Core Space Mission - Rescue On Daedalus

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You have been hired for a rescue mission. A diplomat has been discovered on board a derelict
ship, the Daedalus, drifting through Purge-infested space. Butler is a reprobate and your client
couldn’t care less about his safety, but your client does care about a data-chip that Butler was
carrying when the ship went missing – that’s what you’ve been hired to ‘rescue’. If you can profit
from saving the diplomat too, all the better!
This mission is not part of a specific campaign – it is a side-mission for up to two crews. Note that
this mission works best with a GM. If you are playing it this way and you are not the GM, stop
reading now!

PRIMARY OBJECTIVE The exact room is chosen by the GM at the

Reward: 5UA start of the game, and it is up to the GM how
much information about the location is
The client has offered a 5UA reward for the revealed to the other players. If not using a
safe retrieval of the data-chip, represented by GM, roll the Chance Die when each room is
the 5UA Objective token. The token can be opened. On a 6, or if it is the last room left to
traded during the Trade Phase as normal to open, that room is the objective.
gain the reward.
SECONDARY OBJECTIVE When the room containing the chip is opened,
Reward: Butler’s influence Butler is placed in the middle of the room. He
The survivor on the ship is Butler, a well- is activated in the NPC Phase, but he does
connected diplomat. While his personal not roll the Chance Die – instead his two
fortunes may be in doubt, he still knows all the Actions are chosen by the player with a
right people and you can take advantage of Trader closest to Butler at the start of his
that. activation. If both players are equally close,
the player with the Turn Counter can activate
The crew that gets Butler back on board their him. He will not join a crew. No other Civilians
ship can choose one of the following effects. are used in this mission.
The influence can only be used once but does
Locked Doors
not have to be used immediately – note it on
The doors marked in red on the map begin
your Ship Board until used.
the game closed and locked. The door pieces
• Gain access to a high-end particle should be pushed back into the wall panels,
transmitter – automatically extract a with a reminder counter next to each one to
Trader and their equipment for free mark that it is locked.
after a game, without rolling.
A locked door can be unlocked by Interacting
• Gain access to the VIP area of a local with one of the terminals marked in green –
space station where you can make one door per Action. This removes the
contacts and learn new skills. Gain counter but does not open the door. Opening
three free Career points to distribute or closing an unlocked door is an effortless
amongst your crew in the action when in contact with it.
Advancement Phase (max two per
Trader). Locked doors can also be destroyed with an
Assault action. They have a physical armour
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS value of 3 and will be destroyed (unlocked
The Data Chip and permanently opened) by a single hit.
The data chip is represented by the 5UA
Objective token. Set this aside at the start of More information on doors can
the game. The chip is located in one of the six be found in the Deluxe
square rooms on the map, but the token is not Rulebook. Traders with the
placed on the board. It will be found when a appropriate Tech Skills or
Trader makes a General Search of its room, equipment (Laser Cutter or Data
instead of drawing from the pouch. Pad) can use them in this mission too.

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