NICE Inform User Guide - User Administration

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Release 9.1
November 2019

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Part number: OM812-119-09-01-02-01
Date: November 2019
MSR2437 Rev17
1 Welcome .................................................................................................................. 1
2 Navigation panel ..................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Button bar .................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Adding and removing items ....................................................................... 4
2.3 Tree structure terminology ........................................................................ 5
3 User Administration functions .............................................................................. 6
4 System Security ...................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Setting password details ........................................................................... 7
4.2 Setting security .......................................................................................... 9
4.3 Setting workstation permissions .............................................................. 11
5 Users ...................................................................................................................... 14
5.1 Adding a new user to the system ............................................................ 14
5.2 Editing user details .................................................................................. 16
5.3 Deleting a user ........................................................................................ 21
5.4 Non active users ...................................................................................... 21
5.5 Assigning a workstation to a user............................................................ 22
5.6 Removing a workstation from a user ....................................................... 23
5.7 Associating resources with an Operator ................................................. 24
5.8 Removing associated resources from an Operator ................................. 25
5.9 Importing users from a CSV file .............................................................. 25
5.10 Importing users from an Active Directory domain ................................... 27
5.11 Creating a new user group ...................................................................... 29
5.12 Editing a user group ................................................................................ 30
5.13 Adding user group members ................................................................... 32
5.14 Moving a user group ................................................................................ 33
5.15 Deleting a user group .............................................................................. 33
5.16 Attaching a user to a profile ..................................................................... 34
5.17 Removing a user from a profile ............................................................... 34
6 Profiles ................................................................................................................... 36
6.1 Application privileges ............................................................................... 36
6.2 Creating a new profile ............................................................................. 45
6.3 Editing a profile ........................................................................................ 46
6.4 Deleting a profile...................................................................................... 47
6.5 Attaching a profile to a user ..................................................................... 47
6.6 Removing a profile from a user ............................................................... 48
7 Searching for users, user groups and profiles ................................................. 49
7.1 Deleting users from search results .......................................................... 49
8 Attaching resources to a user group .................................................................. 51
List of Tables
Table 2-1: User Administration button bar .......................................................................... 3
Table 2-2: Tree structure terminology ................................................................................. 5
Table 6-1: NICE Inform Verify application privileges ........................................................ 37
Table 6-2: NICE Inform Monitor application privileges ..................................................... 37
Table 6-3: NICE Inform Reconstruction application privileges ......................................... 38
Table 6-4: NICE Inform Organizer application privileges .................................................. 39
Table 6-5: NICE Inform Reporter application privileges ................................................... 41
Table 6-6: NICE Inform Evaluator application privileges .................................................. 41
Table 6-7: NICE Inform Archive application privileges ..................................................... 42
Table 6-8: NICE Inform Audit application privileges ......................................................... 42
Table 6-9: NICE Inform User Administration application privileges .................................. 42
Table 6-10: NICE Inform System Administration application privileges ........................... 43
Table 6-11: NICE Inform Template Designer application privileges ................................. 44
Table 6-12: Inform API application privileges ................................................................... 44

List of Figures
Figure 2-1: Navigating the tree example ............................................................................. 5

1 Welcome
The NICE Inform User Administration application enables administrators to set up
system-wide and user-by-user security for NICE Inform.

Each and every user of NICE Inform requires a security account, which is used to control
access to all logging channels available in the system.

NOTE: Users DO NOT require individual accounts to be set up on each of the

underlying logging systems.

Saving and canceling changes

The User Administration application consists of many tabbed pages. Many of these pages
have a Save and a Cancel button.

The Save button commits the changes you have just made. If you try and navigate from the
page without saving you are asked if you wish to save the changes. If at any time you wish
to change any settings back as they were, click the Cancel button prior to clicking the Save

Application privileges

To use the User Administration application, you MUST have the required privilege allocated
to you (refer to Application privileges (see page 36)) NICE Inform applications). If not, the
User Administration option will not be displayed in the Application selector bar when you log

Security principles

This section outlines the important security principles available when using the NICE Inform
User Administration application.


A profile defines the applications and features that are available for a user. A profile is a way
of defining the roles users will perform such as a Dispatcher or a Disclosure Officer (refer to
Creating a new profile (see page 45)).

Users are given permission to use certain NICE Inform applications and application features
by attaching a profile to them (refer to Attaching a profile to a user (see page 47)).

NOTE: Without an attached profile a user CANNOT use any NICE Inform application.

User groups and resources

User groups can be created and then users can be added to that group (refer to Creating a
new user group (see page 29)).

Users are given access to recordings in the system by attaching resources to user groups
(refer to Attaching resources to a user group (see page 51)). Resources represent the
different sources of recordings such as channels, talkgroups or extensions. Multiple
resources can be attached to a user group.

NOTE: Making a user a member of the Administrators group assigns them access to
every resource and every user in the system.

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Making a user a Manager of a group assigns them access to the other users of the group
and sub-groups so they can be administered.

For help making a user a manager of that group, refer to Editing a user group (see page 30).

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2 Navigation panel
NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane. For help with this
terminology, refer to Tree structure terminology (see page 4).

The Navigation panel consists of a tree pane which has the following nodes:

▪ Organization - a fixed node for system wide settings.

▪ All users - a fixed node displaying all users groups in the system. Nodes in this
section consist of:
– Non-active Users - a fixed group containing those who have been deleted
from the system.

– Administrators - a fixed group containing those who have privileges to view

all resources and users defined in the system.

– User Groups - consists of groups and sub-groups. When a group or

sub-group is selected, the members of that group are listed in the right hand
▪ Profiles - a fixed node that lists the profiles that have been created. A single
profile is attached to a user to specify which application privileges that person has
been granted by their System Administrator.
▪ Search results - a fixed node showing the results of the last search.
User security

The top level of the Organization node is concerned with security aspects of User
Administration. When the Organization node is selected, tabbed pages are available for
security configuration (refer to System Security (see page 7)).

2.1 Button bar

There are a number of available buttons within User Administration for selection:

Table 2-1: User Administration button bar

Button Description

New - displays a drop down menu that allows you to add new users, new user groups
and new profiles. The button remains inactive until you select a node or branch that
allows you to perform this function.
Delete - deletes the current tree pane selection. You are required to confirm the action.
The button remains inactive until you select a node or branch that allows you to perform
this function.
Move - allows you to move the selected user group and any associated sub-groups from
one node to another (refer to Moving a user group (see page 33)). The button remains
inactive until you select a node or branch that allows you to perform this function.
Search - allows you to enter search text in order to search for users, groups and profiles
(refer to Searching for users, user groups and profiles (see page 49)).
Refresh data - refreshes the tree structure and any lists displayed in the right hand

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2.2 Adding and removing items

Adding and removing items (e.g. resources, users and fields) to and from selected lists is
frequently used within NICE Inform User Administration.

NOTE: The following options may differ when adding and removing items.

 To add items to the list:

1. Highlight the required item in the Available list.

2. Click the Add > button. The item is moved to the Selected list.

3. Repeat for each required item.

 To remove items from the Selected list:

1. Highlight the required item in the Selected list.

2. Click the < Remove button. The item is moved to the Available list.

3. Repeat for each item required.

– To move all items to the Selected list, click the Add All >> button.
– To move all items from the Selected list, click the << Remove All button.
Additional Operations

▪ If you wish to select all but one or two items, click the Add All >> button to move all
items to the Selected list, then remove the items not required.
▪ The Quick Search facility enables you to find the required item. Enter the required
text in the box and click Go. The search returns all items containing that text as part
of its name. The search is NOT case sensitive.

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2.3 Tree structure terminology

A tree structure is used throughout NICE Inform to aid in your navigation of the application
suite and is required to perform further functions. Using the Resource Groups section in
System Administration as an example, there are a number of terms used when navigating
the tree:

NOTE: Refer to the table below for a key to each feature.

Figure 2-1: Navigating the tree example

Table 2-2: Tree structure terminology

Feature number Description



Child/sub group

▪ Node - everything in the tree is classed as a node.

▪ Parent - the top level node e.g. Resource Groups.
▪ Child (or sub group) - the node below its parent.
▪ A child (or sub group) can also be a parent as well. Using the example above, the
Dispatchers node is a child of the Resource Groups node but is also a parent of the
First response node.
▪ To expand a node, click the button alongside the node.
▪ To collapse a node, click the button alongside the node.

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3 User Administration functions

The main actions involved in User Administration are:

NOTE: Settings do not take effect until the user next logs in.


▪ Setting password details (see page 7) - enables you (at the Organization level) to set
system password details.
▪ Setting security (see page 9) - enables you (at the Organization level) to set system
security details.
▪ Setting workstation permissions (see page 11) - enables you (at the Organization
level) to set workstation permissions.

▪ Adding a new user to the system (see page 14) - enables you to add a new user to
the system
▪ Importing users from a CSV file (see page 25) - enables you to import users into the
system from a provided CSV template.
▪ Importing users from an Active Directory domain (see page 27) - enables you to
import user from a Microsoft Active Directory domain.
▪ Creating a new user group (see page 29) - enables you to add a new user group.
▪ Adding user group members (see page 32) - enables you to add users to a created
user group.
▪ Creating a new profile (see page 45) - enables you to create a new custom profile
with the applications and associated privileges that you require.
▪ Attaching a profile to a user (see page 47) - enables you to attach a profile to a
system user.
▪ Removing a profile from a user (see page 48) - enables you to remove a profile from
a system user.
▪ Attaching a user to a profile (see page 34) - enables you to attach a system user to a
created profile.
▪ Removing a user from a profile (see page 34) - enables you to remove a system
user from a profile.
▪ Attaching resources to a user group (see page 51) - enables you to attach system
resources to created user groups.

▪ Searching for users, user groups and profiles (see page 49) - enables you to find
users, user groups, profiles and descriptions.

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4 System Security
The following system security conditions apply:

▪ NICE Inform security is based around applications and resources.

▪ All security is implemented on the NICE Inform Server.
▪ All access to any Application or Resource is verified on each request to the NICE
Inform Server.
▪ Users are given permission to use NICE Inform applications by attaching a profile to
them. The profile defines the applications and features the user can have. Without
the profile, the user cannot do anything.
▪ A license is required for each application and feature to be enabled in a user's
▪ Users are given access to recordings by attaching resources to user groups.
Resources represent different sources of recordings, such as: channels, talkgroups,
agents, extensions, etc.

4.1 Setting password details

NOTE: Setting password details at the Organization level affects ALL users of NICE
Inform the next time they log in.

Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to set password
details. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure terminology (see
page 4).

All the options within the Passwords page do NOT affect users that have
derived from a Microsoft Windows Active Directory domain. Passwords
settings are configured within Active Directory.

To set password details at the Organization level, in the tree pane, select the Organization
node and click the Passwords tab. The Passwords page is presented.

The page is divided into the following sections:

Account Username

The following option is available:

▪ Account username - set the minimum number of characters required by either

entering the number into the available text box or by using the provided up/down
Maximum Password Age

The following options are available:

▪ Select one of the following:

– Password never expires - all users passwords never expire,
– Expires in - set the maximum number of days that the password expires by
either entering the number into the available text box or by using the provided
up/down arrows.

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Minimum Password Age

The following options are available:

▪ Select one of the following:

– Change anytime - users can change their password at any time,
– Allow change after - set the minimum number of days before users can change
their password, either by entering the number into the available text box or by
using the provided up/down arrows.
▪ User cannot change password - check this box and all users CANNOT change
their password.
New User Password

The following option is available:

▪ Change password at next login - check this box and all users HAVE to change
their password the next time they login.
Password History

▪ Select one of the following:

– Do not save password history - all users CANNOT use the same password
that they have used before.
– Remember last - set the number of previous passwords that are stored in the
history either by entering the number into the available text box or by using the
provided up/down arrows. A user CANNOT reuse a password that is stored in
their history.

NOTE: The Remember last feature is specific to individual users ONLY.

Password Checking

▪ The following options are available:

– At least - set the minimum number of characters that has to be entered when
creating and changing passwords either by entering the number into the
available text box or by using the provided up/down arrows.
– Strict password checking - check this box and strict passwords rules are
applied (refer to Password Rules in Getting Started).

NOTE: This ONLY applies to new passwords and/or changing a password and NOT
existing passwords.

Administrator Password Checking

This option is ONLY for users attached to a profile that has either (or both) System
Administration or User Administration applications. Here you can set an enhanced password
length check for these type of users.

▪ The following options are available:

– At least - set the minimum number of characters that has to be entered when
creating and changing passwords for System Administration and User

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Administration users either by entering the number into the available text box or
by using the provided up/down arrows.
– Administrator password checking - check this box and Administrator
password checking feature is applied for NICE Inform User Administration and
NICE Inform System Administration users (refer to Changing your password in
Getting Started). If you leave this option unchecked, the password length as set
by the Password checking option above is used.

NOTE: Once enabled, Administrator password checking applies to new passwords

and to all existing users the next time they log in to NICE Inform.

Forbidden Passwords

The following options are available:

▪ Add forbidden password - click the Add button to add a new forbidden password.
The Add Forbidden Password dialog is presented.
– Enter the forbidden password and click the OK button. When creating a new
password, users will NOT be able to use any forbidden passwords.
▪ Edit forbidden password - select an existing entry and click the Edit button. The
Edit Forbidden Password dialog is presented, showing the selected password.
– Edit the existing password with the new one and click the OK button.
▪ Delete forbidden password - select an existing entry and click the Delete button to
remove it from the list. Click the OK button from the resulting dialog to confirm the
Once you have configured the password settings, click the Save button.

4.2 Setting security

NOTE: Setting security details at the Organization level affects ALL users of NICE
Inform the next time they log in.

Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to set security
details. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure terminology (see
page 4).

The options within the Auto Logout, Login Message, General sections and
the Display last login information option within the Accounts section do
NOT affect users that have derived from a Microsoft Windows Active Directory

To set security details at the Organization level, in the tree pane, select the Organization
node and click the Security tab. The Security page is presented.

The page is divided into the following sections:


The following options are available:

▪ Deactivate login ID after - the user account will be deactivated if either of the
following conditions is met:
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– The required number of days of inactivity by either entering the number of days
into the available text box or by using the provided up/down arrows.
– The required number of attempts when entering successive invalid passwords
by either entering the number of attempts into the available text box or by using
the provided up/down arrows. Once configured, set one of the following:
➢ Always - the number of invalid login attempts can occur over an indefinite
amount of time before the login ID is deactivated.
➢ Within - the number of invalid login attempts can occur within a set time
period before the login ID is deactivated. To set this time period, enter the
required number of minutes into the available text box or by using the
provided up/down arrows.
– Reactivate login after - set the number of minutes the login is reactivated after
by either entering the number of days into the available text box or by using the
provided up/down arrows. If this is set to 0 the account will NOT be automatically
reactivated. A NICE Inform Administrator will have to edit the details for the user
(refer to Editing user details (see page 16)) and uncheck the User
automatically locked out box in the Inform User page.
▪ Display last login information - when checked, the last login message is displayed
to the user after a successful login (unchecked by default).
▪ Require second password - when checked, the user will have to enter a second
password for authentication when logging into NICE Inform.
Auto Login

The following option is available:

▪ All Active Directory users are logged in automatically - check this box and all
users that derive from an Active Directory domain, log in to NICE Inform
Auto Logout

Select one of the following:

▪ User is never automatically logged out - check this box to disable the Auto
Logout after option.
▪ Auto logout after - set the number of minutes by either entering the number of
minutes into the associated text box or by using the provided up/down arrows. When
the period of inactivity has been exceeded, the user is logged out.

NOTE: Auto logout will stop anything you were doing prior to the period of inactivity.
Activity in this case is manual movements of the mouse and key presses whilst
using NICE Inform. If you are transferring a large amount of data and left the
computer unattended, then this is deemed as inactivity and depending on the
auto logout configuration, you may be logged out.

Login Message

The following option is available:

▪ Show message - check this box to enable the Login Message feature. Once
enabled, enter a message title and text in the text boxes provided. The login

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message is displayed to all users with the configured message heading and text
prior to logging in to NICE Inform.

The following options are available:

▪ Audit failed login attempts - check this box to enable this feature. Once checked, a
'failed login attempt' audit event is generated within the NICE Audit application when
any user fails to log into NICE Inform.

NOTE: This feature can be disabled to prevent a Denial of Service attack from filling
the Audit log.

▪ Send SNMP trap on failed login attempts - check this box to enable this feature.
Once checked, a SNMP trap is sent when any user fails to log into NICE Inform.
Once you have configured the security settings, click the Save button.

4.3 Setting workstation permissions

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to set workstation
permissions. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure terminology
(see page 4).

A security feature, workstation permissions is used to assign users to a particular

workstation so that when they try to access NICE Inform, they can ONLY connect using that
workstation. Users can also be unassigned and removed from a workstation.

NOTE: There is no limit to how many workstations can be assigned to one user or how
many users that can be assigned to one workstation.

 To set workstation permissions:

1. In the tree pane, select the Organization node.

2. Click the Workstations tab. The Workstations page is presented.

From here you can:

▪ Assign a user to a workstation (refer to Assigning a user to a workstation (see

page 11)).
▪ Remove a user from a workstation (refer to Removing a user from a workstation
(see page 13)).

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4.3.1 Assigning a user to a workstation

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to assign a user to
a workstation. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure
terminology (see page 4).

Any user that has the Full access workstations setting enabled within the
Inform User page (refer to Editing user details (see page 16)), will not be
affected when being assigned to a workstation.

 To assign a user to a workstation:

1. In the tree pane, select the Organization node and click the Workstations tab.
The Workstations page is presented.

2. All the known workstation hostnames are available for selection within the
Workstations table.

3. Select the required workstation and click the Assign users button. The Assign
Users to Workstation Wizard opens at the Welcome screen.

4. Click the Next button to continue and the Select Users screen is presented.

5. Select the required User Group node in the tree. The users associated with that
node are displayed alongside, including any sub-groups.

6. Select the user to be assigned to the workstation.

NOTE: Refer to Adding and removing items (see page 4) on how to add or remove
selected users from the list:

7. Click the Next button to continue and the Summary screen is presented displaying
all the users that have been assigned to the workstation.

8. Click the Finish button to exit the wizard. The user is now added to the Allowed
Users table associated with the workstation hostname.

9. Click the Save button.

Once the user has been assigned to the workstation, you have to ensure that the user no
longer has full access rights to all workstations connecting to NICE Inform. To perform this
function of restricting the user, you need to edit the user details using the Allowed
Workstations section within the Inform User page. Also within the Allowed Workstations
section, you can assign a workstation to a user (refer to Assigning a workstation to a user
(see page 22)).

NOTE: Double-clicking a user in the Allowed Users list takes you to the Inform
Users page where you can edit the user's details (refer to Editing user details
(see page 16)).

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4.3.2 Removing a user from a workstation

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to remove a user
from a workstation. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure
terminology (see page 4).

 To remove a user (or users) from a workstation:

1. In the tree pane, select the Organization node and click the Workstations tab.
The Workstations page is presented.

2. All the known workstation hostnames are available for selection within the
Workstations table.

3. Select the required workstation. All the users that have been assigned to this
workstation are listed below in the Allowed Users table.

4. Select the user to be removed from the workstation.

5. Click the Remove button. A message is presented confirming the removal.

6. Click the Yes button.

7. Click the Save button. The user is now removed from the Allowed Users table.

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5 Users
This section details the configuration of the users that access NICE Inform.

It covers the following areas:

▪ Adding a new user to the system (see page 14)

▪ Editing user details (see page 16)
▪ Deleting a user (see page 21)
▪ Non active users (see page 21)
▪ Assigning a workstation to a user (see page 22)
▪ Removing a user from a workstation (see page 13)
▪ Importing users from a CSV file (see page 25)
▪ Importing users from an Active Directory domain (see page 27)
▪ Creating a new user group (see page 29)
▪ Editing a user group (see page 30)
▪ Adding user group members (see page 32)
▪ Moving a user group (see page 33)
▪ Deleting a user group (see page 33)
▪ Attaching a user to a profile (see page 34)
▪ Removing a user from a profile (see page 34)

5.1 Adding a new user to the system

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to add a new user
to the system. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure
terminology (see page 4).

It is recommended to create a NICE Inform user account with administration

privileges first prior to adding or importing any user from a Microsoft Active
Directory domain.

You MUST be logged into the same domain as the NICE Inform server when
adding users from a Microsoft Active Directory domain.

There are two different methods of adding a new user to the system:

▪ Adding a NICE Inform user by entering the users’ details.

▪ From a Microsoft Active Directory domain.
 To add a new user to the system:
1. Do one of the following:

– In the tree pane, select the All Users node. Click the New button and
select New User from the drop down menu. The New User Wizard opens at the
Welcome screen.

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NOTE: If a user group is selected prior to adding a new user, the user will be added to
that group.

Once added, the user can see all users within the groups they are a member
of and any sub groups.

– In the tree pane, select the All Users node. Click the General tab and the
General page is presented.
2. At the Welcome screen, click the Next button to continue and the General
Information screen is presented.

3. Select one or more of the following:

– User is an Operator - check this box if this user is required to be evaluated

using NICE Inform Evaluator.
– Authenticate using Active Directory - check the box if you are adding a user
from a Microsoft Active Directory domain.

NOTE: The check box is disabled if the NICE Inform server has not got access to
Microsoft Active Directory.

The First name and Last name text boxes are disabled once you check the

– User is Temporary - check this box if you require this user to have temporary
access to NICE Inform. Once enabled, set the date and time that this user
account is deleted. Enter the expiration date by using the text box provided.
Date entry is assisted by clicking the Calendar button. A calendar control is
provided to aid in choosing a particular date (refer to Using the calendar control
in NICE Inform Reconstruction). Enter the expiration time (if required) using the
text box provided. Time entry is assisted by either selecting the hours, minutes
or seconds and then using the up/down arrows.

NOTE: You MUST at least set the expiration date/time one hour from the current
date/time. By default the date/time is set to one day from the current date/time.

Once the expiration date/time has been reached, the user account is deleted
from the system and will appear in the Non Active Users list (refer to Non
active users (see page 21)). If the user is currently logged into NICE Inform,
they will automatically be logged out.

4. Enter the User's First and Last names in the associated text boxes if you are adding
a NICE Inform user.

NOTE: Both the First name and Last name fields are mandatory.

5. Click the Next button to continue and the NICE Inform User Identification screen is
presented. The options vary depending on whether you have chosen to add a NICE
Inform user or a Microsoft Active Directory domain user from within the General
Information screen.

– When adding a NICE Inform User:

a. Enter the username for this user in the text box provided.
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b. Click the Set button. The Set Password dialog is presented.

c. Type and retype the password for this user in the text boxes provided, noting the
rules for passwords (refer to Password Rules in Getting Started). Click the OK
button on completion.

NOTE: The screen closes if the details have been entered correctly. Otherwise an
error message is displayed. In this case, you will be required to re-type both
entries. If the second password feature has been enabled, then this will need
to be set too. For help regarding activating the second password, refer to
Setting security (see page 9) section.

– When adding a NICE Inform user from a Microsoft Active Directory domain:
a. Click the down arrow and select the Microsoft Active Directory domain that the
user is located.
b. Enter the domain in the Domain text box.

NOTE: The Domain option is ONLY displayed when the Authenticate the domain
user account using Active Directory box has been checked within the
General Information screen.

c. Click the Check button to verify that the user exists on the domain. A message
is presented informing you whether the user has been found on the domain or
not. If not, you must enter a valid username before you can continue.
d. Once you have either entered the details for the NICE Inform user or the
Microsoft Active Directory domain user, click the Next button.
6. At the Attach Profile (optional) screen:

a. Select the required profile. The details for that profile are listed as read-only in
the Profile Details section.
b. On completion, click the Next button.
7. At the Summary screen, check that the details for the user are correct. Once
satisfied, click the Finish button. If any of the information within the Summary screen
is incorrect, click the Back button to make any changes.

5.2 Editing user details

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to edit user details.
For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure terminology (see page 4).

 To edit the details of an existing user:

1. In the tree pane, select one of the following:

– The All Users node.

– The User group node to which the user belongs.

– Use the Search facility to find the required user (refer to Searching for users,
user groups and profiles (see page 49)).
2. Double-click the required user from the list in the right hand pane.

Page 16 of 51

3. The User Details tabbed pages are displayed. Some tabs are 'grayed out' as the
pages are not viewable. Other pages can be viewed, but are not editable, as
described in the following sections.

The following pages are available:

NOTE: If you wish to make further changes, click the Save button to save the current
changes, then click the tab for the next page you wish to view. Otherwise, click
the Close button to finish.

▪ General page (see page 17)

▪ Inform User page (see page 17)
▪ Profile page (see page 19)
▪ Resources page (see page 20)
▪ Operator page (see page 19)

5.2.1 General page

At the General page, change the First name and/or Last name, as required using the text
boxes provided.

5.2.2 Inform User page

NOTE: If you have selected a NICE Inform user that is from a Microsoft Active
Directory domain, all of the options within the Inform User page are read-only
except for the User permanently locked out, Auto logout after and Require
second password options in the Account Options and Allowed workstations

The following sections are available:

User type

▪ User is a NICE Inform user - read-only user type. This box is always checked as
the user is always a NICE Inform user.
▪ User is an Operator - check this box if this user is required to be evaluated using
NICE Inform Evaluator.
▪ User is an Active Directory user - read-only user type. This box is checked if the
user has derived from a Microsoft Windows Active Directory domain.
Login Details

▪ Username - edit the username in the text box provided.

▪ Domain - provided for your information is the name of the domain this user is on.
This can either be:
– NICE Inform Login - this user has been added using NICE Inform
– Microsoft Active Directory domain - this user has derived from a Microsoft
Active Directory domain. The name for this domain is displayed here.
▪ Password - click the Set button to display the Set Password dialog.

Page 17 of 51

Type and retype the password for this user in the text boxes provided and click the
OK button. An error message will be displayed if you have not entered the password

▪ Second password - click the Set button to display the Set Second Password
Type and retype the new second password in the text-boxes provided and click the
OK button. An error message will be displayed if you have not entered the password
correctly. This feature is only available when the Require second password box is
checked within the Account Options section below. If not, the Set button is grayed

Password Options

▪ Select either the Use System password settings option or select the User specific
option and edit the settings as required. When User specific is selected the
following options are configurable for the individual user:
– Password never expires - the password the user uses to login to NICE Inform
will never expire.
– Expires in - enter the number of days that the password is due to expire.
– User cannot change password - check this box and the individual user will not
be able to change their password.
– User must change password at next login - check this box and the next time
this user logs in they must change their password.
Account Options

▪ Select either the Use System account settings option or select the User specific
option and edit the settings as required. When User specific is selected the
following options are configurable for the individual user:
– User is never automatically logged out - The user will never be automatically
logged out of NICE Inform.
– Auto logout after - enter the number of minutes before the user will be
automatically logged out when idle.
– Require second password - check this box and the Set Second password
option (above) will need to be configured by clicking on the Set button.
▪ Further account options include:
– User is logged in automatically - this option is only available if the user has
derived from a Microsoft Windows Active Directory domain. Check the box and
this user logs in to NICE Inform automatically.
– User permanently locked out - check the box and the associated user's
account is permanently locked. When the user tries to log in to NICE Inform they
will be presented with an account locked message.
– User automatically locked out - if this feature is enabled it is because either
the user has entered their username and/or password incorrectly too many times
or their account has been inactive for too long. Uncheck this box to re-enable
their account so they can login again. The location to configure all user account

Page 18 of 51

settings is within the Security page at the Organization level. For help
changing these account settings, refer to Setting security (see page 9).
– User is Temporary - check this box if you require this user to have temporary
access to NICE Inform. Once enabled, set the date and time that this user
account is deleted. Enter the expiration date by using the text box provided.
Date entry is assisted by clicking the Calendar button. A calendar control is
provided to aid in choosing a particular date (refer to Using the calendar control
in NICE Inform Reconstruction). Enter the expiration time (if required) using the
text box provided. Time entry is assisted by either selecting the hours, minutes
or seconds and then using the up/down arrows.

NOTE: If this user has an expiration date/time set when their account was created, the
expiration date/time is automatically populated.

You MUST at least set the expiration date/time one hour from the current
date/time. By default the date/time is set to one day from the current date/time.

Once the expiration date/time has been reached, the user account is deleted
from the system and will appear in the Non Active Users list (refer to Non
active users (see page 21)). If the user is currently logged into NICE Inform,
they will automatically be logged out.

Allowed Workstations

▪ Full access - uncheck the box (default checked) and this user can no longer
connect to NICE Inform using all available workstations. The user can now ONLY
connect from allowed workstations. Assigning a workstation to a user can be
performed here using the Assign Workstations to User Wizard.
When unchecking the Full access box, the Workstations section becomes active.
Options configurable for the individual user are:

– Assign - assigns workstations to a user (refer to Assigning a workstation to a

user (see page 22)).
– Remove - removes workstations from a user (refer to Removing a workstation
from a user (see page 23)).
You are required to save any changes before you exit the page either by clicking another tab
or by clicking the Save button.

5.2.3 Profile page

The Profile page is predominantly read-only apart from the options to attach a new profile to
a user (refer to Attaching a profile to a user (see page 47)) and remove a profile from a user
(refer to Removing a profile from a user (see page 48)). It displays the profile attached to the
selected user. To exit, click another tab or click the Close button.

Page 19 of 51

5.2.4 Operator page

The Operators page displays the resources that are associated with the Operator (user) for

NOTE: This page is ONLY available to Operator users. To set a user as an Operator,
refer to Adding a new user to the system (see page 14) or Editing user details
(see page 16).

This page provides the ability to associate resources (refer to Associating resources with an
Operator (see page 24)) and remove associated resources from an Operator (refer to
Removing associated resources from an Operator (see page 24)).

Once resources have been associated with the user they can be used when scheduling an
evaluation for the Operator (refer to Creating an evaluation schedule in NICE Inform

5.2.5 Resources page

The Resources page provides a read-only view of all the resources attached to the selected
user. To exit, click another tab or click the Close button.

NOTE: The Save and Cancel buttons are inactive on the Resources page.

5.2.6 Notifications page

The Notification page provides the ability to configure the selected user's email settings in
order so the user can receive NICE Inform Evaluator notifications. To configure Notification
settings, refer to Notifications page within NICE Inform System Administration.

 To configure user email settings:

1. Do one of the following:

– Check the Auto Discover box. Notifications will be delivered to the email
address associated with the users Active Directory entry. The email address is
displayed as read-only in the Address text box below.

NOTE: For users that have been added as NICE inform users and not associated with
an Active Directory entry, the Auto Discovery box is disabled and therefore you
MUST enter the address manually using the Address text box.

Recovering the user's email address from Active Directory can take some time.
During this period, the text Discovering... is displayed.

– Uncheck the Auto Discovery box and enter the email address in the Address
text box.
2. Click the Save button.

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5.3 Deleting a user

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to delete a user.
For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure terminology (see page 4).

 To delete a user from the system:

1. In the tree pane, select the All Users node and click the General tab. The
General page is presented.

2. Select the required user or users (using Microsoft Windows standard Shift and Ctrl
methods) for deletion within the Group Members table.

3. Click the Delete button. A message is presented confirming the deletion.

4. Click the Yes button followed by the Save button.

5. A progress dialog is presented providing a summary you that the changes to the
user (or users) have been saved.

6. Do one of the following:

– Check the Close dialog when complete box, which causes the dialog to close
automatically shortly the deletion process completes, unless an error has
– Once the deletion process is complete, click the Close button to close the
The user (or users) is now deleted from the system and will appear in the Non active users
(see page 21) list.

5.4 Non active users

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to view all non
active users. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure terminology
(see page 4).

Users that have been deleted from the system (refer to Deleting a user (see page 21)) are
displayed within the Non Active Users group.

 To view all non active users:

1. In the tree pane, expand the All Users node and select the Non Active Users

2. All the non active users are displayed in the Group Members list within the General

NOTE: You CANNOT edit the Group name and Description text boxes.

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Reactivating non active users

 To change a user (or users) back from an inactive to active state:

1. Select the required or user or users (using Microsoft Windows standard Shift and
Ctrl methods) from the Group members list.

2. Click the Activate button. A message is presented confirming the activation.

3. Click the Yes button followed by the Save button.

4. A progress dialog is presented providing a summary you that the changes to the non
active user (or users) have been saved.

5. Do one of the following:

– Check the Close dialog when complete box, which causes the dialog to close
automatically shortly the activation process completes, unless an error has
– Once the activation process is complete, click the Close button to close the

5.5 Assigning a workstation to a user

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to assign a
workstation to a user. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure
terminology (see page 4).

 To assign a workstation to a user:

1. In the tree pane, select one of the following:

– The All Users node.

– The User group node to which the user belongs.

– Use the Search facility to find the required user (refer to Searching for users,
user groups and profiles (see page 49)).
2. Double-click the required user from the list in the right hand pane.

3. Click the Inform User tab and the Inform User page is presented.

4. In the Allowed Workstations section, uncheck the Full access box.

NOTE: Leaving the Full access checked means this user can access NICE Inform
using any client workstation.

5. In the Workstations section, click the Assign button. The Assign Workstations to
User Wizard opens at the Welcome screen.

6. Click the Next button to continue and the Select Workstations screen is presented.

7. Select the required workstation from the Available workstations list and add them
to the Selected Workstations list.

Page 22 of 51

NOTE: Refer to Adding and removing items (see page 4) on how to add or remove
selected workstations from the list:

8. Click the Next button to continue and the Summary screen is presented displaying
the workstation assigned to the user.

9. Click the Finish button to exit the wizard followed by the Save button. The
workstation is now assigned to the user.

NOTE: You can also assign a user to a workstation within the Workstations page at
the Organization level (refer to Assigning a user to a workstation (see page

5.6 Removing a workstation from a user

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to remove a
workstation from a user. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure
terminology (see page 4).

 To remove a workstation from a user:

1. In the tree pane, select one of the following:

– The All Users node.

– The User group node to which the user belongs.

– Use the Search facility to find the required user (refer to Searching for users,
user groups and profiles (see page 49)).
2. Double-click the required user from the list in the right hand pane.

3. Click the Inform User tab and the Inform User page is presented.

4. In the Allowed Workstations section, uncheck the Full access box.

5. Select the workstation that is to be removed from the user from the Workstations

6. Click the Remove button followed by the Save button.

7. The workstation is now removed from the user. If this is the last workstation (or only
workstation) removed for this user a confirmation message is presented informing
you that this user will no longer be able to access NICE Inform from a known

8. Do one of the following:

– Click the No button to keep the remaining workstation.

– Click the Yes button and the remaining workstation will be removed from the

NOTE: The Workstation that is currently being used CANNOT be removed from an
administrator account.
Page 23 of 51

5.7 Associating resources with an Operator

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to associate
resources with an Operator. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree
structure terminology (see page 4).

 To associate resources with an Operator for automatic evaluations that are created by
evaluation schedules:

1. In the tree pane, select one of the following:

– The All Users node.

– The User group node to which the user belongs.

– Use the Search facility to find the required user (refer to Searching for users,
user groups and profiles (see page 49)).
2. Double-click the required Operator (user) from the list in the right hand pane.

3. Click the Operator tab and the Operator page is presented.

4. Click the Associate button. The Associate Evaluation Resources Wizard opens
at the Welcome screen.

5. Click the Next button to continue.

6. At the Associate Resources screen, select the resources to be associated with the

a. Select either Recording systems or Resource groups from within the Groups
b. Select the resources to be added.

NOTE: Refer to Adding and removing items (see page 4) on how to add or remove
selected resources from the list.

Removing resources from the list, removes their association from the Operator.

c. On completion, click the Next button.

7. At the Summary screen, check that the details for the Operator associated
resources are correct. Once satisfied, click the Finish button. If any of the
information within the Summary screen is incorrect, click the Back button to make
any changes.

8. Click the Save button. The resources are now attached to the user group.

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5.8 Removing associated resources from an Operator

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to remove
associated resources from an Operator. For help with this terminology, refer to
Tree structure terminology (see page 4).

 To remove associated resources from an Operator:

1. In the tree pane, select one of the following:

– The All Users node.

– The User group node to which the user belongs.

– Use the Search facility to find the required user (refer to Searching for users,
user groups and profiles (see page 49)).
2. Double-click the required Operator (user) from the list in the right hand pane.

3. Click the Operator tab and the Operator page is presented.

4. Select the required resource or resources (using Microsoft Windows standard Shift
and Ctrl methods) within the Resources table.

5. Click the Remove button. A message is presented confirming the removal.

6. Click the Yes button followed by the Save button.

The resources are now removed from the Operator.

5.9 Importing users from a CSV file

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to import users
from a CSV file. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure
terminology (see page 4).

Users can be imported from a CSV file into NICE Inform using the Import Users Wizard.

This method is quicker if you require adding multiple users at one time compared to adding
users individually via the New User Wizard (refer to Adding a new user to the system (see
page 14)).

Import users template

Provided is an XLS template for you to enter the relevant details for all the users that you
wish to import into NICE Inform.

The template includes an example user and notes to provide guidance when entering your
users' details.

NOTE: Ensure that when entering the users' details such as the name of the profile
and user group is in the same case e.g. when adding a user into the Organizer
profile ensure that you enter an upper case 'O'.

Page 25 of 51

Once you have entered all the users in to the template you MUST ensure that it is saved as
a .CSV file before you can import it into the Import Users Wizard.

NOTE: If you are unable to open the XLS template, then a CSV template is provided.

The XLS and CSV templates can be found on the NICE Inform server in the following
location: D:\program files\NICE Systems\NICE Inform\Templates

(where D:\ is your drive NICE Inform is installed on).

Importing users

NOTE: Once you have just created a new user group and/or created a new profile you
MUST log out of NICE Inform and back in before importing new users into the

 To import users from a CSV file into the system:

1. In the tree pane, select the All Users node.

2. Click the General tab and the General page is presented.

3. Click the Import button and the Import Users Wizard opens at the Welcome

4. Select the Read the user information from a file radio button and click the Next

5. At the Select Users File screen either, do one of the following:

– Click the Browse button and browse to the location of your created users' CSV
file and click the Open button.
– Type the path for the CSV file into the text box provided.
6. Check that the path displayed for the CSV users file is correct and click the Next
button to continue. A Wizard Progress dialog is presented providing a summary of
the users’ validation process.

7. Do one of the following:

– Check the Close dialog when complete box, which causes the dialog to close
automatically shortly after the validation process completes, unless an error has
– Once the validation process is complete, click the Close button to close the
8. At the Summary screen, the following information is displayed:

– The number of users that will be imported out of the total number requested.
– Any users that failed the validation process and that cannot be imported are
displayed in the accompanying table. The Validation failure column provides a
basic description as to the failure and the Field value column displays the text in
the field that failed the validation.
Examples why importing a user may fail the validation process:

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➢ The user is being added to a user group that does not exist.

NOTE: If the same user group name exists in more than one location, the user group
name needs to reflect the path of the user group using the provided template.
For example, if a user group called Dispatchers is a sub user group under a
parent group of Fire and Police, for the group name you must either enter
File\Dispatchers or Police\Dispatchers. The user will get imported to the
location that you specify.

➢ The user is being added to a group that has a backslash (\) in its name.
➢ The user is being attached to a profile that does not exist.
➢ The user is being attached to a profile that contains NICE Inform User
Administration and/or NICE Inform System Administration and the password
does not include the required number of characters as set by the
Administrator Password Checking feature in the Passwords page (refer
to Setting password details (see page 7)).
➢ The user being imported has the same name as a current user.

NOTE: If all users will be imported without any validation failures the Summary page
changes to inform you that the users are ready to be imported.

9. Click the Finish button to import the users and a Wizard Progress dialog is
presented providing a summary of the imported users.

10. Do one of the following:

– Check the Close dialog when complete box, which causes the dialog to close
automatically shortly after the import process completes, unless an error has
– Once the import process is complete, click the Close button to close the dialog.
The users are now shown in the table in the General page and associated with the user
groups and profiles that you have defined.

NOTE: If you import a user (or users) with a second password set but the Require
second password option is not enabled in the Security page within NICE
Inform User Administration, the second password is NOT imported with the
users' details.

5.10 Importing users from an Active Directory domain

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to import users
from a Microsoft Active Directory domain. For help with this terminology, refer
to Tree structure terminology (see page 4).

You MUST be logged into the same domain as the NICE Inform server when
importing users from a Microsoft Active Directory domain.

NICE Inform users can be imported from a Microsoft Active Directory domain using the
Import Users Wizard.

Page 27 of 51

This method is quicker if you require adding multiple Active Directory domain users at one
time compared to adding users individually via the New User Wizard (refer to Adding a new
user to the system (see page 14)).

 To import users from an Active Directory domain into the system:

1. In the tree pane, select the All Users node.

2. Click the General tab and the General page is presented.

3. Click the Import button and the Import Users Wizard opens at the Welcome

4. Select the Read the user information from Active directory radio button and click
the Next button.

5. At the Select Users screen, select the required domain node in the tree. All the
users associated with that node are displayed in the Available users list.

NOTE: When browsing Active Directory from your workstation, you will ONLY see
users on the domain that the workstation is connected to and NOT the domain
that the NICE Inform server is connected to. This means the workstation
should be on the same domain as the NICE Inform server when importing
users otherwise the import might product unpredictable results.

Refer to Adding and removing items (see page 4) on how to add or remove
selected users from the list:

6. Click the Next button to continue.

7. At the Select User Group screen, select the user group to add the imported users

NOTE: The user group list is dependent on user groups being created (refer to
Creating a new user group (see page 29)).

8. At the Select Profile (Optional) screen, select the required profile to attach the
users to. The details for that profile are listed as read-only in the Profile Details

NOTE: The user group list is dependent on user groups being created (refer to
Creating a new user group (see page 29)).

9. Click the Next button to continue.

10. At the Summary screen, click the Finish button to import the users and a Wizard
Progress dialog is presented providing a summary of the imported users.

If there are one or more users that cannot get imported, the Summary screen will
change to display a table including the following information:

– The number of users that will be imported out of the total number requested.
– Any users that failed the validation process and that cannot be imported are
displayed in the accompanying table. For example, Active Directory users that
have already been imported into Inform would appear in this list. The Validation

Page 28 of 51

failure column provides a basic description as to the failure and the Field value
column displays the text in the field that failed the validation.
11. Do one of the following:

– Check the Close dialog when complete box, which causes the dialog to close
automatically shortly after the import process completes, unless an error has
– Once the import process is complete, click the Close button to close the dialog.
The users are now shown in the table in the General page and associated with the user
groups and profiles that you have defined.

5.11 Creating a new user group

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to create a new
user group. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure terminology
(see page 4).

 To create a new user group:

1. In the tree pane, select All Users node or a user group (not including the Non
Active Users or Administrators group).

NOTE: The new group will be created as a sub-group of the one selected.

2. Click the New button and select New User Group from the drop down menu.
The New User Group Wizard opens at the Welcome screen. Click the Next button
to continue.

3. At the Group Name and Description screen, enter the Name of the new group
(mandatory) and Description (if required) in the text boxes provided.

4. Click the Next button to continue.

5. At the Add Users (Optional) screen, select the required user group node in the
tree. The users associated with that node are displayed alongside, including any

6. Select the required users to add to the user group.

NOTE: Refer to Adding and removing items (see page 4) on how to add or remove
selected users from the list.

7. Click the Next button to continue.

8. At the Attach Resources (Optional) screen, select the resources to be added to

the user group:

a. Select either Recording systems or Resource groups from within the Groups
b. Select the resources to be added.

Page 29 of 51

NOTE: Refer to Adding and removing items (see page 4) on how to add or remove
selected resources from the list:

c. On completion, click the Next button.

9. At the Summary screen, check that the details for the user group are correct. Once
satisfied, click the Finish button. If any of the information within the Summary screen
is incorrect, click the Back button to make any changes.

5.12 Editing a user group

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to edit a user
group. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure terminology (see
page 4).

 To edit an existing user group:

1. In the tree pane, do one of the following:

– Expand the All users node and select either the Administrators or a
custom user group node.
– Use the Search facility to find the required user group (refer to Searching for
users, user groups and profiles (see page 49)).
2. In the right hand pane, two tabbed pages (General and Resources) are available
for editing. Click the tab of the page you wish to view. The pages are summarized in
the following sections:

– General page (see page 30)

– Resources page (see page 32)

5.12.1 General page

 At the General page:
1. Edit the existing Group name and/or Description as required using the text boxes

NOTE: You CANNOT edit the Group name and Description text boxes for the
Administrators and Non Active Users groups.

2. Configure the users within the user group as required using the following options:

– Show non active/Hide non active - click the Show non active/Hide non
active button to display/hide all non active users within the Group Members
table. In the table, active users are show with an icon and non active users
are shown with an icon.

NOTE: The Show non active/Hide non active button is ONLY available when you
have selected the All Users node.

Page 30 of 51

– Set as manager/Remove as manager - to set/remove a user as a manager,

select the user from within the Group Members table and click the Set as
manager/Remove as manager button.

NOTE: The Set as manager/Remove as manager button is ONLY available when

you have selected a 'custom' user group node.

You CANNOT remove manager status from yourself unless you are an

This user will now have manager status within this group which allows the user to:

➢ View all users in this user group.

➢ Create a new user for this user group (refer to Adding a new user to the
system (see page 14)).
➢ Create a new sub user group (refer to Creating a new user group (see page
➢ Move this user group (refer to Moving a user group (see page 33)).
➢ Set a user as a Manager.
➢ Add user group members to this user group (refer to Adding user group
members (see page 32)).
➢ Remove user group members (see below).
➢ Edit this user group name.
➢ Attach resources to this user group (refer to Attaching resources to a user
group (see page 51)).
➢ Remove resources from this user group (see below).
➢ Perform an evaluation for users in this group (refer to Performing an
evaluation in NICE Inform Evaluator).
Once set as a manager, the user is displayed in the Group Members table with a
red star next to his/her name.

– Add - click this button and the Add Group Members Wizard starts so you can
add user group members to the selected group (refer to Adding user group
members (see page 32)).
– Remove - to remove a user from the selected user group, select the required
user for removal from the Group Members table and click the Remove button.
Click the Yes button to the resulting confirmation message. The user is now
removed from the user group.

NOTE: The Add and Remove buttons are ONLY displayed within the General page in
the Administrators group and 'custom' user groups nodes.

You CANNOT remove the Default Administrator account from the

Administrators group.

– New - starts the New User Wizard whereby you can add a new user to the
system (refer to Adding a new user to the system (see page 14)).

Page 31 of 51

– Delete - to delete a user from the system, select the required user for deletion
from the Group Members table and click the Delete button. Click the Yes
button to the resulting confirmation message. The user will now be removed
from the system.
– Import - starts the Import Users Wizard, whereby you can import users from a
CSV file in to the system (refer to Importing users from a CSV file (see page

NOTE: The New, Delete and Import buttons are ONLY displayed within the General
page in the All Users node.

3. On completion, click the Save button.

5.12.2 Resources page

At the Resources page:

▪ Click the Attach button to attach additional resources to a user group. The Attach
Resources Wizard starts (refer to Attaching resources to a user group (see page
51)). Once a user has been added to a user group, the resources are assigned to
that user and its sub groups.
▪ Click the Remove button to remove the required resources from the group.
 To remove resources from the user group:
1. Select the required resource or resources (using Microsoft Windows standard Shift
and Ctrl methods). A message is presented confirming the removal.

2. Click the Yes button.

3. The resources are now removed from the user group.

NOTE: You can ONLY remove resources directly attached to the current group. In the
instance that you are trying to remove resources assigned to sub groups then
you will be presented with a message informing you that you cannot remove
the resources. Click OK and the resources will NOT be removed.

▪ Click the Show resource pairs button to display any paired resources in the
resources table. Paired resources are used for parallel recording in resilient systems
(refer to Adding an NLS audio resource manually or Editing an NLS audio resource
within NICE System Administration).

5.13 Adding user group members

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to add user group
members. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure terminology
(see page 4).

 To add members to a user group:

1. In the tree pane, expand the All Users node and select the User Group
node to which the members are to be added.
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2. Click the General tab and the General page is presented.

3. In the Group Members table, click the Add button. The Add User Group Members
Wizard opens at the Welcome screen. Click the Next button to continue.

4. At the Select Users screen, select the required user group where the users are to
be added from.

NOTE: Refer to Adding and removing items (see page 4) on how to add or remove
selected users from the list.

5. Click the Next button to continue.

6. You are then presented with a Summary screen showing you a list of users you
have selected for this group.

7. Click the Finish button followed by the Save button to add the users to the group.

5.14 Moving a user group

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to move a user
group. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure terminology (see
page 4).

The Move feature allows you to move a user group and its sub-groups (if any) from one node
in the tree to another.

 To move a user group:

1. In the tree pane, expand the All Users node and select the User Group node to
be moved.

2. In the button bar, click the Move button.

3. The Move Group dialog is presented showing the tree structure of the user groups
that you have privilege to see.

4. Select the required group as the new parent group, and click the OK button.

The group is moved, together with all its sub groups, members and resources to the new

5.15 Deleting a user group

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to delete a user
group. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure terminology (see
page 4).

 To delete a user group:

1. In the tree pane, expand the All Users node and select the User Group
node to be deleted.
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2. Click the Delete button. A message is presented confirming the deletion.

3. Click the Yes button.

The user group is now deleted.

5.16 Attaching a user to a profile

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to attach a user to
a profile. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure terminology (see
page 4).

 To attach a user (or users) to a created profile:

In the tree pane, expand the Profiles node and select the required Profile node.

1. Click the Users tab and the Users page is presented.

2. Click the Attach button. The Attach Users to Profile Wizard opens at the
Welcome screen. Click the Next button to continue.

3. At the Select Users screen, select the required User Group node in the tree. The
users associated with that node are displayed in the Available users list.

4. Select the required users.

NOTE: Refer to Adding and Removing Items (see page 4) on how to add or remove
selected users from the list:

5. Click the Next button to continue.

6. You are then presented with a Summary screen. Check that the correct users are to
be added to the correct profile. Once satisfied, click the Finish button. If any of the
information within the Summary screen is incorrect, click the Back button to make
any changes.

7. Click the Save button.

The users are now located in the Users list associated with the profile.

5.17 Removing a user from a profile

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to remove a user
from a profile. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure
terminology (see page 4).

 To remove a user from a profile:

1. In the tree pane, expand the Profiles node and select the required Profile

2. Click the Users tab and the Users page is presented.

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3. In the Users list, select the user to be removed from the profile.

4. Click the Remove button. A message is presented confirming the removal.

5. Click the Yes button followed by the Save button.

The user is now removed from the Users list associated with the profile.

NOTE: You CANNOT remove the default Administrator account from the Administrator

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6 Profiles
Users are given permission to use certain NICE Inform application and application features
by attaching a profile to them. A profile defines the module and features (application
privileges) that are available for a user. Profiles define the roles the users perform within the
module, such as a Supervisor or Investigator.

This section covers the following areas:

Application privileges (see page 36)

Creating a new profile (see page 45)

Editing a profile (see page 46)

Deleting a profile (see page 46)

Attaching a profile to a user (see page 47)

Removing a profile from a user (see page 48)

6.1 Application privileges

As a System Administrator, when creating a new profile (refer to Creating a new profile (see
page 45)) or editing a profile (refer to Editing a profile (see page 46)), there are a number of
application privileges that can be set.

NOTE: On some system configurations, not all features are installed. Therefore, some
application privileges will not do anything.

The following NICE Inform applications and their application privileges are listed below:

▪ NICE Inform Verify (see page 37)

▪ NICE Inform Monitor (see page 37)
▪ NICE Inform Reconstruction (see page 38)
▪ NICE Inform Organizer (see page 39)
▪ NICE Inform Reporter (see page 41)
▪ NICE Inform Evaluator (see page 41)
▪ NICE Inform Archive (see page 42)
▪ NICE Inform Audit (see page 42)
▪ NICE Inform User Administration (see page 42)
▪ NICE Inform System Administration (see page 43)
▪ NICE Inform Template Designer (see page 44)
▪ Inform API (see page 44)

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6.1.1 NICE Inform Verify

Table 6-1: NICE Inform Verify application privileges

Application privilege Description

Use Verify application Enables access to the NICE Inform Verify application.
Change resource selection Enables the logged in user to change what resources are selected
in order to search against within the NICE Inform Verify
Time period to search Enables you to configure (by clicking the Edit button) user shift
restriction or the time period you can search back to replay calls.
Select one of the following:
▪ Since login - when the login account changes on a particular
workstation. This is counted as the start of the shift for the
new user. If a user logs out of their account and back in, the
start of the shift is still counted as the first time they logged in
because the same user account is in use.
▪ Since login change - the last login time is counted as the
start of the shift irrespective of whether the account changes
or not. This is useful when the same account is used for all
users on a workstation.
▪ Time period - select the required time period to search back
to in minutes from the list available up to a maximum of 12
View annotations Enables read-only access to view created annotations.
Add and view annotations Enables access to add and view annotations.
Save calls Enables access to save calls as either a wav or wma file.
Verify resources selection Enables you to configure (by clicking the Edit button) the resource
selection type of either resources assigned to a position or
resources attached to a user group. Select one of the following:
▪ Position - NICE Inform Verify users resources assigned to a
▪ User group - NICE Inform Verify uses resource attached to a
user group.
Restrict calls playback to a Enables restriction when replaying audio recordings and read text
limited group of Inform users conversations that have been marked as restricted.
Replay restricted calls and Enables access to replay audio recording and read text
remove restrictions from calls conversations that have been marked as restricted and enables
the ability to remove restrictions on audio recording and text

6.1.2 NICE Inform Monitor

Table 6-2: NICE Inform Monitor application privileges

Application privilege Description

Use Monitor Application Enables access to the Monitor application.
Review recent calls Enables access to review recent calls.
Time period to search Enables you to configure (by clicking the Edit button) user shift
restriction or the time period you can search back to replay recent
calls. Select one of the following:
▪ Since login - when the login account changes on a particular
workstation. This is counted as the start of the shift for the
new user. If a user logs out of their account and back in, the

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Application privilege Description

start of the shift is still counted as the first time they logged in
because the same user account is in use.
▪ Since login change - the last login time is counted as the
start of the shift irrespective of whether the account changes
or not. This is useful when the same account is used for all
users on a workstation.
▪ Time period - select the required time period to search back
to in minutes from the list available to a maximum of 24 hours.
Restrict calls playback to a Enables restriction when replaying audio recordings and read text
limited group of Inform users conversations that have been marked as restricted.
Replay restricted calls and Enables access to replay audio recording and read text
remove restrictions from calls conversations that have been marked as restricted and enables
the ability to remove restrictions on audio recording and text

6.1.3 NICE Inform Reconstruction

Table 6-3: NICE Inform Reconstruction application privileges

Application privilege Description

Use Reconstruction application Enables access to the Reconstruction application.
Search and playback audio Enables the search and playback of audio recordings. Select one
recordings of the following:
▪ All locations - playback of audio recordings from all locations.
▪ Storage Center only - playback of audio recordings from
NICE Storage Center.
▪ Storage Center and retrieval loggers only - playback of audio
recordings from NICE Storage Center and retrieval
loggers/playback units but NOT from recording loggers.
▪ Retrieval loggers only - playback of audio recordings from
retrieval loggers/playback units but NOT from recording
loggers or NICE Storage Center.
View annotations Enables read-only access to view created annotations.
Add and view annotations Enables access to add and view annotations.
Save and email scenarios Enables access to save scenarios (selected recordings) from
which they can be emailed.

Print results Enables access to the Printing Wizard.

Retrieve recordings from Enables access to playback recordings from an offline storage
removable media device.
Save and use public searches Enables access to save public searches and for access to use
public searches (including edit & delete).
Use public saved searches Enables only the use of a saved public search and NOT access to
edit or delete the saved search.
Save and use private searches Enables access to save private searches and for access to use
private searches (including edit & delete).
Use private saved searches Enables only the use of a saved private search and NOT access to
edit or delete the saved search.
Perform Inserter table searches Enables access to perform an Inserter search.
View paired secondary Enables access to change the paired results view in Timeline
resources display and Results Table. This also applies to NICE Inform

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Application privilege Description

Organizer and NICE Inform Evaluator.

Add to Organizer Enables access to be able to add recordings to NICE Inform

Organizer either via the Add to Organizer Wizard or Smart
Transfer to Organizer Wizard. You can select the level of control
(by clicking the Edit button) when using the Add to Organizer
Wizard. Select one of the following:
▪ Full control - you can add ALL recordings to NICE Inform
Organizer using the Add to Organizer Wizard.
▪ Between markers only - you can ONLY add recordings that
are between playback markers to NICE Inform Organizer
when using the Add to Organizer Wizard.
Perform NiceVision Central Automatically searches attached Central Storage Servers (CSS)
Storage Server searches for NiceVision video or audio resources.
Time period to search Enables user shift restriction (by clicking the Edit button). Select
one of the following:
▪ Since login - when the login account changes on a particular
workstation. This is counted as the start of the shift for the
new user. If a user logs out of their account and back in, the
start of the shift is still counted as the first time they logged in
because the same user account is in use.
▪ Since login change - the last login time is counted as the
start of the shift irrespective of whether the account changes
or not. This is useful when the same account is used for all
users on a workstation.
Use NICE Inform audio analytics Enables access to search for and view audio analytics categories
and detections.
Create and edit audio Enables access to the Redaction panel in order to create audio
redactions redactions.
Use CAD integration Enables access to search for CAD incidents.
Audit accessed audio and Enables access to create PDF reports for selected audio
create audio access reports recordings via Timeline display and Results table context menus.
Restrict calls playback to a Enables restriction when replaying audio recordings and read text
limited group of Inform users conversations that have been marked as restricted.
Replay restricted calls and Enables access to replay audio recording and read text
remove restrictions from calls conversations that have been marked as restricted and enables
the ability to remove restrictions on audio recording and text

6.1.4 NICE Inform Organizer

Table 6-4: NICE Inform Organizer application privileges

Application privilege Description

Use Organizer application Enables access to the Organizer application.
Playback Reconstruction Enables the playback of Reconstruction Content (using the
Content Playback control within the Reconstruction Content List page).
Add, edit and delete incident Enables access to create, edit and delete created incident folders.
Edit existing folders Enables access to edit incident folders but NOT delete. If the Add,
edit and delete incident folders privilege is enabled, it overrides
this privilege.

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Application privilege Description

Add and remove Related Enables access to add and remove Related Material for any
Material incident.

Distribute and export incident Enables access to export incident folders and distribute incident
folders folders. You can select the level of control (by clicking the Edit
button) when distributing incident folders. Select one of the
▪ Full control - you can distribute whole incidents, incident
folders, or any entire selection within an incident (e.g. a
recording or a file).
▪ Whole incident folders only - you can ONLY distribute
whole incidents or incident folders.
Edit incident access privileges Enables changing the access privileges for the selected incident.

Manage incident profiles Enables access to create, edit and delete Distribution Profiles.

Create EMC Centera locked Enables access to create an incident snapshot whereby incidents
copies are copied and locked. This feature is ONLY available when NICE
Inform Organizer is setup with an EMC Centera device for its
incident storage.
Allow Media Player distribution Enables access to create a distribution in NICE Inform Media
without password Player format without a password.

Create Inform Media Player Enables access to create a distribution in NICE Inform Media
distributions Player format.

Copy data between incidents Enables you to configure (by clicking the Edit button) the level of
control when copying Reconstruction Content (recordings)
between incidents. Select one of the following:
▪ Full control - you can copy all Reconstruction Content
between incidents.
▪ Between markers only - you can ONLY copy Reconstruction
Content that is between playback markers.
Delete Reconstruction Content Enables access to delete Reconstruction Content from an incident.

Import external media Enables access to import external media into a Reconstruction
Content incident folder.

Edit of imported external media Enables access to edit the properties of external imported media.

Add partial items to Organizer Enables access to add partial selections to Organizer.

Create and edit audio Enables access to the Redaction panel in order to create audio
redactions redactions.

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Application privilege Description

Manage incident retention Enables access to override the global incident retention setting
when creating and editing an incident as set in the Incident
Storage page in NICE Inform System Administration. Without this
privilege, you can only set the retention date after the displayed
date (global setting) and NOT before.
Restrict calls playback to a Enables restriction when replaying audio recordings and read text
limited group of Inform users conversations that have been marked as restricted.

Replay restricted calls and Enables access to replay audio recording and read text
remove restrictions from calls conversations that have been marked as restricted and enables
the ability to remove restrictions on audio recording and text

6.1.5 NICE Inform Reporter

Table 6-5: NICE Inform Reporter application privileges

Application privilege Description

Use Reporter Application Enables access to the Reporter application.
Delete report definition Enables access to delete user reports. Public reports cannot be

Create report form template Enables access to create a new report from a supplied template.
Create report from existing copy Enables access to create a copy of an existing report.

6.1.6 NICE Inform Evaluator

Table 6-6: NICE Inform Evaluator application privileges

Application privilege Description

Use Evaluator application Enables access to the Evaluator application.
Manage evaluations Enables access to create, update and delete ad-hoc and user

Complete any evaluation Enables access to set evaluations to the Complete state that the
user has evaluate rights for.

Manage evaluation creation Enables the creation and deletion of evaluation schedules.

Schedule CAD incidents for Enables access to schedule CAD incidents for evaluations.

Move 'In Progress evaluations Enables access to set evaluation to the In progress state to the
back to 'Created' Created state for evaluations that the user has evaluate rights for.

Restrict calls playback to a Enables restriction when replaying audio recordings and read text
limited group in Inform users conversations that have been marked as restricted.

Replay restricted calls and Enables access to replay audio recording and read text
remove restrictions from calls conversations that have been marked as restricted and enables
the ability to remove restrictions on audio recording and text

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6.1.7 NICE Inform Archive

Table 6-7: NICE Inform Archive application privileges

Application privilege Description

Use Archive application Enables access to the Audit application.
Configure archive storage Enables access to configure archive storage.
Add, edit and delete archives Enables access to create, edit and delete created archives.
Load and unload archives Enables access to the load and unload created archives.

6.1.8 NICE Inform Audit

Table 6-8: NICE Inform Audit application privileges

Application privilege Description

Use Audit application Enables access to the Audit application.
Add and view annotations Enables access to add annotations to existing audit events.
View annotations Enables access to view annotations which have been added to
existing audit events.
Add manual audit events Enables access to add manual audit events.

6.1.9 NICE Inform User Administration

Table 6-9: NICE Inform User Administration application privileges

Application privilege Description

Use User Administration Enables access to the User Administration application.
Add, edit and delete users Enables access to add, edit and delete users. The user has to be
a part of the Administrators group for this privilege to be enabled.

NOTE: This privilege requires the user to be a

member of the Administrators group or a
group manager.

Edit users Enables access to edit user details but NOT delete. If the Add,
edit, delete users privilege is enabled, it over-rides this privilege.

NOTE: This privilege requires the user to be a

member of the Administrators group or a
group manager.

Add, edit and delete user Enables access to add, edit and delete user groups.
Manage the contents of user Enables access to add and remove users from within user groups.
Add, edit and delete application Enables access to create, edit and delete created application
profiles profiles. It is NOT possible to add, edit or delete system generated
Edit application profiles Enables access to edit existing application profiles. If the Add,

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Application privilege Description

edit, delete application profiles privilege is enabled, it over-rides
this privilege. It is NOT possible to add, edit system generated
Assign and remove resource Enables the attachment and removal of resources to user groups.
Configure password security Enables access to change the global password security
parameters parameters.
Configure account security Enables access to change the global account security parameters.

6.1.10 NICE Inform System Administration

Table 6-10: NICE Inform System Administration application privileges

Application privilege Description

Use System Administration Enables access to the System Administration application.
Add, edit and delete sites Enables access to edit NICE Inform sites. Adding and deleting a
NICE Inform site is a future feature.
Add, edit and delete Inform Enables access to add, edit and delete NICE Inform servers.
Add, edit and delete resource Enables access to create, edit and delete resource groups.
Manage the contents of Enables access to edit the contents of existing Resource Groups.
resource groups If the Add, edit, delete application resource groups privilege is
enabled, it over-rides this privilege.
Add, edit and delete recording Enables access to add, edit and delete recording systems. The
systems user has to be a part of the Administrators group for this privilege
to be enabled.
Manage backups and schedules Enables access to add, edit and delete backup schedules and
perform one-time & recurring backups.
Import and export resources Enables access to import and export resource definitions from a
from/to file CSV file. The user has to be a part of the Administrators group for
this privilege to be enabled.
Import resources from a system Enables the ability to import resources from a connected recording
system The user has to be a part of the Administrators group for
this privilege to be enabled.
Import license file Enables access to import a license file.
Configure audit parameters Enables access to edit the audit database management
Configure Inform server settings Enables access to configure all general Inform server settings.
Configure resilient Inform Enables access to configure a resilient Inform system.
Configure CLS replication Enables access to configure CLS replication.
Use Maintenance Mode Enables access to the Maintenance mode
Configure EMC Centera Enables access to configure EMC Centera connections.
Add, edit and delete Enables access to add, edit and delete workstations.
Add, edit and delete Inform Enables access to create, edit and delete Inform positions.

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Application privilege Description

Configure logger settings Enables access to configure the settings for the logger.
Manage logger backup Enables access to manage logger backups.
Configure NICE Interaction Enables access to configure NICE Interaction Management
Management Storage Centers Storage Centers.
Configure security key servers Enables access to configure security key servers.
Add, edit and delete hub Enables access to add, edit and delete hub accounts.
Add, edit and delete map views Enables access to add, edit and map views and layers.
and layers
Allow logger media eject Enables access to eject media from loggers (by clicking the Edit
button). Select one of the following:
▪ All loggers - you can eject media from all loggers.
▪ Retrieval loggers only - you can ONLY eject media from
retrieval loggers.
If the user has the Manage logger backup privilege enabled this
privilege is ignored as the user will have full access to eject media
from all loggers.
Configure NICE Inform audio Enables access to configure NICE Inform audio analytics.
Configure application settings Enables access to edit settings for NICE Inform applications.
Configure recording systems Enables access to configure the settings for NICE Recording data

6.1.11 NICE Inform Template Designer

Table 6-11: NICE Inform Template Designer application privileges

Application privilege Description

Use Template Designer Enables access to the Template Designer application.
Manage evaluation forms Enables access to create, update and delete evaluation forms.

6.1.12 Inform API

Table 6-12: Inform API application privileges

Application privilege Description

Use NICE Inform API Enables access to the NICE Inform API application.
Use search and retrieval API Enables an external application to NICE Inform to retrieve the list
of audio resources available on an NICE Inform server and then
make time frame searches based on them.
Use incident management API Enables an external application to NICE Inform to manage NICE
inform incidents. It provides the following functions:
▪ Create incidents with associated recordings and related
material files etc. and upload them to the NICE Inform server.
▪ Search for incidents details that allows you (via the Inform
API) to search for details of existing incidents and their

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Application privilege Description

associated recordings and related material files etc.

6.2 Creating a new profile

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to create a profile.
For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure terminology (see page 4).

Use the New Profile Wizard to create a new custom profile with the applications and
associated privileges that you require. Once created, you can attach a user to this profile
(refer to Attaching a user to a profile (see page 34)).

 To create a new profile:

1. In the tree pane, select the Profiles node and click the New button. Select
New Profile from the drop down menu.

2. The New Profile Wizard opens at the Welcome screen. Click the Next button to

3. At the Profile Name and Description screen, enter the Name of the new profile
(mandatory) and Description (if required) in the text box provided.

4. Click the Next button to continue and the Application Privileges screen is

5. Set the required applications and associated privileges for the new profile.

6. Allocate the Application privileges that will apply to this profile doing one of the

– Checking the associated check boxes. For help regarding what each application
privilege means, refer to Application privileges (see page 36).

NOTE: To select all application privileges, click the Select All button and to deselect
all privileges, click the Clear All button.

– Select the required application privilege and:

a. Click the Edit button. The Edit Privilege Parameter dialog is presented.
b. Check the Enable privilege box.

NOTE: If there is a parameter set within the Privilege parameters column, then this
can be edited. Select the application privilege and click the Edit button. The
Edit Privilege Parameter dialog is presented with an extra drop down box to
select the value for this parameter.

c. Click the OK button to continue.

7. On completion, click the Next button.

8. At the Summary screen, check that the details for the profile are correct. Once
satisfied, click the Finish button. If any of the information within the Summary screen
is incorrect, click the Back button to make any changes.

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6.3 Editing a profile

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to edit a profile. For
help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure terminology (see page 4).

 To edit an existing profile:

1. In the tree pane, expand the Profiles node and select the required Profile

2. Click the General tab and the General page is presented.

3. Edit the Profile name and Description using the associated text boxes as required.

4. Update the applications that will apply to this profile by checking/unchecking the
associated check boxes as required.

5. Update the Application Privileges that will apply to this by doing one of the

– Checking/unchecking the associated check boxes. For help regarding what each
application privilege means, refer to Application privileges (see page 36).

NOTE: To select all application privileges, click the Select All button and to deselect
all privileges, click the Clear All button.

– Selecting the required application privilege and:

a. Click the Edit button. The Edit Privilege Parameter dialog is presented.
b. Check the Enable privilege check box.

NOTE: If there is a parameter set within the Privilege parameters column, then this
can be edited. Select the application privilege and click the Edit button. The
Edit Privilege Parameter dialog is presented with an extra drop down box to
select the value for this parameter.

c. Click the OK button to continue.

6. On completion, click the Save button.

NOTE: You CANNOT edit the Profile and Description text boxes within the
Administrators profile.

There is also a Users page available when editing a profile. Here you can attach a user to a
profile (refer to Attaching a user to a profile (see page 34)) and remove a user from a profile
(refer to Removing a user from a profile (see page 34)).

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6.4 Deleting a profile

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to delete a profile.
For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure terminology (see page 4).

 To delete a profile:
1. In the tree pane, expand the Profiles node and select the required Profile
node for deletion.

2. In the button bar, click the Delete button. A message is presented confirming the

3. Click the Yes button.

The profile is now deleted.

NOTE: You CANNOT delete the Administrators profile.

6.5 Attaching a profile to a user

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to attach a profile
to a user. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure terminology
(see page 4).

 To attach a profile to a user:

1. In the tree pane, select the All Users node and click the General tab. The
General page is presented.

2. Select the User from the Group Members table and double-click.

3. Click the Profile tab and the Profile page is presented.

4. Click the Attach button and the Attach Profile Wizard opens at the Welcome
screen. Click the Next button to continue.

5. At the Select Profile screen, select the required profile. The details for that profile
are listed as read-only in the Profile Details section.

6. On completion, click the Next button.

7. At the Summary screen check the details for this user are correct. Once satisfied,
click the Finish button. If any of the information within the Summary screen is
incorrect, click the Back button to make any changes.

8. Click the Save button.

The profile is now attached to the user.

Page 47 of 51

NOTE: If a user is attached to a profile that has either (or both) System Administration
or User Administration applications, then the password must pass the
administrator password check if it is set within the Passwords page (refer to
Setting password details (see page 7)). If the password does not pass the
check, this user MUST change their password the next time they log into NICE

6.6 Removing a profile from a user

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to remove a profile
from a user. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure terminology
(see page 4).

 To remove a profile from a user:

1. In the tree pane, select the All Users node and click the General tab. The
General page is presented.

2. Select the user from the Group Members table and double-click.

3. Click the Profile tab and the Profile page is presented.

4. Within the Attached Profile table, select the required profile to be removed from the

5. Click the Remove button. A message is presented confirming the removal.

6. Click the Yes button followed by the Save button.

The profile is now removed from the Attached Profiles list associated with the user.

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NICE INFORM USER ADMINISTRATION USER GUIDE Searching for users, user groups and profiles

7 Searching for users, user groups and profiles

The User Administration search facility enables you to find Users, user groups, profiles and
descriptions quickly and easily.

 To use the search facility:

1. Click the Search button above the tree pane and the Search dialog is presented.

2. In the Search text box, type the required text.

3. The following wildcard characters are supported:

– % for anything, e.g. WATER% finds items that start with the characters
‘WATER’, ‘waterfall’, ‘waterproof’, etc. %WATER will find items that end in
‘WATER’, ‘freshwater, ‘breakwater’, etc. ‘%WATER%’ will return any item
containing the term ‘WATER’. The '%' cannot be the only character in the term.
If you want to search for a string containing the '%' symbol, use the special
sequence '%%'.
– ? for a single character, e.g. ‘90?10’ will find the terms ‘90110’, ‘90210’, ‘90310’,
‘90A10’, etc. The question mark cannot be the only character in the term. If you
want to search for a string contains the '?' symbol, use the special sequence '?'.

NOTE: Searches are NOT case sensitive.

4. Check one or more of the following options: Users, User Groups, Profiles, and
Include descriptions in search.

NOTE: By default, one option is selected whenever the dialog opens, depending on
which entry in the tree you have selected. However, you can select more than
one option.

5. On completion, click the OK button and the Search Results page is presented
displaying all the results in the Results table. To view details, double-click anywhere
in the associated column in the Results table.

NOTE: You can delete any users from the system that have been returned in the
search (refer to Deleting users from search results (see page 49)).

7.1 Deleting users from search results

Any users that have been returned as part of a user search can be removed from the

 To delete users from search results:

1. Click the Search button above the tree pane and the Search dialog is presented.

2. Perform a user search.

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NICE INFORM USER ADMINISTRATION USER GUIDE Searching for users, user groups and profiles

NOTE: Refer to Searching for users, user groups and profiles (see page 49) for help
performing a search.

3. Select the required users or a group of users (using Microsoft Windows standard
Shift and Ctrl methods).

4. Click the Delete Users button and a confirmation message is presented listing the
users that are going to be deleted.

5. Click the Yes button to continue.

6. A Wizard Progress dialog is presented providing a summary of the users that are
being deleted.

7. Do one of the following:

– Check the Close dialog when complete box, which causes the dialog to close
automatically shortly after the deletion process completes, unless an error has
– Once the deletion process is complete, click the Close button to close the
The user (or users) is now deleted from the system and will appear in the Non active users
(see page 21) list.

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NICE INFORM USER ADMINISTRATION USER GUIDE Attaching resources to a user group

8 Attaching resources to a user group

NOTE: Specific terminology is used when navigating the tree pane to attach resources
to a user group. For help with this terminology, refer to Tree structure
terminology (see page 4).

 To attach resources to a user group:

1. In the tree pane, expand the All Users node and select the required User
Group node.

2. Click the Resources tab and click the View all resources link. After a period of time
(depending on how many resources are associated with the selected group), the
associated resources are listed in the Resources page.

3. Click the Attach button. The Attach Resources Wizard opens at the Welcome

4. Click the Next button to continue.

5. At the Attach Resources screen, select the resources to be added to the user

a. Select either Recording systems or Resource groups from within the Groups
b. Select the resources to be added.

NOTE: Refer to Adding and removing items (see page 4) on how to add or remove
selected resources from the list:

c. On completion click the Next button.

NOTE: You can attach a mixture of both types of resource by selecting those you
require from one type and clicking Add, then selecting from the other type and
clicking Add again.

6. At the Summary screen, check that the details for resources to be attached to the
user group are correct. Once satisfied, click the Finish button. If any of the
information within the Summary screen is incorrect, click the Back button to make
any changes.

7. Click the Save button. The resources are now attached to the user group.

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