Voucher 1106357573
Voucher 1106357573
Voucher 1106357573
Please find your voucher on the next page.
Cannot be refunded
No need to reserve
Refund information can be found under the "Cancellation Policy" section on My Booking.
Present this voucher Please note that all Visitor name used at the
with proper identification times shown are in local time of booking is
at check-in. destination time. required to redeem
No need to
Need a Helping Hand? Please have your Traveloka Booking ID handy when contacting us.
Ensure that your Traveloka voucher is ready before entering the venue.
Show or scan the Traveloka voucher on your phone at the receptionist on floor B1. Please adjust the brightness
of your mobile phone screen before scanning the QR code on your voucher.
Only your Traveloka voucher is valid. Your payment receipt or proof of payment may not be used to enter.
Redeem your voucher before 21:00.
Operational hours may vary. Check the latest operational hours, event schedules, and FAQs with Vincom
Landmark 81.
This booking is non-refundable. This policy applies once your booking is confirmed.
All tickets in the same booking must be used on the same day according to the type of ticket purchased,
Weekday tickets must be used during the week (Monday – Friday), Weekend tickets must be used on the
weekend (Saturday & Sunday) and public holidays.
A surcharge may apply in the event you use weekend tickets during the weekend and/or public holidays.
Children below 100 cm in height may enter free of charge by showing a valid ID.
The VR session is only applicable for visitors aged 5 and above.
Children must be accompanied by a paying adult.
Vincom Landmark 81 reserves the right to deny entry to visitors who are unable to present a valid ID.
Need a Helping Hand? Please have your Traveloka Booking ID handy when contacting us.
No Reservation Needed
You don’t need to make any reservation before visiting. However, you can find this partner’s contact details in the
section below.
Got Questions?
For any further assistance, please contact our Customer Service. We’re more than happy to help you with your
Need a Helping Hand? Please have your Traveloka Booking ID handy when contacting us.
No need to
Need a Helping Hand? Please have your Traveloka Booking ID handy when contacting us.
Ensure that your Traveloka voucher is ready before entering the venue.
Show or scan the Traveloka voucher on your phone at the receptionist on floor B1. Please adjust the brightness
of your mobile phone screen before scanning the QR code on your voucher.
Only your Traveloka voucher is valid. Your payment receipt or proof of payment may not be used to enter.
Redeem your voucher before 21:00.
Operational hours may vary. Check the latest operational hours, event schedules, and FAQs with Vincom
Landmark 81.
This booking is non-refundable. This policy applies once your booking is confirmed.
All tickets in the same booking must be used on the same day according to the type of ticket purchased,
Weekday tickets must be used during the week (Monday – Friday), Weekend tickets must be used on the
weekend (Saturday & Sunday) and public holidays.
A surcharge may apply in the event you use weekend tickets during the weekend and/or public holidays.
Children below 100 cm in height may enter free of charge by showing a valid ID.
The VR session is only applicable for visitors aged 5 and above.
Children must be accompanied by a paying adult.
Vincom Landmark 81 reserves the right to deny entry to visitors who are unable to present a valid ID.
Need a Helping Hand? Please have your Traveloka Booking ID handy when contacting us.
No Reservation Needed
You don’t need to make any reservation before visiting. However, you can find this partner’s contact details in the
section below.
Got Questions?
For any further assistance, please contact our Customer Service. We’re more than happy to help you with your
Need a Helping Hand? Please have your Traveloka Booking ID handy when contacting us.