Toughest Words in English
Toughest Words in English
Toughest Words in English
Terms Definitions
Agog highly excited
Piquancy pleasantly stimulating or exciting to the mind.
Caucus meeting where party leaders are elected and strategy is determined
Augury sign of what will happen, omen
Tandem coming one after another
Rhapsodize to express oneself in an immoderately enthusiastic manner.
importance, significance; superiority, supremacy; distinctiveness,
state of being distinguished; advantage
Tenacity firmness or persistence
Nave central part of the church
below 3 kilohertz; Synonym : extremely low frequency. Extremely
Low Frequency)
Obtain PREVAIL, be in force. for e.g. rules obtaining in other jurisdictions
Palter to act insincerely or deceitfully
Discommode to cause inconvenience to : TROUBLE
Entrench establish so firmly that change is difficult :
Mulish unreasonably and inflexibly obstinate like a mule
Inveigh to protest or complain bitterly or vehemently : RAIL
Imbue fill with a feeling or quality
Xerophagy fast which includes the eating of dry foods only
refusing or likely to refuse to proceed, act, or function as directed or
blandishment something that tends to coax or cajole : ALLUREMENT
Surly gruff; bad : tempered and unfriendly
Ennui feeling of listlessness, boredom, and dissatifaction
Ream 500 sheets of paper
Ladle a long handled spoon with a deep bowl for serving soup, stew etc
Speculative risky; based on guesswork rather than knowledge
Ensnare keep someone in a situation from which they canot escape
Ensue to follow as a consequence or result
Knoll a small rounded hill or mound; a hillock
Incontrovertible impossible to dispute; unquestionable
courage or nerve . the ability to face difficulty with spirit and
courage; aggressive energy
Tintinnabulation the ringing or sounding of bells
a length of thread or yarn wound in a loose long coil; a flock of geese
or similar birds in flight
hardened sugary exudation of various trees; food that God gave the
Israelites during the exodus
Stentorian extremely loud
Vicissitude a change or variation. The quality of being changeable; mutability
strict observance of or insistence on traditional correctness, especially
of language
Japery acting like a clown or buffoon; a trick or practical joke
Dolorous marked by or exhibiting sorrow, grief, or pain
damage, injury, or a wrongful act done willfully, negligently, or in
circumstances involving strict liability, but not involving breach.
Pettifogger a petty, quibbling, unscrupulous lawyer. One who quibbles over trivia
Slatternly slovenly; untidy
Muckrake to search for and expose misconduct in public life.
Mordant bitingly sarcastic
Francophile a person who admires France, its people, or its culture
characterized by firm and unwavering conviction; a plane rectangle
Foursquare with four equal sides and four right angles; a four : sided regular
Enfeoff to invest with a feudal estate or fee
Ineluctable impossible to avoid or evade
Malfeasance misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official
a chronically dissatisfied person; one who rebels against the
established system; discontented as toward authority
Hull the dry outer covering of a fruit, seed, or nut; body of a ship
A time unit equal to 1000000 years; used in reference to evolutionary
Votary One zealously devoted to a religion
Croon To sing softly or in a humming way
A traitor who serves as the puppet of the enemy occupying his or her
Termagant A person, traditionally a woman, who persistently nags or criticizes
A small, often select group of persons who associate with one another
Lacking variety or excitement; dull; boring , dull; monotonous talk or
Happenstance An unexpected random event
a unit of wood cut for fuel equal to a stack 4 x 4 x 8 feet or 128 cubic
feet . To pile (wood) in cords; a line made of twisted fibers or threads
A tranquilizer (trade name Valium) used to relieve anxiety and relax
A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Aquila and
The most central and material part; the choicest or most essential or
most vital part of some idea or experience
Food for domestic animals; fodder. The act of looking or searching
for food or provisions
A unit of volume or capacity in the US Customary System, used in
liquid measure, equal to / 4 gallon or 32 ounces
A husk, pod, or shell, as of a pea, hickory nut, or ear of corn. The
shell of an oyster or clam
Of, relating to, or tending to eliminate; tending to cleanse or purge,
especially causing evacuation of the bowels
Frisky Playful
Quatrain A stanza or poem of four lines
Vulgaris Being of the usual type; common
Frill Something costly and unnecessary
A path or strip; the space created by the swing of a scythe or the cut
of a mowing machine
Sagittal Of or relating to the suture uniting the two parietal bones of the skull;
Pelf Wealth or riches, especially when dishonestly acquired
Stultify cause to feel bored or enervated. 2)cause to appear foolish or absurd
Of, relating to, or using an intermittent asymmetrical alternating
electric current produced by an induction coil
To support slavishly every opinion or suggestion of a superior; to
behave in a servile or demeaning manner
A shallow part of a body of water : shallow; measuring little from
bottom to top or surface, a large number of fish swimming together.
Glut To fill beyond capacity, especially with food; satiate
Having an abnormally pale or wan complexion; lacking intensity of
color or luminousness
Batten Grow fat,thrive upon others
Conch Large seashell
Ingenue An artless girl;an actress who plays such parts
Orison Prayer
Rambunctious Boisterous and disorderly
Carpophagous Feeding on fruit; fruit : eating
A coarse sturdy cloth made of cotton and flax; pretentious speech or
writing; pompous language; pompous, bombastic, and ranting
A strong uneasiness caused by a sense of guilt; a feeling of regret for
one's sins or misdeeds; a feeling of uncertainty about the fitness or
correctness of an action; regret, sorrow
Carrying inward to a central organ or section, as nerves that conduct
Afferent impulses from the periphery of the body to the brain or spinal cord;
transmitting impulses from sense organs to nerve centers
To allege or prove insane and so not legally responsible; cause to
Stultify appear foolish; deprive of strength or efficiency; make useless or
worthless; cripple
Instate to set or establish in a rank or office:INSTALL
To become or make much less or smaller; dwindle; to become or
Shrivel make shrunken and wrinkled, often by drying; to lose or cause to lose
vitality or intensity; dehydrate, dry up
Having or showing a clever awareness and resourcefulness in
practical matters; secretive; wary; careful; shrewd
Cadge To beg or get by begging, BEGGAR, bummer, moocher, panhandler
Given to or marked by the consumption of alcoholic drink; very
Bibulous absorbent, as paper or soil; inclined to drink; of or relating to drink or
Pretentious, pompous speech or writing; a coarse sturdy cloth made
of cotton and flax; pompous or pretentious talking or writing
Land left unseeded during a growing season; inactive; plowed but left
unseeded during a growing season : fallow farmland
To confine within or as if within walls; imprison; lock up or confine,
in or as in a jail
The scene of a final battle between the forces of good and evil,
Armageddon prophesied to occur at the end of the world; a decisive or catastrophic
A mixture of materials, forms, motifs, and/or styles; often
incongruous; dramatic, literary, or musical piece openly imitating the
previous works of other artists, often with satirical intent; an artistic
effort that imitates or caricatures the work of another artist
A substance used in a chemical reaction to detect, measure, examine,
or produce other substances
Cow To frighten with threats or a show of force; browbeat, intimidate;
To decrease, as in length or amount, by or as if by severing or
excising; to hang limply, loosely, and carelessly; cut off from a whole
Jejune Not interesting; dull; lacking maturity; childish; lacking in nutrition
A small glass bottle for holding a condiment, such as vinegar or oil; a
Cruet small vessel for holy water or for water or wine used in the
consecration of the Eucharist
To make impossible, as by action taken in advance; prevent; to
exclude or prevent (someone) from a given condition or activity
A bunion is an abnormal enlargement of the joint; a painful, inflamed
Bunion swelling of the bursa at the first joint of the big toe, characterized by
enlargement of the joint and lateral displacement of the toe
1) a home providing care for the sick or terminally ill. 2) a lodging for
travellers, especially one run by a religious order
A German, especially a German soldier; offensive terms for a person
of German descent
To gather grain left behind by reapers; to collect (something) bit by
bit; gather facts in small quantities
Gruffness A throaty harshness; an abrupt discourteous manner
A vessel in which substances are crushed or ground with a pestle; a
machine in which materials are ground and blended or crushed; an
ancient field weapon that fires a projectile in a high arch to reach an
impact point; plastic material to bond stones and bricks together
One that is extraordinarily large and powerful; any large animal, as a
Leviathan whale; a monstrous sea creature mentioned in the Bible; something
unusually large of its kind, especially a ship
The condition of being fully supplied or completely filled; a state of
excessive fullness
A mythical monster of varying descriptions; any of several cetaceans
especialy the grampus of the dolphin family
To put ashore on a deserted island or coast and intentionally abandon;
to abandon or isolate with little hope of ready rescue or escape; a
fugitive Black slave in the West Indies in the 17th and 18th centuries;
a dark reddish brown to dark purplish red
A festival or religious holiday, especially a saint's day celebrated in
Spanish : speaking countries
In a joyful, cheerful, or happy manner; merrily; with bright colors or
trimmings; showily
The fidelity owed by a vassal to his feudal lord. The oath of such
To settle (oneself) securely or comfortably; to place or conceal in a
secure place; hide; tuck away; fix firmly
A person bound by vows to live a life of religious worship or service;
a faithful follower; an enthusiast
The act of demurring, especially a mild, polite, or considered
Demurral expression of opposition; a formal objection to an opponent's
To condescend to grant or bestow (a privilege, for example); deign; to
Vouchsafe let have as a favor, prerogative, or privilege; to descend to a level
considered inappropriate to one's dignity; ose; grant
conditionally released from jail; pledge or promise made by a
prisoner that he will obey the terms of his release
A celestial being having three pairs of wings; the first of the nine
orders of angels in medieval angelology
Fabric a structure or framework
1) a roll of fabric, originally as a measure 2) run away suddenly3 )
BAR, LOCK, catch, latch, fastener
Suppliant Asking humbly and earnestly; beseeching; one praying humbly for
Disagreeable to the sense of hearing; making or causing a harsh and
irritating sound; characterized by rough motion
A long angry or violent speech, usually of a censorious or
denunciatory nature; a diatribe
To gather grain left behind by reapers; to collect (something) bit by
To give up completely; to desert; careless disregard for consequences;
Abandon leave behind, relinquish; leave in troubled state; careless, often
reckless disregard for consequences
Rancour A feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill : will
To violate the sacredness of; profane; spoil or mar the sanctity of;
abuse, violate
A group of four musicians or singers; also, a piece of music for four
Quartet instruments or voices; composition for four voices or four instruments
or four parts; four performers or singers who perform together
Not physically steady or firm; unsound, broken : down; shaky; likely
to fall apart
A group of three; a chord of three tones, especially one built on a
Triad given root tone plus a major or minor third and a perfect fifth; set of
three similar things considered as a unit
Contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; absurd; ridiculous,
Preposterous bizarre; completely devoid of wisdom or good sense; senseless as to
be laughable
Puckish Mischievous; impish; naughtily or annoyingly playful
Delusion An erroneous perception of reality; misconception, misbelief
Self : confident assurance; poise; assurance of manner or of action; a
firm belief in one's own powers; stable, calm state of the emotions
A state of reduced or suspended sensibility; state of mental numbness,
as that resulting from shock; a daze; condition of dullness, often
resulting from stress; unconsciousness
A newly married man who was previously considered a confirmed
A facility where trees and shrubs are cultivated for exhibition;
botanical garden primarily devoted to trees and woody plants,
forming a living collection of trees intended at least partly for
scientific study
A habitually complaining or irritable person; a grumbling or sulky
mood; complaint; a grudge
Strong criticism; a critical or censorious remark; harsh criticism or
Crude; unrefined; awkward or clumsy; ungraceful; archaic; foreign;
unfamiliar; clumsy, uncultivated; lacking in delicacy or refinement
Place of origin; derivation; the history of the ownership of an object,
especially when documented or authenticated