Chapter 6 - Part 2

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Chapter 6- Part 2(a)
DC-DC Converters
Step-up (boost) Converter


• The output voltage is higher than the input voltage.

• Analysis in steady-state for continuous conduction mode:

➢ Inductor current is continuous (always positive).
➢ Capacitor is very large and the output voltage is held
constant at voltage, Vo.
➢ All components are ideal.

•The switching period is T, and switch is closed for time

DT and open for (1-D)T.
Step-up (boost) Converter
Equivalent cct:
Step-up (boost) Converter
When switch is closed: When switch is opened:

vL = Vs = L
iL = iL = Vs
t DT L
iL ( closed ) = Vs DT

Step-up (boost) Converter

• The input current, iin is the same as inductor current, iL .

is = iin = iL
• Average power supplied by the source is the same as average power
absorbed by the load resistor.
Step-up (boost) Converter
• For positive values of ILmax and ILmin, converter will operate in CCM. To
solve minimum critical inductor value that will keep the converter in
CCM, ILmin is set to zero (ILmin =0). The minimum inductor value is:

Lmin = (1 − D)2 D L = 1.25  Lmin
Step-up (boost) Converter

Inductor current

Inductor voltage

Diode current

Capacitor current
Step-up (boost) Converter

• In practice, a finite capacitance will result in some

fluctuation in the output voltage or ripple.
• The peak-to-peak output voltage ripple is calculated from
the capacitor current waveform.
• The change in capacitor charge can be calculated as:
Step-up (boost) Converter: CCM

Example 1:

Design a boost converter that delivers 80V at 4A from

45V source voltage. The output voltage ripple should not
exceed 1% with switching frequency of 20kHz. Design
for continuous inductor current.
LTSPICE Verification
Step-up (boost) Converter: CCM
Example 2:

A boost converter has an input of 5V and an output of

25W at 15V. The minimum inductor current must be no
less than 50% of the average inductor current. The output
voltage ripple is given 1%.
With switching frequency of 50kHz, specify the values of
L and C.
Chapter 6- Part 2(b)
DC-DC Converters
Buck-boost Converter
Equivalent cct:
Buck-boost Converter
When switch is closed: When switch is opened:
Buck-boost Converter
Steady State Analysis:
• For steady-state operation, the net change in inductor
current must be zero over one period.
iL ( closed ) + iL ( open ) = 0 The output voltage has opposite
polarity from the source voltage.
Vs DT + Vo (1 − D)T = 0 Output voltage magnitude of buck-
L L boost converter can be less than
the source or greater than the
 D 
Vo = −Vs  
source, depending on the duty
 1− D  ratio of the switch.

• The required duty ratio can be expressed as.

D= where 0  D  1
Vs + Vo
Buck-boost Converter
Steady State Analysis:
Duty ratio conditional state
D  0.5 → boost(Vo  Vs )
D  0.5 → buck (Vo  Vs )
D = 1 → unity(Vo = Vs )

➢ This converter combine the capabilities of buck and boost

➢ Noted that the source is never connected directly to the load.
Energy is stored in the inductor when the switch is on and
transferred to the load when the switch is off.
➢ Buck-boost converter is also called as indirect converter.
➢ Power absorbed by the load is the same as power supplied by
the source (Pin=Pout).
Buck-boost Converter
Source current


Diode current

Buck-boost Converter
Analysis for determining average inductor current, iL :

V 2
Ps = P o
Po = o Ps = Vs I s
R V o2
= Vs I s
Average source current is related to average inductor
Buck-boost Converter
Buck-boost Converter
For continuous current, the inductor current must remain positive. To
determine the boundary between continuous and discontinuous mode,
IL(min) equation is set to zero. Two approaches can be used to select L
1st Approach: 2nd Approach:
Set ILmi n=0.
iL = Vs DT
R(1 − D)2
Lmin =  inductor boundary iL = 0.4  I L
2 f sw
To achieve CCM, L >25% of Lmi n

 L = 1.25  Lmin

Noted that for the same frequency and load resistance, the buck converter
has the highest minimum value of inductor when compared to boost and
buck-boost. Boost converter has the smallest Lmin which results in wider
range of inductor design.

The output voltage ripple for buck-boost converter is:

Limitation of Single-Stage Conversion
✓ Buck, boost and buck-boost regulators use only one
transistor (switch), thus employing only one stage
conversion, and they require inductors or capacitors for
energy transfer.
✓ Due to current handling limitation of a single transistor, the
• output power of these regulators is small.
✓ At a higher current, the size of these components increases, with
increased component losses, and the efficiency decreases.
✓ Furthermore, there is no isolation between the input and output
• voltage, which is a highly desirable criteria in mostapplication.
✓ For high-power applications, multistage conversions are used, where a
dc voltage is converted to ac by an inverter. The ac output is isolated by
a transformer and then converted to dc by rectifiers.

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