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1. Impunity freedom from punishment, They broke the law with (complete/total)
harm, or loss impunity
2. onus the responsibility for The onus is on employers to follow health
something. and safety laws.
3. irrevocably in a way that can never be The huge manuscript is unbound looseleaf
reversed, undone, or canceled; and there are no page numbers, so if you
permanently: drop it the whole thing is irrevocably
4. sordid involving immoral or I do not intend to go fully into the many
dishonourable actions and sordid incidents about which we read almost
motives daily in the newspapers.
5. dismantle verb The mechanic dismantled the engine to
take (a machine or structure) repair it
to pieces
6. impoverished into of a person or area) made poor The dictator enriched himself but
impoverished his people
7. elusive difficult to describe, find, The answers to these questions remain as
achieve, or remember: elusive as ever.
8. auspices with the help and support of The donation was made under the auspices
(someone or something) of the local historical society.
9. scepticism a sceptical attitude; doubt as to She regarded the researcher's claims with
the truth of something. skepticism
10. nagging question of ‫بہت سارے معامالت کا پریشان کن‬ Mom's always nagging me about my hair.
the many cases ‫سوال‬
11. redacted edited especially in order to The court redacted the names of the victims
obscure or remove sensitive on the charge sheet.
12. hurtle down move with great speed: The car hurtled down the highway
13. precipice a very steep side of a mountain He stood on the edge of the precipice.
or cliff.
14. despondency extremely low in spirits : sank into despondency while he was
dejection, hopelessness. unemployed.
15. irretrievably impossible to recover or get . The data was irretrievable after the
back computer crashed
16. consummate to make perfect To thrive in science, you must be both a
consummate collaborator and a relentless
17. alleys a narrow street She walked quickly down the alley
18. barred from to be blocked from entrance or They arrived at the house to find the door
not allowed to do something locked and barred.
19. primacy the fact of being pre-eminent London's primacy as a financial centre.
or most important.
20. efficacy The degree to which a method You might not like to eat it, but you can't
or medicine brings about a question the efficacy of broccoli as a health
specific result is its efficacy. benefit
21. arbitrariness not based on reason or I don't know why I chose that one; it was a
evidence. completely arbitrary decision.
22. impinges Have an an affect specially She didn't allow her personal problems to
negative impinge on her work.
23. back-and-forth repeated movement or The negotiations between the two countries
exchange between two points, went back and forth for weeks before
often indicating indecision, reaching a consensus
hesitation, or a lack of progress
24. consortium n. an association of companies A consortium plans to build a natural-gas
for some definite purpose. pipeline from Russia to supply eastern
25. lethargy n. weakness characterized by a She suffers from bouts of lethargy and
lack of vitality or energy 3. depression.
inactivity; showing an unusual
lack of energy.
26. snags an unexpected or hidden There are numerous hidden snags to this
obstacle rather crude formula, but the basic idea is
drawback sound
27. laxity n. 1. the condition of being The newspapers accused local police of laxity
physiologically lax 2. the quality in dealing with gamblers.
of being lax and neglectful.
28. underscores transitive verb These failures underscore the difficulty of
to make evident : EMPHASIZE, what we're attempting to do.

29. Redact to put in writing : FRAME They redacted a proclamation.

30. tannery noun Tanneries are normally located in places
a place where animal hides are where there is no other source of
tanned; the workshop of a employment.
31. remorse deep regret or guilt for a wrong After the argument, she was filled with
committed. remorse.
32. mope verb There's no point in sitting at home and
to be unhappy and unwilling to moping - get out there and find yourself
think or act in a positive way, another job!
especially because of a
33. endeovour try hard to do or achieve "he is endeavouring to help the Third World

34. unfathomable impossible to comprehend His behavior is completely unfathomable.

35. skewed distorted from a true value or The selection seems heavily skewed towards
symmetrical form the low-end.
36. subtleties not loud, bright, noticeable, or The room was painted a subtle shade of pink
obvious in any way:
37. portended INDICATE, SIGNIFY The distant thunder portended a storm.
38. plague disease, calamity, or natural The country was hit by a plague of natural
evil disasters that year.
: to cause worry or distress to :
: to disturb or annoy
39. Concessioner something that is allowed or Both sides involved in the conflict made some
given up, often in order to end concessions in yesterday's talks
a disagreement, or the act of
allowing or giving this:

 Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act, 2010

 lobal warming is likely to exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius this century
 It is time to move beyond power, politics, policy and profit to look at the
human angle of the unfolding tragedy and remember the moral compact
that served as the backbone of the Paris Agreement to bring parties
together. With the clock ticking, it is time to cut to the chase and decide
if all lives are equal or other considerations play a role in the human
security calculus. The bar on expectation is diminishing fast, pushing
some nations closer to the edge. It is time for an honest reset.
 The ECP has announced that elections will be held in January next year.
We desperately need a credible and transparent election in order to end
political instability. This places a huge responsibility on the shoulders of
the ECP and the political parties. Allegations or reports of vote-rigging,
ballot stuffing, intimidation at polling stations, and abuse of state
resources undermine the credibility of the electoral process. Hence, it is
important to properly monitor the electoral process and respond to any
complaints swiftly.
 it is essential for the authorities to address this matter urgently
 Several high-profile incidents of rape and sexual harassment have
shown that women are increasingly unsafe in Pakistan. It is essential that
we take strong steps to resolve this problem and try to make our
country more secure for women.
 This letter refers to the editorial ‘Silencing criticism’ (October 2, 2023).
Pakistan’s track record on press freedom is quite pathetic. It ranks 150
out of 180 countries on the World Press Freedom Index. The Peca bill, in
my opinion, was basically a tool to use against journalists and successive
governments have only made the law more draconian. The majority of
journalists are highly responsible and observe the relevant rules and
regulations and the laws should not impede them from speaking the
 A free press is vital to the overall wellbeing of the nation.
 The added burden of higher electricity bills can significantly impact
household budgets and financial planning.
 The technological advancements of the developed world have begun to
eclipse these freelancing opportunities. The introduction of platforms
like ChatGPT, Midjourney, OpenAI Codex, and Emotion AI has rendered
many freelancing jobs obsolete. Predictions for 2024 suggest that the
rise of AI will further diminish freelancing opportunities.
 Pakistan is in need of a transparent and meritorious privatisation deal.
It goes without saying that we ruined our national assets owing to our
laxity, corruption and unprofessional sense of ad hocism.
 Apart from breathing life into some of the vital assets, rather than
jumping over the gun to throw them away for peanuts, what needs to
be done is to erect a sound legal and prudent decision-making forum
for ensuring the right prize for the dwindling assets at hand. The Bank
has curiously also questioned the soundness of legal judgments in big-
ticket projects that have come to derail the entire inertia and trust. Time
to rewrite a new privatisation decorum.

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