5 E20230602 - FF June - A

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Year 26 No.

9 Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (A) — White June 2, 2023

of love we have experienced
in Jesus. And so the curse of
the fig tree is a condemnation
of an Israelite community that

of our does not show the time of

the Messianic age, a selfish
and care-less generation. No

Faith wonder, the offended chief

priests and the scribes who
have come and have heard of
it are seeking a way to put Jesus
Bro. Hansel B. Mapayo, SSP to death. The Jewish leaders
feared him for the people were
F rom my office window,
I see something very
Mediterranean every day. It
is not yet the fruiting season.
Why would he curse it? Ah,
astonished about his teachings.
Jesus’ powerful word, there­
it is to emphasize the internal fore, is addressed first to us,
is a fig tree. This is the sole dynamics of development that
survivor of the trees a visitor believers, inasmuch as he was
should happen inside us. As criticizing the faith-life of the
from Israel gifted us. And there the fig tree develops within the
is something sweet about the earlier covenant community.
orifices of its stem a fertilized An interesting detail in the
fig tree (pomologists say they flower that would develop
do have fragrant leaves), for enclosure device is what Peter
into seeds, our faith in God points out—the fig tree withered
when fruiting season comes, must bear fruit. The imagery
the warblers come to peck on to its roots. A fig tree’s roots
that follows—driving out those usually search out for water so
their yellow green or brownish selling and buying in the temple
fruits. Visually sweet, too, from that they can penetrate deeply
area, overturning the tables into the ground. So Jesus' word
afar, they are green and lush the of the money changers, not
whole year round, spreading must be the source of our life: to
permitting anyone to carry have faith in God, and we must
their fan-like leaves in our anything in that place—is not
tropical air. believe in the power of prayer.
this highlighting what is sup­ It must continue to nourish us.
Moreover, there is something posed to have happened? Some­ When we are prayerful, we also
very interesting about the fig thing should come out from the become more forgiving—an
tree. It does not show its flowers house of prayer deeper than all essential fruit of a true Christian
when about to bear fruit. It these money-making businesses community. This is one sign
develops an infructescence. that are just like the thick leaves that we shall become a true
Although commonly referred of the figs that do not promise eschatological community.
to as a fruit, the fig is actually luscious fruits. The First Reading An experience of forgiveness
a scion of the tree, known as a expounds this necessity: the strengthens our relationships,
false fruit or multiple fruits in end is near, and so we need to one that makes us more rooted
which the flowers and seeds are resolve to love one another, to in a loving and forgiving God.
borne. Thus, during its fruiting care for each other, using our Would this just remain a wish
season, the lush leaves diminish talents to serve each other, so or like Jesus’ resolve in the
and more hollow-ended stems that “in all things God may be temple one that is felt in our
jut out for wasps to come into glorified through Jesus Christ” actions? We resolve to do it as
the hidden flowers and so lobes (1 Pt 4:11). well. This is our prayer. From my
of figs come out of the branches. Our actions show the true window, as I see the fig leaves
So when Jesus sees the fig nature of our faith; our actions sway with the wind, they seem
tree in leaf, he knows that it are testament to this great gift to be saying, “Go, go!”
with you in the unity of the Holy All—Alleluia, alleulia. I chose
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES Spirit, God, for ever and ever. you from the world, to go and
Entrance Antiphon All—Amen. bear fruit that will last, says the
(Ps 33 [32]:11, 19) Lord. Alleluia, alleluia.
(Recited when there is no opening song.) Liturgy of the word
Gospel (Mk 11:11–26)
The designs of his Heart are First Reading
from age to age, to rescue their P—A reading from the holy
(Sir 44:1, 9–13) (Sit) Gospel according to Mark
souls from death, and to keep
them alive in famine. The Prophet Ezekiel tells us that All—Glory to you, O Lord.
Greeting the Lord delights not in the death of JESUS entered Jerusalem and
(The sign of the cross is made here.) the wicked but in his wholehearted went into the temple area. He
conversion. Those who strive to remain looked around at everything
P—The Lord be with you. in the state of grace will surely live
and, since it was already late,
All—And with your spirit. and not die.
went out to Bethany with the
Introduction A reading from the Book of Twelve.
(These [or similar words] may be used Sirach The next day as they were
to address the assembly.) leaving Bethany he was hungry.
NOW will I praise those godly
P— Jesus urges us to have men, our ancestors, each in his Seeing from a distance a fig tree
fruitful lives. Following his own time. But of others there in leaf, he went over to see if
teachings demand more of is no memory, for when they he could find anything on it.
our loyalty to remain in him When he reached it he found
ceased, they ceased. And they
no matter how hard it is. Our nothing but leaves; it was not
loyalty lies not on how lengthy are as though they had not
lived, they and their children the time for figs. And he said
our devotionals are, but our
after them. Yet these also were to it in reply, “May no one ever
capacity to be a witness of
Jesus' very life. May we remain godly men whose virtues have eat of your fruit again!” And
loyal to him in our faith and not been forgotten. Their wealth his disciples heard it.
actions. remains in their families, their They came to Jerusalem, and
heritage with their descendants. on entering the temple area
Penitential Act he began to drive out those
Through God’s covenant with
P—Brethren (brothers and them their family endures, their selling and buying there. He
sisters), let us acknowledge our posterity, for their sake. overturned the tables of the
sins, and so prepare ourselves to And for all time their progeny money changers and the seats of
celebrate the sacred mysteries. those who were selling doves.
will endure, their glory will
(Pause) He did not permit anyone to
never be blotted out.
P—Have mercy on us, O Lord. carry anything through the
—The word of the Lord.
All—For we have sinned All—Thanks be to God. temple area. Then he taught
against you. them saying, “Is it not written:
P—Show us, O Lord, your mercy. Responsorial Psalm (Ps 149) My house shall be called a
A l l — A n d g r a n t u s yo u r R—The Lord takes delight in house of prayer for all peoples?
salvation. his people. But you have made it a den
P—May almighty God have of thieves.”
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, 1. Sing to the LORD a new song The chief priests and the
and bring us to everlasting life. of praise in the assembly of the
faithful. Let Israel be glad in scribes came to hear of it and
All—Amen. were seeking a way to put
their maker, let the children of
P—Lord, have mercy. Zion rejoice in their king. (R) him to death, yet they feared
All—Lord, have mercy. him because the whole crowd
P—Christ, have mercy. 2. Let them praise his name in was astonished at his teaching.
All—Christ, have mercy. the festive dance, let them sing
praise to him with timbrel and When evening came, they went
P—Lord, have mercy. out of the city.
All—Lord, have mercy. harp. For the LORD loves his
people, and he adorns the lowly Early in the morning, as they
Collect with victory. (R) were walking along, they saw
P—Let us pray. (Pause) the fig tree withered to its roots.
3. Let the faithful exult in glory;
Clothe us, Lord God, with let them sing for joy upon their Peter remembered and said to
the virtues of the Heart of couches; Let the high praises him, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree
your Son and set us aflame with of God be in their throats. This that you cursed has withered.”
his love, that, conformed to his is the glory of all his faithful. Jesus said to them in reply,
image, we may merit a share in Alleluia. (R) “Have faith in God. Amen, I
eternal redemption. say to you, whoever says to
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Verse before the Gospel this mountain, ‘Be lifted up
(Cf. Jn 15:16) (Stand)
your Son, who lives and reigns and thrown into the sea,’ and
does not doubt in his heart but and our personal intentions Acclamation (Stand)
believes that what he says will (pause). We pray: (R)
All—Save us, Savior of the
happen, it shall be done for him. P—Almighty Father, you have world, for by your Cross and
Therefore I tell you, all that you given us graces that we may bear Resurrection you have set us free.
ask for in prayer, believe that abundant fruits. May we not
you will receive it and it shall neglect them but use them wisely
be yours. When you stand to so that we will have the joy of The Lord’s Prayer
pray, forgive anyone against the harvest here on earth and
whom you have a grievance, All—Our Father…
in heaven. We ask this through P—Deliver us, Lord…
so that your heavenly Father Christ our Lord. All—For the kingdom...
may in turn forgive you your All—Amen.
Invitation to Peace
Liturgy of Invitation to Communion
—The Gospel of the Lord. the eucharist
All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus (Kneel)
Christ. Presentation of the Gifts P—Behold the Lamb of God...
(Stand) All—Lord, I am not worthy
Homily (Sit)
P—Pray, brethren… that you should enter under
Prayer of the Faithful my roof, but only say the word
All—May the Lord accept the
P—The barren fig tree that sacrifice at your hands for the and my soul shall be healed.
withered symbolizes the praise and glory of his name, Communion Antiphon (Jn 19:34)
religious leaders who made for our good and the good of
One of the soldiers opened his
God's house of prayer a den all his holy Church.
side with a lance, and at once
of thieves. Let us pray that we Prayer over the Offerings there came forth blood and water.
may bear fruits of goodness
so that our offering may be P—O God, Father of mercies, Prayer after Communion
acceptable to God. For every who, because of the great love (Stand)
petition we say: with which you loved us, with
untold goodness gave us your P—Let us pray. (Pause)
R—Lord, hear our prayer. Only Begotten Son, grant, Made partakers in your
we pray, that, being perfectly Sacrament of charity, we humbly
C—Inspire our religious leaders implore your mercy, Lord, that
united with him, we may offer
to place mercy and love at the you worthy homage. we may be conformed to Christ
center of the Church's worship Through Christ our Lord. on earth and merit to be coheirs
and life in accord with the All—Amen. of his glory in heaven.
word of the Lord, "I desire Who lives and reigns for
mercy and not sacrifice." We Preface (The boundless charity of Christ)
ever and ever.
pray: (R) P—The Lord be with you. All—Amen.
C—May priests see to it that All—And with your spirit.
P—Lift up your hearts. THE CONCLUDING RITES
our churches are truly a house All—We lift them up to the Lord.
of prayer through beatiful P—The Lord be with you.
P—Let us give thanks to the All—And with your spirit.
liturgies, cleanliness and Lord our God.
order, and welcoming Church All—It is right and just. Prayer over the People
organizations. We pray: (R) P—It is truly right and just,
P—Bow down for the blessing.
C—When we stand and pray, our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give
may we forgive one another you thanks, Lord, holy Father, Be gracious to your people,
so that you may forgive us our almighty and eternal God, O Lord, and do not withhold
transgressions, O Father. We through Christ our Lord. consolation on earth from those
pray: (R) For raised up high on the you call to strive for heaven.
C—May we n o t be c o m e Cross, he gave himself up Through Christ our Lord.
for us with a wonderful love All—Amen.
withered fig trees because of
and poured out Blood and P—And may the blessing of
jealousy, violence, and idolatry water from his pierced side,
of money which is the root of almighty God, the Father, and
the wellspring of the Church’s
all evil. We pray: (R) Sacraments, so that, won over the Son, (+) and the Holy Spirit,
to the open Heart of the Savior, come down on you and remain
C—When we give an account
all might draw water joyfully with you for ever.
at the end of our days, may we
from the springs of salvation. All—Amen.
present to you, O God, the fruits
of a well-spent life. We pray: (R) And so, with all the Angels Dismissal
and Saints, we praise you, as
C—Let us pray for the urgent without end we acclaim: P—Go forth the Mass is ended.
concerns of our community All—Holy, Holy, Holy...(Kneel) All—Thanks be to God.
protection when persecuted, strength
when burdened with trials, and light in
doubt and darkness.
Dear Jesus, I firmly believe that you
can grant me the grace I implore, even
though it should require a miracle.
You have only to will it, and my prayer
will be granted. I admit that I am most
unworthy of your favors, but this is not
a reason for me to be discouraged. You
are the God of mercy and you will not
refuse a contrite heart. Cast upon me a
look of mercy, I beg of you, and your
kind Heart will find in my miseries and
weaknesses a reason for granting my
O Sacred Heart, whatever may be your
decision with regard to my request, I
will never stop adoring, loving, praising
and serving you. My Jesus, be pleased to
accept this my act of perfect resignation
PRAYER TO THE to the decrees of your adorable Heart

which I sincerely desire may be fulfilled
in and by me and all your creatures


Sacred Heart of Jesus, I know that there
is but one thing impossible to you:
to be without pity for those who are
suffering or in distress. Look upon me,

D ivine Jesus, you have said, “Ask,

and you shall receive; seek, and
you shall find; knock, and it shall be
I beg of you, dear Jesus, and grant me
the grace for which I humbly implore
you through the Immaculate Heart of
opened unto you,” behold me kneeling your most sorrowful Mother. You have
at your feet, filled with a lively faith and entrusted me to her as her child, and
confidence in the promises dictated her prayers are all-powerful with you.
by your Sacred Heart and pronounced Amen.
by your adorable lips. I come to ask
this favor: (Here silently mention your
petitions). SUBSCRIBE TO OUR
To whom can I turn to if not to you SAMBUHAY DIGITAL
whose Heart is the source of all graces MISSALETTE
and merits? Where should I seek if not
in the treasure which contains all the For inquiries and orders:
riches of your kindness and mercy?
FACEBOOK: Sambuhay Missalette
Where should I knock if not at the door
through which God gives himself to GMAIL: sambuhay@stpauls.ph
us and through which we go to God? I
TEL: (02) 8895-9701
have recourse to you, Heart of Jesus. In
you I find consolation when afflicted,

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