Pre Test With Answers
Pre Test With Answers
Pre Test With Answers
1. The category "T" in the TNM system stands B. The client asks questions.
for: C. The client hears thumping sounds.
D. The client wears a watch and wedding band.
A. Time
B. Tumor (primary) 6. The community nurse is conducting a health
C. Tissue (primary) promotion program at a local school and is
D. Tumor (secondary) discussing the risk factors associated with cancer.
Which of the following, if identified by the client
2. True or False: All forms of cancer use the as a risk factor, indicates a need for further
same grading system. instructions?
36. Which stage of cancer is called metastatic 40. The nurse is interviewing a male client about
cancer and means the cancer has spread to other his past medical history. Which preexisting
parts of the body beyond where the cancer condition may lead the nurse to suspect that a
started? client has colorectal cancer?
A. perform breast self-examination annually. 48. A female client with cancer is being evaluated
B. have a mammogram annually. for possible metastasis. Which of the following is
C. have a hormonal receptor assay annually. one of the most common metastasis sites for
D. have a physician conduct a clinical cancer cells?
examination every 2 years.
A. Liver
45. Nurse April is teaching a group of women to B. Colon
perform breast self-examination. The nurse C. Reproductive tract
should explain that the purpose of performing D. White blood cells (WBCs)
the examination is to discover:
49. For a female client newly diagnosed with
A. cancerous lumps. radiation-induced thrombocytopenia, the nurse
B. areas of thickness or fullness. should include which intervention in the plan of
C. changes from previous self-examinations. care?
D. fibrocystic masses.
A. Administering aspirin if the temperature
exceeds 102° F (38.8° C)
B. Inspecting the skin for petechiae once every
C. Providing for frequent rest periods 54. The category "M" in the TNM system gives
D. Placing the client in strict isolation detail about:
50. A client had undergone radiation A. if the cancer has spread to other parts of the
therapy(external). The expected side effects body and if this is the case, how much and the
include the following apart from? location of it
B. the number and location of the lymph nodes
A. Hair loss that have cancer
B. Ulceration of oral mucous membranes C. the size of the tumor that is growing into
C. Constipation other tissues
D. Headache D. if the cancer cells appear abnormal
51. Nurse Lucia is providing breast cancer 55. Which TNM classification has the poorest
education at a community facility. The American prognosis?
Cancer Society recommends that women get
mammograms: A. T0N0M0
B. T2N2M1
A. yearly after age 40. C. T4N1M0
B. after the birth of the first child and every 2 D. T4N3M1
years thereafter.
C. after the first menstrual period and annually
D. every 3 years between ages 20 and 40 and
annually thereafter.
A. 1 minute
B. 3 minutes
C. 5 minutes
D. 10 minutes