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DLL Mathematics 6 q2 w2

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School: Grade Level: VI

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MATHEMATICS

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 2) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER



The learner demonstrates understanding of order of operations, ratio and proportion, percent, exponents, and integers.
A. Content Standards
The learner is able to apply knowledge of order of operations, ratio and proportion, percent, exponents, and integers in mathematical problems and real-life
B. Performance Standards situations.

Finds a missing term in a proportion (direct,inverse, and partitive). M6NS-IIb-133

C. Learning Competencies /
Objectives Solves problems involving direct proportion,partitive proportion, and inverse proportion in different contexts such as distance, rate, and time using
Write the LC code for each appropriate strategies and tools. M6NS-IIc-134

Finding the missing term in a Solving Problems involving

direct, inverse, and partitive proportion Direct, Inverse and Partitive Proportion
A. References K-12 MELC- C.G p223 K-12 MELC- C.G p223 K-12 MELC- C.G p223 K-12 MELC- C.G p223 K-12 MELC- C.G p223
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resources Powerpoint presentation Powerpoint presentation Powerpoint presentation Powerpoint presentation
Ask: What is Ratio? Recall the previous lesson. Recall the previous lesson. Eric and Art sell newspapers on SUMMATIVE TEST
weekends to earn extra money.
A. Reviewing previous
For every 3
lesson or presenting the new
newspapers that Eric sells, Art
sells 5. If Eric sold 15
newspapers, how many did Art
Answer the given problem Present this problem situation.
During weekends, Zeny helps her
If an 80-m cloth is divided mother sell buko juice. For every
B. Establishing a purpose into the ratio of 2 : N : 8, buko, Zeny
for the lesson what is N? adds 4 litres of water. How many
litres of water does she need for 3
bukos so that
the taste will be the same?

When two ratios are Put a check mark (/) if the given are You have learned in the previous Solve for the values pertaining
equivalent ratios; if not, place a cross mark
equal they form a lesson that in a direct proportion, to each component of the
when one direct, inverse and
proportion. ________________ 1. 5: 15 = 3: 9
________________ 2. 10: 10 = 90: 91 quantity increases, the other
Proportion is a ________________ 3. 25: 50 = 1: 2
partitive proportions.
quantity increases at the same rate
statement of equality ________________ 4. 12: 4 = 300: 100
and vice versa while 1. John has a rope 56 m long
________________ 5. 72: 16 = 9: 12 and he wants to cut in the ratio
between two ratios. ________________ 6. 20: 12 = 5: 3 in an inverse proportion, the
There are two terms ________________ 7. 4: 15 = 12: 15 change of one quantity will give 3:5. How long is the
________________ 8. 4: 7 = 12: 20 an opposite effect to the longer part of the rope?
C. Presenting examples/ in the proportion. ________________ 9. 2: 3 = 36: 34
next quantity. Also, in partitive
instances of the new The first and the last ________________ 10. 15: 2 = 45 : 6
proportion, a whole is divided into
lesson term are called parts that is
extremes while the proportional to the given ratio.
second and third In this topic further understanding
term are called will be assured especially on how
means. to solve
problems involving direct, inverse,
and partitive proportion in
different contexts such as
distance, rate, and time using
appropriate strategies and tools.
D. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #1
There are three types of proportion. These are
direct, inverse and partitive proportion.

Direct Proportion

From the given situation above, you can see

that the more kilos of rice there is, the longer it
will last for 120 families. This situation is
example of direct proportion.

Therefore, there are 1000 kilos of rice consumed in 2


Inverse Proportion

Let the desired speed be x kph.

Speed (kph) 20 x
Time (in minutes) 20 16

The faster the bicycle is driven, the less time is

required to reach the destination. So, this is an
inverse proportion.

Answer: Robin should cycle at 25 kph.

Partitive Proportion

A) What is asked?
The number of chocolates that each will get.
B) What are the given facts?
64 chocolates
Chocolates will be shared in the ratio 1:1:2

Strategy: Write a partitive proportion to solve
the problem.
Let n be the number of chocolates each of them
will get.
Let 2n be the number of chocolates one of them
with two parts will get.
Write the ratio 1:1:2 as n:n:2n.
Adding the numbers;
n + n+ 2n = 64
4n = 64
n = 16

Since 2n = 2 x 16 = 32, then n:n:2n =

Answer: Pepe, and Dave will both have 16
chocolates each, while Rey will have 32

Check: Add all the chocolates received by Pepe, Dave

and Rey.
16 + 16 + 32 = 64
64 = 64

Direct proportion is an equality of ratios where an increase in one

quantity gives
a directly the same increase in the second quantity or a decrease in
one quantity
causes a decrease in another quantity.
Inverse proportion is an opposite of direct proportion where an
E.Discussing new concepts and increase in one
practicing new skills#2 quantity causes an opposite effect to the second quantity or a
decrease in one quantity
causes an increase in the other quantity.
Partitive proportion is a ratio of partition of a given whole where
the sum of the
ratio of partitions is equal to the given totality.
In this topic you will understand the differences of these
proportions including
their practical applications.
F. Developing mastery Find the missing term. 1. During COVID 19 pandemic,
(Leads to Formative Assessment Solve and determine Barangay Unity distributed
1. 5: 6 = 20: N relief goods to
3) whether each is a 2. 7: 8 = 56: N
the 120 families and consumed
proportion or not . 1500 kilos of rice for 3 weeks. If
3. If a 60-m nylon is cut into the ratio
Write YES or NO on of 3: 6 : N, what is N? there were only 1000
your notebook. kilos of rice, how long will the
families consume this volume of
This situation shows the
1.) 2/3 and 4/6 = relationship among the number
of families, the number
________ of kilos of rice and the number
2.) 6/7 and 24/28 = of days to consume the rice.
________ From the given condition above,
3) 2/5 and 4/12 = we can see that the more the
________ kilos of rice
4.) 28/42 and 2/3 = there is, the longer it will last for
120 families. So, this is an
________ example of a direct
5.) 15/20 and 5/6 = proportion through the contexts
________ of time on how long the families
consume the volume
of rice. Remember that in a
direct proportion, as one
quantity increases, another
quantity also increases at the
same rate. Similarly, a decrease
in one quantity implies
a decrease in another by the
same rate.


Step 1: Identify the given

ratios : 1500 kl : 3 weeks, 1000
kl : N

Step 2: Make a proportion out

from the given ratio.

1500 : 3 weeks = 1000 kl : N

Step 3: Identify the Means : 3
weeks, 1000 kl
Step 4: Identify the Extremes:
1500 kl, N
Step 5: Multiply the Means: 3
weeks x 1000 kl = 3000 (weeks)
Step 6: Multiply the Extremes.
1500 kl x N = 1500 (kl) (N)
Step 7: Equate the product of
the Means and the Extremes.

3000 (weeks)(kl) = 1500 (kl)(N)

Hence, it only has 2 weeks to
consume the given volume of
G. Finding practical applications Fill in the blank with the number that will complete the proportion.
of concepts and skills in daily Fill in the blank with the number that will complete the
living proportion. 1. There are 10 families to cater 3 sacks of rice. There are 12 sacks of
rice for
1. 3: ____ = 9: 30 ________ families.
2. 4: 7 = ____: 28 2. Five face mask cost ₱20.00. Ten facemask cost ________.
3. _____: 25 = 4: 10
H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about the In direct proportion, when one quantity increases, the other quantity increases at the same rate and vice versa.
lesson In inverse proportion, when one quantity increases , the other quantity decreases vice—versa.
In partitive proportion, a whole is divided into parts that is proportional to the given ratio.
I. Evaluating learning Solve the following problems Solve the problem using the
Solve each proportion. Identify the type of below using the steps in solving steps.
problems 1. Joy Restaurant made 5-
Write your answer in proportion that the involving proportions. Encircle the persons Barkadahan Package
your notebook. following problems letter of the correct answer. meal for ₱850.00. If John
illustrate. Then solve the 1. A package promo allows 3 and his friends will avail, how
problems in a piece of persons to ride on a zip line for much would they pay if there
1) 5/12 = 35/ n = paper. ₱750. How are 20 persons in
much will 12 friends pay to ride all?
on a zip line? 2. Carlos ride his bike to the
2) n/ 52 = 180/ 120 A. ₱2000 B. ₱3000 C. ₱4000 D. market with a rate of 30 km per
= ________ 1.) A car is able to travel ₱5000 hour and be there in 1
3) 18/n = 21/28 = 210 km in 3 hours. How 2. You cut a 3 m string into three hour. If he wants to increase his
________ far can it travel in 5 parts using the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. How speed to 40 km per hour, how
4) n/4 = 24/6 = hours? long will be the much time he
2.) Five people can finish shortest part? would spent in going home?
A. 1⁄2 B. 1 C. 1 1⁄2 D. 2 3. Kate wants to donate her
5) 10/16 = n/56 = painting a wall in 5 3. Morie wants to donate his 200 1200 face shield to three Grade
________ hours. If only 2 people books to three Kindergarten Schools in a 1 : 4 : 5
are available, how many Schools in a 1 : ratio. How many face shield will
hours do they have to 4 : 5 ratio. How many books will each Grade School receive?
work to finish the same each Kindergarten School receive?
job? A. 20:80:100 B. 30:40:50 C.
40:50:60 D. 40:50:100
3.) At 65 km/hr, Alfred
can reach home in 50 4. Jason paid ₱1, 680.00 for the
minutes. At what speed three “Bayanihan” painting. His
should he drive his car
Joshua wanted to buy 8
so that he can reach “Bayanihan” paintings. How much
home 10 minutes would Joshua
earlier? pay?
4.) A land area was A. ₱2240 B. ₱3340 C. ₱4480 D.
divided among the three ₱5500
5. Michael wanted to go to his
heirs in the ratio 5:2:4.
brother’s house which is 24 km
If the largest share was from his
20 hectares of land, house. If he drives his car with a
what is the total are of speed of 60 kph, he will be there
the land? in 24
5.) A certain amount of minutes. If he makes his speed
slower to 40 kph, how long would
money is divided among
Rio, Kim and Leo in the take to reach his brother’s house?
ratio 5:7:3. If Leo gets A. 24 min. B. 28 min. C. 32 min.
Php 24,000.00, how D. 36 min.
much is the total 6. If three durian seedlings cost
amount? ₱20.00. How much is the cost for
twelve durian
A. ₱80 B. ₱100 C. ₱120 D. ₱140
7. During this pandemic the bus
fare for an 80 km trip is ₱65.00.
How much is
the bus fare for a 320 km trip?
A. ₱260 B. ₱360 C. ₱460 D.
8. If 6 women can trim a flower
garden in two days. How long will
3 women do
A. 4 days B. 5 days C. 10 days D.
20 days
9. A sack of food is enough to
cater 10 persons for 3 days. How
long will it last
for 5 persons?
A. 4.5 days B. 5 days C. 5.5 days
D. 6 days
10. It takes 5 sales representative
for 6 days to sell 5,000 boxes of
face mask.
If 2 more sales representative are
added, how long will it take them?
A. 2 days B. 3 days C. 4 days D. 5

J. Additional activities for Find the missing term of Find the missing term N following Solve the following problems
application or remediation the following proportions the steps. using the steps in solving
using the steps. problems involving
1. Shaina, Karyl and Michaela
inherited ₱1 200,000.00 from
their grandmother. If the
money is to be divided in the
ratio 2:4:6, how much is the
largest share?
2. Ten 4P’s parent can finish
packing relief goods in 6 hours.
How many 4P’s parents
are needed if the packing of the
same relief goods must be done
in 5 hours and if they
work at the same rate?
3. If Marlon can draw a portrait
in 3 hours, how many hours does
Marlon need to paint 4
4. A motorcycle needs 15 liters of
gasoline to travel 240 kilometers.
How much gasoline
is needed to travel 160
5. If the food in a fridge can feed
100 pupils in 60 days, how many
days will it take the
150 pupils to consume the food
in the fridge?
6. It took James 15 minutes to
walk from his house to
supermarket with a rate of 3
km/minute. If he will increase his
speed to 5 km./minute in going
home from
supermarket, how long will
James would take to reach
7. Mr. Warren Taboon wanted to
give 10% of his ₱480, 000.00
business profit to the 3
COVID-19 isolation center. If he
will give it in a ratio of 1 : 2 : 3,
how much money will
be given to each isolation center?
8. Lady Shaina is planning to give
a financial assistance to the 3
families in their
barangay. If she wants to give the
amount of ₱558, 000.00 in ratio
of 2 : 3 : 4, how
much would each family receive?
9. Jason wanted to place all 540
face mask in the 3 newly bought
boxes. If he wants to
divide it in a ratio of 1 : 2 : 3, how
many face mask would be in each
10. If James can pour in the 5
four-liter water containers in 10
minutes. How much time
is needed to let James pour in
the 25 four-liter water
A.No. of learners who
earned80%onthe formative
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D.No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G.What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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