Can Dogs Sense Emotion
Can Dogs Sense Emotion
Can Dogs Sense Emotion
Do the preparation task. Then watch the video and do the exercises. Remember you can read the
transcript at any time.
Preparation: matching
Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a – h next to the number 1 – 8.
e randomly
1…….. a. a strong feeling such as love, hate, fear or anger
b to express
2…….. b. to show a feeling
d a bias
3…….. c. to notice or become aware of something
c to tune into
4…….. d. the fact of preferring a particular subject or thing
a emotion
5…….. e. done or chosen without any plan, system or pattern
6…….. to detect f.
to discover or notice something, especially something that is difficult
to see, hear, smell, etc.
h evidence
7…….. g. something that will help you to succeed
g an advantage
8…….. h. something which shows that something else exists or is true
Before this experiment, dog owners didn't think dogs could sense their
1. True False
The left and right sides of a person's face look different when the person
2. True False
is expressing an emotion.
3. You can see how people really feel by looking at the left side of their face. True False
4. Scientists had thought that only humans had a left-gaze bias. True False
6. Dogs look left when shown another dog's face. True False
7. Other animals also look left when looking at a human face. True False
8. Being able to detect human emotions gives dogs a biological advantage. True False
2. Check your understanding: ordering
Write a number (1-6) to put these stages of the experiment in order.
…………. Scientists prepared a series of images showing human faces, dog faces and inanimate
…………. Eye-tracking software was used to show that people have a left-gaze bias when they look at
human faces.
5 Scientists recorded the direction of the dog’s gaze with a video camera.
…………. The experiment showed that dogs also have a left-gaze bias when looking at a human face.
2 Scientists decided to recreate this experiment with dogs.
…………. The dogs looked at the images.
1. knowing
When looking at a human face, we look left without _______________ it. (know)
2. to read
Scientists wanted to find out if dogs use the same trick _______________ human faces. (read)
Scientists thought only humans had a left-gaze bias until they started _______________ at dogs.
4. having
_______________ the ability to detect human emotions is unique to dogs. (have)
5. able
There may be a biological advantage in _______________ to read people’s emotions. (be able)
I think because he gets excited when he sees me coming home from school or when I
Do you think your pet can sense emotion? take him for a walk.
Do you have a close bond with your pet? Yes, I love him too much is like my best friend