UCSP Week 5
UCSP Week 5
UCSP Week 5
Our society consists of different organizations. Each organization has its own contribution
which affects certain individuals, or the whole society itself.
Social organization is defined as the system of relationships between persons and among
groups with regard to the division of activity and the functional arrangement of mutual
obligations within society. Knowing social organization can help us understand the
importance of each organization’s role to the development of the entire society.
Day 1
Pre-assessment (What I know)
Direction: Identify what is being asked. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is the name of the famous poet who wrote: “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man
is a part of the continent, a part of the main.”
a. John Donne c. Johan Dominic
b. Elizabeth Keller d. Jan Donee
2. It is defined as a group of individuals intimately interact and cooperate over a long period of
a. Group Society c. Primary Group
b. Secondary Group d. Nomadic
3. It is defined as the web of social-relationships that form an important part of the live of most
a. Social Group c. Family
b. Kinship d. Relatives
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of traits along a phylogeny. The chosen out-group is hypothesized to be closely related to the other
groups but less closely related that any single one of the other groups is to each other.
In sociology and social psychology, in-group is a social group to which one identifies itself as being
member. By contrast, out-group is a group in which one does not identify itself. For example, it is
psychologically meaningful, to identify you based on your race, culture, gender and age or religion.
By definition, a reference group is a group to which an individual or another group is compared.
Sociologists call any group that individuals use as a standard for evaluating themselves and their own
behavior a reference group.
Reference group are used in order to determine the nature of other individual or group’s characteristics
and sociological attributes. Reference groups provide the benchmarks and contrast needed for
comparison and evaluation of group and personal characteristics. Robert K. Merton hypothesized that
individuals compare themselves with reference group of people who occupy the social role to which the
individual aspires. Reference groups are groups that people refer to when evaluating their [own]
qualities circumstances, attributes, values and behaviors.
The looking-glass self describes the process wherein individuals base their sense
of self on how they believe others view them. Using social interaction as a type
of “mirror,” people use the judgments they receive from others to measure their
own worth, values, and behavior. According to Self, Symbols, & Society,
Cooley’s theory is notable because it suggests that self-concept is built not in
solitude, but rather within social settings. In this way, society and individuals are
not separate, but rather two complementary aspects of the same phenomenon.
As expected, each of us should have a role in the society or in a group. Individual or personal roles are
different from social roles. When an individual is in a group, that individual must perform his social role
– not personal role. He must perform his role based on the social norms.
Performance of social roles depends on the cohesiveness of the members. Here are the following:
1. Number of friends is the degree of cooperation and participation of the group on various
activities depend on the number of relatives and friends in the group. The more friends or family
in the group the more cohesive it is.
2. Morale of the members, when the morale of the group is high, the group confidence with each
other is also high, thus the group cohesiveness increase.
3. Sense of belongingness, when members of the group have the sense of belongingness, loyalty
emerges. The members even go to the extent of protectiveness and defending the group in
4. Commitment of the members, members of the group is committed to the values, norms,
activities and goals of the group. The more committed the member is the more cohesive the
group will become.
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Institutions provide a framework of continuity and predictability to allow members of the society to plan
their activities accurately. Teachers and parents need to provide routine to young children, but ironically
we adults need to make our own routines for modern civilization to be possible.
This is an element of social interaction that exists in the web of social relationships among people, either
directly or indirectly. Example, a student may have social networks such as his friends, classmates,
administrator of the school, personnel in the bookstore and etc. However, his first social network is his
family and relatives.
Social networks have significant functions;
1. They help an individual to develop its opinions, choices and point of views.
2. Source of information on any activity and concerns of the individuals.
3. Influence the personality of the people.
4. Provides opportunity and control to one’s behavior
5. Provide a source of companionship.
6. Provide economic transactions opportunity.
7. Provides society’s resources distribution.
Day 2
Good Day! I hope you had fun yesterday with our lesson. I am confident that you understand our topic.
Today, I am encouraging you to read your notes and afterwards answer the questions below. Good luck
and happy Learning.
Activity No. 1
Direction: Explain the following questions briefly using five sentences. Write your answer on a one
whole sheet of intermediate paper.
1. Is your “class” a primary or secondary group? Support your answer.
2. Give at least 3 examples of in-group and out-group.
3. As a student what is your reference group? And why do you consider it as your reference group?
Day 3
Valuing/Integration (What’s more)
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Hi, I hope you are doing fine. I know that you are excited for today’s activity. Let us start!
Activity 2: Memory Check
Direction: In your own point of view and understanding, explain the meaning of the following terms
and phrases, in 5 sentences.
a. Human Society
b. Kinship
c. Primary group
d. Secondary group
e. Out-group
f. In-group
g. Peers
h. Reference group
i. Social Roles
j. Social Network
Day 4
Application (What I can do)
We are almost done with our lesson. I am so proud that you are doing great with our module. For
today’s activity we will deepen our understanding about the lesson.
Activity 3: Completion Type
Direction: Complete the statement to give meaning and sense of such by choosing the word enclosed
inside the parenthesis. Write your answer on a one whole sheet of intermediate paper.
1. A given society may be described as the sum of total relationships among its (benevolent,
constituent, sufficient) members.
2. Social ends of kinship include the socialization of children and the formation of basic economic
and (democratic, religious, socialistic) groups.
3. Human relations through (friendship, companionship, marriage) are called affinity.
4. Degrees of relationships are not identical to (heirship, genetic, sibling) or legal successions.
5. When applied to human relationships, kinship is closer to (affinity, consanguinity, solidarity).
6. The out-group is used as a point of comparison for the (reference group, social group, in-group)
in human society.
7. Reference groups provide the (performance, benchmarks, appearance) and contrast need for
comparison and evaluation.
8. Individual (compares, adjusts, situates) itself with reference groups.
9. It is used as standard for evaluating oneself and one’s behavior known as (in-group, primary
group, reference group).
10. The significance of in-group and out-group categorization was identified using a method called
the (minimal, maximal, sublimal) group paradigm.
Day 5
Post Assessment (What I have learned)
Today is the last day of our Week 5: Social Organization. Are you now ready? Let us begin.
Activity 4: Critical Thinking
Direction: Answer the following analytical questions using your critical thinking skills. Write your
answer on a one whole sheet of intermediate paper. Explain it briefly using seven sentences.
1. How does a human group form? Is it different from an aggregate of people?
2. In what way does a social network serve as a useful element of social interactions?
3. Under what condition do people tend to cooperate best? Support your answer.
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Direction: React favorably or unfavorably to the following statements. Support your answer in 5
sentences. Write it on a piece of paper.
1. If you are given a gift, you must also reciprocate in return.
2. Not all groups that exist have purposes or goals.
3. The actions of members in a group are controlled by the norms of the group.
Congratulations! I am happy that you were able to finish our module on SOCIETY. Now I am
encouraging you to share with me, what is your most favorite part of this module? Your answer will
help me improve the module for our next topic. Please write your answer on the space provided.
Ariola, Mariano M., Sociology and Anthropology with Family Planning. Manil: Purely Books Trading
&Publishing Corp., 2012.
organizations: Retrieved on September 17, 2020.
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