
restrictions imposed by different countries that frequently change; these restrictions
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include quarantines, one or more PCR3 tests before and after entry into the country,
proof of immunization, and banning entry of passengers on nonessential travel from
hotspot areas. As Bharpalani of the Lufthansa Group explains, “Because there is so
much uncertainty on what’s allowed and what’s not allowed, the booking times are
really short for this year” [11].
Given the evolving travel restrictions and emergence of new COVID-19 hotspots,
airline passengers who are booking and traveling during the COVID-19 recovery
need the ability to easily make changes to their flights and travel plans. Many air-
lines have waived ticket exchange and cancellation fees, and many within the indus-
try are expecting that these flexible exchange and cancellation policies will remain
after the pandemic. As Pekesen notes, Pegasus Airlines is currently allowing passen-
gers to make an unlimited number of free exchanges on their tickets and expects that
“after the pandemic, consumers would like to continue to have this freedom...which
presents a new challenge for us” [13]. Correia of LATAM Airlines Group observes
that “due to these unprecedented times, we’re seeing the industry offering a lot of
flexibility, and it’s hard to tell if the desire for flexibility will remain going forward”
During COVID-19, airlines have experienced high degrees of uncertainty in
where and when demand will materialize. According to Terrance Bradshaw, Ameri-
can Airlines is seeing volatility in its international demand due to changes in various
travel restrictions and the ability to fly into different countries. In this environment,
he explains, “We’re trying to be as reactive as we can, as we observe the day-to-day,
sometimes hour-to-hour changes that happen” [14]. Juhasz at Finnair also says that
“demand is changing so quickly, especially on certain routes, that you really have
to monitor [the daily booking reports that contain information on] daily bookings,
daily cancellations, and rebookings” [10]. The inability to predict demand with a
high degree of certainty makes it challenging for airlines to align their schedules and
resources to serve demand4.
A sense also exists that after COVID-19 there will be a new normal, further
complicating the ability to create accurate forecasts using historic data, as the his-
toric data are no longer representative of current demand. For example, the mix of
air travelers during the COVID-19 recovery differs from that before the pandemic,
with leisure travel recovering faster than business travel—particularly in domestic
markets that have few travel restrictions. Some airlines, especially low-cost carri-
ers, have actually continued their expansion plans and/or have entered new markets.
In 2021 JetBlue is adding 24 new routes across the USA and Central America and
initiating service in Miami, Key West, Guatemala City, and Los Cabos [16]. Pegasus
Airlines, a low-cost carrier based in Istanbul, also started new flights in 2021 to
leisure destinations, including Antalya and Dalaman [13]. Within the USA, three
airlines are deploying more capacity in October 2021 than in 2019; these include
Polymerase chain reaction, or the molecular-level detection of COVID-19’s genetic material.
For additional information on how the impact of travel restrictions on airline operations and passenger
demand is driving the need for unprecedented flexibility and speed in decision-making processes within
airlines, see [15].
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Allegiant (up 25.3 percent), Spirit (up 14.2 percent), and Frontier (up 1.0 percent)
(reported by [9] using published schedules from Diio by Cirium).
More subtle changes to the passenger mix traveling during recovery have also
occurred. As Alex Matson of Alaska Airlines explains, “The leisure passenger that
we’re seeing now is definitely not a typical leisure passenger...people have a lot of
travel credits, travel awards, and a huge amount of paid time off they have saved
up, which means that we’re seeing a lot more inelastic leisure passengers who are
traveling in ways that they wouldn’t have prior to the pandemic” [17]. Mixed trip
purposes are also becoming more common, e.g., “People may go to a nice island in
Spain and work there for two weeks, combining travel and work” [11]. Developing
OR solutions to optimize for these and other new demand segments post-COVID-19
will be important [14]. For example, after the pandemic, telework and teleconferenc-
ing may create new demand segments. As Bharpalani of the Lufthansa Group sug-
gests, telework may enable individuals to live further from their offices and fly to the
office once a month or so [11].
In summary, COVID-19 has led to fundamental changes in airline passenger
demand, and many of these changes are expected to remain after the pandemic.
Some of these changes, most notably when passengers purchase their tickets and
how often they change their tickets, are particularly challenging for airlines as they
impact multiple functional areas. Given the importance of understanding how airline
passenger demand is changing during and after COVID-19, many innovations are
occurring in the industry with respect to predicting demand. These innovations and
research needs are discussed in the next section.
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recovery levels. The use of synthetically generated data to generate bid prices under
different demand scenarios was also discussed by Rauch [23].
An interesting part of the approach that Air Canada has taken is that the ML
forecast was not designed to replace the existing RM algorithms, but rather to pro-
vide recommendations to analysts; thus, it is ultimately up to the analyst to decide
whether or not to implement the recommendation (or implement a modification
based on the recommendation). This philosophy was shared across multiple airlines,
in part, because while “there’s no shortage of data out there, the shortage is our
ability to ingest and interpret the data and make it valuable for us” [24] and, in part,
because when all of these data sources are considered “sometimes it contradicts
itself and someone has to make up his mind on it” [11]. For example, Bradshaw
of American Airlines describes how their demand forecasts for schedule planning
applications have changed, as follows: “It may not necessarily be using one or two
traditional data sources, but trying to incorporate little bits and complement what
you may have. So, you start with traditional booking data out of MIDT5, but then
you may get shopping data either from Google or from other places and see if the
data are giving you the same directional result” [14].
The example of Dietrich, Etabarialamdari, and Wilson [22] is important in the
context of how RM systems may evolve post-COVID-19. In Air Canada’s case,
the existing RM system, optimization algorithms, and data inputs are maintained,
but the data inputs are adjusted by analysts based on analyses that are conducted
external to the RM system. Conceptually, this approach could be adapted so that the
supplemental analyses consider other external data sources (such as shopping data)
when producing recommendations.
Given that the use of nontraditional data sources in RM systems is so new, it
should not be surprising that airlines differ in their perspectives on how they will use
these supplemental data sources moving forward. It is unclear at this time whether
the airline industry will continue to rely on analyst intervention in the future and/or
whether the data that are used for the ML methods will become reliable enough to
use with minimal oversight. Multiple airlines emphasized that they would not want
the RM system optimized for black swan events [10, 25], but there would be value
in incorporating some of the new data sources into future RM systems. With respect
to other data sources, Lucio Bustillo of Air Canada explains, “Once the bookings are
back, the question becomes which of all the sources that we’ve explored are really
something that in steady state brings something meaningful in terms of accuracy
and improvement for the forecast...We’ve found the economic data, consumer sen-
timent, and search data to be very helpful for understanding the underlying travel
intent, and we’ve seen correlations between a spike in searches and a wave of book-
ings a week or two later. So, there’s value long-term on using those data” [18].
A key question being explored by the airline community that ties in closely to
whether the traditional RM systems will be viable in the new normal after COVID-
19 is whether historical data provide useful information and can be used in forecasts.
Marketing Information Data Tapes (MIDT) data contain reservation data captured by travel agents
from major global distribution systems.
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Fiig and Wittman [19] examine how historical data could be used for forecasting
demand during COVID-19. They decompose the forecasting problem into two com-
ponents: those that are resilient and those that are volatile. Resilient components
characterize demand patterns that remain stable over the pandemic (e.g., in the USA,
individuals still want to travel over Thanksgiving). Monthly seasonality patterns and
day-of-week patterns have also remained stable over the pandemic. Volatile compo-
nents, or those that have changed during the pandemic include market sizes, or the
volume of bookings, and when these bookings are occurring, or the pickup curve.
They use live shopping data to model these volatile components and automatically
adjust the historic forecast. The approach of Fiig and Wittman is particularly rel-
evant for airlines during the COVID-19 recovery period as it provides one approach
for using historical data in a traditional RM system by addressing a shortcoming of
current demand forecasters that assume demand volatility does not exist.
Looking beyond COVID-19, many airlines are seeking new approaches to adapt
their RM systems to an environment in which many of the products offered are flex-
ible and refundable. As a result of fundamental demand shifts that will remain after
the pandemic, many airlines emphasized that they were viewing COVID-19 “as a
catalyst for change” [26] and shifting development priorities. As discussed in [27],
Air Canada, United, and Qatar all indicated a greater focus being placed on dynamic
pricing and continuous pricing [26, 28, 29]. As Dennis Buitendijk of Qatar summed
up, “The one good thing about a crisis is people now see why [dynamic or con-
tinuous pricing] is relevant and how it would complement a[n] RM system,” [26] as
quoted in [27]. Emirates provides an example of how have they are using shopping
data to support dynamic availability and pricing decisions [30].
In summary, the “pandemic really shook up some of us and forced us to go out
of the comfort zone when it comes to the data” that is used for forecasting demand
[18]. Research is needed to help identify new data sources that can be used for fore-
casting airline demand, as well as which forecasting methods provide accurate solu-
tions over time. It is likely that shopping data will become an integral part of fore-
casting airline demand and that researchers will leverage insights they have gained
from using shopping data in other applications, such as generating personalized air
ancillary offers in real time [31] or for dynamic availability and pricing [30] to help
inform demand forecasting for RM and schedule planning applications. There is a
research need to examine how dynamic and continuous pricing can complement
existing RM systems in a post-COVID-19 environment.
During COVID-19, it has been challenging for airlines to build future schedules and
decide how much capacity to put in different markets. Before COVID-19, many air-
lines planned their schedules six to nine months from departure, but as Bradshaw of
American Airlines states, “That went out the window in 2020...we’ve had to get very
flexible in how we schedule the airline to try to match up capacity with demand and
make schedule changes as close in as 30 days, or even three weeks out from depar-
ture in some cases” [14].
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Those airlines that had tools that allowed them to design their schedules from
scratch and/or automatically cut a large number of flights from their schedules were
in a better position to realign their schedules to match demand. For example, before
COVID-19, Southwest Airlines had implemented a clean-sheet schedule optimiza-
tion that allowed them to “start from scratch with optimization...and basically pick
up our entire schedule and move it wherever we needed to go” [24]. Adam Decaire
explains that Southwest Airlines used this tool in late March 2020, when demand
was falling 90 percent or more year-over-year, to publish a new schedule for early
May. The new schedule better matched supply with customer demand—but also
better realigned crew with equipment and improved on-time performance. “Back in
April [2020] our on-time performance was down to like 40 percent. And then all
of a sudden at May, we’re at 90 percent and above. That was a brand-new schedule
completely written for the information we had at the time, not a schedule that was
written 200 days ago” [2].
Ironically, Southwest Airlines had another unexpected event in 2019 that better
prepared them for optimizing schedules during COVID-19, i.e., “the grounding of
the MAX got us ready for the pandemic as we were the largest operator of the MAX
aircraft and, at some point, we had to pull 60 aircraft out of our schedule and do that
in the least disruptive way to our customers and employees” [2]. During this time,
Southwest developed tools that helped them identify which airplanes to take out of
the schedule and which flights to move, and put in processes to inform customers
very quickly of the changes that had been made to their itineraries. All airlines faced
a need to replicate these processes during COVID-19.
Airlines have taken different approaches to how they schedule flights during the
pandemic, but one trend prevalent across many airlines is that they are initially pub-
lishing a schedule assuming that demand will come in strong, and then weeks and/
or days from departure, they make changes to the schedule to better match supply to
demand. This may involve canceling some flights (and reaccommodating passengers
on other flights), swapping equipment types (to provide more or less seats on a given
flight leg), or adding extra sections (in situations where flights are sold out). Making
all of these changes close to departure presents new challenges for airlines, particu-
larly with respect to crew planning and operations.
Before explaining how these close-in schedule changes are driving new research
needs in crew planning and airline operations, though, it is helpful to understand
why airlines are using the approach of setting a future schedule under an assumption
that demand will come in strong. Baharnemati, Bray, and Hurwitz [32] describe an
analysis they conducted to understand how Southwest Airlines’ capacity decisions
influenced that airline’s load factors and revenue projections compared to factors
that were outside of their control, such as passenger demand levels and the capacity
offered by competing airlines. They found that Southwest’s own capacity decisions
had a small impact on Southwest’s load factors and revenue projections compared to
assumptions related to passenger demand and their competitors’ capacity decisions.
As noted by Hurwitz, “In the end, [our analysis] really helped everyone understand
it’s not risky to go with our bigger capacity set. Relatively speaking, with everything
that is out of our control versus that is in our control, we’d rather have those flights
out there” [32].
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The need for flexibility and close-in scheduling (and rescheduling) of flights is driv-
ing new research needs in crew planning. Crew planning involves several compo-
nents, including manpower planning. Manpower planning involves determining how
many crew an airline will need in the near-term and long-term and helps inform
when the airline should start hiring and training crew for different fleets. Pre-
COVID-19, the majority of airlines did manpower planning in spreadsheets, but dur-
ing COVID-19 many of these airlines have moved toward using software designed
to optimize manpower planning. While this may seem surprising, as shown in Fig. 1,
globally there are many more “small airlines” than “big airlines.” Worldwide, more
than 1,000 airlines are in operation and, among these, only 2 percent have fleet sizes
of 200 aircraft or more, whereas 78 percent have fleet sizes of 25 or fewer aircraft.
The largest 2 percent of airlines operate 22 percent of all aircraft, and the smallest
78 percent operate 31 percent of all aircraft [33]. Before COVID-19, many of these
smaller airlines could manually handle manpower planning, but during COVID-19,
automating manpower optimization became critical as airlines faced furlough and
lay-off decisions and wanted to consider alternate demand recovery scenarios before
making these decisions.
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The need for flexibility and close-in scheduling of flights is emphasizing new
research needs in crew pairings, which is the process by which flight legs are com-
bined together in a way that start and end in a crew base and are later combined into
crew rosters. New research in crew pairings is being driven in large part because air-
lines “don’t fly the same schedule every day of the week” [24] or from week to week.
As Soumis [34] explains, the crew-pairing problem has evolved from where a simi-
lar flight schedule was offered every day and a problem size may have involved a few
hundred flights, to a monthly problem in which flight schedules vary week to week
and thousands of flights need to be considered. The monthly crew-pairing problem
is particularly challenging, as it is very large and has no cyclical structure. Soumis
and colleagues [34] have proposed using ML in combination with traditional OR
models to find good solutions for the monthly crew-pairing problems. Soumis and
colleagues use ML to predict good crew connections between inbound and outbound
flights at an airport that have a high probability of being included in an optimal or
near-optimal pairing solution. The ML model is a supervised multi-layer (1-5 layer)
convolutional neural network with 100-1000 neurons per layer. While this model
can be time-consuming to solve, it can be solved well in advance. They then create
clusters that combine connections with the highest such probabilities to create small
sequences of flights. These are fed into a math programming model to find full pair-
ings with other connections that complement the existing good connections. They
devise a pricing problem that further improves these by iteratively breaking some
of the existing clusters and creating near-optimal pairings. While the ML model in
itself is not good at solving for the optimal pairings and only provides upper bounds,
it does predict good connections, which when fed into a math programming model,
provide high benefits in reducing the size and solution time of the math program-
ming model, and generates provably near-optimal solutions [34].
Other researchers, including Lingaya and Dashora [35], are also exploring new
approaches to the robust crew-pairing optimization based on a monthly schedule.
Currently, there is no convergence in the field as to how to define “robustness,” and
multiple metrics are considered. In their work, Lingaya and Dashora [35] examine
robustness in crew pairings with respect to how often cabin crew followed the flight
deck, regularity in the pairings produced, and block time variation.
COVID-19 has also impacted how airlines create rosters. Some airlines, including
Indigo and Cathay Pacific have introduced new key performance indicators (KPIs)
that limit the number of crew members that an individual comes in contact with [36,
37]. Ensuring that recency requirements are met6 has also been a challenge for many
airlines. As Andy Spillane of British Airways explains, COVID-19 brought “an
unprecedented amount of change...and we had to get a lot of staff off of payroll and
onto furlough. You’re trying to spread that out fairly, as well, and keep your crew
recent, as all of a sudden, you’ve got far too many aircraft and far too many crew. So,
you start getting recency issues that you’ve never experienced before” [1]. Creating
Recency requirements refer to tasks or items that must have “recently” been completed by a crew
member in order to maintain their ability to fly. For example, a pilot must execute a certain number of
takeoffs and landings within the previous 90 days.
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rosters that take into account recency requirements and/or adding in additional sim-
ulation training that can fulfill recency requirements has become more common at
airlines, including Cathay Pacific [38].
In addition, COVID-19 has impacted when crews receive their rosters. Many air-
lines have union contracts that dictate what percent of the roster may change and
how far in advance the rosters need to be published. Conceptually, these rules help
crew achieve a better work-life balance. For example, when crew know in advance
which days they will be off next month, they can schedule medical appointments,
purchase tickets to a sporting event, plan a birthday party, etc. COVID-19 has made
it difficult for airlines to assign crew to specific flights a full month in advance of
departure, as passengers are booking much closer to departure, borders are opening
and closing, new travel restrictions that affect crew layovers may go into effect, etc.
All of these factors result in major schedule changes that occur close to departure.
From the airlines’ perspective, it would be ideal to assign crew to flights as close
to flight departure as possible; however, from the crew’s perspective, this becomes
a quality-of-life issue that limits their ability to plan events on their days off. Instead
of fixing the rosters a month in advance of departure, some airlines have adopted
a “continuous publication” approach. Under this framework, certain details of the
roster, e.g., the days a crew member will have off, are published or finalized three
to four weeks from departure, but other details—like the specific flights—are pub-
lished one to two weeks from departure [39]. This enables airlines to maintain flex-
ibility in scheduling flights while providing crew with information regarding their
days off. Offering information on days off further in advance of departure has other
benefits, as well, e.g., it reduces the number of crew sick days.
This is one example of how airlines have been able to balance the need for flex-
ibility with the desire of crew to know their assignments a month or more before
departure. Other areas of research that are emerging during COVID-19 are: (1)
Incorporating other crew preferences into the rostering process, and (2) ensur-
ing that crew rosters are fairly assigned across individuals. For example, Scherp,
Beulen, and Santos [40] propose a dynamic crew-rostering framework in which
crews can request to receive a specific pairing assignment before the rosters are
published. If the request is accepted, the airline has to include that pairing in the
roster for the next month. While pre-assigning these requests before the entire ros-
ter is built can result in more expensive solutions, the ultimate goal is to identify
those crew pairings that are most likely to be in the final roster and assign those in
advance without compromising the full roster by leaving gaps in the schedule or
requiring more crew to fly.
The work of Scherp, Beulen, and Santos is important because the feedback for
these requests is given to crew before the actual rostering process starts. The more
traditional way of doing this is to have the crew enter bids in the weeks before ros-
tering starts, have the optimizers take these bids into account when creating the
optimal rosters, and inform the crew of whether their bids were successful at the
moment of publication. At this point, it is too late for the crew to make any altera-
tions to their bids. In the approach proposed by Scherp, Buelen, and Santos, crew
place their requests and are informed either immediately or the day after placing
their request whether it was accepted, thereby providing crew with the ability to
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place an alternate request if their original one was rejected. Historically, those air-
lines such as KLM that have provided these types of requests have used simple rules
that either restrict the types of request crews can make or result in solutions that
are inefficient. Scherp, Buelen, and Santos [40] propose an approach that overcomes
these two limitations through better prediction of these inefficiencies and basing the
decision to grant request on more complex logic. This is important in the context of
COVID-19 as it provides a way for crew to gain control over their work-life balance,
while simultaneously introducing flexibility into the rosters and supporting a con-
tinuous publication approach.
COVID-19 is, moreover, spurring new research in fatigue risk management [41,
42]. The opening and closing of borders, combined with quarantine rules for airline
crew who deboard the aircraft, have forced some airlines to perform humanitarian
flights that are pushing the boundaries on how long crew are flying and on duty.
For example, Azul Airlines made humanitarian flights into China. A flight from
Amsterdam to China and back to Amsterdam without a layover took about 30 hours;
clearly, both the duty times and flight times for this trip exceeded the approved
times. In advance, Azul Airlines worked with their fatigue management risk team
to put together an eight-pilot rotation. They also worked with researchers who were
using wearable sleep measurements (collected through devices such as a Garmin,
Fitbit, Apple Watch, etc.) to improve fatigue risk management predictions [42]. The
researchers captured information about when the pilots were actually sleeping and
then compared pilots’ actual sleep patterns with the planned or recommended sleep
schedule and produced a customized report for every crew member. Azul Airlines
found that “pilots loved these reports, as they were anxious to do a flight and under-
stand how they reacted during the flight, and what they could do better to rest and be
more attentive during the flight” [41].
This is one example of ongoing research by Hursh [42] that seeks to use feed-
back to pilots to create personalized fatigue analysis that ultimately can be used to
develop better recommendations for when pilots should sleep based on an improved
understanding of how flight schedules (under regular conditions) interact with
pilots’ sleep patterns. As airlines enter into the recovery mode from COVID-19, the
speed in which the number of flights is coming back into the schedules is faster than
the speed in which many airlines can bring back crew from furlough or rehire new
crew. This creates a risk that some airlines may be inadvertently building too many
flying hours into the monthly rosters. The value of incorporating bio-mathematical
models into the rostering optimizers is that airlines can build additional flying hours
into the monthly rosters while still ensuring that crew do not lose alertness due to
fatigue, and thus ensuring safe operations.
In summary, because bookings during COVID-19 have fluctuated and are occur-
ring close to departure, airlines have been making multiple changes to their flight
schedules. In addition, many airlines have moved to operating schedules that dif-
fer day to day and week to week. Both of these factors have increased the size of
the crew pairing and rostering problems and made them more difficult to solve.
Further, instead of finding the optimal solution for a deterministic schedule, many
researchers are beginning to explore how to design crew pairings and rosters that
are robust to different demand and flight-schedule scenarios. Ensuring equity in duty
14 Page 14 of 20 Operations Research Forum (2022) 3: 14
assignments across crew members and using wearable technologies to help develop
better fatigue risk management strategies are also emerging areas of research.
With all of the changes in schedules that are occurring prior to departure, it should
be unsurprising that the role of airline operations and disruption management are
also changing. At a high level, airline operations involve executing all of the differ-
ent “schedules” that are involved in running an airline and reacting to the inevitable
problems that arise from unexpected events that affect one or more of these sched-
ules. These schedules include, but are not limited to, the flight schedules, aircraft
assignment schedules, crew schedules for pilots and flight attendants, heavy mainte-
nance and line maintenance schedules, and aircraft turn schedules.
COVID-19 brought several changes to airline operations. On one hand, because
the number of operated flights decreased during COVID-19, there was more slack
in the schedules, which helped alleviate recovery of operations from weather-based
events. However, because of ever-evolving standards regarding sanitary measures
for aircraft and social-distancing measures for passengers, the turnaround process
has become more complex and dynamic [43]. Many questions remain unresolved.
For example, do we need additional cleaning of the aircraft and, if so, how long
does that take? Should the boarding process be lengthened to allow for better social
As Mike Irrgang, chair of the AGIFORS Operations Planning Study Group notes,
these and other questions have led to, “For the first time in 30 years, how we plan for
aircraft turn times” [43]. This was demanded in large part by new cleaning proce-
dures that were added between flights. Teixeira, Higa, Jakabi, and Halawi [44] use a
simulation framework to model the impact of cleaning and other COVID-19-related
procedures on aircraft ground times for the Congonhas Airport in Brazil. For ground
times of less than 60 minutes, they find that ground time increased on average 8.1
minutes. Based on an empirical analysis, Rana and Gandotra [45] also find that
ground times at United Airlines increased on average by 8 minutes. This resulted in
the mean time spent by each flight in the airport system increasing by 7.7 minutes
and the maximum time spent by a flight in the airport increasing by 5.7 minutes.
While airlines are flying a reduced schedule, the impact of these increased ground
times is minimal, but as airlines return to their pre-COVID-19 flight levels, it will
be important to find ways to decrease these turn times in order to maintain higher
aircraft utilizations.
In some areas of the world, government support provided opportunities for air-
lines to complete maintenance tasks ahead of schedule. As Garrett [46] of United
Airlines explains, payroll support provided by the CARES Act7 in the USA provided
excess maintenance labor in addition to what was necessary to operate a reduced
schedule. Garrett and her colleagues designed an optimization model to determine
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act
Operations Research Forum (2022) 3: 14 Page 15 of 20 14
which maintenance tasks not to do on aircraft because they were going to have to
do them again when the aircraft returned to service, and which maintenance tasks to
complete early even though they were not due because they would be due at critical
times in the future when United was planning to ramp up service.
Another change that is occurring within airline operations is that planning for
recovery is shifting to reactive operations recovery to mitigate the impact of events
without advance notice (such as weather on the day of operations) to more proactive
operations recovery, or planning for events with advance notice (such as dynamic
schedule changes that occur one or more days in advance of departure). This pre-
sents a shift in how the airline industry needs to think about positioning aircraft and
reserve crew. Before COVID-19, the focus was on recovering from flight cancel-
lations that happened in real time and ensuring that crews returned to their bases
in a legal fashion and aircraft back on schedule. During COVID-19, the recovery
problem has changed to one of repositioning assets in advance of departure, e.g.,
moving aircraft and/or reserve crew to different stations to cover changes in the
schedule and/or proactively canceling flights and removing them from the schedule
while ensuring the aircraft return to bases in time for required maintenance checks.
COVID-19 has caused changes in the interaction between the schedule planning
and the operations recovery in that it has reduced the lead time to build a sched-
ule, requiring airlines to be nimble and flexible in designing schedules for (mostly)
leisure markets. Correspondingly, the scope of operations recovery has widened,
to almost two months prior to the day-of-operations, while the schedule planning
process is being curtailed. In some ways, disruption management is thus becoming
“easier” in the sense that there is more lead time to plan for these disruptions, but it
will require new ways of thinking about recovery. Prior experiences in proactively
canceling and repositioning crew and flights before a major weather event, such as
a snowstorm or major hurricane, are helping inform disruption planning during the
COVID-19 recovery [47]. Airlines anticipate that the techniques of continuously
monitoring the network to forecast disruptions, maintaining high situational aware-
ness and dynamic scheduling to match capacity to demand, are all techniques that
will help airlines during post-COVID operations.
In summary, COVID-19 is inducing new innovations and research needs within
operations. The role of disruption management has shifted from planning for unex-
pected events on the day of departure to planning for events known several days
in advance of departure. After the pandemic, airlines will likely be able to return
to publishing their schedules a month in advance of departure with fewer changes;
however, the use of scenario-planning tools will likely become more common as air-
lines plan their various schedules to handle different demand scenarios.
7 A Need for Integrated Solutions that are Resilient and Robust
One of the more positive outcomes that has been driven by COVID-19 is that differ-
ent groups within an airline are working together to solve OR problems, resulting in
more integrated solutions. These collaborations are seen throughout many areas that
have been traditionally siloed.
14 Page 16 of 20 Operations Research Forum (2022) 3: 14
For example, the revenue management and scheduling departments are closely
working together to align supply and demand. “There is a lot more back-and-
forth between revenue management and scheduling, particularly when it comes
to really trying to identify where there are opportunities for demand” [28] and
to support last-minute flight cancellations [48]. As airlines ramp back up their
operations, the “fundamental assumption of RM that capacity is fixed does not
hold true in times when large parts of an airline’s fleet are on the ground and
could be re-activated in case of undercapacity. This results in a need for more
integrated solutions between RM and network planning” [49]. Designing the
various schedules involved in operations planning in ways that incorporate new
objectives or multiple objectives is becoming more important during COVID-19.
For example, with respect to new objective functions, instead of having RM sys-
tems maximize revenue, many are considering cash flow (potentially prioritizing
early earnings) and profitability (as different cost structures lead to different RM
strategies) [49]. Numerous examples emerged of how airlines are incorporating
multiple objectives into OR approaches. In the context of schedule planning, Matt
Muehleisen of Southwest Airlines acknowledges that “trying to understand the
profitability of the airlines as it relates to operating that schedule - so trying to
bring in the crew factor and the operational factors and recovery factors into one
modee - is the holy grail of network planning, and I don’t think we’re there yet”
[24]. With respect to crew planning, Peter Reynolds of Emirates notes that “we
have a very good roster optimizer that builds excellent rosters. But then we put
them into our [operations] system and we tear them apart and try and put them
back in some reasonable fashion to still get the best out of our crew...But what we
really are crying out for is a way to quickly re-optimize our rosters so that all the
work that goes into planning the perfect roster doesn’t go to waste and you end
up with wasted resources everywhere” [50]. Multiple presentations at AGIFORS
discussed approaches for breaking down barriers between the pairing-rostering
and crew-control silos, including the work by Rosterize that solves this integrated
solution for small airlines [51].
Several of the presentations at the AGIFORS conferences explored ways to inte-
grate decisions made within various silos of the schedule-planning process, such as
schedule planning, fleet assignment, aircraft routing and scheduling, and air traffic
flow management. For example, Yan, Vaze, and Barnhart [52] propose an integrated
schedule design and fleet assignment model that considers passenger preferences
(e.g., flight departure time preferences and price sensitivity). Their model helps
determine how many flights to operate in a market, when to operate these flights,
and which fleet type to assign to these flights. Çiftçi and Ozkir [53] examine the
schedule-generation process using a dataset from a Turkish carrier to create effi-
cient bank structures by jointly considering the schedule design and fleet assignment
models. Some airlines, particularly those in Europe, studied their schedule planning
and fleeting decisions in the context of air traffic flow management initiatives that
require schedules to be flattened to avoid congestion and delays [54]. The authors
find that significant reductions in congestion can be achieved through small changes
in frequencies and increases in aircraft sizes. This leads to decreases in passenger
travel times, but it does not have a large influence on emissions [54].
Operations Research Forum (2022) 3: 14 Page 17 of 20 14
The airline industry is without doubt being reshaped by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fundamental changes in passenger demand and booking patterns are driving
the need for new operations research (OR) solutions and potentially will lead to
fundamental changes in forecasting, revenue management, and capacity alloca-
tion decisions. Interest in using dynamic pricing and continuous pricing is surg-
ing. New research is emerging across multiple areas. Researchers are using new
data sources and scenario-based methodologies to forecast demand, are explor-
ing techniques such as clean-slate scheduling to quickly realign supply with
demand, and solving very large-scale crew pairing and rostering problems that
consider monthly flight schedules. The role of operations recovery planning has
also expanded as many airlines make changes to their schedules a mere two or
three days in advance of departure to better align supply with demand. A com-
mon theme throughout many of these approaches is the need for solutions that are
robust to different demand scenarios and/or that offer integrated solutions across
multiple functional areas.
Acknowledgements The authors thank all the speakers who participated in the conference, as well as Dennis
Buitendijk, Judith Semar, Cumhur Gelogullari, Marcel Sol, Philipp Reske, Daniel Stecher, and members of the
AGIFORS Advisory Board who helped recruit speakers and/or moderate panel sessions. The authors are also
grateful to Debbie Fleming of Administrative Plus Support Services for transcribing the panel and keynote ses-
sions, Sharon Dunn who copyedited the manuscript prior to submission, and Freyja Brandel-Tanis who assisted
with references. The authors also wish to thank Benedikt Zimmerman of Swiss International Air Lines, Richard
Cleaz-Savoyen of Air Canada, Marcel Sol and Dennis Buitendijk of Qatar Airways, and Mike Irrgang and Rod
Tjoelker of Boeing for their detailed comments on an earlier draft of this paper.
Funding None.
Data Availability The majority of recorded presentations from the conference are available online at the
following locations: Revenue management:
tLJq2b9LwKqm8By24vvjxu. Strategic planning and scheduling:
oOP7LpfaNFk?list=PLWgDdcExmf7N1kwHRrNSZYg9TWlzWaJ1Q. Crew management: https://www. Airline operations and aircraft
maintenance operations:
Vv4Oeta6A. In addition, presentations are available through the AGIFORS publication database at http:// and are accessible to AGIFORS members. Membership in AGIFORS is free.
14 Page 18 of 20 Operations Research Forum (2022) 3: 14
Conflicts of Interest/Competing Interests Dr. Garrow and Dr. Marla serve on the Board of Directors for
AGIFORS and Dr. Lurkin is Co-Chair of the AGIFORS Revenue Management Study Group.
1. Spillane A (2021) Global operations change manager at british airways. Panelist inGlobal Airline
Industry Trends from Across the World in 2020: Which Ones Are Here to Stay? AGIFORS Crew
Management Study Group Meeting, June 15, virtual event
2. Decaire A (2021) Vice president of network planning at southwest airlines. Keynote speaker at AGI-
FORS Scheduling and Strategic Planning Study Group Meeting, May 17, virtual event
3. Jönsson P (2021) Jeppensen crew management. Sponsor presentation at the AGIFORS Crew Man-
agement Study Group Meeting Meeting, June 10, virtual event
4. Delta Air Lines (2021) Delta Air Lines announces June quarter 2021 financial results. Delta News
Hub. Accessed
4 Aug 2021
5. Anonymous (2021, August 4) Spirit AeroSystems reports second quarter 2021 results. Business-
Second-Quarter-2021-Results. Accessed 12 Sept 2021
6. Rucinski T, Ajmera A (2021) American and Southwest lifted by ‘messy’ travel rebound, federal
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7. Sebastian D (2021) JetBlue turns 2Q profit. MarketWatch.
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8. Wolfsteller P (2021) Allegiant posts Q2 profit, expresses optimism for the rest of 2021. Flight-
rest-of-2021/144819.article. Accessed 4 Aug 2021
9. Airlines for America (2021) Impact of COVID-19: Data updates. Airlines for America.https://www. Accessed 7 Sept 2021
10. Juhasz B (2021) Senior Manager Operations Research and Insights at Finnair. Panelist in Airline
Revenue Management and COVID-19: Road to Recovery. AGIFORS Revenue Management Study
Group Meeting, May 5, virtual event
11. Bharpalani M (2021) Head of Data and Analytics at Lufthansa Group. Panelist in How to Fight the
Pandemic and Navigate to Recovery. AGIFORS Scheduling and Strategic Planning Study Group
Meeting, May 18, virtual event
12. Correia R (2021) Senior Director of Itinerary Planning at LATAM Airlines. Panelist in How to
Fight the Pandemic and Navigate to Recovery. AGIFORS Scheduling and Strategic Planning Study
Group Meeting, May 18, virtual event
13. Pekesen E (2021) Senior Vice President of Sales and Network Planning at Pegasus Airlines. Panelist
in How to Fight the Pandemic and Navigate to Recovery. AGIFORS Scheduling and Strategic Plan-
ning Study Group Meeting, May 18, virtual event
14. Bradshaw T (2021) Director of Models and Systems, Network Planning at American Airlines. Pan-
elist in How to Fight the Pandemic and Navigate to Recovery. AGIFORS Scheduling and Strategic
Planning Study Group Meeting, May 18, virtual event
15. Garrow LA, Lurkin V (2021) How COVID-19 is impacting and reshaping the airline industry. J Rev-
enue Pricing Manag 20(1): 3-9.
16. Pallini T (2020) JetBlue just announced a huge nationwide expansion that sees 24 new routes and 4
new cities in 2021 with more flying to Latin America - here’s the full list. Business Insider. https:// Accessed Sep-
tember 7, 2021
17. Matson A (2021) Senior Manager Data Science at Alaska Airlines. Panelist in Airline Revenue
Management and COVID-19: Road to Recovery. AGIFORS Revenue Management Study Group
Meeting, May 5, virtual event
Operations Research Forum (2022) 3: 14 Page 19 of 20 14
18. Bustillo L (2021) Director Revenue Management - Science and Technology Strategy at Air Canada.
Panelist in Airline Revenue Management and COVID-19: Road to Recovery. AGIFORS Revenue
Management Study Group Meeting, May 5, virtual event
19. Fiig T, Wittman M (2021) Revenue management forecasting in times of change: Lessons learned
from a year into the pandemic. Presentation at the AGIFORS Revenue Management Study Group
Meeting, May 5, virtual event
20. Lakshmanan A (2021) Market demand forecasting. Presentation at the AGIFORS Strategic Schedul-
ing and Planning Study Group Meeting, May 17, virtual event
21. Winegar R, Wu M (2021) What can airlines learn from retailers about demand forecasting. Presen-
tation at the AGIFORS Revenue Management Study Group Meeting, May 6, virtual event
22. Dietrich C, Etabarialamdari N, Wilson P (2021) Crystal Ball 2.0 for passenger demand: Leveraging
AI to power the calibration workflow. Presentation at the AGIFORS Revenue Management Study
Group Meeting, May 4, virtual event
23. Rauch J (2021) Scenario-driven RM using simulation-based reinforcement learning. Presentation at
the AGIFORS Revenue Management Study Group Meeting, May 4, virtual event
24. Muehleisen M (2021) Senior Director of Network Initiatives, Network Planning at Southwest Air-
lines. Panelist in How to Fight the Pandemic and Navigate to Recovery. AGIFORS Scheduling and
Strategic Planning Study Group Meeting, May 18, virtual event
25. Mathews J (2021) Director Continuous Improvement and Enterprise Optimization at United Air-
lines. Panelist in Airline Revenue Management and COVID-19: Road to Recovery. AGIFORS Rev-
enue Management Study Group Meeting, May 5, virtual event
26. Buitendijk D (2020) Manager operations research at Qatar airways. Panelist in COVID 19: A Chance
to Reset Revenue Management Practices? AGIFORS 60th Annual Symposium, October 20, virtual
27. Garrow LA (2020) The first 100 days: How airlines responded to the Covid 19 crisis. Avionics Inter-
national, Aug/Sep.
28. Cleaz-Savoyen R (2020) Director, revenue optimization at Air Canada. Panelist in COVID 19: A
Chance to Reset Revenue Management Practices? AGIFORS 60th Annual Symposium, October 20,
virtual event
29. Ruhlin E (2020) Managing Director Revenue Decision Support at United Airlines. Panelist in
COVID 19: A Chance to Reset Revenue Management Practices? AGIFORS 60th Annual Sympo-
sium, October 20, virtual event
30. Dener E, Komirishetty G, Ratliff R (2021) Practical applications of fare search shopping data. Pres-
entation at the AGIFORS Revenue Management Study Group Meeting, May 6, virtual event
31. Ratliff R (2021) An approach to airline offer management: Dynamic bundling and pricing. Presenta-
tion at the AGIFORS Revenue Management Study Group Meeting, May 5, virtual event
32. Baharnemati R, Bray K, Hurwitz L (2021) Case study - Taking network forecasting accuracy to the
next level during the COVID crisis. Presentation at the AGIFORS Strategic Scheduling and Plan-
ning Study Group Meeting, May 19, virtual event
33. Irrgang M (2019) Distribution of worldwide tails as of 2019. Data compiled by Boeing
34. Soumis F (2021) Machine learning and optimization to solve very large crew pairing problems.
Presentation at the AGIFORS Crew Management Study Group Meeting, June 7, virtual event
35. Lingaya N, Dashora Y (2021) Towards robust crew pairing optimizer. Presentation at the AGIFORS
Crew Management Study Group Meeting, June 10, virtual event
36. Forsman V (2021) Crew quarantine: A scheduling crisis for Cathay Pacific cargo. Presentation at the
AGIFORS Crew Management Study Group Meeting, June 8, virtual event
37. Kumari A (2021) Director Crew Planning at Indigo Airlines. Panelist in Global Airline Industry
Trends from Across the World in 2020: Which Ones Are Here to Stay? AGIFORS Crew Manage-
ment Study Group Meeting, June 15, virtual event
38. Ozbek G (2021) Product Expert at Cathay Pacific. Panelist in Global Airline Industry Trends from
Across the World in 2020: Which Ones Are Here to Stay? AGIFORS Crew Management Study
Group Meeting, June 15, virtual event
39. Sol M (2021) Co-chair of the AGIFORS Crew Management Study Group. Interview with Laurie
Garrow on July 28, 2021
40. Scherp L, Buelen M, Santos B (2021) Dynamic evaluation of airline pilots flight requests. Presenta-
tion at the AGIFORS Crew Management Study Group Meeting, June 7, virtual event
14 Page 20 of 20 Operations Research Forum (2022) 3: 14
41. Garcia C (2021) COVID-19 humanitarian operations at Azul. Presentation at AGIFORS Crew Man-
agement Study Group Meeting, June 17, virtual event
42. Hursh S (2021) Wearable sleep measurements to improve fatigue risk management. Presentation at
AGIFORS Crew Management Study Group Meeting, June 7, virtual event
43. Irrgang M (2021) Chair of the AGIFORS Airline Operations Study Group. Interview with Laurie
Garrow on July 26, 2021
44. Teixeira F, Higa F, Jakabi R, Halawi L (2021) COVID-19 impact on aircraft ground time at Con-
gonhas Airport (CGH). Presentation at the AGIFORS Airline Operations Study Group Meeting, July
13, virtual event
45. Rana N, Gandotra M (2021) Turn operations in the post-pandemic era. Presentation at the AGI-
FORS Airline Operations Study Group Meeting, July 14, virtual event
46. Garrett L (2021) Leveraging analytics to create a dynamic technical operations strategy for storing
aircraft and returning them to service. Presentation at the AGIFORS Aircraft Maintenance Opera-
tions Special Session, July 15, virtual event
47. Stephens E (2021) Dynamic scheduling lessons learned during COVID era in the U.S. Presentation
at the AGIFORS Airline Operations Study Group Meeting, June 16, virtual event
48. Westerhof A (2020) Manager Revenue Management Systems at Air France-KLM. Panelist in COVID
19: A Chance to Reset Revenue Management Practices? AGIFORS 60th Annual Symposium, Octo-
ber 20, virtual event
49. Zimmerman B (2021) Member, Board of Directors of AGIFORS. Email communication with Lau-
rie Garrow on September 14, 2021
50. Reynolds P (2021) Manager Network Ops Systems and Logistics at Emirates. Panelist in Global Air-
line Industry Trends from Across the World in 2020: Which Ones Are Here to Stay? AGIFORS Crew
Management Study Group Meeting, June 15, virtual event
51. Andreyev M (2021) Rosterize. Sponsor presentation at the AGIFORS Crew Management Study
Group Meeting, June 10, virtual event
52. Yan C, Vaze V, Barnhart C (2021) Choice-based airline schedule design and fleet assignment. Pres-
entation at the AGIFORS Strategic Scheduling and Planning Study Group Meeting, May 17, virtual
53. Çiftçi E, Ozkir V (2021) Fleet assignment with bank structure integration in airline schedule prob-
lem. Presentation at the AGIFORS Strategic Scheduling and Planning Study Group Meeting, May
19, virtual event
54. Presto F, Gollnick V, Lütjens K (2021) Frequency regulation: Approaches and potential. Presenta-
tion at the AGIFORS Strategic Scheduling and Planning Study Group Meeting, May 18, virtual
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