Core Space Mission - Rescue On Daedalus
Core Space Mission - Rescue On Daedalus
Core Space Mission - Rescue On Daedalus
You have been hired for a rescue mission. A diplomat has been discovered on board a derelict
ship, the Daedalus, drifting through Purge-infested space. Butler is a reprobate and your client
couldn’t care less about his safety, but your client does care about a data-chip that Butler was
carrying when the ship went missing – that’s what you’ve been hired to ‘rescue’. If you can profit
from saving the diplomat too, all the better!
This mission is not part of a specific campaign – it is a side-mission for up to two crews. Note that
this mission works best with a GM. If you are playing it this way and you are not the GM, stop
reading now!