Fpubh 11 1116616
Fpubh 11 1116616
Fpubh 11 1116616
review and meta-analysis
Rebecca Erschens,
University of Tübingen, Germany
Bochra Nourhène Saguem, Jinxingyi Wang1† , Min Liu2† , Jian Bai3† , Yuhan Chen4 , Jie Xia1 ,
University of Sousse, Tunisia
Baolin Liang4 , Ruixuan Wei4 , Jiayin Lin5 , Jiajun Wu6 and
Peng Xiong Peng Xiong4*
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University, Guizhou, China, 2 Zhuhai Center for
These authors have contributed equally to this Maternal and Child Health Care, Zhuhai Women and Children’s Hospital, Zhuhai, China, 3 School of
work Medicine, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China, 4 Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine,
School of Medicine, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China, 5 School of Stomatology, Jinan University,
RECEIVED 05 December 2022 Guangzhou, China, 6 School of Nursing, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China
ACCEPTED 04 August 2023
PUBLISHED 31 August 2023
Background: The prevalence of mental distress is common for medical students
Wang J, Liu M, Bai J, Chen Y, Xia J, Liang B,
Wei R, Lin J, Wu J and Xiong P (2023) in China due to factors such as the long duration of schooling, stressful
Prevalence of common mental disorders doctor-patient relationship, numerous patient population, and limited medical
among medical students in China: a systematic
resources. However, previous studies have failed to provide a comprehensive
review and meta-analysis.
Front. Public Health 11:1116616. prevalence of these mental disorders in this population. This meta-analysis aimed
doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1116616 to estimate the prevalence of common mental disorders (CMDs), including
COPYRIGHT depression, anxiety, and suicidal behaviors, among medical students in China.
© 2023 Wang, Liu, Bai, Chen, Xia, Liang, Wei,
Lin, Wu and Xiong. This is an open-access
Methods: We conducted a systematic search for empirical studies on the
article distributed under the terms of the prevalence of depression, anxiety, suicide attempt, suicide ideation, and suicide
Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). plan in Chinese medical students published from January 2000 to December
The use, distribution or reproduction in other
forums is permitted, provided the original
2020. All data were collected pre-COVID-19. The prevalence and heterogeneity
author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are estimations were computed by using a random-effects model and univariate
credited and that the original publication in this meta-regression analyses.
journal is cited, in accordance with accepted
academic practice. No use, distribution or Results: A total of 197 studies conducted in 23 provinces in China were included
reproduction is permitted which does not in the final meta-analysis. The prevalence data of depression, anxiety, suicide
comply with these terms.
attempt, suicide ideation, and suicide plan were extracted from 129, 80, 21, 53,
and 14 studies, respectively. The overall pooled crude prevalence for depression
was 29% [38,309/132,343; 95% confidence interval (CI): 26%−32%]; anxiety, 18%
(19,479/105,397; 95% CI: 15%−20%); suicide ideation, 13% (15,546/119,069; 95%
CI: 11%−15%); suicide attempt, 3% (1,730/69,786; 95% CI: 1%−4%); and suicide
plan, 4% (1,188/27,025; 95% CI: 3%−6%).
Conclusion: This meta-analysis demonstrated the high prevalence of CMDs
among Chinese medical students. Further research is needed to identify targeted
strategies to improve the mental health of this population.
PRISMA flow chart for study selection.
(28). However, the review did not provide a comprehensive analysis pooled estimate of one mental disease, i.e., depression, which failed
of prevalence in this population in China because it failed to search to provide an overview of CMDs in this population.
related articles in Chinese databases. A recent systematic review Given this serious public health problem and the limitations
and meta-analysis showed a 27% comprehensive prevalence of of previous reviews, we aimed to perform a systematic review and
depression in Chinese medical students (29), but reported only the meta-analysis by conducting a systematic search of English and
Chinese databases to (1) systematically assess the comprehensive Selection procedure and data extraction
prevalence of common mental distresses (including depression,
anxiety, suicide attempt, suicide ideation, and suicide plan) among First, two reviewers (JW and JB) independently identified
medical students in China; (2) conduct subgroup analysis; and (3) and screened the articles by title and abstract to determine
explore the sources of heterogeneity among studies. their eligibility for further examination. Then, the full texts were
assessed against eligibility criteria independently by two reviewers
(JW and JB), and any disagreement was resolved by a third
reviewer (ML or PX; Figure 1). Finally, two reviewers (JW and
Materials and methods JB) conducted data extraction from the final included studies. The
extracted data included first author, year of publication, study
This meta-analysis was conducted in accordance with the
location, sampling method, recall period, measurement tool and
standards of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
cutoff score, study type, sample size, number of medical students
Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) Statement (30) and
with mental problems (including depression, anxiety, and suicide
the Meta-Analyses Observational Studies in Epidemiology
attempt/ideation/plans), and sample characteristics (including age,
(MOOSE) guidelines (31). This study was registered with
grade, sex, school type, and major category).
the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews
(PROSPERO) (CRD42019142527).
Quality appraisal
Search strategy and study eligibility The quality appraisal was conducted independently by JW
and JB using the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Critical Appraisal
An electronic search was conducted to identify original articles Quality Assessment Tool (32). The tool was validated well and
published from January 2000 to December 2020 that reported the was popularly used in previous studies (33, 34). JBI is a renowned
prevalence of depression, anxiety, and suicidal behaviors (including and efficient quality tool for assessing the credibility, relevance,
suicide attempt, suicide ideation, and suicide plan) in Chinese and outcomes of prevalence studies. It is composed of 10 items,
medical students. Databases searched included PubMed, Cochrane with each item scored from 0 to 2. A score of 0 represents “not
Library, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature mentioned,” 1 represents “mentioned but not described in detail,”
(CINAHL), MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and the Chinese databases such and 2 represents “detailed and comprehensive description.” The
as China National Knowledge Infrastructure [CNKI], WANFANG higher the total score, the better the quality of the study in terms
Data, and Weipu (CQVIP) Data. The key terms were “common of credibility, relevance, and outcomes. The detailed scores of each
mental disorders,” “depression,” “anxiety,” “suicide,” and “Chinese included study are shown in the Supplementary material.
medical students.” The detailed search strategy is provided in the
Supplementary material. Due to COVID-19, we did not include
articles published after January 2021.
Data synthesis and analysis
Wang et al.
TABLE 1 Characteristics of the 129 studies included on depression in this review.
Year First author Province Age, years Major Grade Sampling method Measurement Study type
tools and cutoff
2000 Lin Daxi Fujian Mean: 19 Medicine College students Cluster sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2000 Du Zhaoyun Shandong Mean (SD): 20.4 (1.6) Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling BDI-13 Cross-sectional study
and cluster sampling
2000 Wu Hualin Shanxi Mean: 20.5 Medicine College students Simple random sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2000 Yang Benfu NA Mean: 20.5 Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
2001 Yu Miao Fujian Mean: 21 Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling CES-D Cross-sectional study
2001 Lin Zhiping Fujian Mean: 21.5 Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling CES-D Cross-sectional study
2001 Zhang Yushan Anhui Mean (SD): 21.8 (3.2) Medicine Undergraduates NA SDS Cross-sectional study
2001 Zhang Yunsheng Henan NA Pharmacy and nursing Undergraduates Simple random sampling SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
2002 Rao Hong NA Mean: 20 Medicine College students NA BDI Cross-sectional study
2002 Xu Limei NA Mean: 19 Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
2003 Zhou Rong Guangdong Mean: 21 Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2003 Wang Menglong Guangdong Mean: 20 Medicine Grades 1 and 3 NA SDS Cross-sectional study
2003 Gesang Zeren NA Mean: 16.5 Medicine and nursing NA NA CES-D Cross-sectional study
2004 Zhang Fuquan Hunan Mean (SD): 19.85 (1.18) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
2004 Zhang Shuying NA Mean (SD): 21.8 (0.89) Medicine Undergraduates NA SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
2005 Shi Xiaoning Shanghai Mean (SD): 21.39 (1.46) Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling CES-D Cross-sectional study
2005 Gesang Zeren Sichuan Mean: 19.5 Public health and Undergraduates and Cluster sampling CES-D Cross-sectional study
pharmacy college students
2005 Ren Huaneng Hubei Mean (SD): 20.07 (1.36) Medicine College students Simple random sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2005 Li Yingchun Anhui Mean (SD): 21.66 (1.15) Medicine Undergraduates NA SDS Cross-sectional study
2005 Guo Rong Guizhou Mean (SD): 20.16 (1.43) Medicine Grade 2 Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
2005 Xu Limei NA Mean: 23 Medicine Grade 5 Cluster sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2005 Yang Xiuzhen Shandong Mean: 20.5 Medicine Undergraduates Stratified sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
TABLE 1 (Continued)
Frontiers in Public Health
Wang et al.
Year First author Province Age, years Major Grade Sampling method Measurement Study type
tools and cutoff
2005 Wei Xiaoqing Liaoning Mean: 20 Medicine Grades 1–2 Simple random sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2006 Jin ji Liaoning Mean (SD): 20.79 (1.28) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
2006 Zhang Zewu Guangdong Mean (SD): 21.4 (2.6) Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling DIS Cross-sectional study
2006 Zhai Dechun NA Mean (SD): 20.79 (1.28) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
2006 Wei Junbiao Henan Mean: 20 Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2006 Zeng Qiang NA NA Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2006 Zhang Zewu Guangdong Mean (SD): 21.5 (2.3) Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling DSI Cross-sectional study
2006 Mei Lin Beijing Mean: 21.5 Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2006 Song Jing Hubei Mean: 22 Clinical medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
2007 Meng Zhaoying NA Mean (SD): 20.71 (1.23) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
2007 Wang Tao NA Mean (SD): 20.82 (2.27) Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2007 Deng Shusong Guangxi Mean: 20 Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
2007 Sang Wenhua Hebei NA Medicine Grades 1–3 Cluster sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2007 Liu Yulan Jilin Mean (SD): 22.6 (1) Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2007 Li Li Liaoning NA Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
2008 Chen Zehua Guangdong NA Medicine College students and Cluster sampling YRBSS Cross-sectional study
2008 Li Yaqin Hebei Mean: 19.5 Medicine College students Simple random sampling DSI Cross-sectional study
and cluster sampling
2009 Mu Yunzhen Yunnan Mean (SD): 21.86 (2.58) Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
2009 Shang Yuxiu Ningxia Mean (SD): 20.62 (1.64) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
2009 Zhou Xin Hebei, Jiangsu, Mean (SD): 21.48 (1.242) Nursing Undergraduates Cluster sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
and Ningxia
2009 Li Wenwen Guangdong Mean: 25.5 Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling CES-D Cross-sectional study
2009 Yang Xiaohui Sichuan Mean: 21.5 Medicine Undergraduates NA BDI Cross-sectional study
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TABLE 1 (Continued)
Year First author Province Age, years Major Grade Sampling method Measurement Study type
tools and cutoff
2009 Zhao Shujuan NA NA Medicine Grade 1 Simple random sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2010 Yanhui Liao China Mean (SD): 18.5 (0.8) Medicine Grade 1 Simple random sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2011 Liang Sun Anhui Mean: 20 Medicine Grades 1–2 NA BDI Cross-sectional study
2011 Dong Guanbo Beijing NA Masters and doctors 8-year program student Cluster sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2011 Jiang Qing Fujian NA Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling HAD Cross-sectional study
2011 Wei Yali Guizhou Mean: 20 Medicine Grade 1 Stratified and cluster CES-D Cross-sectional study
2011 Gao Shuhui Hebei Mean: 21 Medicine Undergraduates Stratified random sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2011 Zhang Guifeng Guangdong Mean: 20.5 Medicine Undergraduates Stratified sampling BDI Cross-sectional study
2011 Zhao Qiuzhen Hebei NA Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2011 Tan Erli NA Mean (SD): 20.3 (1.1) Medicine College students Cluster sampling NA Cross-sectional study
2012 Wang Na Beijing NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster IVR(self-made) Cross-sectional study
2012 Li Wei Chongqing NA Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
2012 Yang Chuanwei Henan Mean (SD): 20.67 (1.43) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
2012 Yang Yanfang Inner Mean: 21.5 Medicine Grade 1–3 NA SDS Cross-sectional study
2012 Shi Shenchao Henan Mean (SD): 20.67 (1.43) Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2012 Ding Jianfei NA NA Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling CES-D Cross-sectional study
2012 Liu Xiuhua Hebei Mean: 21.5 Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2013 Wang Dongping Henan Mean (SD): 19.98 (1.15) Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SDS Rct
2013 Wang Jun Anhui Mean (SD): 19.66 (0.96) Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2013 Liu Rui Gansu NA Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2013 Ren Xiaohui NA Mean (SD): 21 (1) Medicine Undergraduates NA SDS Cross-sectional study
2014 Fan Yang Hubei Mean: 20.5 Medicine Undergraduates Stratified cluster sampling SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
2014 Yao Ran Guangdong Mean: 21 Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
TABLE 1 (Continued)
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Wang et al.
Year First author Province Age, years Major Grade Sampling method Measurement Study type
tools and cutoff
2014 Kunmi Sobowale Mainland NA Medicine Grades 2 and 3 NA PHQ-9 Cross-sectional study
2014 Qu Wei Anhui Mean (SD): 20.3 (2.09) Medicine Grades 1–2 Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
2014 Tao Shuman Anhui Mean (SD): 20 (1) Medicine Grades 1–3 Convenience sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2014 Xian Pengcheng Inner Mean: 21.5 Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2014 Wang Feiran Hubei, Shanxi, Mean (SD): 21.45 (1.37) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
and Hebei sampling
2014 Liu Mei Fujian NA Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2014 Guo Kai Qinghai Mean (SD): 21.26 (1.20) Medicine Grades 2–4 Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
2015 Xiongfei Panan 23 provinces Mean (SD): 20.7 (1.6) Medicine Undergraduates NA BDI Cross-sectional study
2015 Liu Yan Beijing Mean: 21.5 Medicine Undergraduate and Stratified sampling CES-D Cross-sectional study
2015 Chang Hong Xinan Mean (SD): 20.2 (1.5) Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2015 C.-J.CHEN Taiwan Mean (SD): 17.42 (1.03) Nursing students College students NA ADI Cross-sectional study
2015 Meng Shi Liaoning Mean: 21.5 Medicine Undergraduates and Cluster sampling CES-D Cross-sectional study
2015 Yu Jiegen Anhui NA Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2015 Zhao Chuan Henan Mean: 22.5 Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
2015 Yu Linlu Beijing Mean: 22 Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling CES-D Cross-sectional study
2015 Yu Linlu Beijing Mean: 22 Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling CES-D Cross-sectional study
2016 Meng Shi Liaoning Mean (SD): 21.65 (1.95) Medicine Grades 1–7 Cluster sampling CES-D Cross-sectional study
2016 Gao Jie Anhui NA Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2016 Jiang Hongcheng Yunnan Mean (SD): 21.04 (1.84) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
2016 Huang Yalian Sichuan Mean: 21 Medicine Grades 1–3 Simple random sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2016 Qian Yunke Jiangsu NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
2016 Lv Shixin Shandong NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
TABLE 1 (Continued)
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Wang et al.
Year First author Province Age, years Major Grade Sampling method Measurement Study type
tools and cutoff
2016 Qiu Nan Sichuan NA Medicine Undergraduates Convenience sampling and BDI Cross-sectional study
cluster sampling
2016 Wu Yingping NA NA Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling and BDI Cross-sectional study
convenience sampling
2017 Li Xue NA NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster CES-D Cross-sectional study
2017 Chen Huan Ningxia NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
2017 Xu Tao Sichuan and NA Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling BDI Cross-sectional study
2017 Dai Ruoyi Chongqing NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
2018 Ching-Yen Chen Taiwan Mean: 23.5 Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling BDI Multi-staged sampling
2018 Lin Fen Hubei NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified random sampling BDI Cross-sectional study
2018 Shi Junfang Shanxi Mean: 20.2 Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SDS/HAMD Cross-sectional study
2018 Li Xiaoping Jiangxi NA Medicine Grades 2–4 Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
2018 Jiang Nan Liaoning NA Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling CES-D Cross-sectional study
2018 Li Xuanxuan Jilin Mean (SD): 21.54 (1.98) Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2018 Sibo Zhao China Mean (SD): 20.25 (3.25) Medicine Undergraduates NA CES-D Cross-sectional study
2018 Feng Fenglian Hebei NA Medicine Grades 1–3 Simple random sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2018 Wu Jinting Anhui Mean (SD): 19.39 (0.85) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified sampling BDI Cross-sectional study
2019 Jessica A Gold Hunan Mean (SD): 22 (1.5) Medicine Grades 3–6 Convenience sampling PHQ-2 Cross-sectional study
2019 Chunli Liu Northeast Mean (SD): 31.1 (5.3) Medicine Doctoral students Snowball sampling and PHQ-9 Cross-sectional study
stratified sampling
2019 Ling Wang Anhui Mean: 20.5 Medicine College students and Simple random sampling DASS-21 Cross-sectional study
2019 Xiaogang Zhong China NA Medicine Postgraduates and doctors NA PRIME-MD Cross-sectional study
2019 Yanli Zeng Sichuan Mean (SD): 20.2 (1.2) Nursing students Grades 1–3 Stratified random cluster DASS-21 Cross-sectional study
2019 Zhao Xiuzhuan Beijing NA Masters and doctors 8-year program student Simple random sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
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TABLE 1 (Continued)
Year First author Province Age, years Major Grade Sampling method Measurement Study type
tools and cutoff
2019 Xiong Lin Chongqing NA Medicine College students Stratified and cluster BDI Cross-sectional study
2019 Tang Siyao Guangdong Mean (SD): 20.07 (1.49) Medicine Undergraduates Convenience sampling PHQ-9 Cross-sectional study
2019 Cao Lei Chongqing Mean (SD): 18.56 (0.99) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster BDI Cross-sectional study
2019 Steven W. H. Chau HongKong NA Medicine NA Simple random sampling NA Cross-sectional study
2019 Lin Xin Xinjiang NA Medicine Grades 1–2 Stratified and cluster CES-D Cross-sectional study
2019 Ai Dong NA NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
2020 Yanmei Shen Hunan Mean (SD): 18.77 (1.09) Medicine College students and Convenience sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2020 Jing Guo Heilongjiang Mean (SD): 19.48 (0.85) Medicine Grades 2–3 Cluster sampling BDI-II Cross-sectional study
2020 Ruyue Shao Chongqing Mean (SD): 19.76 (1.17) Medicine Grades 1–3 NA SDS Cross-sectional study
2020 Chen Jun NA Mean (SD): 19.63 (1.28) Medicine Grades 1–2 Stratified and cluster SDS Cross-sectional study
2020 Yang Xueling Guangdong Mean (SD): 18.37 (0.73) Medicine Undergraduates Convenience sampling BDI-II Cross-sectional study
2020 Li Ningning Beijing NA Clinical medicine Grades 5–7 Cluster sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2020 Xiao Rong Guangdong Mean (SD): 19.92 (1.04) Medicine Undergraduates Convenience sampling PHQ-9 Cross-sectional study
2020 Zhu Huiquan Hainan Mean: 14.5 Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
NA, not available; SD, Standard Deviation; SDS, Self-Rating Depression Scale; BDI, Beck Depression Rating Scale; BDI-II, Beck Depression Inventory-II; BDI-13, Beck Depression Inventory-13; CES-D, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; SCL-90, the
symptom checklist-90; HAMD, Hamilton Depression Scale; HAD, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; IVR, interactive voice response; DSI, Depression Status Inventory; IDLS, the international depression literacy survey; ADI, Adolescent Depression Inventory;
DASS-21, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 21; PRIME-MD, The 2-Item Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders; YRBSS, Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System Questionnaire.
Frontiers in Public Health
Wang et al.
TABLE 2 Characteristics of the 80 studies included on anxiety in this review.
Year First author Province Age, years Major Grade Sampling method Measurement Study type
tools and cutoff
2000 Lin Daxi Fujian Mean: 19 Medicine College students Cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2000 Yang Benfu NA Mean: 20.5 Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2001 Huang Juan Guangdong Mean (SD): 21.02 (1.87) Medicine Undergraduates NA SAS Cross-sectional study
2001 Su Xiaomei Guangdong Mean (SD): 19.37 (1.3) Nursing Grades 1–4 Cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2001 Zhang Yushan Anhui Mean (SD): 21.8 (3.2) Medicine Undergraduates NA SAS Cross-sectional study
2001 Zhang Yunsheng Henan NA Pharmacy and nursing Undergraduates Simple random sampling SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
2002 Qi Yulong Anhui NA Medicine Grade 1 Simple random sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2002 Xu Limei NA Mean: 19 Medicine Grade 1 stratified and cluster sampling SDS Cross-sectional study
2003 Zheng Wenjun Guangxi Mean: 20 Clinical medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling S-AI Cross-sectional study
2004 Zhang Fuquan Hunan Mean (SD): 19.85 (1.18) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster sampling SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
2004 Zhang Shuying NA Mean (SD): 21.8 (0.89) Medicine Undergraduates NA SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
2005 Ren Huaneng Hubei Mean (SD): 20.07 (1.36) Medicine College students Simple random sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2005 Li Yingchun Anhui Mean (SD): 21.66 (1.15) Medicine Undergraduates NA SAS Cross-sectional study
2005 Xu Limei NA Mean: 23 Medicine Grade 5 Cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2005 Yang Xiuzhen Shandong Mean: 20.5 Medicine Undergraduates Stratified sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2005 Wei Xiaoqing Liaoning Mean: 20 Medicine Grades 1–2 Simple random sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2006 Jin ji Liaoning Mean (SD): 20.79 (1.28) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2006 Zhai Dechun NA Mean (SD): 20.79 (1.28) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster sampling NA Cross-sectional study
2006 Wei Junbiao Henan Mean: 20 Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2006 Wang Yanfang Guangdong NA Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2006 Mei Lin Beijing Mean: 21.5 Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
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TABLE 2 (Continued)
Year First author Province Age, years Major Grade Sampling method Measurement Study type
tools and cutoff
2006 Song Jing Hubei Mean: 22 Clinical medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
2007 Meng Zhaoying NA Mean (SD): 20.71 (1.23) Medicine Grades 1–3 college Stratified and cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2007 Liang xinrong Guangxi NA Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling and HAMA Cross-sectional study
cluster sampling
2007 Deng Shusong Guangxi Mean: 20 Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
2007 Liu Yulan Jilin Mean (SD): 22.6 (1) Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2007 Li Li Liaoning NA Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
2009 Mu Yunzhen Yunnan Mean (SD): 21.86 (2.58) Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
2009 Zhou Xin Hebei, Jiangsu, Mean (SD): 21.48 (1.242) Nursing Undergraduates Cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
and Ningxia
2009 Liu Kerong NA Mean: 24 Medicine Undergraduates Stratified sampling HAMA Cross-sectional study
2010 Yanhui Liao China Mean (SD): 18.5 (0.8) Medicine Grades 1 Simple random sampling SIAS Cross-sectional study
2010 Feng Tianyi Ningxia NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2010 Wang Fengsheng Anhui Mean (SD): 19.33 (1.18) Medicine Grades 1–2 Cluster sampling BAI Cross-sectional study
2010 Ge Xin Liaoning Mean: 17 Medicine College students Simple random sampling SCARED Cross-sectional study
2011 Ruan Ye Gansu NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2011 Liang Sun Anhui Mean: 20 Medicine Grades 1–2 NA BAI Cross-sectional study
2011 Zhu Shuang Heilongjiang Mean (SD): 21.32 (1.4) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2011 Jiang Qing Fujian NA Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling HAD Cross-sectional study
2011 Pan Xin Shanxi Mean (SD): 20.96 (1.36) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2011 Zhao Qiuzhen Hebei NA Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2012 Li Wei Chongqing NA Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
2012 Yang Chuanwei Henan Mean (SD): 20.67 (1.43) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2013 Wang Dongping Henan Mean (SD): 19.98 (1.15) Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SAS Rct
2014 Fan Yang Hubei Mean: 20.5 Medicine Undergraduates Stratified cluster sampling SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
Frontiers in Public Health
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TABLE 2 (Continued)
Year First author Province Age, years Major Grade Sampling method Measurement Study type
tools and cutoff
2014 Qu Wei Anhui Mean (SD): 20.3 (2.09) Medicine Grades 1–2 Stratified and cluster sampling HAMA Cross-sectional study
2014 Chen Fuxun Shandong Mean (SD): 20.55 (1.34) Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2014 Wang Feiran Hubei, Shanxi, Mean (SD): 21.45 (1.37) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster sampling SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
and Hebei
2015 Meng Shi Liaoning Mean: 21.5 Medicine Undergraduates and Cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2015 Tian Yunqing Beijing Mean: 21.5 Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling BAI Cross-sectional study
2015 Chang Hong Xinan Mean (SD): 20.2 (1.5) Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2015 Li Qiang Henan NA Medicine Grades 2 and 3 Stratified and cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2015 Zhao Chuan Henan Mean: 22.5 Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2016 Jiang Hongcheng Yunnan Mean (SD): 21.04 (1.84) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2016 Sun Weiwei NA Mean (SD): 22.12 (2.53) Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2017 Feng Fenglian Hebei Mean: 20 Clinical medicine Grades 1–3 Cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2017 Li Xiang Liaoning Mean: 21.42 Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2017 Chen Huan Ningxia NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2017 Liang Peiyu Qinghai NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified random sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2017 Xu Tao Sichuan and NA Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2018 Ching-Yen Chen Taiwan Mean: 23.5 Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling BAI Multi-staged sampling
2018 Zhao Fei China Mean (SD): 20.7 (1.6) Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2018 Li Xuanxuan Jilin Mean (SD): 21.54 (1.98) Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2018 Feng Fenglian Hebei NA Medicine Grades 1–3 Simple random sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2019 Chunli Liu Northeast Mean (SD): 31.1 (5.3) Medicine Doctoral students Snowball sampling and GAD-7 Cross-sectional study
stratified sampling
TABLE 2 (Continued)
Frontiers in Public Health
Wang et al.
Year First author Province Age, years Major Grade Sampling method Measurement Study type
tools and cutoff
2019 Ling Wang Anhui Mean: 20.5 Medicine College students and Simple random sampling DASS-21 Cross-sectional study
2019 Yanli Zeng Sichuan Mean (SD): 20.2 (1.2) Nursing students Grades 1–3 Stratified random cluster DASS-21 Cross-sectional study
2019 Zhao Xiuzhuan Beijing NA Masters and doctors 8-year program student Simple random sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2019 Wang Zhe Heilongjiang NA Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2019 Steven W. H. Chau Hong Kong NA Medicine NA Simple random sampling GHQ-12 Cross-sectional study
2019 Li Zhongcheng Guangdong NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2019 Ai Dong NA NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2020 Yanmei Shen Hunan Mean (SD): 18.77 (1.09) Medicine College students and Convenience sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2020 Ruyue Shao Chongqing Mean (SD): 19.76 (1.17) Medicine Grades 1–3 NA SAS Cross-sectional study
2020 Chen Jun NA Mean (SD): 19.63 (1.28) Medicine Grades 1–2 Stratified and cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
2020 Yang Xueling Guangdong Mean (SD): 18.37 (0.73) Medicine Undergraduates Convenience sampling BAI Cross-sectional study
2020 Li Ningning Beijing NA Clinical medicine Grades 5–7 Cluster sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2020 Liu Xia NA Mean (SD): 20.38 (2.07) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster sampling SAS Cross-sectional study
NA, not available; SD, Standard Deviation; BAI, Beck Anxiety Inventory; DASS-21, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 21; GAD-7, Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7; GHQ-12, 12-Item General Health Questionnaire; HAD, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; HAMA,
Hamilton Depression Scale; MAS, Manifest Anxiety Scale; S-AI, State-Anxiety Inventory; SAS, Self-Rating Anxiety Scale; SCARED, Rating Scale Scoring Aide; SCL-90, the symptom checklist-90; STAI-6, the 6-item state version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory.
Frontiers in Public Health
Wang et al.
TABLE 3 Characteristics of the 21, 53, and 14 studies included on suicidal attempt, suicidal ideation, and suicidal plan in this review.
Year First author Province Age, years Major Grade Sampling method Measurement Study type
tools and cutoff
Suicide attempt
2002 Hu Liren NA Mean: 21 Medicine Undergraduates NA Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2005 Hu Liren NA Mean (SD): 21.22 (1.35) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2005 Wang Dequan NA NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2007 Hu Liren NA Mean (SD): 20.57 (1.44) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2008 Ou Guangzhong Fujian Mean: 20 Medicine Grades 1 and 3 Cluster sampling QSA and Suicide ideation Cross-sectional study
2008 Chen Zehua Guangdong NA Medicine College students and Cluster sampling Based on YRBSS Cross-sectional study
2008 Hu Zhihong Shanghai Mean (SD): 21.36 (1.62) Clinical Undergraduates Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2008 Fan Yinguang Anhui Mean (SD): 20.15 (1.67) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster Cross-sectional study
2009 Shang Yuxiu Ningxia Mean (SD): 20.62 (1.64) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2009 Cao Hongyuan Anhui Mean (SD): 19.33 (1.17) Medicine Grades 1–2 Simple random sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2009 Zeng Zhuanping NA NA Medicine Grades 1–3 Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2010 Xin Shen Anhui Mean (SD): 20.56 (1.58) Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SIOSS Cross-sectional study
2012 Wan Yuhui Anhui SD: 20.5 ± 1.1 Medicine Grades 1–2 Cluster sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2013 Zhang Yuan Yunnan NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and simple random Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2014 Yang Linsheng Anhui Mean (SD): 19.6 (1.3) Medicine Grades 1–2 Simple random sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2014 Yang Linsheng Anhui Mean (SD): 19.6 (1.3) Medicine Grades 1–2 Cluster sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2017 Long Sun NA Mean (SD): 20.25 (1.23) Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
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Wang et al.
TABLE 3 (Continued)
Year First author Province Age, years Major Grade Sampling method Measurement Study type
tools and cutoff
2018 Zeng Baoer Guangdong Mean (SD): 25.79 (4.47) Medicine Undergraduates NA SBQ-R Cross-sectional study
2020 Wanjie Tang NA NA Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling NCS Cross-sectional study
2020 Yanmei Shen Hunan Mean (SD): 18.77 (1.09) Medicine College students and Convenience sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2020 Chen Jun NA Mean (SD): 19.63 (1.28) Medicine Grades 1–2 Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
Suicide ideation
2002 Hu Liren NA Mean: 21 Medicine Undergraduates NA Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2004 Liang Duohong Liaoning Mean (SD): 20.8 (0.8) Medicine Grades 1–3 and college students Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2005 Hu Liren NA Mean (SD): 21.22 (1.35) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2005 Wang Dequan NA NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2006 Wang Xuelian Fujian NA Medicine Grades 1–3 and 5 Simple random sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2007 Hu Liren NA Mean (SD): 20.57 (1.44) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2007 Zhang Xiaoyuan Guangdong Mean (SD): 20.3 (2.7) Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling EPQ Cross-sectional study
2008 Ou Guangzhong Fujian Mean: 20 Medicine Grades 1 and 3 Cluster sampling QSA and Suicide ideation Cross-sectional study
2008 Wang Xing Jiangxi Mean: 22 Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling EPQ Cross-sectional study
2008 Hu Zhihong Shanghai Mean (SD): 21.36 (1.62) Clinical Undergraduates Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
medicine sampling
2008 Yang Benfu NA NA Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SIOSS Cross-sectional study
2008 Qian Wencai Huabei NA Medicine Grades 1–3 Cluster sampling AHRBI Cross-sectional study
2008 Li Youzi Liaoning NA Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling SCL-90 Cross-sectional study
2008 Liu Baohua Beijing NA Medicine Grade 1 NA Medical Student Risk Cross-sectional study
Behavior Questionnaire
2008 Chen Zehua Guangdong NA Medicine College students and Cluster sampling YRBSS Cross-sectional study
Frontiers in Public Health
Wang et al.
TABLE 3 (Continued)
Year First author Province Age, years Major Grade Sampling method Measurement Study type
tools and cutoff
2008 Fan Yinguang Anhui Mean (SD): 20.15 (1.67) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster BSSI Cross-sectional study
2009 Shang Yuxiu Ningxia Mean (SD): 20.62 (1.64) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2009 Cao Hongyuan Anhui Mean (SD): 19.33 (1.17) Medicine Grades 1–2 Simple random sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2009 Yang Xiaohui Sichuan Mean: 21.5 Medicine Undergraduates NA SIOSS Cross-sectional study
2009 Zeng Zhuanping NA NA Medicine Grades 1–3 Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2010 Song Yumei Anhui Mean (SD): 21.8 (1.64) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster BSI-CV Cross-sectional study
2010 Xin Shen Anhui Mean (SD): 20.56 (1.58) Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling SIOSS Cross-sectional study
2010 Shen Liqin NA NA Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2010 Wang Jian NA Mean (SD): 22 (1.23) Medicine Grade 3 NA SIBQ Cross-sectional study
2010 Yang Yanjie Heilongjiang SD: 21.32 ± 2.195 Medicine NA Stratified random cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2012 Wan Yuhui Anhui SD: 20.5 ± 1.1 Medicine Grades 1–2 Cluster sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2012 Yang Chuanwei Henan Mean (SD): 20.67 (1.43) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SIOSS Cross-sectional study
2012 Fan, A.P. Taiwan NA Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2013 Wu Ling Hainan Mean (SD): 21.51 (1.67) Medicine and Undergraduates Multi-stages sampling SIOSS Cross-sectional study
2013 Liu Chang NA Mean (SD): 19.63 (0.85) Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling UPI Cross-sectional study
2013 Zhang Yuan Yunnan NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and simple random Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2014 Yang Linsheng Anhui Mean (SD): 19.6 (1.3) Medicine Grades 1–2 Simple random sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2014 Yao Ran Guangdong Mean: 21 Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2014 Kunmi Sobowale Mainland China NA Medicine Grades 2 and 3 NA PHQ-9 Cross-sectional study
2014 Aiming Zheng China SD: 20.8 ± 1.36 Medicine Grades 3–5 NA BHS Cross-sectional study
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Wang et al.
TABLE 3 (Continued)
Year First author Province Age, years Major Grade Sampling method Measurement Study type
tools and cutoff
2014 Yang Linsheng Anhui Mean (SD): 19.6 (1.3) Medicine Grades 1–2 Cluster sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2014 Liu Yan Liaoning Mean (SD): 20.79 (1.19) Medicine Grades 1–3 Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2015 Zhang Kaili Hunan Mean: 20.5 Clinical and Undergraduates Stratified sampling PIL Cross-sectional study
2015 Guan Suzhen Xinjiang Mean: 21 Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SSI Cross-sectional study
2016 Dai Chengshu NA NA Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling BSSI Cross-sectional study
2016 Lv Shixin Shandong NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster SIOSS Cross-sectional study
2017 Long Sun NA Mean (SD): 20.25 (1.23) Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2017 Ma Xuan Anhui Mean (SD): 19.5 (1) Medicine Grades 1–2 Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2018 Zeng Baoer Guangdong Mean (SD): 25.79 (4.47) Medicine Undergraduates NA SBQ-R Cross-sectional study
2018 Zeng Baoer Guangdong Mean (SD): 25.79 (4.47) Medicine Undergraduates NA SBQ-R Cross-sectional study
2018 Dan Wu China NA Medicine Undergraduates Multi-staged sampling Single item Cross-sectional study
2018 Sibo Zhao China Mean (SD): 20.25 (3.25) Medicine Undergraduates NA SSI Cross-sectional study
2018 Zheng Chuanjuan Zhejiang NA Medicine Undergraduates and Stratified sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2019 Liu Jing Anhui Mean (SD): 20 (1.5) Medicine Undergraduates Cluster sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2020 Wanjie Tang NA NA Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling NCS Cross-sectional study
2020 Yanmei Shen Hunan Mean (SD): 18.77 (1.09) Medicine College students and Convenience sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2020 Chen Jun NA Mean (SD): 19.63 (1.28) Medicine Grades 1–2 Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
Suicide plan
2002 Hu Liren NA Mean: 21 Medicine Undergraduates NA Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2004 Liang Duohong Liaoning Mean (SD): 2 (0.8) Medicine Grades 1–3 and college students Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
Frontiers in Public Health
Wang et al.
TABLE 3 (Continued)
Year First author Province Age, years Major Grade Sampling method Measurement Study type
tools and cutoff
2005 Hu Liren NA Mean (SD): 21.22 (1.35) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2005 Wang Dequan NA NA Medicine Undergraduates Stratified sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2006 Wang Xuelian Fujian NA Medicine Grades 1–3 and 5 Simple random sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2007 Hu Liren NA Mean (SD): 20.57 (1.44) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2008 Ou Guangzhong Fujian Mean: 20 Medicine Grades 1 and 3 Cluster sampling QSA and Suicide ideation Cross-sectional study
2008 Hu Zhihong Shanghai Mean (SD): 21.36 (1.62) Clinical Undergraduates Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2009 Shang Yuxiu Ningxia Mean (SD): 20.62 (1.64) Medicine Undergraduates Stratified and cluster Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2012 Wan Yuhui Anhui SD: 20.5 ± 1.1 Medicine Grades 1–2 Cluster sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2017 Long Sun NA Mean (SD): 20.25 (1.23) Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
2018 Zeng Baoer Guangdong Mean (SD): 25.79 (4.47) Medicine Undergraduates NA SBQ-R Cross-sectional study
2020 Wanjie Tang NA NA Medicine Undergraduates Simple random sampling NCS Cross-sectional study
2020 Yanmei Shen Hunan Mean (SD): 18.77 (1.09) Medicine College students and Convenience sampling Self-made questionnaire Cross-sectional study
NA, not available; SD, Standard Deviation; NCS, National Comorbidity Survey; QSA, Suicide Attitude Questionnaire; SBQ-R, The Suicide Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised; SIOSS, Self-rating Idea of Suicide Scale; PHQ-9, the Patient Health Questionnaire-9; BHS,
Beck Hopelessness Scale; BSI-CV, Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation-Chinese Version; BSSI, Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation; PIL, Purpose in Life Test; EPQ, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire; SIBQ, Suicidal Ideation and Behavior Questionnaire; SSI, Scale for Suicide
Ideation; AHRBI, the Adolescent Health-Related Risky Behavior Inventory; SCL-90, the symptom checklist-90; UPI, University Personality Inventory; YRBSS, Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System Questionnaire.
Wang et al. 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1116616
Forest plot of prevalence of depression in Chinese medical students.
the overall prevalence estimates. Egger’s test (37) and Begg’s test showed that no individual study significantly affected the overall
(38) were utilized to investigate publication bias, with p < 0.05 result (Supplementary material S5, Figure 1). In subgroup analysis,
demonstrating statistical publication bias. All statistical analyses heterogeneity was reduced in studies using BDI with a score ≥ 14
were performed using the Stata software (version 14.2; StataCorp, (I 2 = 87.97%), SCL-90 with a score ≥ 2 (I 2 = 81.69%), and SCL-90
College Station, TX, United States) (39). with a score ≥ 3 (I 2 = 47.42%; Table 4).
Subgroup analysis showed differences in prevalence based on
study regions, recall periods, sampling methods, measurement
Results tools, and cutoff scores. In this study, the pooled prevalence
of depression symptoms was higher in the northwest region of
Characteristics of the included studies China, with an estimate of 51% (95% CI: 37%−66%). Furthermore,
studies conducted between 2005 and 2010 found a higher
A total of 197 studies involving 294,408 medical students in prevalence of depression symptoms (31%; 95% CI: 23%−40%).
China were included in the final meta-analysis (Figure 1). The All studies that used a cluster sampling method reported a higher
median sample size was 690 (range: 100–10,344). Among the prevalence of depression symptoms than other sampling methods.
included studies, 129 reported the prevalence of depression, with In terms of measurement tool and cutoff score, studies using
a combined sample size of 132,343 individuals. The prevalence of the Depression Status Inventory (DSI) with a severity index
anxiety symptoms was reported in 80 studies, with a combined ≥ 0.5 and the BDI-13 with a score ≥ 5 reported a higher
sample size of 105,397 individuals. The prevalence of suicide estimated prevalence, with a pooled prevalence of 68% (95% CI:
attempt, suicide ideation, and suicide plan was reported in 21, 40%−90%) and 54% (95% CI: 52%−57%), respectively (Figure 3,
53, and 14 studies, respectively, with combined samples of 69,786, Table 4).
119,069, and 27,025 individuals. In all univariate meta-regression analyses, only
Of the included studies, 172 were written in Chinese and 26 the measurement tool and cutoff score could
were written in English. A cross-sectional design was used in 197 explain the heterogeneity between studies (p <
studies, and only one study used a randomized controlled trial 0.001). The result of Egger’s test showed publication
design. The JBI quality score of the 197 included studies ranged bias, with p < 0.01 (Supplementary material S6,
from 6 to 20, with a mean score of 15. Figure 1).
Publication years ranged from 2000 to 2020, and the study
regions covered 23 provinces on the mainland and Taiwan Province
of China. The most common sampling methods used were multiple
sampling methods (n = 58), cluster sampling (n = 55), and simple Anxiety
random sampling (n = 44). Other methods, such as convenience
sampling, stratified sampling, and multi-stage sampling, were also The anxiety symptoms reported in the 80 included studies
used in some of the included studies. With regard to measurement yielded a pooled prevalence of 18% (19,479/105,397; 95%
tools or items, 17, 13, and 19 types of tools were used to assess CI: 15%−20%), with substantial evidence of between-study
depression, anxiety symptoms, and suicidal behaviors (including heterogeneity (I 2 = 99.03%; Figure 4, Table 5). Sensitivity analysis
suicide attempt, suicide ideation, and suicide plan), respectively. showed that no individual study significantly affected the overall
Common measurement tools for depression were Zung’s Self- result (Supplementary material S5, Figure 2). In the subgroup
Rating Depression Scale (SDS), the Center for Epidemiologic analysis, heterogeneity was found to be reduced in the southwest
Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), and the Beck Depression Rating region (I 2 = 97.87%), south China (I 2 = 86.94%), and
Scale (BDI), which were used in 66, 17, and 17 of the included in studies using SCL-90 with a score ≥ 3 (I 2 = 77.66%;
studies, respectively. Anxiety measurement tools were the Self- Table 5).
Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), the symptom checklist-90 (SCL-90), Subgroup analysis showed differences in prevalence based
and the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), used in 52, 10, and 5 on study regions, survey years, sampling methods, measurement
of the included studies, respectively. The assessments used for tools, and cutoff scores. Among all study regions, the estimated
suicidal behaviors were self-made questionnaires or standardized prevalence of anxiety symptoms was highest in the northwest
scales, such as the National Comorbidity Survey (NCS) and Suicidal region (27%; 95% CI: 23%−31%), followed by the southwest
Behaviors Questionnaire (SBQ). The recall period to measure region (24%; 95% CI: 18%−31%). Furthermore, studies conducted
suicidal behavior included “past 1 week,” “past 6 months,” “past between 2015 and 2020 showed a higher prevalence of anxiety
1 year,” “past 2 years,” and “lifetime.” A detailed summary of the symptoms (22%; 95% CI: 18%−27%) than other years. Among all
characteristics of the included studies is provided in Tables 1–3. sampling methods, the estimated prevalence of anxiety symptoms
was highest in studies using stratified sampling methods (29%; 95%
CI: 13%−48%), followed by cluster sampling methods (19%; 95%
Depression CI: 13%−25%). In terms of measurement tools and cutoff scores,
the highest prevalence of anxiety symptoms was reported in the
Depression symptoms reported in the 129 included studies study using the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMA) with a score
yielded a pooled prevalence of 29% (38,309/132,343; 95% ≥ 7 (82%; 95% CI: 75%−87%; Figure 5, Table 5).
CI: 26%−32%), with substantial evidence of between-study In all univariate meta-regression analyses, only the
heterogeneity (I 2 = 99.33%; Figure 2, Table 4). Sensitivity analysis measurement tool and cutoff score (p = 0.0010) could explain
Wang et al.
TABLE 4 Estimated depression prevalence among medical students in China.
Subgroup No. of studies No. of depression Sample size Subgroup analysis Meta-regression
Estimated rate (95% CI) Q I2 (%) p-value I2 (%) p-value
Study region
Northeast 12 4,299 11,188 0.28 (0.13, 0.45) 4,159.55 99.74% <0.01 99.50 0.1682
North China 19 2,442 8,718 0.25 (0.19, 0.32) 914.95 98.03% <0.01
East China 23 6,076 26,384 0.26 (0.21, 0.30) 1,255.88 98.25% <0.01
South China 14 2,853 9,506 0.33 (0.21, 0.48) 2,553.71 99.49% <0.01
Central China 14 4,923 16,743 0.23 (0.13, 0.34) 3,313.32 99.61% <0.01
Multiple regions 8 2,979 13,015 0.28 (0.19, 0.38) 642.10 98.91% <0.01
Survey year
2000–2005 24 3,882 14,293 0.25 (0.18, 0.32) 2,098.33 98.90% <0.01 99.51 0.6012
Sample size
<200 16 678 2,456 0.25 (0.17, 0.34) 363.84 95.88% <0.01 99.54 0.6346
Sampling methods
Simple 25 5,645 22,132 0.24 (0.18, 0.31) 2,603.18 99.08% <0.01 99.48 0.2927
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Wang et al.
TABLE 4 (Continued)
Subgroup No. of studies No. of depression Sample size Subgroup analysis Meta-regression
Estimated rate (95% CI) Q I2 (%) p-value I2 (%) p-value
Cluster 34 9,086 22,692 0.34 (0.26, 0.42) 5,467.54 99.40% <0.01
Multiple sampling methods 39 12,687 42,280 0.29 (0.24, 0.34) 5,625.12 99.32% <0.01
Educational level
Undergraduate 122 36,181 1,27,448 0.29 (0.26, 0.32) 17,679.64 99.32% <0.01 99.51 0.7368
BDI score ≥ 5 7 2,040 4,719 0.46 (0.38, 0.54) 166.95 96.41% <0.01
BDI score ≥ 14 5 2,124 11,028 0.19 (0.15, 0.22) 33.24 87.97% <0.01
BDI without cutoff score reported 1 177 945 0.19 (0.16, 0.21) – – –
CES-D score ≥ 16 10 4,951 9,557 0.46 (0.34, 0.58) 1,231.06 99.27% <0.01
CES-D score ≥ 20 7 1,937 6,399 0.34 (0.22, 0.48) 612.45 99.02% <0.01
PHQ-2 score ≥ 3 1 20 142 0.14 (0.09, 0.21) – – –
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Wang et al.
TABLE 4 (Continued)
Subgroup No. of studies No. of depression Sample size Subgroup analysis Meta-regression
Estimated rate (95% CI) Q I2 (%) p-value I2 (%) p-value
Sample size
SCL-90 score ≥ 2 5 678 3,795 0.18 (0.15, 0.21) 21.85 81.69% <0.01
SCL-90 score ≥ 3 4 129 2,880 0.04 (0.03, 0.05) 5.71 47.42% 0.13
SDS score ≥ 50 24 5,060 14,975 0.29 (0.23, 0.35) 1,413.90 98.37% <0.01
SDS score ≥ 53 14 4,655 15,256 0.32 (0.25, 0.39) 976.16 98.67% <0.01
SDS severity index ≥ 0.5 12 4,548 9,083 0.38 (0.29, 0.48) 879.01 98.75% <0.01
SDS without cutoff score reported 5 2,185 12,720 0.19 (0.13, 0.26) 147.09 97.28% <0.01
Overall 129 38,309 1,32,343 0.29 (0.26, 0.32) 19,186.54 99.33% <0.01
N, not reported; HAD, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; BDI, Beck Depression Rating Scale; BDI-II, Beck Depression Inventory-II; BDI-13, Beck Depression Inventory-13; CES-D, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; DASS-21, Depression Anxiety
Stress Scale-21; DSI, Depression Status Inventory; GHQ, General Health Questionnaire; IDLS, the international depression literacy survey; IVR, interactive voice response; PHQ-2, The Patient Health Questionnaire-2; PHQ-9, The Patient Health Questionnaire-9;
SCL-90, the symptom checklist-90; PRIME-MD, The 2-Item Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders; SDS, Self-Rating Depression Scale; HAMD, Hamilton Depression Scale; YRBSS, Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System Questionnaire.
Wang et al. 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1116616
Suicidal behaviors
Suicidal ideation
The pooled prevalence of suicide ideation reported in 53 studies
was 13% (15,546/119,069, 95% CI: 11%−15%), with significant
heterogeneity of 99.19% among included studies (Figure 6, Table 6).
Sensitivity analysis showed that no individual study significantly
affected the overall result (Supplementary material S5, Figure 3). In
the subgroup analysis, heterogeneity was found to be reduced in the
northeast region (I 2 = 85.58%), recall period of the past 1 week (I 2
= 84.33%), and in studies using the Self-rating Idea of Suicide Scale
(SIOSS) to identify suicide ideation (I 2 = 88.71%).
Subgroup analysis showed differences in prevalence based on
study regions, sampling methods, recall periods, and measurement
tools. The estimated prevalence of suicide ideation was highest
in central China (19%; 95% CI: 7%−34%), followed by south
China (17%, 95% CI: 9%−26%) and the southwest region (17%;
95% CI: 15%−18%). Furthermore, studies conducted between
2005 and 2010 had a higher prevalence of suicide ideation than
other survey years (15%; 95% CI: 11%−18%). The estimated
prevalence was higher in those studies using convenience sampling
methods (26%; 95% CI: 25%−28%) compared with other sampling
methods. Among all recall periods reported in the included
studies, those studies using the recall period “lifetime” reported
a higher estimated prevalence of suicide ideation (19%; 95% CI:
15%−24%). In terms of measurement tools, studies using the
Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), SSI, and Purpose in Life
Test (PIL) reported higher pooled prevalence, with estimates of
27% (95% CI: 26%−28%), 24% (95% CI: 22%−27%), and 24% (95%
CI: 20%−29%), respectively (Figure 7, Table 6).
Univariate meta-regression analyses demonstrated that
measurement tools (p = 0.0282) could explain the potential
source of the heterogeneity. Publication bias was found in
the pooled prevalence analysis (p < 0.001 using Egger’s test;
Supplementary material S6, Figure 3).
Suicidal attempt
The pooled prevalence of suicide attempts reported in 21
studies was 3% (1,730/69,786, 95% CI: 1%−4%), with significant
heterogeneity of 99.01% among the included studies (Figure 8,
Table 7). Sensitivity analysis showed that no individual study
significantly affected the overall result (Supplementary material S5,
Figure 4).
Subgroup analysis showed differences in prevalence based on
study regions, survey years, sampling methods, recall periods, and
FIGURE 3 measurement tools. The estimated prevalence of suicide attempt
Subgroup analysis of depression in Chinese medical students based
was higher in central China (14%; 95% CI: 13%−15%) than other
on measurements tools.
regions. Studies conducted between 2015 and 2020 (4%; 95% CI:
Forest plot of prevalence of anxiety in Chinese medical students.
Wang et al.
TABLE 5 Estimated anxiety prevalence among medical students in China.
Subgroup No. of studies No. of anxiety Sample size Subgroup analysis Meta-regression
Estimated rate (95% CI) Q I2 (%) p-value I2 (%) p-value
Study region
Northeast 11 3,482 11,681 0.19 (0.09, 0.32) 2,385.60 99.58% <0.01 99.25 0.6626
North China 10 1,130 5,258 0.18 (0.11, 0.27) 512.18 98.27% <0.01
East China 12 3,986 25,598 0.20 (0.16, 0.23) 381.33 97.12% <0.01
South China 9 804 6,069 0.12 (0.10, 0.15) 61.24 86.94% <0.01
Central China 11 2,803 14,682 0.15 (0.08, 0.23) 1,680.35 99.40% <0.01
Multiple regions 5 1,292 9,371 0.13 (0.06, 0.21) 179.87 97.78% <0.01
Survey year
2000–2005 18 1,082 9,057 0.12 (0.08, 0.16) 540.21 96.85% <0.01 99.21 0.0490
Sample size
<200 10 420 1,618 0.23 (0.11, 0.37) 395.94 97.73% <0.01 99.29 0.3992
601–800 7 959 4,724 0.20 (0.13, 0.27) 244.11 97.54% <0.01
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Wang et al.
TABLE 5 (Continued)
Subgroup No. of studies No. of anxiety Sample size Subgroup analysis Meta-regression
Estimated rate (95% CI) Q I2 (%) p-value I2 (%) p-value
Sampling methods
Simple 21 5,007 27,087 0.16 (0.12, 0.22) 2,464.46 99.19% <0.01 99.25 0.3401
Multiple sampling methods 23 4,835 29,037 0.18 (0.14, 0.23) 2,172.46 98.99% <0.01
Educational level
Undergraduate 77 17,973 1,01,934 0.17 (0.15, 0.19) 6,828.34 98.89% <0.01 99.20 0.1020
MAS without cutoff score reported 1 54 575 0.09 (0.07, 0.12) – – –
SAS without cutoff score reported 1 1,456 10,340 0.14 (0.13, 0.15) – – –
Frontiers in Public Health
Wang et al.
TABLE 5 (Continued)
Subgroup No. of studies No. of anxiety Sample size Subgroup analysis Meta-regression
Estimated rate (95% CI) Q I2 (%) p-value I2 (%) p-value
SAS score ≥ 47 3 151 976 0.15 (0.13, 0.18) – – –
SAS score ≥ 50 42 11,126 47,980 0.20 (0.17, 0.24) 4,378.44 99.06% <0.01
SCL-90 score ≥ 3 5 109 4,166 0.03 (0.02, 0.04) 17.91 77.66% <0.01
N, not reported; BAI, Beck Anxiety Inventory; DASS-21, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 21; GAD-7, Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7; GHQ-12, 12-item General Health Questionnaire; HAD, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; HAMA, Hamilton Anxiety Scale;
MAS, Manifest Anxiety Scale; S-AI, State-Anxiety Inventory; SAS, Self-Rating Anxiety Scale; SCARED, Rating Scale Scoring Aide; SCL-90, the symptom checklist-90; STAI-6, the 6-Item State Version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory.
Wang et al. 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1116616
Subgroup analysis of anxiety in Chinese medical students based on measurements tools.
Forest plot of prevalence of suicidal ideation in Chinese medical students.
Wang et al.
TABLE 6 Estimated suicide ideation prevalence among medical students in China.
Subgroup No. of studies No. of suicide ideation Sample size Subgroup analysis Meta-regression
Estimated rate (95% CI) Q I2 (%) p-value I2 (%) p-value
Study region
Northeast 4 361 3,967 0.10 (0.07, 0.12) 20.81 85.58% <0.01 99.14 0.8519
East China 16 5,929 51,045 0.13 (0.09, 0.18) 2,844.04 99.47% <0.01
South China 6 3,015 15,052 0.17 (0.09, 0.26) 794.93 99.37% <0.01
Multiple regions 4 816 11,225 0.11 (0.07, 0.15) 152.41 97.38% <0.01
Survey year
2000–2005 4 648 6,457 0.09 (0.06, 0.12) 53.76 94.42% <0.01 99.08 0.6095
Sample size
<200 1 12 148 0.08 (0.04, 0.14) – – – 99.24 0.0686
401–600 6 374 3,030 0.12 (0.08, 0.16) 54.91 90.89% <0.01
Frontiers in Public Health
Wang et al.
TABLE 6 (Continued)
Subgroup No. of studies No. of suicide ideation Sample size Subgroup analysis Meta-regression
Estimated rate (95% CI) Q I2 (%) p-value I2 (%) p-value
801–1,000 4 492 3,462 0.13 (0.05, 0.25) 242.27 98.76% <0.01
Sampling methods
Simple 10 4,854 33,100 0.17 (0.12, 0.22) 1,373.24 99.27% <0.01 98.96 0.2339
Recall period
Past 1 week 4 671 5,460 0.12 (0.10, 0.15) 19.15 84.33% <0.01 98.46 0.0583
Past 1 year 18 2,495 36,144 0.10 (0.08, 0.12) 824.66 97.94% <0.01
Educational level
Undergraduate 51 15,096 1,12,897 0.13 (0.11, 0.15) 6,130.56 99.18% <0.01 99.21 0.4261
Measurement tool
NCS 1 136 662 0.21 (0.18, 0.24) – – – 99.26 0.0282
QSA and Suicide ideation question 1 115 698 0.16 (0.14, 0.19) – – –
Frontiers in Public Health
Wang et al.
TABLE 6 (Continued)
Subgroup No. of studies No. of suicide ideation Sample size Subgroup analysis Meta-regression
Estimated rate (95% CI) Q I2 (%) p-value I2 (%) p-value
BHS 1 48 540 0.09 (0.07, 0.12) – – –
Self-made questionnaire 25 9,559 74,784 0.13 (0.10, 0.16) 3,300.26 99.27% <0.01
Wang et al. 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1116616
Subgroup analysis of suicide ideation in Chinese medical students based on measurements tools.
Forest plot of prevalence of suicidal attempt in Chinese medical students.
1%−9%) had a higher prevalence of suicide attempt than other Suicidal plan
survey years. Furthermore, the estimated prevalence was higher in The pooled prevalence of suicide plan reported in 14
those studies using convenience sampling methods (14%; 95% CI: studies was 4% (1,188/27,025, 95% CI: 3%−6%), with significant
13%−15%) than other sampling methods. The studies with a recall heterogeneity of 97.12% among the included studies (Figure 10,
period of the past 1 month reported a significantly higher pooled Table 8). Sensitivity analysis showed that no individual study
prevalence (13%; 95% CI: 10%−16%) than other recall periods. As significantly affected the overall result (Supplementary material S5,
for measurement tools, the studies using SIOSS reported a higher Figure 5). In the subgroup analysis, heterogeneity was found to be
pooled prevalence of suicide attempt, with an estimate of 6% (95% reduced in the survey years from 2000 to 2005 (I 2 = 74.16%).
CI: 4%−7%; Figure 9, Table 7). Subgroup analysis showed differences in prevalence based on
Univariate meta-regression analyses demonstrated that study regions, survey years, sampling methods, and measurement
study region (p = 0.0294) and sampling method (p = 0.0402) tools. The estimated prevalence of suicide attempt was higher
could explain the potential source of the heterogeneity. in central China (8%; 95% CI: 7%−8%). Additionally, studies
Publication bias was found in the pooled prevalence analysis conducted between 2010 and 2015 had the lowest prevalence
(p < 0.001 using Egger’s test; Supplementary material S6, of suicide attempt (1%; 95% CI: 1%−2%) among all survey
Figure 4). years. The estimated prevalence was higher in those studies using
Wang et al.
TABLE 7 Estimated suicide attempt prevalence among medical students in China.
Subgroup No. of studies No. of suicide attempt Sample size Subgroup analysis Meta-regression
Estimated rate (95% CI) Q I2 (%) p-value I2 (%) p-value
Study region
East China 8 425 39,282 0.01 (0.01, 0.02) 203.81 96.57% <0.01 96.45 0.0294
Survey year
2000–2005 3 47 4,602 0.01 (0.00, 0.03) – – – 98.39 0.4842
Sample size
<600 2 75 935 0.07 (0.06, 0.09) – – – 98.52 0.2902
Sampling methods
Simple 4 403 23,501 0.02 (0.01, 0.03) 61.58 95.13% <0.01 95.96 0.0402
N 2 51 4,221 0.01 (0.01, 0.02) – – –
Recall period
Past 1 week 2 32 2,857 0.01 (0.01, 0.01) – – – 98.41 0.1190
Past 1 year 8 271 20,807 0.02 (0.01, 0.03) 309.87 97.74% <0.01
Frontiers in Public Health
Wang et al.
TABLE 7 (Continued)
Subgroup No. of studies No. of suicide attempt Sample size Subgroup analysis Meta-regression
Estimated rate (95% CI) Q I2 (%) p-value I2 (%) p-value
Lifetime 6 1,133 32,699 0.03 (0.01, 0.07) 1,308.39 99.62% <0.01
Educational level
Undergraduate 21 1,730 69,786 0.03 (0.01, 0.04) 2,022.20 99.01% <0.01 - -
Measurement tool
NCS 1 10 662 0.02 (0.01, 0.03) – – – 98.82 0.9576
Self-made questionnaire 15 1,607 61,809 0.03 (0.01, 0.05) 1,924.10 99.27% <0.01
Wang et al. 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1116616
Subgroup analysis of suicide attempt in Chinese medical students based on measurements tools.
convenience sampling methods (8%; 95% CI: 7%−8%) than other Significant results were not found in all univariate meta-
sampling methods. Among all measurement tools, studies using regression analyses to explain the heterogeneity between studies.
the Questionnaire of Suicide Attitude (QSA) and Suicide Ideation Publication bias was found in the pooled prevalence analysis
Question reported a higher prevalence (9%; 95% CI: 7%−11%; (p < 0.001 using Egger’s test; Supplementary material S6,
Figure 11, Table 8). Figure 5).
Forest plot of prevalence of suicidal plan in Chinese medical students.
Discussion reported studies (28.4 and 23.8%) in China (41, 42). This may
be because medical students may experience higher academic
Summary of results pressure due to the arduous training curriculum, less time for
relaxing or seeking psychological help (18, 43), and employment
To the best of our knowledge, this is the most comprehensive stress since pursuing a master’s or even doctoral degree is
systematic review and meta-analysis to estimate the prevalence commonly required to enter a hospital in China (44). These
of CMDs among Chinese medical students. Our study revealed two factors are unique to medical students (45). Furthermore,
that the pooled prevalence of depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, our results revealed that the prevalence of depression symptoms
suicidal attempt, and suicidal plans was 29%, 17%, 13%, 3%, and among Chinese medical students was higher than the global
4%, respectively. The high prevalence values emphasize the need for prevalence in medical students (28.0%) (46). This finding could
CMD prevention and intervention for Chinese medical students. be the result of cultural differences among different countries.
Compared with Western countries, Asian countries with a
prominent Confucian Heritage Culture, such as China, emphasize
Depression academic excellence starting at a young age (47). Such high
expectations often result in excessive pressure on students, which
Our study demonstrated a pooled prevalence of depressive could influence their psychological wellbeing. In this situation,
symptoms among Chinese medical students of 29%, which was students, especially medical students, who bear more stressors
higher than that for general university students (24.4%) in from clinical curriculums and trainings, might report higher levels
low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) (40) and previously of depression.
Wang et al.
TABLE 8 Estimated suicide plan prevalence among medical students in China.
Subgroup No. of studies No. of suicide plan Sample size Subgroup analysis Meta-regression
Estimated rate (95% CI) Q I2 (%) p-value I2 (%) p-value
Study region
Northeast 1 92 1,855 0.05 (0.04, 0.06) – – – 93.07 0.6759
East China 4 157 6,638 0.03 (0.01, 0.06) 87.76 96.58% <0.01
Survey year
2000–2005 4 244 6,457 0.04 (0.03, 0.05) 11.61 74.16% 0.01 97.19 0.5487
Sample size
601–800 3 109 1,983 0.05 (0.01, 0.11) – – – 97.29 0.614
Sampling methods
Simple 3 184 4,114 0.04 (0.02, 0.07) – – – 95.81 0.7784
Recall period
During college 1 30 1,254 0.02 (0.02, 0.03) – – – 97.56 0.6329
Past 1 year 7 421 11,920 0.04 (0.02, 0.05) 142.20 95.78% <0.01
Wang et al. 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1116616
suggested that depression was a problem affecting all levels of
medical training. However, the result of our study was lower than
that found in nursing students (34.0%) of similar age and education
I2 (%)
– dominated profession for decades, and it has been confirmed that
women tend to be more commonly affected by mental disorders
Thus, it is suggested that more attention should be paid to
medical students with signs and symptoms of depression, and
timely screening and proper interventions are highly necessary.
I2 (%)
Subgroup analysis
was 18%, which was much higher than that for Asian medical
students (7.04%) (49). Interestingly, our result was lower than
0.05 (0.04, 0.06)
burnout, and even suicidality (18, 55, 56). Thus, the anxiety in this
population should be taken seriously and prevented effectively.
Suicidal behaviors
No. of studies
was similar to the global pooled prevalence (11.1%) and the pooled
prevalence in China published in previous studies (11%) (10,
28). Furthermore, the pooled prevalence of suicide plan was also
similar to the results of a Chinese language meta-analysis, which
QSA and suicide ideation question
Educational level
was 17.4%, while the 1-year prevalence was 8.6% and the 6-month
prevalence was 11.9%. With respect to suicidal attempt, the lifetime
prevalence was 1.8%, while the 1-year prevalence was 0.3% (58).
Subgroup analysis of suicide plan in Chinese medical students based on measurements tools.
study were less likely to report suicidal ideation (2% in recent 6 Limitations of this review and included
months) but more likely to report suicidal attempt (2% in recent studies
1 year) than physicians in recent recall periods.
These results suggested that Chinese medical students, similar Our study has some limitations. First, the data were mostly
to other populations with clinical training (such as physicians), derived from studies with a cross-sectional design, which limited a
had a higher risk for suicide-related thoughts and behaviors. The dynamic analysis of mental distress in this meta-analysis. Second,
possible reasons might be a high rate of depression, work burnout, the data from different specialties (e.g., clinical medicine, dental
medical adverse events and errors, and a lower likelihood of medicine, preventive medicine, and nursing) and grades could not
seeking psychological help among medical students and physicians be extracted for final analysis, leaving substantial heterogeneity
(10, 59, 60). Effective preventive efforts and the accessibility of among studies unexplained. Third, it was impossible to perform
mental health services for medical students should be developed in a gender analysis since many studies did not provide separate
the future. prevalences of mental disorders for men and women. Fourth, a
wide variety of screening instruments with different cutoff scores disorders but also create a positive and thriving learning
for mental distress were used in different studies, resulting in high environment for future healthcare professionals.
heterogeneity across individual studies. Fifth, current studies on
mental distress among Chinese medical students focused on limited
mental problems. The investigation of other mental distresses such Conclusion
as obsessive-compulsive disorder, irritable bowel syndrome, bipolar
disorders, and combinations of these was lacking in most studies. Our findings showed that Chinese medical students had a
Finally, publication bias existed in our study, and the results should high level of depression, anxiety, and suicidal behaviors. Thus,
be interpreted with caution. timely screening and targeted intervention programs in this
population to improve their mental health are needed. However,
high heterogeneity and publication bias across the included studies
Implications for further research were found in this review, suggesting that the results should be
interpreted with caution.
Most included studies used a cross-sectional design with
small sample sizes, which limits the generalization of the results Data availability statement
to a wider population. Thus, future research should include
prospective, randomized, multicenter studies with larger sample The original contributions presented in the study are included
sizes. Additionally, most included studies solely focused on in the article/Supplementary material, further inquiries can be
major mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, directed to the corresponding author.
and suicidal behaviors. Future studies should investigate other
mental health disorders, such as bipolar, obsessive-compulsive, and
eating disorders, alone and in combination. More subgroup and Author contributions
stratified analyses are also suggested to identify the prevalence
of mental health problems in different subgroups of Chinese PX: conceptualization, data curation, formal analysis, funding
medical students, such as different grades, to provide targeted and acquisition, investigation, methodology, project administration,
personalized intervention programs. Finally, more interventional resources, software, supervision, validation, visualization,
studies are needed to find ways to address the poor mental health writing—original draft, and writing—review and editing. JWa, ML,
of this population. and JB: data curation, formal analysis, investigation, methodology,
software, visualization, and writing—original draft. YC, BL,
and RW: writing—original draft. JL and JWu: data curation,
Implications for practice investigation, and methodology. All authors contributed to the
article and approved the submitted version.
Given the high prevalence of mental health disorders among
medical students, there is a pressing need for further research
utilizing standardized screening instruments with valid cutoff Funding
scores to accurately assess those disorders. It is suggested
that medical schools implement regular monitoring of students’ PX was supported by the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic
psychological wellbeing and establish comprehensive psychological Research Foundation (No. 2022A1515110261) and the Guangzhou
interventions or programs that have demonstrated effectiveness Basic and Applied Basic Research Project (No. 202201010205). JX
in reducing students’ mental health disorders. For instance, was supported by the grant of the Science and Technology Project
organizing structured programs with validated approaches like of Qiandongnan Prefecture (2022, No. 05). The funding bodies
life skills training (61) and mindfulness therapy (62) could had no role in the study design, data collection, data analysis, data
be implemented for medical students experiencing anxiety. interpretation, the writing of the manuscript, or the decision to
Additionally, providing mental support within the college setting, submit the paper for publication. The corresponding author had
including mental health-related courses and accessible counseling full access to all the data in the study and took responsibility for the
centers, is essential (26). Furthermore, continuous efforts are decision to submit it for publication.
necessary to destigmatize mental health issues among medical
students and promote a culture of help-seeking behavior. Medical Conflict of interest
schools can play a vital role in this by explicitly stating that
having mental health problems will not result in demerit points The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
or negative consequences for students. Sharing the successful absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
experiences of senior doctors in managing mental health challenges construed as a potential conflict of interest.
may also encourage medical students to approach their own mental
health struggles more positively (14). By prioritizing standardized
assessments, implementing evidence-based interventions, and Publisher’s note
fostering a supportive environment, medical schools can actively
address the mental health needs of their students. This multifaceted All claims expressed in this article are solely those
approach can not only alleviate the burden of mental health of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of
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