Voucher Wings of Time 22 Jun
Voucher Wings of Time 22 Jun
Voucher Wings of Time 22 Jun
Traveloka Booking ID
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Please go to the next page to find your voucher.
*This activity voucher is provided by our partner. If you have any issues, please contact our Customer Service team.
Present this voucher Please note that all Visitor name used at the
with proper identification times shown are in local time of booking is
at check-in. destination time. required to redeem
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+62-804-150-0308 cs@traveloka.com
Redemption Address
Present this voucher at one of the designated Sentosa Ticketing Counters or Kiosk:
VivoCity Station 怡丰城捷运站 (previously called Sentosa Station) Lobby L, Level 3 (9:00am to
Beach Station 海 滩捷运站 (9:00am to 9:00pm)
Imbiah Forecourt 英比奥广场前 (9:00am to 6:00pm)
Imbiah Lookout 英比奥山顶景区 (10:00am to 7:00pm)
Merlion Plaza 鱼尾狮广场 (9:00am to 8:00pm)
Sentosa Boardwalk 圣淘沙跨海步行道 (9:00am to 5:00pm)
Resorts World Station 名胜世界捷运站 (previously called Waterfront Station) (9:00am to