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Enough Oil Is The Lord: Bringing Knowing

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Year 37 No.

20 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) — Green November 12, 2023

I n today’s Gospel Jesus tells the

parable of the ten virgins. Two
weeks before the season of Advent, Bringing
But not with faith. Knowing the
Lord and being known by him are
necessary. Having a relationship
a time to prepare for and anticipate with him, an intimate connection,

Enough Oil Is
the Second Coming of Christ, this and a love affair facilitates knowing
parable places us in that perfect God and he knowing us. As
position of welcoming the Lord in

mentioned, reading Scriptures and
our lives. Preparedness is shown living them fulfill this goal. Attesting
by the five wise virgins who bring to ourselves the veracity and
enough oil in their lamps in case of effectiveness of his words deepens

the Lord
any unforeseen eventualities during our knowledge of God. Also, prayer
the wedding. Foolishness is shown places us face to face with God and
by the other five for neglecting gives us the opportunity to talk to
their responsibility of seeing to it him and listen to him. We know
that they will have lighted lamps how important communication is
when the bridegroom arrives for the in human relationships. It is much
wedding. more important in our relation with
But there is something more God. Knowing his will is vital to our
in this parable. It represents salvation.
how we are when the Lord Jesus It is unfortunate that we usually
comes, and we may be caught seek God’s presence when we
unprepared or unworthy and be are in need, in trouble, or in
left outside knocking at heaven’s desperate situations. That is, by any
door and begging consideration standard, not a healthy and desired
and forgiveness. The response relationship. It is a relationship, a
of the bridegroom reveals a very
by Fr. Benito Tuazon
kind of knowing, out of need and
important aspect of faith, “Amen, teachings. The rich young man in benefit. We must relate to God in
I say to you, I do not know you.” the Gospels (Mt 19:16-22) realized season and out of season, in good
This was not the first time knowing that. Following Jesus was necessary times and in bad, for better and for
was given great importance in to gain eternal life. Jesus was worse, in sickness and in health.
Scriptures. inviting him to come and see who His presence gives us assurance
Will the Lord Jesus, the Jesus was. In other words, he had and reminds us of our call to
bridegroom, recognize us? We can to be in constant communication holiness.
even reverse the question: Do we and encounter with the Lord. In the As a priest, I have experienced
know the Lord Jesus? The question same way, we must strive to have this so many times. People usually
asks if we have a “relationship” a true, real, and close relationship call or visit me when they need
with the Lord. We may know a lot with Jesus. In our case, following his my ministry. I must accept that, of
“about” the Lord, but we may not teachings, spending time in prayer, course. It is my ministry, after all.
know him experientially. Hearing receiving him in the Eucharist, My ministry is how I am defined as
about a person is a lot different from reading the Scriptures, and seeing a person. But there are a few who
meeting the person face to face. him in our neighbors and events in come just to spend time with me.
Today’s generation and proliferation our lives help a lot. Rarely do I get a call just saying,
of social media illustrate this. Many of our experiences do “How are you?” and not asking for
Friendship is redefined. Even if two not require knowing people. We anything. While God is a provider,
persons have not met at all, they can do not need to know presidents we must not approach him only to
be “friends” by clicking an “invite” of insurance companies to get our ask for graces. We can just “waste”
and an “accept.” Friendship is given benefits. We do not have to know time with God, like friends being
a wider spectrum. the president personally to be with each other. Aspire to know
When we talk about knowing served by government. We do not God and be known by him.
the Lord, knowing his biography need to know sports officials to play Cultivate a relationship with God…
does not cut it. Furthermore, the sport. In other words, we can so that when the time comes to
merely following his teachings is receive benefits and participate in meet him, he will say, “Welcome
insufficient. We cannot, as it were, events without knowing the leaders home, my child! Enjoy your true
separate the Teacher from the and heads of companies. home.”
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES Gloria is the perfection of prudence,
and whoever for her sake
Entrance Antiphon All — Glory to God in the keeps vigil shall quickly be free
highest, and on earth peace to from care; because she makes
(Cf. Ps 88[87]:3)
(Recited when there is no opening song.) people of good will. We praise her own rounds, seeking those
you, we bless you, we adore worthy of her, and graciously
Let my prayer come into your you, we glorify you, we give appears to them in the ways,
presence. Incline your ear to you thanks for your great glory, and meets them with all
my cry for help, O Lord. Lord God, heavenly King, O solicitude.
Greeting God, almighty Father. Lord
(The sign of the cross is made here.) Jesus Christ, Only Begotten —The word of the Lord.
Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, All—Thanks be to God.
P—The grace of our Lord Jesus Son of the Father, you take
Christ, and the love of God, and away the sins of the world, Responsorial Psalm (Ps 63)
the communion of the Holy have mercy on us; you take
Spirit be with you all. away the sins of the world,
R—My soul is thirsting for you,
O Lord my God.
All—And with your spirit. receive our prayer; you are
seated at the right hand of Sr. M. C. A. Parco, FSP

Introduction the Father, have mercy on us. F C Gm B♭

(These [or similar words] may be For you alone are the Holy        
used to address the assembly.) One, you alone are the Lord, 
My soul is thirs ting for
P— Faced with the need to make you alone are the Most High,
a decision or commit ourselves Jesus Christ, with the Holy C

  

to a particular course of action, Spirit, in the glory of God the

     
we tend to postpone doing so Father. Amen.
you, O Lord my
for another day. We even have Collect
a term for this: mañana habit. F

    
And when the next day dawns, P—Let us pray. (Pause)
we are as reluctant as ever to Almighty and merciful  
take the decision or make the God, graciously keep from
commitment. us all adversity, so that, 1. O God, you are my God
A wise Christian decides unhindered in mind and whom I seek;/ for you my flesh
and acts for the values of God’s body alike, we may pursue pines and my soul thirsts/ like
kingdom now. Tomorrow may in freedom of heart the things the earth, parched, lifeless,
be too late. As believers, we that are yours. and without water. (R)
must always be prepared to Through our Lord Jesus
encounter God who comes to Christ, your Son, who lives 2. Thus have I gazed toward
us through the persons we meet and reigns with you in the you in the sanctuary/ to see
and the circumstances we find unity of the Holy Spirit, God, your power and your glory,/
ourselves in. for ever and ever. for your kindness is a greater
All—Amen. good than life;/ my lips shall
Penitential Act glorify you. (R)
THE LITURGY 3. Thus will I bless you while
P —Brethren (brothers and OF THE WORD
sisters), let us acknowledge I live;/ lifting up my hands, I
our sins, and so prepare will call upon your name./ As
First Reading (Wis 6:12–16)
ourselves to celebrate the with the riches of a banquet
sacred mysteries. (Pause) shall my soul be satisfied,/
God shares divine wisdom with all and with exultant lips my
P—You were sent to heal the who seek and are ready for it. God’s mouth shall praise you. (R)
contrite of heart: Lord, have wisdom is personified as a woman
mercy. 4. I will remember you upon
who is found by those who love her. my couch,/ and through the
All—Lord, have mercy. night-watches I will meditate
A reading from the Book of
P — You came to call sinners: Wisdom on you:/ You are my help,/
Christ, have mercy. and in the shadow of your
All — Christ, have mercy. RESPLENDENT and unfading wings I shout for joy. (R)
is wisdom, and she is readily
P—You are seated at the right perceived by those who love
hand of the Father to intercede Second Reading (Long form)
her, and found by those who (1 Thes 4:13–18)
for us: Lord, have mercy. seek her. She hastens to make
All—Lord, have mercy. herself known in anticipation Paul comforts those who mourn
P—May almighty God have of their desire; whoever the dead with the thought of the
mercy on us, forgive us our watches for her at dawn shall future resurrection. The living,
sins, and bring us to everlasting not be disappointed, for he likewise, will be caught up with
life. shall find her sitting by his gate. them in glory when Jesus comes
All—Amen. For taking thought of wisdom at the end of the age.
A reading from the first foolish ones said to the wise, one Baptism for the forgiveness
Letter of Saint Paul to the ‘Give us some of your oil, for of sins and I look forward to the
Thessalonians our lamps are going out.’ But resurrection of the dead and the
the wise ones replied, ‘No, for life of the world to come. Amen.
WE do not want you to be there may not be enough for
unaware, brothers and sisters, us and you. Go instead to the Prayer of the Faithful
about those who have fallen merchants and buy some for
asleep, so that you may not yourselves.’ While they went off P—Let us pray to the Father
grieve like the rest, who have to buy it, the bridegroom came that as we await the glorious
no hope. For if we believe that and those who were ready went coming of his beloved Son we
Jesus died and rose, so too into the wedding feast with may be filled with his wisdom
will God, through Jesus, bring him. Then the door was locked. in order to live out the Gospel
with him those who have fallen Afterwards the other virgins values in every moment of
asleep. Indeed, we tell you this, came and said, ‘Lord, Lord, our lives. With confidence,
on the word of the Lord, that open the door for us!’ But we pray:
we who are alive, who are left he said in reply, ‘Amen, I say
until the coming of the Lord, to you, I do not know you.’ R—Father, hear our prayer.
will surely not precede those Therefore, stay awake, for you
who have fallen asleep. For the C—That the leaders of the
know neither the day nor the Church may truly become
Lord himself, with a word of hour.”
command, with the voice of an wise in their words and actions
—The Gospel of the Lord. so that their decisions may
archangel and with the trumpet All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus
of God, will come down from promote human flourishing
Christ. especially among the poor
heaven, and the dead in Christ
will rise first. Then we who and the marginalized. We
Homily (Sit) pray: (R)
are alive, who are left, will be
caught up together with them Profession of Faith (Stand)
C—That our political and
in the clouds to meet the Lord civil leaders may value your
in the air. Thus we shall always All—I believe in one God, the
Father almighty, maker of heaven kingdom as the greatest
be with the Lord. Therefore, treasure and think of heaven
console one another with these and earth, of all things visible
and invisible. as the true home. We pray: (R)
I believe in one Lord Jesus
—The word of the Lord. Christ, the Only Begotten Son C—That consecrated persons
All—Thanks be to God. of God, born of the Father who have abandoned every­
before all ages. God from God, thing for the sake of the king­
Alleluia (Mt 24:42a, 44) (Stand) dom, may, by their joyful living
Light from Light, true God from
All—Alleluia, alleluia. Stay true God, begotten, not made, of the vows of chastity, poverty,
awake and be ready! For you consubstantial with the Father; and obedience, show their bro­
do not know on what day through him all things were thers and sisters the primacy of
your Lord will come. Alleluia, made. For us men and for our your kingdom over everything
alleluia. salvation he came down from else. We pray: (R)
heaven, (At the words that follow, C—That those who despair in
Gospel (Mt 25:1–13) up to and including and became life, those who are burdened
P—A reading from the holy man, all bow.) and by the Holy by weakness and sin, and
Gospel according to Matthew Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin those who are discouraged
All—Glory to you, O Lord. Mary, and became man. and pessimistic about the
For our sake he was crucified future, may regain trust in you,
JESUS told his disciples this under Pontius Pilate, he suffered O God. We pray: (R)
parable: “The kingdom of death and was buried, and
heaven will be like ten virgins rose again on the third day in C—That those who grieve for
who took their lamps and went accordance with the Scriptures. their departed ones may be
out to meet the bridegroom. He ascended into heaven and strengthened by their hope
Five of them were foolish and is seated at the right hand of in the life hereafter, and that
five were wise. The foolish the Father. He will come again those who have gone ahead
ones, when taking their lamps, in glory to judge the living and of us may share the joy of the
brought no oil with them, but the dead and his kingdom will heavenly banquet. We pray: (R)
the wise brought flasks of oil have no end.
with their lamps. Since the I believe in the Holy Spirit, C —Let us pray for the urgent
bridegroom was long delayed, the Lord, the giver of life, who concerns of our community
they all became drowsy and fell proceeds from the Father and the and our personal intentions
asleep. At midnight, there was Son, who with the Father and the (pause). We pray: (R)
a cry, ‘Behold, the bridegroom! Son is adored and glorified, who
Come out to meet him!’ Then has spoken through the prophets. P—Fill us with your Spirit, Father,
all those virgins got up and I believe in one, holy, catholic, so that we may overcome our
trimmed their lamps. The and apostolic Church. I confess weaknesses and offer you lives
of faithfulness and service in the
name of Jesus our Lord.

Presentation of the Gifts
P—Pray, brethren…
All—May the Lord accept the
sacrifice at your hands for the
praise and glory of his name,
for our good and the good of
all his holy Church.
Prayer over the Offerings
P—Look with favor, we pray, O
Lord, upon the sacrificial gifts
offered here, that, celebrating
in mystery the Passion of your
Son, we may honor it with
loving devotion.
Through Christ our Lord. in the highest. (Kneel) Prayer after Communion
All—Amen. (Stand)
Acclamation (Stand)
Preface VI: The pledge of the P—Let us pray. (Pause)
eternal Passover All—When we eat this Bread
Nourished by this sacred
and drink this Cup, we
gift, O Lord, we give you thanks
P—The Lord be with you. proclaim your Death, O Lord,
and beseech your mercy, that,
All—And with your spirit. until you come again.
by the pouring forth of your
P—Lift up your hearts. Spirit, the grace of integrity
All—We lift them up to the THE COMMUNION RITE
may endure in those your
Lord. The Lord’s Prayer heavenly power has entered.
P—Let us give thanks to the Through Christ our Lord.
Lord our God. All—Our Father… All—Amen.
All—It is right and just. P—Deliver us, Lord…
P—It is truly right and just, All—For the kingdom, the THE CONCLUDING RITES
our duty and our salvation, power and the glory are yours P—The Lord be with you.
always and everywhere to give now and for ever. All—And with your spirit.
you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
almighty and eternal God. Invitation to Peace Prayer over the People
For in you we live and
move and have our being, Invitation to Communion P—Bow down for the blessing.
and while in this body we (Kneel)
not only experience the daily P—Behold the Lamb of God, Bestow pardon and peace,
effects of your care, but even behold him who takes away O Lord, we pray, upon your
now possess the pledge of life the sins of the world. Blessed faithful, that they may be
eternal. are those called to the supper cleansed from every offense
For, having received the of the Lamb. and serve you with untroubled
first fruits of the Spirit, through All—Lord, I am not worthy hearts.
whom you raised up Jesus that you should enter under Through Christ our Lord.
from the dead, we hope for an my roof, but only say the All—Amen.
everlasting share in the Paschal word and my soul shall be P—And may the blessing of
Mystery. healed. almighty God, the Father, and
And so, with all the Angels, the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit,
we praise you, as in joyful Communion Antiphon come down on you and remain
celebration, we acclaim: (Cf. Ps 23[22]:1–2) with you for ever.
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord The Lord is my shepherd; there All—Amen.
God of hosts. Heaven and is nothing I shall want. Fresh
earth are full of your glory. and green are the pastures Dismissal
Hosanna in the highest. where he gives me repose,
Blessed is he who comes in near restful waters he leads P—Go forth, the Mass is ended.
the name of the Lord. Hosanna me. All—Thanks be to God.

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