Lotr SBG Reference v1.2 PDF
Lotr SBG Reference v1.2 PDF
Lotr SBG Reference v1.2 PDF
If not stated by the scenario, in narrative play the good side always has priority
on the first turn. In matched play always roll off for priority on the first turn
(rerolling ties). When rolling off, each side rolls 1D6.
Regardless of the type of game, from turn two onwards, roll off for priority. In
the event of a tie, priority passes to the player who didn’t have it last turn.
1. Priority Phase
Players roll off to determine who has priority. D6 RESULT
2. Move Phase
Both players move models. First the player with priority moves any/all of their Stumbles and Fails: Model does not cross the obstacle and ends its
models, then the other player moves any/all of their models. movement for the turn.
3. Shoot Phase Success: Model successfully crosses the obstacle. Place the model on the
Both players make shooting attacks using models armed with missile weapons. 2-5 other side of the obstacle with its base touching it. Model may move no
First the player will priority shoots any/all of their models, then the other player
further this move phase.
shoots any/all of their models.
4. Fight Phase Effortlessly Bounds Across: The model crosses the obstacle with ease and
All models from both sides engaged in hand-to-hand combat fight. The player may complete its remaining movement.
with priority chooses the order in which to resolve fights.
5. End Phase
Resolve any effects that remain until the end phase and get ready for the next D6 RESULT
turn by tidying the gaming area of tokens, dice, etc.
Stumbles and Fails: Model falls to the bottom of the gap, suffers falling
damage, and is knocked prone.
Models move up to their move characteristic in inches (“). Models are not required to
move in straight lines. Models may not move through any other models. Each models Success: Model successfully crosses the gap. Place the model on the other
has a 360° facing. 2-5 side of the gap with its base touching it. Model may move no further this
Control Zones: Each model has a 1” control zone around their base edge. Models move phase.
cannot enter enemy control zones unless they are charging. A model that starts its
move stuck in an enemy control zone can forego its move, charge the enemy model, Effortlessly Bounds Across: The model crosses the gap with ease and may
or move away from the enemy model (cannot get any closer). complete its remaining movement.
Terrain: Models may move through Open Ground at full distance. Models move CLIMB TABLE
at ½ distance through Difficult Terrain. Impassable terrain cannot be moved through.
Obstacles: Obstacles less than ½ height of the model do not incur a move penalty. D6 RESULT
Obstacles greater than ½ height of the model require a Jump test (not taller than
Fall: Model falls to the bottom of the surface it is climbing and is knocked
model) or Climb test (taller than model and can be climbed).
1 prone. If the model is at ground level when failed it suffers no damage. If
Jumping: Models can jump across obstacles that are ½ to full height of the model
falling from higher than model height, the model suffers falling damage.
being moved. Roll a D6 and consult the Jump Table.
Leaping: Models can leap across gaps up to 2x the height of the model. Roll a D6 Continue to Climb: Model climbs until it reaches full move distance or the
and consult the Leap Table. top. If the model reaches the top its movement ends.
Climbing: Models climb when increasing altitude beyond the height of the model.
Roll a D6 and consult the Climb Table. Cavalry models cannot climb. There must be
Swift Ascent: Model climbs until it reaches full move distance or the top. If
some way to scale the surface and models count as moving in Difficult Terrain. the model reaches the top it can complete its remaining movement.
Climbing using ropes, ladders or similar does not require a climb test and does not
Falling: A model that falls is knocked prone. If falling farther than model height,
count as Difficult Terrain.
model suffers 1 strength 3 hit plus 1 additional strength 3 hit for each inch it falls
Descending: Models can descend a distance equal to model height without penalty. beyond it’s height.
Descending farther than model height requires a climb test. If failed, the model
Prone: A model knocked to the ground is prone. Prone models have no control
suffers falling damage.
zones, are counted as ½ their height for LOS, and can only crawl 1” or stand up.
Standing Up/Lying Down: A model can stand up or lie down for ½ it’s move (but not A model can take a jump test to jump over a prone model. If failed when
both in the same turn). After standing, a model may charge. jumping an enemy model, you must immediately charge the prone enemy model.
A model must have LOS to an enemy model they wish to charge. Once engaged, Player with priority shoots first.
neither model may move any further in the move phase. Charging models move their 1. Check LOS and range to the intended target.
regular move distance.
2. Determine number of models or obstacles that are in the way.
Control Zones: A model that is charging must abide by the following:
3. Roll to hit.
• Can only enter the control zone of the enemy model they are charging. If a model
4.Make in the way rolls.
enters two enemy control zones, the controlling player decides which enemy
model to engage. 5. Roll to wound.
• Once engaged, a model’s control zone is cancelled until they are not longer 6.Remove casualties.
engaged. Moving and Shooting: Can move ½ and still shoot. Models that have jumped,
• Once a model enters a control zone, it may ignore other control zones in order to leaped, climbed, swam, or are prone can’t shoot. Turning on the spot doesn’t
charge it’s intended target. count as moving. Shoot values are 1 point worse when moving and shooting.
Charging Multiple Enemies: If a model has enough move distance and it’s base is In The Way: For each model or obstruction that is in the way an in the way test
large enough, it may engage multiple enemy models. must be taken and passed for the shooting to be successful. Good models may
not shoot if good models are in the way. Evil models may shoot regardless of
Defended Positions: A model defending an obstacle (in base contact) has it’s control
which models are in the way.
zone extended out to 1” beyond the obstacle. Charging models must only reach the
near side of the obstacle in order to charge an enemy model defending it. Shooting from Behind Cover/Other Models: Models in base contact with an
obstacle ignores the item for in the way tests. Models in base contact with
PAIRING OFF FIGHTS (PG. 26) friendly models (same base size or smaller) ignores the models for in the way.
Fights are paired off at the end of the move phase to determine which models are Shooting Models Engaged in Combat: Evil models can shoot into combat. Roll
engaged with each other. Models are always paired off in 1-on-1 fights when possible. to hit and take in the way tests as normal (ignore models in the combat). If
If a model can join two fights, the player with priority chooses which fight to join. successful, roll 1D6. On a 1-3 the closest friendly model is hit. On a 4-6 the
If necessary, do to a game effect (e.g. magical power), the player with priority can original model is hit.
decide how fights are paired off prior to the end of the move phase. Rolling To Hit: Must match or beat shoot value. A score of 6 always hits.
7 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 Longbow 24” 3
9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 Slingshot 12” 1
10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 Throwing Spear 8” 3
6/4, 6/5, or 6/6 means you must get a 6, followed by the second number. A “-” Throwing weapon 6” 3
means the models cannot be wounded. A model losing it’s last wound is removed.
Uruk-hai bow 18” 3
Player with priority picks the order to resolve fights.
1. Duel roll (declare special strikes or two-handed attacks – use banners – use Might)
2. Loser backs away Purpose built fortifications, large rocky outcrops,
3. Winner makes strikes windows and doorways
4.Remove casualties Walls, rocks, tree trunks, sturdy fence, intervening
Duel Roll: Each player rolls a D6 for each Attack in their profile (use highest die) and models and elevated positions (Combat only)
for each model in the fight, highest result wins. If tied, model with the highest fight
value wins. If still tied, priority player rolls D6: 1-3 evil side wins, 4-6 good side wins. Flimsy fences, bushes, crops and long grass 3+
Backing Away: Loser backs away 1” (direction determined by controlling player). Can COURAGE (PG. 52)
move through enemy control zones but not into base contact. Not slowed by difficult
terrain. Cannot be used to cross obstacles, jump, leap or climb. If at a ledge and has To take a courage test, roll 2D6 and add the models courage value. If the total is
no choice, model will take a fall test. 10+, the test is passed – otherwise the test is failed.
Trapped: A model is trapped if it can’t back away 1”. Separate as much as possible. Multiple Courage Tests: If a courage test for a specific rule/ability is passed
If an unengaged friendly model can make way, they may do so by moving up to 1” – once, subsequent tests for the same special rule/ability are passed automatically
entering enemy control zones but not base contact. for the rest of the turn (unless otherwise stated).
Prone Models: May never charge an enemy. If charged, fight as normal, but if they THROWN RIDER TABLE
win the duel roll, the do not make strikes but may immediately stand up instead. If
losing a duel roll, back away as normal but always count as trapped. D6 RESULT
Striking: To strike, roll To Wound for each Attack (and each model if multiple
1 Knocked Flying: Rider suffers 1 strength 3 hit. If not slain, model is prone.
combat). When striking a trapped model, roll twice for each strike (attack).
Barriers: An in the way test must be made for an attacker that strikes across a barrier. 2-5 Rises from the Dust: Rider cannot do anything for the rest of the turn.
If the defender loses the duel roll and is not slain, the attacker must back away.
Doorways: A model defending a doorway counts as being behind a barrier.
6 Leaps into Action: Rider suffers no penalty.
Elevated Positions: Attackers must fight defender 1 at a time and take in the way MONSTERS (PG. 76)
tests for each strike against the defender. If the defender loses the duel roll and is not Monsters are not effected by the knocked to the ground rule from cavalry.
slain, the attacker must back away. Cavalry fighting monsters with the infantry keyword will still get an extra attack.
CAVALRY (PG. 56) A monster with a rider also counts as a cavalry model.
Cavalry cannot climb, lie down, or crawl when moving. Brutal Power Attacks: A monster that strikes in a fight can opt to use a brutal
power attack (once per turn) or strike normally. A brutal power attack does not
Difficult Terrain: Each inch of movement counts as 4” (4x). Cavalry do not gain any count as making strikes for special rule/heroic action purposes (unless otherwise
bonuses related to charging when in difficult terrain. stated). Monster models that are supporting cannot make brutal power attacks.
Jumping or Leaping: If a cavalry model fails a jump or leap test, roll an additional D1. • Rend: Select 1 model in the fight (all attacks must target the model). Compare
On a 1, the rider is thrown as if rolling a 1 on the thrown rider table. the monster’s strength against targets strength instead of defence.
Separated Mounts: When riderless, mount must take a courage test. If failed, the • Hurl: Select 1 model in base contact with lower strength. Roll a D3 and add
mount flees and is removed from play. If passed, mount remains as a separate model difference in strength – this is the distance. Direction is line draw between
(no rider). If the mounts Attacks or Courage characteristic is 0, it will automatically flee center of monster/target bases. Move model distance along line, ending
when riderless. If a cavalry model is ever knocked prone, the rider immediately suffers prone. Stop if encountering obstacle or model with strength 6+. All models
the Knocked Flying result on the thrown rider table. passed through suffer 1 strength 3 hit (cavalry suffer a hit on both
Remounting: Separated riders cannot remount a mount for the rest of the game. rider/mount). If passed through model is engaged, all models < strength 5 in
Shooting at Cavalry: For each hit, roll 1D6. On a 1-3 the mount is hit, 4-6 the rider is hit. fight are knocked prone and suffer strength 3 hit. Hurled model suffers a
If the mount is slain, the rider must take a thrown rider test. strength 3 hit for each passed through model and 1 strength 6 hit at end of
move. If hitting a model that stops it, hit model also suffers strength 6 hit.
Dismounting: A cavalry model can dismount at any point during their move.
• Barge: All enemy models must back away 3” (direction chosen by player
Fights: Fights as 1 model, using highest Fight Strength or Attacks characteristics.
controlling the monster). If can’t back away full 3”, model becomes prone.
Cavalry Charging Infantry: +1 attack for duels and strikes. If a cavalry model wins a After done, monster can move D6” in any direction (can charge again). Cannot
fight, defenders less than strength 6 are knocked to the ground (prone after backing use Barge if same turn that monster participates in a Heroic Combat.
away) and count as being trapped.
Strikes Against Cavalry: Can attack rider and/or mount. If mount is slain, rider must
take a thrown rider test. If rider slain, mount counts as being separated.
Might: Might points are used to modify dice rolls or perform heroic actions.
Allows hero to move before other models (regardless of priority). If the
• Altering Dice Rolls: For each point of Might spent, adjust a die roll up or down model is charged before it can take it’s move, the action is cancelled and
by 1. Player does not have to decide until after rolling dice. Die results can
Heroic Move the Might point spent is lost.
never be adjusted above 6 or below 1. If two heroes are fighting, priority player
decides first if they will use Might, then their opponent. This can alternate back (Move Phase) With Me: Declare before moving (mark starting point). All friendly
and forth. Heroes can only use Might to modify their own die rolls. Might can models within 6” can also move, but must end move within 6” of hero.
be used for taking tests, duel rolls, shooting, rolling to wound, courage, using Models that do not move cannot move during the move phase.
will and using fate.
Allows hero to shoot before other models (regardless of priority). Cannot
• Heroic Actions: Hero may attempt 1 heroic action at start of move, shooting or
be used in the hero is engaged in combat.
fight phase. 1 Might point is expended to attempt a heroic action. If both
players wish to use a heroic action at the same time, first the non-priority player
Heroic Shoot Loose!: Declare Loose! Before shooting. All friendly models within 6”
must decide. After declaring, priority player rolls D6. On 1-3, evil player (Shoot Phase) may also shoot. Hero does not have to have a missile weapon in order to
performs action first, 4-6 good player starts. Players alternate until all actions declare Loose!. Models within range that do not shoot cannot shoot
are complete. during the shooting phase.
Will: Expel a point of will to cast or resist a magical power or pass a courage test. Allows hero to resolve fight first. If all enemies are slain, hero and all
• Cast a Magical Power: Expel 1 or more points to roll that many dice in the Heroic Combat
friendlies engaged in same combat can move again before proceeding to
attempt to cast the magical power. Must declare number of points being spent (Fight Phase)
the Fight phase. Hero can only benefit from one heroic fight per turn.
before rolling dice for cast.
• Resist a Magical Power: Expel points to resist a magical power (page 95). Heroic Resolve Hero and all friendly models within 6” gain 1 dice to any Resist tests they
• Pass a Courage Test: Expel points to adjust the score of a failed courage test. (Move Phase) take for remainder of turn. Hero cannot move this turn.
Each point increases courage by 1. Can expend will and might to adjust result.
Hero adds 3” to move if infantry or 5” to move if cavalry or flying. Hero
Fate: Expel a point of fate to prevent a wound on a D6 roll of 4, 5 or 6. Points may not charge in this move phase. If the hero is charged before they can
must be used one at a time. A single point of fate and successful result cancels move the action is cancelled and the point of Might is lost.
weapons that inflict multiple wounds or slay models outright. Heroic March
At the Double!: Declare before moving (mark starting point). All friendly
(Move Phase)
WAR BEASTS (PG. 80) models within 6” can also move (adding same based on type), but must
Cannot use brutal power attacks unless otherwise stated. end move within 6” of hero. Models may not charge as part of this move.
Move: Cannot cross obstacles >2” high. Cannot jump, leap, climb, or swim. Models in range that do not move cannot move during the move phase.
Move at ½ rate through difficult terrain. Heroic Channeling
Crew: Can move around howdah as open ground (up/down levels). Cannot lie Hero uses the channelled versions of any magical powers cast this turn.
(Move Phase)