2023 July Cse Time Table V5-Merged-1

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CSE Department Timetable, July-November 2023 Semester

BTech 3rd sem

Course code Course title Course structure Offered by Instructors Joint course Exam slot Class/ Lab slot
Tutorial slot Class room Tutorial room Notes
MA222 Elementary Number Theory and Algebra 3-0-0-6 MA Yes F F
MA225 Probability Theory and Random Processes 3-1-0-8 MA Yes C C
CS 201 Discrete Mathematics 3-0-0-6 CSE Sushanta Karmakar A A 5102
CS 203 Algorithms and Data Structures 3-0-0-6 CSE R. Inkulu D D 5102

Amit Awekar
CS 204 Algorithms and Data Structures Laboratory 0-1-3-5 CSE V. Vijaya Saradhi AL1 D (Wednesday) 5102
Hemangee Kapoor
CS 221 Digital Design 3-0-0-6 CSE Sukanta Bhattacharjee Yes B B 5G4
CS 242 System Software Lab 0-1-3-5 CSE Pinaki Mitra AL2 A (Monday) 5102
HS200 Sustainable Development Goals 2-0-0-0 HSS

CS 205M Theoretical Foundation of Computer Science 3-0-0-6 CSE Benny George G G 5102

BTech 5th sem

Course code Course title Course structure Offered by Instructors Joint course Exam slot Class/ Lab slot
Tutorial slot Class room Tutorial room Notes
MA 321 Optimization 3-0-0-6 MA Yes D1 D1
T. Venkatesh
CS 341 Computer Networks 3-0-0-6 CSE Moumita Patra Yes B1 B1 5G4
T. Venkatesh
CS 342 Computer Networks Laboratory 0-0-4-4 CSE Moumita Patra Yes ML1
CS 343 Operating Systems 3-0-0-6 CSE Aryabartta Sahu Yes C1 C1 5G4
CS 344 Operating Systems Laboratory 0-0-4-4 CSE V. Vijaya Saradhi Yes ML2
CSxxx Departmental Elective - I 3-0-0-6 CSE
HS1xx HSS Elective 3-0-0-6 HSS

CS 322M Digital Logic and Computer Architecture 3-0-0-6 CSE Jatindra Kumar Deka E1 E1 5102

BTech 7th sem

Course code Course title Course structure Offered by Instructors Joint course Exam slot Class/ Lab slot
Tutorial slot Class room Tutorial room Notes
OE4xx Open Elective 3-0-0-6 G/B G/B
OExxx / CSxxx Open Elective / Departmental Elective Courses - V 3-0-0-6 G/B G/B
CSxxx Departmental Elective - VI 3-0-0-6 CSE
CSxxx Departmental Elective - VII 3-0-0-6 CSE
CSxxx Departmental Elective - VIII 3-0-0-6 CSE
CS498 B. Tech. Project - I 0-0-12-12
HS2xx HSS Elective 3-0-0-6 HSS

CS 441M Software Engineering 3-0-0-6 CSE Samit Bhattacharya A A L1

MTech CSE 1st sem

Course code Course title Course structure Offered by Instructors Joint course Exam slot Class/ Lab slot
Tutorial slot Class room Tutorial room Notes
CS 512 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3-0-0-6 CSE Deepanjan Kesh E E 5102
CS 513 Data Structures Lab 0-2-2-6 CSE Sanasam Ranbir Singh ML1 B (Friday) 5102
CS 514 Mathematics for Computer Science 3-0-0-6 CSE Ashish Anand F F 5102
CSxxx Elective - 1 3-0-0-6 CSE
CSxxx Elective - 2 3-0-0-6 CSE

MTech CSE 3rd sem

Course code Course title Course structure Offered by Instructors Joint course Exam slot Class/ Lab slot
Tutorial slot Class room Tutorial room Notes
CS698 Project - I 0-0-24-24 CSE

Electives Type of Elective

Course code Course title Course structure Offered by Instructors Joint course Exam slot Class/ Lab slot
Tutorial slot Class room Tutorial room Open Third year
CS 502 Computational Geometry 3-0-0-6 CSE S. V. Rao E1 E1 L1 Yes
CS 566 Speech Processing 3-0-0-6 CSE P. K. Das B1 B1 L1
CS 578 Internet of Things 3-0-0-6 CSE Manas Khatua G G 5101 Yes Yes
CS 590 Deep Learning 3-0-0-6 CSE Arijit Sur G G L2 Yes
CS525 Formal Methods for System Verification 3-0-0-6 CSE Chandan Karfa A1 A1 L1 Yes
CS535 Hardware Security 3-0-0-6 CSE John Jose B B L1 Yes Yes
CS501 Parallel Algorithms 3-0-0-6 CSE G. Sajith D D L1

Purandar Bhaduri
CS522 Embedded Systems 3-0-0-6 CSE S. Ramesh (Adjunct Professor) G1 G1 5102 Yes
CS549 Computer and Network Security 3-0-0-6 CSE Sukumar Nandi D1 D1 L1 Yes
CS666 Mobile Robotics 2-0-2-6 CSE S. B. Nair C1 C1 L1
CSE Department Classroom Allocation, July-November 2022

5101 (Only for shared L2
(Allotted only for courses with L1 (Allotted only for
CS578) Math Dept) 5102 (Only for electives) CS590)
Capacity 120 290 120 280 280
Time Slots
A CS242T, CS201 CS441M
B CS221 CS513T CS535
D CS204T, CS203 CS501
E CS512
F CS514 Reserved for
G CS578 CS205M institute level courses CS590
A1 CS525
B1 CS341 CS566
C1 CS343 CS666
D1 CS549
E1 CS322M CS502
F1 Reserved for
G1 CS522 institute level courses

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