Pengolodh 2 1.31
Pengolodh 2 1.31
Pengolodh 2 1.31
-1 +1 14 +3 30ft.
8 +4
✔ +5
+3 15
16 +5 2d8
+3 should regularly give you rumours or information based on your appropriate Passive ability checks.
Tongues of Many Peoples - You know a little of many languages.
his© byCubi
cle7 Cha
765 1.88m / 6'2"
Green Blond Fair
his© byCubi
cle7 Cha
Features and Abilities
Background - The Harrowed: Your dream often grants you Class - Hands of a Healer: You know how to treat wounds and
riddles, verses and visions that not only directly aid you on your illness and poison. You have a pool of healing tricks and
quest but also tangentially give you an insight into people and techniques that replenishes when you take a short rest. You have
places that may only be peripherally related to your dream. one Healing Die (1d8) per level in the Scholar class. If you can
Whenever you enter a new community or meet a person of note, touch a creature, you may expend one Healing Die per action,
you may have a flash of insight about their relationship to your instantly granting them hit points equal to 1d8 plus your wisdom
dream. For example, if you are meeting a lord for the first time modifier, up to their maximum. If instead you tend the creature
you may recall that a dream-verse indicates that he acts for at least 10 minutes, binding their wounds, treating them with
honourably, which likely means that you can trust him. Similarly, herbs and poultices, and offering soothing words, then you may
you may walk into a community with a vision of their friendly faces multiply the 1d8 by your proficiency modifier. Then add your
turning to abandonment and even betrayal when they stand with Wisdom modifier. Alternatively, you can spend a Healing Die to
others in the face of Shadow. Be forewarned, however, that such cure one disease, neutralize one poison, or remove one condition
knowledge may be incomplete. The lord may have acted affecting a single target. Conditions are removed instantly, but
honourably over guilt about his past duplicity, and the community poisons and diseases require the creature to take a long rest
may only have broken and run due to the influence of the agents before they are removed. The types of conditions you can cure are
of Shadow. limited when you first gain this feature. You can remove the
Frightened, Paralysed, Stunned, or Unconscious conditions. At
Culture - Night Vision: Accustomed to walking under the revered
starlight, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You
can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, Class - News from afar: You know many things that are hidden
from most and tidings of distant events tend to reach you with
and in darkness as if it were dim light.
astonishing speed. The source of your knowledge is obscure and
you do not explain how you know the things you do to others - it
Culture - Elvish Dreams: Your sleep is not like that of mortals. is enough that what you know is true. At the start of each
When you sleep, you can choose to send your mind into an “Elvish adventuring phase or after spending time in a Sanctuary, the
Dream” retaining full consciousness of your surroundings and you Loremaster should inform you of one or two events of importance
needn't close your eyes. Four hours spent in such dreams acts on occurring somewhere in Wilderland. Scholars always know a little
you as if you had rested an entire night. bit about everything and the Loremaster should regularly give you
rumours or information based on your appropriate Passive ability
Culture - Against the Unseen: High Elves can perceive creatures checks. For more clarity you can always make an active ability
check to learn more about a person, place, or event. Once per
that dwell in the wraith-world, be they spirits or ghosts,
Adventuring Phase you can add +5 to one of these active ability
even when they are normally Invisible to the eyes of the living
(including Unclad and Invisible Ringwraiths). Additionally, High checks.
Elves are immune to the Frightened condition when the source of
that condition is an undead creature. Class - Tongues of Many Peoples: You know a little of many
languages. You can hold a simple conversation in any of the
tongues of Men or Elves, and know a few common phrases in the
Culture - Elf-wise: You have fought against the Dark Lord for years
tongues of the other peoples - enough to offer a greeting, shout a
uncounted and will continue to strive against the Enemy.
warning, or insult someone.
You are proficient in Corruption checks. A Corruption check is any
Wisdom saving throw that risks 1 or more Shadow points for
Class - The Path of Wisdom: At 2nd level choose either Medicine
and one skill proficiency, or Medicine and proficiency with a
herbalism kit. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability
Culture - Beset by Woe: High Elves cannot ever truly forget the checks that use either of your choices. Whenever you gain a new
taint of the Shadow once it has left its mark on their spirit. skill proficiency, you may move your doubled proficiency bonus to
Whenever you undertake to Heal Corruption, you immediately the new skill, to reflect your change of focus.
lose 1 point of temporary Shadow and gain 1 point of permanent
Shadow. You may then make an ability check to remove
temporary Shadow points as normal