LGV Revelation
LGV Revelation
LGV Revelation
Chapter 1
he revelation of Jesus the Anointed1 which God gave to Him to show2 His servants
the things which must occur suddenly,3 and [God] communicated it, having sent
it by His Messenger4 to His servant John 2 who witnessed the Logos of God5 and
the testimony of Jesus the Anointed as much as he perceived.6 3 The reader and the
listeners to the sayings of this prophecy are privileged, also those who heed the things
written in it; because the appointed time is ready.7
4 John, to the seven assemblies – those in Asia: Grace to you and peace from the One who
is,8 who was, and who is to come, and from the seven Breaths9 which are before His
1 The “revelation of Jesus the Anointed one” is more than just the second coming. This book fully reveals who Jesus is.
It includes the whole end-time sequence of events as the rest of the sentence indicates. The judgments contained in this
book reveal Jesus the Anointed taking control of the nations, beginning with the opening of the seven seals. The Lamb
is the only one worthy to open the seven-sealed scroll of God’s judgments.
2 The Father gave the Son the things contained within this book to personally reveal to the assemblies through John.
3 This prepositional phrase literally means, “within a very short space of time.” Nothing in this phrase necessarily
requires that the beginning of this short timeframe is close, only that the events themselves will occur within a short
block of time – rapidly or suddenly. (See: Rev. 22:6,7,12,20).
4 “The Messenger of the LORD” who appeared to Abraham (Gen. 22:11-12,15-18), to Moses (Ex. 3:2-6), who led Israel
out of Egypt (Ex. 23:20-23; Judges 2:1-4) is identified here as Jesus the Anointed, the one who testified to John (v. 18).
He is also identified as Jesus in the Old Testament, being called “the Messenger of the Covenant” (Mal. 3:1), and “the
Messenger of Great Council” (Isa. 9:6 LXX). See also Rev. 22:6.
5 John previously bore witness to the Logos of God in John 1:1-14 and 1 John 1:1-3. (cf. Rev. 19:13).
6 John expressed the limitations of his own understanding of this prophetic revelation, yet reported it faithfully what
The Greek word was commonly used in reference to the Day of the Lord in the LXX (Isa. 13:6; Ezek. 30:3; Joel 1:15; Joel
2:1; Joel 3:14; Obadiah 1:15; Zeph. 1:7,14). These prophets were much farther removed in time from the Day of the Lord
than the book of Revelation. Here the sense is that the specific time has been prepared or appointed. Thus the events
are certain to occur. (See: Rev. 22:10). When Jesus was on the land He did not know the appointed time (Mark 13:32;
Acts 1:7). This statement implies that the time was now known to Him.
8 This is the essential meaning of God’s name in Hebrew YHVH – ‘the Existing One.’
9 cf. Isaiah 11:1-5; Zech. 3:9; 4:10 LXX & Rev. 5:6. Notice that there is no Trinity represented here. Paul began all of his
Epistles (except Hebrews) with a similar statement of grace and peace to the assemblies from the Father and the Son,
but never from a third person. John follows Paul’s pattern, but adds the “seven Breaths,” one for each of the “seven
assemblies.” This is because the holy Breath of God is not a distinct person, but is a limited manifestation of God’s
presence and power. In this case the holy Breath is the catalyst for each local assembly in worship to “enter the holiest”
in the celestial Temple (Heb. 10:19). This is why the seven assemblies in Asia Minor are represented as “seven
lampstands” (Rev. 1:20), but the “seven lamps” that correspond to them are said to be before the throne of God and
throne,10 5 and from Jesus the Anointed – the Faithful Witness,11 the first-produced12 out
from among the dead,13 and the ruler of the kings of the land.14 To the one loving15 us and
washing16 us from our sins in His own blood, 6 and made us Kingdom priests17 to His18
God and Father – to Him be the glory and the power unto the ages of the ages,19 Amen! 7
Look! He is coming with the clouds!20 And every eye will see Him, even of those who
pierced Him.21 And all the tribes of the land will wail22 because of Him! Truly, Amen!
8 “I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end,”23 says the Master, the God24
who is,25 and who was, and who is to come, THE SOVEREIGN OVER ALL.26
are identified as the “seven Breaths” (Rev. 4:5). The “seven Breaths” are also the “seven eyes” on the Lamb (Rev. 5:6).
It is through the holy Breath of God – the seven eyes – that Jesus can be present and observing all seven of these
assemblies (the 7 letters indicate that He had been observing them), that He is able to observe all of His assemblies
(Matt. 18:20), and also remains with His people to the end of the age (Matt. 28:20). The holy Breath of God is the link
between the local assemblies and the presence of Father and Son in the celestial Temple of God. For this reason we are
commanded to “come with boldness to the throne of grace…” (Heb. 4:16).
10 Rev. 4:5
11 Isaiah 55:3-4 refers to the Son as follows: “Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live; And I will make
an everlasting covenant with you – The sure mercies of David. Indeed I have given him as a witness to the people, A leader and
commander for the people.”
12 “First-produced” likely refers to Jesus’ words in John 12:24 and Paul’s amplification of it in 1 Cor. 15:35-38,42-44.
13 Jesus is the prototype of the resurrection to immortality. John borrowed this title from Paul (Col. 1:18).
15 The Textus Receptus follows a minority reading in this case which has the aorist indicative (past) form of the verb
“love.” The majority of manuscripts, as well as the oldest manuscripts, have the present tense.
16 Several manuscripts read “loosed.”
17 The Textus Receptus reads “kings and priests.” This Kingdom priesthood of believers will commence in the
(John 20:17; Rom. 15:6; 2 Cor. 1:3; 2 Cor. 11:31; Eph. 1:3; Col. 1:3; 1 Pet. 1:3). It is also implied by the reference to the
Father as “SOVEREIGN OVER ALL” (vs. 8), which includes His only-begotten Son.
19 That John expressed worship of Jesus proves His divine origin out of God. If He had been merely a man, worship of
this nature would have been absolutely forbidden. See Jesus’ own words in Luke 4:8. (See also Phil. 2:5-11).
20 “Coming with the clouds” is quoted directly from Daniel 7:13, showing that the whole book of Revelation is an
expansion of the celestial court of the Ancient of Days described in Daniel 7:9-14, 21-22, 26-27.
21 Psalm 22:16; Zech. 12:10; John 19:37
22 Matthew 24:30
23 Here the Father referred to Himself as “the alpha and the omega” (cf. Rev. 21:6,13)
25 The God who “is” or who “exists” is the sense of the Hebrew name, YHVH, and the name “I AM” (Ex. 3:14).
26 The titles, “Master” and “God” are applied in Scripture to both the Father and the Son. However, the title
“SOVEREIGN OVER ALL” (παντοκράτωρ) is exclusive to the Father in the LXX and the NT. It is usually translated
“Almighty” and “Lord of hosts.” But both English terms are inadequate in expressing the full meaning. The real sense
is the One who holds total and sole sovereignty and power over everything and everyone, the ultimate authority. That
it refers to the Father alone is clear from Jer. 3:19 LXX, “… I will appoint you as children. And I will give you the choice land
of the Gentiles, the inheritance of God, SOVEREIGN OVER ALL, and I said, ‘You will call me Father; and you shall not turn
away from Me.’” Paul paraphrased this passage in 2 Cor. 6:18, “’I will be unto you a Father, and you will be unto Me sons
and daughters,’ says the Master, SOVEREIGN OVER ALL.” All other references to this title in the NT are exclusively in
Revelation (1:8; 4:8; 11:17; 15:3; 16:7,14; 19:6,15; 21:22). Also in the LXX, the “SOVEREIGN OVER ALL” is distinguished
from His “Anointed.” “For, behold, I am He that strengthens the thunder, and creates the wind, and proclaims to men His
Anointed, forming the morning and the darkness, and mounting on the high places of the the land. The Master, God,
SOVEREIGN OVER ALL is his name” [κύριος ὁ θεὸς ὁ παντοκράτωρ ὄνομα αὐτῷ] (Amos 4:13 LXX). Zechariah far
exceeded all other writers in using this title (55 times). He also portrayed “the Messenger of YHVH” (the preincarnate
Son of God) as addressing God using this title, showing His subordinate role to the Father (Zech. 1:12 LXX). The title,
“SOVEREIGN OVER ALL,” expresses the core of biblical monotheism and explains why the Father is referred to as
the “God” of the Son of God (vs. 6). This fact makes the Trinitarian idea of three co-equal and co-eternal Persons
impossible to reconcile with Scripture. The Son of God has always been under the supreme authority of His Father.
27 “The tribulation” (with the definite article) refers specifically to the time just prior to Jesus’ second coming (Matt.
24:29; Rev. 7:14). That John here indicates that he is a fellow participant in “the tribulation” may be explained in chapter
10. John was given further prophecy through “seven thunders” and a “little scroll,” the contents of which were not
revealed in this book. He was then told that He must prophesy again. John will prophesy again as one of the two
witnesses, and will actually be present in “the tribulation.” (See also Rom. 12:12 – Greek)
28 The Textus Receptus has “in the Kingdom,” but both the Alexandrian and Majority Text do not.
29 Engulfed in the Breath of God (the “Helper” as portrayed by Jesus in John 14:16-18, 23). Being “in the Breath” was
generally something that occurred in the assembly (Rom. 8:9; Eph. 2:22; Phil. 3:3), as the Breath of God came to dwell
in the local gathering. See also Rev. 4:2, 17:3, 21:10.
30 τῇ κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ – “the Chief Day” (often incorrectly translated “the Lord’s Day”). The term κυριακῇ is an adjective
derived from the noun, κύριος (master, chief, superior, lord). “The Chief Day” was the anniversary of Jesus’
resurrection, also known as “μιᾷ τῶν σαββάτων” (the first [day] of the Sabbaths – referring to Firstfruits, which began
the 50-day, 7 Sabbath countdown to Pentecost, Lev. 23:10-12, 15-16). Ignatius, disciple of John, used the term “the Chief
Day” (τῇ κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ for both the actual day of Jesus’ resurrection, “at the dawning of the Chief Day He arose from the
dead” (Epistle to the Trallians, ch. ix), and again of the anniversary of the resurrection, “living in the observance of the
Chief Day on which also our life has sprung up again by Him and by His death” (Epistle to the Magnesians, ch. ix). The longer
version reads: “And after the observance of the Sabbath, let every friend of Christ keep the Chief Day (τῇ κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ) as a
festival, the resurrection-day, the queen and chief of all the days.” The Sabbath was the weekly observance of Christians,
but “the Chief Day” was the annual festival of the resurrection. Thus, John’s vision of Jesus occurred on the anniversary
of His resurrection.
31 The Textus Receptus adds, “’I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,’ and,” but these words only appear in
a few late copies. They do not appear in either the Majority Text or the Alexandrian Text.
32 Asia Minor, today’s Turkey.
35 Daniel 10:4-6
the sun shining in its power.36 17 And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. And He
placed His right hand on me, saying to me: “Do not be afraid. I am the first and the last.37
18 And I am He who lives, and became dead, and look, I am alive unto the ages of the
ages! Amen. And I hold the keys38 of the grave39 and death.40 19 Write what you saw, and
what is, and what is to come afterwards.41 20 The mystery of the seven stars which you
saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands [are this]: The seven stars are the
messengers42 of the seven assemblies. And the seven lampstands which you saw are the
seven assemblies.”43
Chapter 2
Jesus’ Message to the Assembly at Ephesus
“To the messenger for the assembly in Ephesus write: ‘The One holding the seven stars
in His right hand, the One walking in the midst of the seven golden lampstands, says
this: 2 “I have observed your deeds, the toil, your endurance, and that you cannot bear
those who are evil. And you tested those calling themselves ‘Emissaries’ and are not, and
found them false;44 3 and you have patience and endured, and through My name have
36 When Moses was in the presence of YHVH on Mt. Sinai he began to glow to the point that he had to veil his face
from the Israelites (Ex. 34:28-35; 2 Cor. 3:13). The Son of Man seated at the Father’s side seems to have experienced
something similar to Moses, but to a much greater extent.
37 Jesus applied the descriptive phrase – “the first and the last” – to Himself, drawn from Isaiah 44:6 & 48:12. In Isaiah
48, it was the Messenger of YHVH speaking for YHVH who used this title. “Listen to Me, O Jacob, And Israel, My called:
I am He, I am the first, I am also the last. Indeed My hand has laid the foundation of the earth, And My right hand has stretched
out the heavens; When I call to them, They stand up together. … Come near to Me, hear this: I have not spoken in secret from the
beginning; from the time that it was [the LXX has “from the beginning” – cf. 1 Jn. 2:13-14], I was there. And now the
Lord GOD and His Spirit Have sent Me” (Isa. 48:12-13,16 NKJ). The LXX has “and now the Lord has sent Me, even His
Breath.” This is the “Breath of Christ” which spoke through Isaiah (1 Pet. 1:10-11). Cf. Rev. 2:8 & 22:12-13.
38 By virtue of the fact that Jesus conquered death, having died and risen again immortal, He alone possesses the
authority over death and the grave. The resurrection unto life is through Him alone. See John 5:21, 25-26; John 11:23-
26. The Jews had a tradition that God had the sole custody of four keys which He entrusted to no one, not man nor
angel: the Key of Rain, the Key of Provision, the Key of the Barren Womb, and the Key of Death and the Grave.
(Sanhedrin, fol. 113, 1)
39 Greek: ᾅδης (hades) refers to the common grave of all mankind (“the grave” as an abstract concept) as opposed to
an individual grave (cf. 1 Cor. 15:55). The twin terms “death and the grave” (ὁ θάνατος καὶ ὁ ᾅδης) are parallel abstract
concepts in Revelation (20:13,14). In Greek mythology, ὁ ᾅδης (Hades) was in the underworld, a place of departed
ghosts. But this concept is not found in the Bible.
40 John 5:25-26
41 This statement provides a three-part division to the book, past, present, and future. “What you saw” refers to the
vision of Jesus. “What is” refers to the current situation among the seven assemblies described in the seven letters that
Jesus was about to dictate. “What is to come” is the prophecy of the future beginning in Rev. 4:1.
42 These were members of the respective assemblies who traveled between each assembly and Patmos to communicate
with John.
43 Notice that the seven assemblies are portrayed as individual single lampstands. The lamps corresponding to these
are before God’s throne (Rev. 4:5). In Zech. 4:2, the single lampstand had seven lamps, symbolizing the nation of Israel.
44 These were self-appointed “emissaries” (apostles) not commissioned or sent by Jesus (2 Cor. 11:13), claiming
authority to speak on His behalf. But Jesus only commissioned twelve Emissaries including Paul (Rev. 21:14). The
Roman Catholic Church continues this heresy to the present day (with their doctrine of “Apostolic Succession”).
Several cults and the modern Charismatic movement also continue this heresy.
labored.45 4 But I have [something] against you, that you abandoned your original love.
5 Remember then from where you have fallen and repent, and do the original deeds.
Otherwise, I am coming to you suddenly and will remove your lampstand46 from its place
— unless you repent. 6 But you have this: that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans 47
which I also hate. 7 The one having an ear,48 listen to what the Breath49 is saying to the
assemblies: ‘To the one being victorious, I will give to him to eat from the Tree of Life,50
which is in the midst of the Garden51 of God.’”
45 A few manuscripts, and the Textus Receptus, add, “and have not fainted.”
46 The Breath of God would no longer reside among that assembly.
47 The Nicolaitans were followers of Nicolas of Antioch, the sole Greek among the seven deacons in the Jerusalem
assembly (Acts 6:3-5). Nicolas apostatized from the Apostolic Faith by embracing the teachings of Plato and blending
this with Christianity. According to Irenaeus (Against Heresies, Bk. I, ch. xxvi:3), John’s Gospel was written in part to
counter the teachings of the Nicolaitans who denied that Logos became flesh. His Platonic dualism also removed the
necessity and possibility of the resurrection of the flesh. Paul first encountered this aspect in the Corinthian assembly
(1 Cor. 15:12-18). For a further description of the Nicolaitans, see: Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Bk. III, ch. xi.
48 This was a common expression of Jesus’ referring to those inclined to heed His voice. (cf. Matt. 11:15; 13:9; 13:43).
49 In each of the seven letters, Jesus plainly identified Himself as the one issuing the commands. He was doing so
through the Breath of God – the “Helper” (John 14:16-18). The Breath (Spirit) is clearly not a distinct Person, otherwise
it would create a severe problem in each of the seven letters as to the source of the command. That the following words
attributed to the “Breath” in each letter cannot be a message from a third Person is proven in Rev. 2:26-29.
50 Ezekiel 47:12; Rev. 22:2,14
51 Eden will be restored (Isaiah 51:3 LXX). Its location was where Jerusalem is now located. The Tree of Life will grow
on both sides of the River of Life flowing from the Temple (Ezek. 47:12; Rev. 22:1-2).
52 Cf. Rev. 3:17
53 This area of Asia Minor, Phrygia, was known for Jewish mysticism which had blended Greek mythology and
philosophy with Judaism, including an elaborate and fanciful theology concerning angels. The Essenes were of this
type. The Letter to the Colossians (also in Phrygia) was written by Paul in part to counter the same Jewish – Greek
mysticism (of the kind found in the Book of Enoch) which Jesus Himself hated, calling them “the synagogue of the
Adversary.” See: 1 Tim. 1:3-4; Titus 1:14-16. Cabala is the contemporary counterpart.
54 Some commentators have understood this to refer to ten periods of persecution from Nero to Diocletian, or specific
to the Diocletian persecution which lasted ten years exactly after which Constantine ended the official Roman
persecution of Christians. However, it may have a more enigmatic reference directly to the end times, as there are ten
literal days from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, which is the Day of Jesus’ return. The darkening of the sun and moon
that accompany His return may begin on Rosh Hashanah and last for ten days. Also, ten days was the period of testing
for Daniel and his three friends (Dan. 1:12-15).
55 Polycarp, who was appointed to the place of bishop by John in Smyrna prior to his imprisonment on Patmos, was
“faithful until death,” suffering martyrdom at Rome shortly after Revelation was written.
I will give you the wreath56 of life.57 11 The one having an ear, listen to what the Breath
says to the assemblies: ‘The one being victorious shall not be injured by the second
gods against the Gigantes, a mythological race of giants. This myth was also circulated among some mystical Jewish
sects such as the Essenes, as taught in the Book of Enoch (with the pagan gods replaced by angels, and connected to
the fall of the sons of God {Sethites} in Gen. 6). The pagan altar was moved, and is currently housed in the Pergamon
Museum in Berlin.
60 Antipas was bishop of Pergamos during the reign of Domitian (Catholic Encyclopedia, Article “Oil of Saints”). This
requires that Revelation was written during Domitian’s reign, who began to persecute Christians towards the end of
his reign. He was assassinated in AD 92.
61 In reference to eating food sacrificed to idols, Paul said, “You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you
cannot partake of the Lord's table and of the table of demons” (1Cor. 10:21-22 NKJV).
62 See Num. 25. The “Incident of Peor” was instigated by Balaam, whereby after being prevented by the Messenger of
YHVH from cursing Israel, he instead counseled the Moabites to invite the Israelites to join with them and to intermarry
with their women. This led to gross idolatry, including participating in pagan rituals for Baal Peor (eating idol’s
sacrifices). Because God forbid Israel from marrying pagan women, idolatry was often spoken of metaphorically as
“fornication” and “adultery” in the Scriptures. Thus the crime of some of the members of this assembly was in
tolerating and excusing forms of idolatry.
63 See note for vs. 6.
64 A portion of manna was hidden in the Ark of the Covenant, along with the stone tablets and Aaron’s rod. These three
items hidden away in the Ark symbolize God’s work in the end times: The stone tablets represent the restoring of the
Law of Moses for Israel’s repentance (Dan. 9:27); Aaron’s rod represents the anointing of the restored Levitical
priesthood by Elijah (Mal. 4:4-6); The hidden manna represents supernatural provision for God’s covenant people
(Micah 7:15; Rev. 12:6, 14). The promise in this instance for those being victorious is supernatural provision.
65 In the ancient courts, the accused was condemned by judges giving him black pebbles, and acquitted by receiving
white pebbles. Here, the sense seems to be not only acquittal, but a new beginning (new name).
Chapter 3
Jesus’ Message to the Assembly at Sardis
“And to the messenger for the assembly in Sardis write, ‘The One possessing the seven
Breaths77 of God and the seven stars says this: “I have observed your deeds, that you have
a reputation for being alive yet you are dead. 2 Wake up! And reinforce what remains,
self-appointed “prophets” and “prophetesses” but also women teachers and pastors.
69 See notes on vs. 14.
72 Heb. 4:12-13 identifies the one searching the minds and hearts as “Logos of God.”
73 “My works” refers to doing the works of Jesus the Anointed, obeying His commandments and carrying on His
Here Jesus quoted the LXX, (the Hebrew has “break them,” while the LXX has “shepherd them”). In this verse Jesus
promised to share His power and reign with His faithful followers. This Psalm is referenced again in Rev. 12:5 & Rev.
19:15, and this Psalm is fulfilled in Rev. 20:1-4.
75 2 Pet. 1:19; Rev. 22:16
76 That “the Breath” is not a third divine Person is clear from these verses. The words are clearly those of Jesus Himself,
since He used the first-person pronouns, yet He was speaking to the assemblies by means of the holy Breath.
77 Rev. 5:6
which have been on the verge of dying. For I have not found your deeds complete before
My God. 3 Remember therefore the way you have received and heard; be attentive and
repent. If, therefore, you should not awaken, I will arrive above you like a thief,78 and you
may not know what hour I will arrive79 above you. 4 You have a few names even in Sardis
who have not soiled their clothes. And they shall walk with Me in white because they are
worthy. 5 The one being victorious shall be dressed in white clothing. And I will not
erase his name from the Book of Life, but I will acknowledge his name before My Father
and before His messengers. 6 The one having an ear, listen to what the Breath is saying
to the assemblies.’”
81 The verb describes present continuous action, not future action as in most translations.
83 They remained faithful to the teaching of Jesus the Anointed despite severe opposition.
84 ἐκ – out from among/within, implying presence within the hour of trial and safely emerging from it. See John 17:15.
86 “The whole world” (πᾶσαν τὴν οἰκουμένην / ὅλην τὴν οἰκουμένην / τῆς οἰκουμένης ὅλης) does not necessarily
refer to all nations (Luke 2:1; Acts 11:28), although usually it does (Rev. 12:9; Rev. 16:14).
87 cf. Matt. 24:21; Daniel 12:1-2. Note the “deliverance” of God’s people in the latter passage.
88 The Temple will exist in the Kingdom (Ezek. 40-48). Cf. Rev. 21:22.
Chapter 4
The Celestial Court Seated94
After these things I observed, and look, a door having been opened in the sky. And the
first voice I heard was like a trumpet95 speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I
will show you what is required to take place after these things.” 2 Immediately I came to
be in the Breath,96 and look, a throne was sitting and someone was seated on the throne.
3 The one seated had an appearance similar to a jasper and sardine stone.97 And a rainbow
encircled the throne, similar in appearance to an emerald. 4 And encircling the throne
begetting of the Son was the beginning of time itself – Day one of creation. Psalm 2 refers to it as “Today” (I have
begotten You). That the Son is Himself “The Beginning” of God’s creation does not mean He was Himself a creation.
Rather, He was “begotten” as “the only-begotten Son of God” (John 3:18) who was “from the beginning” (1 John 2:14).
92 φωνῆς a noise, sound, or voice of any kind. In this context it appears to refer to Jesus’ knocking.
94 John described in detail the celestial court that Daniel only glimpsed – the “Ancient of Days” seated on His throne
surrounded by other thrones (24 elders) and “thousands, thousands” attending Him (Dan. 7:9-10). The purpose of the
celestial court is to transfer the kingdoms of the world to the “Son of Man” and the “holy ones of the Most High” (Dan.
7:9-14, 22, 27).
95 Jesus has the voice like a trumpet according to Rev. 1:10.
96 John was not bodily caught up into the sky as is often supposed (John 3:13; Acts 2:34). Rather, “in the Breath” he was
allowed to see the spiritual realm as Steven did while remaining bodily on the land (Acts 7:55-56). This is the same
mechanism Jesus uses to observe the local assemblies (Rev. 5:6). See also Rev. 1:10; 17:3, 21:10.
97 Both stones are red in color.
were twenty-four thrones. And on the thrones I saw twenty-four98 elders99 sitting, having
been clothed in white robes,100 and on their heads golden wreaths.101 5 And lightening
discharged from the throne, and thunders, and voices. And seven lamps of fire were
burning before the throne, which are the seven Breaths of God.102 6 Before the throne was
a glassy sea similar to crystal.103 And in the center of the throne, and around the throne,104
were four creatures105 covered with eyes front and back. 7 The first creature was like a
lion,106 the second creature like an ox,107 the third creature had a face like a man,108 and the
fourth creature was like a flying eagle.109 8 Each of the four creatures had six wings 110
covered with eyes outside and inside. And they take no rest day or night, saying: “Holy,
holy, holy, Master God, SOVEREIGN OVER ALL, who was, and is, and who is to
98 These twenty-four elders are the celestial angelic counterpart to the twenty-four divisions of the priesthood as
established by David (1 Chron. 24:1-19). They function in priestly service (along with Jesus the Anointed High Priest)
in the celestial Temple, of which the terrestrial Temple is merely a copy (Heb. 8:5). This is shown by their offering
incense (the prayers of the holy ones in the tribulation) before the Throne of God (Rev. 5:8), a priestly function.
99 The term “elder” literally refers to age, but metaphorically to high rank.
100 Messengers are clothed in white robes (Rev. 15:6; Rev. 19:14).
101 That the 24 elders wore wreaths shows that they were victorious over an opponent. Victory is not only true of men,
but also of messengers (Dan. 10:13, 21; Dan. 12:1; Rev. 12:7).
102 These seven lamps of fire (the seven Breaths) are before the throne of God, yet correspond to the seven lampstands
(assemblies) which were in Asia Minor at the time (Rev. 1:20). Obviously, each of the seven Breaths of God was present
in each corresponding assembly on the land, providing the mechanism for the Lamb to observe what was occurring in
each assembly, as stated in the seven letters.
103 See Rev. 22:1 – the River of Life flowing from the New Jerusalem is also glassy like crystal. No doubt this sea before
God’s throne represents the endless supply of the water of life. Its ‘glassy’ character represents perfect calm and peace
for God’s people, even during times of persecution and tribulation (cf. Gen. 49:9-10; Rev. 15:2).
104 That is, in the center of each of the four sides
105 In Ezekiel 1:5-21, the four faces of the four creatures are oriented towards the four points of the compass, and they
do not change their orientation when they move. Ezekiel saw the four creatures coming towards him out of the north.
The face of each creature that he saw towards him (south) was the Man; the face of the Ox on each creature was towards
the left (west); the face of the Lion was towards the right (east); the face of the eagle towards the rear (north).
106 The Lion of Judah is a representation of Jesus as the Anointed King (Rev. 5:5). The Lion faces east because the arrival
of His Kingdom is likened to the dawn (Mal. 4:1-3). In Zech 6:11-12 LXX, a prophecy of the name of the Messiah is
found. Zechariah was instructed to fashion crowns of silver and gold and place them on the head of Jesus (Joshua) the
High Priest. Then he prophesied saying: ἰδοὺ ἀνήρ Ἀνατολὴ ὄνομα αὐτω (“Behold the Man, the Dayspring, the name is
in Him”). In Luke 1:78, Jesus was called “the Dayspring [Ἀνατολὴ] from on high.” When Jesus returns, He will appear
out of the east and streak across the sky as lightening (Matt. 24:27).
107 The ox symbolizes Jesus’ mission extended through His Emissaries, bringing the Good News of the Kingdom to all
nations (1 Cor. 9:1-27). The Breath of God moved the Gospel steadily west from Jerusalem through Turkey. Paul was
forbidden by the Breath from going east (Acts 16:6-12). Instead, the Breath of God swept the Gospel across the Roman
Empire all the way to Great Britain. From there the Breath moved the Gospel westward to America, and from America
across the Pacific westward to the Far East. From China it is now marching west as the Breath moves through Muslim
countries, and will eventually reach Jerusalem again when the Jewish remnant embraces Christ at His coming.
108 The face of a Man symbolizes the full humanity of Jesus, who will reign over the creation as “Man” (Gen. 1:26, 28;
Psalm 8:4-9; Heb. 2:5-9). He faces south because He comes to the land from the sky.
109 The Eagle symbolizes the pre-human Son of God as the Messenger of the LORD (Judges 2:1-4) who has repeatedly
“ascended and descended” (Judges 13:20; Prov. 30:4; John 3:13; Eph. 4:8-10). He faces north (the direction of God’s
throne – cf. Isa. 14:13) from where He descended (John 6:38; John 16:28) and to where He ascended.
110 According to Isaiah 6:2,6, the six-winged creatures are “Seraphim,” plural of “Seraph,” which means “burning.”
come.”111 9 And whenever the creatures will112 give glory and honor and thanks to One
sitting on the throne, the One living to the ages of the ages, 10 the twenty-four elders will
fall down before the One sitting on the throne and will worship the One who lives to the
ages of the ages. And they throw their wreaths before the throne, saying: 11 “Master, You
are worthy to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because You created
everything, because of Your will they were originating and were created.”113
Chapter 5
The Seven-Sealed Scroll of Judgment
And, in the right hand of the One sitting on the throne I saw a scroll having been engraved
inside and outside,114 sealed with seven seals. 2 Then I saw a strong messenger
proclaiming in a loud voice: “Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?” 3
And no one115 in the sky, or on the land, or below the land116 was able to open the scroll
or to examine it. 4 And I wept much because no one was found worthy to open117 the
scroll or to examine it. 5 And one of the elders said to me: “Don’t weep. Look! The Lion
of the tribe of Judah,118 the Root of David,119 has been victorious120 to open the scroll and
to break its seven seals.” 6 And I observed121 in the middle of the throne122 and four
creatures, and in the middle of the elders, a Lamb, as if having been killed, was
standing.123 He had seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven Breaths of God124
sent out to all the land. 7 Then He approached and took [the scroll] from the right hand
of the One sitting on the throne. 8 And when He took the scroll, the four creatures and
the twenty-four elders bowed down before the Lamb, each having a harp and golden
of time, the six days of creation, followed by “were created” (aorist tense), viewed as a single event. While the previous
statement, “You created everything” makes God the direct cause of creation, the following statement, “because of Your
will they were originating and were created,” implies a secondary source or Agent carrying out the will of God. (John 1:1-
3; Col. 1:16-17, Heb. 1:1-3).
114 Ezekiel 2:9, Zech. 5:1-5
115 Note that this statement excludes a third divine Person. The same problem exists for the “Third Person” doctrine in
Testament uses the same expression repeatedly of the creatures of the deep sea (Ex. 20:4; Deut. 5:8). See vs. 13 which
indicates that the sea was meant.
117 Textus Receptus adds, “and read.” The majority and oldest manuscripts omit it.
119 Isaiah 11:1-10; see note on Rev. 22:16. That the Lamb is the “Root of David” implies that He existed before David,
122 The Lamb is now seated at the right hand of His Father (Psalm 110:1) on the Father’s throne (Rev. 3:21).
123 “having stood up.” The perfect tense emphasizes the result of standing after having stood up from being seated.
124 Isaiah 11:1-4; Zech. 3:8-9; 4:10; Rev. 1:4; Rev. 4:5
bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the holy ones. 9 And they sing a new song,
saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll, and to open its seals, because You were slain,
and have redeemed some125 to God with Your blood from every tribe, and language, and
people, and nation, 10 and made them126 kings and priests127 to our God. And they128 shall
reign on the land.” 11 And I looked and heard the voice of many messengers around the
throne, the creatures, and the elders.129 And the number of them was ten thousand times
ten thousand, and thousands of thousands,130 12 saying with a loud voice: “Worthy is the
Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength, and honor,
and glory, and blessing!” 13 And I heard every creature, those in the sky, and on land,
and below the land131 (even upon the sea and all that are in them), saying: “To the One
sitting on the throne and to the Lamb132 [be] blessing and honor and glory and power
unto the ages of the ages!” 14 And the four creatures said: “Amen!” And the twenty-four
elders bowed down and worshiped.133
Chapter 6
The Seven Seals Opened134
And I observed when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four
creatures, like the sound of thunder, saying: “Come and see.” 2 And I observed, and look,
a white horse, and the one sitting on it had a bow. And a wreath was given to him, and
he came out conquering, and that he may conquer.135 3 And when He opened the second
125 There are a variety of readings of this verse in the manuscript evidence as follows: “and have redeemed to God us,”
“and have redeemed us to God,” “and have redeemed us,” “and have redeemed to God [some]” (omitting the first
person pronoun). I have followed the last reading for two reasons: (a) it is the only reading that agrees grammatically
with the third person statement in verse 10, and (b) the four creatures (who sing along with the 24 elders) are obviously
not human, thus cannot claim to be “redeemed from among men” of all nations. This would require their singing in
the third person, not first person. (See following note).
126 The majority and oldest manuscripts have “they/them” (third person plural). See previous note.
131 Some suppose that those “below the land” refers to ghosts of the dead in Hades. But, the Old Testament uses the
same expression repeatedly of the creatures of the sea (cf. Ex. 20:4; Deut. 5:8; etc.).
132 God decreed that all conscious beings are to worship His Son even as they owe Him worship (Eph. 1:20-23; Phil. 2:5-
134 There can be no question that this chapter parallels the Olivet Discourse (Matt. 24). The four horsemen are similar
to Zech. 1:8-17 & 6:1-8 which represent God’s judgment on the Gentile nations as He was about to restore Jerusalem.
See also Ezek. 14:21.
135 The rider on the white horse may be the initial rise to prominence of the “little horn” (Antichrist) as described in
(Dan. 7:24-25; Dan. 11:40-45; Rev. 13:1-3). It also likely indicates the mass deception that will accompany his rise (cf.
Matt. 24:4-5). This may be what Paul called the “strong delusion” and “the lie” (2 Thess. 2:1-12) sent by God upon those
who have already refused the truth. It will include a mass apostasy from the true Christian Faith (Matt. 24:9-13). It is
probable that the deception will include a merging of apostate Judaism, apostate Christianity, and so-called moderate
seal, I heard the second creature saying: “Come and see.” 4 Another horse [that was] red
went out. And it was granted to the one sitting on it to take peace from the land, and that
they will kill one another. And there was given to him a great sword. 136 5 And when He
opened the third seal, I heard the third creature say, “Come and see.” And I observed,
and look, a black horse, and the one sitting on it had a yoke137 in his hand. 6 And I heard
a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of grain for a denarius 138
and three quarts of barley for a denarius, and do not harm the oil and the wine.”139 7 And
when He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth creature saying, “Come
and see.” 8 So I observed, and look, a pale horse. And the name of the one sitting on it
was Death. And the grave accompanied him. And power was given to them over a fourth
of the land, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the wild beasts 140 of the
land.141 9 And when He opened the fifth seal, I saw beneath the altar142 the souls143 of those
slain for the word of God and the witness they were having. 10 And they called with a
loud voice,144 saying: “How much longer, Master, holy and true, before You judge and
avenge our blood on those who dwell on the land?” 145 11 And a white robe was granted
139 Oil and wine were the commodities of the wealthy. Taken together the third seal seems to suggest famine that will
141 The fourth horseman seems to sum up the plagues listed by Jesus, war, famine, disease (perhaps animal borne), &
is portrayed as the once-for-all sacrifice, shedding His blood on the land but afterwards entering the celestial Temple
with His own blood, just as the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur. In Temple imagery, the martyrs
follow in Jesus’ footsteps, shedding their blood on the bronze altar (on the land). The blood both man and beast is
called their “souls” (Gen. 9:4-5; Lev. 17:11-14). Jesus offered His own “soul” as a sacrifice for our sins (Isa. 53:10,11,12).
Animal sacrifices were killed in the Temple courtyard by having their throats cut, and the ψυχὴ (soul/blood) was
caught and poured out at the base of the altar (Lev. 4:7,18,34; Lev. 5:9). Thus, the “soul/blood” belonging to the martyrs
is portrayed as “under the altar.”
143 The Greek word is ψυχὴ which according to Genesis 9:4-5 & Lev. 17:11,14 is the blood of both man and beast.
144 Jesus portrayed Abel as the prototype martyr (Luke 11:50-51). The soul/blood of Abel – the prototype martyr – called
out to God from the ground to be avenged (Gen. 4:10). This same symbolic imagery is being applied to all of the martyrs.
The sense is the same as with Abel’s blood crying out to God, that God remembers the injustice and will avenge His
holy ones, and will restore them to life through resurrection.
145 Not only does Scripture symbolically portray the blood of Abel calling out to be avenged, but also in Ezekiel 37:11
the dry bones of the patriarchs and the whole house of Israel cry out from their graves for the fulfillment of the promise
of resurrection and eternal inheritance. “Then He said to me, ‘Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. They indeed
say, “Our bones are dry, our hope is lost, and we ourselves are cut off!” Therefore prophesy and say to them, “Thus says the Lord
GOD: ‘Behold, O My people, I will open your graves and cause you to come up from your graves, and bring you into the land of
Israel.’” (Ezek. 37:11-12). Such allegorical language does not mean that blood or bones actually speak. Rather, these
things reinforce the idea that God will never forget to avenge the blood of His servants or forget His promises of the
inheritance to His people.
for each of them. And they were told that they will rest146 a little longer until their fellow
servants and their brothers, those about to be killed like them, may be completed. 147 12
And I observed when He opened the sixth seal, and look, there was a great shaking, and
the sun became black like mohair, and the whole moon became like blood. 148 13 And the
stars of the sky fell to the ground like a fig tree dropping its figs when shaken by a strong
wind. 14 Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up,149 and every mountain and
island was stirred from its place. 15 And the kings of the land, the great ones, the
commanders, the rich men, the strong, every slave and free man, hid themselves in the
caves and in the rocks of the mountains150 16 and said to the mountains and rocks: “Fall
on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the
Lamb, 17 because the great day of His151 wrath152 has arrived, and who is able to stand?”
Chapter 7
Interlude: The Remnant of Israel Preserved from Death153
And after this I observed four messengers standing at the four corners of the land,
holding the four winds154 of the land, that the wind should not blow on the land, or on
the sea, or on any tree. 2 And I saw another messenger ascending from the rising of the
sun having the seal of the living God. And he called with a loud voice to the four
messengers to whom it was granted to harm the land and the sea, 3 saying: “Do not harm
the land, the sea, or the trees till we should seal the servants of our God on their
foreheads.”155 4 And I heard the number of those who were sealed. One hundred and
forty-four thousand were sealed, from every tribe156 of the sons of Israel: 5 from the tribe
of Judah twelve thousand were sealed; from the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand were
146 Death for the righteous is portrayed as “sleep” both in the Old Testament (Dan. 12:2) and the New Testament (Luke
8:52; John 11:11-14; 1 Cor. 15:51; 1 Thess. 4:14).
147 Persecution and martyrdom of Jesus’ followers was also described by Jesus in the Olivet Discourse, (Matt. 24:9-13).
152 Psalm 2
153 Verses 1-8 are parenthetical. These are sealed for protection before any of the calamities of chapter 6 take place.
Parenthetical sections like this are common in Revelation. This chapter is structured to follow the structure of Isaiah 49
(quoted in vss. 16-17), and cannot be rightly understood apart from that chapter.
154 The “four winds” are equivalent to the “four horsemen” (cf. Zech. 6:5 LXX).
155 In Ezekiel 9 the same metaphor was used regarding the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar and the Divine
When Israel blessed Joseph’s two sons, Ephraim (the younger) was given the blessing of the firstborn (Gen. 48:8-21),
and his descendants became the “tribe of Joseph.” Manasseh was Joseph’s oldest son, and is viewed here as a separate
tribe. Some of the early Christian writers believed that Dan was omitted because of that tribes’ consistent idolatry, and
that the Antichrist would come from that tribe. (Hippolytus, Treatise on Christ & Antichrist, 6-15). However, it is
doubtful that Antichrist will be a Jew, since he is repeatedly called “the Assyrian.” However, Dan is included among
the 12 tribes whose names appear on the gates of restored Jerusalem (cf. Ezek. 48:31-34 & Rev. 21:12).
sealed; from the tribe of Gad twelve thousand were sealed; 6 from the tribe of Asher
twelve thousand were sealed; from the tribe of Naphtali twelve thousand were sealed;
from the tribe of Manasseh twelve thousand were sealed; 7 from the tribe of Simeon
twelve thousand were sealed; from the tribe of Levi twelve thousand were sealed; from
the tribe of Issachar twelve thousand were sealed; 8 from the tribe of Zebulun twelve
thousand were sealed; from the tribe of Joseph twelve thousand were sealed; from the
tribe of Benjamin twelve thousand were sealed.
Anointed one, and will be celebrated after He returns as King (Zech. 14:16-20).
161 Present tense verbs in Greek often refer to the future. In such cases, the present tense stresses certainty, just as in
162 This passage unquestionably shows the outcome of the promise made in Rev. 3:10.
163 The same term θλῖψις μεγάλη (great tribulation) is used in Matthew 24:21. Also in 1 Maccabees 9:27, the same term
appears in reference to the persecution under Antiochus Epiphanies, and a similar statement follows: “So was there a
great tribulation in Israel, the like whereof was not since the time that a prophet was not seen among them.”
164 The Throne of God will be in His Temple in Jerusalem (cf. Jer. 3:16-17 & Ezek. 43:1-7). This is also the “Temple” in
which Jesus promised the Philadelphians to make the faithful permanent pillars (Rev. 3:12).
165 Cf. Psalm 5:11 LXX & Rev. 21:3. God’s tent is spread over His holy ones in the Kingdom; He dwells with men (rather
the throne will shepherd them) “and lead166 them to living fountains of waters.”167 “And God
will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”168 8:1 And when He opened the seventh seal, it
became silent in the sky for about half an hour.169
Chapter 8
The Seven Trumpets170
2 And I observed the seven messengers who have stood before God and seven trumpets
were given to them. 3 And another messenger came and stood before the altar having a
golden censer. And much incense was given him that he should offer it with the prayers
of all the holy ones upon the golden altar which was before the throne. 4 And the smoke
of the incense with the prayers of the holy ones ascended before God from the hand of
the messenger. 5 And the messenger took the censer, and filled it from the fire of the altar,
and threw it onto the land.171 And there were thunderings, noises, lightnings, and a
shaking. 6 And the seven messengers having the seven trumpets prepared themselves to
sound. 7 And the first messenger sounded, and there came hail and fire,172 mixed with
blood, and it was thrown upon the land. And a third of the land burned,173 and a third of
the trees burned, and all green vegetation burned. 8 And the second messenger sounded,
and [something] like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a
third of the sea became blood.174 9 And a third of the creatures in the sea having life died.
And a third of the ships were destroyed. 10 And the third messenger sounded and a great
star fell from the sky burning like a torch. And it fell on a third of the rivers and on the
springs of water. 11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood.175 And a third of the
waters became wormwood and many men died from the water that was made toxic. 12
And the fourth messenger sounded and a third of the sun was struck, and a third of the
moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them should be obscured and a third of
the day should not be illuminated, and the night likewise. 13 And I saw and heard an
169 The silence represents ceasing of activity in the sky. The Kingdom has descended to the land, (Isa. 2:2-4; Jer. 3:16-17,
(which culminated in the second coming and establishing of the Kingdom on the land).
171 A sign of God’s wrath upon the land (cf. Ezekiel 10:2,6-7).
172 The same plague occurred in Egypt on a smaller scale (Exodus 9:23-26; Psalm 18:12-13)
175 “Wormwood” is a highly toxic plant from which the ancients made insecticides. It derives its name from the practice
of brewing the leaves in a tea, for people and animals as a worming medicine.
eagle176 flying in mid-air,177 saying with a great voice, “Woe, woe, woe,178 land dwellers,
from the remaining trumpet blasts of the three messengers about to sound!”
Chapter 9
Trumpets Five through Seven are “Three Woes”
And the fifth messenger sounded and I saw a star, having fallen from the sky to the
ground,179 and he was given the key to the well of the deep.180 2 And he opened the well
of the deep, and smoke ascended from the well, like the smoke of a great furnace.181 And
the sun and the air were obscured from the smoke of the well. 3 And out of the smoke
came locusts182 upon the land. And they were given power as the scorpions of the land
have power. 4 They were commanded not to harm the grass of the land, or any green
thing, or any tree, but only the men not having the seal of God on their foreheads. 5 And
they were not permitted to kill them, but to torment them for five months. And their
torment is like the torment of a scorpion if it should strike a man. 6 In those days men
will seek death and will not find it; they will be yearning to die, and death will flee from
them. 7 And the appearance of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle. And on
their heads were something like wreaths of gold. And their faces were like the faces of
men. 8 They had hair like women's hair, and their teeth were like lions' teeth. 9 And they
had breastplates like breastplates of iron. And the sound of their wings was like the sound
of chariots with many horses running to battle. 10 And they have tails like scorpions, and
stingers also in their tails. And their power was to injure men five months. 11 And they
have a king over them, the messenger of the deep. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but
in Greek his name is Apollyon.183 12 One woe has come, look, two woes are still coming
after these things. 13 And the sixth messenger sounded, and I heard a voice from the four
horns of the golden altar, the one before God, 14 saying to the sixth messenger having the
trumpet: “Release the four messengers, the ones having been restrained184 at the great
176 The Textus Receptus follows a minority of manuscripts that have “angel” (messenger). But the majority of
manuscripts and the oldest manuscripts have “eagle.”
177 Cf. Rev. 12:14
178 The three “woes” are the 5 th – 7th trumpets. The first four trumpets deal with man’s environment. The three woes
Rev. 12:7-9, which occurs at the mid-point of the 70th week. This places the 5th trumpet (which is also the first woe)
180 In the Old Testament, the “abyss” refers to the unknown depths of the waters (cf. LXX Gen. 1:2; 7:11; 8:2).
181 Where water should be coming forth from the “abyss” (cf. LXX Deut. 8:7; 33:13; Psalm 33:7, etc.), there is smoke.
182 The locusts represent demonic breaths. There is no question that this passage was meant to reference Luke 10:18-19.
“And He said to them, ‘I saw the Adversary fall like lightning from the sky. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents
and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you’.” There are three clear connections
to this passage, a) the messenger of the abyss who falls from the sky; b) the locusts; c) God’s people are off limits.
183 The meaning in both Hebrew and Greek is “The Destroyer.”
184 Compare Daniel 10:13,20-21. After the fall of Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon, four great empires have battled for control
of the area of the Euphrates River. There have been demonic forces seeking to control these empires, which have been
restrained by Michael and his messengers.
river Euphrates.” 15 And the four messengers were released, having been prepared unto
the hour, and day, and month, and year, that they may kill a third of men. 16 And the
number of the soldiers of the cavalry was two hundred million. I heard the number of
them. 17 And this is how I saw the horses in the vision: those sitting on them had
breastplates like fire,185 hyacinth,186 and sulfur.187 And the horses’ heads were like the
heads of lions. And out of their mouths goes fire, smoke, and sulfur. 18 From these three
plagues a third of men were killed — from the fire, and the smoke, and the sulfur coming
out of their mouths. 19 For the power of the horses is in their mouth and in their tails, for
their tails are like serpents, having heads, and with them they injure. 20 But the rest of
men, who were not killed by these blows, did not repent of the works of their hands, that
they should not worship demons and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which
are not able to see, nor to hear, nor to walk. 21 And they did not repent from their
murders, nor from their drugs,188 nor from their fornication,189 nor from their stealing.
Chapter 10
Interlude: John will Testify Again in the End Times190
And I observed another191 Messenger,192 powerful, coming down from the sky, having
been clothed with a cloud.193 And a rainbow194 was above his head. His face was like the
sun,195 and His feet like pillars of fire.196 2 And in His hand was a little scroll having been
opened.197 And He set his right foot on the sea and His left foot on the land, 3 and called
out with a loud voice, as a lion roars.198 And when He called out, seven thunders
proclaimed their sayings. 4 And when the seven thunders spoke, I was about to write.
But I heard a voice from the sky saying: “Seal up199 the sayings of the seven thunders,”
and, “you should not write them.”200 5 And the Messenger whom I saw, having stood on
the sea and on the land, raised His right201 hand to the sky 6 and swore by the One living
188 The Greek word literally means “drugs.” It is sometimes used figuratively of sorcery, since drugs were often
employed by sorcerers.
189 “Fornication” refers to sexual immorality, but is also frequently used in the LXX for idolatry.
190 This entire chapter has a direct connection to the Mt. of Transfiguration experience, which was itself a preview of
the arrival of the Kingdom (cf. Mark 9:1-9; 2 Pet. 1:16-19). That experience was directly dependent on Psalm 2.
191 Apart from the seven messengers with the seven trumpets
192 See note on Rev. 11:3. This “Messenger” is Jesus, as the following descriptions prove.
199 Or conceal
200 John was given revelation that was private because it is to be proclaimed by him during the Tribulation.
unto the ages of the ages, (who created the sky and the things in it, and the land and the
things in it, and the sea and the things in it),202 that there shall be time no longer.203 7 (But
in the days of the sounding of the seventh messenger, when he should be about to sound,
the mystery of God204 would be finished, as He declared to His servants the prophets). 8
And the voice which I heard from the sky spoke to me again saying, “Go, take the little
scroll open in the hand of the Messenger standing on the sea and on the land.” 9 And I
went to the Messenger, asking Him to give me the little scroll. And He says to me: “Take
and eat it. It will make your stomach bitter. But in your mouth it will be sweet as
honey.”205 10 And I took the little scroll from the hand of the Messenger and ate it. And it
was as sweet as honey in my mouth. And when I had eaten it, my stomach was bitter. 11
And they206 said to me: “It is necessary for you to prophesy again207 against208 many
peoples, nations, tongues, and kings.”209
Chapter 11
And a reed like a measuring rod was given to me and I was told: “Arise and measure the
Temple of God,210 the altar, and those worshipping in it.211 2 And exclude the court outside
202 The three part division of our world – sky, land, and sea, are all defined in Gen. 1:8-10. For this reason we have
consistently translated the Greek terms as “the sky, land, and sea,” rather than “heaven, earth, sea” as in most English
203 This statement does not mean that time itself ceases to exist, since it is clear that a thousand years remains (Rev. 20).
Rather, it refers to the end of a specific length of time, the six-millennia punishment upon Adam and his race by the
curse upon all creation (Rom. 8:19-25; Heb. 4:3-9; Rev. 22:3). Note the reference to the creation in verse 6, which was six
days in duration.
204 Col. 2:2-3 The “Mystery of God” is the revelation of Jesus the Anointed to all the world, revealing who He really is
(Ps. 2).
205 Ezekiel had the same experience. He was given the little scroll to eat by the Son of God, who appeared to Him as a
Man (Ezek. 1:26-3:11). The purpose of Ezekiel’s eating the scroll was to make him God’s prophet and mouthpiece to
Israel to announce God’s final words of warning, and also to announce God’s judgement on Israel and the surrounding
Gentile nations. Here John ate the little scroll given to him by the Son of God, the Messenger of YHVH. The words of
the scroll and the seven thunders will be announced by John himself during Daniel’s 70th week as one of the two
206 The Textus Receptus has “he.” The plural apparently refers to the Messenger and the voice from the sky.
207 - once more, at another time. Since John died shortly after Revelation was written, this refers to his role as one
Ezek. 6:2; 11:4; 25:2; 28:21; 29:2 35:2; 38:2. See also: Matt 10:18-19; Mark 13:9).
209 Early Christian writers understood from this passage that John would be raised from the dead in the last days to
proclaim the message of the seven thunders and the contents of the little scroll. (See: Hippolytus, App. xxi). To
“prophesy again against…” implies John’s once again standing in opposition to these peoples, just as Ezekiel did.
210 Ezekiel was given the same task of measuring the Temple (Ezek. 40), in order to provide hope for the faithful remnant
of Israel concerning the coming restoration of God’s house. When Ezekiel was told to measure God’s house,
Nebuchadnezzar had already destroyed the Temple. Ezekiel’s measuring was in vision of the future rebuilt Temple.
Likewise, when John was told to measure the Temple, Rome had already destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple more
than two decades earlier. Like Ezekiel, John was measuring a future Temple in his vision.
211 Those worshipping and offering sacrifices on the altar in the Temple are the 144,000 Israelites mentioned in Rev. 7.
This 1260-day period occurs prior to the abomination of desolation (within the first half of the 70th week of Daniel 9:27)
because the abomination of desolation will stop these sacrifices, and render the Temple “desolate” (cf. Dan. 9:27; Dan.
the Temple. You should not measure it because it was given to the Gentiles 212 (they will
also trample the holy city forty-two months).213 3 And I will give214 to My215 two
witnesses,216 and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days217 clothed
in mohair.” 4 These are the two olive trees218 and the two lampstands219 having come to
stand before the Master220 of the Land.221 5 And if anyone is willing to harm them, fire
goes out from their mouth222 and consumes their enemies.223 And if anyone should be
willing to harm them he must be killed in this manner. 6 These have authority to lock the
sky, so that no rain may fall in the days of their prophecy.224 And they have authority over
the waters to turn them to blood,225 and to strike the land with every blow, as often as
they should be willing.226 7 When they should finish their witness, the beast, ascending227
12:11; Matt. 24:15; 2 Thess. 2:1-12). This passage provides proof that the Temple will be rebuilt prior to the beginning
of the 70th week. Sacrifices will be offered in worship during the first 3.5 years. This is why the Mosaic Covenant is
“renewed” at this time for one week (Dan. 9:27), to provide Israel an open path to repentance according to Deut. 30 &
Mal. 4.
212 It is clear from this statement that the Temple John was to measure was not the Kingdom Temple described by
Ezekiel, since only a small portion of the Temple grounds will be under the control of Israel and worship allowed. This
Temple is a prelude to the Kingdom Temple. It is the rebuilt “Temple of God” which Antichrist will defile (Matt. 24:15;
2 Thess. 2:3-4).
213 The 42 months refers to the reign of the Beast during the last 3.5 years (Rev. 13:5). In Hebrew understanding, the
word μῆνας refers specifically to new moons and by extension the period of time between them (lunar months). 42
lunar months is about 1239 days. The time period mentioned here for the “trampling” of Jerusalem is counting from
the abomination of desolation when the worship mentioned here will be abolished by the Antichrist. Jesus spoke of the
“trampling of Jerusalem” starting from AD 70 “until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled” (Luke 21:24), which is the
beginning of the 70th week of Daniel. This will be followed by 1260 days of prophesying by the two witnesses during
Temple worship of the 144,000. After the 1260 days, the two Prophets will be killed, the sacrifices will be halted and
the abomination of desolation set up. Thereafter Jerusalem will be trampled again by the Gentiles 42 lunar months.
214 The Son of God, the Messenger of YHVH, will give His two witnesses the words to prophesy at the proper time.
215 The same “Messenger” who gave John the little scroll to eat, and told him that he must prophesy again, also referred
to the two prophets as HIS witnesses. This indicates that the Messenger in ch. 10 is Jesus.
216 The two witnesses are Elijah and John.
217 The two witnesses prophesy during the period that the Jews are worshipping at the Temple.
219 Cf. Zech. 4:11 which has a single lampstand, representing the nation of Israel. The two lampstands refer to Israel and
220 The Textus Receptus has “God.”
221 Zech. 4:14 – the two prophets then were Zechariah and Haggai (Ezra 5:1-2; Ezra 6:14) who provided the Breath of
God to inspire the completion of the second Temple (Hag. 1:12-15). These two witnesses will provide a similar function
concerning the Temple in vss. 1-2.
222 They command fire to come down from the sky with their words just as Elijah did (2 Kings 1:10).
223 In Luke 9:54, John (and James) wanted to imitate Elijah. “Master, do You want us to call fire to descend from heaven and
226 The first four trumpets are plagues of this type. Here we learn that they are called down by the two Prophets who
prophesy during the first half of the 70th week, while sacrifices are being offered in the Temple (v. 1-3).
227 If John meant that the Beast had previously ascended from the abyss but will kill them afterwards we would expect
him to use the aorist or perfect participle here. His use of the present participle (in conjunction with the word “when”)
indicates that the Beast will kill the witnesses at the time he ascends from the deep. This will occur at the mid-point of
out of the deep, will do battle with them, will conquer them, and will kill them. 8 And
their corpses will lie upon the street of the great city which is spiritually called Sodom 228
and Egypt,229 where also their230 Master was crucified. 9 And those from the peoples, and
tribes, and languages, and nations watch their corpses three-and-a-half days.231 They do
not permit their corpses to be put in graves. 10 And the dwellers on the land cheer over
them, and rejoice, and will send gifts to one another, because these two prophets
tormented those dwelling on the land. 11 And after the three-and-a-half days, the breath
of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet. And great fear fell on those
watching them. 12 And they heard a loud voice from the sky saying to them, “Come up
here.”232 And they ascended into the sky in the cloud and their enemies watched them.
13 In that hour there was a great shaking, and a tenth of the city233 fell, and seven thousand
people were killed, and the rest became terrified and gave credit to the God of the sky.
the 70th week (cf. Rev. 17:7-11). Therefore, the testimony of the two witnesses must be before the middle of the
tribulation, at the time of the abomination of desolation.
228 Isaiah 1:9-10; Ezek. 16:46
229 Gal. 4:25 Paul referred to “Jerusalem which now is, and is enslaved with her children.” The term “enslaved” is the
231 The resurrection of the two witnesses would seem to coincide with the woman fleeing into the wilderness (Rev.
12:14). The two witnesses will likely be caught up and relocated there. This would explain the statement in Rev. 12:6,
“so that they may be nourishing her there a thousand two hundred sixty days.” The third person active voice verb “they may
be nourishing” has no antecedent in the immediate passage unless it refers back to the two witnesses.
232 The two witnesses, Elijah and John, will be transported to a different location, just as Elijah was caught up in the
fiery chariot and relocated to an undisclosed location (2 Kings 2:11-18). See notes on Rev. 12:6.
233 Jerusalem (vs. 8)
236 The Ark of the Mt. Sinai Covenant is to be removed from the Temple in Jerusalem just before the abomination of
desolation, immediately after the 1,260-day period of worship in the Temple at the completion of the testimony of the
two witnesses. Worship according to the Mt. Sinai Covenant (renewed only for seven years – Dan. 9:27) requires the
was seen in His Temple.237 And there were lightnings, voices, thunderings, a shaking, and
a great hail.238
Chapter 12
The Assemblies in Judea Flee to the Prepared Place239
And a great sign appeared in the sky – a woman, having been clothed with the sun, and
the moon beneath her feet, and on her head a wreath of twelve stars.240 2 And being with
child, she cried out, travailing and laboring to give birth.241 3 And another sign appeared
in the sky, and look, a great red dragon,242 having seven heads and ten horns, and on his
high priest visiting the Ark on Yom Kippur. The Ark of the Mt. Sinai Covenant will not be visited anymore by the high
priest after those 1,260 days (Jer. 3:16-17), showing that the Mt. Sinai Covenant will not extend into the Kingdom.
237 The celestial Temple was the pattern for the terrestrial Temple (Heb. 9:24-28).
238 This sign marks God’s taking over possession of the land throughout Revelation. It occurs at the end of the 7 seals
(Rev. 8:5), the end of the 7 trumpets (Rev. 11:19), at the end of chapter 14, and at the end of the 7 bowls (Rev. 16:18).
These passages are parallel in time, describing the final events of the 70th week in different ways.
239 Matt. 24:15-28; Luke 21:36
240 Isaiah repeatedly referred to Jerusalem and the redeemed as a single entity – a woman whom he called “the daughter
of Zion” (Isaiah 52:1-2; 62:11-12) and “the wife” of the Master (Isaiah 54:5). He described her as giving birth to a “male
child” – Jesus, and to all the redeemed (Isaiah 66:5-13). He described her troubled past and her glorious restoration in
the coming Kingdom (Isaiah 54:1-17). She will be called by a new name, the New Jerusalem (Isaiah 62:1-2; Isaiah 65:17-
19). Paul developed Isaiah’s imagery further in Gal. 4:21-31. He likened this restored (“elevated Jerusalem”) to Sarah,
the mother of Abraham’s seed of promise, which includes Gentile believers (Gal. 3:26-29). In doing so, he quoted
Isaiah’s prophecy concerning the “Daughter of Zion” (cf. Gal. 4:27 & Isaiah 54:1). In Hebrews 12, Paul again identified
faithful believers with the Daughter of Zion. “But you have approached toward Mount Zion, the city of the living God,
Jerusalem of celestial dominion, and tens of thousands of messengers, toward the universal congregation and assembly of the
firstborn ones having been pre-registered in the skies” (Heb. 12:22-23). The Greek word translated “universal congregation”
appears only in one other place in the Bible, Isaiah 66:10 LXX. “Rejoice, O Jerusalem, and all you who love her, hold in her
the universal congregation. Rejoice greatly with her, all that now mourn over her, that you may suck, and be satisfied with the
breast of her consolation, that you may be weaned, and delight yourselves with the influx of her glory. For thus says the Lord, Look!
I turn toward them as a river of peace, and as a torrent [of rain] bringing upon them in a flood the glory of the Gentiles. Their
children shall be borne upon the shoulders, and comforted on the knees. As a mother comforts one, so will I also comfort you. And
you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.” This is what Paul was referring to in Hebrews 12:22-23. In Revelation, a celestial
messenger told John he was going to show him “the Bride, the Lamb’s wife.” He then immediately showed Him the
“New Jerusalem” – the Lamb’s wife, (Rev. 21:9-10). Scripture is very consistent in representing both the redeemed and
the restored Jerusalem as a single entity – a woman. It is obvious that the “woman clothed with the sun” in Rev. 12 refers
to the redeemed, those who are the rightful citizens of Jerusalem which is about to be restored and revealed. They are
about to be gathered as “the universal congregation and assembly of the firstborn ones having been pre-registered in the skies.”
For 2,000 years, true Christian assemblies have been rejected by the present Jerusalem and her inhabitants, remaining
“outside the camp, bearing His reproach, for here we have no permanent city, but we seek one to come,” (Heb. 13:13-14). Jerusalem
will be ours! The most ancient Christian writers also understood the “woman” of Revelation 12 to represent the faithful
Christian assembly (See: Hippolytus, Treatise on Christ and Antichrist, 61).
241 This sign in “the sky” is also an astronomical sign which gives us the date of Jesus’ birth – on Rosh Hashanah. Virgo
is “clothed with the sun” in September. And the moon is beneath her feet on Rosh Hashanah. Jesus’ birthday is Tishri
1, on Rosh Hashanah, which is also the anniversary of the first day of creation and His begetting out of God (Prov. 8:22-
31). On the Gregorian calendar Rosh Hashanah begins with the new moon between Sept. 5 & Oct. 5.
242 Just below Virgo is the constellation Hydra, which is represented in Greek mythology as a multi-headed sea serpent.
This is also the “serpent” that Jesus will defeat at His coming (Isaiah 27:1-2). Note that the “dragon” is called a “serpent”
in vss. 9&14.
heads seven crowns.243 4 And his tail drags a third of the stars of the sky,244 and threw
them to the ground. And the dragon was standing before the woman who was about to
give birth, that when she should bear her child he might devour [it]. 5 And she gave birth
to a male Son who is about to245 shepherd all the nations with a rod of iron. 246 And her
child was taken up to God and His throne.247 6 And the woman escaped into the
wilderness where she has a place there having been prepared248 from God (so that they249
may be nourishing her there) a thousand two hundred sixty days.250 7 And there was war
in the sky. Michael and his messengers fought the dragon,251 and the dragon fought and
his messengers. 8 And they did not prevail, nor was any more room found for them in
the sky. 9 And the great dragon was thrown down, the original snake 252 called the
Slanderer and the Adversary, the one deceiving the whole world.253 He was cast down to
the ground, and his messengers were cast down with him. 10 And I heard a great voice
in the sky saying; “Finally! Salvation and power and the Kingdom of our God and the
authority of His Anointed has come because the accuser of our brothers, the one accusing
them before our God day and night, has been thrown down, 11 and they were victorious
over him through the blood of the Lamb, and through the word of their witness, and they
did not love their lives until death.254 12 Through this rejoice, skies, and those dwelling in
them.255 Alas! to the inhabitants of the land and the sea, because the Slanderer has come
243 The heads represent the former empires the Adversary has ruled. The ten horns represent the 10 kings who will
reign with Antichrist for the last 3.5 years, (cf. Daniel 2:41-44; 7:7-8; Rev. 17:9-12).
244 This likely refers to the number of heavenly messengers who followed the Adversary in his rebellion (v. 7).
245 The Greek word is “” Strong’s defines it as “to intend, i.e. be about to be.” The Son’s reign over the nations in
fulfillment of Psalm 2 was still future from John’s perspective. (See: Rev. 19:15)
246 This is a reference to Psalm 2. Here, John follows the Greek LXX reading of “shepherd” instead of the Hebrew
“break.” He does the same in two other passages that refer to this Psalm, Rev. 2:26-27 & 19:15.
247 See: Psalm 110:1, Hebrews 10:12-13.
248 The perfect tense indicates that this place is prepared for this purpose entirely before her flight.
249 In the clause τρέφωσιν αὐτὴν (“they may be nourishing her”), the verb τρέφωσιν is present, active, subjunctive,
third person, plural. It refers to specific persons who will actively nourish the woman. These are the two witnesses who
were caught up into the sky and relocated following their resurrection (Rev. 11:11-12; cf. Isaiah 26:20-21). After Elijah’s
and John’s initial 1,260 days (while this place is being prepared), they will then fill the role that Moses and Aaron did
during the first exodus for the time of the Beast’s reign of a “time, times, and half a time” (vs. 14, cf. Dan. 12:7), which
is 42 months (Rev. 11:2; Rev. 13:5).
250 This number refers to the duration of the prophesying of the two witnesses the only other time it occurs (Rev. 11:3).
Here, it refers to the time the place of safety is being prepared by God during the ministry of the 2 prophets, not to the
time that the woman will be nourished there afterwards, which is for “a time, times, and half-a-time” (v. 14).
251 See: Daniel 10:13, 21 & 12:1
254 Many suppose that being a martyr is the destiny of all true believers in the tribulation, and that martyrdom is the
only way to “overcome.” However, notice that the martyrdom spoken of is in the past at the time The Adversary is
thrown down to the ground. The voice from the sky is therefore speaking of past faithfulness unto death by believers
before the time of tribulation. This distinction between past martyrs and those killed in the tribulation is also seen in
Rev. 6:9-11 & Rev. 20:4. Many living believers will flee to safety and survive the onslaught of The Adversary because
of their past faithfulness (Luke 21:36; Rev. 3:10).
255 The angelic hosts
down to you having great anger, having known that he has a brief time.”256 13 And when
the dragon saw that he was thrown down to the ground, he pursued the woman who
gave birth to the male [child]. 14 And two wings of a great eagle257 were given to the
woman, so that she might fly to the wilderness258 to her place, where she is nourished
there a time, times, and half a time259 from before the snake. 15 And the snake projected
a current of water260 from his mouth after the woman that he might sweep her away with
the current. 16 And the land rescued the woman. And the land opened its mouth and
swallowed the current the dragon projected from its mouth. 17 And the dragon was
enraged against the woman, and departed to battle with the remnants261 of her seed,262 of
those who are keeping the commandments of God and holding the testimony263 about
Chapter 13
The Beast from the Sea – the Adversary’s Substitute for God’s Anointed
And I stood on the sand of the sea. And I observed a beast rising out of the sea,265 having
seven heads266 and ten horns,267 and on its horns ten crowns, and on its heads
and brought you to Myself” (Exodus 19:4-5), referring to Israel’s flight out of Egypt to the wilderness. In the Exodus, the
Israelites also had “two witnesses” (Moses and Aaron). The two prophets of God will have a major role to play in the
preparation of the place of safety during their 1,260-day public ministry and then nourishing the woman in the
wilderness for the 42 months of the reign of the Beast.
259 3.5 years. cf. Daniel 12:7 where the same expression refers to the time after the Abomination of Desolation.
260 A flood of water is often used as a metaphor for a large army (cf. Isaiah 59:19, Jeremiah 46:7-8, Daniel 9:26, 11:22).
Just as the Egyptians pursued the Israelites into the wilderness, and were destroyed by God in the Red Sea, so too will
the Antichrist send his army in pursuit of the righteous who flee into the wilderness. Like Pharaoh’s army, they too
will be destroyed by God’s intervention.
261 Not all Christians will flee to the places of safety. Many will abandon the Faith thinking that they are saving their
lives and maintaining their lifestyle. Jesus warned of this when He said, “Remember Lot’s wife. Whoever seeks to save his
life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it,” (Luke 17:32-33). Others may remain behind and stand boldly
against the Antichrist, following the example of the two prophets (v. 11). However, the majority of those left behind
will be those who are “offended” and fall away from the Faith when the pressure is on. Jesus said that the love of most
of His followers will grow cold during this time, and that they will succumb to false prophets and bondage to sin. Only
those who “endure to the end shall be saved” (Matt. 24:9-13). Paul called this the “apostasy” which he linked to the
revealing of the “Man of Sin,” (2 Thess. 2:1-4).
262 John’s second epistle was addressed to “the chosen mistress and her children” (ἐκλεκτῇ κυρίᾳ καὶ τοῖς τέκνοις),
identifying Christians as the real subject of this prophecy about the woman and her offspring. The word “κυρίᾳ“
(mistress) was first used of Sarah (Gen. 16:4,8,9 LXX). Collectively all of the redeemed are the “woman,” the “Daughter
of Zion,” but individually they are children of Sarah.
263 The dragon will only pursue those remnants that continue to obey God’s commands and hold firmly to the Gospel
265 The Mediterranean Sea, represents the Gentile nations (Dan. 7:2-3; Rev. 17:15).
blasphemous names. 2 And the beast I observed was like a leopard,268 and its feet like the
feet of a bear,269 and its mouth like the mouth of a lion.270 And the dragon gave his power
to it, his throne, and his great authority.271 3 And I saw one of its heads,272 as having been
wounded unto death, and its blow of death was healed. And the whole land marveled
after the beast.273 4 And they worshipped the dragon that gave authority to the beast; and
they worshipped the beast, saying: “Who is like the beast? Who is able to battle with it?”
5 And a mouth was given to it, speaking great things and blasphemies. 274 And it was
given authority to act for forty-two months.275 6 And it opened its mouth with blasphemy
against God, to blaspheme His name, and His Tent,276 and those who dwell in the sky.277
7 And to it was granted to battle with the holy ones and to conquer them.278 And authority
was granted to it over every tribe, people, language, and nation. 8 And all those
dwelling279 on the land280 shall worship him281 whose name282 has not been written in the
268 The seven-headed beast having features of a leopard indicates that the final kingdom will possess some features of
the kingdom of Alexander the Great (Dan. 7:6).
269 The Persian empire was likened to a bear (Dan. 7:5).
271 The dragon gives his power, throne, and authority to the beast. This parallels the Father’s giving His authority to
one of these heads (former king/kingdom) must refer to the renewal of one of the ancient kings/kingdoms.
273 The beast is the eighth, but is also one of the seven former kings (Rev. 17:11). Thus, the Antichrist is a resurrected
275 This is the period of Jerusalem’s trampling underfoot following the testimony of the two witnesses (Rev. 11:2).
276 Thayer – “Tent, tabernacle, of that well known movable temple of God after the pattern of which the temple at
Jerusalem was built.” Even the restored New Jerusalem in all its glory is called God’s “Tent” (Rev. 21:3).
277 Michael and his messengers continued to dwell in the sky while The Adversary and his messengers had just been
280 The term, “on the land” could refer to a particular country – Israel, or to all of the inhabited land.
281 The neuter pronoun (it) has been previously used because “beast” is neuter in Greek and a pronoun must agree with
its antecedent in gender. It is therefore significant that John switched here to the masculine pronoun (him) when giving
the interpretation of the vision. This indicates that “the beast” definitely represents a man. (cf. verse 18). Paul described
him as “the Man of Sin, the Son of Destruction, the one opposing and self-exalting above every named god or worshipped thing,
so also as a god to appoint himself into the Temple of God, portraying himself that he is a god … whose arrival is in accord with
the energy of The Adversary with all power, and signs, and false miracles, and with every deception of injustice …” (2 Thess. 2:3-
282 The latest revisions of the Critical Texts (Nestle-Aland 26th edition & United Bible Society 3 rd edition) have οὗ
(“whose” singular) γέγραπται (“has [not] been written” singular) τὸ ὄνομα (“the name” singular). While this is a
minority reading, it is very old and solves a grammatical problem because the singular verb “is [not] written” agrees
with the singular “whose.” Most manuscripts have the plural “whose” with the singular verb “has been written,” which
is grammatically incorrect in Greek. The LGV follows the Critical Text here which solves the grammatical problem
following a very old but rare reading. The effect is this: The text says that Antichrist’s name has not been written in the
Book of Life rather than the people who worship him.
Book of Life of the Lamb – the one having been slain because of the casting down of the
283 The clause, “casting down of the world” refers to the overthrow of the original Divine order by the entrance of sin, and
the subsequent curse put upon God’s creation.
284 This was a common expression that Jesus used in the Gospels (Matt. 11:15; Matt. 13:9,43) as a play on Isaiah’s
statement (Matt. 13:15-16) and in the seven letters (Rev. 2:7,11,17,29; Rev. 3:6,13,22), indicating that this message is from
Jesus Himself. For this reason it is in red type here.
285 See: Jer. 15:2. The TR/KJV/NKJV adds the word συνάγει (“if anyone leads into captivity”) but this has no support from
the majority and the oldest manuscripts. Some early mss. have “If anyone holds captivity, he departs.”
286 The majority and TR have ἀποκτενεῖ “kills” (active voice) but a few manuscripts have “is killed” (passive voice).
287 This passage apparently was meant to remind Christians of Jesus’ words to Peter in Matthew 26:52. Just as it was
wrong for Peter to resist Jesus’ arrest because He was destined for the cross, so also it will be wrong for Christians to
use force to resist the persecution of the Antichrist. Those who use force or violence to resist capture will be killed. This
is a warning to the foolish or ignorant “remnants” of the woman’s descendants who do not flee to the places of safety,
and now find themselves facing the mark of the Beast.
288 Being passive in the face of capture and captivity will require great endurance and faith by those who did not heed
with his brother Yeshua who was eager to transform Jerusalem into a pagan Greek city. In his apostasy, Yeshua
changed his Hebrew name to the Greek name, Jason. He is the one who Hellenized the priesthood and received
Antiochus into Jerusalem with great pomp. It was the resistance by some of the remaining faithful priests against the
Hellenization of Judea that led to the first “abomination of desolation” by Antiochus.
290 This appears to be a reference to the land of Israel.
291 This reenacts the showdown between Elijah and the false prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:20-38; 2 Kings 1:10-14), with
the opposite outcome. Elijah will herald the coming of the Messiah for the Jews (Mal. 4:5-6) as one of the two witnesses
(Rev. 11). After the 2 Witnesses are relocated to the prepared place of safety, the “False Prophet” attempts to outdo
Elijah in order to deceive Israel. (See also Moses’ contest with Pharaoh’s magicians in Ex. 7).
292 The Majority Text reads, “And it deceives my own people who dwell on the land,” but the Alexandrian Text and Textus
Receptus have “those who dwell on the land.” This refers specifically to Israelites.
293 Placing this speaking image of the Beast within the Holy of Holies in the Temple is the “Abomination of Desolation.”
According to Daniel, the “abomination of desolation” will be “set up” in the Temple (Dan. 12:11). The Greek word
rendered “abomination” almost always refers to idolatry in Scripture. Jesus said the abomination of desolation, spoken
blow of the sword and lives. 15 And to it was granted to give breath to the image of the
beast so that the image of the beast should speak and should require as many as may not
worship the image of the beast should be killed. 16 And it requires all, small and great,
rich and poor, free and bond that they should receive a mark294 on their right hand or on
their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell without having the mark, the name
of the beast, or the number of its name.295 18 Here is wisdom: Let him that has
understanding decode296 the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His
number is six-hundred-sixty-six.297
Chapter 14
The 144,000 Sethites, King Jesus’ choral entourage in the Kingdom
And I observed, and look, a Lamb having stood up298 on Mount Zion,299 and with Him
one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His name300 and His Father's name301
written on their foreheads.302 2 And I heard a sound [coming] from the sky,303 like the
voice of many waters, like the sound of loud thunder. And the voice I heard was like lyre
singers playing their lyres. 3 They304 sing a new song before the throne, before the four
living creatures, and the elders. And no one was able to learn the song except the hundred
of by Daniel the prophet, will be “standing where it ought not,” (Mark 13:14). Note the use of the neuter pronoun, “it,”
referring to an object, not a man. Jesus indicated that this is the signal for the faithful to flee immediately – the speaking
image of the Antichrist being placed in the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem.
294 The Greek word “χάραγμα” (mark) means an “engraving.” Seals were typically “engraved” in metal, and then used
to stamp their image onto something. “Deissmann (Bible Studies, pp. 240ff) shows that in the papyri official business
documents often have the name and image of the emperor, with the date as the official stamp or seal, and with “χάραγμα” as the
name of this seal.” (A.T. Robertson, Word Pictures). The “mark” may be a logo impression, not unlike a registered
trademark logo used by many corporations.
295 “The number of its name” may either imply a number associated with the beast’s name, or that the name itself has
the numerical value of six-hundred, sixty, six (since all Greek letters also corresponded to numbers).
296 ψηφίζω – Friburg Greek Lexicon: “(1) strictly reckon or calculate with pebbles, hence count up, reckon, add up; (2) figure
means “risen master.” This could indicate a pledge of loyalty to the resurrected Antiochus Epiphanies, whose title
“Epiphanies” means “God manifested” (See: 2 Thess. 2:3-4).
298 The Greek word rendered “having stood up” frequently refers to someone taking a bold authoritative stance or
position of power, (see: 2 Kings 10:4 LXX; Psalm 94:16 LXX; Isa. 44:11 LXX; Isa. 47:13 LXX; Dan. 12:1 LXX). The perfect
tense implies that the Lamb has taken the power and authority on Mt. Zion (Jerusalem), just as His Father promised
Him in Psalm 2. This implies a Kingdom setting for this passage.
299 Mt. Zion is Jerusalem in Israel (Isaiah 4:3-6; Isa. 52:1-2). This takes place after Jerusalem’s restoration in the Kingdom.
301 According to the Septuagint, the sons of Seth “hoped [in the coming Savior], taking to themselves the name of the Master
God.” (Gen. 4:26 LXX). This shows a covenant relationship with God, and explains why both the Father’s name and the
name of the Lamb are written on their foreheads.
302 Rev. 3:12
303 The music is coming from the sky, but the Lamb and these 144,000 are on Mt. Zion, in Jerusalem.
304 Celestial “lyre singers” implies voice and string accompaniment. This is an angelic choir & orchestra.
and forty-four thousand,305 those having been redeemed from the land. 4 These are the
ones who were not defiled with women,306 for they are virgins.307 These are the ones
following the Lamb wherever He may lead.308 These were redeemed from beside309 men
– firstfruits310 to God and to the Lamb. 5 And in their mouth was found no deceit, for they
are flawless.311
305 The celestial choir teaches the “new song” to the 144,000 who are with the Lamb in Jerusalem. This scene obviously
takes place after the return of Jesus. This is obviously after the pattern David established, arranging choirs and
instrumentalists to offer continual praise outside the “Tabernacle of David” which temporarily housed the Ark of the
Covenant (1 Chron. 15—16). See also: Isa. 16:5; Amos 9:11; Acts 15:16.
306 Those “defiled with women” were the sons of Seth who were in a covenant relationship with God but intermarried
with the “daughters of men” (the line of Cain). See Gen. 6:1-3 LXX where they are clearly called “men.” The Septuagint
reads, “My Breath shall surely not remain among these men forever.”
307 Scripture frequently uses sexual purity (virginity) or the lack thereof (fornication / adultery) as metaphors for
faithfulness or unfaithfulness to God’s covenants. That “” (virgins) is used here as a metaphor for faithfulness
to God is apparent because the noun is feminine in gender. This feminine term was never applied literally to males in
koine Greek or in Scripture when referring to sexuality. The term “virgin” here literally means a pure young woman
of marriageable age, (see: Strong’s #3933). Since the literal interpretation is impossible, it is clearly a metaphor for
covenantal purity.
308 These 144,000 will be the Anointed King’s entourage of singers wherever He goes in the coming Kingdom.
309 The Greek preposition is “” which means “from beside,” while “” means “from among.” Here it refers to the
Sethites’ separation from the rest of Adam’s children, to remain unpolluted in their covenantal relationship with God,
(see: Gen. 4:26 LXX).
310 These are the very first covenant people, seven generations from Adam through Seth to Enoch. The generations of
Seth after Enoch were polluted by their intermarriage with pagan women (1 Pet. 3:18-20; Josephus, Antiquities, Bk. I,
ch. 2-3), the exceptions being Noah, his father Lamech, and grandfather Methuselah. Only Noah and his family were
spared the destruction that occurred because of the apostasy of the Sethites.
311 The Textus Receptus adds, “before the throne of God.”
312 The order of the following five “messengers” provides a complete overview of the sequence of major events in
313 The first messenger (vss. 6-7) announces the permanent Good-message, and describes the judgments that will be
unleashed during the first half of the 70th Week, as indicated in the first four Trumpets, corresponding to the 1260-day
preaching of the two Witnesses who call down these judgments (Rev. 11:1-13).
314 The “permanent Good-message” is what was proclaimed to Abraham (Gal. 3:8), the permanent inheritance of the
Land (Gen. 13:15 LXX; Gen. 17:8 LXX; Gen. 28:4,13 LXX; Gen. 35:12 LXX; Gen. 48:4 LXX; Gal. 3:16,18,26-29).
315 The sky, land, sea, and springs are mentioned here because this refers to the first four Trumpet judgments which are
kings will then immediately give their power to the beast and destroy Babylon the Great, which is Rome, (Rev. 17).
of the wrath of her fornication.”317 9 And another messenger,318 a third, followed them,
saying with a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives the
mark on his forehead or on his hand, 10 he also shall drink of the wine of the wrath of
God which is mixed undiluted in the cup of His wrath.319 And he shall be tormented in
fire and sulfur320 in view of the holy messengers and in view of the Lamb. 11 And the
smoke of their torment ascends unto ages of ages,321 and they have no relief day or night
– those who are worshipping322 the beast and its image – and if anyone receives the mark
of its name.” 12 Here is the endurance of the holy ones, the ones keeping the commands
of God and the faith of Jesus.323 13 And I heard a voice from the sky saying to me: “Write:
‘Blessed are the dead, those dying in the Master from this time. Yes,’ says the Breath, ‘so
that they may be refreshed324 from their toils and their deeds are following with them.”
317 See chapter 17-18 where the fall of Babylon is described in detail.
318 The third messenger (vss. 9-13) describes the beast system, its mark, and the worship of the image described in
chapter 13. This occurs throughout the last half of the 70th week.
319 This is a reference to the bowls of wrath which are to be poured out just before Jesus returns (Rev. 15:1).
320 At the 6th trumpet (which overlaps the bowls of wrath), a third of mankind is tormented and killed by fire and
looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain; and he saw, and behold, the smoke of the land which
went up like the smoke of a furnace” (Gen 19:28). The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was “an example of eternal fire”
(Jude 1:7). Yet Sodom did not burn perpetually, but rather permanently. Exactly the same expression is used of the
destruction of Mystery Babylon (Rev. 19:3), “Her smoke goes up unto the ages of the ages!” Yet her total destruction is also
said to be “in one hour” (Rev. 18:10,17,19), with nothing being left at all. “With this kind of violence Babylon the great city
shall be thrown down and shall not be found, not anymore” (Rev. 18:21). There is no reason to suppose that this passage
teaches eternal torment based on this expression alone. That question must be decided on other grounds.
322 The use of the present participle here (those who are worshipping) in conjunction with the present indicative verb
“have” shows that the torment coincides in time with their worshipping the beast. In other words, the “torment” is
while they are alive and worshipping the beast.
323 Objective genitive, meaning the faith concerning Jesus, not Jesus’ own faith. See also Rom. 3:22; Gal. 2:16; Gal. 3:22;
Phil. 3:9.
324 They are refreshed in the resurrection when their deeds follow them into the Kingdom inheritance.
326 The fourth “messenger” (vss. 14-16) corresponds to Jesus’ gathering His elect “immediately after the tribulation”
(Matt. 24:29-31).
327 Lit. “send”
a sharp sickle. 18 And another messenger came out from the altar, having authority over
fire, and he called with a loud voice to the one having the sharp sickle, saying: “Swing
your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the land, for her grapes have
ripened.” 19 So the messenger swung his sickle into the land and gathered the grape
vine330 of the land, and threw it into the great vat of the wrath of God. 331 20 And the vat
was trampled332 outside the city. And blood came out of the vat up to the horses’ bridles333
for one thousand six hundred measures.334
Chapter 15
The Victorious Holy Ones Singing in the Great Tribulation
And I saw another sign in the sky, great and marvelous: seven messengers having the
seven last blows, because in them the wrath of God was finished. 2 And I saw a sea as
glass,335 having been mixed with fire.336 And the ones who are conquering337 from the
Beast, and from his image, and from the number of his name, having come to stand338 on
the glassy sea, having lyres of God.339 3 And they are singing the song of Moses,340 the
servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying: “Great and marvelous are Your works,
Master, God, THE SOVEREIGN OVER ALL! Just and true are Your ways, King of the
329 The fifth “messenger” (vss. 17-20) announces the Battle of Armageddon which immediately follows the 70th week
(Rev. 19).
330 Not only the grapes, but the whole vine is cut down.
331 The “vat of the wrath of God” is in the “Valley of Jehoshaphat” according to Joel. 3:2,9-15 (cf. Rev. 19:15), which is
the Kidron Valley between the Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives.
332 Isa. 34:1-8; Isa. 63:1-4
334 The Greek word (σταδίον – neuter, not σταδίος – masculine) simply refers to a fixed unit of measurement. In Rev.
21:16 the length of a σταδίον (unit of measure) is deduced by comparing the dimensions of the New Jerusalem (also
given in σταδίον) to the dimensions provided by Ezekiel. (See notes on that passage). The “measure” in Rev. 21:16 was
18 feet in length. Therefore, 1,600 σταδίον would be 28,800 feet, about 5.5 miles. Some translations incorrectly have
1,600 “furlongs” or calculated out as “two hundred miles.” This is from confusing the neuter σταδίον (a fixed measure)
with the masculine σταδίος which refers to the Greek race course of about 600 ft, since both terms are spelled the same
when in the genitive case and plural number – σταδίων. A river of blood five feet deep for nearly 200 miles is utterly
impossible, since the Kidron Valley slowly descends from the east side of Jerusalem south and east, down to the Dead
Sea about 12 miles away. Note that this river of blood is “outside the city” of Jerusalem.
335 A sea as glass is a metaphor for a perfectly calm sea, no doubt pointing to Jesus’ calming the sea of Galilee when the
disciples were in fear of the ship sinking in the storm. “Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a
great calm.” (Matt 8:26)
336 The calm sea mixed with fire represents perfect peace and calm in the midst of intense tribulation.
337 Present continuous tense – they are in the process of conquering these things, thus still in persecution.
338 Perfect tense, “having come to stand,” pointing back to Jesus’ walking on the sea and Peter’s attempt to do so.
340 There are two songs by this title. One is in Deut. 32, which Moses taught the Israelites at the end of the 40 years of
wandering in the wilderness. The other is in Exodus 15:1-21 which spoke of God’s supernatural deliverance through
the plagues of Egypt, as well as defeating Pharaoh’s army in the Red Sea. This is the one referenced here since the
deliverance of God’s people in the last days is portrayed as a second exodus (Rev. 12).
nations!341 4 Who would not fear [You], Master, and glorify Your name? Because, You
alone are holy. Because, all the nations shall come and worship before You.342 Because,
Your righteous judgments have been manifested.”343
Chapter 16
And I heard a loud voice from the Temple saying to the seven messengers: “Depart and
pour the seven bowls of the wrath of God upon the land.” 2 And the first went and
poured his bowl upon the land and a vicious and malignant ulcer came upon men – those
having the mark of the beast and those worshipping its image. 348 3 And the second
messenger poured his bowl into the sea and it became as blood of a dead man. And every
living creature in the sea died.349 4 And the third messenger poured his bowl into the
rivers and into the springs of water, and they became blood. 5 And I heard the messenger
of the waters saying: “You are just, the One who is and who was, the Holy One, in that
You judged these things. 6 Because they shed the blood of holy ones and prophets. And
344 “Temple” here appears to refer to the Holy of Holies only, which housed only the Ark of the Covenant.
345 The “tent of witness” refers to the Tabernacle that Moses built. The “Temple of the tent of witness in the sky” refers
to the celestial Temple which was the pattern for the Tabernacle that Moses built. (Heb. 8:5; Heb. 9:11-12,23-24).
346 It is significant that the final wrath of God proceeds from the very place where the atoning sacrifice of Jesus’ blood
was offered.
347 Rev. 4:6-9
348 It is significant that the bowls of wrath, which are the most severe blows of all, are specifically targeted at those who
worship the Beast and take his mark. The obvious intent is to show that God’s wrath is selective and that He
distinguishes between the wicked and righteous when He pours out His judgments. Psalm 91 predicts these same
judgments with precisely the same message.
349 While the trumpet judgments called down earlier by the two Prophets are similar in nature, they are different in
magnitude. During the second trumpet judgment only a third of the creatures in the sea die (Rev. 8:8-9), but during the
second bowl judgment, all creatures of the sea die. The other trumpet judgments also reflect a third, while the bowl
judgments are universal. The trumpet judgments, therefore, are a warning and prelude of what is to come if people
refuse to repent at the preaching of the two Prophets.
You gave them blood to drink,350 as they deserve.” 7 And I heard [a voice] from the altar
saying: “Yes, Master God, SOVEREIGN OVER ALL, true and just are Your verdicts.”351
8 Then the fourth messenger poured his bowl upon the sun, and it was granted to him to
burn men with fire. 9 And men were burned with severe burns, and men cursed the name
of God, the One having authority over these blows. And they did not repent, to give Him
glory.352 10 And the fifth messenger poured his bowl upon the throne of the Beast, and its
kingdom became darkened353 and they gnawed their tongues out of misery. 11 And they
cursed the God of the sky because of their miseries and their ulcers,354 and they did not
repent of their deeds.355 12 And the sixth messenger poured his bowl upon the great river,
the Euphrates, and its water dried up, so the way of the kings from the rising sun356 might
be prepared. 13 And I observed [coming] out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth
of the Beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean breaths like frogs.
14 For they are breaths of demons performing signs, which spread out over the kings of
the whole world, to collect them unto the battle of the great Day of God, 357 THE
for those whom God no longer grants repentance is to curse God and await His damnation, (Rom. 1:18-32; Heb. 10:26-
353 The same plague occurred in Egypt just before the Israelites’ deliverance, and lasted three days. Yet the Israelites in
Goshen had light (Exodus 10:21-23). Here, the darkness is limited to the Kingdom of the Beast. Those in the places of
safety will have light.
354 These blows are compounding rather than sequential. During the 5 th bowl judgment (vs. 11), people are still suffering
358 These words of Jesus are one final warning to His own, that His coming is now imminent (cf. Matt. 24:43-44; 1 Thess.
5:2; 2 Pet. 3:10). It is not imminent until the armies begin to gather for the battle of Armageddon after the first six bowl
359 Mark 13:32-37; Luke 21:36
360 Guarding one’s garments means to keep from soiling them with sin, (Rev. 3:4; Rev. 7:14).
361 Here Jesus reminds the reader of His warning to Laodicea, (Rev. 3:18).
362 While the unclean breaths deceive the kings of the land to come with their armies to Jerusalem, it is the Son who
spoke the words in vs. 15 who ultimately gathers them for judgment and destruction (Joel 3:9-18 & Zech. 14:2).
363 Literally, “Mountain of Megiddo.” Megiddo is a very large plain about 50 miles north of Jerusalem. It is the place
where the armies of the nations will assemble prior to their attack on Jerusalem. It is not the location of the final battle
itself, which will be around Jerusalem (Zech. 14:1-9). Megiddo is overlooked from the south-east by Mt. Carmel, which
was Elijah’s place of hiding and will be the primary place of refuge for Christians who flee from Judea (Micah 7:14-15;
Chapter 17
Interlude: The Destruction of Mystery Babylon371
And one of the seven messengers having the seven bowls372 came and spoke with me,
saying: “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute, the one sitting on
many waters, 2 with whom the kings of the land fornicated, and those dwelling on the
Matt. 24:15-21). These faithful believers will be able to watch the gathering of the armies from their vantage point in
the caves of Carmel. This is probably why the text refers to “Armageddon” (Mountain of Megiddo) rather than merely
“Megiddo” which is a valley. This is also why the exhortation to the believers in hiding was placed here in the text as
a parenthetical statement. They will literally see the armies assemble as the sign to get ready for Jesus’ imminent arrival.
364 Isaiah 24:19-23; Ezekiel 38:19-23; Zech. 14:4-5; Rev. 6:12.
366 This three-part division of Jerusalem is interesting in light of the fact that it has a designated section for Catholic and
Orthodox Christians, another section designated as Jewish, and a third section designated as Muslim. Compare
Zechariah 13:7-9 which may refer to the Jewish remnant being refined and ultimately saved at Jesus’ return. This is
also the 144,000 orthodox Jews, 12,000 from each tribe, mentioned in Revelation 7, sealed for protection until Jesus
returns. They will apparently remain in Jerusalem’s Jewish section and the Antichrist, whom they will reject, will not
be able to touch them. These are the ones who will flee to the valley caused by the great earthquake splitting the Mount
of Olives when the feet of Jesus the Anointed touch it, (Zech. 14:4-5).
367 This is probably a reference to the capitol cities of every nation as a signal that the dominion of the nations has come
While John was observing in vision the future destruction of all these cities through symbolic representations, God was
being urged to carry out the same judgment upon Babylon the Great (Rome), the one persecuting God’s people at the
time Revelation was written. Babylon the Great was “recalled before God” (by celestial messengers) at the time of
John’s vision, not at the time that the prophesied events were appointed to occur.
369 A talent was a measurement of weight, about 120 lbs.
370 Comets consist of rock and ice. This final bowl of wrath very likely corresponds to Jesus’ statement in the Olivet
Discourse about the stars of the sky falling to the ground, (cf. Matt. 24:29-30 & Rev. 6:12-13).
371 Mystery Babylon is destroyed when Antichrist comes to power (Rev. 14:8). It is carried out by God through the 10
kings at the time they abdicate their authority to the Antichrist (Dan. 7:7-8,11,23; Rev. 17:12-18).
372 This is the seventh messenger who announced the seventh bowl judgement. This same messenger accompanies John
throughout the remainder Revelation, providing explanatory information and the closing message from Jesus Himself
(cf. Rev. 19:9; Rev. 21:9; Rev. 22:6-
land became drunk from the wine of her fornication.” 3 And he carried me in the Breath373
into a wilderness. And I saw a woman374 sitting on a red375 beast being full of names of
blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.376 4 And the woman was dressed in purple
and red, adorned with gold and valuable gems and pearls, having a golden cup in her
hand, being full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. 5 And on her
forehead a name had been written: “Mystery, Babylon377 the Great, The Mother of
Prostitutes378 and of the Abominations of the Land.” 6 I observed the woman being drunk
from the blood of the holy ones and from the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.379 And when
I saw her, I marveled with great amazement. 7 And the messenger said to me: “Why did
you marvel? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and of the beast carrying
her380 – the one having the seven heads and the ten horns. 8 The beast which you observed
was, and is not, and is about to ascend out of the deep381 and is going to destruction.382
And those dwelling on the land shall marvel, (the ones whose names have not been
written in the Book of Life since the casting down of the world383), observing the beast
that was, and is not, and shall be again.384
377 ”Babylon” was a code word for Rome among the early Christians (See: Tertullian, An Answer to the Jews, ch. 9;
Against Marcion, Bk. III, ch. 13). Peter used this code in his first epistle written from Rome (1 Pet. 5:13).
378 The assembly in Rome became a “prostitute” when the “Christian” emperor Constantine seduced the local
assemblies, who married the pagan Roman government to Christianity in AD325. Many of the local assemblies within
the Roman Empire united themselves with the state for political power. They were seduced away from Jesus the
Anointed and began to persecute other Christian assemblies which would not align themselves with Rome. Rome
became a pseudo-Christian empire. After the fall of imperial Rome, religious Rome, the spouse of the emperor,
continued and remains to this day centered in the Vatican.
379 Pagan Rome slaughtered the Apostles and many true Christians, but the Roman Church, having merged with the
state and become a prostitute, has slaughtered many more in the name of maintaining her political power over nations
and kings.
380 While the Adversary himself is restrained by Michael (2 Thess. 2:6-7, cf. Dan. 10:
381 Note the contrast here to the Man Child being caught up to the sky – Jesus’ ascension to the right hand of God in
fulfillment of Psalm 110:1. The “beast” who was, but will ascend out of the abyss (Rev. 11:7), has been concealed and
restrained, but will come forth to kill the two witnesses.
382 v. 11
383 See footnote for Rev. 13:8. Names have been recorded in the Book of Life since “the casting down of the world” (when
the Adversary took the dominion from Adam). The names recorded in the book since that time belong to those who
will be spared the final judgment – the second death (Rev. 20:14-15).
384 Certain kings in the past have been literally possessed by the Adversary himself. However, he is restrained from
this kind of activity during this Christian age (2 Thess. 2:6-7), which is why John wrote that currently he “is not.” The
9 Here is the mind having wisdom: The seven heads are seven hills. There the woman is
seated on them.385 10 There are also seven kings.386 Five have fallen, one is, and the other
has not yet come.387 And whenever he should come, he must continue briefly. 11 And the
beast that used to be, and is not, also is the eighth, and is from the seven,388 and is going
to destruction.389 12 And the ten horns which you observed are ten kings who have not
last human being he took full possession of was Judas Iscariot – “the Adversary entered him” (Luke 22:3; John 13:27).
His next full possession of a human will be Antichrist. Thus John used the same term for Judas (“the son of perdition”
– John 17:12) that Paul previously used for Antichrist (2 Thess. 2:3). While restrained now, the Adversary operates in a
limited way through “Mystery Babylon,” which is why she is portrayed as riding the beast who was, is not, but will be
385 Rome is the city on seven hills. She was seated there when John wrote Revelation.
386 There is no consensus among biblical scholars concerning the identity of these seven kings. Exegetes from different
eschatological camps attempt to identify them in concert with their overall eschatology. But none seem to fit well.
387 The “seven kings” are likely the kings and their dominions the Adversary has used in his attempt to overthrow God.
Of these, five had already “fallen” in John’s day by God’s direct intervention. These seven are likely as follows:
1. Adam’s dominion was stolen by the trickery of the serpent (Luke 4:6), then ruled through Cain and his
progeny (Gen. 4:17; 1 Jn. 3:12). This Satanic kingdom fell with the great flood.
2. Nimrod’s Babel, replacing God with false deities/demons and pagan mythologies (Gen. 10:8-12; 11:1-9). This
Satanic kingdom fell when God confounded the languages.
3. Egypt under Pharaoh who attempted to kill all of the Hebrew boys and thwart God’s covenant (Ex. 1:8-22).
This Satanic kingdom fell by God’s ten plagues and the destruction of Pharaoh’s army in the Red Sea.
4. Tyre in Ezekiel’s day whose “king” sinned formerly in the Garden of Eden (Ezek. 28:12-19). This Satanic
kingdom fell when God’s sent Nebuchadnezzar to overthrow it (Ezek. 26:1-9).
5. The Seleucid Empire of Antiochus IV who forced Israel to abandon God and His Covenant (Dan. 8:9-12; 10:21-
39). This Satanic kingdom fell when the Maccabees defeated the Syrians & Antiochus died by a plague.
6. Rome in John’s day, seeking to exterminate Christians, by which John was currently imprisoned. The Roman
emperors who attempted to destroy Christianity were: Nero, Domitian, Trajan, Marcus Aurelius, Severus,
Maximus, Decius, Valerian, Aurelian, Diocletian.
7. Nazi Germany under Hitler sought to exterminate the Jews and bring in the Millennium (the Third Reich, a
revival of the Holy Roman Empire). He was to “continue briefly” (12 years, 1933-1945)
388 The 8th king is the second coming of one of the seven previous kings – most likely Antiochus Epiphanies resurrected.
He is also the one head among the seven that was wounded to death but his deadly wound healed (Rev. 13:3). This
satanic beast will be revived when Antichrist, who was previously the fifth king, becomes the eighth king. His chosen
name “Epiphanes” meant “God manifest” (cf. 2 Thess. 2:4). However, he was called “Epimanes” (meaning “mad one”)
by some of his contemporaries. Daniel 8:9-14 & 23-26 prophesies of Antiochus Epiphanies IV as though he will be the
Antichrist at the time of Jesus’ return. Daniel 11:21-45 does the same thing, describing the reign of Antiochus as
continuing or existing when the “time of trouble” occurs (Dan. 12:1-2). That the Antichrist is Antiochus Epiphanies IV
resurrected is made virtually certain by the fact that the 2,300 days that Antiochus would cause the Temple to be
desolate (Dan. 8:14) is the sum total of the days it was made desolate by him in 168BC – 165BC plus the 42 months of
its desolation in Revelation. The desolation by Antiochus in 168 BC was said to last exactly 3 years. Judah Maccabee
cleansed the Temple on the 3rd-year anniversary of its defilement according to Josephus. 36 lunar months minus one
day (on which the Temple was cleansed) leaves 1061 days of defilement. Add to this the 42 lunar months of Rev. 13:5
(1239 days) that the Temple will be desolate under Antichrist and you have exactly 2300 days, the total number of days
that Daniel 8 states that Antiochus would cause the Temple to be desolate. Thus Antichrist is Antiochus whose deadly
wound is healed. He was struck down by God in 164 BC, but will be resurrected in the end times to become the
Antichrist. This is also likely why Jesus said, “When you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, let
the reader understand” (Matt. 24:15). According to Daniel 11:31, the “abomination of desolation” was committed by
Antiochus Epiphanies, yet Jesus’ statement means that this act will be repeated again in the end times.
389 vs. 8
yet received a kingdom,390 but they receive authority as kings for one hour with the beast.
13 These have one mind, and give their power and authority to the beast.391 14 These will
do battle with the Lamb, and the Lamb will defeat them, because He is Master of masters
and King of kings. And those who are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful.” 15
And he says to me: “The waters which you saw, where the prostitute is sitting, are
peoples and throngs and nations and languages.392 16 Also, the ten horns which you
observed, and the Beast, these will hate the prostitute, and having plundered [her], will
strip her naked, and will eat her flesh, and will burn her down with fire. 393 17 For God
implanted into their hearts to do His purpose, and to be of one purpose, and to give their
kingdom to the beast until the words of God shall be fulfilled.394 18 And the woman whom
you observed is the city, the great one, the one having dominion over the kings of the
Chapter 18
After these things I observed another messenger descending from the sky, having great
authority, and the land was illuminated from his glory.396 2 And he called with a strong
voice, saying: “Babylon the Great fell! fell!397 and became the home of demons, and the
cage for every unclean breath, and the cage for every filthy and detestable bird, 3 because
all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and [because] the
kings of the land fornicated with her,398 and [because] the merchants of the land were
enriched through her capacity for indulgence.” 4 (And I heard another voice from the sky
saying: “Flee from her, My399 people,400 so that you may have no fellowship with her sins,
and so that you may not receive her blows, 5 because her sins have piled up to the sky,
390 These ten kings are the 10 toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s image, (Dan. 2:42-44). Daniel writes, “In the days of these [10]
kings the God of heaven will set up a Kingdom which shall never be destroyed” (NKJV). They are also the ten horns on the
fourth beast (Rome) in Dan. 7:7,20,24.
391 In Daniel 7:11-12, the ten kings have their dominion taken away (transferred to the “little horn” – Antichrist) but
they continue for the brief time of the reign of the “little horn” after they together destroy the 4 th Beast (Rome) by fire.
392 Since waters (seas) represent the Gentile nations, and since the beast of Rev. 13 comes up out of the sea, the Antichrist
must be a Gentile.
393 While Satanic power carries the prostitute, and props her up for a while, when the Adversary is finished with her,
he will use his minions to destroy Rome. God puts it in their hearts because He is also judging her for her prostitution.
394 The 10 kings will destroy Mystery Babylon (Rome) at the time they give their power to the Beast (Antichrist). Since
he will reign for 42 months (Rev. 13:5), Babylon will be destroyed at the mid-point of the final 7 years. See also the
declaration of the three messengers in chapter 14 which confirm this timing.
395 Here, all doubt is removed. The prostitute is Rome, the only city that was reigning (present tense) over the kings of
397 The verb is in the active voice, implying that her fall is the result of her own doings, the result of her being drunk,
(Rev. 17:6).
398 Rome, which claims to be the spouse of Jesus, has “fornicated” with all the kings of the land.
399 Jesus calls out to His own to flee from Rome, referring to God in the third person.
400 Despite the magnitude of her sins, Rome still has some who belong to Jesus the Anointed.
and God has recalled her iniquities”). 6 “Pay back to her as also she paid. And double to
her twice, also according to her deeds. In the cup that she mixed, mix for her double. 7
As much as she glorified herself and indulged, give to her that much torment and sorrow.
Because in her heart she says, ‘I shall not see sorrow, because I sit as queen. I am no
widow!’401 8 For this, her blows will come in one day, death, sorrow, and famine. And she
shall be burned down with fire, because the Master God, the One judging her, is
powerful. 9 Also, the kings of the land, who fornicated and indulged with her, shall
lament and mourn over her when they see the smoke of her burning. 10 Having stood far
off for fear of her torment, they exclaim, ‘Alas! Alas! the great city, Babylon, the mighty
city, that your judgment came in one hour!’ 11 Also, the merchants of the land weep and
mourn over her, (because no one buys their cargo anymore: 12 cargo of gold, silver,
precious stones, pearls, fine linen, purple, silk, scarlet, every citron wood, 402 every ivory
instrument, and every instrument of precious wood, bronze, iron, and marble, 13 also
cinnamon, incense, perfume, frankincense, wine, oil, fine flour, wheat, cattle, sheep,
horses, chariots, and the bodies and souls403 of men.) 14 The satisfaction of your yearning
soul has left you, and all the elegant and gaudy things have perished from you, and they
shall not be found, not anymore. 15 And the merchants of these things who were enriched
from her shall stand far off from fear of her torment, lamenting and mourning, 16 and
saying, ‘Alas! Alas! The great city, the one having been clothed in linen, purple and
scarlet, and having been gilded with gold, precious stones, and pearls, 17 that in one hour
so much wealth was destroyed.’ And every helmsman, and the whole [class] sailing by
that location,404 and sailors, and as many as work on the sea, stood far off 18 and cried
out, seeing the smoke of her burning, saying, ‘Is there any [other] like this great city?’ 19
And they threw dirt on their heads, and cried, weeping and mourning, exclaiming, ‘Alas!
Alas! the great city, in which were enriched through her wealth all those having ships on
the sea, that she was destroyed in one hour!’ 20 Sky, rejoice over her, also the holy ones
and the Emissaries405 and the prophets, because God carried out your sentence on her!”406
21 And a mighty messenger picked up a boulder, like a great millstone, and threw it into
401 When the assembly in Rome married Imperial Rome and the emperor Constantine in AD. 325, she became a whore.
When political Rome fell a century later, she became a widow. Yet, she lives like a queen. The language here was
borrowed from Isaiah 54 where the plundering of Jerusalem is compared to widowhood. Here Rome claims that she
will not see the same fate that she brought upon Jerusalem in AD 70.
402 The citrus, an odoriferous North African tree used as incense, prized by the ancient Greeks and Romans on account
she holds over the masses. She claims to wield the power to admit or deny “souls” entry into “heaven” – the “keys of
the Kingdom.” And in so doing, she gets people and kings to do her bidding. A review of the history of Europe will
bear this out.
404 Rome has one of the largest seaports on the Mediterranean Sea. In John’s day, Rome was the hub of sea-trade.
406 Both Imperial Rome and the Vatican sentenced many Christians to death by burning. Rome will receive the same
the sea, saying: “With this kind of violence Babylon the great city shall be thrown down
and shall not be found, not anymore.407 22 And the sound of lyre-singers, of musicians, of
flutists, and of trumpeters shall not be heard in you, not anymore. And no craftsman of
any trade shall be found in you, not anymore. And the sound of a mill shall not be heard
in you, not anymore. 23 And the light of a lamp shall not shine in you, not anymore. And
the voice of a bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you, not anymore; because your
merchants were the greatest of the land, because by your witchcraft all the nations were
deceived, 24 and [because] in her was found the blood of prophets and holy ones,408 and
of all those who had been slain on the land.”409
Chapter 19
After these things I heard [what sounded] like a loud voice of a great multitude in the
sky, saying: “Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power is of our God, 2 because true and
righteous are His verdicts, because He judged the great prostitute who was corrupting
the land with her fornication, and [because] He avenged the blood of His servants from
her hand.” 3 And a second time they said: “Hallelujah! Her smoke goes up unto the ages
of the ages!”410 4 And the twenty–four elders and the four creatures fell and worshipped
God sitting on the throne, saying: “Amen! Hallelujah!”
410 Smoke ascending “unto the ages of ages” points back to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. “Then he looked
toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain; and he saw, and behold, the smoke of the land which went up
like the smoke of a furnace” (Gen 19:28). This was “an example of eternal fire” (Jude 1:7). Sodom did not burn perpetually,
but permanently. The same is true of Mystery Babylon whose destruction is said to take place “in one hour” (Rev.
18:10,17,19), and she “shall not be found, not anymore.” (Rev. 18:21).
411 Jesus Christ, the Lamb, sits beside the Father on the Father’s throne (Psalm 110:1; Rev. 3:21).
412 The voice coming from the Throne of God cannot be from God Himself because the one speaking refers to Him as
“our God” (first person plural). The only one seated on the throne of God beside Him is the Son of God (Psalm 110:1;
Rev. 3:21). And He refers to the Father as both our God and His God (John 20:17).
413 Compare Rev. 11:17. It is not that God has not been ruling at all. Rather, during the 70 th Week, as the heavenly court
is seated (Dan. 7:9-10,13-14; Rev. 4-6), God has begun to take back to Himself the authority that He has delegated to the
governments and kings of the nations (cf. Exod. 9:13-16; Dan. 4:17,34-37; Rom. 13:1-7; 1 Pet. 2:13-14).
the wedding of the Lamb has arrived414 and His wife has prepared herself.”415 8 And it
was granted to her that she may be dressed in linen,416 bright and clean, (for the linen is
the righteousness of the holy ones). 9 And he417 says to me: “Write: ‘Blessed are those
having been invited418 to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’” And he says to me: “These
are the true words of God.” 10 And I fell before his feet to worship him.419 And he says to
me: “No! Look, I am a co-servant of you420 and of your brothers, of those who have the
testimony of Jesus. Worship God!421 For Jesus’ testimony is the Breath of the prophecy.”422
414 It is significant that the wedding of the Lamb is at the beginning of His reign, not at the beginning of the 7-year
tribulation. The pretribulation view has Jesus illicitly living with his bride in heaven for 7 years before His wedding.
415 The bride has prepared herself by purifying herself (2 Cor. 6:14 – 7:1), and remaining faithful to Jesus the Anointed
throughout the time of tribulation, (cf. Rev. 3:4-5,18; Rev. 7:14). She is only ready for the wedding at the very end.
416 Being dressed implies resurrection. See notes on Rev. 6:11.
417 The messenger accompanying John, showing him the destruction of Mystery Babylon
418 The verb is in the perfect tense. The invitations have already gone out at this time, (Matt. 25:1-13).
419 Note that even the celestial messengers refuse the worship of men. But Jesus accepted human worship on the land
(Matt. 2:11; 8:2; 9:18; 15:25; 14:33; 28:9,17) and in the sky (Rev. 5:11-14).
420 Heb. 1:14, cf. Rev. 22:9
421 Worship the One who originated the message, not the messenger.
422 The “Breath of Prophecy” is what inspired the Old Testament prophets. Peter called this the “breath of Christ” that
spoke through the prophets (1 Pet. 1:10-11). Here John informs us that those prophetic utterances were in fact the words
of Jesus Christ who was the one relaying God’s words through the prophets until He finally came in person to reveal
the Father (Heb. 1:1). Compare this statement to the closing words of each of the seven letters where Jesus is clearly the
speaker, yet the message is delivered to the seven assemblies via the “Breath.”
423 John’s point of observation changes from the sky to the land. He observed the sky parting. (cf. Rev. 6:14 & Isa. 34:4).
427 The Textus Receptus has καλεῖται (present tense) implying only the present continuous use of “Logos” as a name
for the Son of God. However the oldest and majority reading is κέκληται (perfect tense) which points to an event in
the past of being “named” followed by the continuous state of this being His name to the present.
428 Here John undeniably attests that the “Logos” of his Gospel prologue (John 1:1,14) was the name given to the Son
of God. This fact alone destroys Unitarianism. See also: Heb. 4:12; 1 Pet. 1:23; Rev. 20:4
429 “Armies” (στρατεύματα) refers to military forces (celestial messengers) not to Christians.
strike the nations. And He will shepherd430 them with an iron rod.431 And He treads the
vat of the wine of the fury and wrath of God,432 SOVEREIGN OVER ALL. 16 And He
has on His robe and on His thigh a name having been engraved, “King of kings, and
Master of masters.” 17 And I observed one messenger, standing in the sun. And he called
with a loud voice to all the birds flying in mid–sky, saying: “Come, assemble together for
the great feast from God,433 18 so that you may eat flesh of kings, flesh of captains, flesh
of strong men, flesh of horses and their riders, and flesh of all, free and slave, small and
great.” 19 And I observed the beast and the kings of the land and their armies having
been brought together434 to do battle435 against the One sitting on the horse and against
His army. 20 And the beast was captured, and [along] with it the false prophet 436 who
performed signs before it, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast
and those who worshipped its image. These two were thrown alive437 into the lake of fire
burning with sulfur. 21 And the rest438 were slain with the sword proceeding from the
mouth of the One sitting on the horse. And all the birds gorged themselves with their
Chapter 20
The Imprisonment of the Adversary for the Seventh Millennium
And I observed a messenger descending from the sky, having the key to the deep, and a
great chain in his hand. 2 And he seized the dragon,439 the ancient serpent, who is the
Slanderer and the Adversary,440 and he bound him for a thousand years. 3 And he threw
him into the deep and closed and sealed it over him, so that he could no longer deceive
the nations until the thousand years were expired. After these things he must be released
for a short time.
430 This is a direct quote from Psalm 2:9 LXX. Most significant is the fact that John quoted the Greek Old Testament
rather than the Hebrew, (which has “smash” rather than ”shepherd”). The verb rendered “shepherd” (ποιμανεῖ) in
both means to “tend (feed) a flock.”
431 To “shepherd them with a rod of iron” implies two things. First, the intent is not to destroy the nations, but to lead
them. Second, force will have to be used, at least initially. This verse, and the Psalm it quotes, are absolute proof that
amillennialism is false, because it proves that Jesus will lead the nations on the land after His second coming and cause
them to eventually submit to His Kingdom, (cf. Zech. 14:16-21).
432 Joel 3:13; Rev. 14:17-20
434 The verb is in the perfect tense and passive voice. They had been led here by the “lying breaths,” (Rev. 16:12-16).
435 They know why they are gathering, as a brazen attempt to overthrow Jesus and His angelic army at His coming.
440 The Majority Text adds, “the deceiver of the whole world.”
The 1,000-year Reign of the Anointed and His Holy Ones over the Nations
4 And I observed thrones and those seated on them, and authority to judge was given to
them. And the souls441 of those having been beheaded because of the testimony of Jesus,
even because of the Logos of God,442 who did not worship the beast or his image and did
not receive the mark on their forehead or on their hand, they also come to life and reign
with the Anointed a thousand years.443 5 (But the rest of the dead do not come to life until
the thousand years should expire). This is the first resurrection. 444 6 Blessed and holy is
the one having a part in the first resurrection. Over these the second death has no power,
but they shall be priests445 of God and of the Anointed, and shall reign with Him a
thousand years.
The Adversary’s Last Stand
7 And when the thousand years should expire, the Adversary will be released from his
prison. 8 And he will come out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the
land, Gog and Magog,446 to lead them together to the battle, whose number is as the sand
of the sea. 9 They went up across the [whole] width of the land, and surrounded the camp
of the holy ones and the beloved city.447 And fire from God448 fell from the sky and
consumed them. 10 And the Slanderer who deceived them was thrown into the lake of
fire and sulfur, the place where the Beast and the False Prophet also [were thrown], (and
they449 shall be tortured day and night unto the ages of the ages).450
distinguishes the martyrs of the tribulation from the larger group of faithful holy ones who John saw seated on thrones.
444 This statement rules out a pretribulation resurrection. (Compare 1 Cor. 15:22-25).
445 Peter stated that believers are now being prepared for a future priesthood, so they may offer sacrifices to God on
behalf of the people. “You also, as living stones, are being constructed [into] a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up
spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus the Anointed one.” (1 Peter 2:5 LGV). Hebrews concurs: “How much greater
the blood of the Anointed one, Who offered Himself flawless to God through the age-enduring Breath, will cleanse your conscience
from dead acts unto what is to be divine service to the living God!” (Heb. 9:14 LGV).
446 Ezekiel 38:1 – 39:20
447 Literally, “the city having been beloved,” which is restored Jerusalem, (Psalm 78:67-69; Psalm 87:2; Psalm 132:13-
448 God was the cause of fire falling from the sky.
449 ‘They’ refers to the Beast and False prophet who are tortured in Gehenna during the Kingdom. That the Adversary
is destroyed (not tortured forever) at the end of the Millennium is evident from Paul’s statement that “the last enemy
that will be destroyed is death” (1 Cor. 15:26) when Jesus returns the sovereignty of the whole creation back to the Father
after He has put down all rebellion. Revelation acknowledges the destruction of the ‘last enemy’ in verse 14. Gehenna
(Tophet – Jer. 7:31-33) was originally prepared for “the Slanderer and his messengers” (Isaiah 30:33; Matt. 25:41), but it
will eventually be cleansed and become “holy to the LORD” (Jer. 31:40) after the Millennium.
450 See note on Rev. 14:11.
Chapter 21
Interlude: The Restored Creation in the Kingdom458
And I observed renewed sky and renewed land,459 for the first460 sky and first land passed
by. And the sea is no more!461 2 And I saw the Holy City, renewed Jerusalem,462
451 The land and sky fleeing away is a metaphor for leaving no place to hide from God’s face, (cf. Amos 9:1-5; Isa. 2:19-
21; Rev. 6:15-17).
452 having been resurrected, (see v. 5).
453 All are condemned by their works, (Rom. 3:19-20; Gal. 2:16). Their only hope is to have their name written in the
Book of Life.
454 Amos 9:1-5
456 “Death” in Scripture is ceasing to be alive and conscious. Those who believe in the “immortality of the soul” view
death as the departure of a conscious ghost from the body. Yet, that view creates great difficulty in explaining the
“second death,” since in that view the second “death” means something completely different (eternal torment) from
the meaning of the first “death” (separation of the ghost from the body). See also Rev. 21:8.
457 Some of the dead are written in the Book of Life and are spared, those converted during the millennium.
458 The reason chapters 21-22 do not follow chronologically after chapter 20 (which brings us to the end of measured
time) is because the purpose of Revelation was to encourage the assemblies and call them to perseverance in light of
the Hope, the promised inheritance. Consequently, Revelation as the last inspired book ends with the most vivid and
inspirational vision and description of the Hope of the redeemed.
459 Isaiah 65:17; Isaiah 66:22-24; 2 Peter 3:13. These parallel passages place the renewed sky and land at the beginning
of the Millennium. Thus chapters 21-22 give a detailed description of the Kingdom briefly described in Rev. 20:4-6 and
Rev. 7:15-17.
460 The Greek word “” used here is the superlative of the word “.” Thus, it does not merely mean “former”
(as “” would indicate), but “foremost” – the very first. In the context of Revelation, this refers to the present time,
not to the skies and land in the Millennium. That could be “” (former) but not “” (foremost – first). Thus,
this passage is definitely saying that the “New Skies and New Land” are replacing the “first” skies and land where we
now dwell. This is proof that Rev. 21-22 is recapping the Millennium in ch. 20, not following it chronologically.
461 The Red Sea will be dried up in the Kingdom (Isaiah 11:15-16; Isaiah 19:5; Isaiah 51:10-11).
462 Isaiah 62:2; Isaiah 65:18-19; Gal. 4:26-27; Heb. 12:22. The “renewed Jerusalem” consists of the restored Jerusalem and
her inhabitants. She is the “woman” described in Rev. 12, now glorified. In Galatians 4:26-27, Paul called “elevated
Jerusalem” the “mother of us all,” and immediately quoted the opening verses of Isaiah 54, a prophecy of Jerusalem’s
restoration from barrenness. This is the city Abraham waited for (Heb. 11:9-10) according to the promise confirmed by
Melchizedek, “King of Salem” (Gen. 14:18; Heb. 7:1-2), for which faithful Christians also wait (Heb. 12:22-23). Isaiah 60
& 62 are also foundational to this passage. See notes for chapter 12.
descending out of the sky from God463 prepared like a bride having been adorned for her
husband.464 3 And I heard a loud voice from the sky saying: “Look! ‘The tent of God is with
men; and He will dwell with them; and they will be His people; and God Himself will be with them
– their God.’465 4 And He will wipe away every tear from their eyes;466 and there shall be
no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying; nor will there be any more pain, 467 because the
former things have passed away.” 5 And the One sitting on the throne said: “Look! I am
renewing everything.”468 And He said to me: “Write! For these words are faithful and
true.” 6 And He said to me: “[It] is accomplished. I am the alpha and the omega, the
beginning and the end. I will give freely from the spring of the water of life469 to the thirsty
one. 7 The one being victorious470 will inherit these things. And I shall be God to him, and
he shall be a son to Me. 8 But to the disbelieving cowards and to those having become
foul,471 to murderers, to fornicators, to drug users, to idolaters, and to all the liars,472 their
part [is] in the lake burning with fire and sulfur which is the second death.”473
Jesus sent one of His Own Messengers to reveal His Bride, New Jerusalem
9 And one from the seven messengers having the seven bowls full of the seven last blows
came and spoke to me,474 saying, “Come, I will show you the bride, the Lamb’s wife.”475
463 This bride descending out of the sky is an allegory representing the restoration of Jerusalem by God’s power rather
than mans’ power.
464 Isaiah 54:5
465 Paraphrase of Ezekiel 37:27 Ezekiel 43:7. The Renewed Jerusalem is a dwelling suitable for the SOVEREIGN OVER
ALL to cohabitate with perfected mankind. Yet, even this magnificent city is called God’s “tent,” because even its
splendor is inadequate to fully reflect the glory of the SOVEREIGN OVER ALL!
466 God wipes away all the tears of His people at the time of the resurrection to the inheritance (Rev. 7:17). Both of these
passages are referencing Isaiah 25:8 – “The LORD God will wipe away tears from all faces” when the marriage feast occurs
and “death is swallowed up in victory” (1 Cor. 15:54). The act of God’s wiping away all tears points to believers’ victory
over death. This places the resurrection of the just at the time the “New Jerusalem” appears – the beginning of the
467 Due to the resurrection
468 God does not make a new (different) creation, but rather renews what He has previously created. (Acts 3:21; Rom.
469 cf. Ezekiel 47:1-12, Zech. 14:8-9, Rev. 22:1
470 Each of the seven letters to the seven assemblies ends with a similar promise. Being “victorious” is defined in Rev.
12:11 as overcoming the Adversary by being faithful to Jesus until death. That is, not being seduced away from Jesus
into apostasy.
471 “having become foul” refers to believers who fell away during the time of testing
474 The same messenger from Jesus accompanied John from Rev. 17:1 through the end of chapter 22.
475 This is the second marriage, since Jerusalem was divorced by the Son of God when He came and was rejected (Isa.
50:1-11 {spoken by the “Breath of Christ” through Isaiah – 1 Pet. 1:11} & 54:1-17). Note the restored Jerusalem is called
“the Bride, the Lamb’s Wife.” In Isaiah 54:5-8 & 62:5 Jerusalem is the espoused wife of YHVH whom He previously
divorced for her infidelity (Isa. 50:1), but will marry her and restore her once again. That she was formerly called the
“wife” of YHVH, but when restored is called “the Lamb’s wife,” proves that the one called YHVH by Isaiah, who was
formerly espoused to Jerusalem, was the Son of God, not the Father. This is proof of the Son’s pre-human existence,
and that He had the right to claim the name YHVH. The only person to do so specifically is called the “Messenger of
10 And he lifted me in the Breath476 upon a great and high mountain.477 And he showed
to me the city, the Holy Jerusalem,478 descending out of the sky from God, 11 having the
glory of God. Its brilliance was like a most precious stone, like a crystalline jasper stone,
12 having a wall great and high, having twelve gates, and at the gates twelve messengers,
and names engraved (which are the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel).479 13
[There were] three gates facing east, three gates facing north, three gates facing south,
and three gates facing west. 14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on
them [were] the twelve names of the twelve Emissaries of the Lamb.480 15 And he who
spoke with me had a golden measuring rod, so that he could measure the city, her gates,
and her wall. 16 And the city is laid out [in] a square. Her length was the same as her
width. And he measured the city with the rod, twelve thousand measures.481 Her length,
width, and elevation are equal. 17 And he measured her wall, one hundred and forty–
YHVH,” the one who appeared in the burning bush to Moses, calling Himself the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
and the God of Jacob (Exodus 3:2 – 4:5). The Messenger of YHVH was given the right to use His name and speak with
His authority: “And Look! I am sending My Messenger before you so that He may keep you in the way, so that He may lead you
unto the land which I prepared for you. Take heed to yourself, and listen to Him and do not disobey Him, for He will not pardon
you; for My name is upon Him,” (Exodus 23:20-21 LXX). However, nowhere in Scripture has the Messenger of YHVH,
the Son, taken the title “SOVEREIGN OVER ALL,” which is reserved for the Father alone.
476 Compare Rev. 1:10, Rev. 4:2, Rev. 17:3.
478 Much of the imagery of the Holy Jerusalem is drawn from Isaiah 54, 60, & 62 and should be read alongside Rev. 21-
479 Ezekiel 48:31
480 The only “Emissaries” sent personally by Jesus (the Lamb) are the eleven and Paul.
481 Many translations have “stadia” or “furlongs.” That would make the New Jerusalem over 1,400 miles in its
perimeter, impossible to fit on Mt. Zion or even within the borders of the Promised Land! Such an immense size is also
impossible to reconcile with the measurements of this city given by Ezekiel. However, that interpretation requires an
assumption that is not at all certain or required. It is impossible to determine from the Greek text whether John was
using the plural form of σταδίος (a masculine noun) or σταδίον (a neuter noun). Both words are spelled σταδίων in
the genitive plural form which is what appears here. The masculine noun σταδίος refers to the Greek race course of
about 600 feet, and is used in the Gospels for giving specific distances from one place to another. The neuter noun
σταδίον simply means a “fixed” unit of measurement, and can refer to any set standard of length. Strong’s defines this
as: “a stade or certain measure of distance; by implication a stadium or race course.” (For the neuter noun σταδίον see the
old Greek (LXX) Dan. 4:12; Sus. 1:37, & 1 Cor. 9:24). Both nouns come from the root verb that means to “stand” or be
“fixed.” In this context, John was referring to the fixed length of the angel’s golden measuring rod (σταδίον). John
reported that the New Jerusalem was 12,000 of these fixed measuring rods around the perimeter. Knowing the total
distance requires knowing the length of the rod. But this information cannot be known from Revelation alone, but
requires information from Ezekiel’s vision which gives the size of the city in definite units of measurement. Ezekiel’s
messenger had a rod of six “long cubits,” which is defined as a regular cubit (distance from the elbow to the fingertip
– about 19 inches) plus a “span” (the width of a man’s hand – about 5 inches), totaling about 24 inches. Thus, six “long
cubits” equals 12 feet (Ezek. 40:5). Using this 12’ measuring rod, Ezekiel reported that the perimeter of the restored
Jerusalem was 18,000 rods (not “cubits” which is wrongly added in most translations), a total of 216,000 feet around
the entire perimeter (Ezek. 48:30-35). Since we know the perimeter of the New (restored) Jerusalem from Ezekiel, the
measuring rod used by the messenger that John was observing had to be 18 feet (9 long cubits) in length, since 12,000
rods divided into 216,000 feet equals 18 feet. Both Ezekiel’s 12 foot (6 long cubits) measuring rod and John’s 18 foot (9
long cubits) measuring rod could easily be handled by one man for measuring.
four cubits,482 by the measure of a man, (that is of the messenger). 18 And the construction
of her wall was of jasper. And the city was clear gold, like transparent glass. 19 The
foundations of the wall of the city had been adorned with every precious stone:483 the first
foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald, 20
the fifth sardonyx, the sixth sardius, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth
topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. 21 The
twelve gates are twelve pearls. Each one of the gates was [made] from one pearl. And the
street of the city was clear gold, like transparent glass. 22 And I did not see the sanctuary
in her,484 for the Master God, SOVEREIGN OVER ALL, is her sanctuary, also the Lamb.
23 And the city has no need of the sun or of the moon that they may illuminate her. For
the glory of God illuminated her and the Lamb is her lamp. 485 24 And the nations shall
walk by her light. And the kings of the land bring their glory into her.486 25 And her gates
should by no means be closed by day,487 for no night shall be there. 26 And they shall
bring the glory and the honor of the nations into her. 27 And there will by no means enter
into her anything profane,488 or the one practicing idolatry and deceit, but only those
having been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb.
Chapter 22
And he showed me a pure river of water of life,489 shining like crystal,490 flowing from the
throne of God and the Lamb.491 2 In the middle of its street, and on this side and that side
of the river, was the tree of life, producing twelve [kinds of] fruit, each according to its
482 A 1000:1 ratio of the 144,000 from the sons of Seth (Rev. 14:1-5) and the 144,000 from the 12 tribes (Rev. 7:4)
483 Isaiah 54:11-12
484 Rev. 3:12 and 7:15 indicate that the holy ones will serve God “in His Temple” perpetually which appears to conflict
with this statement. However, the difficulty may be solved by understanding that the word “sanctuary” or “temple”
can refer to the whole Temple structure (the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies) or to just the inner sanctuary (Holy of
Holies). In Ezekiel 41:4 LXX, the same Greek word is used for the Holy of Holies exclusively. The same is true in Matt.
27:51. According to Jer. 3:16-17 the Ark of the Covenant will no longer exist. Nor will the High Priest attend to it yearly
on Yom Kippur anymore. Instead, the throne of the Master will take the place of the hidden Holy of Holies. Thus, the
Holy of Holies, which was to seclude the Ark of the Covenant from the rest of the structure and the view of mankind,
will no longer serve a purpose. Instead, the Master will be there in its place, not secluded, but accessible to all. (See
Rev. 22:3). This statement was meant to show that the Ark of the Mt. Sinai Covenant will not be present in the restored
485 Isaiah 60:19-21
491 The “Throne of God and the Lamb” refers to the Throne upon which Jesus will reign in His Kingdom, having been the
“Lamb.” But in the Kingdom, the Father grants to His Son the right to be “God” (sole Sovereign) in fulfillment of Psalm
2, (Psalm 45:6-7; Heb. 1:8-9). The Son, not the Father, sits on this throne (Rev. 3:21; Rev. 7:15; Rev. 14:5). This is also the
“Throne of David” restored (Isa. 9:6-7; Mark 11:10; Luke 1:32-33). It is called the “Throne of YHVH” in OT prophecy
because the authority is delegated to God’s Agent, His Son, by YHVH (cf. 1 Chron. 29:23 & Jer. 3:17).
month.492 And the leaves of the tree are to cure the nations. 3 And every curse will be
abolished. And the throne of God and the Lamb will be in her493 and His servants will
minister to Him, 4 and they shall see His face and His name shall be on their foreheads. 494
5 And night shall no longer exist; there will be no need for a lamp, or light of the sun,
because the Master God will illuminate them.495 And they will reign unto the ages of the
496 That is, the words that follow from Jesus (in red) which this messenger was relaying
497 The Textus Receptus omits “of the Breaths.” That the “Breaths” is plural when referring to the anointing on the
prophets should not be a surprise since the Breaths of God when distributed among the seven assemblies in Asia Minor
is also plural – seven Breaths before God’s Throne (Rev. 1:4; Rev. 3:1; Rev. 4:5; Rev. 5:6).
498 The Father’s Messenger is His Son, “the Messenger of YHVH.” God sent Jesus to inform the assemblies through
500 This is the same messenger who spoke to John in Rev. 19:10, who was the messenger of the seventh bowl of wrath
504 See Rev. 1:8 & 21:5-6. See also Exodus 23:20-23. There is only one Person who was given the authority to speak using
God’s name, and that was the “Messenger of the Lord,” who was His Son, who became Man (Phil. 2:5-10).
505 The earliest Greek and Latin copies have “washing their robes” but the Majority Text and Textus Receptus have
“keep His commandments.” The LGV follows the earlier (but minority) reading here because the other reading is
awkward since the third person pronoun (His) would have no specific antecedent. If Jesus was still speaking here as
He clearly was in 12-13 & 16-19, “His commandments” would have to refer to God. But God is not mentioned by Jesus
in this passage, leaving the pronoun without a referent.
to the tree of life, and they may enter through the gates into the city. 15 But excluded are
dogs, drug users, fornicators, murderers, idolaters, and the entire [entity] loving and
practicing the lie. 16 I, Jesus, sent My messenger506 to testify these things to you for the
assemblies. I am the Root and the Descendant of David,507 the bright and morning star.508
17 And the Breath and the bride are saying, ‘Come!’ And the hearing one, say “Come!”
And the thirsting one, Come! And the one who is willing, receive the water of life freely!509
18 I am testifying to everyone hearing the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone
should add to them, God will add to him the plagues having been written in this book.
19 And if anyone removes from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take
away his part from the tree of Life,510 and from the holy city, and from the things having
been written in this book.511 20 The One testifying these things says, Yes, I am coming
suddenly.’ Amen.”
Yes! Come Master Jesus! 21 The grace of the Master, Jesus the Anointed, be with you all.512
506 This “messenger” was sent by Jesus. But Jesus is the “Messenger” sent by the Father (Rev. 1:1-2).
507 This statement was intended to draw on a very important Messianic prophecy in Isaiah 11:1-10. In verse 1 the
Messiah is a “stem” or “branch” that grows out of the “root” of Jesse, David’s father. Thus Messiah is the descendant
of Jesse through David, having been born of Mary whose father was a descendant of David through Nathan (Lk. 3:23-
32). Yet in verse 10, the same Messiah is said to be the “root” of Jesse, which necessarily means He not only predated
Jesse, David’s father, but that He was the very cause of their existence. Thus the Son of God preexisted David and Jesse,
and was in fact the Agent through whom God created all mankind – “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our
likeness” (Gen. 1:26). He was also the one who spoke through the prophet Samuel to Jesse, choosing David to be king,
and is the one who confirmed the Davidic Covenant to David through the prophet Nathan (1 Chron. 17:3 LXX, ἐγένετο
λόγος κυρίου πρὸς Ναθαν λέγων (“Logos {Word} of the Lord came to Nathan saying …” – cf. Rev. 19:13). This fact
of the Son’s pre-human existence, which was hidden in a mystery, is the only true solution to the riddle that Jesus
posed to the Pharisees in Matt. 22:41-46. Since Messiah was David’s descendant, how could David call Messiah his
“Master?” David was Messiah’s ancestor and thus considered superior in Jewish thought, so the Son of David could
never be David’s Master. Only by recognizing that the Messiah was both David’s originator, and the originator of the
Davidic Covenant, as well as David’s descendant via the virgin birth, can Jesus’ riddle be solved. In this passage, Jesus
solved it Himself.
508 Balaam prophesied of a “Star” rising who is the Messiah (Num. 24:16-19). Peter stated that the “morning star” would
“arise” on the Day of Christ’s return (2 Pet. 1:19). Here Jesus referred to Himself as the “bright and morning star,”
which is actually the planet Venus when it appears early in the morning before sunrise. “The sign of the Son of man in
the sky” which occurs while the sun and moon are darkened (Matt. 24:30) very well may involve the planet Venus rising
in conjunction with Regulus (King) in the constellation Leo (Lion). This conjunction at dawn (viewed from Jerusalem)
will occur on Yom Kippur 2036, and will appear as the King star (Regulus) crowning Venus, the morning star. If this
is indeed “the sign of the Son of Man in the sky” that Jesus referred to, it will be something to behold against the blackened
509 Salvation is available to everyone who chooses to come, not only a select group whom God has previously chosen.
511 I have prayerfully translated this book as faithfully as I am able and submitted the commentary notes with this
warning in mind.
512 This signature statement was Paul’s official mark of authenticity for his letters (See: 2 Thess. 3:17-18). John’s adopting
it here, three decades after Paul’s martyrdom, shows his intention in all of his works to augment Paul’s works.