Fpubh 10 951818
Fpubh 10 951818
Fpubh 10 951818
OPEN ACCESS vaccination-related behavior
patterns among healthcare
Qiushi Chen,
The Pennsylvania State University
(PSU), United States
workers and the association
Jiajing Li,
Guangdong Provincial People’s
Hospital, China
with self-directed learning
An Pan,
Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, China
frequency: A nationwide
Heejung Son,
University of Georgia Athens, cross-sectional survey
United States, in collaboration with
reviewer AP
*CORRESPONDENCE Yuan Ma1† , Xuan Han1† , Wei Li2 , Yuan Yang1 , Yunshao Xu1 ,
Luzhao Feng
Di Liu3 , Weizhong Yang1 , Luzhao Feng1* and Libing Ma1,4*
Libing Ma 1
School of Population Medicine and Public Health, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and
Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China, 2 Center for Applied Statistics and School of Statistics,
Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, 3 “Breath Circles” Network Platform, Beijing, China,
These authors have contributed 4
Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, The Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical
equally to this work
University, Guilin, China
This article was submitted to
Family Medicine and Primary Care,
a section of the journal
Background: Healthcare workers play an essential role in improving the
Frontiers in Public Health public’s vaccination uptake, but the full picture of such workers’ engagement
RECEIVED 24 May 2022 in vaccination-related behaviors has not been appropriately identified.
ACCEPTED 06 October 2022 According to the Integrated Theory of Health Behavior Change, self-directed
PUBLISHED 21 October 2022
learning may be a promising intervention for fostering engagement in
vaccination-related behaviors, but the association between self-directed
Ma Y, Han X, Li W, Yang Y, Xu Y, Liu D,
Yang W, Feng L and Ma L (2022) learning and such behaviors remains unclear. This study aimed to
Self-reported vaccination-related determine Chinese healthcare workers’ level of engagement in behaviors
behavior patterns among healthcare
workers and the association with for combatting vaccine-preventable diseases and assess the association
self-directed learning frequency: A between frequency of performing vaccine-focused SDL and engagement in
nationwide cross-sectional survey.
vaccination-related behaviors.
Front. Public Health 10:951818.
doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.951818 Materials and methods: An online cross-sectional survey was conducted from
COPYRIGHT January 27 to February 21, 2022, using the survey platform “wjx.” Respondents
© 2022 Ma, Han, Li, Yang, Xu, Liu, were restricted to healthcare workers aged 18–65 years. A Sankey diagram
Yang, Feng and Ma. This is an
open-access article distributed under and bar plots were constructed to determine patterns of engagement in a
the terms of the Creative Commons vaccination-related-behavior chain. Unconditional binary logistic regression
Attribution License (CC BY). The use,
distribution or reproduction in other
models were fitted to determine the association between frequency of
forums is permitted, provided the performing vaccine-focused self-directed learning and engagement in
original author(s) and the copyright vaccination-related behaviors.
owner(s) are credited and that the
original publication in this journal is Results: Of the 2,248 survey respondents, data for 2,065 were analyzed.
cited, in accordance with accepted
Participants who had received influenza or pneumococcal vaccination,
academic practice. No use, distribution
or reproduction is permitted which routinely recommended vaccination to patients, tracked patients’ vaccination
does not comply with these terms. status, and recommended efficiently accounted for 43.2%, 50.8%, 40.3%, and
36.4% of the total participants, respectively. When only considering those
who routinely made such recommendations, the proportion of those who
increasing self-regulation skills and abilities, and enhancing Medical College, Beijing, China (CAMS&PUMC-IEC-2022-
social facilitation (16). To improve HCWs’ vaccine uptake 019). All participants had provided informed consent forms to
and rate of recommendation of vaccines to patients, it would be interviewed before logging in to fill out the questionnaire.
be insufficient to merely develop a training program that The survey comprised three sections: (1) Sociodemographic
focuses only on enhancing HCWs’ knowledge and beliefs information (age, sex, education, years of professional
about vaccination (although such efforts have previously been experience, etc.,); (2) Vaccination-related knowledge, beliefs,
reported to increase engagement in vaccination behaviors) and recommendation behaviors (frequency of performing
(5, 15). Person-centered interventions are needed to achieve vaccine-focused SDL, topics of interest, approaches
all three components of the Integrated Theory of Health used to acquire knowledge, frequency of recommending
Behavior Change (16) and, notably, such interventions have vaccination to others, etc.,); (3) Vaccination against respiratory
previously been found to be more effective than standardized infectious diseases (whether respondents had received
interventions for enhancing health-behavior change (17, 18). influenza/pneumococcal vaccines, etc.,). We focused on
Self-directed learning (SDL) is a typical person-centered vaccines related to respiratory infectious diseases (influenza
intervention, and is defined as a process by which individuals and pneumococcal vaccines) when asking HCWs about their
take the initiative, with or without the assistance of others, behavior of receiving vaccinations because (1) HCWs who
in diagnosing their learning needs, formulating learning work in healthcare settings are more likely to have respiratory
goals, identifying human and material resources to assist infections or transmit infection to their patients; (2) HCWs
their learning, choosing and implementing appropriate are considered to be a target group for seasonal influenza
learning strategies, and evaluating learning outcomes (19). vaccination by WHO (7), and those who work in hospitals are
It is also considered a promising lifelong learning approach provided free influenza vaccinations in China (21). However,
in the medicine field (20). Therefore, vaccine-focused SDL we did not limit types of vaccines when involving behaviors
could be a more effective and sustainable means of fostering related to recommending vaccinations because HCWs from
greater engagement in vaccination-related behaviors, but non-respiratory departments or non-hospital institutions
few studies have evaluated the association between SDL and may prefer to recommend other vaccines, such as human
such engagement. papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, haemophilus influenza type b
Therefore, to obtain a comprehensive understanding of (Hib) vaccine, etc. The inclusion criterion for participants was
HCWs’ role in combatting vaccine-preventable diseases in being a HCW aged 18–65 years.
China and evaluate the association of vaccine-focused SDL The surveyed provinces were divided into three geographic
with it, this study aimed to (1) investigate the characteristics regions (eastern, central, and western regions) to reflect the
of Chinese HCWs’ engagement in the vaccination-related- regional economic development, according to the National
behavior chain, and (2) assess the association between frequency Bureau of Statistics of China (22). Eastern regions have
of performing vaccine-focused SDL and engagement in higher economic level and include Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei,
vaccination-related behaviors. Liaoning, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong,
Guangdong, and Hainan. Central regions include Shanxi,
Jilin, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, and Hunan.
Western regions include less developed provinces (autonomous
Materials and methods regions, municipalities): Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Chongqing,
Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu, and Qinghai.
Study design
For this study, an online cross-sectional survey was jointly Outcome measures
designed and conducted by the School of Population Medicine
and Public Health, the Chinese Academy of Medical Science The vaccination-related-behavior chain was defined as
& Peking Union Medical College, and the “Breath Circles” receiving vaccinations, regularly recommending vaccinations to
platform. The “Breath Circles” platform is a media platform patients, tracking the vaccination status of patients who have
for HCWs with 235,000 subscribers in mainland China. The been recommended to obtain a vaccine, and determining the
survey was published using the online survey platform “wjx” efficiency of one’s recommendations (i.e., the ratio of patients
(https://www.wjx.cn) on January 27, 2022, with a link to the who received a vaccine after being recommended to do so).
questionnaire being posted on the “Breath Circles” platform. The four elements were selected as indicators to evaluate
Data collection finished on February 21, 2022, as no further the level of engagement in vaccination-related behaviors, and
responses were submitted after this date. This study protocol and the latter three behaviors related to recommendation were
questionnaire are approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of considered sequential. However, receiving vaccinations and
the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Pecking Union recommending vaccinations were not necessarily in order
because it is reasonable that some HCWs recommend vaccines regression models were used. In these models, frequency of
regularly to others without receiving influenza or pneumococcal performing vaccine-focused SDL was set as the independent
vaccines themselves, though studies have suggested that variable, and being vaccinated (influenza or pneumococcal),
vaccination uptake could be a driving factor in recommending routinely recommending vaccination, tracking the vaccination
vaccinations (9). status of patients recommended to receive a vaccine, and
Frequency of performing vaccine-focused SDL was recommendation efficiency were set as dependent variables.
categorized as follows: “at least once a day,” “at least once a Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were
week,” “at least once a month,” “at least once every 6 months,” “at calculated, and the group with the lowest frequency of
least once a year,” and “never”. Considering the relatively small performing vaccine-focused SDL was set as the reference
number of people in each group, we combined these frequencies group. Linear trend tests were also performed by modeling
into four groups: “more than once/week,” “once/month to the ordered categories of vaccine-focused SDL frequency as
less than once/week,” “once/six months to once/month,” and a continuous variable in multivariate models, with the Wald
“never to once/six months” respectively. Participants were test for hypothesis testing (23, 24). To check the robustness
classified as having received the influenza vaccine if they of our results, logistic regression models were also fitted for
had been vaccinated for influenza during any of the latest participants who work in hospitals.
two flu seasons (this was to allow for the potential influence Data analyses were performed using SAS (version 9.4;
of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 [COVID-19] Pandemic SAS Institute Inc.), R (version 4.1.3; R Core team 2022), and
on respondents’ ability to receive vaccinations for other RStudio (version 2022.2.1.461; RStudio Team, 2022), applying
diseases). Frequency of recommending vaccines to others was the “ggplot2” and “eulerr” packages. All statistical tests were
categorized as follows: “routinely,” “occasionally,” and “never”. two-sided, with p < 0.05 being considered to represent
The latter two groups were combined into the single group statistical significance.
“not routinely” because of the limited sample size for these two
groups. The efficiency of recommendations was categorized
as follows: “all were vaccinated,” “most were vaccinated,” “a
small number were vaccinated,” “none were vaccinated,” and Results
“unclear”. In the subsequent analysis, respondents who reported
that all or most of their patients received vaccinations were Sociodemographic characteristics of the
classified into the group “efficient recommendation,” while study population
the remaining respondents were classified into the group
“inefficient recommendation”. Those who responded “unclear” Overall, 2,248 questionnaires were returned. After excluding
were excluded. respondents who were younger or older than the target age
(18–65 years) and those who provided illogical answers,
there remained 2,065 questionnaires for analysis. This
Statistical analysis sample covered 162 cities across 28 provinces (autonomous
regions, municipalities) of mainland China. Most respondents
The participants’ basic characteristics were described in were from western regions (64.21%), those from eastern
terms of their frequencies of performing vaccine-focused regions and central regions accounted for 15.35% and
SDL. Continuous variables and categorical variables were 20.44%, respectively.
represented using means ± standard deviations (SDs) [or The characteristics of the participants, categorized in terms
medians (25th -75th percentile)] and counts (percentage), of their frequency of performing vaccine-focused SDL are
respectively. Analysis of variance (or nonparametric tests) shown in Table 1. The average age of the sample was 36.88
and chi-squared tests were used to examine the differences ± 9.35 years, and the median years of professional experience
across groups. The Nightingale Rose Chart was used to were 12.00 (5.00–20.00). Overall, 1,701 (82.4%) participants
categorize the learning topics and sources of those with worked in hospitals, of whom 11.4, 22.7, and 66.0% worked
different SDL frequencies. A Sankey diagram was created to in primary, secondary, and tertiary hospitals, respectively.
show the flow of participants with different SDL frequencies The remaining 364 participants worked in other institutions,
along the behavior chain. Additionally, to explicitly compare including community health centers (7.6%), Centers for Disease
patterns of engagement in vaccination-related behaviors Control, and Prevention (3.3%), medical colleges or research
among participants with different characteristics, bar plots institutes (4.7%), and “others” (2.3%). The participants who
were constructed. performed vaccine-focused SDL more frequently tended to
To investigate the association between frequency be younger, have less professional experience, have lower
of performing vaccine-focused SDL and engagement in educational attainment, work in lower-level hospitals, and
vaccination-related behaviors, unconditional binary logistic engage in vaccination-related work.
Age (years), Mean ± SD 36.88 ± 9.35 36.32 ± 9.94 37.89 ± 8.82 38.06 ± 8.64 35.47 ± 9.55 <0.001
Age group (years), n (%) <0.001
<30 467 (22.62) 158 (26.51) 109 (17.19) 54 (15.88) 146 (29.49)
30–39 786 (38.06) 213 (35.74) 255 (40.22) 134 (39.41) 184 (37.17)
40–49 592 (28.67) 162 (27.18) 201 (31.70) 111 (32.65) 118 (23.84)
≥50 220 (10.65) 63 (10.57) 69 (10.88) 41 (12.06) 47 (9.49)
Sex, n (%) 0.125
Male 691 (33.46) 195 (32.72) 197 (31.07) 131 (38.53) 168 (33.94)
Female 1374 (66.54) 401 (67.28) 437 (68.93) 209 (61.47) 327 (66.06)
Professional experience years, 12.00 (5.00–20.00) 10.00 (5.00–20.00) 12.00 (7.00–20.00) 13.00 (7.00–21.00) 10.00 (4.00–17.00) <0.001
Median (Q1–Q3)
Professional experience years, n (%) <0.001
<5 419 (20.47) 132 (22.34) 93 (14.86) 58 (17.11) 136 (27.70)
5–9 379 (18.51) 126 (21.32) 104 (16.61) 54 (15.93) 95 (19.35)
10–14 428 (20.91) 96 (16.24) 159 (25.40) 75 (22.12) 98 (19.96)
15–19 283 (13.83) 82 (13.87) 89 (14.22) 47 (13.86) 65 (13.24)
≥20 538 (26.28) 155 (26.23) 181 (28.91) 105 (30.97) 97 (19.76)
Educational attainment <0.001
Bachelor’s degree and below 1,581 (76.56) 510 (85.57) 481 (75.87) 246 (72.35) 344 (69.49)
Master’s degree and above 484 (23.44) 86 (14.43) 153 (24.13) 94 (27.65) 151 (30.51)
Institution, n (%)
Hospital 1,701 (82.37) 464 (77.85) 534 (84.23) 295 (86.76) 408 (82.42)
Community health center 157 (7.60) 61 (10.23) 54 (8.52) 17 (5.00) 25 (5.05)
CDC 68 (3.29) 30 (5.03) 14 (2.21) 12 (3.53) 12 (2.42)
Medical schools or research institutes 97 (4.70) 29 (4.87) 22 (3.47) 11 (3.24) 35 (7.07)
Others 42 (2.03) 12 (2.01) 10 (1.58) 5 (1.47) 15 (3.03)
Occupation, n (%) <0.001
Doctor 1,111 (54.92) 284 (48.63) 368 (58.97) 197 (58.81) 262 (54.58)
Nurse 530 (26.20) 191 (32.71) 159 (25.48) 78 (23.28) 102 (21.25)
Technician 118 (5.83) 30 (5.14) 33 (5.29) 23 (6.87) 32 (6.67)
Medical school students or researchers 168 (8.30) 48 (8.22) 38 (6.09) 19 (5.67) 63 (13.13)
Others 96 (4.75) 31 (5.31) 26 (4.17) 18 (5.37) 21 (4.38)
Hospital level, n (%) <0.001
Primary 193 (11.35) 84 (18.10) 59 (11.05) 32 (10.85) 18 (4.41)
Secondary 386 (22.69) 128 (27.59) 120 (22.47) 56 (18.98) 82 (20.10)
Tertiary 1,122 (65.96) 252 (54.31) 355 (66.48) 207 (70.17) 308 (75.49)
Department, n (%) 0.014
Respiratory 864 (50.79) 207 (44.61) 285 (53.37) 150 (50.85) 222 (54.41)
Others 837 (49.21) 257 (55.39) 249 (46.63) 145 (49.15) 186 (45.59)
Job title, n (%) <0.001
Junior 524 (25.38) 196 (32.89) 150 (23.66) 69 (20.29) 109 (22.02)
Middle 714 (34.58) 180 (30.20) 235 (37.07) 126 (37.06) 173 (34.95)
Senior 595 (28.81) 153 (25.67) 200 (31.55) 119 (35.00) 123 (24.85)
None 232 (11.23) 67 (11.24) 49 (7.73) 26 (7.65) 90 (18.18)
TABLE 1 (Continued)
Work is related to vaccination, n (%) 795 (38.50) 340 (57.05) 281 (44.32) 98 (28.82) 76 (15.35) <0.001
Geographic regions*, n (%) <0.001
Eastern regions 317 (15.35) 94 (15.77) 78 (12.30) 43 (12.65) 102 (20.61)
Central regions 422 (20.44) 84 (14.09) 118 (18.61) 71 (20.88) 149 (30.10)
Western regions 1,326 (64.21) 418 (70.13) 438 (69.09) 226 (66.47) 244 (49.29)
Vaccination-related behaviors, n (%)
Receiving vaccinations 893 (43.24) 322 (54.03) 272 (42.90) 143 (42.06) 156 (31.52) <0.001
Recommending routinely 1049 (50.80) 405 (67.95) 350 (55.21) 155 (45.59) 139 (28.08) <0.001
Tracking the vaccination status of 833 (44.10) 382 (66.78) 272 (44.81) 113 (34.98) 66 (17.05) <0.001
people who were recommended
Recommending efficiently†† 751 (91.36) 355 (93.67) 242 (90.30) 100 (89.29) 54 (85.71) 0.107
* Regions were divided according to the National Bureau of Statistics of China. Eastern regions include Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong,
Guangdong, and Hainan. Central regions include Shanxi, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, and Hunan. Western regions include Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Chongqing,
Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu, and Qinghai.
† For tracking the vaccination status of people who were recommended, the denominator was the number of participants who have ever recommended patients to receive vaccinations.
†† For recommending efficiently, the denominator was the number of participants who tracked and knew the vaccination status of those who were recommended.
Topics and sources for vaccine-focused those who performed routine recommendations, those
self-directed learning who performed tracking and efficient recommendation
accounted for 28.8% and 26.2%, respectively (Figure 3A).
The three main vaccine-related topics that the participants Influenza vaccines, COVID-19 vaccines, and pneumococcal
investigated in their SDL were vaccine safety (90.4%), target vaccines were the leading three vaccines that participants
populations (89.8%), and vaccine efficacy (83.3%). Vaccine have recommended (Supplementary Table S3). The primary
types (77.9%), immunization procedures (67.3%), and how reasons participants did not recommend vaccination were
vaccines function (66.6%) were also important SDL topics inadequate knowledge about vaccines or target populations
(Figure 1A, Supplementary Table S1). The most common and an absence of national or workplace requirements to do
source of knowledge was publicity and education efforts so (Supplementary Table S4). The transitions of participants
in communities and hospitals (67.3%), followed by books with different SDL frequencies along the behavior chain
or monographs (56.3%), and WeChat (52.6%; Figure 1B, were also displayed in the diagram (Figure 2). Among the
Supplementary Table S2), respectively. The learning topics and participants with the highest SDL frequency (28.9% of the
sources for participants with different SDL frequencies are total participants), 322 (15.6% of the total participants)
shown in Figures 1A,B. performed the first behavior, and 355 (17.2% of the total
participants) performed the final behavior. As a contrast, the
participants with the lowest SDL frequency (24.0% of the total
Pattern of vaccination-related behaviors participants) fell from 156 (7.6%) to 54 (2.6%) across these
stages, respectively.
A Sankey diagram was constructed to illustrate the Participants who performed vaccination-related work
flow of engagement in vaccination-related behaviors among showed much higher rates of engagement in vaccination-
participants with different SDL frequencies (Figure 2). This related behaviors (51.6% vs. 38.0% for vaccination uptake,
diagram showed the behavior chain for receiving vaccines, 66.3% vs. 41.1% for routine recommendation, 44.0% vs.
routinely recommending vaccination to others, tracking 19.3% for tracking, and 40.5% vs. 17.3% for efficient
the vaccination status of those recommended to receive recommendation) (Figure 3B). Participants working in
vaccines, and efficient recommendation. Overall, 43, 51, community health centers performed better than those working
40, and 36% of the total participants performed each of in hospitals for all elements of the behavior chain (49.0% vs.
the above behaviors, respectively. When only considering 43.1% for vaccination uptake, 56.1% vs. 52.0% for routine
Nightingale Rose Chart for learning topics and sources in participants with different SDL frequencies. (A) Learning topics. (B) Learning sources.
Note: The *symbol indicates that there is a significant difference among people with different SDL frequencies on this item.
Sankey diagram showing the pattern of vaccination-related behaviors among participants with different SDL frequencies.
Engagement in vaccination-related behaviors among different groups of participants. (A) Total participants. (B) Participants performing
vaccination-related work or not. (C) Participants working in hospitals or community health centers. (D) Participants working in respiratory or
non-respiratory departments. (E) Participants with different SDL frequencies. When evaluating the engagement in behaviors of tracking or
efficient recommendation, only participants who recommend vaccination routinely were included. Chi-square tests were applied to test the
difference among different groups of participants, and the *symbol indicates p-value of <0.05.
recommendation, 36.9% vs. 29.3% for tracking, and 35.0% departments than those who worked in non-respiratory
vs. 26.5 for efficient recommendation, though only the latter departments (Figure 3D). Statistical tests were provided in
two comparisons had significant differences) (Figure 3C). Supplementary Table S5.
Among participants who worked in hospitals, the rate of Higher SDL frequency was associated with higher
engagement in routine recommendation was approximately engagement in all vaccination-related behaviors (Figure 3E). For
10% higher among those who worked in respiratory the participants with the highest SDL frequency, 54.0, 68, and
Model 1a Model 2b
All participants Participants working in hospitals
Vaccine-focused SDL frequency Case/ Control* OR (95% CI) Case/ Control OR (95% CI)
a Model 1: For the model of receiving vaccinations, covariates included age (<30, 30–39, 40–49, ≥50), sex (Male, Female), years of professional experience (<5, 5–9, 10–14, 15–19, ≥20),
educational attainment (Bachelor’s degree and below, Master’s degree and above), institution (Hospital, Community health center, CDC, Medical schools or research institutes, Others),
occupation (Doctor, Nurse, Technician, Medical school students or researchers, Others), job title (Junior, Middle, Senior, None), whether perform vaccination-related work (Yes, No), and
geographic regions (Eastern regions, Central regions, Western regions). For models of recommending vaccination routinely, whether getting influenza/ pneumococcal vaccination (Yes,
No) was further adjusted. For models of recommending vaccination efficiently, whether getting influenza/ pneumococcal vaccination (Yes, No) and whether recommend routinely (Yes,
No) were further adjusted.
b Model 2: For the model of receiving vaccinations, covariates included age (<30, 30–39, 40–49, ≥50), sex (Male, Female), years of professional experience (<5, 5–9, 10–14, 15–19,
≥20), educational attainment (Bachelor’s degree and below, Master’s degree and above), occupation (Doctor, Nurse, Technician, Others), department (Respiratory, non-respiratory), job
title (Junior, Middle, Senior, None), whether perform vaccination-related work (Yes, No), whether one works in a hospital that offers on-site vaccination (Yes, No), and geographic
regions (Eastern regions, Central regions, Western regions). For models of recommending vaccination routinely, whether getting influenza/ pneumococcal vaccination (Yes, No) was
further adjusted. For models of recommending vaccination efficiently, whether getting influenza/ pneumococcal vaccination (Yes, No) and whether recommend routinely (Yes, No) were
further adjusted.
* Case represents the number of participants with the indicated behavior, and Control represents the number of participants without the indicated behavior. For tracking vaccination status,
the sum of Case and Control was the number of participants who have ever recommended patients to receive vaccinations. For recommending efficiently, the sum of Case and Control
was the number of participants who tracked and knew the vaccination status of those who were recommended.
SDL frequency of never to less than once/six months, the SDL (11.6%) (12), but still lower than rates in other countries,
frequency of more than once/week was associated with 2.30- such as England (69% in the 2017–2018 season) (26) and the
times higher odds of being vaccinated, 4.46-times higher odds United States (78.4% in the 2017–2018 season) (27). The rate
of routinely recommending vaccination, and 6.18-times higher observed in the present study may have been impacted by
odds of tracking the status of patients recommended to receive the COVID-19 Pandemic, which probably disrupted HCWs’
vaccination. A monotonic increase in ORs with increasing SDL routines regarding obtaining vaccinations; however, in this study
frequency was observed for these three behaviors (p-values for participants were considered to have received the influenza
trend: <0.001). Similar results were also observed for those vaccine if they had gotten vaccinated during any of the previous
working in hospitals (Table 2). two flu seasons.
In addition, HCWs with lower levels of education, The national influenza-prevention policy of China suggests
vaccination-related work, history of influenza or pneumococcus that recommendations from HCWs are an essential means of
vaccination, doctors, and those in central or western regions of promoting influenza vaccination (28). In this study, only half
China were more likely to make vaccination recommendations. of the total participants routinely recommended vaccination,
HCWs with vaccination-related work, nurses, and those in which is similar to that reported in other studies conducted
eastern regions of China were more likely to be vaccinated in China (29, 30). Those who performed vaccination-related
(Supplementary Tables S6, S7). work showed an approximately 15%-higher recommendation
rate than those who performed other work, and those
from respiratory departments showed an approximately 10%-
Discussion higher rate than those from other departments. Thus, the
specific professions of HCWs may be associated with their
According to the concept of population medicine, to engagement in vaccination-related behaviors. This accords with
achieve improvements in population health, HCWs should the findings of a study that examined professionals who
have both individual- and population-based health perspectives, had important roles regarding public human papillomavirus
and incorporate disease-prevention into clinical practice (1, 2). vaccination; the study found that such individuals engaged
Vaccination has been proven to be an efficient approach for in relatively higher recommendation behavior (74.8%) (13).
disease-prevention and improving public health, and the role of Participants who worked in community health centers showed
HCWs in promoting vaccination has been highlighted in several higher recommendation willingness than those who worked in
previous studies (5). The present study investigated Chinese hospitals, which is consistent with previous studies (29, 31).
HCWs’ patterns of engagement in a vaccination-related- Additionally, an absence of national or workplace requirements
behavior chain, and the impact that their frequency of vaccine- to provide vaccination recommendations to patients was
focused SDL has on these patterns. This chain comprised reported as being a primary reason participants were unwilling
receiving vaccinations, routinely recommending vaccination to recommend vaccination. It suggests that it is necessary to
to patients, tracking the vaccination status of patients so organize programs or training to help health professionals
recommended, and efficiently recommending vaccination. understand vaccination policy and enhance their awareness of
Overall, 43, 51, 40, and 36% of the total participants of this study their roles in public vaccination.
performed these behaviors, respectively. When only considering Among participants who routinely recommended
participants who routinely recommended vaccination, 28.8% vaccination to patients, only 40% tracked the vaccination status
and 26.2% tracked vaccination status and recommended of the patients to whom they had made such recommendations.
efficiently, respectively. Participants whose work was related to However, the latter group showed a high efficiency of
vaccination and those who worked in community health centers recommendation that over 90% of participants reported
or the respiratory departments of hospitals performed better that most of their patients received vaccination after being
in this regard. Also, higher SDL frequency was associated with recommended. It is not possible to determine the vaccination
greater engagement in vaccination-related behaviors. status of the untracked patients, but it is reasonable to speculate
Studies have shown that HCWs are twice as likely to that patients who were aware that HCWs were tracking their
be infected with influenza when compared to the general vaccination status had higher motivation to obtain vaccination.
population (4), and that vaccination can reduce illness-related Besides, there was no significant difference in the efficiency of
absences among HCWs (25). To increase the vaccination recommendation among HCWs with different characteristics
rate among HCWs, the Chinese government has mandated (e.g., knowledge, occupation) (32), which suggests that all
that hospitals provide free influenza vaccinations for such HCWs’ recommendations about vaccination have positive
workers (21). However, the rate of influenza and pneumococcal effect on patients’ vaccination decisions. Therefore, we consider
vaccination among HCWs in hospitals remains low, as shown it a good intervention to encourage HCWs to recommend
in this study (43.1%). This rate is higher than that reported vaccinations to their patients. Though we did not find any
for seasonal influenza vaccination during the 2018–2019 season association between the efficiency of recommendation and
HCWs’ characteristics, other factors that we did not include patients so recommended. This is consistent with the view that
in the analysis may influence the recommendation efficiency, improving the vaccination uptake among HCWs could have a
such as patients’ own perceptions about diseases and vaccines, positive influence on public vaccination (40, 41). We also found
psychological and social context (e.g., support of family, that, among our participants, performing vaccine-related work
National Immunization Program vaccines), and practical issues was associated with higher rates of vaccination uptake, routine
(e.g., affordability, ease of access) (33). Promoting vaccination recommendation, and tracking; this could be explained by the
uptake is a comprehensive issue that it might be insufficient fact that such workers were more knowledgeable about vaccines
to rely only on HCWs’ recommendations. Instead, integrated (and may have had greater recognition of their responsibility
interventions should be developed, including publicity and for public health in this regard) (40, 41). In China, HCWs’
education efforts of communities, the positive leading of mass duties regarding vaccination or health education of the public
media, government financial support for vaccination. can vary; for example, community health centers are the main
SDL is an essential life-long learning practice for HCWs, but institutions that provide vaccination services. Thus, HCWs who
the current situation regarding HCWs’ level of engagement in work in other facilities may be unaware of the importance of
vaccine-focused SDL must be improved. In this study, almost vaccine recommendation and tracking. Therefore, such workers
one-quarter of the participants did not perform vaccine-focused should be provided with training to change their beliefs and
SDL on even a semi-annual basis (although 60% reported that attitudes toward public health and disease-prevention. It is
they did so at least once a month). Knowledge limitations have also noticeable that on-site vaccination in hospitals increases
been identified as obstacles to HCWs’ vaccination uptake and vaccination coverage among HCWs (because of convenient
willingness to recommend vaccination to patients, while greater access to vaccination services), but does not influence the
knowledge has been determined to be a key predictor of HCWs’ regularity of their recommendations or their recommendation
likelihood of recommending vaccines (because it instills greater efficiency. This may be because, to get a vaccination, the general
confidence regarding counseling patients about vaccines) (13, population is usually required to make an appointment with
34). As expected, in this study SDL was found to be positively a community health center rather than receive a vaccination
associated with active engagement in vaccination behaviors. directly in a hospital. It would be helpful to grant HCWs the
There was a decreasing trend in engagement in vaccination- authority to provide vaccinations to patients who are willing
related behaviors as SDL frequency decreased. When compared to get vaccinated in the hospital. Regional economic level was
to those with the lowest SDL frequency, the participants with also an associated factor that HCWs from more developed
the highest SDL frequency were 2.3-times more likely to uptake regions tended to receive vaccines while those from less
vaccination, 4.5-times more likely to recommend vaccination, developed regions were more likely to recommend vaccination
and 6.2-times more likely to track the vaccination status of to patients. The low vaccination uptake in less developed regions
patients so recommended. This finding may be explained by the is consistent with previous studies (33, 42), which may be due
fact that SDL is as effective as traditional teaching methods for to limited medical resources or insufficient education about
improving health professionals’ education (35), and is associated vaccination in less developed regions. The reason for the more
with problem-solving ability, which is necessary when offering active recommending behavior in less developed regions could
consultation services for patients (36). Therefore, along with be that HCWs there may have fewer daily visits and have enough
providing training for HCWs, which has been considered by time to provide counseling services to their patients.
many researchers (37, 38), promoting engagement in vaccine- However, this study nevertheless has several limitations.
focused SDL could also play an important role in improving The sample size was limited and the self-selection bias could
vaccination coverage. Additionally, compared with traditional exist as many other web surveys because the study let HCWs
education and training, SDL, which is a person-centered decide if they would like to participate in the survey, which
intervention, involves self-regulation skills and abilities, and may result in a sample of individuals that is not representative
allows learners to transfer proximal learner outcomes into distal of the overall population. For instance, it is possible for these
(long-term) outcomes (16). Hence, it can be suggested that participants to have more exposure to self-learning materials
SDL is associated with more sustainable behavior change than than those non-subscribers of the media platform and our
standard educational training. However, further investigation is study may have overestimated the self-learning behaviors.
needed to compare these two approaches in practice. However, the promotion of SDL is highlighted because the real
There are some other crucial factors associated with gap between the current situation of SDL behavior and the
HCWs’ engagement with the vaccination-related behavior chain. expectation is even larger. For the association between SDL
Although studies have indicated that education can have both behavior and vaccination-related behaviors, the estimation bias
a positive and negative effect on vaccine acceptance (39), this could be reduced because we adjusted several sociodemographic
study showed that HCWs with higher educational attainment characteristics of these participants that might confound our
are more likely to receive vaccines; such experience with estimation. Besides, the HCWs examined mainly worked in
vaccination could, in turn, increase the likelihood that these the respiratory departments of hospitals, which could have
workers routinely recommend vaccines and perform tracking of led to selection bias. However, workers in hospital respiratory
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