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School West Palale National High School Grade Level 11

Teacher Ms. Rodchiel O. Gensaya Learning Area Oral Communication in Context

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates August 29- September 1 Quarter 1st
and Time

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4


A. Content Standards
The learner will be able to understand the nature and elements of oral communication in context.
The learner will be able to designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral communication activities based on
B. Performance Standard context.
C. Learning Competency/ MELC 1: Explains the functions, nature and process of communication
Objectives At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
Write the LC code for each.
1. be familiarized with the 1. define what communication 1. enumerate the elements of 1. complete the activities in the
course through subject is; communication; worksheet given.
orientation; 2. share in class their function 2. realize the value of
2. build connection with their in the society; and communication in a heated
peers and teacher through 3. classify the given prompts as situation; and
interactive activity; and to what function of 3. present a role play on the
3. practice communication communication it belongs. assigned function of
skills in introducing communication.
Subject Orientation Nature and Functions of Process and Elements of First Quarter Worksheet No. 1
II. CONTENT Communication Communication


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Oral Communication in Context Quarter 1 – Module 1: Definition and Process of Communication (pp.4-8)
2. Learning Materials pages Oral Communication in Context Quarter 1 – Module 1: Definition and Process of Communication (pp.4-8)
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from DepEd Official TV (Video Lesson SHS English Q1 Ep1: Oral Communication in Context)
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource

A. Reviewing previous lesson The teacher sets the The teacher administers Lights. Camera… Action!
or presenting the new lesson mood of the students through the learning area The students present The teacher administers
subject orientation. supplementary tool in English their brainstormed role play as the long quiz to monitor their
(30 minutes) a review of functions of learning and mastery of the
communication. first MELC.

(See Attachment C)
B. Establishing a purpose for The teacher The teacher presents The teacher introduces
the lesson enumerates the agenda for the the objectives of the lesson. the objectives of the lesson.
first day of class.
1. How do you feel?
2. Put your Finger Down
3. Subject Orientation Proper
4. 2 Truths and a Lie (Teacher
5. Never Have I Ever (building
connection with the students)
C. Presenting How do you feel? The teacher presents a It’s a Prank!
examples/Instances of the The teacher asks the podcast about communication The teacher together
new lesson
students how they feel at the and ask the following: with an accomplice student act
moment through the following 1. What is the subject in the the scenario below:
task: video?
Happy- Jump 2. How do you define The student is late in class so
Nervous- Hands on their Chest communication as part of your the teacher asks him/her the
Excited- Hands Up daily life? reason but the student is
Others- Hands sideward hesitant to speak and he/she
Communication Mentimeter walks out of class while the
The students supply teacher is still talking to
ideas about communication him/her.
using mentimeter application. Later, the teacher
reveals that it’s a prank and
asks the following question:
1. What problem arise from the
2. How can we avoid
3. How does communication
take place?
D. Discussing new concepts Put your Finger Down The teacher discusses The teacher discusses
and practicing new skills # 1
The students put their the nature of communication. the elements and process of
finger down if they can relate communication.
to the given situations:
1. Taken
2. Accidentally wore different
3. You haven’t eaten breakfast
4. You slept past 12 midnight
5. You brought your cellphone
in class
6. Your excited to meet Ma’am
E. Discussing new concepts Orientation Proper The teacher generates
and practicing new skills # 2 The teacher discusses students’ idea on their function
the following: in society.
1. Organizational Chart The teacher discusses
2. Class Schedule the functions of
3. Classroom Expectations communication.
4. Classroom Rules
5. Curriculum Overview
6. Learner’s Individual Record

F. Finding practical 2 Truths and a Lie Classify Me! What causes rain?
application of concepts and The teacher introduce The students classify The students generate
skills in daily living
herself by asking the students the given situations as to the process on what causes rain
play a game: 2 Truths and a functions of communication and relate it to how
Lie. they belong. communication works.
1. Doctors’ Prescription
“Take your medicine 3 times a
Parents’ Instruction to their
“Wash the dishes now, or else I
won’t allow you to go to the
party later.”
Friends giving advice on
what to do
“Move on. He doesn’t love you
2. Encouragement
“You can do it.”
Marriage Proposal
“Will you marry me?”
“Would you like some coffee,
tea, or me?”
3. “Did you know that there’s a
secret apartment at the top of
the Eiffel tower?”
4. “Work smarter not work
5. Appreciation
“I’m so glad that you came into
my life.”
“I like you so much!
“Are you false teeth? It’s
because I can’t smile without
G. Making generalizations Step up to the Line ft. Never The WOW sharer will The WOW sharer will
and abstractions about the Have I Ever recap the important points recap the important points
The teacher asks the learned from the lesson. learned from the lesson.
students play the game Never
Have I Ever to build connection
with them.
H. Evaluating learning It’s Your Turn! The teacher checks their The teacher gives a
Students introduce mastery of the topic by giving a multiple choice type of quiz.
themselves in front orally. true/false type of quiz. (see (see Attachment B)
attachment A)

Index of Mastery Index of Mastery

No. No. of Percentage No. No. of Percentage
of Students of Students
Items Items
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
Total Total
I. Additional activities for Assignment: Review for a long quiz
application or remediation In a group of five choose a tomorrow.
scenario that would best fit the
function of communication
assigned to your group and be
prepared to present it through
a role play.

Group 1- Regulation/Control
Group 2- Social interaction
Group 3- Motivation
Group 4- Information
Group 5- Emotional Expression

Relevance- 10
Delivery- 10
Props- 5
Total- 25



A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Subject Teacher SHS Coordinator Principal II
Attachment A
Directions: Identify whether the following statements are True or False. Write your complete answer on the space before the number.
_____1. Communication is the act of transferring information from one person, group, object, or place to another.
_____2. Communication can be expressed verbally, nonverbally, but not at the same time.
_____3. While communication can be perceived to occur between two or more people, it can also happen with oneself.
_____4. Communication is a process.
_____5. Barrier is an element of communication that helps make communication easier.

Key: True, False, True, True, False

Attachment B
Directions: Identify the Element of Communication. Read the statements and answer the questions correctly. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Samantha told her parents, “I want to be a doctor someday.” The words “I want to be a doctor someday” is what element of communication?
A. Message B. Encoding C. Sender D. Receiver
2. On the group chat the students informed their adviser about the class’ frustrations regarding a certain subject teacher. In this situation, what
element is the adviser?
A. Message B. Encoding C. Sender D. Receiver
3. Mark attended the online video conference with his workmates. He was having a hard time receiving the video and audio from the because his
internet connection is poor. What element is poor internet connection?
A. Feedback B. Sender C. Context D. Barrier
4. Dan wrote a letter for his best friend Shiela, thanking her for her kindness. What element is Dan?
A. Feedback B.Sender C. Context D. Barrier
5. During a class discussion, the students listen intently to their teacher. What element of communication is the classroom during class hours?
A. Feedback B.Sender C. Context D. Barrier

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