Master Prospectus at 26oct2017
Master Prospectus at 26oct2017
Master Prospectus at 26oct2017
This Prospectus has been reviewed and approved by the directors of Public Mutual Berhad and they collectively
and individually accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the information. Having made all reasonable enquiries,
they confirm to the best of their knowledge and belief, that there are no false or misleading statements, or
omission of other facts which would make any statement in the Prospectus false or misleading.
Statements of Disclaimer
The Securities Commission Malaysia has authorised the funds and a copy of this Prospectus has been registered
with the Securities Commission Malaysia.
The authorisation of the funds, and registration of this Prospectus, should not be taken to indicate that Securities
Commission Malaysia recommends the said funds or assumes responsibility for the correctness of any statement
made, opinion expressed or report contained in this Prospectus.
The Securities Commission Malaysia is not liable for any non-disclosure on the part of the management company
responsible for the said funds and takes no responsibility for the contents in this Prospectus. The Securities
Commission Malaysia makes no representation on the accuracy or completeness of this Prospectus, and expressly
disclaims any liability whatsoever arising from, or in reliance upon, the whole or any part of its contents.
Additional Statements
Investors should note that they may seek recourse under the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 for breaches of
securities laws including any statement in the Prospectus that is false, misleading, or from which there is a material
omission; or for any misleading or deceptive act in relation to the Prospectus or the conduct of any other person
in relation to the funds.
5.1 Corporate Profile of AmanahRaya Trustees Berhad 29
5.2 Roles, Duties and Responsibilities of The Trustee 29
blue chip stocks High quality stocks of companies which have a track record of stable earnings
and dividends of at least 10 years.
Business Day(s) Each weekday in which Bursa Securities is open for dealing.
Note: The Manager may declare certain Business Days to be non-Business Days,
although Bursa Securities is open for business, if one or more of the foreign
markets in which the fund(s) is invested therein are closed for business. This is to
ensure that you will be given a fair valuation of the fund(s) at all times, be it when
purchasing or redeeming units of the fund(s).
CMSA 2007 Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 as originally enacted and amended from
time to time.
cooling-off right The right of a unitholder who is investing with Public Mutual for the first time, to
change his mind and cancel an investment within 6 Business Days from the date
of receipt by Public Mutual, of the investment application form and payment
and will obtain a full refund of the said investment within 10 days of receipt of
cooling-off notice by Public Mutual.
deposits Sum of money placed with licensed financial institutions in accordance with
Financial Services Act 2013 and Islamic Financial Services Act 2013.
Extraordinary Resolution A resolution passed at a meeting of unitholders duly convened and held in
accordance with the provisions of the Deed and carried by a majority consisting
of not less than three quarters of the unitholders voting thereat upon a show of
hands or if a poll is duly demanded and taken by a majority consisting of not less
than three quarters in number of the votes given on such poll. For the purposes
of termination or winding-up of a fund, an extraordinary resolution is passed by
a majority in number representing at least three-fourth of the value of the units
held by unitholders at the meeting duly convened and held in accordance with
the provisions of the Deed.
forward pricing The purchase or redemption of units is based on the NAV per unit of the fund
next determined or calculated after the application to purchase or redemption
request from unitholder(s) is received by the Manager in proper form.
GDP Refers to Gross Domestic Product which is the monetary value of all finished
goods and services produced within a country in a specific period of time.
growth stocks Stocks of companies with potential price appreciation where the earnings growth
potential of the companies is projected to exceed the GDP growth of the country
in which the stock is listed in.
incidental The term “incidental” in relation to distribution policy of the fund implies that
the main focus of the fund will be on securing capital growth.
medium to long term Medium to long term refers to a period of 3 years or more.
NAV Net Asset Value (“NAV”) of the fund is determined by deducting the value of all
the fund’s liabilities (include all amounts payable by the fund, accrued expenses
and taxes, and any appropriate provisions for contingencies) from the value of
the fund’s assets, at the valuation point.
For the purpose of computing the annual management fee and the annual
trustee fee, the NAV of the fund should be inclusive of the management fee and
trustee fee for the relevant day.
NAV per unit The NAV per unit is the NAV of a fund divided by the number of units in circulation
at the valuation point. It forms the basis upon which the prices of units of a fund
are calculated.
OTC Over-the-counter
PMO Public Mutual Online (“PMO”) is an online facility which allows you to perform
fund transactions (such as purchase, redemption and switching of units) and
gives you quick and easy access to information on your investments.
Investors can apply for PMO by submitting the PMO Service Application Form
personally at any Public Mutual or Public Bank branch. Alternatively, you may also
register for PMO through our Customer Service Centre kiosks located at selected
shopping malls or Public Bank’s Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) if you are a
Public Bank ATM user or via if you are a subscriber of
Public Mutual or
the Manager Public Mutual Berhad (23419-A)
RM Ringgit Malaysia
SC Guidelines Guidelines on Unit Trust Funds issued by SC and as may be amended or replaced
from time to time.
the Deed The Deed means the master deed dated 28 January 1999 and all supplemental
deeds entered into between the trustee and the Manager for the registered
holders of Public ASEAN Growth Fund and Public Greater China Fund.
“the fund”/ the funds” Public ASEAN Growth Fund and Public Greater China Fund are collectively called
“the funds” and individually called “the fund”.
UIC Units in circulation (“UIC”) refers to the total number of units in issue at a point
in time.
valuation point Valuation point refers to such a time(s) on a Business Day as may be decided
by the Manager wherein the NAV of the fund is calculated. Under normal
circumstances, only one valuation is conducted on each Business Day.
The valuation of the funds will be conducted after the close of business of Bursa
Securities for the relevant day. As certain foreign markets in which the funds may
invest in have yet to close due to the different time zones of these countries, the
valuation point may be extended to 9:00 a.m. (or any other such time as may be
permitted by the relevant authorities from time to time) on the following day in
which the Manager is open for business.
warrants Securities that entitles the holder to exercise his rights to buy the underlying
stock(s) of the issuing company at a fixed price called exercise price until the
expiry date. For the purpose of these funds, the underlying stock(s) must be in
new shares.
Public Mutual Berhad (23419-A)
Registered and business address:
Block B, Sri Damansara Business Park
Persiaran Industri, Bandar Sri Damansara
52200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-6279 6800 Fax: 03-6277 9800
Hotline: 03-6207 5000
AmanahRaya Trustees Berhad (766894-T)
Registered address:
Tingkat 11, Wisma AmanahRaya
No. 2, Jalan Ampang
50508 Kuala Lumpur
Business address:
Tingkat 2, Wisma AmanahRaya II
No. 21, Jalan Melaka
50100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2036 5129 Fax: 03-2072 0322
Initial Offer Period 21 days commencing from 26 October 2017 to 15 November 2017.
Sales Charge per Unit Up to 5.5% of the initial issue price of the fund.
during Initial Offer Period
Fund Objective To achieve capital growth over the medium to long-term period by investing in a
portfolio of investments in ASEAN markets.
Note: Any material changes to the investment objective of the fund would
require unitholders’ approval.
If the outlook for equity market is unfavourable, the equity exposure may be
reduced to below the range indicated above as a temporary defensive strategy.
Although the fund is actively managed, the frequency of its trading strategy will
very much depend on market opportunities.
The performance of the fund and its benchmark is available on Public Mutual’s website at
The PASGF is not in any way sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by FTSE International Limited (“FTSE”) or by the London Stock
Exchange Group companies (“LSEG”) and neither FTSE nor LSEG makes any warranty or representation whatsoever, expressly
or impliedly, either as to the results to be obtained from the use of the FTSE/ASEAN 40 INDEX (“the Index”) and/or the figure
at which the said Index stands at any particular time on any particular day or otherwise. The Index is compiled and calculated
by FTSE in conjunction with Indonesia Stock Exchange, Bursa Malaysia Berhad, The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc., Singapore
Exchange Securities Trading Limited and the Stock Exchange of Thailand (the “Exchanges”). However, neither FTSE nor LSEG nor
the Exchanges shall be liable (whether in negligence or otherwise) to any person for any error in the Index and neither FTSE nor
the LSEG nor the Exchanges shall be under any obligation to advise any person of any error therein.
“FTSE®”, “FT-SE®” and “Footsie®” are trade marks of the LSEG and are used by FTSE International Limited under licence.
Initial Offer Period 21 days commencing from 26 October 2017 to 15 November 2017.
Sales Charge per Unit Up to 5.5% of the initial issue price of the fund.
during Initial Offer Period
Fund Objective To achieve capital growth over the medium to long-term period by investing in
a portfolio of investments primarily in the greater China region namely in Hong
Kong, China and Taiwan markets and including China based companies listed on
overseas markets.
Overseas markets include Malaysia and any other permitted markets apart from
Hong Kong, China and Taiwan markets where the regulatory authority is an
ordinary or associate member of the IOSCO .
Any material changes to the investment objective of the fund would require
unitholders' approval.
If the outlook for equity market is unfavourable, the equity exposure may be
reduced to below the range indicated above as a temporary defensive strategy.
• Malaysia and any other permitted markets where the regulatory authority is
an ordinary or associate member of the IOSCO (up to 25% of NAV).
Although the fund is actively managed, the frequency of its trading strategy will
very much depend on market opportunities.
The performance of the fund and its benchmark is available on Public Mutual’s website at
Source: MSCI. Neither MSCI nor any other party involved in or related to compiling, computing or creating the
MSCI data makes any express or implied warranties or representations with respect to such data (or the results
to be obtained by the use thereof), and all such parties hereby expressly disclaim all warranties of originality,
accuracy, completeness, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to any of such data.
Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall MSCI, any of its affiliates or any third party involved in or
related to compiling, computing or creating the data have any liability for any direct, indirect, special, punitive,
consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) even if notified of the possibility of such damages. No
further distribution or dissemination of the MSCI data is permitted without MSCI’s express written consent.
General Risks
1. Market risk: Market risk refers to the possibility that an investment will lose value because of a general
decline in financial markets, due to economic, political and/or other factors, which will result in a decline in
the fund’s NAV.
2. Liquidity risk: Liquidity risk refers to the ease of liquidating an asset depending on the asset’s volume
traded in the market. If the fund holds assets that are illiquid, or are difficult to dispose of, the value of the
fund will be negatively affected when it has to sell such assets at unfavourable prices.
3. Manager risk: This risk refers to the day-to-day management of the fund by the fund manager which will
impact the performance of the fund. For example, investment decisions undertaken by the fund manager
pertaining to asset allocation and stock selection which may not be in line with market movements, or non-
conformance with regulations and internal policies and procedures, may adversely affect the performance
of the fund.
4. Loan financing risk: This risk occurs when investors take a loan/financing to finance their investment.
The inherent risk of investing with borrowed money includes investors being unable to service the loan
repayments. In the event units are used as collateral, an investor may be required to top-up the investors’
existing installment if the prices of units fall below a certain level due to market conditions. Failing which,
the units may be sold at a lower net asset value per unit as compared to the NAV per unit at the point of
purchase towards settling the loan.
The Manager does not encourage the practice of loan financing in the purchase of unit trust funds.
1. Specific security risk: Prices of a particular security may fluctuate in response to the circumstances affecting
individual companies. As such, adverse price movements of a particular security invested by the fund may adversely
affect the fund’s NAV and unit price.
2. Interest rate risk: Interest rate risk refers to the impact of interest rate changes on the valuation of fixed income
securities and liquid assets. When interest rates rise, fixed income securities prices generally decline and this may
lower the market value of the fund’s investment in fixed income securities. The reverse applies when interest rates
fall. The returns of the fund’s investments in liquid assets move in tandem with interest rates. A decline in interest
rates will lower the returns of the fund’s investments in liquid assets. For example, when interest rates fall, deposit
placements would be reinvested at lower interest rates and subsequently yield lower returns to the fund.
3. Credit risk: Credit risk relates to the creditworthiness of the issuer of the securities or liquid assets which is
dependent on the issuer’s ability to make timely payments of interest and/or principal. In the event that the issuer
of a security or liquid assets defaults in the payment of interest and/or principal, the value of the fund may be
adversely affected.
4. Currency risk: If the fund invests in foreign currency or assets denominated in foreign currency, the fund may
be exposed to currency fluctuation risks. If the currencies in which the investments are denominated depreciate
against the local currency, the fund’s NAV may be adversely affected and vice versa. To mitigate such risk, the fund
may undertake hedging strategies. However, the fund would not benefit from any potential upside if currencies
move in the opposite direction of the hedging strategy.
5. Country risk: Investments of the fund in any country may be affected by changes in the economic and political
climate, restriction on currency repatriation or other developments in the law or regulations of the country in which
the fund invests in. For example, the deteriorating economic condition of such countries may adversely affect the
value of the investments undertaken by the fund in those affected countries. This in turn may cause the NAV of
the fund or prices of units to fall.
6. Risk associated with investments in warrants: The market price of warrants held by the fund may be impacted
by changes in market price of the underlying securities as well as the exercise price and expiry date of the warrants.
Any adverse movements in the market price of the warrants may impact the fund’s NAV and unit price.
Asset allocation, liquidity management and diversification strategies employed are central to the efforts to manage
the risks posed to the fund.
To mitigate risks arising from significant volatilities in times of adverse market movements, foreign currency
exposure and foreign interest rate movements, the fund may employ hedging strategies utilising futures contracts,
foreign exchange forward contracts and options. Participation in these instruments are for hedging purposes only.
Investments in warrants will be assessed on ongoing basis as it can potentially increase the volatility of the fund’s
To manage credit risk, credit analysis is conducted and credit ratings of financial institutions is monitored on an
ongoing basis. The fund will focus on securities issued by companies with sound financial position whereby gearing
ratio and interest cover ratio are within acceptable levels of the industry in which the issuer company operates.
The Manager has absolute discretion, subject to the Deed, the investment policy of the funds and the requirements
of the SC and other regulatory body, as to how the assets of the funds are invested.
i. Equity and equity-related securities such as warrants of companies listed in Eligible Markets;
iii. Unlisted equity and equity-related securities whether or not approved for listing and quotation in Eligible
Markets, which are offered directly by the company to the funds;
vii. Malaysian Government Securities, Treasury Bills, Bank Negara Monetary Notes, Government Investment
Issues and other Government approved and/or guaranteed securities;
viii. Deposits and money market instruments with licensed domestic and foreign financial institutions;
x. Derivatives such as foreign exchange forward contracts, futures contracts and options traded on the futures
and options market of an exchange company approved, or exempt futures and options market declared, by
the Minister under the CMSA 2007 (for hedging purpose only); and
xi. Any other form of investments which is in line with the objective of the funds as may be agreed upon by the
Manager and the trustee from time to time.
The funds may participate in lending of securities within the meaning of the SC Guidelines on Securities Borrowing
and Lending when permitted by the SC and other relevant authorities.
The funds are subject to the following investment restrictions in the course of execution of its investment policies
and strategies:
Investment (% of respective fund’s NAV)
(ii) value of OTC derivative transaction with any single counter-party ≤ 10%
Investment Limits
Investments in transferable securities (other than debentures) ≤ 10% of the securities issued by
any single issuer.
Investment (% of respective fund’s NAV)
b) debentures traded on an
organised OTC market.
The above limits and restrictions shall be complied with at all times based on the most up-to-date value
of the respective funds, and the value of their investments and instruments. However, a 5 per cent
allowance in excess of any limits or restrictions may be permitted where the limit or restriction is breached
through the appreciation or depreciation in value of each fund’s investments or instruments, or as a result
of redemption of units or payment made from the fund. The Manager should, within a reasonable period
of not more than 3 months from the date of the breach, take all necessary steps and actions to rectify the
Such limits and restrictions, however, do not apply to securities that are issued or guaranteed by the
Government or Bank Negara Malaysia.
Listed equities, warrants and options – valuation is based on market price of the respective exchanges. If no
market price is available or valuation based on market price does not represent the fair value of investments, the
securities will be valued at fair value, as determined in good faith by the Manager, based on the methods or bases
approved by the trustee after appropriate technical consultation.
Unlisted equities – fair valuations which are based on methods that are acceptable to the Manager, verified by
the auditor and approved by the trustee.
Listed and unlisted fixed income securities – for listed fixed income securities, the last traded prices quoted
on a recognised exchange will be used. If no market price is available or valuation based on market price does
not represent the fair value of the fixed income securities, the fixed income securities will be valued at fair value,
as determined in good faith by the Manager, based on the methods or bases approved by the trustee after
appropriate technical consultation.
In the case of unlisted fixed income securities denominated in RM, valuations are carried out on a daily basis using
fair value prices quoted by a Bond Pricing Agency (BPA) registered with the SC. If the Manager is of the view
that the price quoted by the BPA for a specific fixed income security differs from the ‘market price’ by more than
20 basis points, the Manager may use the ‘market price’ provided that the Manager adheres to the requirements
stipulated by the SC. Market price for fixed income securities are derived from market quotations obtained from
the panel of at least three active financial institutions that are governed by the Financial Services Act 2013 and/or
Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 (FSA/IFSA). Other unlisted fixed income securities which include foreign unlisted
fixed income securities are valued daily based on fair value by reference to the average indicative yield quoted by
at least three independent and established institutions.
Commercial papers – commercial papers are valued at purchase yields with interest accrued daily.
Money market instruments – money market instruments which include negotiable instrument of deposits are
valued at market yields based on the remaining days to maturity.
Deposits – the value of such investments shall be determined on a daily basis by reference to their nominal values
and the accrued interest thereon for the relevant period.
Units in other collective investment schemes – the last published repurchase price per unit or if not available,
the units will be valued at fair value as determined in good faith by the Manager, based on methods or bases
approved by the trustee after appropriate technical consultation.
Foreign exchange forward contracts – all foreign exchange forward contracts are marked-to-market daily and
valued at fair value using forward rate of the remaining tenure to maturity.
Futures contracts – all futures contracts are marked-to-market at the end of each trading day. Any gains or losses
are immediately reflected upon marking to market.
Suspended securities – will be valued at their suspended price unless there is conclusive evidence to indicate
that the value of such stocks have gone below the suspended price, whereupon their value will be ascertained in
a manner as agreed upon by the Manager and trustee.
All foreign securities and assets are converted into RM based on the bid exchange rate quoted by Thomson
Reuters/Bloomberg at United Kingdom time 4:00 p.m. the same day.
Sales charge and redemption charge (if any) that are to be levied on the purchase and redemption of units are
computed based on the NAV per unit of the fund that has not been rounded up.
Bank charges, courier charges and any other indirect charges as a result of purchase or redemption transactions
will be borne by you.
Below are the charges that you may directly incur when purchasing or redeeming units of the funds:
Up to 0.75% of
NAV per unit or a
Within 90 days from the date of purchase or minimum of RM50
Switching switching of units into the funds. (This switching fee
charges will be retained by
the fund)
Operating a fund involves a variety of expenses for portfolio management, the manager’s fee, fees for trustee,
foreign custodian charges, auditor’s fee, tax agent’s fee and other administrative charges incurred in the
administration of the fund. These costs are paid out of the fund’s assets.
Below are the fees that you may indirectly incur when you invest in the fund:
The annual management fee and trustee fee are calculated and accrued daily, and payable monthly to the Manager
and trustee respectively.
Note: All the above fees and charges are subject to GST which are payable by you.
The management company does not receive any form of rebates from any broker/dealer. The management company
may receive goods or services which include research materials, data and quotation services and investment related
publications by way of soft commissions provided they are of demonstrable benefit to the funds and unitholders.
There are fees and charges involved and investors are advised to consider them before
investing in the funds.
Valuation Point
Valuation of the funds will be conducted after the close of business of Bursa Securities for the relevant day. As
certain foreign markets in which the funds may invest in have yet to close due to the different time zones of these
countries, the valuation point may be extended to 9:00 a.m. (or any other such time as may be permitted by the
relevant authorities from time to time) on the following day in which the Manager is open for business. As a result
of having a valuation point later than 5:00 p.m., the daily prices of the funds will not be published on the next
Business Day but instead will be published the next following Business Day (i.e. the prices will be 2 days old).
The NAV per unit is obtained by dividing the NAV of the funds by the number of units in issue.
Single Pricing
Purchase and redemption of units are quoted and transacted at a single price, i.e. at the NAV per unit of the funds.
Sales charge and redemption charge (if any) are computed and charged separately, and are not incorporated in
the quoted prices of the funds.
Forward Pricing
Both the purchase and redemption transactions are traded at prices next determined. A request issued by you
to purchase or redeem units of the funds will be carried out at a price as at the next valuation point after the
application is received and accepted by the Manager.
Investments banked in over the counter through Public Bank branches on any Business Day
will be processed based on the price determined for the same Business Day.
Any investment and transaction requests made on a non-Business Day will be treated as investments or transaction
requests made on the following Business Day.
Incorrect Pricing
In the event of any incorrect pricing of units of the funds, the Manager shall take immediate remedial action where
that incorrect pricing –
(i) is equal or more than 0.5% of the NAV per unit; and
(ii) results in a sum total of RM10.00 or more to be reimbursed to the affected unitholder for each purchase or
redemption transaction.
Subject to any regulatory requirements, the Manager shall have the right to amend, vary or revise the abovesaid
limits or threshold from time to time.
Public Mutual will not be liable for any loss incurred should you give cash to our UTCs or staff.
Total Redemption
= Amount redeemed – Redemption charge incurred
Proceeds Received RM10,000
by You = RM10,000 – RM0
Note: All the above fees and charges are subject to GST which are payable by you.
Priority clients may access the exclusive Mutual Gold Service for value-added, time saving services.
Please refer to pages 36 to 39 for the Directory of Public Mutual Branch Offices, Customer Service Centres and
Agency Offices.
Before investing, it is important that you read the Prospectus and products highlights sheets of
the funds carefully, and seek further clarification on any matter that may concern you.
Opening an Account
• For existing investors who are PMO subscribers, you can purchase units of the
funds online.
• If you are not an existing PMO subscriber and would like to be one:
- Submit the PMO application form personally at any Public Mutual or Public
Individual Bank branch offices or Public Mutual Head Office.
Investors • Otherwise:
- Submit investment application form together with the investment amount
made out in a cheque to any Public Bank branch.
• For first time investor of Public Mutual, you are also required to complete the
new investor form.
* The Manager may vary the minimum initial investment amount from time to time.
Investors Cheque must be made payable to:
“Public Mutual Berhad - New NRIC No. of First Holder”.
For corporate investors, cheque for initial investment must be made payable to “Public Mutual Berhad - Your
Company Registration Number”. Cheque for additional investment must be made payable to “Public Mutual
Berhad - Account No. of Targeted Fund or Your Company Registration Number”.
Please write down your name, new NRIC/passport number/company registration number and
telephone number at the back of the cheque.
Under the Deed, the Manager is given the exclusive right to effect the issue of units for the account of the funds
and has absolute discretion to accept or reject in whole or in part any application for units.
Public Mutual will not be liable for any loss incurred should you give cash to our UTCs or staff.
• Minimum balance of 1,000 units must be maintained at all times to stay invested with the funds.
• If partial redemption, switching or transfer of units result in less than 1,000 units being held in your
account with the funds, the Manager may redeem, switch or transfer the entire account.
• Distribution, if any, is declared at the end of each financial year, or for any other specified period.
• Distribution(s) paid is subject to availability of realised income and/or realised gains.
• Distribution (if any) will be reinvested unless you opt for distribution to be paid out to you by indicating in
the investment application form or PMO.
• Distribution will be reinvested at NAV per unit, computed at the close of the first Business Day following
the distribution declaration date.
• No sales charge will be imposed on distribution reinvestments.
• Distribution less than RM100 per account will automatically be reinvested at NAV per unit.
Notify the Manager of any changes to your distribution instructions within 14 Business Days prior to each date
fixed for the distribution.
Unit prices and distributions payable, if any, may go down as well as up.
Any monies payable to you which remain unclaimed after such period (currently being 1 year) will be paid to
Register of Unclaimed Monies by the Manager in accordance with the provisions of the Unclaimed Moneys Act
1965 and (Amendment) 2002.
Daily Prices
Visit our website at for daily NAV/price of the funds.
of Units
Statement of Statements of Transaction will be issued within 21 days from the date of each
Transaction transaction to confirm the details of your transactions.
Statement of Annual/Interim Statements and Reports which include a Summary of Distribution
Investment (if any) are made available within 2 months from the close of each financial year
& Annual/ or interim period.
If you did not receive a copy of the reports and statements, please contact Public Mutual Hotline at
03-6207 5000 for assistance.
For general enquiries or specific assistance regarding your investments with us, you may contact:-
Visit any Public Mutual Customer Service Centre located at its branch offices.
The funds are managed by Public Mutual, a wholly owned subsidiary of Public Bank. Public Mutual is a licensed
fund manager and Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) Provider and is the largest private unit trust manager in terms
of NAV. Incorporated on 21 July 1975 under its former name Kuala Lumpur Mutual Fund Berhad, Public Mutual
began its operations on 2 July 1980 and was among the early pioneers of the industry.
Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Dr. Teh Hong Piow – Non Independent Director (Chairman)
Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Tay Ah Lek – Non Independent Director
Dato' (Dr) Haji Mohamed Ishak Bin Haji Mohamed Ariff – Independent Director
Mr. Quah Poh Keat – Non Independent Director
Dato’ Mohammed Najeeb Bin Abdullah – Independent Director
Dato’ Mohd Hanif Bin Sher Mohamed – Independent Director
Ms. Yeoh Kim Hong – Chief Executive Officer / Non Independent Director
The roles, duties and responsibilities of the Manager include, but is not limited to, the following:-
• to ensure that the funds are managed within the ambit of the Deed, securities laws and relevant guidelines
at all times;
• to provide customer support to best serve the unitholders’ needs;
• to keep unitholders informed of the management and performance of the funds through interim and
annual reports;
• to ensure that the interest of the unitholders is best served and protected at all times.
The Manager is not engaged in any material litigation and arbitration, either as plaintiff or defendant, and is not
aware of any proceedings, pending or threatened or of any facts likely to give rise to any proceedings which might
materially and adversely affect its business or financial position.
The Investment Committee oversees the investment process of the funds. The primary functions of the Investment
Committee are as follows:
The Investment team of Public Mutual which comprises of more than 20 portfolio managers and a research team
of more than 30 research analysts, is headed by the Senior General Manager – Investment Division who reports
directly on the management of the funds to the Chief Executive Officer.
The profiles of Mr. Chiang Kang Pey, the designated person responsible for the fund management of PASGF and
PGCF and other key members of the Investment team are as follows:
Mr. Lum holds an honours degree in Accountancy from the National University of Singapore and is a CFA
charterholder. He joined Public Mutual in 2001 as Senior Manager – Investment Research and assumed the
position of Senior Manager – Fund Management and co-designated fund manager of various funds in 2003. He
was promoted to General Manager – Investment in 2004 and subsequently Senior General Manager – Investment
in 2007.
Mr. Lum has more than 25 years of experience in fund management, investment research and stockbroking.
Prior to joining Public Mutual, Mr. Lum held management positions at various established local and foreign
stockbroking houses, overseeing their investment research functions and institutional sales. Mr. Lum’s investment
research experience include assessing corporate earnings growth prospects, evaluating management track
record, computation of stock valuations and financial analysis of listed companies on the Bursa Securities. He is
also familiar with analysis of financial and economic trends which affect stockmarket movements. On the fund
management side, Mr. Lum has served as a co-fund manager of selected unit trust funds managed by Public
Mutual since 2003 before assuming the position of General Manager – Investment in 2004 and subsequently
Senior General Manager – Investment in 2007.
Mr. Chiang holds a Master of Financial Management (Dean’s Honours List) degree from the Rotterdam School of
Management, Erasmus University in the Netherlands and a Bachelor of Economics in Accounting from Monash
University in Australia. He is a CFA charterholder and has been managing equity funds since 1997. Mr. Chiang
joined Public Mutual in 2004 as Manager – Investment Research and was subsequently re-designated as Manager
– Investment, Equities Section where he was involved in managing selected equity funds. He was promoted to
the position of Senior Portfolio Manager – Investment, Equities Section in 2005 and assumed the position of co-
fund manager of various equity funds. From 2006 onwards, Mr. Chiang was appointed as the designated fund
manager of selected equity funds. He was promoted to the position of Assistant General Manager in 2008 and
subsequently Deputy General Manager in 2015. In 2016, Mr. Chiang assumed his current position as Head of
Equity Portfolio Management and in 2017, he was promoted to the position of General Manager. In this capacity,
apart from overseeing the team of equity portfolio managers, he also actively constructs, monitors and rebalances
the equity portfolios to achieve the stated objective of selected funds.
Mr. Chiang commenced his investment career in 1995 as an equity analyst at a stockbroking firm and subsequently
joined the investment department of a life insurance company. Prior to joining Public Mutual, he was attached
to an asset management company; initially as an assistant fund manager responsible for analysing and valuing
listed companies. He was later made a fund manager, jointly managing Asia Pacific (ex-Japan) portfolios where
he specialised in Malaysian and Thailand equities.
Ms. Tan graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) in Accounting and Finance from the University of Western
Australia, fully passed the Australian CPA program and is a CFA charterholder. She joined Public Mutual in 2003
as Assistant Manager, Investment Research. She was made Deputy Manager – Investment, Equities Section and
designated co-fund manager of selected funds managed by Public Mutual in 2005. Ms. Tan assumed her position
of Portfolio Manager – Investment, Equities Section in 2006 and Senior Portfolio Manager – Investment, Equities
Section in 2008. She was promoted to Assistant General Manager in 2014.
Ms. Tan previously worked in a foreign financial institution with a global presence before embarking into a
career in the financial markets. She was an investment analyst for an established local stock broking house for a
period of time before moving on to the asset management industry. Ms. Tan has over 20 years experience in the
Malaysian equity market and 10 years in the regional markets.
En. Mat Radzuan holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Actuarial Science and Finance from Roosevelt University,
USA. He is a CFA charterholder and a member of the CFA Institute and CFA Malaysia. He joined Public Mutual
in 2004 as Assistant Manager – Investment, Equities Section and was subsequently made co-fund manager of
selected funds managed by Public Mutual in 2005. En. Mat Radzuan assumed his position of Portfolio Manager
– Investment, Equities Section in 2006 and Senior Portfolio Manager – Investment, Equities Section in 2008. He
was promoted to Assistant General Manager – Investment, Equities Section in 2014.
En. Mat Radzuan has more than 20 years of experience in the Malaysian equity market. Prior to joining Public
Mutual, En. Mat Radzuan had worked with various companies including asset management, insurance,
stockbroking and futures broking companies.
Ms. Chen graduated with a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Malaya. She is a CFA charterholder.
She joined Public Mutual in 2005 as Assistant Manager, Investment, Equity Section. She assumed the position of
Portfolio Manager – Investment, Equities Section in 2006 and Senior Portfolio Manager, Equities Section in 2012.
She was promoted to Assistant General Manager – Investment, Equity Portfolio Management in 2016. Prior to
joining Public Mutual, Ms. Chen was attached to a local asset management company as a fund manager. Her
fund management experience includes setting the investment strategy for the assets under management and
management of equity and fixed income portfolios. Ms. Chen was also previously an investment analyst for a
local stockbroking house and her investment research experience includes assessing corporate earnings growth
prospects, computation of stock valuations and financial analysis of listed companies.
Assistant General Manager – Investment, Fixed Income Portfolio Management and Investment Research
Mr. Philip Wong Chee Pin – Mr. Wong obtained his CMSRL on 15 November 2013.
Mr. Wong holds a Master of Science degree in Investment Analysis from the University of Stirling and a Bachelor
of Arts degree in Accountancy Studies from the University of Huddersfield in the United Kingdom. Mr. Wong
joined Public Mutual in 2013 as Assistant General Manager – Investment Research and assumed his current
position as Head of Fixed Income Portfolio Management and Head of Malaysia Equity Research in 2016.
Mr. Wong has over 22 years of experience in investment research and portfolio management. Prior to joining
Public Mutual, Mr. Wong was the Chief Investment Officer for a foreign investment management company. He
also accumulated extensive experience when he served as Senior Vice President – Institutional Equity Investment,
at an established investment management company.
En. Zaharudin, CFP, holds a Bachelor in Library Science from Universiti Teknologi MARA. He joined Public Mutual
in early 1991 as an Executive in the Investment Department. In late 1992, he was assigned to assist the fund
managers in the cash management operations of the funds. En. Zaharudin was promoted to Assistant Manager
– Investment in 1997 and later to Manager – Fixed Income Management in 2001. He was subsequently re-
designated as Manager – Investment, Fixed Income Section in 2004 and later promoted to Senior Portfolio
Manager – Investment, Fixed Income Section in 2006. He was promoted to Assistant General Manager in 2013.
En. Zaharudin has been involved in overseeing and formulating the investment strategy for fixed income portfolios
and has contributed to the development and advancement of operations and system capabilities of the Fixed
Income section.
For further information on the Manager and Investment Committee, please visit our website at
All related party transactions of the funds are executed on terms that are best available to the funds and which are
no less favourable than arm’s length transactions between independent parties.
• dealings on sale and purchase of investment securities and instruments by the funds.
• money market deposits and placements by the funds.
• holding of units in the funds by related parties.
Where a conflict of interest arises due to the Investment Committee member or director holding substantial
shareholding or directorships of public companies, and the fund invests in that particular share or stock belonging
to a public listed company, the said committee member or director shall abstain from any decision making relating
to that particular share or stock of the fund.
Employees of the Manager are required to obtain prior written approval and declare their dealings in securities.
A copy of the following documents (where applicable) may be inspected at the registered office of the Manager
or such other place as the SC may determine:
The Manager has established a set of policies and procedures to counter the risk involving money laundering and
financing of terrorism, in compliance with the provisions of Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and
Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001. The policies and procedures encompass the following key initiatives:
• Provision of training and education on the subject matter to all employees, with emphasis on front-line
personnel and members of the agency force;
• Setting up specific measures and controls with regard to customer identification and acceptance which
include verification of the identity of customer via relevant identification documents;
• Ensuring prompt reporting of suspicious transactions to the Financial Intelligence and Enforcement
Department of Bank Negara Malaysia.
ART was incorporated under the laws of Malaysia and registered as a trust company under the Trust Companies
Act 1949. ART is a subsidiary of Amanah Raya Berhad (“ARB”) which is wholly owned by the Minister of Finance
(Incorporated). ART took over the corporate trusteeship functions of ARB and acquired ARB’s experience of more
than 50 years in trustee business.
The trustee of the funds will perform among others, the following roles, duties and responsibilities:
• To act as the custodian of the funds and safeguard the interest of the unitholders;
• To exercise due diligence and vigilance in carrying out its functions and duties in accordance with the Deed,
securities laws and relevant guidelines;
• To ensure that the Manager manages and administers the funds in accordance with the Deed, securities laws
and relevant guidelines;
• To ensure proper records are kept of all transactions in respect of the funds; and
• To ensure that the Manager keeps the trustee fully informed of the details of the Manager’s policies in
investments and any changes thereof.
The trustee is not engaged in any material litigation and arbitration, either as plaintiff or defendant, and the trustee
is not aware of any proceedings, pending or threatened or of any facts likely to give rise to any proceedings which
might materially and adversely affect its financial position or business.
ART has delegated its custodian function for the foreign investments of the funds to Citibank N.A, Singapore
branch. Citibank N.A. Singapore Branch was registered in Singapore by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory
Authority of Singapore on 6 January 1927. Citibank N.A in Singapore began providing securities service in the
mid-1970’s and a fully operational global custody product was launched in the early 1990’s. To date the securities
services business service a diverse range of clients such as banks, fund managers, broker dealers and insurance
• To act as sub-custodian for the selected cross-border investment of the funds including the opening of cash
and custody accounts and to hold in safe keeping the assets of the funds such as equities, bonds and other
• To act as paying bank for the selected cross-border investment which include trade settlement and fund
transfer services.
• To provide corporate action information or entitlements arising from the above underlying assets and to
provide regular reporting on the activities of the invested portfolios.
The funds are governed by a master deed dated 28 January 1999, a fifth supplemental master deed dated 23
October 2000, ninth supplemental master deed dated 22 April 2003, twenty sixth supplemental master deed
dated 27 June 2007, thirty sixth supplemental master deed dated 17 March 2008, thirty seventh supplemental
master deed dated 11 April 2008, seventy second supplemental master deed dated 28 November 2014, eighty
third supplemental master deed dated 22 November 2016 and eighty seventh supplemental master deed dated
29 August 2017.
A unitholder is a person registered in the register as a holder of units or fractions of units in a fund which
automatically accord him rights and interests in the fund.
Unitholders shall have the right in respect of the funds in which they hold units, to the following:
(a) to receive distributions of the funds (if any) and participate in any increase in the capital value of the units.
(b) to call for a unitholders’ meeting, and to vote for the removal of the trustee or the Manager through an
Extraordinary Resolution.
(c) to exercise the cooling-off right, if applicable.
(d) to receive annual and interim reports of the funds.
(e) to exercise such other rights and privileges as are provided for in the Deed.
No unitholder shall be entitled to require the transfer to him of any of the assets comprised in the funds or be
entitled to interfere with or question the exercise by the trustee or the Manager on his behalf of the rights of the
trustee as owner of such assets.
No unitholders shall by reason of the provisions of the Deed and the relationship created thereby between the
unitholders, the trustee and the Manager be liable for any amount in excess of the purchase price paid for the
unit, and shall not be under any obligation to indemnify the trustee and/or the Manager in the event that the
liabilities incurred by the trustee and the Manager in the name of or on behalf of the funds pursuant to and/or in
the performance of the provisions of the Deed exceed the assets of the funds, and any right of indemnity of the
trustee and/or Manager will be limited to recourse to the funds.
Management fee 2.0% per annum of the NAV.
Trustee fee Not exceeding 0.06% per annum, calculated daily on the NAV, but subject to
any minimum fee (inclusive of the custodian fee) per annum and/or maximum
fee (inclusive of the custodian fee) per annum as shall be agreed upon by the
Manager and the trustee.
A lower fee and/or charges than what is stated in the Deed may be charged. All current fees and charges are
disclosed in the Prospectus.
Any increase of the fees and/or charges above that stated in the current Prospectus may be made provided that a
supplemental prospectus is issued and the maximum stated in the Deed shall not be breached.
Any increase of the fees and/or charges above the maximum stated in the Deed shall require unitholders' approval.
All the above fees and charges are subject to GST. The Manager shall charge and the unitholder shall pay the
amount of GST imposed on any transaction requested by the unitholder.
Only expenses directly related and necessary in operating and administering a fund may be paid out of the funds.
The major expenses that are recoverable directly from the funds include:
(i) commission and/or fees paid to brokers in effecting dealings in the investments of the funds, shown on the
contract notes or confirmation notes or difference accounts;
(ii) (where the foreign custodial function is delegated by the trustee for foreign markets investment), charges/fees
paid to the sub-custodian;
(iii) tax and other duties charged on the funds by the government and other authorities;
(iv) the fee and other expenses properly incurred by the auditor and all professional and accounting fees and
disbursements approved by the trustee;
(v) fees for the valuation of any investment of the funds by independent valuers for the benefit of the funds;
(vi) costs incurred for the modification of the Deed other than those for the benefit of the Manager or the
(vii) costs incurred for any meeting of unitholders other than those convened by the Manager or trustee for its
own benefit;
(viii) the costs of printing and dispatching to unitholders the accounts of the funds, tax certificates, distribution
warrants, notices of meeting of unitholders, newspaper advertisement and such other similar costs as may
be approved by the trustee; and
(ix) any other expenses properly incurred by the trustee in the performance of its duties and responsibilities.
The Manager may retire upon giving 12 months notice to the trustee of its desire to do so, or such shorter period
as the Manager and the trustee shall agree upon, in favour of some other corporation.
The Manager may be removed and another corporation appointed as manager by Extraordinary Resolution of
the unitholders at a unitholders’ meeting convened in accordance with the Deed either by the trustee or the
The trustee shall take reasonable steps to remove and replace the Manager as soon as practicable after becoming
aware of any such circumstances:
(a) An Extraordinary Resolution to that effect has been duly passed by the unitholders at a meeting called for that purpose;
(b) The Manager is in breach of its obligations under the Deed;
(c) The Manager has failed or neglected to carry out its duties to the satisfaction of the trustee and the trustee
considers that it would be in the interests of unitholders for it to do so, after the trustee has given notice
and reasons and has considered any representations made by the Manager in respect of that opinion, and
after consultation with the relevant authorities and with the approval of the unitholders; or
(d) The Manager has gone into liquidation (except a voluntary liquidation for the purpose of amalgamation or
reconstruction or some similar purpose) or has had a receiver appointed or has ceased to carry on business,
and the Manager shall not accept any extra payment or benefit in relation to such removal or replacement or retirement.
In any of the cases aforesaid the Manager for the time being shall upon receipt of such notice by the trustee cease to be
the Manager and the trustee shall by writing under its seal appoint some other corporation to be the Manager of the
fund subject to such corporation entering into a deed or deeds with the trustee and thereafter act as Manager during
the remainder period of the fund.
The trustee may retire upon giving 12 months notice to the Manager of its desire to do so, or such shorter period as
the Manager and the trustee shall agree upon, and may appoint a new trustee in his stead or as additional trustee.
The Manager shall take reasonable steps to remove and replace a trustee as soon as practicable after becoming
aware of any such circumstances:
In addition to the above, the trustee may be removed and another trustee appointed by Extraordinary Resolution
of the unitholders at a unitholders’ meeting convened in accordance with the Deed either by the Manager or the
A fund may be terminated or wound-up upon the occurrence of any of the following events:-
(a) the SC’s approval is revoked under Section 256(E) of the CMSA 2007;
(b) an Extraordinary Resolution is passed at a unitholders’ meeting to terminate or wind-up that fund, following
the occurrence of events stipulated under Section 301(1) of the CMSA 2007 and the court has confirmed
the resolution, as required under Section 301(3) of the CMSA 2007;
(c) an Extraordinary Resolution is passed at a unitholders’ meeting to terminate or wind-up the fund; or
(d) the effective date of an approved transfer scheme, as defined under the SC Guidelines, has resulted in the
fund, which is the subject of the transfer scheme, being left with no asset/property.
A unitholders' meeting may be called by the Manager, trustee and/or unitholders. Any such meeting must be
convened in accordance with the Deed and/or the SC Guidelines.
Every question arising at any meeting shall be decided in the first instance by a show of hands unless a poll is
demanded or if it be a question which under the Deed requires an Extraordinary Resolution, in which case a poll
shall be taken. On a show of hands every unitholder who is present in person or by proxy shall have one vote.
The quorum for a meeting of unitholders of a fund is 5 unitholders of that fund, whether present in person or by
proxy, provided always that for a meeting which requires an Extraordinary Resolution the quorum for that meeting
shall be 5 unitholders, whether present in person or by proxy, holding in aggregate at least 25% of the units in
issue for that fund at the time of the meeting. If the fund has 5 or less unitholders, the quorum required shall be
2 unitholders, whether present or by proxy and if the meeting requires an Extraordinary Resolution the quorum for
that meeting shall be 2 unitholders, whether present in person or by proxy, holding in aggregate at least 25% of
the units in issue for that fund at the time of the meeting.
16 August 2017
Dear Sirs
This letter has been prepared for inclusion in this First Prospectus of Public ASEAN Growth Fund and Public Greater
China Fund in connection with the offer of units in the Public ASEAN Growth Fund and Public Greater China Fund
(“the Funds”).
The Funds are unit trusts for Malaysian tax purposes. The taxation of the Funds are therefore governed principally
by Sections 61 and 63B of the Income Tax Act, 1967 (“the Act”).
Subject to certain exemptions, the income of the Funds in respect of investment income derived from or accruing
in Malaysia are liable to income tax at the rate of 24% effective Year of Assessment (“YA”) 2016.
Gains from the realisation of investments by the Funds will not be subject to income tax.
Interest income earned by the Funds from the following are exempt from tax:-
• any savings certificates issued by the Government; or
• securities or bonds issued or guaranteed by the Government; or
• debentures or sukuk, other than convertible loan stock, approved or authorized by, or lodged with, the
Securities Commission; or
• Bon Simpanan Malaysia issued by the Central Bank of Malaysia; or
• a bank or financial institution licensed under the Financial Services Act 2013 or Islamic Financial Services Act
2013N1 ; or
• any development financial institution regulated under the Development Financial Institutions Act 2002N1; or
• sukuk originating from Malaysia, other than convertible loan stocks, issued in any currency other than
Ringgit and approved or authorized by, or lodged with, the Securities Commission, or approved by the
Labuan Financial Services AuthorityN2 .
The Funds may receive dividends, interest and other income from investments outside Malaysia. Income derived
from sources outside Malaysia and received in Malaysia by a resident unit trust is exempt from Malaysian income
tax. However, such income may be subject to tax in the country from which it is derived.
Discounts earned by the Funds from the following are also exempt from tax:-
• securities or bonds issued or guaranteed by the Government; or
• debentures or sukuk, other than convertible loan stock, approved or authorized by, or lodged with, the
Securities Commission; or
• Bon Simpanan Malaysia issued by the Central Bank of Malaysia.
N1 Effective from YA 2017, in the case of a wholesale fund which is a money market fund, the exemption shall only apply to a wholesale
fund which complies with the criteria as set out in the relevant guidelines of the Securities Commission.
N2 Effective from YA 2017, income tax exemption shall not apply to interest paid or credited to a company in the same group, licensed banks
Tax deductions in respect of the Funds’ expenses such as manager's remuneration, expenses on maintenance of
register of unit holders, share registration expenses, secretarial, audit and accounting fees, telephone charges,
printing and stationery costs and postage (“permitted expenses”) are allowed based on a prescribed formula
subject to a minimum of 10% and a maximum of 25% of the total permitted expenses.
Single tier Malaysian dividends received by the Funds are exempt from tax and expenses in relation to such dividend
income are disregarded.
Gains on disposal of investments by the Funds will not be subject to income tax in Malaysia. However, such gains
may be subject to RPGT in Malaysia, if the gains are derived from sale of Malaysian real properties and shares
in Malaysian real property companies (as defined). Such gains would be subject to RPGT at the applicable rate
depending on the holding period of the chargeable assets.
GST has been implemented with effect from 1 April 2015 to replace the Sales Tax and Service Tax. The prevailing
GST rate is 6%.
The issue, holding or redemption of any unit under a trust fund is regarded as an exempt supply. The investment
activities of the Funds such as buying and selling of securities are exempt supplies and thus not subject to GST.
Thus, if the Funds are just making such exempt supplies, they are not required to be registered for GST.
However, certain expenses incurred by the Funds such as fund manager’s fees, trustee fees and professional fees
will be subject to GST at a standard rate if the service providers are registered persons. If the Funds only make
exempt supplies, any input tax incurred by the Funds for the aforementioned expenses are not claimable.
Unit holders are taxed on an amount equivalent to their share of the total taxable income of the Funds, to the
extent that this is distributed to them. The income distribution from the Funds may carry with it applicable tax
credits proportionate to each unit holder’s share of the total taxable income in respect of the tax paid by the Funds.
Unit holders will be entitled to utilise the tax credit as a set off against the tax payable by them. Any excess over
their tax liability will be refunded to the unit holders. No other withholding tax will be imposed on the income
distribution of the Funds.
Corporate unit holders, resident or non resident in Malaysia, would be taxed at the corporate tax rate of 24%
(effective from YA 2016) on distributions of income from the Funds to the extent of an amount equivalent to
their share of the total taxable income of the Funds. Corporate unit holders in Malaysia with paid-up capital in
the form of ordinary shares of RM2.5 million and below will be subject to a tax rate of 19% (will be reduced to
18% effective from YA 2017) on chargeable income of up to RM500,000. For chargeable income in excess of
RM500,000, the tax rate of 24% is still applicable.
However, the said tax rate of 19% on chargeable income of up to RM500,000 would not apply if more than 50%
of the paid up capital in respect of ordinary shares of that corporate unit holder is directly or indirectly owned by a
related company which has a paid up capital exceeding RM2.5 million in respect of ordinary shares, or vice versa,
or more than 50% of the paid up capital in respect of ordinary shares of both companies are directly or indirectly
owned by another company.
Pursuant to Income Tax (Exemption) (No. 2) Order 2017 [P.U.(A) 117], a tax exemption equivalent to a reduction
in the prevailing corporate tax rate from 1% to 4% will be effectively given for YA 2017 and YA 2018 based
on percentage increase in the chargeable business income for the relevant YA as compared to the immediately
preceding YA, subject to meeting the stipulated conditions.
Individuals and other non-corporate unit holders who are resident in Malaysia will be subject to income tax at scale
rates. The scale tax rates range from 0% to 28% with effect from YA 2016.
Individuals and other non-corporate unit holders who are not resident in Malaysia, for tax purposes, will be subject
to Malaysian income tax at the rate of 28% with effect from YA 2016. Non resident unit holders may also be
subject to tax in their respective jurisdictions and depending on the provisions of the relevant tax legislation and
any double tax treaties with Malaysia, the Malaysian tax suffered may be creditable in the foreign tax jurisdictions.
The distribution of single-tier Malaysian dividends and tax exempt income by the Funds will not be subject to tax
in the hands of the unit holders in Malaysia. Distribution of foreign income will also be exempt in the hands of
the unit holders.
Units split by the Funds will be exempt from tax in Malaysia in the hands of the unit holders.
Any gains realised by the unit holders (other than financial institutions, insurance companies and those dealing in
securities) from the transfers or redemptions of the unit are generally treated as capital gains which are not subject
to income tax in Malaysia. However, certain unit holders may be subject to income tax in Malaysia on such gains,
due to specific circumstances of the unit holders.
The following gains or income received by the unit holders are not subject to GST:-
• the distribution of income from the Funds to the unit holders which may comprise of dividends, interest
income and gains from realisation of investments;
• distribution of foreign income from the Funds;
• unit split by the Funds and reinvestment of distribution; and
• gain made from selling or redemption of units.
Any fee based charges in relation to buying of the units and transferring of units should generally be subject to
GST if the supplier is GST registered.
The tax position is based on our understanding and interpretation of the Malaysian tax legislations and proposals
as they stand at present. All prospective investors should not treat the contents of this letter as advice relating to
taxation matters and are advised to consult their own professional advisers concerning their respective investments.
Yours faithfully
Head Office
Block B, Sri Damansara Business Park,
Persiaran Industri, Bandar Sri Damansara,
52200 Kuala Lumpur.
: 03-62796800 : 03-62779800
: 03-62075000
Ipoh Penang
37 & 39, Persiaran Greentown 4, 16, Lintang Burma,
Greentown Business Centre, 10250 Pulau Tikus, Penang.
30450 Ipoh, Perak.
: 04-3055000 : 04-2295171
: 05-2462500 : 05-2559859 Senior Branch Manager: Vincent Seow Weng Sim
Senior Branch Manager: Foong Kuan Mun
Bukit Mertajam
Sungai Petani 2646 - 2648, 2nd Floor
9D & 9E, Jalan Kampung Baru, Jalan Che Bee Noor,
08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah. 14000 Bukit Mertajam
: 04-3055000 :04-4230663 Seberang Prai Tengah, Penang
Branch Manager: Annie Ong Sok Nee : 04-3055000 : 04-5376580
Branch Manager: Cheryl Oon Lay Pheng
Central Region
1 Utama Shopping Centre Cheras
Lot LG-313-E, 44-2, 44-3, 44-4 & 34-2,
1, Lebuh Bandar Utama, Cheras Commercial Centre,
Bandar Utama City Centre, Jalan 5/101C, Off Jalan Kaskas,
Bandar Utama, 56100 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur.
47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. : 03-62075000 : 03-91321022
: 03-62075000 :03-77263811 Senior Branch Manager: Khoo Peng Seng
Bangsar Klang
11,15 & 17, Jalan Bangsar Utama 3, 28, 30 & 32, Lorong Batu Nilam 3B,
Bangsar Utama, 59000 Kuala Lumpur. Bandar Bukit Tinggi,
: 03-62075000 :03-22835739 41200 Klang, Selangor
Senior Branch Manager: Chooi Chan Yen : 03-62075000 : 03-33235632
Branch Manager: Ng Tong Chia
Shah Alam
54 & 56, Jalan Pahat G15/G,
Kompleks Otomobil,
Persiaran Selangor,
Seksyen 15,
40200 Shah Alam, Selangor.
: 03-62075000 :03-55139288
Branch Manager: Eric Ng Swee Huat
Southern Region
Kluang Melaka
3, Jalan Dato Teoh Siew Khor No. 929 & 930, Jalan Merdeka,
86000 Kluang, Johor. Taman Melaka Raya,
: 07-7391500 :07-7736195 75000 Melaka.
Branch Manager: Tan Kheng Aun : 06-2855500 : 06-2837354
Senior Branch Manager: Carl Wong Yon Lian
Muar Seremban
46, Jalan Sayang, 1A & 1B, Jalan Tuanku Munawir,
84000 Muar, Johor. 70000 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.
: 06-9562500 :06-9536830 : 06-6372500 : 06-7644237
Branch Manager: Angie Ng Seow Mai Branch Manager: Michael Wong Cheong Tee
Kuantan Temerloh
71 & 73, Jalan Haji Abdul Aziz, 10, 11 & 12, 2nd Floor,
25000 Kuantan, Pahang. Jalan Ahmad Shah,
: 09-5118500 :09-5161223 Bandar Sri Semantan,
Branch Manager : Sharon Ting Mooi Choon 28000 Temerloh, Pahang.
: 09-2955500 : 09-2968060
Branch Manager: Agnes Choong Lee Yoon
East Malaysia
TB 4437, Lot 28, Block D,
Sabindo Square,
Jalan Dunlop,
91000 Tawau, Sabah.
: 089-765325 :089-765326
Branch Manager: Janice Chong Mui Lin
Bintulu Kuching
4, Lot 2646, Lot 205 & 206, Section 49,
Jalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman,
97000 Bintulu, Sarawak. 93100 Kuching, Sarawak.
: 086-334718 :086-330221 : 082-239285 : 082-239825
Branch Manager: Lilian Lo Fui Ping Senior Branch Manager: Jones Chen Chung Sze
Miri Sibu
Lot 1380 (Ground & 1st Floor) & 10, Lorong 2,
Lot 1381 (1st Floor), Jalan Tuanku Osman,
Block 10, Center Point Commercial Centre, 96000 Sibu, Sarawak.
Phase II, Jalan Kubu, : 084-317463 : 084-330269
98000 Miri, Sarawak. Branch Manager: Wayne Moh Yuon Fat
: 085-429066 :085-416195
Branch Manager: Allan Ngo Say Khiang
Public Mutual offices are open on Mondays to Fridays, except public holidays, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m.
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