Summary of Economic Review 2019-20
Summary of Economic Review 2019-20
Summary of Economic Review 2019-20
01. Macro-Economic Aggregates
Rajasthan: An Overview
Estimates of State Domestic Product represents the value of all goods and services produced within the
State. It is one of the important indicators used to measure the growth of the State's Economy.
01. Macro-Economic Aggregates
Types of SDP
• The estimates of State Domestic Product (SDP) of the Rajasthan are prepared at both current and
constant prices.
• The estimates of SDP are prepared for all the sectors of economy both in terms of Gross and Net
The Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Rajasthan brings out estimates of State Domestic Product on
regular basis, and making them up to date from time to time as per the guidelines and methodology
provided by the National Accounts Division, Central Statistics Office, Ministry of Statistics &
Programme Implementation, Government of India.
GSDP is defined as a measure in monetary terms, of volume of all the goods and services produced
within the boundaries of the State during the given period of time, accounted without duplication.
GSDP is generally known as ‘State income’.
Rajasthan India
Year GSDP Variation from GDP Variation from
Last Year Last Year
01. Macro-Economic Aggregates
Rajasthan India
Year GSDP Variation from GDP Variation from
Last Year Last Year
Net State Domestic Product is when deduction is made for Consumption of Fixed Capital (CFC), which
take place in the process of production, from Gross State Domestic Product.
Year NSDP Variation from
Last Year
01. Macro-Economic Aggregates
Year NSDP Variation from
Last Year
Gross State Value Added (GSVA) is a productivity metric that measures the contribution to an
economy by different sectors. Rajasthan, measures GSVA by three broad sectors namely Agriculture,
Industries and services.
• Industries sector incudes mining, manufacturing, electricity, gas, water supply & remedial
services and construction sector.
• Service sector includes railways, other transport, storage, communication, trade, hotels &
restaurant, real estate, ownership of dwellings, public administration, financial and other
services sectors.
Important Trends:
• The analysis of sectoral composition of Gross State Value Added (GSVA) at current prices
reveals that the progressive decline in the contribution of Agricultural Sector in the economy of
• The Industry Sector has also declined from its contribution levels in 2011-12. Consequently,
contribution of Service sector has increased progressively.
01. Macro-Economic Aggregates
• Crops – 47.54%
• Livestock - 41.53%
• Forestry & Logging - 10.54%
• Fishing – 0.36%
• Manufacturing – 35.28 %
• Construction – 11.73%
• Mining - 23.79%
• Electricity, Gas & other Utility Services – 29.18%
01. Macro-Economic Aggregates
The Per Capita Income is derived by dividing the Net State Domestic product by the mid year's total
population of the State. Per capita Income is a pointer for standard of living and the well-being of
• (a) Constant (2011-12) Prices: 81,355 INR | Rajasthan & 96,563 | India
The Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) is measured by the total value of a producer's acquisition
less disposal, of fixed assets during the accounting period plus certain additions to the value of non-
produced assets realized by the productive activity of institutional units.
• At the end of the year 2018-19, the total assets at current prices are estimated to be ₹2,56,731
• The GFCF in the year 2018-19 increased by 10.63 per cent over the previous year 2017-18.
01. Macro-Economic Aggregates
Important Trends:
• GFCF has been more in Private Sector (73.3%) than Public Sector (26.7%).
• Construction & Public Administration have highest GFCH formation
• Forestry and Fishing(last) have least GFCG formation.
• GFCF sector-wise: Construction (Highest) > Residential Buildings > Public Administration >
Electricity, Gas, Water Supply > Manufacturing (Reg.) > Manufacturing (Un-Reg.) Trade, Hotels,
Restaurant, Transport and Other Service > Agriculture > Communication > Mining > Railways >
Banking & Insurance > Forestry > Fishing.
Price Statistics
Price level is one of the key indicators in the process of economic planning. Changes in prices have a
direct bearing on all sections of the society, irrespective of their standard of living. One of the foremost
concerns of any Government is to exercise regular and periodic control over the movement of prices of
essential commodities.
Price index is a statistical tool to measure relative changes in the price levels of commodities or services
in a given region, during a given interval of time. To measure inflation at wholesale and retail levels,
the commonly used indicators are Wholesale Price Index (WPI) and Consumer Price Index (CPI).
• The Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES) has been collecting the wholesale and retail
prices of the essential commodities regularly, since 1957 from selected centres across the State
on weekly basis.
• The Consumer Price Indices for industrial workers are prepared and released by the Labour
Bureau, Shimla for Jaipur, Ajmer and Bhilwara centres of the State.
• The DES also prepares Building Construction Cost Index for Jaipur Centre.
01. Macro-Economic Aggregates
• The primary use of the state level WPI is in computation of GSDP as an indicator.
• WPI serves as an important determinant in formulation of trade, fiscal and other economic policies
by the government.
• It is also widely used by the banks, industries and business circles. It is released on monthly
• It covers 154 commodities, of which 75 are from 'Primary Articles' group, 69 from Manufactured
Products' group and 10 from 'Fuel and Power' group.
• The Wholesale Price Index for 'All Commodities' moved from 300.27 in the year 2018 to 310.56 in
the year of 2019, registered an increase of 3.43 per cent.
• At present there are four different types of Consumer Price Indices are being constructed every
month. They are Consumer Price Index for
• The first three indices are constructed and released by the Labour Bureau, Shimla and the
fourth one by the Central Statistical Office (CSO), New Delhi.
01. Macro-Economic Aggregates
02. Agriculture & Allied Sector
Agriculture and allied sector activities primarily refers to cultivation of Crops, Animal Husbandry,
Fisheries and Forestry.
02. Agriculture & Allied Sector
The agricultural census collects Primary and Secondary data on structure of operational holdings by
different size classes and social groups in the state. Operational Holding refers to all land which is used
wholly or partly for agricultural production and is operated as one technical unit by one person alone
or with others without regard to the title, legal form, size or location.
• As per provisional data for Agriculture Census 2015-16, total number of operational land
holdings in the State was 76.55 lakh. Out of these:
o Marginal - 40.12 %
o Small - 21.90 %
o Medium - 14.79 %
• There is an increase in the number of marginal, small, semi medium and medium land holdings
and decrease is in number of large land holding in the year 2015-16 in comparison to the year
2010-11. This indicates that there is an increase in number of divisions of land due to splitting
of joint families.
• As per Agriculture Census 2015-16, total number of female operational land holdings in the
State was 7.75 lakh whereas it was 5.46 lakh in 2010-11
02. Agriculture & Allied Sector
Agriculture in Rajasthan is primarily rain-fed and the period of monsoon is short. As per information
of Indian Meteorology Department, the rainfall patterns indicate that during current monsoon season,
the Onset of monsoon had 7 days delay than its normal date of 15 June but it arrived on 2 July. It
The actual rainfall in the period 1st June to 30th September 2019 in the state was 774.3.8 mm, which is
46.09 per cent less than the normal rainfall (538.08 mm) for the same period. In Rajasthan, during the
entire monsoon season 2019, there have been abnormal, excess or normal rains in most of the districts,
whereas in Ganganagar, Hanumangarh and Alwar districts, deficit rainfall has been recorded.
Agricultural Production
• As per preliminary forecast for the year 2019-20, the total food grain production in the State is
expected to be 249.88 lakh tonnes, which is a decrease of 8.06 per cent as compared to
production of 231.25 lakh tonnes for the previous year.
• The kharif food grain production in the year 2019-20 is expected to be at the level of 89.25 lakh
tonnes (5.56 % annual increase) and Production of Rabi food grain production is expected to be
160.63 lakh tonnes (9.50z% annual decrease).
02. Agriculture & Allied Sector
• Production of kharif Cereals is estimated to be 71.79 lakh tonnes (8.99% annual increase)
during the year 2019-20 and Production of Rabi Cereals in the year 2019-20 is expected to be
133.19 lakh tonnes (4.23% annual decrease).
• Production of kharif Pulses is estimated to be 17.46 lakh tonnes during the year 2019-20,
showing a decrease of 6.53 per cent.
• Oilseeds including Groundnut, Sesamum, Soyabean and Castor seed are grown in kharif season
and Rape & Mustard, Taramira and Linseed in rabi season. The total production of oilseeds
during the year 2019-20 is estimated at 65.79 lakh tonnes (14.08% annual decrease). Also, there is
more oilseed production in Rabi then Kharif.
• Production of Sugarcane is likely to be 2.50 lakh tonnes in the year 2019-20, showing a decrease
of 44.20 per cent.
• The production of Cotton is likely to be 26.64 lakh bales during the year 2019-20, showing an
increase of 31.43 per cent.
02. Agriculture & Allied Sector
Directorate of Horticulture was established in 1989-90, with the objective of growth in area, production
& productivity of fruits, vegetables, spices, flowers and medicinal plant crops in a planned way.
Agricultural Marketing
The Directorate of Agriculture Marketing is functioning in the State to implement 'Mandi Regulation
and Management' effectively.
02. Agriculture & Allied Sector
02. Agriculture & Allied Sector
• Electricity tariff subsidy at the rate of 1.0 per KWH with a maximum ceiling of 2.00 lakh per
annum for a period of 5 years or 30 per cent subsidy on cost of solar power plant within a
ceiling of 10 lakh is allowed.
Credit Facilitation:
• For ensuring easy availability of funds to projects under this policy, a seprate fund of 2500 crore
in Rajasthan State Cooperative Bank Ltd.
• Major initiative for farmers on the line of Ease of doing business, for Easing of Doing Farming is
to constitute "Krishak Kalyan Kosh' on 16 December, 2019 with a corpus of 1,000 crore. The
fund will be used for fair prices of agriculture produce to farmers.
• During the year 2019-20, an expenditure of 202.77 crore has been incurred on construction work
of mandi yards, sub yards and roads etc. 248.59 Km roads have been constructed in krishi upaj
mandi samities, upto December, 2019.
Water Resources
Irrigation potential of the sate has been raised to 38.60 lakh hectare by 2018-19, while at the time of
independence, it was only 4 lakh hectare. During the year 2019-30, irrigation schemes are under
progress include:
• 7 major Projects
o Narmada Canal Project,
o Parwan,
o Dholpur lift,
o Rajasthan Water Sector Restructuring Project (RWSRP) for desert area,
o Navnera Barrage (ERCP),
o Upper high level canal
o Piplakhunt
• 6 Medium projects
o Garadada, Takli, Gagrin, Lhasi, Rajgarh and Hatiyadeh
• 45 minor irrigation schemes
02. Agriculture & Allied Sector
• Construction of Dam under execution in Akawad Kalan, Khanpur, district Jhalawar on Parwan
• Along with drinking water to 1821 villages, this project will provide irrigation facility in
2,01,400 hectare CCA in 637 villages of Jhalawar, Baran and Kota district.
• The project will also provide 79 million cubic meters of water to the Thermal Power Project,
which will produce 2,970 Megawatt electricity.
• For first time, Sprinkler irrigation system has been made compulsory.
• RWSLIP has been sanctioned for getting loan assistance from JICA for rehabilitation and
renovation of 137 Irrigation Project in 25 districts.
• Total CCA to be treated under this project is 4.70 lakh hectare.
• Project period will be 08 year and implemented in three stages.
• RWSRPD has been financed by New Development Bank, for rehabilitation and thereby
restructuring of existing IGNP system.
• It will benefit Sri-Ganganagar, Hanumangarh, Churu, Nagaur, Bikaner, Jodhpur, Jaisalmer and
Barmer districts.
• Revamping of IGNP system will reclaim 22,831 hectare of water logged area.
This Project is funded by Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India (World Bank Project). Total
project cost is `128 crore (100 per cent grant in aid from GoI) and duration is 8 years (2016-17 to 2023-
02. Agriculture & Allied Sector
This project will help in availability of real-time meteorological and water related data for water
resources management in the state. It will help in development of real time decision support system for
flood, drought management, improved water use efficiency and IWRM.
This will also help in availability & transmission of water related information and meteorological
forecast to the public through public domain of Water Resources Information System (WRIS).
A tripartite MoU has been signed by Government of India, Government of Rajasthan and Government
of Punjab on 23 January, 2019 for relining of Indira Gandhi Feeder (Punjab portion) & Sirhind Feeder.
For restoration & rehabilitation of large dams of state, a World Bank aided Dam Rehabilitation &
Improvement Project (DRIP) is being executed.
Watershed Development
Rajasthan, with a geographical area of 343 lakh hectare, is the largest State of the country, having 10.40
per cent of the total area of the country. Out of this area, about 101 lakh hectare is waste land and only
168 lakh hectare area is cultivable.
Despite being the largest state in terms of area, only 1.16 per cent of total water resources is available in
the state. The annual rainfall in the state also varies from 100 mm in the arid west to 900 mm in the
Usually, every three out of five years, most districts of the state are affected by drought because of
uncertain and varied distributions of rainfall. Moreover, owing to high intensity of rainfall and
improper water conservation system, a large percentage of this rainfall goes waste resulting in
continuous depletion of water table and further, conversion of cultivable land into waste-land.
To resolve these serious issues, the State Government has decided to launch Rajiv Gandhi Jal Sanchay
Yojna (RGJSY) to ensure maximum rainwater harvesting, water conservation and judicious use of
available water sources in the State.
02. Agriculture & Allied Sector
Rajiv Gandhi Jal Sanchay Yojna (RGJSY) is being implemented with effective convergence of various
Central and State schemes, effective convergence of funds, assistance of Corporate, Religious trusts,
Social sects, NGOs and public contribution, and by providing State fund to execute water conservation
and water harvesting activities.
Major Activities:
• Watershed (catchment) area treatment: Trenches, Farm Ponds, Mini Percolation Tank (MPT),
Khadin, Johar, Tanka, Small Anicuts, Earthen check dams, Water harvesting structures, Field
Bund, Water storage structures etc.
• Repair of minor irrigation work, renovation and reinforcement work.
• Reinforcement of drinking water sources.
• Construction of artificial recharge structures.
• Pasture development & plantation.
• Promotion of advanced methods of cropping & horticulture (Drip, Solar pump etc.).
The first phase of Rajiv Gandhi Jal Sanchay Yojna commenced on 20 August 2019 in around 4,000
villages of all 295 blocks of all 33 districts of the State. The completion period of phase-I is two years.
Under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (Watershed Component) the funding pattern with respect
to Gol: GoR is 60:40.
02. Agriculture & Allied Sector
State Warehousing
The main activity of the Rajasthan State Warehousing Corporation (RSWC) is to build godowns and
warehouses in the State for scientific storage of agricultural produces, seeds, manures, fertilizers,
agricultural implements and other notified commodities of the farmers' co-operative societies, traders,
Government and other institutions.
The Corporation is operating 93 warehouses in 31 districts of the State with the total storage capacity of
15.50 lakh metric tonnes.
The Corporation is providing 70 per cent, 60 per cent and 10 per cent rebate for storage charges to
SC/ST farmers, general farmers and co-operative societies respectively
Animal Husbandry
In Rajasthan, Animal Husbandry is not merely a subsidiary to agriculture but it is a major economic
activity, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. The State is endowed with finest drought hardy milch
breeds (Rathi, Gir, Sahiwal and Tharparkar), dual purpose breeds (Kankrej and Haryana) and the
famous drafts breeds of Nagori and Malvi.
The livestock Census-2019 has placed total livestock population of the State at 567.76 lakh and poultry
birds at 146.23 lakh. The State has about 10.60 per cent of the livestock of the country. It accounts for
about 7.23 per cent of cattle, 12.47 per cent of buffaloes, 14.00 per cent of goats, 10.64 per cent of sheep
and 84.43 per cent of camels of the country. The State contributed 12.72 per cent of milk and 34.46 per
cent of wool to the nation's production in the year 2017-18.
• Under the mandate of Foot and Mouth Diseases (FMD), free Rajasthan FMD-CP is being
implemented in the State with the assistance of Government of India. Mass Vaccination Campaigns
are going on in the State for cattle and buffalo twice a year.
• Livestock Breeders are being benefited under Pashudhan Nishulak Arogya Yojna regularly.
• Breed improvement program has also been strengthened.
• Training facility for livestock farmers has been improved and extended.
• Under the National Livestock Mission, Genetic Improvement of Goat and Sheep (GIGS) scheme
has been started with the assistance of Gol:Gor with the 60:40 funding pattern. Under the scheme
02. Agriculture & Allied Sector
exhibition and training camps are organized for selection of male and female goats with preferred
genetic characters. Presently the scheme is being run in Ajmer, Jaipur, Sikar, Rajsamand,
Chittorgarh, Churu, Sirohi and Kuchamancity (Nagour) Districts.
• Under the National Livestock Mission, Innovative Poultry Productivity Project (IPPP) has been
started for Poultry Farmers. Under this project IPPP for Broiler and LIT Birds projects has been
• Establishment of 400 new veterinary sub centres have been proposed in the year 2019-20 in those
gram panchayats where departmental veterinary facility is not available. Out of these, 226 new sub
centres have been opened upto December, 2019.
Gopalan Department
The aim of the Directorate of Gopalan is to act rigorously for promotion, conservation programmes and
development of the cattle population of the State including cattle reared in gaushalas of the State.
This is done by means of various training programmes for imparting managerial skills to gaushala
managers in the fields of organic farming and fodder production, marketing of cattle products,
renewable energy, use of Panchgavya and value addition etc.
Dairy Development
The Dairy Development Programme in Rajasthan is being implemented through Cooperative Societies.
Under this Programme, 15,017 Dairy Cooperative Societies have been affiliated with 21 District Milk
Producers Cooperative Unions spread over the State and a State level Apex Body, 'Rajasthan
Cooperative Dairy Federation (RCDF) Limited, Jaipur is functional.
02. Agriculture & Allied Sector
In water resources Rajasthan state stands on 11 position in the country. The fish production potential of
Rajasthan is more than 80,000 metric tonnes annually while production achieved in the year 2019-20 is
only 35,256 (till december 2019) metric tonnes in the State. Hence, there is good scope for further
development of fisheries sector in the State.
The Department has started implementation of ambitious scheme on 'livelihood model', which is a
'zero revenue' model, for the upliftment of tribal fishermen in three reservoirs namely, Jaisamand
Udaipur), Mahi Bajaj Sagar (Banswara) and Kadana Backwater (Dungarpur). As per the new model the
lift contract has been given to the highest bidder.
Under National Mission for Protein Supplement scheme, a cage culture project has been sanctioned by
Government of India at a cost of `3.44 crore for the dissemination and demonstration of modern
fisheries techniques at Mahi Bajaj Sagar (Banswara) and 56 cages have already been installed there.
The ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India has accordingly restructured the
schemes by merging all the ongoing schemes under an umbrella of blue revolution at the cost of `3,000
crore. It will ensure achievement of food & nutritional security in a sustainable manner keeping in view
the bio security and environmental concerns.
Forestry is the pivot of ecological and environmental balance and plays a significant role in the state's
economy. The State has ample opportunities for eco-tourism. There are 3 National Parks, 26 Wild Life
Sanctuaries, and 14 Conservation Reserves in the State. Besides this, 3 Biological Parks at Jaipur,
Udaipur and Jodhpur have also been developed.
Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI) have been empowered to get income from the collection of minor
forest produce from forest as well as non-forest areas. Planting activities on non-forest land also vests
with PRIs.
Under Joint Forest Management Programme, 5,767 Village Forest Protection and Management
committees (VFPMC) are protecting and managing 18.20 lakh hectare of forest land under the guidance
of the department.
02. Agriculture & Allied Sector
Environment Department was established in the year 1983 to function as a nodal Department in the
matters of Environment and Ecology, to deal with matters related to Rajasthan state Pollution control
Board (RsPcB), to solve and control all matters relating to pollution with the help of RsPcB, District
Administration and other related departments and organizations.
• Environment Department organizes educational and awareness programmes from time to time.
• Information about different activities of the Department, decisions of the State Government,
various ongoing schemes, facts related to Environment were disseminated to public from time
to time.
• Messages on the occasions of three International Days viz. World Earth Day, World
Environment Protection Day and World Ozone Layer Conservation Day were published and
communicated through electronic & print media
World Earth Day (22 April), World Environment Protection Day (5 June) and World ozone Layer
conservation Day (16 September) are celebrated through District Environment committees by
organizing rallies, quiz and essay competitions etc.
Environment Department is tasked with ensuring compliance of various Acts and Rules related to
Environment through various Departments, Boards and Agencies. Environment Department mainly
deals with compliance of the following Acts and Rules:
02. Agriculture & Allied Sector
Rajasthan state Biodiversity Board has been constituted under the provision of Biological Diversity act,
2002 notified by Government of India. Government of Rajasthan notified the Rajasthan Biological
Diversity Rules, 2010 under section 63(1) of Biological Diversity Act, 2002.
There is a provision for bestowing Rajeev Gandhi Paryavaran Sanrakshan Puraskars under three
categories viz.
• Individual,
• Institution/organization,
• Nagar Palika/Nagar Parishad
At present, there are 29 Central Cooperative Banks, 21 Milk Unions, 37 Consumer Wholesale Stores, 36
Primary Land Development Banks, 6,645 Primary Agriculture Credit Co-operative Societies and 271
Marketing and Fruit & Vegetable Societies in the State. A total of 35,292 Co-operative societies with 23
federations are registered in the State.
02. Agriculture & Allied Sector
There are Kraya Vikraya Samities at every mandi yard in the State and at apex level, RAJFED is
functional. They are working to make available high yielding variety of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides
to the farmers at fair prices and ensuring fair prices to the farmers for their crops.
To resuscitate the consumers from black marketing and simulated deficiency in the market, cooperative
institutions are working effectively in providing consumer products on reasonable prices. For this
purpose, 37 cooperative wholesale bhandars are working at district level and Rajasthan Rajya Sahkari
Upbhokta Sangh Ltd (CONFED) is working as Apex institution in the consumer sector.
The main objective of Rajasthan Co-operative Housing Federation established in 1970 is to provide long
term loans to members of housing societies/ Primary Agriculture Credit Societies (PACS) for
construction of houses and providing house on cheap rates by developing well planned colonies.
Presently, after amendment on 4th November, 1996 in bye-laws of Rajasthan Co-operative Housing
Federation (RCHF), personal housing loans are given to applicants after making them nominal
Co-operative Press
Rajasthan state co-operative printing press is an apex institution. The objective of this institution is to
provide qualitative printing material for government department, members and non-members of co-
operative societies.
Urban Co-operative Banks
33 Urban Co-operative Banks are functioning in the State. Among them, 3 banks are Railway Employee
Salary Earner Co-operative Banks and 6 banks are women urban co-operative banks.
There are 8,522 finished godowns under co-operative societies/ institutions. These godowns are used
for agricultural produce, Public Distribution System (PDS) and food storage under various schemes of
Rural Development Department.
03: Rural Development & Panchayati Raj
Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department is functioning in the State to implement various
rural specific development programmes, through Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Institutions
at various levels.
RGAVP is an autonomous society established in October, 2010 by the Government of Rajasthan under
the administrative control of Department of Rural Development. The society is registered under Society
Registration Act, 1958 and is mandated to implement all rural livelihood programmes associated with
Self Help Group (SHG) based institutional architecture.
• The objective of the RGAVP is to implement Self Help Groups (SHGs) based livelihood
program , financial Inclusion through project fund and bank linkage in the State.
The key activities undertaken in the projects being implemented by RAJEEVIKA are as follows:
• Institution Building
• Capacity Building
• Financial Inclusion
• Livelihood Intervention
• Convergence
The objectives of this scheme are to create local need based infrastructure development, to create assets
of public utility and to remove regional imbalances in development. This scheme is being implemented
in rural as well as urban areas of the state. Every MLA is authorized to recommend the works up to
2.25 crore per year for his/her constituency.
03: Rural Development & Panchayati Raj
At least 20 Per cent of total allotment amount annually must be recommended for the development of
SC/ST personnels. Works related to drinking water, approach roads, drainage system in abadi area,
sewerage work in urban area, building works in Government educational institutions, desilting of
tanks, development of traditional source of water, infrastructural development of tourist places,
drinking water facilities for livestock, hospitals/ dispensary buildings for animal health, medical
equipment for government hospitals, hospital/ dispensary buildings, bus stands, community centres,
sports complex, electrification, computers in educational institutions, court buildings etc. are covered
under this scheme.
There are 25 Lok Sabha and 10 Rajya Sabha Members of Rajasthan State. Under the scheme, every MP
can recommend the works in his/her constituency to district collector up to `5 crore per year. Elected
Members of Rajya Sabha representing the entire state may select works for implementation in any
district of the state. MPs can also recommend works outside their constituencies/state for construction
of assets that are permissible in the guidelines, for rehabilitation measures in the event of "Calamity of
Severe nature" in any part of the country for an amount not exceeding of `1.00 crore, for each calamity.
The programme aims to provide employment to rural people and thereby enhance inclusive growth
and is operational in the entire state. The objective of the scheme is to enhance livelihood security in
rural areas by providing at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment in a financial year to every
household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work. Salient features of the
scheme are as under:
• All local residents of the Gram Panchayat are eligible for registration under the Scheme. !
• Minimum one third beneficiaries shall be women. !
• Job Cards with photographs of all the adult members of the household are issued free of cost within
15 days of registration. !
• Dated receipt of application for employment is provided. !
• Guarantee of providing employment within 15 days of application. !
• Un-employment allowance is paid by the State Government, if employment is not provided within
15 days of application. !
03: Rural Development & Panchayati Raj
• Work is provided within 5 Km. radius of the village. Beyond 5 KM, 10 per cent extra wages are
• Wages are to be paid as per the task performed.!· Drinking water, shade, first aid and creche
facilities are mandatory at worksite.
• Gram Sabha is the primary authority to identify the works and to prepare annual action plan.
• No contractors and labour placing machinery is allowed.
• Social Audit by Gram Sabha.!
• All wage payments through Banks/Post Offices only.
• Gram Sabha is empowered for monitoring the progress and the quality of work.
• Effective Grievance Redressal mechanism.
The scheme of Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) has been restructured into Pradhanmantri Awas Yojana –
Gramin-(PMAY-G). The scheme was launched by Prime Minister on 20th November, 2016.
• Selection of beneficiaries under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Gramin will be done on the
basis of Socio Economic Caste Census-2011 (SECC-2011) data.
• The government provides a financial assistance of Rs. `1,20,000 to the beneficiaries.
• Along with this, an additional ` 12,000 will also be provided to build toilet to each beneficiary
under the Swachch Bharat Mission.
• The beneficiaries are also be provided daily wages upto 90 days through MGNREGA.
• The expenditure is shared is in the ratio of 60:40 between Central and State Government.
Swa-Vivek ZilaVikas
In view of minimum requirements and prevailing conditions, this scheme was launched in 2005-06 to
execute works as per needs of the local community. District Collectors are authorized to decide the
works to be taken up under the scheme in rural areas.
03: Rural Development & Panchayati Raj
Guru Golvalkar Grameen Jan Bhagidari Vikas Yojana has been initiated on 30.09.2014 in all the 33
districts of the State. The objective of the scheme is to ensure public participation in rural areas for
development, employment generation, construction and maintenance of community assets. The
scheme is funded by the State and is being implemented in the rural areas of the State only.
This project is being implemented in year 2016-17 in one block each in the districts of Jodhpur,
Jaisalmer, Barmer, Sirohi, Pali and Jalore and two blocks in Sirohi District(Pindwara) and Jodhpur
District (Balesar). Under this , SHGs working in area have been given livelihood seed capital support.
The area inhabited by Mev’s is known as Mewat area. The Mev community is concentrated in 12
blocks of Alwar and Bharatpur Districts. The Mev are still socially and economically backward and
hence, Rajasthan Government is running a special development program since 1987-88 for overall
development of Mewat area.
The Border Area Development Programme (BADP) was introduced during the 7th Five Year Plan as a
Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS). The BADP is a Central Government intervention strategy to bring
about a balanced development of border areas.
The programme is being implemented in 16 Blocks of 4 Border Districts, namely Barmer, Bikaner,
Ganganagar and Jaisalmer. Under BADP, majority of the funds are invested for security related
activities. However, since the border districts have poor social and economic infrastructure
development activities are also provided due importance.
Dang Area Development Programme has been re-launched in 2004-05 by Government of Rajasthan.
The Programme covers 394 Gram Panchayats of 26 Panchayat Samities of 8 Districts (Sawai Madhopur,
Karauli, Dholpur, Baran, Jhalawar, Bharatpur, Kota and Bundi).
03: Rural Development & Panchayati Raj
The central Southern part of Rajasthan surrounded by hills specially Ajmer, Bhilwara, Pali, Chittorgarh
and Rajsamand and not covered under Tribal Area Development (TAD) is locally known as “Magra”
To improve social and economic status of residents, the “Magra Area Development Programme” was
initiated since 2005-06 in 14 Blocks of above 5 districts. At present it is being implemented in 16 blocks
in above districts. Activities of Watershed Development, Minor Irrigation, Animal Husbandry,
Drinking Water, Education, Electrification, Health and Road Construction are undertaken for
development of the area.
The Bio fuel mission was formed to enable production of Bio Fuel on cultivable wasteland as well as on
degraded forest land of Rajasthan through Jatropha, Karanj and other such tree borne oil seeds.
Rajasthan is one of the fastest developing states in the country and is privileged to become the first
state to develop Bio-fuel Policy in the year 2007 and its implementation in the field.
12 districts of Rajasthan namely Baran, Banswara, Bhilwara, Bundi, Chittorgarh, Dungarpur, Jhalawar,
Kota, Rajsamand, Sirohi, Udaipur & Pratapgarh are found suitable for plantation of Jatropha and 8
districts of Eastern Rajasthan namely Alwar, Bharatpur, Dausa, Dholpur, Jaipur, Karauli,
Sawaimadhopur & Ton are found suitable for Karanj.
Rajasthan Wasteland Development Board has been reconstituted as Wasteland & Pasture Development
Board on 22 December 2016 with objectives to develop wasteland and pastures of the state.
The main objectives of SAGY are to trigger the processes, which lead to holistic development of the
identified Gram Panchayats, to substantially improve the standard of living and quality of life of all
sections of the population and instilling certain values in the villages and their people, so that they get
transformed into models for others.
In the first phase, 34 gram panchayats have been selected by the hon’ble MP’s.
03: Rural Development & Panchayati Raj
On the occasion of the 150 birth anniversary (year 2019) of the Father of the Nation “Mahatma Gandhi
Adarsh Gram Yojana" was launched on 27" November, 2019. Under this scheme, one village in each
district is to be selected and developed according to Gandhian values. The main activities of the scheme
covers family welfare programs for population control, cooperation in national programs for the
nutrition and health of pregnant and lactating women, attention to children's health screening and
vaccination, establishment of drug-free society and organising education and skill training programs.
The works to be undertaken in this scheme also include conservation of all natural resources, historical
heritage, cultural heritage, religious sites, cremation, burial grounds, protection of sustainable social,
cultural and economic development, housing and toilets etc.
The scheme proposes to organise Independence Day, Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti and Republic Day every
year to develop an atmosphere of goodwill.
Smart Village
The Chief Minister of Rajasthan in the Budget 2017-18 announced Smart Village scheme. In this
scheme, 3,275 Villages are selected to develop as a SMART VILLAGE., which includes development of
the village with modern amenities like a city and its funds are being provided by various departmental
Activities like Drainage system & pucca streets, Community toilets, Public park /play grounds with
open gym, Charagah land development and fodder production, Solar or LED lights in streets, develop
one road as SwaRaj Marg, developing senior secondary school, primary/sub health centre, Veterinary
hospital, Mil production samiti, Clean drinking water facilities, Food grain storage, House under
PMAY-G to all beneficiaries.
Panchayati Raj
Rajasthan was the pioneer state in introduction of the three tier system of Panchayati Raj in the country,
where Panchayati Raj system was inaugurated by the then Prime Minister of the country, Pandit
Jawaharlal Nehru, on 2nd October, 1959 in Nagaur, Rajasthan.
April 24, 1993 is a landmark day in the Indian history of the Panchayati Raj, when Constitutional status
was provided to the Panchayati Raj Institutions. Article 243(G) of the Constitution of India deals with
03: Rural Development & Panchayati Raj
the crucial issue of powers, authority and responsibilities of Panchayats. In consonance with the
constitutional amendment, The Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1953 was amended in 1994 and
Panchayati Raj Rules were introduced in 1996.
• Gram Panchayat: Gram Panchayat, the first !level elected body and the basic unit of democracy,
is the local government with specific responsibilities. Gram Sabha is the general body of the
citizens of the entire village as Gram Panchayat. !
• Panchayat Samiti: Panchayat samiti, a local government body, is the link between the Gram
Panchayats and the Zila Parishads. !
• Zila Parishad: Zila Parishad is a local government body at District level to provide essential
services and facilities to the rural population. !
• The period of Fourteenth Finance Commission (FFC) is for five years from 2015-16 to 2019-20.
• The grant in aid has to be released to Gram Panchayats and these are the executing Agency for
the use of grant in aid.
• Zila Parishads and Panchayat Samities are responsible for monitoring and evaluation to ensure
proper utilization of this Grant.
• The period of Fifth State Finance Commission is for five years (2015-2020).
• As per recommendations, the utilization of the Grants would be, 55 per cent for basic and
development functions, 40 per cent for implementation of National & State priority schemes
and 5 per cent would be utilised as incentives for execution of various works or programmes.
Prime Minister of India launched the program on 2nd October, 2014 with aim to make the country
Open Defecation Free (ODF) by 2nd October, 2019. Rajasthan has achieved ODF status by March, 2018.
03: Rural Development & Panchayati Raj
• Incentive for construction and usage of Individual Household Latrines (IHHL) shall be
available for all Below Poverty Line (BPL) Households and Above Poverty Line (APL)
households restricted to SCs/STs, small and marginal farmers, landless labourers with
homestead , physically handicapped and women headed households. !
• The Incentive amount provided to Below Poverty Line and identified Above Poverty Line
households is upto `12,000 for construction and usage of one unit of Individual Household
Latrine (IHHL). Central Share of this Incentive is 60 Per cent while State share is 40 Per cent. !
Panchayat Award
In accordance with 73rd amendment of Indian constitution, Government of India had launched this
scheme in 2010-11 onwards to incentivize best performing panchayats in terms of implementation of
the devolved activities to the PRIs. The awards are given on National Panchayat Day celebrated on 24th
of April every year for following categories.
• The Panchayat Shashaktikaran Puraskar (PSP) Scheme was renamed as Deendayal Upadhyay
Panchayat Shashaktikaran Puraskar (DDUPSP) 2016-17 onwards. These awards are being
provided every year to one best performing Zila Parishad, two Panchayat Samities and five
Gram Panchayats of the State.
• Under Nanaji Deshmukh Rastriya Gaurav Gram Sabha Puraskar (NDRGGSP), one Gram
Panchayat is selected and awarded for excellencein organization of the Gram Sabha as per
Panchayati Raj Acts & Rules and norms decided by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj and State
Government. The Gram Panchayat Neterwas of Panchayat Samiti Dhond, Zila Parishad Sikar
was selected for the year 2019.
• Under Children friendly Gram Panchayat Award (CFGPA), one best performing Gram
Panchayat of the state is awarded for children friendly activities. The Gram Panchayat
Mandawar of Panchayat Samiti Tonk, District Tonk was selected by Ministry of Panchayati Raj,
Government of India for the year 2019.
03: Rural Development & Panchayati Raj
the Gram Panchayat will be utilized for preparation of the Gram Panchayat Development Plan by
keeping in view the essential basic requirements & felt local needs of the community and excluded
section for holistic development of the Gram Panchayat.
Government of Rajasthan has developed state specific guidelines as “Aapni Yojana Aapno Vikas”
based on the Central Model guideline of Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of India, New Delhi
for preparation of quality GPDP Plan and effective implementation of the same. The Gram Panchayat
Development plans are prepared in participatory mode by taking proposals in Gram Sabha and its due
approval from competent levels all across the districts. Approved GPDPs are uploaded on Plan plus
Version-2 software. !
The Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of India has initiated People's campaign as “Sabki Yojana
Sabka Vikas” for preparation of Decentralized Participative Gram Panchayat Development Plans
(GPDP) 2020-21. This campaign was launched in all States of India from 2 October, 2019 to 31st
December, 2019 for ensuring people's participation, identification of needs planning andorganizing
Gram Sabhas for its approval. As per schedule of People's campaign “Sabki Yojana Sabka Vikas” the
Participative and Integrated Gram Panchayat Development Plans are prepared and being uploaded on
the Plan Plus.
• Panchayat Shashaktikaran Abhiyaan (PSA) was renamed as Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyaan
(RGSA) from the financial year 2018-19 onwards.
• The funding pattern of the new scheme RGSA will be shared between Central and State
Government in the ratio 60: 40.
• The focus of the scheme is on capacity building of Elected Representatives (ERs) and
functionaries, strengthening of basic Infrastructures of PRIs and for training activities.
• The plan of 74.97 crore has been approved by Central executive committee (CEC), Government
of India for the year 2019-20.
In the year 2014, 723 Gram Panchayats was constituted in the State. The buildings of these Gram
Panchayats have been proposed to be constructed atleast with 5 Bigha area of land, keeping the view of
Rural Secretariat and provision of bringing all the offices at gram panchayat level in one campus for
03: Rural Development & Panchayati Raj
providing facility to common man. Model Drawings and maps of these Gram Panchayats have already
been approved. The tentative cost of each building is 50 lakh.
For construction of these buildings, in phase-I, an amount of 30 lakh is being sanctioned under
MGNREGA, and other scheme.
Master Plan will be made for villages with assessment of the land for the future provision of education,
health, population expansion, sports facility, park, government building, road & other development
activity. Officials of Revenue Department and Panchayati Raj Department are jointly preparing the
Village Master Plan with the provision of coming 30 years requirement. Public representative & other
citizens are also invited for their suggestions. Initially Plan will be approved in Gram Panchayat
meeting first and then will be approved by Gram Sabha. In the year 2019, 305 trainings have been
conducted and plans of 7,190 villages have been prepared.
In the year 2014, 47 Panchayat Samities (PS) was constituted in the State. The tentative cost of building
for each Panchayat Samiti is 250-300 lakh. For construction of these buildings, an amount of 200 lakh
has been provisioned from the State Government and rest amount is being borne from other
departmental schemes.
Ambedkar Bhawan
As per budget announcement 2019-20, in every Panchayat Samiti headquarter, Ambedkar Bhawan will
be constructed except Nagar Palika & Nagar Parishad headquarter. Accordingly in such 160 Panchayat
Samiti headquarter, Ambedkar Bhawan will be constructed through Panchayat Samities. Estimated
cost of one Ambedkar Bhawan is 55.00 lakh. The total cost of project will be 188.00 crore, Out of 160
Ambedkar Bhawan, land for 128 bhawan has been identified.
Rajasthan is a water starved State with meagre and non-perennial surface water resources and
extremely critical state of groundwater. The dismal water sector scenario was further aggravated and
03: Rural Development & Panchayati Raj
intensified by geographical, climatic and demographic vagaries. RGJSY has been launched on 20
August, 2019 to ensure maximum rain water harvesting, water conservation and judicious use of
available water sources, resolve the issue of paucity of water and to improve the status of ground water
and cultivable area in the state through effective convergence. Around 1.80 Lakh works of cost of
around 2,000 crore to be executed in its first phase in around 4,000 villages.
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (Watershed Component) (PMKSY-WC)/ Integrated watershed
management programme (IWMP)
Integrated watershed management programme (IWMP) was launched in the year 2009-10 for treatment
of land through watershed development works. Projects sanctioned under IWMP are running under
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (Watershed Component) since 2015-16. A total Amount of
$3,537.61 crore has been received as central and state shares till December, 2019 which is 45.30 per cent
of the sanctioned amount and an expenditure of 3,364.42 crore has been incurred and a total of 32.27
lakh hectares area has been treated by December, 2019.
Rural Infrastructure:
Rural Non-Farm Development Agency (RUDA) was established in November 1995 by the Government
of Rajasthan as an independent agency to promote the Rural Non-Farm Sector (RNFS) in the state.
RUDA carries out its activities in 3 major sub sectors:
• Leather
• Wool & Textile
• Minor Mineral (SCP)
In addition to the above, sector market support and coordination is another major activity of RUDA.
State Plan head is the main source of funding for RUDA activities.
RUDA has obtained GI Registration for crafts like, Pokran Pottery, Blue Pottery, Kota Doria and
Sanganer & Bagru handblock print under its Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) initiatives.
03: Rural Development & Panchayati Raj
Rural Roads:
It has been shown that a paved surface in reasonable good condition can contribute 15 to 40 per cent
saving in vehicle operation cost. Village road length in the state is 1,75,937.49 Kms (as of 31.03.2019).
As per budget announcement of 2019-20 Wall to Wall Vikas Path in each Gram Panchayat would be
constructed in next five years. Vikas Path is to be constructed by cement concrete block with covered
drains and utility services etc. Selection of village and alignment of Vikas Path will be done by a
District Level Committee.
Rural Electrification
04. Industrial Development
Several industry specific reform initiatives taken by the Government have significantly improved the
overall industrial environment of the State. The thrust of public policy is on environmentally
sustainable industrialization, with generation of maximum employment opportunities and
augmentation of State revenue.
The sectoral contribution of the Industries sector in the total Gross State Value Added (GSVA) of the
state stands at 27.81 per cent at current prices in 2019-20. The contribution of manufacturing and
mining sector to GSVA at current prices are 9.82 per cent and 6.62 per cent respectively in 2019-20.
The state economy of Rajasthan state has shown a structural shift with the manufacturing sector
making a considerable contribution to the state GSVA. The Gross Value Added (GVA) of
manufacturing sector in Rajasthan is about 94,914 crore in 2019-20 at current prices accounting for 9.82
per cent of contribution to the total GSVA of the State. The sector grew by 2.10 per cent in 2019-20 over
2018-19 at constant (2011-12) prices. In terms of value addition, non-metallic mineral production, motor
vehicles & accessories for motor vehicles, textile, chemicals & chemical products and fabricated metal
product industries contributes maximum in Manufacturing Sector.
The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) compares the growth in the general level of industrial activities
in the economy with reference to a comparable base year.
• The IIP is the leading Indicator for industrial performance in the State, compiled on a monthly
• The IIP series (Base 2011-12) is based on 154 items / product groups aggregated into three
broad groups of:
o Manufacturing,
o Mining and
o Electricity.
• A web portal has been developed for IIP and online data entry is being done, through District
Statistical Offices.
04. Industrial Development
MSMEs constitute an important segment in the economy as their contribution towards State's
industrial production, export, employment and creation of entrepreneurship base is quite significant.
The achievements under various programmes/ schemes of industrial development are as follows:
Rajasthan Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Facilitation of Establishment and Operation) Act,
In order to facilitate establishment of MSMEs in Rajasthan, the Government of Rajasthan had enacted
the MSME Ordinance on 4 March, 2019, which got notified as Rajasthan MSME Act on 17h July, 2019.
04. Industrial Development
The Act provides for establishment of new micro, small and medium enterprises, on the Raj Udhyog
Mitra portal. After receiving "Acknowledgment Certificate" online, the MSME units in the State are
exempted from the approvals and inspections under all the laws of the Government of Rajasthan for a
period of three years.
Upto December 2019, total 2,878 numbers of Declaration of Intent have been received and for the same
acknowledgement, certificates have been issued.
For setting up new enterprises in the manufacturing, service and trade sectors and for expansion,
modernization, diversification of existing enterprises to provide loans upto 10 crore through financial
institutions, "Mukhyamantri Laghu Udyog Protsahan Yojana" has been notified and has been
commenced from 13h December, 2019. Under the scheme, small scale entrepreneurs will be provided 8
per cent interest subsidy on loans upto 25 lakh, 6 per cent on loans upto 5 crore, 5 per cent on loans
upto *10 crore.
The state government has identified exports as one of the thrust areas for economic development. The
significance of exports from the state lies not only in earning foreign exchange for the country's
exchequer but also in indirect benefits to the state such as: expansion of market opportunities for its
produce, improvement in product quality and subsequent handling techniques, technological up
gradation in terms of plant, machinery and manufacturing process, greater employment opportunities
etc. Rajasthan has been growing strong in exports.
The total exports in financial year 2018-19 stands at 51,178.41 crore which registered a growth of 10.11
per cent over the previous year 2017-18. The top five export items from Rajasthan accounts for more
than 50 per cent of exports from the State. These include:
• Engineering goods,
• Textiles,
• Chemical and allied products,
• Gems and jewellery,
• Handicrafts.
04. Industrial Development
The scheme was declared in the Industrial Policy, 1994 with the objective of encouraging exporters of
the State. There is provision for selection of 31 outstanding exporters in 16 categories. Under this,
• 1 best exporter per year in the State will also be awarded with "Lifetime Achievement Export
Ratna Award".
• To encourage export in the State "Rajasthan Export Promotion Council" (8" November, 2019)
and "Rajasthan Export Promotion Coordination Council" (25 October, 2019) were formed.
The State Government has continuously pursued rationalizing the regulatory process for establishing
businesses and industrial units across departments. To improve the Ease of Doing Business, State is
following and implementing the yearly Business Reforms Action Plans (BRAP) of Department for
Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) Government of India.
Department of Industries:
Commissionerate of Industries is the nodal department with prime motive to promote the
development of industries and handicrafts in the State and providing necessary guidance, assistance
04. Industrial Development
and facilities for industrial activities. Presently, 36 District Industries Centres and 8 sub-centres are
working in the State for providing inputs and other facilities to the entrepreneurs.
For the convenience of entrepreneurs, MSME Investor Facilitation Center (MIFC) has been established
in Jaipur, Ajmer, and Jodhpur to provide necessary information to entrepreneurs.
• This scheme aims to generate employment opportunities by promoting industrial service and
manufacturing activities in rural and urban areas of the state.
• Industrial Promotional Camps were organized at district and panchayat samiti level to promote
industrial development and to make people aware of the procedure for establishment of
industrial units.
• To promote leather industry in the state, 190 persons were trained in leather dyeing/leather
based product improvement techniques against the annual target of 195 in the financial year
As per Section 135 of the companies Act, 2013 every company having:
• Net worth of ₹500 crore or more or
• Turnover of ₹1,000 crore or more or
• A net profit of ₹5.00 crore or more
during any financial year, shall ensure that the company spends, in every financial year, at least 2 per
cent of the average net profits of the company made during the three immediately preceding financial
04. Industrial Development
years, in pursuance of its Corporate Social Responsibility. For identification and evaluation of
companies, Rajasthan Government has created CSR web portal with the URL -
Upto March, 2019, a total of 117 Corporates, 19 Government Departments, 207 implementing agencies
& 33 service providers have registered themselves on the CSR portal. The amount of ₹572.9 crore is
estimated to be incurred in 146 CSR projects across areas.
• An online artisan identity card is issued on the Single Sign On (SSO) portal to the artisan of the
age group of more than of 18 years by their respective District Industry Center.
• Office of the Development Commissioner Handicrafts, Government of India, also issues
identity card for handicraft artisans.
BIP is a nodal agency of the Government of Rajasthan that facilitates investments in various sectors in
the state. It provides one stop service, mainly for large projects, by acting as an interface between
entrepreneurs and the Government.
BIP actively seeks to bring investment opportunities to the attention of potential investors, both
domestic as well as foreign companies. For the purpose, 3 divisions of BIP namely:
Recent Initiatives:
• New Single Window System has been developed by DoIT and launched on 1st June, 2016 on the
basis of the guidelines for Ease Of Doing Business (EODB) by DIPP, Government of India.
04. Industrial Development
• By November 2019, 100 services of 15 departments, which were required for setting up a
business / enterprises were covered under SWCS.
RIICO is an apex organization engaged in fostering the growth of industrialization in the State. RIICO
develops industrial infrastructure and provides financial assistance to attract investment in the State.
Recent Initiatives:
• Assistance to States for Development of Export Infrastructure and Allied Activities (ASIDE)
Scheme. Out of 31 schemes approved, work on 26 schemes has been completed.
• To provide integrated infrastructure in rural and undeveloped areas for small scale industries,
mini growth centres have been established.
• RIICO has developed 4 Agro Food Parks at Boranada (Jodhpur), Kota, Alwar and
• RIICO has signed an MoU with Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) for Japanese
Companies to set up their industrial units at Neemrana Industrial Area, District Alwar,
(Rajasthan). Another Japanese Zone has also been established at Ghiloth Industrial Area.
• RIICO has established two Special Economic Zones (SEZ), that is, Gems & Jewellery I & II, at
Sitapura Industrial Area, Jaipur.
• Mahindra group has established multi product SEZ in partnership with RIICO in Mahindra
World City (Jaipur)
• RIICO has established a ceramics & glass zone at Ghiloth industrial area near Neemrana.
• RIICO is also establishing an industrial area for ceramic & glass sector at Sathana, Ajmer.
04. Industrial Development
the four proposed JIMs to be established in the country and engineers would be trained for skill
development in this training facility.
• RIICO has decided to develop Integrated Industrial Zone (IIZ) for establishment of industries
based on Refinery cum Petrochemical Complex Project coming up at Pachpadra, Barmer. RIICO
has prepared the draft Concept Plan for the IIZ.
The Rajasthan Small Industries Corporation Limited was established in June 1961, mainly to provide
assistance to small-scale industries and artisans, to facilitate marketing of their products. The
corporation is providing export infrastructure services to the Rajasthan exporters/importers through
dry ports (Inland Container Depots) situated at Jaipur, Jodhpur.
The corporation is also providing export infrastructure services to the Rajasthan exporters/importers
through dry ports (Inland Container Depots) situated at Jaipur, Jodhpur, Bhilwara and Bhiwadi. At
present, only export/import facilities are provided from Inland Container Depots (ICD), Jodhpur and
Jaipur. Besides this, the corporation is also providing airway export facilities by Air through Air Cargo
Complex situated at Sanganer Airport, Jaipur.
The Corporation purchases handicraft items directly from the craft persons through its central stores
and markets them through its outlets RAJASTHALI situated at Jaipur, Udaipur, Delhi, Kolkata and
Awards by RAJSICO:
• Cash award of ₹25,000 is given to the State Award winner and ₹5,000 to State Merit Certificate
winners in different fields of handicrafts.
Rajasthan Financial Corporation (RFC) was established in the year 1955 under the State Financial
Corporations Act, 1951 with the basic object o fostering financial needs for setting up of new industries,
expansion and renovation of existing ones, upto `20 crore.
04. Industrial Development
Dedicated Freight Corridor between Dadri (UP) and Jawahar Lal Nehru Port (Mumbai) is being
constructed which covers a total length of 1,483 km. About 39 per cent of the Corridor passes through
Rajasthan. It also aims to develop new industrial cities as 'Smart Cities' and converging next generation
technologies across infrastructure sectors. A band of 150 km (Influence region) has been chosen on both
the sides of the Freight corridor to be developed as Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC).
In order to achieve planned & systematic development of Special Investment Regions across the State
and in DMIC region, a special legislation in the name of "Rajasthan Special Investment Regions Act,
2016 have been notified on 26 April, 2016 and the rules under this Act have also been notified. To
promote and monitor the development of SIR's, a State level "Rajasthan Special Investment Regions
Board” has been constituted.
Khadi & Village Industries Board was established to provide employment to artisans of unorganized
sector, to provide help in production of high quality products, to provide training to artisans, and to
inculcate the feeling of self-reliance.
Rajasthan Khadi & Village Industries Board has played an important role in providing self-
employment in rural areas of Rajasthan.
At present, Khadi and Village Industries in the State are implementing following schemes:
04. Industrial Development
• Rajasthan Khadi & Village Industries Board is providing trainings to rural & urban youth at its
training centres Pushkar [Ajmer], Sanganer [Jaipur] and Mount Abu [Sirohi]
• On the occasion of 150th birth anniversary of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, 5%
rebate has been kept by the State Government on Khadi garments from 2nd October 2018 to 1st
October 2019.
• Rajasthan has deposits of 81 different types of major and minor minerals. Out of these, 57 minerals
are being currently mined.
o Selenite
o Wollastonite
o Silver
o Calcite
o Gypsum
o Ball Clay
o Feldspar
o Silver
04. Industrial Development
o Rock Phospate
o Steatite
o Red Ochre
• It also has prominent position in the country in the production of dimensional and decorative
stones, such as marble, sandstone, granite etc.
• There are 187 number of mining leases for major minerals, 14,420 mining leases for minor mineral
and 17,534 quarry licenses in the state.
• Headquartered at Udaipur.
• Formed with the purpose of discovery, development and administration of the mineral resources in
the State.
• Public Sector Mining carried on by - RSMML - Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals Corporation.
• During the year 2018-19, the estimated gross revenue and pre-tax profit of RSMML were ₹ 1,147
India is the third largest consumer of crude oil in the world, after the United States and China. The
country accounts for about 5 per cent of total world oil consumption. India produces about 16 per cent
of total domestic Consumption. Rest 84 per cent consumption requirements are met by import
04. Industrial Development
Rajasthan is a significant producer of crude oil in India. The State contributes about 22-23 per cent (7.5
Million Metric Tonnes Per Annum) to total crude oil production (34 MMTPA) in India and is the
second largest producer after Bombay High which contributes about 40 per cent.
Petroleum producing area in the state is spread over an area of about 1,50,000 sq. km (14 districts)
under 4 Petroliferous Basins.
The Directorate of Petroleum was setup to expedite the exploration and development programme of
Oil and Natural Gas in the State.
Prime Minister on 16.01.2018 has commenced work for 9 MMTPA Rajasthan Refinery at Pachpadra,
Barmer. Highlights of the Project are as follows:
Labour department is functional in the state to prepare cordial industrial atmosphere to maintain high
industrial Production and timely Payment of wages & allowances to the workers and protect their
interests according to the terms and conditions of employment through enforcement of various labour
04. Industrial Development
• Rajasthan Government declared the new minimum labor wages rate to be effective from 1 May
• For effective implementation of unorganized sector's workers rights and thereby creating
awareness 'Facilitation and information centre has been started in all districts of the state.
Employment Department
In the year 2019, the number of unemployed persons registered in various employment exchanges
were 6,802,136 among them, there were:
• 2,70,947 women,
• 94,406 scheduled caste,
• 79,747 scheduled tribes and
• 3,04,497 other backward class persons.
04. Industrial Development
• The State Government has revised the earlier unemployment allowance to ₹3,000 per month for
men and ₹3,500 per month for women and specially abled persons.
RSLDC is executing following schemes/projects for development of skill and entrepreneurship in the
The Mukhya Mantri Yuva Kaushal Yojana (MMYKY), launched on 7th November, 2019, endeavors to
integrate Skill Development in academic colleges. Skill Development Centers located within college
premises are offering domain and Life Skills/ Soft Skills courses to improve employability of College
student of graduation level.
The objective of this program is to provide employability skills through a combination of soft skills and
domain based skills to students across colleges so that after training they can avail wage or self-
employment opportunities
The scheme is being implemented in joint collaboration of RSLDC and College Education Department
(Commissionorate of College Education, Rajasthan) and the batches are being conducted by training
partners empaneled by RSLDC by using college premises of respective colleges.
Under this scheme, 45 special courses have been prepared which are relevant to college youth. Courses
are having maximum duration of 350 hours. In each domain course, 90 hours of soft skill component
04. Industrial Development
are incorporated. While the scheme is for college going youth which may opt further higher education
(Master's Degree or so), the scheme is exempted from placement norms.
During first phase of this scheme RSLDC has allotted targets to train 6,000 youth. Age eligibility for the
scheme is 17 to 30 years.
RSLDC has forged the partnerships under flexi MoU scheme with the opportunity for industry to
customise the course curriculum as per their industry demands and benefit the youth with exposure to
industry environment and their 360 degree career development.
05: Physical Infrastructure
A sound infrastructural foundation is the key to the overall socio-economic development of a state. It
acts as a magnetic power for attracting fresh investment into a state and thus provides a competitive
edge to it over other states.
A. Power Generation:
• The installed capacity of power in the State as on December 2019 is 21,175.90 MW.
B. Transmission System
C. Distribution System
• The Number of consumers increased from 156.61 Lakh (March-2019) to 162.64 Lakh (December-
2019) with growth of 3.91 per cent.
Rural Electrification:
05: Physical Infrastructure
New Schemes:
• Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gramin Joyti Yojana (DDUGJY) - The DDUGJY is implemented in the
State to strengthen rural electricity distribution network and to electrify RHHs of Abadi areas.
• Saubhagya Yojna - Prime Minister has launched Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har GharYojana –
“Saubhagya” on 25 September, 2017 to provide electricity to all willing households in the country in
rural as well as urban areas. Government of Rajasthan is also participating in the Saubhagya to
provide electricity to expect left outs after implementation of DDUGJY scheme.
• Integrated Power Distribution System (IPDS) - Under IPDS 185 towns has been covered in
Rajasthan for system strengthening and reduction in Aggregate Technical & Commercial (AT&C)
loss in urban areas.
• Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana (UDAY) - Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana for financially
turnaround of Power Distribution Companies has been launched by the Government of India with
an objective to improve the operational and financial efficiency of the State Discoms.
• Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All (UJALA) - In an effort to spread the message of utilizing
energy efficient equipments, Government of Rajasthan with the help of Energy Efficiency Service
Limited, (Government of India undertaking) promoted the use of energy efficient appliances – LED
bulbs, Tube Lights and Fans. Under the scheme 1,02,182 Energy Efficient Fans, 163.92 Lakh LEDs
and 3.10 Lakh Tube lights (20 Watt) have been distributed.
• Implementation of PM Kusum Yojana: GOI approved KUSUM yojana for farmers for installation
of solar pumps and grid connected solar power plants. MNRE has issued guidelines:
o Kusum Component-A: 325 MW target given by Government of India for first year, RREC
has invited expression of interest from farmers for installation of 0.5 MW to 2 MW Solar
plants on barren land of farmers upto 15 February 2020, about 6,000 Farmers have shown
interest for 4,456 rural 33 kV Sub-Stations.
o Under Kusum Component - B: 25,000 targets have been given by Government of India for
providing Solar pump-sets for off-grid pump-set applicants. Application have been invited
through Hotriculture Department.
05: Physical Infrastructure
o Under Kusum Component - C: 12,500 targets have been given by Government of India for
solarizing existing upto 7.5 HP agriculture connections, consent of farmers is under process.
Renewable Energy
Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Ltd. (RRECL) is the State Nodal Agency of Ministry of New
and Renewable Energy (MNRE) for generation of energy from non-conventional energy sources in the
state and is also the State Designated Agency for promoting energy efficiency and energy conservation.
Solar Energy
Rajasthan is blessed with Maximum Solar Radiation Intensity of about 6-7kWh/ Sq.m/day and more
than 325 sunny days in a year with a very low average rainfall. Rajasthan has a potential of 142 GW of
electricity from solar energy. Solar Power plants of 4,637 MW have been commissioned in the State
upto December, 2019.
MNRE has approved following 6 solar parks for development in Rajasthan with total 5,410 MW
capacity under “Scheme for development of Solar Parks and Ultra Mega Solar Power Projects”:
RREC has also taken up the programme to electrify un-electrified villages and Dhanies of Rajasthan
through off-grid solar photovoltaic (SPV) Home lighting systems (HLS) as per mandate given by
Government of India and Rajasthan.
05: Physical Infrastructure
SPV Water Pump Program is being implemented in Rajasthan by Rajasthan Horticulture Development
Society (RHDS) with technical support of RREC.
The Government of Rajasthan has issued the Rajasthan Wind & Hybrid Energy Policy-2019 on 18"
December, 2019. The wind energy potential in the state is estimated to be about 1,27,750 MW at 120 M
hub height as per National Institute of Wind Energy, MNRE. A total of 4,310.50 MW wind power
capacity has been established upto December, 2019 in the State.
Biomass Energy
Among different renewable energy sources, Biomass is a versatile energy source, which is clean,
reduces greenhouse gas emissions. The main source for biomass energy in the State of Rajasthan is
Mustard husk and Julie Flora. Total 13 Biomass Power Generation Plants of 120.45 MW capacity have
been established till March, 2019 in the State.
The RREC is also implementing energy conservation programme to promote use of energy efficient
appliances through different promotional activities and is establishing pilot projects time to time, to
demonstrate the energy savings in the State.
To recognize the sincere efforts towards Energy Conservation, RREC is organizing, Rajasthan Energy
Conservation Awards (RECA) since 2009 on every 14th December i.e. Energy Conservation Day. So far
total nine awards functions have been organized.
05: Physical Infrastructure
• The road density in the state is 77.21 km per 100 sq. km at the end of March, 2019.
RSRTC was established on October 1st, 1964 under the Road Transport Corporation Act, 1950.
Presently, Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation is operating to run a total of 5,295 own and on
hired Private buses. The vehicles are operated on 2,230 routes covering 14.90 lakh km and carrying 8.51
lakh passengers per day.
The total number of motor vehicles registered with the transport department in the state has reached to
188.38 lakh by the end of December, 2019 which shows an increase of 6.37 per cent.
The total length of railway routes in the State was 5,893 km in March, 2016, which has remained 5,929
km at the end of March, 2018. The Railway length in state is 8.66 per cent of all India route length of
68,442 km.
Telecommunication is one of the prime support services needed for rapid growth and modernization of
various sectors of the economy. It has become more important in recent years because of the rapid
growth of information technology and its significant impact on the economy.
Postal and telecommunication services are instrumental to develop the economy and to provide
communication connectivity among various areas, segments and communities in the State. The total
number of post offices in the State was 10,311 and telecom subscribers were 64.77 million at the end of
March, 2019. The Status of post offices and telecom subscribers in the State for the year 2017 and 2018
are given in table below:
05: Physical Infrastructure
During the financial year 2019-20 an amount of ₹670.76 crore was available as opening balance for
State Disaster Respond Fund (SDRF). During the financial year 2019-20 sanction of ₹1,340.00 crore has
been received in two installments. The contribution of Government of India is 75 percent and the State
Government is 25 percent in the installments.
06: The Growing Service Sector
Service sector includes various activities ranging from highly sophisticated activities like computer
software and telecommunication to a simple service delivered by a plumber. Due to inclusion of
myriad set of activities, there is no unique definition of Service sector.
According to the National Accounts classification, the service sector incorporates trade, hotels &
restaurants, transport, storage and communication, financing, insurance, real estate, business services
and community, social and personal services.
06: The Growing Service Sector
During the calendar year 2019, the number of tourist visits in Rajasthan was 538.26 lakh
Important Activities:
• In October, 2019, Tourism Department has signed an agreement with UNESCO for the Project
Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage and Developing Cultural Tourism in Jodhpur, Barmer,
Jaisalmer and Bikaner districts in Rajasthan. Under this project 10 Cultural Spots will be
• Tourism Department is advertising its activities at national & international levels through
various media for effective marketing of the state tourism.
• A project for development of Ecological Park has been Sanction at a total cost of 15 crore in
Laxmangarh (Sikar).
• A project of Light and Sound with an outlay of 890 lakh has been sanctioned to make the people
acquainted with the life of Swami Vivekananda. This project is being developed at Ajit
Museum, Fateh Vilas, Khetari (Jhunjhunu).
• To disseminate the knowledge of historical places to tourists, Sound and Light show would be
developed at 9 historical places, namely, Sambhar Salt Complex, Jai Niwas Garden (Jaipur),
Machkund (Dholpur), Sanwaliya Seth (Chittorgarh), Kumbhalgarh Fort (Rajsamand),
Chittorgarh Fort, Meera Bai Smarak (Merta), Pratap Gaurav Kendra (Udaipur) and Gadisar
Talab (Jaisalmer).
• A proposal for development of wildlife circuit project in the state with an estimated cost of
248.03 crore is under consideration with Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.
• For tourism development of the tribal areas tribal circuits project amounting to 61.35 crore has
been sent to Ministry of Tourism, Government of India for consideration under Swadesh
Darshan Scheme. The tribal circuit includes Udaipur, Pratapgarh, Banswara and Dungarpur
06: The Growing Service Sector
• Lonely Planet Magazine India Award in category of "Lonely Planet Travel Award for Best
Destination-Culture (Indian) for 2019" at Mumbai on 7" May, 2019.
• Lonely Planet Magazine India Award in category of "Best Destination for Indulgence (Indian)
for 2019" at Mumbai on 7 May, 2019.
• "Best Decorated award" in Travel and Tourism Fair-2019 (TTF-2019) organized at Hyderabad on
6 July, 2019
• "Best Marketing Campaign award" in FICCI Travel and Tourism Excellence -2019 organized at
New Delhi on 23 August, 2019.
• "Best Destination Award" by the Pacific Area Travel Writers Association (PATWA) on 30
August, 2019 in New Delhi.
• "Best wedding Destination" in India was awarded to Rajasthan by Travel and Leisure India
Jawahar Kala Kendra (JKK) aspires to be a centre of National and International excellence in the field of
art namely literature, the performing and visual arts. Since its inception, promotion and presentation of
Folk, Traditional and Classical genres of theatre, music, dance and visual arts.
With the renovation of JKK, the thrust of the programming at JKK is towards regular high quality
curated events which will include both classical and contemporary forms across all genres of above
mentioned art forms.
There are three main heads under which programs occurs, namely:
• Literature,
• Visual Arts & Film
• Performing Arts, which includes theatre, Music and Dance.
06: The Growing Service Sector
The Department of Archaeology and Museums, Rajasthan, has been making concerted efforts to
discover, preserve, protect, exhibit and interpret the cultural legacy embodied in various forms of art
and architecture.
Devasthan Department
Devasthan department is engaged in protection and promotion of religious culture. 390 state direct
charge and 203 state self-sufficient temples and institutions are managed directly by the department.
Financial Services
The state has an extensive network of banking and financial system. As on December 2018, there are a
total of 7,491 bank offices/branches in the state, out of which:
• 4,260 are Public Sector Banks (including SBI and its associate banks);
• 1,560 are regional rural banks;
• 1,354 are private sector banks;
• 6 are foreign banks; and
• 311 are small finance banks.
Consequently, one bank branch in Rajasthan is catering to the needs of 10,204 persons on an average, as
per estimated population of 764.40 lakh (as of 2019) and covers an average area of 46 of the
Digital Payments:
Services for cash/financial transactions at service points in districts, panchayat samiti and gram
panchayats are available in the State. To enable such transactions 70,892 (upto November, 2019) kiosks
emitra/micro ATMs have been set up.
06: The Growing Service Sector
Business Correspondent
• Financial Inclusion is the process of ensuring access to financial services and timely and
adequate credit to the needy and vulnerable groups such as weaker sections and low-income
groups at an affordable cost, if any.
• Banks are providing banking services through brick and mortar branches, banking outlets and
business correspondents under financial inclusion in the state.
• Currently more than seventy thousand E-mitra Pay Points and 18,000 Business Correspondent
(BCs) are working in the State.
Stand up India scheme was envisaged for promoting entrepreneurship among SC/ST and women
entrepreneurs. The overall intent of scheme is to leverage institutional credit structure to reach out to
the underserved of the population by facilitating bank loans between 10 lakh and 21 crore which is
repayable in upto 7 years for green field enterprises in non-farm sector set up by SC/STS and women
To facilitate operation under the scheme Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) has set
up a web-portal ( with a view to promote wider propagation of the
scheme and address any queries.
Other Schemes:
• Under the scheme "Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)" in Rajasthan 2.66 crore
accounts have been opened and Aadhaar seeding of 86.18 per cent accounts have been
completed upto 31" December, 2019.
• In the State under the "Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bema Yojana (PMJJBY)", a total of 22.06
lakh persons and under "Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana", a total of 72.09 lakh persons
have been enrolled upto 31" December, 2019.
06: The Growing Service Sector
• Atal Pension Yojana (APY) is a pension scheme with focus on workers of the unorganized
sector. The minimum age of joining APY is 18 years and maximum age is 40 years. Under the
scheme, guaranteed minimum pension of 1,000 per month is given after attaining the age of 60
years contingent on contribution by the subscriber. In the state, under this scheme, total of 8,33
lakh persons have been enrolled upto 31" December, 2019
• Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) through banks, Non-Banking Financial Company
(NBFC) - Micro Finance Institutions and Non-Banking Financial Companies in the Rajasthan.
In order to provide information of government services to the citizens in an accessible, transparent and
reliable manner, the portals related to various projects are currently being developed, based on the
suggestions received from the concerned department.
1. In this endeavor, the Jan Soochna Portal was inaugurated on 13 September, 2019.
2. Jan Soochna Portal has been created by the department to provide information about all the
schemes implemented by the government in one place, which will be updated from time to
3. Jan Soochna Portal has been made available 136 information of 49 schemes running in 25
UID (Aadhar):
• Under Government of India's project, a 12 digit number is being provided to all the citizens
which is referred as Unique Identity Number.
06: The Growing Service Sector
• This number is used to easily avail all the services provided by the Government.
Rajasthan Startup:
• As part of State Government's mandate to give a thrust to the state's Startup sector, several
initiatives have been implemented.
• In addition, Challenge for Change, Rajasthan Stack, QRate ranking mechanism and an
incubator, iStart Nest (Jaipur, Kota and Udaipur), are also made available to the State's Startups.
• Add-on modules like - mobile app, reality check module, GIS integration and applications like
advance data analytics have been developed and implemented for enhanced user experience.
• Reality check module with Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) functionality has been
integrated with Rajasthan Sampark Portal.
• A new toll free number (181) for the CM Helpline has been activated.
Video Walls:
• Video Walls have been setup in each Panchayat Samiti of the State for broadcast various
Government initiatives and audio-video streaming of live events for the residents.
Video Conferencing:
• Rajasthan Sampark Centers with video conferencing equipment and facility- have been
established under Bharat Nirman Rajiv Gandhi Sewa Kendras at all the blocks across the State.
06: The Growing Service Sector
• Video conferencing facility has been made available at 9000 gram panchayats.
• Integrated network solution for connectivity upto Gram Panchayats have been provided
through Rajasthan State Wide Area Network (RajSWAN).
• Under this project, room based video conference facility is being provided to District
Collectorate and Block Level offices and software based VC facility at low bandwidth upto
Gram Panchayat.
Wi-Fi facility:
• Wi-Fi facility has been provided in all the departmental headquarters and district headquarters.
• Wi-Fi facility has been provided to Rajiv Gandhi Service Center and 5,161 gram panchayats.
• GIS based Decision Support System is in place where 38 GIS based applications for different
Departments have been hosted.
• Work of 3D GIS Model for Jaipur has been started. 3D City Platform has been deployed in Data
• Presently more than 500 services of government departments /private organisations are being
provided electronically through more than 70,000 e-mitra Kiosks to the citizens of the State.
• Simultaneously, deposition of utility bills through mobile application has also been started.
06: The Growing Service Sector
• eMitraPlus is a revolutionary step ahead in eService delivery. It provides the services directly,
without any human interface, just as an ATM does.
• One can apply for government documents like birth certificate, domicile certificate etc. and get
print through in-built printer.
• It allows multiple payment modes such as cash, debit/credit card, net banking.
• eMitraPlus is enabled with Video conferencing facility to residents for registering their feedback
and problems directly to the officials. These Kiosks are available at rural and urban areas of the
• It is a payment facility for individual/firms, which can be used by any organization as plug-in
for disbursement of payment.
Raj e-Sign:
• The facility to make available legally valid digitally signed certificates has been launched.
• The certificates can be applied for and obtained through Internet from home/single
• Certificate like caste, income, solvency are being issued through this facility.
• The application is being enhanced to issue digitally signed other certificates, licenses etc.
State Portal:
06: The Growing Service Sector
• eSanchar is an application that can be linked with any departmental application for sending
event based notifications to applicants/beneficiaries as well as officials through S.M.S/Voice
Message/ Structure queries.
• Master data hub to provide all types of master data required by client applications of various
• It contains varied data ranging from geographical hierarchies to various kind of master data
being used in departmental applications.
• RKCL has been set up in the State with an aim to provide IT education in remote rural areas of
the State thus bridging the digital divide and providing a solution to the last mile connectivity
• RKCL's 'RS-CIT' has been approved by Government of Rajasthan and after due approval of the
Government orders for reimbursement of fees to Government employees have also been issued.
• State Data Centre provides effective electronics service delivery of various services, to enable
various state departments and enterprises to host their services / application on a common
Hindi e-mail:
06: The Growing Service Sector
• It is a single platform for recruitments of Government of Rajasthan. Applicant can apply online
from any part of the country.
• All the departmental applications would use single user manager. This will enable all the
functionaries to access multiple applications after signing only once. All departmental
applications can link to SSO.
• Command and Control Centre for integrated solution on GPS and CCTV based security have
been set up at 7 divisional headquarters and 28 districts. Work in rest districts is in progress.
Department of Information Technology & Communication has been awarded with following awards
during the year 2019 for various projects:
06: The Growing Service Sector
1. In order to fulfill the objective of 'one number, one card and one identity Hon'ble Chief Minister
of Rajasthan has announced "Rajasthan Jan-Aadhaar Yojana" in the modified budget speech
2. The scheme is aimed at integration of various schemes of public welfare benefits so that the
benefits of the public welfare can be delivered to the beneficiaries in simple, accessible and
transparent manner.
3. State-wide network of e-Mitra project is also expected to be brought under the Authority
4. In order to implement the budget announcement, Hon'ble Chief Minister launched Rajasthan
JanAadhaar Yojana, 2019 on 18 December, 2019.
• To create a demographic and socio-economic database of the resident families of the state and to
provide them "one number, one card and one identity" which can be recognised as Proof of
Identity and Proof of Address for all the families and their members.
• To ensure direct benefit transfer (DBT), the cash benefits are to be transferred to the bank
account to the beneficiaries and non-cash benefits are to be provided through Jan-Aadhaar or
Aadhaar authentication
• To extend the facilities of e-commerce and insurance benefits near by door-step of the residents,
especially in the rural areas, besides extending direct benefit transfer of public welfare schemes.
• To bring the e-Mitra system of the state under the jurisdiction of Rajasthan Jan-Aadhaar
Authority for its better control and execution.
06: The Growing Service Sector
• To bring all the demographic registrations (viz. Birth, Death, Marriage, Aadhaar etc.) under the
Rajasthan Jan-Aadhaar Authority for continuous updation of population status and
maintaining a real-time census of the state.
• To promote women empowerment and financial inclusion To ascertain eligibility of the
residents of the state for receipt of the benefits and services of the public welfare schemes.
• All the resident families of the state are eligible for Jan-Aadhaar Card.
• The registered families are going to be provided with a 10-digit unique family ID and each
member of these families, including the head of the family, will be provided with 11-digit
unique individual ID.
• Under Jan-Aadhaar Scheme, the benefit transfer of schemes such as PDS, MGNREGA, SSP,
Ayushman Bharat Mahatma Gandhi Rajasthan Swasthya Bima Yojana, JSY etc. are being
For the effective implementation of the JanAadhaar Yojana, an independent Jan-Aadhaar Authority is
being constituted for which the "Rajasthan Jan-Aadhaar Authority Ordinance, 2019" has already been
passed by the state cabinet and has come into effect from 18 December, 2019.
06: The Growing Service Sector
Along with Jan-Aadhaar registration, the following registrations will also be done under the Jan-
Aadhaar Authority:
As per the data stored in the Jan-Aadhaar Resident Data Repository, the current status is as follows in
table below:
The Department of Science and Technology (DST) was established in the year 1983 to develop scientific
temper in the society and to uplift the socio-economic status of the masses especially in the rural areas
and the weaker section of the society with the input of science and technologies.
The department caters the need of science and technological requirements of the state and advises to
the Government on policies and measures necessary to promote utilization of science and technology
for enhancing socio-economic status of the state.
Various programmes and activities of the department are executed through well-established regional
offices located at Ajmer (Headquarter Jaipur), Bikaner, Kota, Jodhpur and Udaipur.
06: The Growing Service Sector
• Entrepreneurship Development
o Government of Rajasthan had announced the Rajasthan Biotech Policy in the year 2015.
Patent Information Centre (PIC) has been established in 1998 as a joint project of Technology
Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council (TIFAC), Department of Science and Technology,
Govt. of India and Government of Rajasthan to create awareness on Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)
and facilitate filing of patents from the region.
State Remote Sensing Application Centre (SRSAC), Jodhpur has been working to create information
system on Natural Resources of the state.
Rajasthan Foundation was established on 30 March, 2001 with the objective of facilitating continuous
communication and interaction to motivate the Diaspora for increasing their participation in the
development activities of the state.
Chief Minister of Rajasthan is its Chairman, while Chief secretary is Chairperson of its Executive
Committee. Rajasthan Foundation undertakes the promotional activities in order to achieve its
objectives of motivating the Non Resident Rajasthanies (NRRs) to contribute towards the socio-
economic development of their Motherland.
Rajasthan Foundation is publishing a bilingual quarterly Newsletter, which is widely circulated within
and outside the country.
Planning (Manpower) Department
The main responsibility of the department is to have a system of off-line registration of Unemployed
Degree Engineers and Diploma Holders, who are bonafide residents of Rajasthan.
Evaluation Organisation
Evaluation is an integral part of planning process through which necessary recommendations are
suggested by evaluating implementation, effect, success and failure of developmental programmes
which are carried out in the State.
During the Year 2019-20 (upto December, 2019), 13 evaluation reports were submitted to State
Government and 20 Evaluation reports of different schemes under process at various stages for
07. Urbanisation & Urban Development
One of the most noticeable trends seen today in the world is urbanisation. According to United
Nations Sustainable Development Report, 2019, more than half the world's population has been
living in cities since 2007 and that share is projected to rise to 60 per cent by 2030. Urbanisation is the
engine for economic growth and this is evident from the fact that cities and metropolitan areas
contribute about 60 per cent of global GDP (United Nations Sustainable Development Report 2019).
Urban settlements serve as hubs for development, where the interplay of commerce, government and
transportation provide the infrastructure necessary for sharing knowledge and information and drive
innovation, entrepreneurship and growth.
Urbanisation in Rajasthan
Urbanisation in India is now catching up fast with that of the rest of the world. The trend of
urbanisation in Rajasthan has also was increasing along similar lines as at the national level. The
percentage share of India's urban population in its total population increased from 17.97 per cent (1961)
to 27.81 per cent (2001) and further to 31.14 per cent in 2011.
Similar trends can be observed in Rajasthan as percentage share of Rajasthan's urban population in its
total population increased from 16.28 per cent (1961) to 23.39 percent (2001) and later to 24.87 per cent
in 2011.
The total population living in urban areas of Rajasthan in 2011 was 1.70 crore which include 89.09 lakh
of male population and 81.39 lakh of female population. In 2001, the total urban population in
Rajasthan was 1.32 crore, out of which 69.93 lakh were males and 62.21 lakh were females.
Among the urban population in Rajasthan in 2011, the share of male population was 52.26 per cent and
the share of female population was 47.74 per cent whereas in 2001, the share of males and females in
the total urban population of the State were 52.92 per cent and 47.08 per cent respectively.
07. Urbanisation & Urban Development
• Child Population (0-6 Age Group): In Rajasthan, the total population of children in the age
group of 0-6 years has remained almost constant between 2001 and 2011. In contrast, the
population size of children in urban areas of Rajasthan increased from 20.64 lakh in 2001 to
22.35 Lakh in 2011.
• Sex Ratio: Sex Ratio in urban regions of Rajasthan was 914 females per 1000 males in 2011, as
compared to 890 females per thousand males in 2001 which shows that the sex ratio in urban
region has been improved by 24 females per 1000 males. However, the rural areas continue to
exhibit a more balanced sex ratio than urban areas (region wise).
• Literacy Rate: The literacy rate has continuously witnessed an upward trend from 1961 to 2011.
The literacy rate in Rajasthan in 2011 was 66.11 per cent, rising from 60.40 per cent in 2001. In
terms of region-wise performance, average literacy rate in Rajasthan for Urban regions was
79.70 per cent in 2011, as compared to 61.40 per cent in rural region.
• Cities/Urban agglomeration (UA) with population of 1 lakh and above: It is observed that
Jaipur, with a population of 30.46 lakh, is the biggest city in Rajasthan with respect to
population size, followed by Jodhpur, Kota and Bikaner. Banswara, an urban agglomeration,
has the lowest population size.
07. Urbanisation & Urban Development
To fulfill the basic needs of urban population in a systematic and integrated way, the government has
constituted development authorities, trusts, Rajasthan Housing Board, Town Planning Office, Jaipur
Metro Rail Corporation.
07. Urbanisation & Urban Development
Government of India has enacted the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act 2016 on 01 May,
2016 and all the provisions of the Act have come into force with effect from 1 May, 2017 in the State.
Under this Act, Government of Rajasthan has notified the rules namely Rajasthan Real Estate
(Regulation and Development) Rules, 2017.
Government of Rajasthan has constituted the Rajasthan Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) and
the Real Estate Appellate Tribunal on 06 March, 2019. The organization has a Web portal which is operational from 01 June, 2017 and its maintenance and development
work is being done by RISL. All the applications for registration of projects/agents and complaints are
made through the web portal.
07. Urbanisation & Urban Development
Rajasthan Housing Board was established on 24 th February 1970 as an autonomous body to provide
for measures to be ta en to deal with and satisfy the need of housing accommodation in the State. RHB
primarily focuses on affordable housing activities for society at large with special emphasis on
economically weaker sections. Starting with housing activities in just 7 cities, it has now spread to 65
cities over period of 47 Years.
By December, 2019 RHB has ta en up construction of 2,50,3405 dwelling units, out of which 2,48,476
dwelling units have been completed, 2,45,383 dwelling units have been allotted and 2,27,715 dwelling
units have been handed over to applicants.
Chief Minister Teachers' Housing Scheme and Chief Minister Prahari Awas Yojana:
To provide houses to state awarded teachers, the board is ready to give houses in its schemes as per
city wise/category wise availability of houses on the discounted prices once the society of awarded
teachers is being constituted. On 20 December, 2019 RHB has launched two housing schemes for
teachers & praharis (Constables) under the flagship name of "Chief Minister Teachers Housing Scheme"
and "Chief Minister Prahari Awas Yojana".
• To provide cheap and quality accommodation to the common man, sealed auction has been
started for surplus houses from 4" December, 2019 on subsequent Wednesdays at all the Circle
/divisional offices of RHB.
• RHB constructed 750 residential cum workshop units in the Dastakar Nagar Yojana.
The objective of the department is to guide physical development of towns through preparation of
master plans, sector plans, schemes along with providing technical advice to various Government
departments, local bodies and other Government agencies. It also assists national Capital Region
Planning Board in preparation of its regional plan and implementation of its policies. Main functions of
town planning department are as follows:
07. Urbanisation & Urban Development
• Preparation of Sub Regional Plan of Rajasthan Sub Region of national Capital Region (NCR).
• Technical Guidance to urban Local Bodies for approval of Layout Plans/Building Plans.
Master Plans:
Master Plan of any city provides a vision on a legal framework for its development for a period of
around 20 years. Out of 191 municipal towns, master plans for 184 municipal towns have been
prepared and got approved by the Government, which include master plans of 3 municipal towns
prepared by JDA for JDA Region.
Seven new municipal towns have been declared recently by the State Government for which Master
plans are to be prepared. Since horizone year of Eight Towns namely Dungarpur, Sujangarh, Gangapur
City, Hanumangarh, Sardar Shahar, Mandal garh, Hindon and Sawai Madhopur is June, 2018, hence
Master Plans of these Towns are also to be prepared. Out of which urban area notification of six Towns
has been issued and preparation of master plans is under progress.
Rajasthan Sub-Region of NCR comprises Alwar & Bharatpur districts. The Rajasthan SubrRegional
Plan for district Alwar has been approved and the Rajasthan Sub-Regional Plan for district Bharatpur is
under progress.
Bharatpur Sub Regional Plan of NCR: The base map and existing land use map of district Bharatpur
have been prepared through national Remote Sensing Center (nRSC), Hyderabad.
Approval of Projects in Rajasthan Sub Region of NCR from National Capital Region Planning Board
The NCR Cell of Rajasthan Sub Region does regular monitoring of the projects assisted by NCRPB, li e
water supply, upgradation scheme projects in five towns (Alwar, Bhiwadi, Behror, Rajgarh and Tijara),
integrated municipal solid waste management project in Bhiwadi, etc.
The NCR Cell also provides assistance to implementing agencies in preparation of projects and
forwarding them to the N.C.R.P.B. new Delhi for financing.
07. Urbanisation & Urban Development
National Urban Livelihood Mission Swaran Jayanti Shahri Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) has been
rerstructured as Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- national urban Livelihood Mission (DAY-NULM). The
mission is being implemented in 193 urban Local Bodies of Rajasthan. Components of the NULM are as
The scheme was started by the State Government in December, 2004 to ensure public partnership in
urban development. The two main components of the scheme are general public awareness and
development works. General public awareness is generated through organizing camps, seminars and
workshops (regarding sanitation, public heath, water storage, roads, construction of school/hospital
and office buildings) to see public participation.
In this scheme out of the total cost of any project, 50% is State’s share, 30% is public share and rest 20%
is by urban local bodies/ UIT’s.
Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT)
The Central Government has launched this scheme with the objective of providing basic infrastructure
services to the urban poor in the small and medium size towns. This scheme is applicable to all
07. Urbanisation & Urban Development
cities/towns except cities/towns selected under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
Ministry of urban development (MOUD) has changed the funding pattern to 60:20:20 (Gol:State:ULB)
as per AMRUT funding pattern for 11 projects in progress. The Rajasthan Urban Drinking Water,
Sewerage and Infrastructure Corporation Ltd. (RUDSICO) has been nominated as the nodal agency for
implementing this scheme in the State.
• Slum Free City Plan of Action (SFCPoA) of Ajmer city under RAY Scheme has been approved
by Government of India.
• Draft SFCPoA of Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kota, Bharatpur, Bikaner, Alwar, Pratapgarh and Chittorgarh
have also been prepared.
• All RAY projects have been subsumed under “Housing for All” by GoI.
Government of Rajasthan has established Rajasthan urban Development Fund (RuDF) on 26.03.2010.
The Rajasthan urban Development fund (RuDF) is a fund created by the Government of Rajasthan to
ensure comprehensive development of the urban areas across the State. Rajasthan urban Drinking
Water Sewerage and Infrastructure Corporation Ltd (RuDSICO) is working as nodel agency for RuDF.
The Government of Rajasthan has sanctioned a sum of 472.44 crore for Sewer Lines and treatment
plants in 7 towns (Banswara, Fatehpur She hawati, Ganganagar, nathdwara, Balotra, Deedwana,
Smart City Mission was launched by GoI in June, 2015 to promote cities that provide core
infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to their citizens, a clean and sustainable environment
and application of Smart Solutions. The mission will cover 100 cities & its duration will be five years.
100 crore per city for 5 years are to be given as grant by government of India and an equal amount will
07. Urbanisation & Urban Development
be contributed by State/ ULB. A total of 4 cities were shortlisted in Rajasthan to be developed as Smart
Cities, namely Jaipur, udaipur, Kota & Ajmer.
AMRUT Mission:
Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and urban Transformation (AMRuT) was launched by Hon ble Prime
Minister of India in June, 2015. 29 cities in Rajasthan are selected under AMRuT i.e. Alwar, Beawar, Si
ar, nagaur, Bhiwadi, Pali, SawaiMadhopur, Tonk , Hanumangarh, Bundi, Sujangarh, Dholpur,
Gangapur City, Chittorgarh, Bhilwara, Sri Ganganagar, Churu, Jhunjhunu, Baran, Kishangarh,
Hindaun City, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Ajmer,Kota, Bikaner, Udaipur, Bharatpur and Jhalawar.
The sectors identified under this mission are Water Supply, Sewerage & Septage, Drainage, urban
Transport and Green Spaces.
Energy saving Project has been initiated in the State to save energy in Street Light Sector. The aim of
the project is to increase the illumination level on roads and to reduce the electricity consumption.
Work of setting up LED lights is almost complete in 191 local bodies and in 1 local body, work is under
It is aimed to achieve better level of cleanliness all over India through public participation and active
public support upto 31 March 2020.
Under Swachh Bharat Mission activities, such as construction of personal deomestic toilets,
community/ public toilets, and activities of urban solid waste management in concerned urban areas
are to be implemented. Under USBM, Quality Council of India has certified all ULB’s at-least once.
Annapurna Rasoi Scheme is at the core of Sustainable Development Goal 2 (Zero Hunger). The scheme
aims to provide hygienic and good quality food and snacks at cheap and concessional rates in the
urban areas. The scheme was started on 15 December, 2016.
07. Urbanisation & Urban Development
This housing scheme aims to provide affordable house to the homeless Economically Weaker Section
with annual income up to 3.00 lakh and Lower Income Group with Annual income 3.00 to 6.00 lakh.
Rajasthan Transport Infrastructure Development Fund (RTIDF) was established in 2011-12 for the
management of a well-organized, safe, pollution free and easy transport system in the State. The total
amount available in the said funds is being used to provide funds and loan amounts to the
departments/ urban local bodies/company and corporations related to transport management.
There are 222 towns including 33 district headquarters in the State. All the 222 urban towns of the State
of Rajasthan are covered by Piped drinking water supply system (having household water
Out of these towns, about 28 per cent are based on surface sources and 50 per cent towns depend on
groundwater sources. Remaining 22 per cent towns have mixed source of both surface and
groundwater. All seven major towns in State, i.e. Jaipur, Ajmer, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Bharatpur, Kota
and Udaipur are getting water from various sustainable surface water sources.
In Rajasthan, multiple agencies/government departments are responsible for water supply. These
includes ULBS, UDH, Public Health Engineering Department (PHED), Development Authorities/UITS
and Rajasthan Urban Sector Development Investment Programme (RUSDIP)
08. Basic Social Services
Social Sector Development is one of the most rewarding investments available to promote national
Education contributes to improving national and individual welfare through multiple pathways.
Education increases people's productivity and creativity and also promotes entrepreneurship and
technological advancements. Rajasthan inherited a very weak educational set up and system in the
state, at the time of its formation. The State Government is making concentrated efforts for improving
the socio-economic status of people through better development of education and providing better
educational infrastructure.
Elementary Education
In elementary education, the state has achieved remarkable progress during last decade. There are:
Wherein the total enrolment in Government schools is 62.89 lakh as per DISE report 2018-19.
08. Basic Social Services
• 319 ‘Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya’ (KGBV) are functioning and 38,760 girls are studying
in these schools.
• 10 Mewat Balika Awasiya Vidhalaya’ for girls are running. These residential schools for girls
are in Mewat region which is largely educationally backward.
• ‘Meena-Raju Manchs and Gargi Manch: Meena-Raju Manchs have been constituted by
involving girls studying in the classes VI to VIII of Upper Primary Schools and Gargi Manch
have been constituted by involving girls studying in the classes IX to XII of secondary schools to
create awareness in the community on the social issues viz child marriage, dowry system etc, It
also motivated the parents of irregular, dropout and never enrolled girls to send their daughters
to school.
• Adhyapika Manch: Adhyapika Manch has been established to enhance the academic level of
girls and to provide friendly environment to girl child in schools. 301 Adhyapika Manch have
been formed at block level. Adhyapika Manch is the group of maximum 100 teachers.
• Academic Kishori Mela: The major objective of academic mela is to build an academic
environment and to develop creative learning approach among children with special focus on
science and mathematics.
• Innovation for girls education (Under SSA): “Saksham” (self-defensive training to girls),
“Jagriti” (Awareness among community for girls education in Selected 17 districts).
• Transport Voucher: Class 1-5 children coming from more than 1 km and Class 6-8 children
coming from more than 2 km in rural area are benefitted with the Transport voucher scheme.
Girls from class 9-12 coming from more than 5 km in rural areas were benefitted from transport
vouchers or any other schemes of bi-cycles. !
Under the Rajasthan's Adarsh Vidyalaya scheme, one selected Government Senior Secondary/
Secondary School is being developed as "Adarsh Vidyalaya" in every gram panchayat. Adarsh School
(Class I to XII/ X) will work as a “Mentor School” and “Resource Centre” for this Utkrist Vidhyalaya.
08. Basic Social Services
One selected Upper Primary/Primary School in each Gram Panchayat is to be transformed into as
“Utkrisht Vidhyalaya”. In this regard, Utkrist Vidhyalaya will be developed as a “center of excellence”
for elementary education. !
School Management ! Information System (SMIS) has been implemented to collect basic information
and statistical data related to school, teachers and students of Government elementary schools through
school login system.
Inclusive Education, Samagra Shiksha, Rajasthan aims to look at education of Children with Special
Needs in a continuum from class I to class XII. The Inclusive Education component covers all children
with special needs with one or more disabilities as mentioned in the schedule of disabilities of the Right
of the Persons with Disabilities (RPwD) Act, 2016 studying in Government, Government-aided and
local body schools. We are serving Children with special needs with diverse mode or different
activities. The services provided to CWSN in the Financial Year 2018-19 are as follow:-
• Braille Books
• Large print Books
• Transport Allowances
• Stipend for girls
• Cochlear Implant: 34 Hearing Impairment CWSN got benefitted with Cochlear Implant.
• Laptop & Mobile training
• Composite school grant
• Computer Aided learning program (CALP)
o The Government has initiated the Computer Aided Learning Program (CALP) as innovative
activity under Samaga shiksha Abhiyan (SMSA) in Upper Primary schools to inculcate use
of computers as a tool of quality learning and ensuring that children can enjoy while
learning their subjects with the state-of- art technology in IT sector.
08. Basic Social Services
For organizing science fair and quiz competition in districts and state *34.00 lakh, for excursion visit
39.60 lakh, for study trip and exposer visit of 13,860 students and organizing the science and
technology workshop at district level 331.35 lakh has been transferred to districts during the year 2019-
In order to assess the quality of educational quality by NCERT Delhi, on 13 November, 2017, the
National Achievement Survey (NAS) was made in 2017. In this survey, the state report card of the
student assessment done on the basis of class determined learning out-come has been issued by
NCERT. According to the report card, all 33 districts of Rajasthan have registered a significant increase
in educational quality improvement. Rajasthan has gained prominent place at the national level.
Akshay Patika:
Akshay Patika was established 62,056 schools in the state for the fulfillment of common needs and
social engagement. Parents, teachers and donors can donate amount according to their capacity in this
Akshaya Patika.
The School's routine work, which is not covered under composite grant, has been done budget from
Akshay Patika with the approval of School management committee/school development management
committee (SMC/SDMC).
Secondary Education
In order to prepare students for employment and entrepreneurship, presently there are 14,601 senior
secondary/secondary schools and 134 Swami Vivekananda Government Model Schools in
Government sector. There are 15,759 private schools in Rajasthan with classes IX-XII. 48.49 lakh
students including 24.89 lakh girls are enrolled.
Recent Initiatives:
• All girl students of government secondary and senior secondary schools studying in class 9 to
08. Basic Social Services
• 3,37,087 girl students of class IX of government schools have benefitted in free bicycle scheme. !
• For promoting girls education in the State 186 Sharde Girls Hostel are being run in which 18,246
girls are being enrolled. !
• To promote girls education, Balika Shiksha foundation Rajasthan was established in the year
• Through this foundation meritiours girls of economically poor famlies are given financially
assest for higher and technical education
• Collaboration with the State Government and Board of Secondary Education, Ajmer Best School
Award Scheme has been started from the session 2019-20.
• In this scheme 373 best schools are being awarded on various levels. The "Rajiv Gandhi Career
Guidance Portal" has been launched and a Cell was constituted at the State, District and Block
levels for monitoring the Rajiv Gandhi Career Portal
• The girls of category of General, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes,
Minorities, Extremely Backward Classes, BPL and Divyanga, studying under the Department of
Secondary and Elementary Education, who achieve first position in each district in the exams of
Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education in class 8, 10 and 12 (arts, science, commerce
separately in the three faculties) and in the board examination of class 8, pravashika and
Varistha Upadhyay Department of Sanskrit Education, secured first position at the state level in
08. Basic Social Services
the above mentioned classes will be awarded 40,000 for 8" class, 75,000 for 10" class and scooty
& 1,00,000 for 12" (Arts, Commerce, Science) girls under "Indira Priyadarshini Purskar'.
Establishing of Mahatma Gandhi Government School (MGGS) English Medium at each district /
block level:
It has been decided to establish Mahatma Gandhi government School English Medium from class one
to twelveth so that students in government schools can compete at the global level. These schools have
been successfully established this year on all the 33 district headquarters in the state and 11,048
students are admitted in classes from class I to class 8 in first phase and on running successfully. In
second phase process of establishing 167 MGGS in blocks is in progress.
Data of all schools, students and working personnel of secondary and elementary education are
available on Intergrated Shala Darpan Portal Presently, scholarship, laptop, cycle distribution to
students, etc. are being distributed and monitored through Shala Darpan.
• In State from the session 2019-20, SPC scheme has been implemented in 1,000 (70 Kendriya
Vidyalayas & 930 Secondary and higher secondary) government state schools.
• Amount of Eklavya and Mira Award from March-May 2019 has increased from 11,000 to
*21,000 at state level and from 3,100 to $11,000 at district level.
• Under the Foreign Study Scheme, two girls were paid 40 lakh.
Free textbooks are provided to all the Students studying in Government Secondary and Higher
Secondary Schools from class 1" to 8 All girls & SC/ST boys students from class 9 to 12", those students
08. Basic Social Services
whose parents do not pay income tax from classes 9 to 12", and also all students of Government Swami
Vivekananda Model Schools from class 6 to 12".
To encourage girl child education the award (scholarship) amount payable for the Higher Secondary
Examination at the state level from the Board Examination 2018 for single daughter /two-daughter
award scheme dated 01.10.2019. Scholarship amount increased from 31,000 to 351,000 at the state level
and secondary/ vocational education / entrance examination, *21,000 to 31,000 rupees. At the district
level, the scholarship amount given for Higher Secondary Examination and Secondary Vocational
Education/Entrance Examination is increased 11,000 instead 5,000.
Bal Sabha
Initiating the Community Bal Sabha on Chaupal in the state, starting from Jaipur district, Community
Bal Sabha was started on 09.05.2019 in all the schools of the state and again community. Bal Sabhas are
being organized every month on a large scale.
According to the increase in enrollment in state schools for environmental protection, Vriksha Harit
Mitra scheme was launched in the name of newly enrolled students. Under the Green Pathshala
program, 11,10,626 saplings were planted in 65,215 schools during the tree planting program. New
plants were planted in place of dead plants in November, 2019.
Samvad Programme
State level compagn for quality education "Samvad Progamme" for heads of Schools and all the
education officers of state was lauched on 08.11.2019 in Kota Mandal and 16.12.2019 in Bikaner
Mandalby Hon'ble Minister of State for Education. The main objective of this program is to improve
quality of education (3, 5 and 8th std.) and enhancing qualitative results in forth coming board
examination in the state.
Literacy Mission has been constituted in the year 1988. The main function of Directorate of Literacy &
Continuing Education is to impart functional literacy for the age group 15 and above illiterate persons.
08. Basic Social Services
Saakshar Bharat Programme, a centrally sponsored scheme of Department of School Education and
Literacy (DSEL), Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), to further promote and
strengthen adult education, specially among women by extending educational opportunities to those
adults, who have lost the opportunity to have access to formal education and have crossed the
standard age for receiving such education is also being implemented in the state.
Government of Rajasthan has announced that every Lok Shiksha Kendra will maintain Mahatma
Gandhi Library.
Mahila Shikshan Vihar is the residential schools up to X standard for the women in the age group of 15-
30 years who are divorced, tribal, widow and deprived group of female are get educational
opportunities. Along with develop their living status these women are also imparted vocational
training for their being self-reliant and self-dependent. Presently, this Shikshan Vihar Programme is
being run in district Jhalawar.
Higher Education
Higher Education Department caters to the management of General Education Universities and
Colleges. At the time of independence, there were only 7 colleges of General Education in the state, but
during last six decades, the number of colleges have increased to 2000 in the State.
Sanskrit Education
Sanskrit is known as the DevVaani. Today, there are 15 Sanskrit Universities working in India.
Rajasthan is the leading State where a separate Directorate for Sanskrit language has been functioning
since its establishment in 1958. The Directorate has been working for promoting Sanskrit through its
institutions right from school level to Post Graduate level.
08. Basic Social Services
A total number of 1.71 lakh students are studying in these institutions. The department is also running
STC & Shiksha Shastri (B.Ed.) institutions in Government & Private Sectors.
Technical Education
• To provide Engineering education at Under Graduate and Post Graduate level, total 98
Engineering Colleges are functional in the State.
• Out of these, 11 are Autonomous functioning under Government of Rajasthan, 4 are constituent
colleges of State Universities and 82 are private un-aided Engineering Colleges with total
admission capacity of around 36,531 students per year.
• For Management Education at P.G. level, 58 MBA Institutions (10 Government/ Government
aided and 48 Private) are functional with an admission capacity of around 3,692 students per
• All these U.G. and P.G. level Engineering Colleges are affiliated with Rajasthan Technical
University, Kota and Bikaner and MBA institutions are affiliated with Rajasthan Technical
University, Kota.
• Additionally, one Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) at Jodhpur and one Indian Institute of
Management (IIM) at Udaipur are also functioning in the State.
• To provide technical education in the State, 136 polytechnic colleges with admission capacity of
29,996 students have been functioning in the year 2018-19.
• Out of these, 36 are Government co-educational polytechnic colleges, 8 government women
polytechnic colleges (Jaipur, Bikaner, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Ajmer, Kota, Sanganer and Bharatpur),
and 92 private polytechnics are also functioning.
• ITIs in the state are working under Skill, Employment & Entrepreneurship (SEE) Department.
08. Basic Social Services
• Craftsman Training facilities in the state are provided through 260 sanctioned Government ITIs
having total sanction seats 90,724 in the year 2019-20.
• Out of which, 11 institutes are sanctioned as Women Industrial Training Institutes, viz Jaipur,
Ajmer, Bhilwara, Jodhpur, Kota, Bikaner, Alwar, Udaipur, Tonk, Banswara and (laxmangarh)
Medical Education:
• 6 Colleges are in the Government sector including one under Government Society,
• 1 under Jhalawar Medical College & Hospital
• 1 affiliated to Rajasthan university of Health Science (R.U.H.S.),
• 6 under Rajasthan Medical Education Society(Raj-MES) and
• 8 are in the private sector.
There are 16 Dental colleges in the state, one under R.U.H.S and 15 in Private sector.
Recent Developments:
• 5 Medical Colleges at Bharatpur, Bhilwara, Churu, Pali & Dungarpur have been started from the
academic year 2018-19 and Barmer was started from academic year 2019-20.
• Establishment of State Cancer Institute under Sawai Man Singh (SMS) Medical College, Jaipur
• Two Tertiary Cancer Care Centers, one in Bikaner and other at Jhalawar are under process.
• State Spinal Injury Centre established in Rehabilitation Research Centre, Department of Sawai Man
Singh Medical College
• Stem cell lab established in Collaboration with Rajasthan University of Health Science Medical
College & Sawai Man Singh Medical College.
• The Government of India has given Permission for starting 15 New Medical Colleges at various
districts (Alwar, Baran, Bundi, Banswara, Chittorgarh, Jaisalmer, Karauli, Nagaur, Sirohi,
08. Basic Social Services
ShriganganagarDausa, Jhunjhunu, Hanumagarh, Tonk and Sawai Madhopur) under Phase III of
• State Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (SOTTO) and Cardio-Thoracic Heart Transplant
Operation Theater and Intensive Care Unit was inaugurated by Hon'ble Chief Minister on 5"
October, 2019 in SMS Medical College, Jaipur.
The Department of language and library has been established to promote the use of Hindi and
administration of public libraries. At present, there are:
are working. !Sincere efforts are being made to enhance the numbers of readers in the libraries.
The Medical & Health Department of Rajasthan strives to provide health facilities for all communities
of rural and urban areas in a planned manner for which development and strengthening of medical
infrastructure are being done in accordance with the National Health Policy through Health
08. Basic Social Services
Nirogi Rajasthan Abhiyan was launched on 17" December, 2019 for the health problems and their
preventive to all the citizens of Rajasthan by Hon'ble Chief Minister. Under which the following
activities will be performed to prevent diseases:
For this, it is proposed to select a 'Health and Volunteers' woman and man in each village and urban
ward. Which are called as "Swasthya Mitra".
Janta Clinic
The Honorable Chief Minister of Rajasthan has announced the "Janta Clinics" in the Rajasthan State
Budget Speech 2019-20 to provide high-quality primary healthcare services to urban poor & vulnerable
population of the state in the proximity of slum areas, dense area where there is no health facility
“Mukhya Mantri Nishulk Dava Yojna” was launched on 2 October, 2011. The scheme aims to benefit all
the patients coming to government hospitals. Under this scheme,
• All outdoor and indoor patients visiting medical college attached hospitals, district hospitals,
community health centers, primary health centers and sub centers, are provided commonly
used essential medicines, free of cost.
08. Basic Social Services
• Rajasthan Medical Services Corporation (RMSC) has been constituted as a central procurement
agency for purchase of medicines, surgical & sutures for medical department and Medical
Education department.
• RMSC is also supplying medicines etc. to all Government health institutions through District
Drug Warehouses (DDWH) established in all 33 districts of the State.
• As per the Essential drug list, 709 medicines, 77 sutures & 147 surgical items have been listed in
the Financial Year 2019-20. 102 new medicines were added in the Essential drug list.
• Quality of drugs being supplied is ensured by testing of drugs at empanelled drug testing
• The list of drugs which is provided by Free Drug Distribution Centers has been displayed in
Government Medical Institutions.
• Medicines are available for Outdoor patients according to OPD timings and 24 hour for Indoor
and Emergency patients. Under the scheme, medicines for the treatment of critical and severe
disease are also available.
Government of Rajasthan started a scheme for free distribution of sanitary napkins to all school going
girls of class 6 to 12 of rural areas and non-school going girls of 10 to 19 years age. Under this scheme,
there is a provision to distribute 12 sanitary napkin free of cost to each girl per month.
This scheme has been started for strengthening of existing laboratories and other diagnostic facilities in
all the public health institutions and also to provide the essential diagnostic services free of cost to all
patients visiting government hospitals. To meet the gaps and to provide quality diagnostic services,
adequately equipped diagnostic facilities are available at various levels of health care.
• Under this programme, medical checkups were provided to 2,32,910 New OPD patients &
4,12,379 follow up patients.
• Under NMHP, 1,289 camps were organized and 15,670 patients were treated in these camps.
• Under the capacity building initiatives of NMHP, 15,059 staff were trained.
08. Basic Social Services
Adarsh PHC Yojna has been launched to provide high quality health care services in rural areas of the
state. In the first phase, 295 PHC were developed whereas in the second phase 596 PHC's were
"Ayushman Bharat-Mahatma Gandhi Rajasthan Swasthaya Bima Yojana" was launched on 1st
September, 2019 in the state. The main objective of this scheme is to provide cashless healthcare
services to the poor families (under NFSA-2013 and selected families of SECC 2011) of Rajasthan. With
the aim of providing social and financial security against illness to these families and reducing out of
pocket expenditure the scheme is being continued till date. Following are the key features of the new
• Health Insurance cover of 30,000 (for general illnesses) and of 3.00 lakh (for critical illnesses) per
family per year is provided on floater basis.
• Total 1,401 disease packages are offered under the scheme, which include 663 tertiary packages
and 738 secondary packages.
• In secondary packages reserved list include 46 Government Medical Institution packages and 14
Private Medical Institution packages)
• Cashless IPD treatment facility is provided at empanelled hospitals.
• Includes 10 days post-hospitalization expenses.
• 519 Government and 996 private empanelled hospitals are providing services under the scheme.
08. Basic Social Services
At present there are 120 Ayurvedic hospitals (including 1 at Bikaner House in Delhi) and 3 Yoga &
Naturopathy Hospitals.
Additionally, 3,579 Ayurvedic Dispensaries, 3 Yoga & Naturopathy Dispensaries, 1 Mobile Surgical
Unit and 13 Mobile Units are also functioning in the State.
The Ayurved institutions in Rajasthan also include 35 Aanchal Prasuta Kendra, 33 Jaravastha Janya
Vyadhi Nivaran Kendra, 35 Panchkarma Kendra & 33 Yoga and Naturopathy Research Centers. !
Under the Guideline of National AYUSH Mission- Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India for
Plenary development of Ayurveda, Homoeo, Unani, Yoga & Naturopathy, Rajasthan State AYUSH
Society was constituted on 12.03.2015, collaterally Office of the National AYUSH Mission established.
Two kinds of salient activities are being done under National AYUSH Mission Project:
Essential Activities:
• Co-location of AYUSH facilities at PHCs, CHCs and District Hospitals, up-gradation of existing
Government AYUSH Hospitals, up-gradation of existing Government/Panchayat/
Government aided AYUSH Dispensaries,
• Setting up of upto 50 bedded integrated AYUSH Hospitals,
• Supporting facilities such as Programme Management units at Central and State level,
• Supply of essential drugs to AYUSH Hospitals and Dispensaries,
• Public Health Outreach activity, Mobility support at State and District level,
• Behavior Change Communication (BCC)/Information Education and Communication (IEC),
School Health Programme etc.
08. Basic Social Services
Unani system of medicine is one of the oldest treatment systems in the world, which started 2,500 years
ago from Greek (Unani). Presently under the Unani system of medicine, 11 urban Hospitals, 67 rural &
195 urban Dispensaries Units are working in the state and 7 post are sanctioned in ayurved Mobile
Employees State Insurance Scheme is a social security scheme, which is operational in the State, since
1956 with the objective of providing free medical and health care facilities to employees and their
dependent family members under the E.S.I. Act 1948, section 58, where the insured persons having
salaries upto 21,000/rs per month, working in industrial, commercial, educational, medical and other
establishments covered under the Act.
About 14.93 lakh insured persons and their 42.29 lakh dependent family members are being
benefited in the State. Under E.S.I. Scheme, four E.S.I. hospitals (Bhilwara, Jodhpur, Kota, Pali) and 74
dispensaries are functioning in the State.
E.S.I. Corporation, an autonomous statutory body is functioning under the Ministry of Labour,
Government of India in which two model dispensaries (Chittorgarh and Jhunjhunu) and three
hospitals (Jaipur, Alwar & Bhiwadi) are functioning.
Population stabilization and family welfare programmes are being implemented in the State with the
objectives of population stabilization and reduction in maternal and child deaths.
At present, the Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) of the State is 186 per lakh live births (SRS 2015-17)
and the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) is 38 per thousand live births (SRS 2017) in the State. In order to
reduce infant mortality rate and to provide safeguards to infants and pregnant women against serious
diseases, an intensive immunization program is being implemented throughout the state.
08. Basic Social Services
To reduce the IMR and high mortality rate of women during childbirth, the State Government is
implementing the Rajasthan Janani Shishu Suraksha Yojna in the State with the assistance of
Government of India to provide free medical and other facilities to pregnant women and new born
children. Under this scheme, free-medicines, consumables, lab-tests, food, blood facilities, referral
transport facilities etc. are being provided.
India Government is committed to the goal of Measles elimination and control of Rubella/ Congenital
Rubella Syndrome by 2023. To achieve this goal, “Measles Rubella campaign' was launched in
Rajasthan from 22 July, 2019 to vaccinate all 9 months to 15 year old children of the state. More than
1.90 crore children have been vaccinated in this massive campaign.
To enhance immunization coverage, Mother & Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN) days are being
organized regularly as an essential component of routine immunization.
The National Health Mission (NHM) is a national intervention for ensuring provision of effective
healthcare through a range of interventions at individual, household, community, and critically at the
health system levels. The mission has focus on rural as well as urban health. Hence, National Rural
Health Mission (NRHM) and National urban Health Mission (NuHM) are working as Sub-missions of
National Health Mission (NHM)
ASHA Sahyogini
Since the inception of National Rural Health Mission (2005), Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA)
component has played an important and critical role in the implementation of NRHM activities. The
08. Basic Social Services
ASHA programme was introduced as a key component of the community process intervention and
over the 13 years period, this programme has emerged as the largest community health worker
programme in the world and is considered as a critical contribution to enabling people s participation
in health.
ASHA is a community level worker, whose role is to generate awareness on health issues and is also an
interface between the community and the health services.
In Rajasthan, ASHA is known as ASHA Sahyogini, because she is a joint worker between Department
of Medical Health and Department of Women and Child Development.
ASHA is selected by Gram Panchayats and works with the help of Anganwadi Centers. Before she
starts functioning, she has to undergo intensive induction training. At present, 52,010 ASHAs are
working in the State by the end of the December, 2019.
Under this scheme all the children of Aanganwadi Centers, school going children and children of
Madarsas upto 18 years are being screened for four Ds - Defects at birth, Diseases, Deficiencies,
Developmental delays & disabilities (40 identified illnesses) through a dedicated Mobile Health Team.
If the child is screened with any of the identified 40 diseases, he is given free referral and followrup,
and surgical treatment if required.
Janani Express
• For strengthening of referral transport services, 587 Janani Express vehicles are operational.
• Services pregnant women & sick neonates.
08. Basic Social Services
• Existing '104' or '108' facility is being used for making calls for utilizing the services of 'Janani
• The free emergency response services to the people of the state started in September, 2008.
• Presently, 701 ambulances are working in the entire state.
There are many areas in the State, especially the tribal, the desert and inaccessible areas of the districts
where basic health care infrastructure is not within the reach of poor especially the women and
children. To overcome this problem, Mobile Medical unit (MMU) are launched in state.
There are two vehicles in each Mobile Medical unit - 1 staff vehicle and 1 Diagnostic van which
contains modern instruments and equipment like ECG machine etc. Medical Mobile van is a single
vehicle having basic diagnostic facilities vis. Haemoglobinometer, Glucometer, BP Instrument,
Weighing Machine etc. This single vehicle carries both staff and equipments. A van has Medical
Officer, Nurse, Lab-technician, Pharmacist, Helper and driver.
Constitution of village Health & Sanitation Committees is the first step towards commoditization of
health care services and for making health as a people s movement. Village Health & Sanitation
Committees have been constituted in 43,440 villages under the chairpersonship of Jan-pratinidhi
elected member of Panchayat. The other members of the committee are ASHA Sahyogini, Anganwadi
Worker, ANMs and representatives from SHGs, NGOs and Mahila SwasthyaS angh (MSS) etc.
ASHA Sahyogini is the convener of VHSC. Their meetings are held on the MCHN days when ANM of
sub center is already visiting the village.
Revitalization of local health traditions and mainstreaming of AYUSH is one of the objectives of
National Health Mission NHM. Under NHM, 905 AYUSH doctors and 257 AYUSH nursing staff are
presently working. To increase the Institutional deliveries and to reduce the maternal & infant
mortality rate, SBA (Still Birth Attendant) training is also provided to AYUSH personnel.
Government of India launched Ayushman Bharat. It has two major components one is Pradhan Mantri
Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY) and the other component is Health and Wellness Centres (HWC).
Objective of HWC
The primary objective of HWC is to provide Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC). It includes
preventive, promotive, rehabilitative and curative care for an expanded range of services including
reproductive maternal and child health services (RMNCH+A), communicable diseases,
noncommunicable diseases, palliative care and elderly care, oral health, ENT care, and basic emergency
The services in HWCs is provided through a Midlevel Health Care Provider (MLHP)/ Community
Health Officer (CHO) placed at a HWC-SHC and Medical Officer at PHC (Rural/Urban).
The key elements for roll out of CPHC through HWC are as follows:
09. Other Social Services
The state is facing, both, the quality and the quantity problems of ground water sources. The ground
water condition has become quite alarming also due to over exploitation in the last two decades. The
State Government is implementing a number of schemes for providing potable water, both in rural and
urban areas, as the problem of clean and safe water in the State is very complex, due to geographical
diversities and limited availability of both ground and surface water.
Due to vigorous efforts of the State Government, the water problem is being solved gradually. Out of
1,21,526 habitations, 61,641 habitations are fully covered 42,539 partially covered with quality drinking
water and 17,346 habitations are covered with Quality affected water facility as on 1 April 2019.
The funds for Rural Water Supply Scheme (RWSS) have been provided both under Central Sponsored
Schemes (National Rural Drinking Water Program) and the State Plan.
Major Water Supply Projects From some sustainable surface sources in the state:
There are total 126 major drinking water projects, sanctioned so far, at a total cost of 337,076.14 crore.
MDMS was launched as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme on 15th August 1995. With time there have
been multiple revisions in the scheme. The purpose of the Mid-day meal scheme is to provide hot
cooked food to the children of primary and upper primary classes.
• Improving the nutritional status of children in classes 1 to 8.
• Increase enrollment and encourage students to attend school.
• Providing nutritional support to children in drought-prone areas during summer vacation.
09. Other Social Services
• 66,493 Government, Local Body, Government Aided Schools, Special Training Centers (AIE
Centers, EGS NCLP) and Madarsas.
• Approximately 62.65 lakh students studying in classes 1 to 8 (41.03 lakh in class 1 to 5 and 21.62
lakh in class 6 to 8).
• Under the scheme, food grains (Wheat/Rice) 100 gm per day per student for class 1 to 5 and 150
gms per day per student for class 6 to 8 are being provided.
• The food served under MDMS contains a minimum of 450 calories and 12 gram protein for class
1 to 5 students and 700 calories and 20 gram protein for class 6 to 8 students.
Cooking Mechanism:
• Mid-day meal is cooked through through School Monitoring Committees (SMC), Centralized
Kitchens and Annapurna Mahila Sahakari Samities (AMSS) in the State.
• Through SMCs, MDM is provided to 57.03 lakh students in 61,086 schools.
• Similarly, through AMSS, 1.32 lakh students are being provided MDM in 1.204 schools.
• As regards cooking mechanism based on centralized kitchens, MDM is being served in 10
districts of Rajasthan including Ajmer, Alwar, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Rajsamand, Bhilwara, Jhalawar,
Udaipur, Bikaner and Chittorgarh through 12 centralized kitchens to 4,30,026 students in 4,203
schools in these 10 districts of Rajasthan.
The services of persons as cook cum helper have been hired on monthly remuneration of 1,320.
Recent Initiatives:
As per directions of Government of India, Automated Monitoring System by SMS technique has been
implemented, since August, 2016 for regular supervision and review of the scheme. In this connection,
the information of the number of benefitted students is being collected through SMS from schools on
Toll Free number -15544. Nutritive values were analyzed in MDM sample through NABL Accredited
Utsav Bhoj
This is Rajasthan Government extension of Union’s Mid Day Meal (MDM) Scheme. Under the “UTSAV
BHOJ” Yojana in mid- day Meal, any person can provide full meal, sweets, raw material and
09. Other Social Services
equipment and utensils on their personal and social occasions, like birth-day, Marriage, Anniversary
At present 304 ICDS projects are operational in the state, out of which 2 projects have been operational
in urban areas, 37 in tribal area and rest 245 in rural areas. A total of 62,020 Anganwadi centers have
been approved for providing various services as below:
09. Other Social Services
• On 30" November, 2016, the Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana was announced which is
being implemented in all the districts of the country as per the provision of National Food
Security Act, 2013.
• The main objective of the scheme is to promote the use of appropriate methods, care and
services during pregnancy, safe delivery and lactation period to improve the health and
nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women and their infants (0-6 months).
• Under this scheme, incentives are provided to pregnant and lactating women of all categories
for their first live born infants on fulfilling certain conditions related to mother and child health
and nutrition.
• In order to make the adolescent girls educated, empowered, self-reliant and to aware citizens by
creating a supportive environment for self-development, Kishori Balika Yojana has been
launched from 1 June, 2018 in the entire state for the school girls of age group 11-14 years.
• This fund is set up by the state government for the welfare of honorarium workers working at
Anganwadi centres, such as Anganwadi workers, assistants, collaborators.
• The fund is being operated continuously from the year 2006-07 in collaboration with Life
Insurance Corporation of India.
• Under this fund, the State Government has made provision to contribute on a six-month basis
every year.
• 750 per annum for Anganwadi worker and 376 per annum has been fixed for the other
• Through the fund, an insurance facility of Rs 10,000 has also been made available to the
• On the death of a member joining this scheme, the nominee is being paid by the Life Insurance
Corporation with interest amount of 10,000 deposited along with the savings amount.
09. Other Social Services
• There is a provision for payment of savings amount interest on the service release of the
Directorate is established in 2013 with the motto to protect the rights of the children and create a
protective environment for the same. The Directorate is implementing the following schemes:
The Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) is a comprehensive scheme of the Ministry of Women
and Child Development, Government of India, which aims to create a protective environment for
children in the country.
• To provide day-care facilities for children (6 month to 6 years) of working mothers in the
community. !
• To improve nutrition and health status of children. !
• To promote physical, cognitive, social and emotional development (Holistic Development) of
children. !
09. Other Social Services
Target Group
• The scheme focuses on children of 6 months to 6 years, of working women in rural and urban areas
who are employed of a minimum period of 15 days in month or six months in year. !
The primary objective of the Department of Food, Civil Supply & Consumer Affairs is to ensure food
security for the state through timely and efficient procurement and distribution of food grains. The
responsibilities of creating the network of fair price shops, allocation and distribution of food- grains,
issue of ration cards, supervision and monitoring the functioning of fair price shops, etc. lies with the
State Government. Essential commodities like-Wheat, Rice, Sugar and Kerosene are distributed
regularly on monthly basis through a network of fair price shops.
• National Food Security Act, 2013 provides quality food grain at fair price to common man and
ensures food and nutrition security.
• At present, there are 32 categories of beneficiaries in the inclusion list of NFSA. 8 Categories
have been added in September 2018.
• Scheme of distribution of wheat under National Food Security Act (NFSA) at the rate Rs 1.00
per kg has been started on 1st March, 2019. Under NFSA, GoI is providing wheat at the rate of
Rs 2 per kg. The difference of Rs1.00 per kg will be borne by the State Government.
• Number of Beneficiaries (As on January 2019): 28 lakh Antyodaya, 1.17 crore BPL and 29 lakh
State BPL, total 1.74 crore NFSA beneficiaries.
09. Other Social Services
• A quantity of 35 kg wheat per Ration Card to Antyodaya Families and 5 kg wheat per unit to
BPL and State BPL families are being distributed under the scheme.
In order to ensure food security, 35 kg of wheat per month per family is being provided free of cost to
Saharia & Khairwa tribes of Baran and Kathodi tribes of Udaipur district.
Under End-to-End Computerization of Public Distribution System, Point of Sale (PoS) machines have
been provided at Fair Prices shops. Hence, now distribution of PDS commodities is done only after bio-
metric verification. There is provision of sending an OTP (One Time Password) at registered mobile
no. of beneficiary in case of finger print mismatch of beneficiary or otherwise there is a system of
bypass i.e. verification of beneficiary by the authorized officer.
Record of distribution of PDS commodities has become online, so it is possible to verify stock position
of the FPS dealer. Black-marketing of PDS commodities is also curbed.
The department had started facility of 'District Portability' according to which a beneficiary can get his
ration entitlement from any Fair Price Shop within the district. So that a common man can be apprised
of "Portability" facility provided by the State Government.
State Level Portability is started in the State from 1St September, 2018. Now consumer of Rajasthan can
take his ration from 11 other States (Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka,
Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Telangana and Tripura) and consumers of these 11 States can
take their ration from Rajasthan from the year 2019-20.
Under the implementation of Consumer Protection Act, 1986, State Commission at state level and
District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forums at district level have been formed in all districts.
Four Forums in Jaipur district and two Forums in Jodhpur district are in working. Total 37 District
Forums and 7 circuit benches (Divisional Headquarter) are working in the State.
09. Other Social Services
In all, 5.48 lakh cases have been registered in state commission and district forum, out of which 5.06
lakhs cases have been disposed of till December, 2019.
New Initiatives:
Consumer Rights:
• Right to Safety
• Right to be informed
• Right to choose
• Right to be heard
• Right to Seek redressal
• Right to Consumer Education
Rajasthan State Food & Civil Supplies Corporation was established in 2010 under the Companies Act.
1956. Corporation is currently taking care of distribution of PDS items like- wheat, sugar, and kerosene
and Non-PDS items like Tea and Agarbattis through a network of Fair Price Shops (FPS) established
across the state. The Corporation is providing the above-mentioned items with its own brand name
09. Other Social Services
Annapurna Bhandar Yojana has been formulated for providing better quality, multi brand Consumer
goods at fair and competitive prices to the general public through Fair Price Shops in the State of
Rajasthan under Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. A total of 6,715 Annapurna Bhandars have
been opened in the State.
For all round development and upliftment of weaker and deprived sections of the society, following
schemes are being implemented in the state:
Anuprati Yojana :
There is a provision of incentive of 1.00 lakh per SC/ST/SBC/BPL of OBC & GEN candidate selected in
the All India Civil Services examination, 50,000 to a candidate passing the State Civil Services
examination and also the incentive of 40,000 to 50,000 to a candidate getting admission in IITs, IIMs
and national Level Medical Colleges. Besides this, a provision of 10,000 per SC/ST candidate has been
ear marked for the students securing 60 per cent mar s in their senior secondary examination and
getting admission in Government engineering /medical colleges.
The objective of this scheme is to provide financial assistance to the talented students belonging to most
backward class of the state and preparing for examinations for selection in Indian Civil Services, RAS,
IITs, IIMs, National Institute of Medical College and State Government Engineering and medical
Post-Matric Scholarships:
Post-matric scholarships are being provided to the SC, ST OBC and EBC students, whose annual
parental income is upto `2.50 lakh for SC/ST students, 1.5 Lakh for OBC students and `1.00 lakh for
EBC students.
09. Other Social Services
According to the Post Matric Scholarship for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes, State Government
started Devnarayan Yojna for most backward class student from 2010-11. Under the scheme, Post-
Matric scholarships are also being provided to the SBC students whose parental annual income is upto
2.50 lakh.
Hostel facilities:
Hostel facilities are provided by the Department to SC, ST, OBC, SBC and DTNT students. In these
hostels, facilities like lodging, meals, coaching, dress, stationary etc. are provided free of cost
Under this scheme, maximum two girls of above the age of 18 years, who belong to BPL/the weakest
section of the society or a widow woman, will be present a sum of `20,000 on marriage from the State
Government. If the girl is 10 passed then an extra sum of `10,000 & if girl is graduate then `20,000
Residential Schools:
Under this scheme 25 residential schools run by “Rajasthan Residential Educational Institutions
Society”(RREIS) in the administrative control of Social Justice & Empowerment department for
Rajasthan boys/girls of SC,ST, OBC/SBC and economic backward class whose family income is
less than 8.00 lakh per annum. In these schools, facilities like lodging, meals, coaching, dress,
stationary, medical are provided free of cost.
Pensions Schemes
Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension has been started from 19 November, 2007 in place of
National Old Age Pension by the Central Government. Members of BPL families aged 60 years and
above are eligible under this scheme.
• 750 per month is payable for 60 year to below 75 years aged eligible person
• 1,000 per month for 75 years and above 75 years aged person.
09. Other Social Services
The Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme was started by the Central Government in 7"
October, 2009. Widow Women aged 40 years and above belonging to BPL families are eligible for
Indira Gandhi National Widow pension. Under the scheme, Pension amount of:
• 500 per month (widow women whose age is above 40 years but below 55 years);
• 750 per month (widow women who age is 55 years and below 60 years);
• 1,000 per month (for widow women whose age is equal to 60 and below 75 years) and
• 1,500 per month (for widow women whose age is 75 and above) is being provided.
The Indira Gandhi National Disabled Pension Scheme has been started by 24" November, 2009 by the
Central Government. BPL family members who are suffering from multiple disabilities and whose age
is 18 years and above are eligible for Indira Gandhi National Disabled Pension. Under the scheme, an
amount of:
• 750 per month (for 18 to below 55 years female pensioner and 18 to below 58 years male
• 1,000 per month (for 55 years to below 75 years female and 58 years to below 75 years male
• 1,250 per month (for 75 years and above male and female pensioners),
• 1,500 per month for (18 years and above for leprosy cured specially abled person) is being
Under old age pension to Women having age of 55 years and above, Men having age of 58 years and
above are eligible for getting a revised pension of ₹750 per month instead of ₹500 and after age of 75
years ₹1,000 per month instead of ₹750 per month from 1st January, 2019.
09. Other Social Services
Under this scheme, Widow, Divorced, Parityaktya Women age 18 to 60 years are getting pension of
`500 per month. From 1.07.2017 the woman from the age of 60 to 75 years the sum is `1,000 per month
and the woman aged 75 years above the sum is `1,500 per month is being given by the State
• In this scheme, State Government is providing a pension of 750 per month to the specially abled
person of women below 55 years of age and male pensioners below 58 years.
• An amount of 1,000 per month as pension is payable to women aged 55 to below 75 years and
men aged 58 to below 75 years.
• For pensioners aged 75 years and above an 1,250 per month is payable.
• Pension of 1,500 per month is also being provided to the leprosy cured persons from 15 April,
Small and Marginal old aged farmer women whose age is 55 years and above and farmer men whose
age is 58 years and above and less than 75 years, 750 per month is given as old age Samman pension.
For small and marginal farmers having age of 75 years and above $1,000 per month pension is payable.
Palanhar Yojana:
This scheme was started in 2004-05 for care and up keep of these children whose both parents have
either died or have been sentenced to death or have been awarded life imprisonment by a court of law.
Initially the scheme was applicable for scheduled Caste children only but later on extended to cover
the children belonging to all castes and children suffering from HIV/leprosy or whose mothers have
legally married or abandoned children and children whose mothers are getting widow pension.
A person taking responsibility of caring and bringing up such a child is called 'Palanhar”. In this
scheme `500 per month given to the children of 0-6 years who goes to anganwari and `1,000 per
month given to school going children of age 06-18 years.
09. Other Social Services
Mukhya Mantri Hunar Vikas Yojana was introduced in the year 2011-12. The main motto behind the
scheme is to bring the inmates of children's home (government & aided) and beneficiaries of Palanhar
scheme, in the mainstream by providing them financial support for vocational, technical training or
higher education.
As a measure to eradicate un- touchability in the society, State Government has launched "Dr. Savita
Ben Ambedkar Inter-Caste Marriage Incentive Scheme". This scheme encourages marriages between
Swarn Hindu and Schedule Caste. As per the provisions of scheme an amount of ₹5 lakh is being given
to such couple.
State government has established Nari Niketans Mahila Sadhan at Divisional Headquarters for
upliftment, safety and livelihood of women rescued from adverse circumstances. Till December, 2019
these Nari Niketan have total 199 inmates against sanctioned strength of 450.
Under this scheme, ₹5,000 is given for cremation of destitute to empenalled NGOs.
In the state, the old age homes have been started since the year, 2006. Social security is being provided
in these centers by providing free accommodation, food, tea - snacks, entertainment, necessities - daily
use facilities etc.
Navjivan Yojana:
Under the Navjivan Yojana providing alternative opportunities/resources for livelihood, to remove
illiteracy and to provide basic facilities to the persons, communities engaged in the manufacture,
storage and sale of illegal liquor.
09. Other Social Services
Besides this, Ujjwala Scheme, Indira Gandhi National Old Age/Widow/Specially abled persons
Pension Yojana, Dev Narayan Yojana, Swayamsidhha Yojana De-addiction Programme, etc. are also
being implemented for the welfare of weaker sections
According to census 2011, population of specially abled person in state is 15 lakh, whether 4 lakh
specially abled persons are receiving benefits of pension under social assistance scheme. The State
Government has established a separate department for Specially Abled Persons in 2011
According to new act "The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016" which is enacted by GoI, now
on wards there will be 21 categories of disabilities.
• Under this scheme loan of upto 5.00 lakh are provided to such specially abled persons for self-
employment whose parents/guardians and self-income from all sources does not exceed 2.00
lakh per annum.
• Government also provides maximum subsidy of 50,000 or 50 per cent amount of loan,
whichever is less.
Under this scheme, financial assistance of `50,000 is provided to specially abled persons
(men/women) after marriage and also a grant of `20,000 is provided to the organizer (registered
Under this scheme, financial assistance of `10,000 is provided to eligible specially abled persons
(non income tax payee) for self-employment and artificial limb/equipment.
Anuprati Scheme:
In this scheme,
09. Other Social Services
Silicosis Policy:
The state government has launched the Silicosis Policy on 3" October, 2019. In the said policy, silicosis
becomes an incurable disease due to exposure to labor dust from mines, factories, stone breaking,
grinding stone, powder making, ballast, sand stone sculpture, etc. In this policy, along with financial
help to the people suffering from silicosis, measures will be adopted for identification, rehabilitation,
disease prevention and control of such work place and workers.
This rule has been published in the Rajasthan Gazette on 24 January, 2019 by the State Government for
implementing the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016. According to the Provisions of the above
rules, the benefit of Reservation in Government Services was increased from 3 per cent to 4 per cent for
specially Abled Persons.
Besides this, following schemes are also being implemented for the welfare of specially abled persons
of the State:
• Polio Correction Operation Camps Subsidy Scheme: In this scheme, financial aid of 5,000
per polio correction operation is provided to NGO.
• State Level awards scheme: On the International Disabled Day of 3rd December, every year
State level awards are being given in 2 different categories, who do excellent works for
specially abled persons. In this scheme, financial aid of 10,000 per person/ Institutions is
given to 53 persons and 2 intitutions.
09. Other Social Services
• Sport Competitions for specially Abled Persons: Sport Competitions are also organized at
district and state level for specially abled persons.
• One time Financial Assistance for Pension Holder Specially Abled Persons for self
employment: In this scheme One time Financial Assistance of 15,000 is provided to pension
holder specially abled person who want to start his/her own business. To avail this facility
he/she will have to discontinue his/her pension.
As per census 2011 the population of State of Rajasthan is 6.85 crores. Out of this the population of
Minority Community is 78.18 lakh (11.41%). Muslims, Sikhs, Jains, Christians, Buddhists and Parsis are
included in the Minority Community.
The State Government has established a separate department for minorities to ensure quality
education, more employment opportunities and improvement in their economic & health condition.
Main object of this scheme is to provide financial assistance to poor and brilliant students of minority
communities for their higher education, whose parental income is less than 2.00 lakh per annum and
has obtained at least 50 per cent marks in the previous exam.
Main object of this scheme is, to provide financial assistance to poor and brilliant students of minority
communities for technical & professional courses at UG and PG level, whose parental income is less
than 2.50 lakh per annum by Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India.
Anuprati scheme:
09. Other Social Services
AIIMS, NITs, Common Law Admission Test (CLAT); on admission in Indian Institute of Science &
Applied Research (Kolkata & Bangalore), GoI/MCI certified medical colleges. Under this scheme
encouragement is also provided to students scoring 60% marks under the scheme (at 10+2 level) & got
admission in State Government s engineering & medical colleges.
Hostel Facility:
The hostel facility is being provided to the minority girls and boys at District Headquarter and in
minority populated Blocks. Presently, under the scheme there is a provision of providing 2,000 per
student/per month & maximum for nine and half month against mess charges including lodging &
boarding etc. through NGO's and there is provision of 2,500 per student/per month & maximum for
nine and half month against mess charges for Government Hostels.
In fulfillment of mandate, the Department of Minority Affairs is providing Hostel facility in two ways
i.e. through Departmental Hostels and authorized NGOs. This scheme is also contributing in indirectly
holding the dropout-rate among minority Boys & Girls studying in various educational institutions.
PMJVK is a central sponsored scheme and is an area development initiative to address the
development deficits in minority concentrated areas. Under the scheme construction works related to
Health, Skill and educational infrastructure are being undertaken in 2 District Head Quarters, 15
blocks, 17 towns of 16 Minority concentrated districts notified by the Ministry of Minority Affairs, GoI.
Skill Training for minority youth is being undertaken with the help of RSLDC.
Rajasthan Minority Finance & Development Cooperative Corporation (RMFDCC) is acting as a State
Channelizing Agency for NMDFC. It provides educational and business loan at concessional interest
rates to the minority unemployed youth and women for self employment.
09. Other Social Services
Madarsa Board:
In this scheme, Smart class rooms are being setup in madarsas through the department of Information
Technology and Communication, this scheme is an innovative scheme for madarsas. Under this
scheme, 260 madarsa have been selected and smart class rooms have been established in 253 madarsas.
Establishement of smart class rooms in 7 madarsas is in process.
Under Madarsa Aadhunikikaran scheme, 450 computer were distributed during financial year 2019-20
upto December, 2019 to Madarsas with the objective to provide computer education to students of
In the year 201920, (upto December, 2019) a total of 10,750 applications have been received for Haj
Yatra and 6,786 beneficiaries have been sent for haz yatra by Rajasthan State Haj Committee.
The Rajasthan Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tribe Finance and Development Co-operative Corporation
Limited is working for upliftment of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The State
Government is committed to safeguard the economic and social interests of these classes through this
Corporation. In various schemes operated by the Corporation under Special Central Assistance
Scheme, subsidy amount up to 10,000 is provided for self-employment to scheduled caste persons
belonging to Below Poverty Line (BPL) and equivalent income group. The physical and financial
progress is given in the table 9.29.
A number of schemes are being implemented by the Government for the overall development of the
tribal population. During the year 2019-20, a total modified budget provision of 639.64 crore was kept
which includes 376,00 crore, 294.50 crore, 157.76 crore and 11.38 crore under State plan, Special Central
09. Other Social Services
Assistance, schemes under Article 275(1) of constitution of India and Centrally sponsored schemes
respectively. An amount of 287.99 crore has been utilized upto December, 2019, that include
expenditure of 170.24 crore, 47.25 crore, 60.82 crore and 39.68 crore under State plan, Special Central
Assistance, schemes under Article 275(1) of constitution of India and Centrally sponsored schemes
The foremost issue in women development is to make women aware about their rights and to
empower them to take maximum advantage from the programmes being implemented by the
Government and to become socio-economically self-reliant.
Sathin is the prime animator working at grassroots not only to create linkage between women and
various programmes of the Government, but also to inform women about their rights. Sathins also
need to create environment against social evil practices and to make women aware about situation
wherein women often find themselves harassed, victimized or exploited.
At present, 8,472 Sathins are working in the State to create awareness among women, enable them to
realize their potential and also to help women access advantage from the Government programmes/
Community marriages are meant to discourage dowry, child marriage and to reduce the expenditure
on individual marriages. The grant in aid at the rate 18,000 per couple is sanctioned under this scheme,
of which 15,000 are deposited in the ban /post office in the name of the bride and 3,000 are given to the
organization for arrangements etc.
The scheme aims at motivating out of school girls in the age group of 11-14 years to go back to formal
schooling or skill training under nonnutrition component of the scheme. The other services under non
nutrition component are Iron Folic Acid (IFA) supplementation, Health check-up and Referral services,
Nutrition & Health Education, Life Skill Education and Counseling/Guidance on accessing public
09. Other Social Services
Women Protection:
A special Women Protection Cell has also been setup to monitor implementation of the following
programmes relating to protection of women:
Gender Cell:
The Gender Cell has also been constituted in the State to promote mainstreaming the concept of gender
in the budgetary system of the Government and also to function as a secretariat to review the budgets
of various departments with gender perspective.
An MOU has also been signed between Government of Rajasthan and UN-Women for strengthening
and expediting the efforts towards Gender Responsive Budgeting.
Garima Balika and Sanrakkshan Scheme has been launched in order to reward and give recognition to
various individuals and organisations for their commendable work in the field of protection of girl
child. The objective of the scheme is to recognize, reward and inspire the individuals, and the
organizations to prevent violence and exploitation of girl child at various levels.
This Scheme has been implemented in the entire State as Garima Balika Sanrakshan and Samman Yojna
2016. Under this scheme the rewards are given at two levels-first Individual and second Institutional.
Mukhyamantri Rajshree Yojana was announced by the Chief Minister in 2016-17 budget to develop a
positive attitude towards the girl child in the society and improve her health and education status in
the State. This is a flagship scheme, which expects to bring Women Empowerment and gender equality
in the State. Girl children belonging to the state of Rajasthan, who are born on or after the 1 of June
09. Other Social Services
2016, are eligible for financial assistance under the scheme. Under this scheme, a total grant of 50,000 is
provided in 6 installments to the parents/guardians of the eligible girl.
Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (BBBP) scheme was launched as one of the flagship and convergent
programmes of the Government, to address the declining Child Sex Ratio and related issues of
empowerment of women on a life-cycle continuum. The objective of scheme is to prevent gender based
sex selection, to ensure survival & protection of girl child and to ensure education and participation of
girl child.
• State has been awarded as the best performing state in the country on 24 January, 2019 by the
Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India.
• State has awarded as the best performing state in the country on 6 September, 2019 by the
Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India.
Special and targeted efforts are required to generate community awareness, sensitize men and boys,
and create an enabling environment for women and girls to manage menstrual health with adequate
knowledge, safety, dignity and without stigma.
Empowerment of women is possible only if it is based on a life cycle approach. CM s Seven Point
Programme was launched during the year 2009r10. This programme is focussed on:
• Safe Motherhood
• Reduction in IMR
• Population Stabilization
• Prevention of child marriages
• Retention of girls at least upto class X
• Providing security and safe environment to women
09. Other Social Services
This programme aims at all round development of women and it is being implemented with joint
efforts of Health Department, Women & Child Development (WCD), Education Department and Home
Department etc.
Amrita Haat:
Rajasthan Government has announced the Indira Mahila Shakti Nidhi with a budget allotment of
R1,000 crore. This scheme will be focused on all round empowerment of women. All the schemes for
skill development will be brought together under one umbrella which is called Indira Mahila Shakti
Women victims Other schemes being implemented in the State for the women empowerment are:
09. Other Social Services
The Twenty Point Programme was first launched in the year 1975 and restructured in 1982, 1986 and
again in 2006. The restructured programme, nown as Twenty Point Programme (TPP) – 2006, became
operational with effect from 1 April 2007.
The Programme aims to provide momentum to schemes relating to poverty alleviation, employment
generation in rural areas, housing, education, family welfare and health, protection of environment and
many other schemes having a bearing on the quality of life, especially in the rural areas.
Twenty Point Programme- 2006 consists of 65 monitorable items out of which 15 rankable items are
being monitored at the state level.
10. State Finance & O.R. for Development
Fiscal Management
The performance of State during 2018-19 in terms of key fiscal targets has been:
Fiscal Deficit
• Fiscal Deficit to GSDP ratio was 3.66 percent in 2018-19, this amounted to an actual fiscal deficit
of 34,473 crore Rupees.
An outlay of 1,96,992 crore had been proposed for Twelfth Five Year Plan. The major head-wise
proposed allocations are:
10. State Finance & O.R. for Development
The Schematic Budget outlay for the year 2019-20 is `1,16,735.96 crore. In line with the budgeting
reforms introduced by Union Government, the State Government, in its budget 2017-18, has done away
with Plan and Non-Plan classification of expenditure. With the abolition of Plan and Non-Plan
classification of expenditure, the Budget is now of Revenue and Capital expenditure. The major head
wise allocations for 2019-20 are given below:
10. State Finance & O.R. for Development
Developmental activities by the state are enormous but it does not have adequate financial resources to
execute the projects. Hence the State Government seeks loan/ assistance from various external funding
agencies including international donors to finance various infrastructure and social sector projects for
speedy development of the State.
10. State Finance & O.R. for Development
These agencies help finance State Government various projects including Irrigation, Health, Water
Supply, Forestry, Urban Development, Infrastructure, Energy, Agriculture and Rural Development
(Poverty Alleviation Programmes).
The Government of India is releasing external financial assistance to the State on 'Back to Back' basis for
the new projects sanctioned on or after 1.4.2005, as was recommended by the 12th Finance
• At the start of financial year 2019-20, there were 13 ongoing Externally Aided Projects in the
• During the year, two new projects namely Rajasthan State Highways Development Program-
II (World Bank) and Rajasthan State Highways Investment Program-Project-II (ADB) have
been sanctioned and effective from 14 October, 2019 and 02 December, 2019 respectively.
• The outlay kept for ongoing EAPs in financial year 2019-20 was 5,080.92 crore, against which
33,688.92 crore expenditure incurred up to December, 2019.
10. State Finance & O.R. for Development
Agency Francaise De
6 • Re-organization Jodhpur Water Supply Project
Development (AFD)
10. State Finance & O.R. for Development
Rapid economic growth, growing urban population, increasing rural-urban migration, and all-round
social and economic development have compounded the pressure on the existing infrastructure, and
increased the demand–supply gap in most of the States. As a result, the Governments are experiencing
increasing pressure from their citizens, civil society organizations, and the media to provide accessible
and affordable infrastructure and basic services.
While the infrastructure gap is rising, Government budgetary resources are increasingly constrained in
financing this deficit. Governments also face insufficiency in technical resources and the executive capacity
to cope-up with the rising demand for public infrastructure.
The emergence of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) is seen as a sustainable financing and institutional
mechanism with the potential of bridging the infrastructure gap. PPP model has following advantages:
• Apart from enabling private investment flows, PPPs also deliver efficiency gains and enhanced
impact of the investments.
• The efficient use of resources, availability of modern technology, better project design and
implementation and improved operations combine to deliver efficiency and effectiveness gains,
which are not readily produced in a public sector project.
• PPP projects also lead to faster implementation, reduced lifecycle costs and optimal risk
• Private management also increases accountability and incentivizes performance and
maintenance of required service standards.
• PPPs also result in improved delivery of public services and promote public sector reforms.
Sufficient capacity across infrastructure sectors leads to higher productivity, lower transport
and logistics cost and enhanced competitiveness.
• Total 183 projects costing `16,953.24 crore completed upto December,2019 in the state.
10. State Finance & O.R. for Development
Some of the key initiatives of the State Government aimed at creating an enabling environment for
promoting private participation are outlined below:
State Government has set up a Council for Infrastructure Development (CID) under the
chairpersonship of the Chief Minister with a view to decide on the policy issues pertaining to
infrastructural projects, specifically in relation to projects being developed on Public Private
Partnership (PPP).
The CID decides on various policy issues and grants approval of PPP projects, if project cost is higher
than 500 crore.
To facilitate the functioning of the CID, the State Government has also constituted an Empowered
Committee for Infrastructure Development (ECID) under the chairpersonship of the Chief Secretary.
The ECID formulates, reviews and recommends policy papers and proposals for submission to the CID
and it also monitors and follow-up on implementation of the decisions ta en by the CID. Planning
Department serves as the secretariat of the CID and ECID
10. State Finance & O.R. for Development
PPP Cell
The PPP Cell created under the Planning Department in the year 2007-08, is the State Nodal agency to
coordinate efforts of the State Government regarding projects entailing Public- Private Participation. It
serves as the repository of all the information relating to PPP in the State including best practices,
guidelines, schemes etc.
This Cell serves as the secretariat of the ECID and being strengthened to support departments in
project development, appraisal and evaluation. This Cell provides all hand-holding support for
development of these projects.
A State Level Empowered Committee (SLEC) has also been set up under the chairmanship of Chief
Secretary for the projects under Swiss Challenge Method in accordance with the Rajasthan transparency
in Public Procurement (Amendment) Rules, 2015.
The SLEC considers, examines and accords approval of the project proposals (Both PPP and Non-PPP)
received under the Swiss Challenge Method of procurement. The Administrative Department of this
Empowered Committee is the Planning Department.
Implementing Agencies
The respective administrative departments/agencies to identify, develop and execute the PPP projects.
Respective administrative departments have nominated one of the officers as nodal officer for PPP
PDCoR Limited
PDCoR is a company developed as a joint venture between the Government of Rajasthan and
Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited (IL&FS) in 1998 to facilitate private sector
investment in the infrastructure sector in Rajasthan.
It works in the sectors of urban renewal, rural development, social sectors, tourism, industries, urban
transport and renewable energy.
10. State Finance & O.R. for Development
Rajasthan State Road Development Fund Act, 2004 (Act No.13 of 2004)
The State Road Development Fund Act, 2004 was enacted. Under the Act, a non-lapsable State Road
Development Fund (SRF) was created through levy of 1.00 cess on petrol/diesel. The levy is revised
from time to time. The funds collected under the Act are being utilized for development and
maintenance of State Roads.
Rajasthan State Legislature has enacted the comprehensive Act assent of the Governor of which was
received on 29 April 2015 and became Act on 1 May 2015. The act facilitates the declaration,
th st
development, operation, safety and regulation of highways and the use of land appurtenant thereto,
acquisition of land for highways and other roads, constitution of the Rajasthan State Highways
Authority, and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
10. State Finance & O.R. for Development
The National PPP Capacity Building Programme (NPCBP) launched by Department of Economic
Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India in the year 2010 with support of KfW (German
Development Bank ) was rolled out successfully in the State of Rajasthan.
The aim was to enhance capacities of senior and middle level officers of Administrative Departments/
Implementing Agencies concerned at large to enable them in conceptualizing, structuring, awarding,
implementing and monitoring of the PPP projects.
To mark the culmination of the NPCBP, the PPP Cell of Planning Department, Government of
Rajasthan was awarded by Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India
in March, 2014 for commendable contribution in the implementation of the programme.
The PPP Cell of Planning Department has now been providing resource support on PPPs to all the
national and state training institutes, available in the state.
11. Sustainable Development Goals
In September 2015, UN Member States adopted a new ambitious agenda, Transforming our World: The
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (also known as Agenda 2030). The SDGs 2030 Agenda is a
plan of action focusing on 5Ps namely People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership. The
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), otherwise known as the Global Goals, are a universal call to
action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
The SDGs are part of Resolution 70/1 of the United Nations General Assembly, the 2030 Agenda.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 global goals that are required to be
achieved by all countries and stakeholders by 2030. In order to ‘Leave no one behind’ it is important
that we achieve theme by 2030. The 17 SDGs comprise of 169 associated targets, which are
interconnected in nature. Each target has defined monitorable indicators to measure progress towards
reaching the target. In total, there are 244 indicators listed in the SDGs global indicator framework for
monitoring the progress.
11. Sustainable Development Goals
• Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable
• Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
• Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning
opportunities for all
• Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
• Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
• Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all
• Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive
employment and decent work for all
• Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and
foster innovation
• Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
• Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
• Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable
• Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably
manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt
biodiversity loss.
• Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access
to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
• Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for
sustainable development
11. Sustainable Development Goals
India has already taken significant strides towards the achievement of SDGs with institutional
architecture being already set up and several organisations/ministries have been entrusted with
responsibilities to implement the Agenda 2030.
The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) is nodal ministry for drafting the
National Indicator Framework (NIF) in consultation with the States/Union Territories (UTs),
implement, monitor and produce timely reports to document progress of the SDGs. The NIF has been
developed with the objective of monitoring and reporting on progress on SDGs at national level.
The NIF comprise of 306 monitorable indicators for monitoring of SDGs. These indicators not only help
in the monitoring the SDGs but also assists in formulating policy/guidelines to the policy makers and
executive agencies can issued suitable direction to the implementers of various schemes and
11. Sustainable Development Goals
Metadata of NIF
An important initiative undertaken by the Government of India (Gol) for monitoring of NIF is by
developing metadata for every national indicator. Metadata is an important document on the indicators
that helps in standardization of data of indicators across the country. Further the metadata also enables
the international agencies to integrate data from India to the global framework.
The MoS&PI has already published the baseline report on SDGs indicators titled 'Sustainable
Development Goals National Indicator Framework Baseline Report 2015-16' including metadata for 191
national indicators.
With the objective of measuring the progress of SDGs and develop competitiveness among States and
UTS, NITI Aayog has released two versions of SDG India Index till now.
• In the month of December 2018, the NITI Aayog came out with the first ‘SDG India Index
Baseline report 2018’. Based on the SDG India Index, States and UTs have been classified into 4
categories comprises achiever, front runner, performer and aspirant.
• As per the Report, Rajasthan has been ranked as performer on Composite SDG India Index
with the Index Score of 59.
• Launched in December, 2019. The Index has been constructed using 100 indicators.
• As per the 2nd report, Rajasthan has been ranked as 'Performer' on Composite SDG India
Index 2.0 with the Index Score of 57.
Sectoral Indices:
India has been laying significant emphasis on developing indices for various social sectors. In pursuit
of monitoring the progress of Sustainable Development Goals, NITI Aayog has developed sectoral
indices and programmes for Water, Education and Health sector i.e. Composite Water Management
Index, School Education Quality Index, Health Index, Aspirational Districts Programme etc.
11. Sustainable Development Goals
On the lines of Central Government, Rajasthan has also significant initiatives towards effective
implementation and achievement of SDG.
Rajasthan has set up a state level implementation and monitoring committee under the chairmanship
of Chief Secretary, Government of Rajasthan. This committee is responsible for setting up the states
SDGs agenda, developing the institutional framework at state level, assigning roles and responsibilities
of various stakeholders in the state and review the progress made in the state.
State Planning Department has been declared as nodal department for SDGs implementation &
monitoring. A dedicated cell/centre has been established in Directorate of Economics & Statistics for
collection of data on Targets/National Indicators and review of progress.
As per recommendations of state level implementation and monitoring committee, 7 sectoral working
groups were constituted to suggest implementation & monitoring measures.
11. Sustainable Development Goals
Keeping in view localisation of SDGs, better planning and implementation at grassroot level, and build
enabling environment at District and Block level, a District level SDGs implementation and monitoring
committee has been also constituted under the chairmanship of District Collector.
The Deputy Director/Assistant Director, Economics and Statistics of the respective district is
nominated as the Member Secretary of this committee and district level officers of various associated
departments are made members of this committee. This committee is entrusted to prepare district level
roadmap for SDG implementation.
For District Planning and Panchayati Raj Institutions level, Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj & Gramin
Vikas Sansthan (IGPR & GVS) is being regularly organized trainings/workshops for sensitization and
awareness development on SDGs and their integrations with Gram Panchayat Development Plans and
District Plan.
• Directorate of Economics & Statistics has released 'Rajasthan SDG Status Report-2020' in the
month of January, 2020 on the lines of National Indicators Framework. Total 215 indicators of
NIF have been covered in this status report and it also includes schematic and priority indicator
defined by NITI Aayog.
Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Government of Rajasthan has released 'Rajasthan SDG Status
Report-2020' in the month of January, 2020 on the lines of National Indicators Framework. To measure
the performance of districts on the SDG's, Rajasthan Sustainable Development Goal Index or
Rajasthan SDG Index has been developed.
11. Sustainable Development Goals
The SDG Index aims to measure the performance of districts on the SDG's. Additionally, SDG Index can
be broken down into goal level score in order to help understand what goals have been achieved and
where more effort is needed.
Department of Economics & Statistics, Government of Rajasthan selected the methodology and chose
the set of indicators from the 62 indicators of NITI Aayog's Sustainable Development Goals Index for
developing a sustainable development goals index for the state of Rajasthan.
The Rajasthan's SDG Index has been developed using 31 indicators across 12 goals. To develop this
index, data were used from publicly available sources. These data were aggregated to develop
individual SDG score for each district in Rajasthan, which was then used to develop the Sustainable
development goals index for Rajasthan.
For each goal, the SDG score ranges between 0 and 100, where 0 being the worst among the group and
100 signifying that all the targets for that goal/all goals have been achieved.
11. Sustainable Development Goals