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Submitted to: Ms. Kathrina

Antonio Caber In fulfilment of
the requirements in
Practical Research

Princess Chary
Castro Menard
Sad-en Shane
Naggasican National High
School 2023
Chapter I


This chapter of the paper showcase the problem and its setting. It

includes the Background of the Study, Statement of the problem,

Statement Hypothesis, Objectives, Scope and Delimitation and

Definition of terms.

Background of the Study

Depression is a common mental health disorder characterized by

persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest or pleasure,

changes in appetite and sleep patterns, , difficulty


feelings of guilt or worthlessness, and sometimes suicidal

thoughts or behaviors. It can significantly impair an individual’s

ability to function in daily life and negatively impact their

overall well-being.

Here are some key points about depression:

Types of Depression: Depression can manifest in various forms,

including major depressive disorder (MDD), persistent depressive

disorder (dysthymia), seasonal affective disorder (SAD),

postpartum depression, and bipolar disorder (with depressive

episodes). Each type has its own specific diagnostic criteria and

Causes and Risk Factors: The exact causes of depression are not

fully understood but are believed to be a complex interplay of

genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological

factors. Common risk factors include a family history of

depression, personal or family history of other mental health

disorders, certain life events (such as trauma, loss, or major

transitions), chronic illnesses, substance abuse, and certain


Diagnosis: Diagnosis of depression is typically made based on the

symptoms reported by the individual and the duration and severity

of those symptoms. Healthcare professionals, such as psychiatrists

or psychologists, may use standardized diagnostic criteria, such

as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-

5), to make an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment: Depression is a treatable condition, and various

treatment options are available. These include psychotherapy (such

as cognitive-behavioral therapy or interpersonal therapy),

antidepressant medications (such as selective serotonin reuptake

inhibitors or SSRIs), and in some cases, a combination of both.

Other treatment approaches may include lifestyle changes, support

groups, and alternative therapies, depending on individual needs

and preferences.
Support and Self-Care: In addition to professional treatment,

support from family, friends, and support groups can play a

crucial role in managing depression. Engaging in self-care

activities, maintaining a healthy lifestyle (including regular

exercise, balanced diet, and sufficient sleep), and avoiding

substance abuse are also important for managing symptoms and

promoting overall well-being.

Seeking Help: It is vital for individuals experiencing symptoms of

depression to seek help from a qualified healthcare professional.

Early recognition, diagnosis, and appropriate treatment can

significantly improve outcomes and quality of life. If someone is

in immediate danger of

harming themselves or others, emergency medical assistance should

be sought immediately.

Remember, this information is not intended to replace professional

medical advice. If you or someone you know is struggling with

depression, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional

for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the issue of depression regarding the

senior high school students of Naggasican National High School.

Moreover, the students ought to answer the following questions;

How does depression affect you academic performance?

Is there any habits that students do to that helps with their

Statement Hypothesis

People whose not yet exposed to knowledge about depression think

of it as a stigma that it’s only a kind of act.

Conceptual framework

The purpose of the conceptual framework is to provide a

structure for understanding the phenomenon under study. The use
of a conceptual framework can help ensure that
the research process is systematic and logical. It can also help
create consistency in the findings of different studies.


Impact of depression Analysis of data Depression:

in terms of: through: Relevance and

 Academic  Assessing and Relationship

performance distribution Among the Senior

 Behavioral of High Students of

changes questionnaires Naggasican

 Data National High

collection School

 Data


Objectives of the study

The aim of this study is to determine the relevance and

relationship of depression among the senior high school students

of Naggasican National High School and to further expose what

depression is.
Scope and Delimitation

This study is limited only to the senior high school students of

Naggasican National High School.

Significance of the study

The researchers believe that this study would generate a great

deal of interest and benefit the following;


The data gathered into this study will help the students to have

self-assessment and to know the positive and negative effects of

depression towards students’ behaviour. The result of this study

will bring awareness about what depression is.


This study will provide information to know the effects of

depression towards their student’s behaviour.


The result of this study will bring a better understanding to the

parents of how does depression can affects their child’s

behaviour. Through this the parents will become more conscious

that depression can alter their children’s behaviour


This study will benefit the researchers because it will make them

have a self-assessment about the effects of depression towards

themselves. This will also bring awareness and better

understanding about depression.


The data gathered in to this study will benefit the future

researchers since it can provide information that can be related

into their study.

Definition of Terms

Cognitive –, relating to, or being conscious mental activities (as

thinking, reasoning, remembering, imagining, learning words, and

using language)

Psychotherapy –the treatment of mental conditions by verbal

communication and interaction.

Serotonin –A substance that is found mostly in the digestive

tract, central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), and


Reuptake-the absorption by a presynaptic nerve ending of a

neurotransmitter that it has secreted.

Worthlessness-a feeling that you have no good qualities or useful


Major Depressive Disorder(MDD)-a mental condition characterized by

a persistently depressed mood and long-term loss of pleasure or

interest in life, often with other symptoms such as

disturbed sleep, feelings of guilt or inadequacy, and suicidal

Chapter II


This chapter provides literature and articles in which the

researchers assumed it will shed more light and be relevant to the


Foreign Literature

An Exploratory Study of Students with Depression in Undergraduate

Research Experiences

A study conducted by Kateleen Cooper, Logan E. Gin, M. Elizabeth

Barnes and Sarah Browneli. Published on May 15, 2020. According to

these researchers, depression is a top mental health concern among

undergraduates and has been shown to

disproportionately affect individuals who are underserved and

underrepresented in science. As we aim to create a more inclusive

scientific community, we argue that we need to examine the

relationship between depression and scientific research.

While studies have identified aspects of research that affect

graduate student depression, we know of no studies that have

explored the relationship between depression and undergraduate

research. In this study, we sought to understand how

undergraduates’ symptoms of depression affect their research

experiences and how research affects undergraduates’ feelings of

depression. We interviewed 35 undergraduate researchers majoring

in the life sciences from 12 research-

intensive public universities across the United States who

identify with having depression. Using inductive and deductive

coding, we identified that students’ depression affected their

motivation and productivity, creativity and risk-taking,

engagement and concentration, and self-perception and socializing

in undergraduate research experiences. We found that students’

social connections, experiencing failure in research, getting

help, receiving feedback, and the demands of research affected

students’ depression. Based on this work, we articulate an

initial set of evidence-based recommendations for research mentors

to consider in promoting an inclusive research experience for

students with depression.

Local Literature

Factors Associated with Depressive Symptoms among Filipino

University Students

An research conducted by Romeo B. Lee, Madelene Sta. Maria, Susana

Estanislao and Christina Rodiriguez. Published online on November

6, 2013.

Depression can be prevented if its symptoms are addressed early

and effectively. Prevention against depression among university

students is rare in the Philippines, but is urgent because of the

rising rates of suicide among the group. Evidence is needed to

systematically identify and assist students with higher levels of

depressive symptoms.
We carried out a survey to determine the social and demographic

factors associated with higher levels of depressive symptoms among

2,436 Filipino university students. The University Students


Inventory with measures on lethargy, cognition-emotion, and

academic motivation, was used. Six of the 11 factors analyzed were

found to be statistically significantly associated with more

intense levels of depressive symptoms. These factors were:

frequency of smoking, frequency of drinking, not living with

biological parents, dissatisfaction with one’s financial

condition, level of closeness with parents, and level of closeness

with peers. Sex, age category, course category, year level and

religion were not significantly related. In identifying students

with greater risk for depression, characteristics related to

lifestyle, financial condition, parents and peers are crucial.

There is a need to carry out more surveys to develop the pool of

local knowledge on student depression.


Kateleen Cooper, Logan E. Gin, M. Elizabeth Barnes and Sarah

Browneli. An Exploratory Study of Students with Depression in

Undergraduate Research Experiences (2020)

Romeo B. Lee, Madelene Sta. Maria, Susana Estanislao and Christina

Rodiriguez. Factors Associated with Depressive Symptoms among

Filipino University Students. (2013)


This chapter presents the method of this study in order to obtain

the needed data in conducting this research. It includes Research

Design, Sampling procedure, Research Instrument, Data Analysis,

Respondents of the study, and Locale of the study.

Research Design

This study uses descriptive quantitative research design. The

main purpose is to determine the issues of depression by obtaining

information through a group of students.

Sampling Procedure

The researchers in this study uses purposive sampling. The

respondents are perfectly selected and have the characteristics

needed in our data.


To collect the necessary information from the target respondents,

the researchers will administer a survey to the GRADE 11 STEM and

HUMSS students of Naggasican National High School. The researchers

focus on those students to know what the impact of depression on

those students.

Research Instrument

This study uses questionnaire to obtain data from students of

naggasican national high school about the relationship and

relevance of depression in their academic performance. The survey

was constructed based on the study's objectives.

Data Analysis

In this study assessment is used to explain and describes datas

that are gathered.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are the senior high school students

of Naggasican National High School

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted at Naggasican National High school. it's

located at purok 1, barangay Naggasican, Santiago, Isabela.


Survey observation

Location of the study

The study site was located at the second floor of the senior high

building in Naggasican National High School which consist two

grade 11 rooms and sections

Survey condition

The study only focuses in grade 11 students aging 16 to 17 where

in there are a total of 36 respondents and is ready for the


Results of the survey

The results of the survey analysis summary was shown in the pie

graph 1 where in 15.55 always feels the feelings shown in the

table, while 27.78 feels it most of the time, another 47.22 feels

it once in a while and lastly only 9.44 never fells those feelings

as of the moment. The pie graph 2 to 4 shows that a total of 35.55

strongly disagree about some of the given in the table, and

another total of 79.99 disagree some of the given in the table.

But a total of 136.66 agrees in the following given and another

47.76 strongly agrees on the given in the tables.


Students feelings

9% Always
Most of the time
Once in a while

Pie graph 1

The graph 1 indicates that 47% of the grade 11 STEM and HUMSS

students aging 16 to 17 of Naggasican National High School feels

sadness, loneliness, emptiness, frustration, and angry outbursts

once in a while. 28% somehow feels it most of the time and 16%

feels sadness, loneliness, emptiness, frustration, and angry

outbursts always meaning some are prone to depression. While only

9% of the respondents never felt rather sadness, loneliness,

emptiness, frustration, and angry outbursts.


14% Strongly disagree



Pie graph 2

This graph shows how the respondent’s ideas and knowledges about

some factors that can somehow trigger depression in which 43%

agrees that family problems, childhood experiences\traumas,

stressful\traumatic events, bereavement, and experiencing

discrimination\stigma can possibly trigger depression. While 25%

disagree about some of the factors. Another 18% of the respondents

strongly agree that the given factors have possible effect. And

14% of the respondents strongly disagree of some of the given

factors. Meaning there are high rates that the respondents are

aware of the factors that can cause depression.

Behavioral changes

17.22 Strongly disagree
20.55 Strongly agree


Pie graph 3

In this graph 3 the respondent’s opinion and thought in how

depression can either alter or somehow change someone’s behavior.

And there’s at least 51.11% who agrees that depression can cause

either mood swings, loss of energy, slowed movement\speech,

trouble sleeping\sleeping too much, and reduced ability to

concentrate. While 20.55% disagree that this behavioralchanges is

not caused by depression. 17.22% somehow also strongly agree and

another 11,11% strongly disagree either mood swings, loss of

energy, slowed movement\speech, trouble sleeping\sleeping too

much, and reduced ability to concentrate is caused by depression.

This means that there’s a high rate that depression can cause

behavioral changes according to the respondents.

Academic performance

12% 10% Strongly disagree

Strongly agree

Pie graph 4

In this graph the researchers will be able to know if depression

can affect the academic performance of the grade 11 senior high

students of Naggasican National High School where in an average of

43% agrees that depression can affect academic performance by

either concentration difficulties in class, peer problem\negative

self-esteem, less active at co-curricular activities, less

interest of the class\subject, and lastly less communication in

classroom environment. And an average of 35% which is close

disagree about the possible effects of depression in a student’s

academic performance. At least 12% strongly agrees about it and

only 10% strongly disagree, which only shows that there is only a

small gap between agree and disagree same as thro strongly agree

and strongly disagree

Chapter V


This study was conducted at Naggasican National High School,P-1,

Naggasican, Santiago City. This study aims to assess the relevance

and relationship to depression of the grade 11 senior high

students of Naggasican National High School. A survey is conducted

among the grade 11 STEM AND HUMSS where data’s are collected and

analyzed at Naggasican National High School.

The researchers used a survey questionnaire wherein it consist

four tables, the first table is to asses the feelings of the

respondents as of the moment the survey was conducted. The second

table assessed if the respondents tend to agree about the given

factors affecting depression where somehow a lot of the

respondents agrees on the given factors. The third table consist

given behavioral changes that depression can affect to an

individual. Then the last table is to assess the understanding of

the respondents to the effects of depression on the academic

performances of a student.


Based on the survey and results of the study the following

conclusions are made:

First is that there is a high rate that some of the grade 11 STEM

and HUMSS students of Naggasican National High School may be prone

to depression. Because there is a very low percent of students not

being sad, lonely, frustrated, empty, and angry outbursts.

Second is that there is a high rate that the grade 11 students of

Naggsican National High School agreed\strongly agreed that the

given factors affect’s can cause depression, meaning a lot of the

respondents may somehow experience those factors or either

experienced it as of the moment.

Third most of the respondents are also agreeing and also strongly

agreeing on the given behavioral changes that might be caused by

depression. Therefor’e the researcher’s concluded that a lot of

them is either prone or experiencing depression and that most of

them are aware about what is depression.

Last the researchers also concluded from the study that overall

among of the students has detrimental repercussions, one of which

is an impact on their academic performance and behavior. Students

suffering from depression may find it difficult to concentrate,

and recall knowledge, resulting in poor marks and difficulties

keeping up with everyone.

Over all it is critical for schools and parents to recognize the

sighs of depression and to give assistance such as moral support

and resources to help them manage the disease and achieve success.


This study found out that senior high students experience sighs of

depression. Wherein we must orient the students on how to deal

with stress, the grown ups also to be more open minded at

supporting and boosting student’s morale, the following might

Building emotional strength

Being in control of the situation

Having a good social network

Adopting a positive outlook



And socializing

Further studies can help which type of prevention and intervention

can be used to decreas the burden of a student depression.

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