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RTP Fitzroy QLD Regional Transport Plan

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© State of Queensland (Department of Transport and Main
Roads) 2019.


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We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians

of the land to which this plan applies and pay our respects
to their Elders both past and present. Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander readers are warned, images in this
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which may cause sadness or distress.

The Department of Transport and Main Roads wishes to

acknowledge the valuable input and contribution from our
local government partners to develop this plan.

Cover images: Fisherman’s Landing, Port of Gladstone (background);

Cattle road train (inset, left); Cycling near Central Queensland University
(inset, centre); Airplane (inset, right).

Inside cover image: Pineapples on sale at Farmer’s Market, Yeppoon

2 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019


1. Introduction 5

1.1 A shared direction for transport 6

1.2 What is a Regional Transport Plan 6
1.3 Strategic alignment 7
1.4 Alignment with the State Infrastructure Plan 9
1.5 Alignment with the Transport Coordination Plan 9
1.6 Alignment with the State Planning Policy 9
1.7 Alignment with regional planning 10
1.8 Achievements to date 11
1.9 Developing Regional Transport Plans 12

2. The Fitzroy region 17

2.1 Region overview 18

2.2 Transport network 22

3. Goals, challenges and opportunities 31

3.1 Goals 32
3.2 Challenges 33
3.3 Opportunities 39

4. Priorities and actions 45

4.1 Priority 1: Community 48

4.2 Priority 2: Economic development 55
4.3 Priority 3: Safety 62
4.4 Priority 4: Network resilience and sustainability 67

5. Implementation 73

5.1 Taking action 74

5.2 Delivering in partnership 75
5.3 Measuring success 76
5.4 Monitoring and review 78

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 3

Farm near Biloela

4 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019


Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 5

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

1.1 A shared direction for 1.2 What is a Regional

transport Transport Plan
The Fitzroy Regional Transport Plan (the Plan) outlines a The purpose of the Fitzroy Regional Transport Plan is to set
shared direction for shaping the region’s transport system out regional transport priorities and actions for developing
over the next 15 years. the transport system in a way that supports regional goals
for the community, economy and environment.
The Plan was developed in consultation with local
government and key stakeholders, with input from The Plan has been developed in accordance with the
customers and industry. The Department of Transport Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994 and meets
and Main Roads will continue to work in partnership with the department’s legislative responsibility to develop
all levels of government, the community and industry integrated regional transport plans that complement land
to implement the Plan and achieve shared goals for the use planning, and support the goals and objectives of
region. Regional Plans.
Regional Transport Plans are a fundamental component
The Plan covers all modes of transport, with a focus on the
in the hierarchy of integrated system planning. They have
networks and services in the region, and the inter-regional
an essential role in defining local responses to wider
and international connections that are vital to the region’s
community goals, system objectives, problems and
social and economic prosperity.
priorities, through the development of policy choices and
transport system strategies at a regional level.
Regional Transport Plans have a clearly defined role in the
The Fitzroy region is home to over 225,600 people and Transport and Main Roads' planning process. They are not
includes the local government areas of Banana, Central intended to specify new infrastructure solutions or funding
Highlands, Gladstone, Livingstone, Rockhampton and commitments, as that is the role of the Queensland
Woorabinda.1 Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP).
The approach to developing Regional Transport Plans
is aligned with the Australian Transport Assessment
and Planning Guidelines for best practice transport
assessment and planning (Figure 1).






Figure 1: Examples of how Queensland responds to the Australian Transport Assessment and Planning hierarchy

1 Queensland Government Statistician's Office. (2019). Queensland Government Population Projections, 2019 edition (medium series).

6 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

The regional policy choices and system strategies expressed in the Plan are used to:
„ inform detailed planning or investigations at a network, area, corridor, route or link level
„ guide development, assessment and selection of specific investment solutions.

The Plan supports the department’s vision of ‘creating a single integrated transport network accessible to everyone’
„ guiding and coordinating effort towards common transport priorities
„ communicating the long-term planning intent for the region
„ defining the transport system’s role and priorities to achieve regional goals
„ recognising collaboration with local governments as critical to ‘one-network’ transport planning
„ guiding future planning and investment in partnership with others.

The Plan will be used by Transport and Main Roads to inform investment decisions to develop the regional transport

Guides and coordinates effort towards common transport priorities


Our Vision Communicates the long-term planning intent for the region

Creating a single
integrated transport Defines the transport system’s role and priorities to achieve regional goals
network accessible
to everyone Recognises collaboration with local governments as critical to transport planning

Guides future planning and investment in partnership with others

1.3 Strategic alignment

This Regional Transport Plan has been developed in Key planning documents include:
the context of relevant policies, strategies, plans and
investment frameworks across all levels of government. „ Transport Coordination Plan 2017–2027
These policy and planning documents are reflected in „ 'Queensland Transport Strategy' (draft)
the objectives, challenges, opportunities and priorities
identified in the Plan.
„ Transport and Main Roads Strategic Plan 2019–2023
„ Safer Roads, Safer Queensland: Queensland’s Road
The Plan aligns with:
Safety Strategy 2015–2021
„ State Infrastructure Plan „ Queensland Cycling Strategy 2017–2027
„ State Planning Policy „ Bruce Highway Action Plan
„ Central Queensland Regional Plan 2013 „ Queensland Freight Strategy
„ local government land use and transport plans, and „ Queensland Walking Strategy 2019–2029
„ economic development strategies
„ Queensland Tourism and Transport Strategy

„ the Australian Government’s Australian Infrastructure Priorities and actions identified in the Plan align with
Plan (prepared by Infrastructure Australia). current statewide transport policies and objectives. The
department regularly reviews and updates statewide
The Plan responds to customer needs, as well as the strategies and plans and future updates to the Plan will
goals and directions of the community, industry and all reflect these outcomes.
levels of government.

Transport and Main Roads also produces statewide

strategies and plans that guide coordinated outcomes for
transport networks and services across Queensland. These
high-level plans set the broader framework for taking
action at the regional and local level.

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 7

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

The future of transport

Queensland Transport Strategy (draft) MaaS will not be a ‘one-size fits all’ approach
and will look different across the state, based on
The draft Queensland Transport Strategy (QTS) community needs, availability of transport options and
provides a 30-year vision for Queensland’s transport infrastructure.
system that is designed to respond to, and maximise
the benefits from, current and emerging trends and In rural and regional Queensland, MaaS could be
technologies for Queensland households, businesses used to increase travel opportunities connecting rural
and the wider community. communities to health, education and other social
services to maintain an appropriate level of service
The draft QTS identifies five high-level customer- and improve transport accessibility. Specific transport
focused outcomes for the future transport system: solutions for rural communities could involve long haul
1. Accessible, convenient transport transport services, low technology options and the
2. Safe journeys for all repurposing of under-utilised assets in the community.
3. Seamless, personalised journeys
Climate change and a low emissions future
4. Efficient, reliable and productive transport for
people and goods In Queensland, the transport system has recently been
impacted by extreme weather events such as cyclones,
5. Sustainable, resilient and liveable communities.
floods, severe and prolonged drought and fires - and
The draft QTS sets a high-level policy platform for the climate change may exacerbate existing conditions,
Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) to leading to even greater impact in future. Building
realise its vision of creating a single integrated transport a more resilient transport system is a priority in all
network accessible to everyone. It complements other Regional Transport Plans for Queensland.
strategic planning documents by setting longer-term
A key part of taking action in response to climate
outcomes and directions for TMR which are directly
change is the journey to zero net emissions. The
aligned to the short-term priorities in the TMR Strategic
Pathways to a clean growth economy: Queensland
Plan 2019–2023 and the medium-term objectives of the
Climate Transition Strategy outlines how the
Transport Coordination Plan 2017–2027.
Queensland Government proposes to prepare for the
Regional Transport Plans are consistent with and transition to a clean growth economy and a zero net
support the draft QTS and will play a key role in emissions future.
achieving its outcomes by setting regional priorities and
The transport sector will play a significant role in this
identifying and coordinating key actions to develop our
transition, including:
future transport system.
■ enabling low carbon transport options using
The future of mobility emerging alternative fuel technologies, to ensure
Queensland is in the best position to capture the
The popularity of new transport services, such as benefits and opportunities these vehicles will
on-demand transport and car sharing, is increasing bring. The Queensland Government has developed
globally. Enabling the introduction of new mobility The Future is Electric: Queensland’s Electric Vehicle
providers and technology and prioritising investment Strategy and is also exploring potential uses of
in shared transport services are two directions from hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.
the draft QTS in which Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS)
■ reflecting zero net emissions goals in infrastructure
will play a key role.
Transport and Main Roads is exploring the concept ■ supporting low-carbon construction, infrastructure
of MaaS, which embodies a shift away from and transport systems
personally owned modes of transportation and ■ improving passenger transport systems to be low
towards aggregated mobility solutions that are emission, well-maintained, affordable, reliable,
consumed as a service. frequent and integrated.
MaaS is a combination of public and private Regional Transport Plans recognise opportunities for
transport services accessed digitally to provide increased use of low carbon technology across the
personalised journey planning, booking and transport system in a way that responds to the local
payment, and offers choice and dynamic travel context and provides a pathway for an increased mode
options to influence behaviour and better optimise shift to sustainable transport options such as walking,
the network. cycling and passenger transport.

8 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

1.4 Alignment with the State Infrastructure Plan

The State Infrastructure Plan outlines the Queensland Government’s strategic direction for the planning, investment and
delivery of infrastructure throughout Queensland. This Regional Transport Plan applies the transport policy objectives of
the State Infrastructure Plan at a regional level.

The Queensland Government’s strategic direction for transport infrastructure is expressed by the State Infrastructure
Plan responses (Table 1). Accordingly, many of the planning actions in this plan respond to these with a particular focus
on improving supply chains, safer connections between regional centres, and better use of data and technology.

Table 1: State Infrastructure Plan responses (Part A, p 52)


Focus on Unlock the potential Seek innovation and Digitally connected Connect regional
maintenance and of critical supply technology solutions smart infrastructure communities with
rehabilitation of chains by identifying to create a better to improve capacity, access to essential
existing infrastructure and improving the performing and lower safety and security. services and
to reduce the long- freight network. emissions transport opportunities.
term cost of repair system.
and improve network

1.5 Alignment with the The TCP is the overarching medium-term strategic
document that provides guidance and direction for more
Transport Coordination detailed transport strategies and plans produced by
Transport and Main Roads, such as Regional Transport
Plan 2017–2027 Plans and modal strategies. The TCP is consistent with the
Queensland Government’s overall strategic planning for
The Transport Coordination Plan 2017–2027 (TCP) provides Queensland, including the government’s objectives for the
a strategic framework for the planning and management community, and the State Infrastructure Plan.
of transport resources in Queensland over a 10-year
timeframe. The TCP was developed in accordance with the The system-wide transport objectives articulated in the
requirements of the Transport Planning and Coordination TCP have informed the Fitzroy region’s priorities and
Act 1994 and identifies the high level objectives for corresponding transport objectives, actions and measures
transport in Queensland, across five key areas: of success. The TCP's transport KPIs have provided a
means to measure the impact the Regional Transport Plan
„ Customer experience and affordability – transport has on the region’s transport system – and what this will
meets the needs of all Queenslanders, now and into the mean for customers, the community, the economy and the
future. environment.
Community connectivity – transport connects
1.6 Alignment with the

communities to employment and vital services.

„ Efficiency and productivity – transport facilitates
the efficient movement of people and freight to grow
State Planning Policy
Queensland’s economy. The State Planning Policy 2017 outlines the Queensland
„ Safety and security – transport is safe and secure for Government's interests in land use planning and
customers and goods. development for Queensland. It identifies and seeks to
protect, through the planning framework, three state
„ Environment and sustainability – transport contributes transport interests: state transport infrastructure; strategic
to a cleaner, healthier and more liveable environment airports and aviation facilities; and strategic ports.
and is resilient to Queensland’s weather extremes.
The State Planning Policy identifies three strategic
The TCP provides a suite of transport key performance airports within the region – the Rockhampton, Emerald
indicators (KPIs) to measure progress towards these and Gladstone Airports and two strategic ports – Port of
objectives and also includes clear criteria for prioritising Gladstone and Port Alma.
spending on transport that align with the State
Infrastructure Plan’s options assessment approach.

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 9

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

1.7 Alignment with regional planning

The Queensland Government produces statutory regional Transport and Main Roads has used updated population
plans throughout the state to provide strategic direction forecasts to inform its transport planning activities.
and policies for delivering regional outcomes which Although the population projections outlined in the
align with the state’s interests in land use planning and regional plan are no longer current, the broad goals and
development. Regional planning allows government, intent are still relevant, and have informed development
community and industry to maximise opportunities arising of the Fitzroy Regional Transport Plan.
from population change and economic growth, and for
all levels of government and the private sector to inform The regional plan takes precedence over all local
the forward planning, prioritisation and future delivery of government planning instruments and provides the
infrastructure and services. context for local planning. It recognises the need for an
integrated transport network throughout the region to
Central Queensland Regional Plan enable communities to become better connected and
more accessible. The priority outcomes for the transport
The Central Queensland Regional Plan (the regional network include:
plan) was released in 2013 and is a statutory document
supporting the delivery of regional outcomes. Covering „ prioritising transport programs to improve freight
the same local government areas as the Fitzroy Regional networks, including those affected by growing and
Transport Plan, the regional plan has identified two high changing demands related to surrounding coal basins
level regional outcomes: „ improving the reliability and condition of transport
„ Agriculture and resources industries within the Central networks affected by population and resource sector
Queensland region continue to grow with certainty and growth and the networks’ resilience during natural
investor confidence. disasters

„ The growth potential of towns within the Central „ better modelling and the identification of emerging
Queensland region is enabled through the transport issues
establishment of Priority Living Areas. Compatible „ achieving community benefits through improving
resource activities within these areas which are in accessibility to destinations and improved safety and
the communities’ interests can be supported by local amenity.
Regional planning allows government, industry and the
Since development of the regional plan in 2013, there community to take advantage of opportunities arising
have been changes to mineral commodity values and from population change and economic growth, and for all
the mining investment cycle. This has resulted in a shift levels of government and/or the private sector to inform
in population trends and settlement patterns within the the forward planning, prioritisation and future delivery of
region, including an overall slowing in population growth. infrastructure and services.

Reconstruction works on the Dawson Highway, Collards Creek

10 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

1.8 Achievements to date

Transport and Main Roads has reflected on the objectives Similarly, replacement of the old timber bridge at Poor
outlined in the Central Queensland Regional Plan 2013, Man’s Gully on the Burnett Highway with a wide, modern,
along with other strategic direction setting documents. pre-stressed concrete bridge has improved safety and
The following transport network improvements have been enhanced freight efficiency by enabling higher-mass vehicle
delivered in the region to support the regional plan's priority loads.
In December 2018, on-site work commenced to duplicate
Safety initiatives the Bruce Highway north of Rockhampton at Parkhurst to
Safety initiatives across the region that have been recently address the growth and development underway in this
completed or are underway include intersection upgrades, corridor.
road widening, overtaking lanes, and more rest and parking Other upgrades completed in 2018-19 include realignment
areas for heavy vehicles. Wide centreline treatments are of the Fitzroy Developmental Road and replacement of Palm
a key initiative that are progressively being delivered in Creek bridge (north of Taroom) and construction of a new
the region and across the state, reducing the likelihood of boat ramp and floating walkway at Robert Clark Drive in
cross-centreline crashes. Rockhampton.
A range of safety upgrades are being delivered or have Improving heavy vehicle access and efficiency
recently been completed on the Bruce Highway including Road infrastructure upgrades targeted at improving heavy
the following projects: vehicle access and freight efficiency are delivered across
„ intersection upgrades and the addition of overtaking the region each year. Recent examples include intersection
lanes at various locations south of Bororen (part of the improvements to allow last mile travel for high productivity
Bruce Highway Safety Package) vehicles (HPV) through Rockhampton to access the two
abattoirs and address industry concerns about safety and
„ construction of the Daisy Dell southbound overtaking time losses due to cross-loading of cattle. The construction
lanes (funded by the Australian Government) north of of overtaking lanes, road widening and break down
Bororen facilities on the Gregory Highway, between Clermont and
„ safety works between Bajool and Gavial Creek, and Emerald, has enabled this link to accommodate HPVs (in
Bororen and Rodds Bay Road (jointly funded by the a project jointly funded by the Queensland and Australian
Australian Government and Queensland Government). governments).

Various sections of the Burnett Highway between Monto The contract to design and construct upgrades to the
and Biloela have been widened and sealed to enhance road Capricorn Highway (between Rockhampton and Gracemere)
safety. was awarded in the 2018–2019 financial year. The upgrades
will address traffic growth on this corridor, improving access
A range of safety upgrades have been planned for or and freight efficiency to the Bowen Basin and Western
commenced on Gladstone-Benaraby Road. The Queensland Queensland. Construction is expected to commence in 2019
Government has committed $20.4 million to delivering and be completed by late 2020.
these upgrades, which include 14 kilometres of wide centre-
line treatment, and visibility, intersection, access and Active transport
pavement upgrades. The Gladstone-Benaraby Road project The Central Queensland Principal Cycle Network Plan
is being delivered through the Queensland Government (CQPCNP) and associated priority route maps were
funded High Risk Roads initiative. developed collaboratively by local governments and
Transport and Main Roads. The CQPCNP identifies high-
Network resilience and capacity order cycle routes that make up the regional cycle network
A program to replace five aging timber bridges on the and is used to guide coordinated delivery of a connected
Dawson Highway between Gladstone and Biloela has been cycle network in the region. Councils are eligible to apply
completed, with new bridges opened in April 2018. This for 50/50 funding of cycling infrastructure planning and
program of bridge replacements has improved safety and delivery on principal cycle routes through the Cycle Network
flood immunity on the Dawson Highway, as the old timber Local Government Grants program. On-road cycling
bridges were narrower and subject to regular closure due infrastructure works on Norman Road and North Street have
to flooding. The new bridges also enhance freight efficiency addressed missing links in Rockhampton’s cycling network.
on the Dawson Highway through increased weight-carrying Works have also been completed in Gladstone on the
capacity. priority cycle network.

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 11

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

1.9 Developing Regional Transport Plans

Planning principles In the context of constrained funding, Regional Transport
Plans are being developed with the view that solutions
All levels of government routinely face increasing pressure to transport challenges and customer needs and
to fund more public services and infrastructure in order requirements are not always about building new or
to meet community expectations. Funding is limited, so expanding existing infrastructure, but include identifying
competing priorities must be continually balanced. new and innovative ways to do more with less. The best
outcome may not be a new road or other type of transport
Regional Transport Plans will help to achieve this in facility. Instead, it may be modification of an existing
several ways: asset, for example, reconfiguring a road to accommodate
bicycle or bus lanes.
„ by establishing the region-centric planning that leads to
good investment decisions—a focus at this level helps Consideration of lower cost and non-infrastructure
to ensure that funds are prioritised to meet regional solutions within planning and investment decision-
needs and customer expectations making processes ensures we are getting the most from
„ by promoting consideration of non-infrastructure our existing assets and using infrastructure smarter and
solutions for regional priorities, which are often more more efficiently than before. Identifying shared goals
cost effective than building new infrastructure and partnership opportunities across government and
with the private sector positions the region to leverage
„ by helping to identify and align cross-agency priorities collective expertise and resources to achieve more
and actions to promote efficient and coordinated with available funding. The department’s approach to
planning and investment. identifying, prioritising and investing in transport system
solutions aligns to the State Infrastructure Plan’s options
assessment approach as shown in Figure 2.

Emu Park bus stop, part of the Rockhampton urban bus network

12 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

Department of Transport
and Main Roads approach to
transport system investment The State Infrastructure Plan options assessment approach to infrastructure investment

• Changes to governance arrangements,

organisational structure and culture, service
Improving service performance delivery models and cross-agency planning.
through an amendment of • Regulatory change, safety and environmental
existing institutions and laws. standards, land-use planning controls, access
1. Run regimes and licensing.
2. Maintain • Reform initiatives such as the personalised
+ transport framework which seeks to ensure that
2. BETTER USE Queenslanders have access to safe, reliable and
Low cost and
Improving service performance affordable personalised transport services into

by influencing demand (i.e. not the future.

building new capacity). • Demand management, pricing, influencing user
(Smarter solutions:
network behaviour and expectations.
optimisation • Digital technology for example, smartcards and
intelligent transport systems such as signal
framework) 3. IMPROVE EXISTING coordination and incident management systems.
Improving service performance • Smart infrastructure with embedded sensors to
through relatively (compared to optimise maintenance and replacement.
new) low cost capital works that • Rail signal movements and bus priority.
augments existing infrastructure. • Road widening, such as to accommodate vehicle
lanes, bus lanes and cycle lanes, and rail line
• Intersection upgrade, focusing on pinch points.
3. Build and 4. NEW
expand • Construction of new assets following the
Construction of new infrastructure.
elimination of less capital intensive options.

Figure 2: Alignment between the departmental and government approaches to infrastructure investment

The Plan was developed with a ‘customer-first’ and ‘one network’ approach. Early engagement with customers,
stakeholders and partners was vital to identify and understand the region’s issues, challenges, opportunities, goals and
priorities for taking action. Key stages in the development process are set out below.

Early engagement with Review of relevant

partners, stakeholders strategies, plans and Analysis of economic
development of priorities
and customers through policies to establish a and population trends to
and actions to set a
meetings and workshops holistic understanding of understand key drivers
framework for future
to understand regional transport objectives and underpinning future
planning and delivery
goals, challenges and desired regional transport transport needs
opportunities outcomes

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 13

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

Customer-first approach 'One network'

A 'customer-first' approach is about being conscious of Regional Transport Plans are developed on the basis that
how customers experience the transport system, and the transport system operates as 'one network'. Working
being willing to change the way we do things to improve and collaborating with all relevant transport system
that experience. It also means viewing the transport stakeholders to develop this Plan ensures planning
system as customers do: as 'one network', with little priorities for the regional transport system are considered
perceivable difference between the various parts provided as a whole. Transport and Main Roads will continue to
or managed by the different levels of government. partner with local governments and transport operators
Transport and Main Roads’ customer-centric approach to continuously improve the transport system and the
is central to the way it does business. The approach is experiences of our customers.
about shaping deliverables and services with customers in
mind, co-designing solutions that embrace the future, and Structure
communicating effectively and meaningfully.
The document comprises five chapters covering an
introduction, setting the scene, planning context, transport
response and implementation. The sequence and content
of chapters reflects the development and implementation
Engaging with our customers stages for the Plan.
To achieve a ‘one network’ approach, the department „ Chapter 1 introduces the purpose, scope and strategic
involved customer representatives early in the
alignment of the Regional Transport Plan.
creation of all Regional Transport Plans, and engaged
and developed content in partnership with local „ Chapter 2 provides an overview of the region’s
government and other government agencies. To community, economy and transport system.
inform the development of the Plan, representatives „ Chapter 3 describes the region’s goals, challenges and
were selected from different locations in the region, opportunities and their relationship to transport.
covering a range of sectors and interests, including
agriculture, mining, health, tourism and small „ Chapter 4 sets out the priorities, objectives and actions
business. To gain customer input, the department for shaping the transport system over the next 15 years.
hosted workshops, and facilitated a number of „ Chapter 5 outlines the Plan’s implementation and
one-on-one interviews. Some of the key issues that review process.
emerged from this engagement included:
Table 2 outlines the key components of the Regional
„ Insufficient reliable, all-weather access routes and Transport Plan.
services to and within the region.
„ Poor intra and inter-regional connectivity
(including between regional cities) impacts
on accessibility and can cause isolation of
„ Variability in road and rail network conditions
limiting the efficiency of the transport network.
„ Changing climate and seasonal weather patterns
intermittently restrict the reliability of the existing
transport network.
„ The dispersed land use pattern of the region
makes it challenging to maintain an efficient
transport system, and minimise environmental

This input from customers has informed the priorities

and actions for action identified in this Plan.

14 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

Table 2: Structure of the Fitzroy Regional Transport Plan

SETTING THE SCENE Chapter 2 provides an overview of the

Chapter 2: The Fitzroy Region key characteristics of the communities
that make up the Fitzroy region, and the
different elements of the region’s current
THE REGION THE TRANSPORT NETWORK transport system across all modes,
networks and services.

PLANNING CONTEXT Chapter 3 details the goals, challenges

Chapter 3: Goals, challenges and opportunities and opportunities that are the main

drivers for establishing the region’s

transport priorities and actions. Review of
existing planning, analysis of information,
„ Improve liveability, „ Accessibility and „ Growth in agriculture. and consultation with customers
accessibility and community connectivity. „ Mining expansion. were key steps in defining the goals,
connectivity for all „ Private vehicle challenges and opportunities.
„ Self-drive tourism and
dependency. cycling trends.
„ Strengthen and „ Variability in network
grow the region’s
„ Defence industry.
diverse and adaptive „ Advancements in
„ Network resilience. technology.
„ Promote a safe
„ Safety.
environment for „ Supporting the efficient
residents and visitors. movement of freight.
„ Promote a cleaner, „ Managing road freight
healthier and more growth.
liveable environment. „ Funding, planning
and coordination of
transport network
Chapter 4 sets out the transport response
to achieving regional goals, addressing
challenges and supporting opportunities.
The transport priorities express the
regional goals with a transport system
Chapter 4: Priorities and actions focus. The priorities set the high-level
direction for framing objectives and
Community Economic Safety Network resilience
Transport objectives describe the desired
development and sustainability
future state for transport in meeting the
An accessible A transport system A safe transport A resilient and region’s goals and transport priorities.
and integrated that supports network that sustainable Meeting each objective through taking
transport network economic growth meets the transport network action will result in real and measurable
that supports all and diversification demands of that mitigates outcomes that can be tracked to indicate
all users and the impacts of progress over time.

transport modes by providing

and connects efficient and manages extreme weather The majority of actions identify the
communities effective access interactions events and Queensland Government’s strategic
within and outside to markets and between supports natural intent for taking the critical steps in
of the region. destinations. incompatible values. the short-term towards achieving the
network users. transport objectives and regional goals
over the indicative 15-year life of the Plan.
Medium/long term actions identify
ROLE OF TRANSPORT possible responses to emerging or
potential future transport planning needs.
Actions are led by the Queensland
TRANSPORT OBJECTIVES Government, however many will involve
partnerships and collaboration with
industry and community.

TAKING ACTION Chapter 5 outlines the approach for

Chapter 5: Implementation delivering in partnership to implement
the Plan. It also sets out the 'measures
of success' and the framework for
monitoring and review.

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 15

Walking on Wreck Beach, Great Keppel Island

16 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

The Fitzroy Region

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 17

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

2.1 Region overview


2018 225,600
A GRP IN 2016 OF

2036 266,900






The Central Highlands supports

A quarter of the global Agriculture in Fitzroy accounts around 1.3 million head of cattle
LNG supply is from for 11% of Queensland’s total and had an estimated production
Central Queensland8 agricultural production9 value of $540 million in 2016-1710

Rockhampton and Gladstone 2016 regional tourism expenditure Between 2013 and 2016,
are major population centres6 totalled $1,032 million with an average an average of 96% of
and provide access to higher compound growth rate of 2.4% over visitors to Fitzroy were
order goods and services nine years to 201511 domestic travellers12

2 Queensland Government Statistician Office, Queensland Treasury. (2018). Queensland Regional Profile for Fitzroy region. Retrieved from:
3 2018: Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2019). Regional Population Growth, Australia (Catalogue No. 3218.0).
2036: Queensland Government Statistician's Office. (2019). Queensland Government Population Projections, 2019 edition (medium series).
4 National Institute of Economic and Industry Research. (2017/2018). National Economic Indicators Series.
5 Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection. (2016). Draft Climate change in the Central Queensland region.
6 Queensland Government's Statisticians Office. (2018). Queensland Regional Profiles: Workforce Profile for Custom region. www.statistics.
7 ibid.
8 Queensland Government. (2017). Petroleum and coal seam gas. www.business.qld.gov.au/industries/invest/mining/resources-potential/
9 Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2017). Value of Agricultural Commodities Produced, Australia, 2014–15 (Catalogue: 7503.0).
10 Central Highlands Development Corporation. (2019). Central Highlands: Beef Powerhouse of Australia. https://chdc.com.au/agtech-
11 Tourism Research Australia. (2016). Local Government Area Profiles.
12 Ibid.

18 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

Local government areas

2018 2036
estimated resident projected
Local government areas* population population

2018 Pop'n 2036 Pop'n


Employment and economy Highway in the north through to Goondiwindi in the south;
Major employing industries are: mining (20.5 per cent); the Dawson Highway, connecting from Gladstone to
agriculture, forestry and fishing (17.2 per cent); and Springsure to the west; and the Burnett Highway, which
manufacturing (6.7 per cent). starts just outside Rockhampton and connects through
to Nanango in North Burnett. Direct flights from Brisbane
Access arrive at Thangool Aerodrome. Banana Shire also includes
The region is serviced by three major highways: the the Moura Coal Rail system, a predominantly coal network
Leichardt Highway, connecting from the Capricorn of rail corridors connecting to the Port of Gladstone.


COUNCIL 28,600 29,800

Employment and economy and Springsure in the south where it connects to the
Major employing industries are: mining (34.5 per cent); Dawson Highway; and a major east–west link with the
agriculture, forestry and fishing (10.3 per cent); and retail Capricorn Highway, connecting to Longreach in the west
trade (6.9 per cent). and Rockhampton in the east. The Central Highlands local
government area is on the Central West Rail line, which
Access utilises the Blackwater Coal Rail system between
Central Highlands local government area includes: Rocklands and Nogoa and supports both passenger and
a major north–south connection along the Gregory freight services.
Highway, connecting Emerald to Clermont in the north

* Population statistics for 2018 are based on Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2019). Regional Population Growth, Australia (Catalogue No. 3218.0, various
editions). Population statistics for 2036 are based on Queensland Government Statisticians’ Office. (2018). Projected population (medium series), by local
government area, Queensland, 2016 to 2041, 2018 edition. Employment statistics are based on Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2017). Census of Population
and Housing, Australia, 2016–Working Population Profile–W09 (place of work). Employment industries are categorised as per the employment divisions of
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2013). Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 2006 (Revision 2.0) (Catalogue No. 1292.0).

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 19

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

2018 2036
estimated resident population projected
Local government areas* population

2018 Pop'n 2036 Pop'n


Employment and economy Mount Larcom Road and Gladstone–Benaraby Road, that
Major employing industries are: manufacturing (14 per cent); connect to the Bruce Highway.
construction (10 per cent); and retail trade (9.7 per cent).
Gladstone is home to Queensland’s largest multi-
Access commodity port (with eight main wharf centres) and is
connected to the resource sector through private rail lines.
Gladstone Regional Council area is serviced by several
The North Coast line provides freight and passenger rail
highways and major arterials. The Bruce Highway provides
services, connecting to centres along the east coast of
a major north–south connection to southern centres
Queensland between Brisbane and Cairns. Gladstone
such as Brisbane and the northern centres of Mackay,
Airport offers daily passenger services as well as freight
Townsville and Cairns. The Dawson Highway provides a
major east–west route, connecting with the Bruce and
other highways and providing access to central and Gladstone provides marine transport services to islands
western sections of the region. The highway network is within the Great Barrier Reef, including North West Island
supported by major arterial roads, including Gladstone– and Heron Island, supporting the region's tourism market.

2018 Pop'n 2036 Pop'n


Employment and economy Access

Major employing industries are: education and The Bruce Highway traverses the shire, although access
training (12.3 per cent); retail trade (10.7 per cent); and to the population centres of Yeppoon and Emu Park are
accommodation and food service (10.6 per cent). through Rockhampton via Rockhampton–Yeppoon Road
and Rockhampton–Emu Park Road respectively. Yeppoon
provides marine transport services to the Keppel Island
Groups, supporting the region’s tourism market.

* Population statistics for 2018 are based on Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2019). Regional Population Growth, Australia (Catalogue No. 3218.0, various
editions). Population statistics for 2036 are based on Queensland Government Statisticians’ Office. (2018). Projected population (medium series), by local
government area, Queensland, 2016 to 2041, 2018 edition. Employment statistics are based on Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2017). Census of Population
and Housing, Australia, 2016–Working Population Profile–W09 (place of work). Employment industries are categorised as per the employment divisions of
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2013). Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 2006 (Revision 2.0) (Catalogue No. 1292.0).

20 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

2018 2036
estimated resident projected
Local government areas* population population

ROCKHAMPTON REGIONAL 2018 Pop'n 2036 Pop'n

COUNCIL 81,100 98,600

Employment and economy to Mount Morgan and Biloela. The Bruce Highway connects
Major employing industries are: health care and social Rockhampton to major centres on the eastern seaboard,
assistance (16.6 per cent); retail trade (11.6 per cent); and including Brisbane to the south and Townsville and Cairns
education and training (10.7 per cent). Rockhampton is to the north. Rockhampton supports an airport with regular
also known as the beef capital of Australia, demonstrating daily passenger services and freight capabilities. The city is
the importance of the beef industry to the region. also the junction of two rail lines: the North Coast line and
the Blackwater Coal Rail system, both supporting passenger
Access and freight services.
Rockhampton Regional Council area is serviced by several
major highways and arterial roads. The Capricorn Highway The Port of Rockhampton (Port Alma) provides access to
connects Rockhampton to western centres such as Emerald national and foreign markets.
and Barcaldine. The Burnett Highway to the south-west links


COUNCIL 1000 900

Employment and economy Capricorn Highway in the north and the Dawson Highway
Major employing industries are: health care and social in the south. An east–west connection is provided to the
assistance (27.3 per cent); public administration and safety shire via Baralaba–Woorabinda Road. Woorabinda has no
(23.9 per cent); and education and training (17.4 per cent). dedicated public transport service. The shire is supported
by an airstrip however no regular passenger flights service
Access the airport.
Access to the Woorabinda township is provided via
the Fitzroy Developmental Road, which connects to the

FITZROY REGION TOTAL 225,600 266,900

* Population statistics for 2018 are based on Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2019). Regional Population Growth, Australia (Catalogue No. 3218.0, various
editions). Population statistics for 2036 are based on Queensland Government Statisticians’ Office. (2018). Projected population (medium series), by local
government area, Queensland, 2016 to 2041, 2018 edition. Employment statistics are based on Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2017). Census of Population
and Housing, Australia, 2016–Working Population Profile–W09 (place of work). Employment industries are categorised as per the employment divisions of
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2013). Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 2006 (Revision 2.0) (Catalogue No. 1292.0).

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 21

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

2.2 Transport network

The region’s transport network includes road, rail, marine, air, active transport and public transport infrastructure and
services. An overview of the region’s transport network is shown in Figure 3.

To Charters Towers To Mackay

0 100

Fitzr o y D



No r

l R oa d


rl b o



Clermont Sa Marlborough ROCKHAMPTON

R oad

Coral Sea


Capella Yeppoon
To Longreach

Emu Park


Rubyvale Gracemere
Alpha Central West Lin e n Highway
pri Black water Rail Sys Duaringa GLADSTONE

Ca tem
Bogantungan Mount Morgan REGIONAL
Gregory Hi

Mount Larcom


ental Ro

il Sy Calliope
Springsure Woorabinda a Ra Seventeen Seventy
lo p m


ad Agnes Water
Hig h w

nta Miriam Vale

n Dev elop m


Dawso Rolleston Biloela

z ro
F it






Theodore BURNETT
Gin Gin



ore R
oad Childers

To Brisbane
Taroom Mundubbera
Augathella Injune
To Roma

National roads Airport (other) National park
State controlled roads Rail line Ocean, lakes, rivers
Local roads of regional significance Train station
Strategic port Local government boundary
Strategic airport District boundary

Figure 3: Overview of Fitzroy region transport network

22 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation


14,647 KM GOODS14


TONNES IN THE 2017–2018
IN THE 2015–2016



2013 TO 201718


13 Transport and Main Roads. (2017). QTRIP 2018-17 to 2020–21.

14 Gladstone Ports Corporation. (2017). www.gpcl.com.au/operations/port-alma-shipping-terminal.
15 Queensland Rail. (2016). Queensland Rail Annual Report 2015-16.
16 Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development. (2019). Airport traffic data statistical report. Retrieved from https://bitre.gov.
17 Gladstone Ports Corporation. (2018). Gladstone Ports Corporation Annual Report 2017/18.
18 Queensland Government (2019). Road Crash Locations. www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/crash-data-from-queensland-roads/resource/
19 Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2017). Census of Population and Housing, 2016, General Community Profile- G30.

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 23

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

The Roads and Transport Alliance and
The Fitzroy region’s road network plays an essential role Regional Roads and Transport Groups
in connecting people and goods to where they need to go,
both within and outside the region. It provides for a range The Roads and Transport Alliance is a cooperative
of freight and passenger movements, including oversize governance arrangement between the Department
overmass (OSOM), other heavy vehicle movements, of Transport and Main Roads, the Local Government
commuter, coach and tourist trips, which support the Association of Queensland (LGAQ) and local
regional economy and enhance liveability. The region’s governments to invest in and regionally manage the
road network also forms a significant part of Queensland’s Queensland transport network. Its objectives are to:
stock route network, which is vital for moving stock on
foot, using water facilities and accessing grazing pastures. „ maximise the economic, social and environmental
benefits of joint investments
The Bruce Highway is the region’s primary north–south „ achieve maximum efficiencies through
inter-regional road route and is part of the National Land
collaboration and innovation in network planning,
Transport and National Key Freight Route Networks. It
program development and delivery
connects the region’s coastal centres with major centres
along Queensland’s coastline, including Brisbane, „ improve technical skills through training,
Townsville and Cairns. The Bruce Highway passes through technology and knowledge transfer
Rockhampton, Marlborough, Calliope and Miriam Vale. „ optimise safety
The State Controlled Road Network includes a range „ maximise investment on the Queensland transport
of highways and arterial roads supporting freight and network.
passenger movements within and through the region. The
Capricorn Highway is the region’s primary east–west route The Alliance includes Regional Roads and Transport
and part of the National Key Freight Route. It connects with Groups (RRTG) which support collaboration between
the Bruce Highway at Rockhampton and the Landsborough Transport and Main Roads and local government.
Highway in Barcaldine. The Dawson Highway is an There are three RRTGs in the Fitzroy region, including
alternate east–west route, with sections providing an Rockhampton, Gladstone and Bowen Basin (which
important freight role as well as connecting communities includes Isaac Regional Council).
to inland and major coastal centres and destinations. The
Gregory, Carnarvon, Leichhardt and Burnett Highways
provide north–south connections, linking with the
Capricorn and Dawson highways and supporting access to
neighbouring regions.

The region’s highway network is supported by a network of

arterial roads, providing connectivity within and between
towns. Local roads support access within urban areas and
to tourism attractions and farm gates.

A high proportion of heavy vehicle movements are evident

on state-controlled roads, contributing on average a
quarter of the annual average daily traffic in the region.
This presents challenges for road safety, pavement
condition and amenity with trucks passing through towns.

Road rehabilitation west of Calliope

24 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

Bus and coach Queensland. Mackay Transit provides daily return services
between Emerald and Mackay, while Bus Queensland
Urban public transport bus services are available in provides three return services per week between
Rockhampton and Gladstone. The Rockhampton area Toowoomba and Rockhampton. Greyhound Australia
supports 19 urban bus routes extending to the nearby offers two return services per week between Rockhampton
towns of Yeppoon, Emu Park, Mount Morgan and and Longreach and five return services per week between
Gracemere. Services generally operate every 30 minutes Emerald and Rockhampton. Greyhound Australia and
to one hour during the peak hours and every one to two Premier Motor Services both provide services between
hours in the off-peak period. Capricorn Sunbus and Brisbane and Cairns. Several bus and coach companies
Young’s Bus Service operate these services in addition to provide contracted/charter long-distance coach services
school services in Rockhampton, Gracemere and Yeppoon between Mackay, Emerald, Gladstone and Rockhampton
and bus charters. and to mines and infrastructure projects in the Bowen
In Gladstone, Buslink operate eight routes on weekdays
and no weekend services. The frequency of services is Coach services provide important inter-regional
typically low, varying between five and 12 buses a day per connections for passengers and in some cases also carry
route. Buslink also operates Gladstone’s school services. freight. In 2016–2017, contracted and subsidised bus
and coach services transported approximately $30,000 in
Several subsidised long-distance coach lines operate freight throughout the region.20
in the region, operated by Mackay Transit and Bus

Urban bus service arriving at Yeppoon

20 Information is collected on a monthly basis as per the terms and conditions of Service Contracts and executed between the Department of Transport
and Main Roads and all contracted operators.

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 25

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

Tilt Train at Gladstone

26 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

Rail Air
The region's rail network includes the North Coast and Scheduled passenger services are available at
Central West lines, and Blackwater and Moura Coal Rockhampton, Gladstone, Emerald and Thangool airports
Rail systems, facilitating both freight and passenger and air services are supported by airstrips across the
movements. region.

The North Coast line links Brisbane to Cairns, running Rockhampton Airport is the region’s largest airport with
through the centre of Rockhampton. In the 2015–2016 capabilities to support both domestic and international
financial year, the North Coast line carried 6.8 billion gross aircraft, including B747 to B776 and A340.22 In the
tonne kilometres (GTKs) of containerised and general 2017–2018 financial year, 563,531 passengers travelled
freight, industrial products, sugar and molasses.21 through Rockhampton Airport. Owned and operated by
Rockhampton Regional Council, Rockhampton Airport is
The Central West line adjoins the Aurizon Blackwater also a base for the Royal Flying Doctor Service.23
Coal Rail system at Emerald and runs from Emerald to
Gladstone Airport is operated by Gladstone Airport
Winton via Longreach. In the 2015–2016 financial year,
Corporation under direct control of the Gladstone Regional
the Central West line carried 85 million GTKs of livestock
Council.24 In the 2018–2019 financial year, 246,640
and gypsum.21 Aurizon is currently contracted to run 184
passengers passed through Gladstone Airport.23
services per year on the Central West system.
Emerald Airport is owned and operated by Central
A substantial component of the rail network in the Fitzroy Highlands Regional Council and offers flights to Brisbane
region is currently owned and operated by Aurizon as part and other destinations outside the region. In the
of the Blackwater and Moura Coal Rail systems. These 2018–2019 financial year, 196,373 passengers passed
systems primarily service coal mines, with connections to through Emerald Airport.23
power stations and the Port of Gladstone.
Thangool Airport is owned and operated by Banana Shire
Passenger services include: Council and offers return flights to Brisbane several days
a week. Thangool Airport had a total of 7464 passengers
„ The Queensland Rail Spirit of the Outback rail service, a in 201823. In the same year, animal-proof fencing, runway
twice weekly return service on the Central West line and lighting updates, installation of a generator, and the
Aurizon network between Rockhampton and Longreach, build-up and overlay of emergency services holding areas
stopping within the region at Duaringa, Bluff, had commenced as per the Thangool Safety and Security
Blackwater, Emerald and Anakie. The service originates Upgrade25. The project was funded by the 'Building our
in Brisbane on the North Coast line. Regions' program and Banana Shire Council (50:50) and
„ The Tilt Train rail service on the North Coast line aims to:
providing a seven-hour 30-minute journey between „ reduce the risk of aircraft damage from wildlife accidents
Brisbane and Rockhampton with seven return services
per week and stopping within the region at Gladstone, „ ensure lighting is clear and compliant with legislation
Mount Larcom and Miriam Vale. „ maintain refuelling access during power outages in
„ The Spirit of Queensland is Queensland’s longest emergency situations.
rail service supporting five return services per week Air freight services are available at both Rockhampton
from Brisbane to Cairns. The service stops within the Airport and Gladstone Airport.
region at Miriam Vale, Gladstone, Mount Larcom and

21 Queensland Rail. (2016). Queensland Rail Annual Report 2015–2016.

22 Rockhampton Regional Council. (2017). www.rockhamptonregion.qld.gov.au/CouncilServices/Rockhampton-Airport.
23 Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development. (2019). Airport traffic data statistical report. Retrieved from https://www.
24 Gladstone Airport Corporation. (2017). About us. www.gladstoneairport.com.au/aboutus.
25 Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning. (2019). Thangool Aerodrome Safety and Security Upgrade.
Retrieved from https://www.dsdmip.qld.gov.au/index.php/component/mtree/royalties-resource-producing-communities/1421-thangool-

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 27

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

Marine Active Transport

The Port of Gladstone and Port Alma Shipping Terminal are Active transport refers to non-motorised travel such
located within the Fitzroy region and are both managed as walking and cycling. Active transport infrastructure
by Gladstone Ports Corporation. The Port of Gladstone is is provided across the region in the form of footpaths,
Queensland’s largest multi-commodity port, handling over shared pedestrian and cycle paths and on and off road
30 different products including coal, bauxite, alumina, cycle lanes.
aluminium, cement and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).
It is one of only four Priority Ports identified for major Rockhampton has the most extensive cycle network in the
growth. The port is located on Gladstone Harbour and has region, while the population centres of Gladstone, Emerald
eight main wharf centres, comprising 20 wharves. In the and Yeppoon have varying levels of network connectivity
2017–2018 financial year, the port had a total throughput and cycle facilities. Aside from these centres, the cycle
of 119.4 million tonnes, with 1799 vessels visiting the network is largely undeveloped. Ongoing development of
port. Coal, LNG and aluminium and associated products the region’s cycling network for recreational and commuter
accounted for the majority of throughput, with the use is guided by the Central Queensland Principal Cycle
remainder comprising a variety of other products including Network Plan.
cement, petroleum and grain.26 Census data (2016) shows that 4.2 per cent of the region’s
The Port Alma Shipping Terminal is a smaller port terminal working population used active transport to travel to work
within the Port of Rockhampton. It is located 62 kilometres on the day of the census. This was less than the proportion
east of Rockhampton on the southern tip of the Fitzroy for the neighbouring Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday region
River delta. The Port Alma Shipping Terminal has three (5.3 per cent) but similar to the whole of Queensland
wharf facilities and limited supporting infrastructure. (4.3 per cent).29
Berths 1 and 2 are suitable for general cargo operations
while Berth 3 is dedicated to tallow/fuel cargoes.27 In Mobility and community transport services
the 2017–2018 financial year, the port handled 255,254
Convenient and affordable transport options for access to
tonnes of cargo, with over 84 vessels passing through the
employment, education, social and community services
port. Ammonium Nitrate and Petroleum products were the
are essential for supporting liveable and prosperous
most significant products by volume, followed by tallow
and salt. Other throughput included explosives, containers
and general cargo.28 Travel subsidies and special transport services are
available to people with a transport disadvantage,
Rosslyn Bay, south of Yeppoon, is a regionally significant
including the elderly, sick and people with a disability
harbour. It includes considerable marine infrastructure
who require travel assistance to access essential health
and supports a range of commercial and recreational
and community services. The range of transport services
activities, including bareboat charters, cruises and ferry
available in the region include subsidised taxi travel,
services to Great Keppel Island.
community bus services, and patient transport services
Recreational boating is an important aspect of the region’s delivered by the Queensland Ambulance Service.
lifestyle. In June 2016, 47,842 recreational vessels were
Taxi services are available in Biloela, Blackwater, Emerald,
registered in the Gladstone region which equates to one
Gladstone, Mount Morgan, Rockhampton and Yeppoon.
vessel for every 11 people (compared with a statewide
Other personalised transport services such as booked
average of one in 18) and one out of every four people
hire now also play a role in the region’s transport system.
held a recreational maritime licence (compared to one in
This trend towards more diverse transport options offers
five statewide). Recreational boating is supported by a
customers improved choice about how they travel.
range of boating infrastructure across the region, such as
floating walkways, pontoons and boat ramps. Facilities are
provided across the region, including at Gladstone Marina,
Callide Dam , Fairbairn Dam (Lake Maraboon) and the
Fitzroy River.

26 Gladstone Ports Corporation. (2018). Gladstone Ports Corporation Annual Report 2017/18, www.gpcl.com.au/operations/port-of-gladstone.
27 Port of Rockhampton Gladstone Ports Corporation. (2017). Port of Rockhampton. www.gpcl.com.au/operations/port-alma-shipping-terminal.
28 Department of Transport and Main Roads. (2017). Port Procedures and Information for Shipping – Port Alma, www.msq.qld.gov.au/Shipping/Port-
29 Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2017). Census of Population and Housing, 2016, Working Population Profile - W22 (place of work).

28 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

Great Keppel Island Marina

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 29

Bustard Head, Seventeen Seventy

30 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Goals, challenges and

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 31

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

3.1 Goals
Goals describe the region’s desired economic, social national planning documents and directions set by
and environmental outcomes that set the direction for all stakeholders. Goals help frame the priorities and actions
planning activities and initiatives in the region, not just for for transport towards achieving regionally specific
transport. Transport and Main Roads has engaged with the outcomes for the community, economy and environment.
region’s local governments, industry representatives and
other state agencies to understand the high level goals for The relationship between goals and priorities is presented
the region’s future development. in Figure 4. Priorities are the transport response to the
region’s goals in the context of addressing challenges, and
Goals were developed for the Fitzroy Regional Transport supporting opportunities.
Plan based on a review of local, regional, state and


Improve liveability,
Strengthen and grow Promote a safe Promote a cleaner,
accessibility and
the region’s diverse and environment for healthier and more
connectivity for all
adaptive economy residents and visitors liveable environment

Challenges &



An accessible and A transport system A safe transport network A resilient and

integrated transport that supports that meets the demands sustainable transport
network that supports economic growth of all users and manages network that mitigates
all transport modes and and diversification interactions between the impacts of extreme
connects communities by providing efficient incompatible network weather events and
within and outside of the and effective access users. supports natural values.
region. to markets and

Figure 4: Regional goals and relationship to transport priorities

Alexandra Railway Bridge

32 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

3.2 Challenges
Accessibility and community connectivity and inter-regional trips.
The Rockhampton and Gladstone areas both have urban
Accessibility and community connectivity are major
bus and taxi services, while Biloela, Emerald, Blackwater,
functions of the transport network and a challenge in
Mount Morgan and Moura have access to taxi services.
some areas of the region, particularly for less populated
Outside of these areas, those without access to a motor
inland areas. Transport enables access to employment and
vehicle are reliant on active transport and community
the goods and services that are required to sustain local
transport options where available. Low population
communities. Although employment opportunities and
densities, coupled with widely dispersed communities,
basic goods and services are available in towns across the
make it challenging to provide viable public transport
region, access to higher order services (such as specialist
services, placing a greater reliance on car use.
medical care, speciality shopping and major events)
requires travel to major centres within and outside Active transport connectivity varies across the region.
the region. For cyclists, connectivity is challenged by factors such
as: topography and natural barriers; urban development
Accessibility varies across the region, particularly to the
patterns; conflict with the high proportion of heavy vehicle
major centres of Rockhampton, Gladstone and Brisbane,
movements on major corridors; and missing links in cycle
which offer differing levels of higher order services.30
Rockhampton and Gladstone also act as regional hubs for
access to rail and air services to other major centres such Well-designed streets, paths and public spaces that provide
as Brisbane, Mackay, Townsville and Cairns. Scheduled physical separation from motorised traffic, wayfinding,
long-distance coach services connect smaller centres on the adequate shade and amenities play an important role in
Capricorn, Dawson and Bruce highways to Rockhampton.31 overcoming barriers and encouraging more people to walk
and ride as an everyday activity.
Passenger air services provide connectivity, with shorter
travel times than other modes to major centres outside the Woorabinda is one of the most isolated communities in
region. For those living in the Fitzroy region, air travel can the region, with no scheduled long-distance passenger
be less affordable due to the need to take multiple flights to services, and a high rate of households without a motor
reach many destinations. Additional air routes and services vehicle (48.6 per cent compared to Queensland’s six
in Fitzroy, particularly to the Central West, could improve per cent).32 Woorabinda residents have no access to
regional connectivity for residents and tourists between the regular passenger services and must rely on community
east coast and central Queensland. buses or private vehicle travel. While community buses
provide a level of access for residents without access to a
Although the Fitzroy region has a lower proportion of
motor vehicle, accessibility to services outside the local
households without access to a car (5.1 per cent) when
community is limited.
compared to Queensland (6 per cent), the impact is
potentially higher in towns that do not have passenger
transport services, such as a taxi service for local trips and
Queensland Walking Strategy
passenger air and long-distance coach services for regional
The Queensland Walking Strategy 2019–2029
provides a framework for promoting walking as an
accessible, active transport mode across Queensland,
delivering health benefits for Queenslanders and
access to important destinations such as schools,
shops, and public transport.

The strategy sets out the vision for the next 10 years
and directly contributes to the vision for a single
integrated transport network accessible to everyone.
The Strategy is accompanied by an action plan that
identifies the areas for further investment over the
next two years.

Children riding to school, Rockhampton

30 Department of Transport and Main Roads. (2017). Central Queensland taxi service areas. www.tmr.qld.gov.au/business-industry/Taxi-and-
31 Department of Transport and Main Roads. (2014). Central Queensland Principal Cycle Network Plan.
32 Queensland Government Statistician’s Office, Queensland Treasury. (2017). Queensland Regional Profile Fitzroy region.

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 33

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

Private vehicle dependency on travel times and this trend is anticipated to continue.
The impact of increased traffic volumes include reduced
For much of the region, access to employment, education, network reliability, reduced safety and longer travel times.
goods and services is principally provided through Increased greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions,
private vehicle travel. In addition to a high proportion of poor community amenity and health are also linked to a
households with access to a motor vehicle, the region high reliance on private vehicle use.35,36
also has a higher proportion of households owning two or
more vehicles than the Queensland average (as shown in Congestion around schools was raised by stakeholders
Table 3).33 This reliance on private vehicle travel, coupled as an issue; school-based congestion is common in many
with future population growth, will place increasing urbanised centres across Australia, evidenced by changing
pressure on the road network. travel-to-school behaviours. Only 20 per cent of secondary
students and approximately 37 per cent of primary school
In the Rockhampton and Livingstone local government children use active modes of transport to travel to school,
areas, future population growth in suburbs such as which is a reduction from close to 70 per cent in 1970.37
Parkhurst and Gracemere and growth in Yeppoon and Within the region, 24 per cent of school trips in Gladstone
Emu Park will lead to more trips on the road network are by active transport, while for Rockhampton only 14 per
between these centres.34 Current traffic volumes impact cent of education trips are by active transport.38,39

Table 3: Motor vehicles per occupied private dwelling within the Fitzroy region local government areas compared to Queensland (2016)33

Dwellings with no 1 motor vehicle 2 motor vehicles 3 or more motor

motor vehicles vehicles

% % % %
Fitzroy region 5.1 31.5 38.1 21.4
Banana 4.0 25.3 36.1 29.9
Central Highlands 3.1 28.9 39.1 24.8
Gladstone 4.0 30.4 41.3 21.3
Livingstone 4.1 30.6 38.1 22.5
Rockhampton 6.9 34.7 36.0 18.6
Woorabinda 48.6 31.8 11.4 1.2
Queensland 6.0 34.2 37.4 19.0

33 Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2017). Census of Population and Housing, 2016, General Community Profile - G30.
34 Department of Transport and Main Roads. (2012). Fitzroy River Floodplain Study.
35 Commonwealth of Australia. (2017). Australia State of the Environment, 2016. www.soe.environment.gov.au/theme/built-environment/topic/2016/
36 The State of the Environment Report identify health impacts associated with communities with high reliance on private vehicle include higher
incidences of diseases associated with inactivity such as obesity and heart disease.
37 Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics. (2016). Australia State of the Environment Report 2016.
38 Department of Transport and Main Roads. (2012). Household Travel Survey Gladstone and Biloela.
39 Department of Transport and Main Roads. (2015). Household Travel Survey Rockhampton and Yeppoon.

34 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

Variability in network conditions Both the Bruce and Capricorn Highways have several
waterway crossings that flood with heavy rainfall. During
Transport network accessibility, reliability, efficiency and flood events in 2010 and 2011, the Capricorn Highway
safety can be impacted by differing road conditions. In the experienced repeated closures and suffered significant
Fitzroy region these include a combination of sealed and damage at multiple locations between Rockhampton
unsealed roads, narrow seal widths and bridge load limits and Emerald. These flood events isolated communities,
on the road network and single track sections, speed resulting in food and medical supplies shortages. Access
restrictions imposed by load restrictions on timber bridges is critical immediately after a disaster event to allow first
and distances between signals for the rail network. responders to assess damage and community impacts.
Variations in transport network conditions impact safety Improved flood immunity and network resilience can be
and the efficiency of freight to, from and within the region. achieved by taking a network approach through strategic
investment at a route level in improving flood immunity,
Freight efficiency is dependent on the weakest link in the
identifying alternate routes, real-time information during
transport connection between production and market.
and following an event advising route options and use
These weakest links are often the ‘first and last mile’ that
of other modes (such as air) for disaster management
provide a connection for industry to the road network but
planning and response.
also can be associated with narrow seals and bridge load
limits on higher order roads. These issues restrict the size
of vehicles that can be used to transport freight and limits
the use of High Productivity Vehicles (HPV). HPVs deliver
the greatest benefit if they can be used for the entire Queensland Climate Transition Strategy
door to door journey as the costs of breaking down and The Queensland Climate Transition Strategy outlines
assembling vehicles can easily exceed line haul savings if how the state proposes to prepare for the transition to
the larger vehicle cannot be used for the whole journey. zero emissions industries of the future. Much of what
For rail freight, efficiency can be improved through Queenslanders said in the strategy about the future
infrastructure upgrades such as passing loops and relates to transport:
signalling upgrades, which can allow longer trains to use
„ the future should be powered by clean and
the network at a higher frequency.
renewable energy and technology
The Capricorn Highway provides an example of network „ we need low-carbon construction, infrastructure
condition impacting safety. Variations in seal width with and transport systems
large sections of narrow seal mean road users have
limited margin for error when overtaking or passing other „ key opportunities are in renewable energy, battery
vehicles. Inconsistent seal widths and substandard road and power storage, cleaner technologies and
conditions increase the chances of crashes on the network electric vehicle industries
and impacts asset costs due to increased pavement edge „ improve public transport systems to be low-
damage and maintenance needs. emission, well-maintained, affordable, reliable,
frequent and integrated.
Network resilience
Action 2.5 of the Strategy identifies that the
The region is located within the Fitzroy Basin, the largest Government will develop a Zero Net Emissions
river catchment in Queensland. The Fitzroy catchment has Transport Roadmap. This will consider better
a history of flooding due to large rainfall events—most integration of transport policy with land use planning
recently in February 2015 from Cyclone Marcia and April to reduce travel demand and optimise public and
2017 with Cyclone Debbie. Following Cyclone Debbie, active transport infrastructure and services. It will
the Bruce Highway and North Coast line rail services also look at ways to reduce emissions from private,
were closed for eight days and Rockhampton Airport was passenger and freight transport, such as through
closed for a total of 12 days.40,41 These events significantly improved vehicle and fuel efficiency, technology and
impact the region’s economy and community, damaging innovation, and fuel shift.
infrastructure and private property. Poor weather resilience
and a lack of flood immunity prolong these impacts,
particularly where damage to transport network assets
close or limit use.

40 RACQ. (2017). Good news: Bruce Hwy reopened in Rocky. www.live.racq.com.au/2017/04/good-news-bruce-hwy-reopened-rocky/.

41 Queensland Rail. (2017). www.queenslandrail.com.au/aboutus/mediacentre/media%20releases/RailshuttleservicesforfloodaffectedNQ.

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 35

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

Safety Supporting the efficient movement

In the Fitzroy region, there were 82 fatalities and 1463 of freight
crashes requiring hospitalisation between 2013 and 2017.42 The region is heavily reliant on the freight industry and
Alcohol, fatigue and speed were contributing factors to the transport network to connect key production areas to
these crashes. Hitting objects, overturned vehicles, rear- market. Transport also supports the supply of essential
end and angle crashes are the major crash types which goods to communities throughout the region. The quality
accounted for over 80 per cent of the total crashes during and efficiency of freight connections influence the cost
the five-year period. Due to the high speed and remote of living for residents, the productivity and profitability of
nature of many of the region’s state-controlled roads, industry and is a factor in the region’s attractiveness for
42 per cent of crashes occurred at a posted speed limit of   new investment. Network resilience, the condition of the
80–110 km/h. transport network, interactions with incompatible land
Driver fatigue among non-resident workers is a road safety uses, intermodal integration, potential conflicts between
risk for the region’s rural highways. The relative risk of freight movements and other network users and levels of
fatality as a result of fatigue is 13.5 times higher on rural access for HPV and oversize overmass (OSOM) vehicles
roads than in urban areas.43 Driver fatigue combined with are challenges for freight efficiency within and beyond the
mobile phone black spots and high volumes of heavy region.
vehicles associated with the mining and agricultural Increasing freight demand and potential conflicts between
industries contribute to this risk. Increased caravan traffic freight and other road network users can affect the
associated with the annual drive tourism season is also a efficiency of freight movements. The competing demands
risk, creating safety issues due to caravans sharing the road of local, commuter, tourist and freight vehicles can impact
with heavy vehicles. safety, travel time reliability and the availability of rest
Maritime safety is also an issue in the region. During 2016, stops, particularly on higher-trafficked routes such as the
the region received 64 marine incident reports involving Capricorn and Bruce highways. This issue is also evident
85 vessels—76 Queensland regulated ships and nine in Rockhampton where heavy vehicle routes converge and
domestic commercial vessels. The most commonly reported transect the city.
incidents were collisions between ships, collisions with In urban areas, traffic signals, property access and high
objects, swamping and groundings. Eighteen people were local traffic volumes during travel peaks, impact road
injured, including three who died and eight admitted to freight efficiency. The Bruce Highway has 6.5 kilometres

Improving freight efficiency
Improved freight efficiency can be achieved
through non-transport aspects of the supply
chain. A new meat processing facility is being
considered near Emerald with the proposed
capability to process over 100,000 head of
cattle per annum to supply the domestic
and international markets. With its location
providing easy access to a significant supply of
local cattle and the site positioned close to road
and rail networks, the facility offers potential
advantage in transport cost savings with both
efficient transport of cattle to the facility and Cattle truck, Central Highlands
processed meat to customers in the Australian
or export marketplace.45

42 Queensland Government (2019). Road Crash Locations. www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/crash-data-from-queensland-roads/resource/e88943c0-5968-

43 Legislative Assembly of Queensland, Parliamentary Travelsafe Committee. (2005). Driving on empty: Fatigue driving in Queensland.
44 Department of Transport and Main Roads. (2017). Marine incidents in Queensland 2016 www.msq.qld.gov.au/About-us/Marine-incident-annual-reports.
45 Central Highlands Regional Council. (2018). Central Highlands Meat Processing Plant Feasibility Study.

36 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

of direct property access, 17 signalised intersections of factors contribute to the underutilisation of rail freight
and 47 un-signalised intersections as it passes through including a lack of ongoing investment, operational
Rockhampton impacting on traffic flow and freight restrictions and cost structures, as well as the flexibility in
movements. In other areas, such as Emerald, road freight moving cattle by road freight. Central Queensland Inland
movements through town are also impacted due to Port’s strategic location will take advantage of rail and
reduced speed limits, traffic calming and interactions with road network access and may assist in addressing some
local traffic. inefficiencies of rail transport, while upgrades to the
Yeppoon Branch line to the meatworks in Rockhampton
The movement of OSOM freight on the road network is could also encourage a mode shift from road to rail.
important in providing access to Shoalwater Bay Training
Area and for the resource and agriculture industries. The The Queensland Government provides subsidies through
challenge with OSOM is to provide a network that supports the Regional Freight Transport Services Contract and the
OSOM movements through corridors with adequate height Livestock Transport Services Contracts to contribute to
and width clearance, pavement strength and suitable the affordability and continuation of rail freight services.
geometry. Managing the movement of OSOM vehicles by Future rail upgrades in the Fitzroy region, such as a future
time and route mitigates potential efficiency impacts on rail bypass of Rockhampton, will be investigated in
other freight and general traffic movements. Increased accordance with demand.
mining activity in the region will potentially add to the
demand for OSOM freight movements. Funding, planning and coordination of
Rail freight efficiency in the Fitzroy region is impacted transport network projects
by numerous level crossings and poor track alignment The Fitzroy region transport network comprises a
in some urban areas. This is particularly an issue in combination of national, state and local government-
Rockhampton where the North Coast line shares road owned and privately-owned or operated infrastructure
space through the centre of the CBD, causing delays and assets. Local governments own and manage airports and
safety issues for all modes. The load limit on Alexandra manage approximately 14,647 kilometres of road or 80 per
Rail Bridge over the Fitzroy River is a prime constraint cent of the region’s road network. Outside the population
on rail freight traffic in this area, and deficiencies on the centres of Gladstone and Rockhampton local government
Yeppoon branch line restrict agricultural supply chains. areas, small populations mean a limited rates base
There are also constraints resulting from the single track to fund essential services, including the management
sections and limited lengths of passing loops. of the transport network. Queensland and Australian
Government programs are essential in assisting local
Managing road freight growth governments in the delivery of services.
Across Queensland, road freight accounted for 67 per cent Coordinating planning, funding and delivery of projects
of domestic freight by volume in 2015–16, with freight remains a key challenge across jurisdictional boundaries.
volumes forecasted to increase by 24 per cent from 2016 This often occurs where key routes have differing strategic
to 2026.46 The region relies on the road network for the value within or across local government boundaries.
transport of essential goods to communities and for the Integrating planning and coordinating priorities across
efficient movement of freight to market within and external the region are important to ensure that the region’s
to the region, even when rail is an available alternative. infrastructure and network meets the needs of the region.

HPVs or larger truck combinations are an efficient way The development, upgrade and maintenance of the
to move more freight with fewer trips, but these vehicles region’s transport network are essential to deliver regional
can require more room to safely corner and negotiate transport priorities. However, justifying investment
intersections, larger break down areas, and can have a can be a challenge, particularly when comparing traffic
greater impact on the life of road pavements. volumes on rural roads to that of urban roads. Alternative
investment decision making tools can be utilised to
In line with the strategic direction set by the Queensland augment traditional cost-benefit analysis techniques
Freight Strategy (2019), there is a desire for maximising where economic return is often difficult to ascertain. In this
rail freight use along strategic corridors. A mode shift regard, the state government is working with the CSIRO to
to rail could ease the pressure on the road network develop a regionally focussed freight model and Austroads
particularly for bulk materials such as fuel, gravel and have also released a tool designed to identify and support
quarry materials. Stakeholders indicate a combination investment in ‘Life Line’ freight routes.47

46 The Centre for Transport, Energy and Environment, and Pekol Traffic and Transport. (2018). Queensland Transport Facts 2018.
47 Austroads. (2017). Assessment of ‘Life Line’ freight routes. https://austroads.com.au/resources/documents/supporting-documents/webinars/

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 37

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

CASE STUDY: The Central Queensland Inland Port

The first stage of an intermodal ‘inland port’ is being To deliver the first stage, funding has been secured from
developed at Yamala, 25 kilometres east of Emerald. the Department of State Development, Manufacturing,
Intermodal freight terminals provide a point in the land Infrastructure and Planning under the Building our
based supply chain where freight is transferred between Regions program and from the Central Highlands
different modes of transport. This occurs to combine the Regional Council. This stage includes a major upgrade
flexibility of road transport with the line-haul efficiency to the intersection of the Capricorn Highway and Bonnie
of rail as shown in Figure 5.48 Doon Road and an upgrade to Bonnie Doon Road for
access to the site. Construction of a 1.5-kilometre rail
The site at Yamala is 21.3 kilometres from the junction siding will also provide rail access in the first stage.
of the Gregory and Capricorn highways, has Type 1
heavy vehicle access and freight rail access connecting As a junction point for rail and road networks, an
to the Port of Gladstone. The site is adjacent to an intermodal freight terminal in this location is a way to
existing cotton gin and is suitably located to support encourage a modal shift from road to rail, particularly
the grain industry. in supporting the resource sector. For high volume
commodities, such as fuel, inland ports provide the
The objective of the inland port is to improve supply opportunity for rail to move freight in bulk from port
chain efficiency between key origins and destinations, to the intermodal facility where road transport then
incentivising greater utilisation of rail freight and distributes to final destination.
preserving the level of service on state-controlled roads,
providing benefits to the wider community.

Planning for the inland port encompasses industrial

and support activities on site, servicing the surrounding
agricultural catchment and facilitating bulk and
containerised aggregation, intermodal transfers and
efficient distribution.49




Figure 5: Intermodal transport from road to rail to port

48 Queensland Transport and Logistics Council. (2017). Intermodal. www.qtlc.com.au/transport-logistics-industry/land-based-logistics-industry.

49 CQ Inland Port. (2017). Welcome to CQ Inland Port. www.cqinlandport.com.au.

38 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

3.3 Opportunities
Growth in agriculture There are two identified water management projects
which will support the long-term supply of quality water
The Fitzroy region produced agricultural commodities with to the region’s agricultural areas through enhancing the
an estimated value of $1.3 billion in 2015–2016 with the availability of water for the Fitzroy and adjoining regions.
local government areas of Banana and Central Highlands
accounting for over 81 per cent of the region’s total „ Lower Fitzroy River Infrastructure Project: Construction
agricultural production.50 of a new weir at Rookwood on the Fitzroy River.
This project has an approved Environmental
In 2015–2016, Banana Shire produced $23.1 million of Impact Statement with conditions and has funding
legumes and $22.4 million of cereal crops, representing commitments from State and Federal Governments,
31 per cent and 29 per cent of the region's crops with a plan to begin construction in 2019.
respectively.50 Likewise, the Central Highlands produced
$539.2 million of processed livestock, $57.8 million of
„ Nathan Dam and pipelines: An 888,000-megalitre
cotton and $21 million of grapes. These figures represent dam, with annual yield of 66,000 megalitres; and a
51 per cent of the region's livestock yields, 75 per cent 149-kilometre trunk pipeline. This project currently has
of the region's cotton, and 99 per cent of the region's an active Environmental Impact Statement.
grapes.50 These projects have potential to provide the Fitzroy
region with further opportunities to expand and grow the
Agricultural production across the region is underpinned
agricultural industry through effective water management.
by the Fitzroy Basin, which is the largest river catchment
With expansion, there will be increased agricultural output
flowing to the eastern seaboard. The region’s highly
requiring transport to domestic and international markets.
productive agricultural land and its production of a small
number of minimally processed commodities provides
significant trade and export opportunities, which will be a
key focus in future regional freight planning initiatives.

Of the region’s land area, 81 per cent is used for

agriculture, with around 75 per cent of agricultural land
used for grazing. The Fitzroy region is characterised
by high-productivity grazing land with significant
meat processing capabilities, and facilities capable of
processing cattle from both within and outside the region.

Currently, there are three abattoirs located in the region

(two in Rockhampton and one in Biloela) with a combined
processing capacity of 3320 head of beef per day primarily
for the export market. Opportunity for future development
of additional meat processing facilities is being promoted
to attract funding by Central Highlands Regional Council
for Emerald.

The future expansion and development of cattle feedlots

in areas close to current abattoirs in Rockhampton and
Biloela will also increase the supply of higher value
cattle to processors in the region. Opportunity to target
higher value niche markets through enhanced production
specifications, such as certified organic beef products are
also available, in addition to emerging growth areas such
as mung beans, macadamias, melons and lychees.
Mandarins growing near Emerald

50 Australian bureau of Statistics. (2018). Value of Agricultural Commodities Produced Australia 2015–2016 Table 4 State and SA4 Region.

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 39

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

CASE STUDY: Growing Central Queensland

Growing Central Queensland is a regional initiative which aims to capture sustainable agribusiness. The initiative
includes four potential agriculture precincts within the Fitzroy region (shown in Figure 6). 51

1 Mackenzie River Agricultural Corridor – this corridor is a highly productive area with some of the best soils in
Central Queensland that produce crops and cattle.

2 Fitzroy River Agricultural Corridor – this area has potential for development of an agricultural corridor along
the Fitzroy River and surrounding region.

3 Dawson River Agricultural Corridor – includes the proposed Nathan Dam and pipelines and the proposed
Duaringa Weir with a capacity of 6,000 megalitres.

4 Gladstone Agribusiness Corridor – includes the Port of Gladstone and city of Gladstone, which offers an ideal
to locate a hub for the value-adding field of agricultural transport and logistics.
Figure 6: Growing Central Queensland agricultural corridors 52



Eden Bann Weir REGIONAL


Rockwood Weir

Proposed Nathan Dam

The strength of agricultural production and agribusiness manufacturing sectors in the Fitzroy Region provides for a
diverse range of beef investment opportunities. Meat processing facilities are substantial in scale and contribute
significantly to the regional economy and state exports. New investment is being sought to extend the capacity and
productivity of Central Queensland’s beef sector in response to increased global demand for the commodity.53

Industry organisations have suggested a range of transport and logistic infrastructure projects to support these
agricultural corridors, such as containerisation facilities, cold storage, multi-modal freight coordination and
improved road train access to Port of Gladstone.

51 Regional Development Australia Fitzroy and Central West Inc. (2015). Growing Central Queensland Review.
52 Regional Development Australia Fitzroy and Central West Inc. (2014). Growing Central Queensland. www.rdafcw.com.au/growing-
53 Regional Development Australia Fitzroy and Central West Inc.(2015). Growing Central Queensland Beef Investment Prospectus.

40 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

Mining expansion The challenge of catering to the development of new

mines in the Bowen and Galilee basins is determining
The region’s mining and resource activity includes which mines will be developed and the timeframe. There
underground and open-cut thermal and coking coal is currently a large volume of freight moving across the
mining, minerals and coal seam gas (CSG), quarrying, region, and the addition of further demand will lead to
and gemstones extraction.54 The central, southern and potential conflicts between heavy vehicles and an increase
western parts of the region (the local government areas of in commuter movements on the network resulting in safety
Banana, Central Highlands and Gladstone) are key areas and efficiency challenges.
for resource operations, processing and transportation.
The region has also contributed significantly to the Conditioning mine operators to provide transport for
development of Queensland’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) workers, such as bus transport, will minimise potential
industry. The Bowen and Surat basins' production of CSG safety and demand impacts of a ‘drive in drive out’
provides the primary gas supply for the state’s export LNG workforce: this is already occurring at some mines in the
industry through Port of Gladstone. region. New mining projects may also require greater ‘fly-in
fly-out’ capacity, and upgrades to existing airports, such
To support the timely, safe and efficient movement of as at Emerald, to cater for any growth in demand for these
freight, ongoing improvements and maintenance of the services. For example, Rockhampton has been selected as
transport network will be required, especially where one of two ‘fly-in fly-out’ hubs for Adani’s new Carmichael
new mine developments, such as in the Galilee Basin, coal mine. The airport will support flights between
will generate increased demand, particularly during Rockhampton and a new airstrip located at the mine.

Alumina refinery, Gladstone

54 Department State Development, Infrastructure and Planning. (2013). Central Queensland Regional Plan.

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 41

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

Self-drive and cycling tourism trends A range of transport network features can contribute to
a positive visitor experience and encourage growth of
Self-drive and cycling tourism trends provide an self-drive tourism. These features include the consistency
opportunity for economic growth for the Fitzroy region. and condition of the road network, tourism signage,
Self-drive tourism is popular, with caravans and provision of tourist rest and scenic stops, and improved
recreational vehicles frequenting the region, while cycling mobile network coverage for safey, navigation and access
tourism is an emerging market. to real-time transport network information. Growth in
The self-drive market is expected to experience cycling tourism can be supported by continued investment
significant growth due to Australia’s aging population in active transport facilities and through investigation of
and a corresponding increase in retirees who travel recreational cycling opportunities.
around Australia.55 The region’s self-drive tourism market
encompasses those who travel long distances by road Defence industry
from other regions and states and those who fly into the The region includes the Shoalwater Bay Training Area
region and then drive to explore the area. Data shows that (SWBTA), which is used by the Australian Army, Navy and
tourism expenditure in the Fitzroy region has increased by Air Force, as well as foreign forces. The region’s transport
an average annual compound rate of 2.4 per cent over the networks, including airports, ports and roads, provide
nine years to 2015; this is largely driven by intra and inter- essential access to the SWBTA for military personnel and
state tourists, with 96 per cent of the region’s visitation equipment.58
comprising domestic visitors.56
Rockhampton Airport’s facilities are regularly used by the
Areas such as Kroombit Tops National Park near Biloela Australian Defence Force, Singapore Armed Forces and,
provide scenic driving routes to the 1945 crash site biennially, United States Armed Forces (as part of Exercise
of Beautiful Betsy (a WWII Liberator bomber), Marble Talisman Sabre). The Optech Building (which is leased to
Waterhole and picturesque lookouts over Boyne Valley. The Defence) and associated aprons are located to the north
national park also offers various nature walks and tracks in of the Rockhampton Airport passenger terminal. The Port
sub-tropical rainforest and blackbutt forest areas.57 of Gladstone has also been used to support transport of
Although a significant opportunity for the region, growth in military equipment into and across the region, including
self-drive tourism is also a challenge, particularly for the for Singaporean training exercises. Once equipment
region’s road network in catering for increased demand is brought in through ports (air and sea), the Defence
and risk of conflict between network users. The influx industry then utilises the road network to transport
of private vehicles (many towing caravans) during peak equipment through the region to the SWBTA.
holiday periods can interfere with the efficient movement The SWBTA is set to be expanded and a new military area
of freight. Variations in road conditions, long distances in north Queensland developed as part of the Australia-
between overtaking lanes and high traffic volumes can Singapore Military Training Initiative (ASMTI). Under
result in travel time delays and safety risks. Other issues this initiative, the Singapore Government will invest
include increased demand for available rest areas, approximately $2 billion to deliver enhanced military
wayfinding signage and a lack of education for tourists training facilities in these locations, benefiting the
about driving to the conditions experienced on regional Australian Defence Force and providing significant local
roads and interacting with freight vehicles (including economic opportunities. The ASMTI will allow for up to
OSOM vehicles). 14,000 Singaporean Armed Forces personnel to conduct

CASE STUDY: Cycling tourism

Cycling tourism is an emerging market. Scenic cycle Cycling tourism, although still attracting a small
routes and disused rail corridors as active transport market share, is an emerging trend with more domestic
links between areas of interest may present an and international travellers looking for experiences
opportunity for tourism and recreational use. The that involve adventure and help maintain a healthy
Capricorn Coast Pineapple Rail Trail is currently only lifestyle.59 Continued investment in the Fitzroy region’s
a 4.5-kilometre link in Yeppoon, but has the potential active transport networks, and providing information
to follow the disused rail corridor to the south of targeted at tourists on suggested routes and itineraries,
Rockhampton. Such routes can attract day trippers and may assist in attracting cycling tourism to the region.
contribute to the local economy.

55 Queensland Government. (2016). Business and Industry Portal Drive Tourism in Queensland.
56 Based on an average between 2013 and 2016. Tourism Research Australia. (2017). Central Queensland Regional Profile.
57 Sandstone Wonders. (2019). Kroombit Tops National Park. Retrieved from https://sandstonewonders.com/discover/kroombit-tops/.
58 Department of Defence. (2017). Australia-Singapore Military Training Initiative www.defence.gov.au/Initiatives/ASMTI/.
59 Australian Government Austrade. (2015). Growing Cycling Tourism in Victoria – Summary.

42 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

training in Central and North Queensland over 18 weeks journey or select an alternative route, reducing delays and
a year for 25 years. This initiative will deliver economic improving the efficiency of travel. Currently, signage and
benefit to the Fitzroy region and have implications for publications of road conditions can be slow to respond
the region’s transport system. Planning is required, in to changed conditions, inconveniencing road users and
consultation with the Australian Department of Defence, compromising safety.
to fully understand the implications of the expansion of
The communication of real-time information may also
defence facilities and the need for upgraded transport
improve safety at level crossings. Dedicated Short Range
Communication (DSRC) is a wireless technology which
Advancements in technology has been piloted by LaTrobe University to improve safety
at level crossings. The technology application provides
Telecommunications and other technologies, coupled with vehicles and train drivers a 360-degree level of awareness
improved mobile network coverage, provide opportunities of their surrounding traffic situation, and allows them to
to improve community connectivity, safety and reliability communicate when approaching the same level crossing.
of transport networks in the region. Where there is the possibility of a collision, a warning
Communications technology can reduce some of the message is delivered to the driver's vehicle.60
need to travel on the transport network (such as through Technological advancements, such as low and zero
the use of email, internet and video conferencing) emission and cooperative and automated vehicles, have
allowing individuals to work, access distance education, the potential to change the way freight and people move,
seek healthcare and socialise with others regardless of and the type of vehicles travelling on the network. For
location. It also offers an opportunity for improved user regional areas, a significant challenge to the deployment
experience through the provision of real-time information. of low and zero emission and cooperative and automated
Real-time information could provide road condition, road vehicles is the provision of supporting infrastructure; this
work and incident information to road users in advance could include requirements for physical infrastructure
of travel. This would allow users, including the freight such as sealed roads, signage and road marking,
industry, tourists and the local community, to retime their and digital infrastructure such as mapping data and
communications infrastructure.61
Technology has also allowed for improved and automated
data collection and vehicle tracking tools, providing
the opportunity to more accurately and cost effectively
understand and plan for freight movements and travel
demand. Drone technology is also assisting with the
condition inspection of transport infrastructure, including
inspections post network flooding.
Mobile phone coverage is an important element of
realising certain opportunities brought about by advances
in technology. Through roll-out of the Mobile Black Spot
Program, the Australian Government, supported by
co-contributions from state and local governments, mobile
network operators, businesses and local communities,
is continuing to improve mobile phone coverage and
competition in regional and remote Australia. Funding
has been confirmed for 23 base stations across the
Fitzroy region, including at Emu Park, Taroom and along
the Dawson Developmental Road, through the first four
funding rounds of the program62.

Road status signage, Bruce Highway

60 LaTrobe University. (2017). Improving Safety at Level Crossings. www.latrobe.edu.au/technology-infusion/innovation/transport/improving-safety-

61 Australian Government Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development. (2017). Submission to the Standing Committee on Industry,
Innovation, Science and Resources Inquiry into the social issues related to land.
62 Department of Communications and the Arts. (2017). Mobile Black Spot Program. www.communications.gov.au/what-we-do/phone/mobile-

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 43

Salt mine, Port Alma

44 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priorities and actions

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 45

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

Priorities set the direction for the region’s transport Actions are primarily planning and partnership
network over the next 15 years. The four regional priorities initiatives to be further scoped, defined and programmed
established through the Fitzroy Regional Transport Plan in collaboration with partners and stakeholders.
development process are: Transport and Main Roads through its planning,
investment, management, operations and maintenance
„ Priority 1: An accessible and integrated transport of the transport network gives priority to improving
network that supports all transport modes and connects safety for our customers.
communities within and outside of the region.
Actions, and the subsequent project recommendations
„ Priority 2: A transport system that supports economic
that follow, will inform future updates of investment plans
growth and diversification by providing efficient and
and programs – such as the State Infrastructure Plan, the
effective access to markets and destinations.
Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program
„ Priority 3: A safe transport network that meets the (QTRIP), and other relevant service and infrastructure
demands of all users and manages interactions investment strategies – across all levels of government
between incompatible network users. and transport service providers.
„ Priority 4: A resilient and sustainable transport network Each action under the four priorities are linked to transport
that mitigates the impacts of extreme weather events objectives and measures of success. Transport objectives
and supports natural values. are key drivers for taking action. Measures of success have
Actions are identified under each of the priorities. Actions been selected where data to track performance is readily
are grouped into short-term and medium/long-term. available. Base-line data and performance metrics will be
Short-term actions identify the first critical steps needed included in separate implementation plans. These metrics
to achieve the transport objectives and regional goals will be used to indicate progress towards meeting the
over the indicative 15-year life of the Plan. Medium/long- goals and priorities set out in this Plan.
term actions identify possible responses to emerging or
The relationship framework linking priorities, objectives
potential future transport planning needs.
and measures of success is shown in Table 4.
Actions will be reviewed and updated periodically as part
of the implementation, monitoring and review process
described in Chapter 5.

Boolimba Bluff Walk, Carnarvon National Park

46 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

Table 4: Relationship between priorities, transport objectives and measures of success

The safety of all transport system customers is our primary priority as we create
a single integrated transport network accessible to everyone.



Network resilience and

Community Economic development Safety sustainability
An accessible and integrated A transport system that A safe transport network that A resilient and sustainable
transport network that supports supports economic growth and meets the demands of all users transport network that
all transport modes and diversification by providing and manages interactions mitigates the impacts of
connects communities within efficient and effective access to between incompatible network extreme weather events and
and outside of the region. markets and destinations. users. supports natural values.

Responding to the challenges of: Responding to the challenges of: Responding to the challenges of: Responding to the challenges of:
„ accessibility and community „ variation in network „ safety „ safety
connectivity conditions „ variability in network „ accessibility and community
„ private vehicle demand „ managing road freight growth condition. connectivity

growth and dependency „ supporting the efficient And opportunities for: „ supporting the efficient
and maintaining travel time movement of freight. movement of freight
„ growth in agriculture
And opportunities for: „ self-drive tourism trend „ network resilience.
And opportunities for: growth in agriculture, mining
„ advances in technology. And opportunities for:
„ advances in technology. and tourism
By taking action to:
„ advances in technology.
By taking action to: „ defence „ promote a safe environment By taking action to:
„ improve liveability, advances in technology.
for residents and visitors. „ improve the resilience of the
accessibility and
By taking action to: Fitzroy region's transport
connectivity for all network.
communities in the Fitzroy „ strengthen and grow the
region. Fitzroy region’s diverse and
adaptive economy.

1.1 A transport system that 2.1 An integrated transport 3.1 A transport network that 4.1 A resilient transport
connects communities and network that increases the is safe and reliable for all network that keeps the
provides reliable access productivity and efficiency users. Fitzroy region open and
to essential goods and of supply chains. moving following weather
services across the Fitzroy 3.2 All transport users events, and provides the
2.2 A transport system that understand safe travel

region. emergency connections

provides safe and reliable behaviour. needed to keep the region
1.2 A multi-modal transport access to the region’s safe.
system that offers a range natural assets and tourism
of accessible, efficient and destinations. 4.2 A sustainable transport
reliable transport options system that supports
for residents and visitors. protection of the natural
1.3 A transport system that is
integrated with land use,
providing residents and
visitors with a range of
viable transport options
that promote active and
sustainable transport

„ Level of transport „ Freight productivity „ Reduction in transport- „ Reduced frequency and

disadvantage decreases. improves. related incidents, crashes, duration of unplanned

„ Greater access and „ Transport supports the injuries and fatalities. closures.
connectivity to places, region’s tourism economy. „ Increase accessibility to
services and information. telecommunication and
„ Proportion of people digital information.
choosing to walk, cycle
and take public transport

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 47

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

4.1 Priority 1: Community


An accessible and integrated transport network

Priority 1 aligns to: that supports all transport modes and connects
„ the Transport Coordination Plan’s objectives for
communities within and outside of the region.
community connectivity, customer experience and
affordability, and environment and sustainability Liveability is shaped by a combination of factors such
as the amenity of the natural and built environments,
„ the State Infrastructure Plan’s focus on transport economic prosperity, social stability and equity,
infrastructure that improves prosperity and accessibility, educational opportunity as well as
liveability by connecting regional communities with cultural, entertainment and recreational possibilities.
access to essential services and opportunities The affordablity of essential goods and services and
„ the Central Queensland Regional Plan’s priority employment are basic factors influencing liveability, as
outcome to achieve community benefits through is access to centres providing higher-order goods and
reliability and condition of transport networks services.
affected by population and resource sector
growth and achieving community benefits through Transport systems play an essential role in the liveability
improving accessibility to destinations and of communities by facilitating access to employment,
improved safety and amenity. education, goods and services as well as social and
entertainment opportunities. Providing convenient and
accessible connections to where people want to go is
a key objective for building and operating the transport

48 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

Transport objectives Objective 1.3: A transport system that is integrated with

land use, providing residents and visitors with a range
Objective 1.1: A transport system that connects of viable transport options that promote active and
communities and provides reliable access to essential sustainable transport modes.
goods and services across the Fitzroy region. Integrated and effective land use and transport planning
ensures that transport infrastructure and services are
Liveability and lifestyle opportunities significantly impact
aligned with land uses, making it easier for people to
on where individuals choose to reside. Accordingly,
access jobs, services and experiences that promote
promoting liveability and the sustainable growth of the
health and well-being. Transport network planning should
Fitzroy region through inclusive access to educational
identify current and future access needs in a way that
establishments, employment opportunities, health
sustains economic growth, conserves the environment and
facilities and other essential goods and services is
supports quality of life for both residents and visitors.
important. Through the expansion and maintenance
of transport schemes, services and infrastructure that
connect communities, and efficient and affordable access
to goods and services (including recreational areas) the
liveability of the region for residents can be improved.

Objective 1.2: A multi-modal transport system that offers

a range of accessible, efficient and reliable transport
options for residents and visitors.
Mobility decisions are heavily dependent on the
availability, affordability and reliability of the transport
network and services. The transport system should be
fit-for-purpose and provide safe and efficient travel
options for all members of the community, regardless of
age or personal circumstances. This includes public and
active transport facilities to increase mode choice and
enhance the mobility of residents and visitors, while also
supporting a decrease in road network congestion in major

Campervan at the Dawson River, Moura

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 49

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

Objective 1.1: A transport system that connects communities and provides reliable access to
essential goods and services across the Fitzroy region.
Objective 1.2: A multi-modal transport system that offers a range of accessible, efficient and
reliable transport options for residents and visitors.
Objective 1.3: A transport system that is integrated with land use, providing residents and visitors
with a range of viable transport options that promote active and sustainable transport modes.

Actions – short-term 1.1 1.2 1.3

A1.01 Public transport plan
Partner with local governments to develop public transport plans for major and service centres
in the region (including Gladstone, Rockhampton, Yeppoon and Gracemere) with a focus on
investigating opportunities to:
„ improve connectivity, efficiency and service frequency between residential areas, major centres
and key employment and education nodes P P P
„ improve connections between active and public transport modes to increase accessibility and
promote patronage growth
„ investigate the suitability of alternative service models that meet different or changing
customer needs (for example, Demand Responsive Transport services).
A1.02 Pedestrian access and mobility plan
Work with local government to develop a Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan for key activity centres
in cities and towns (including Rockhampton, Gladstone and Yeppoon) to strengthen and preserve
walkability, urban design and local amenity.
A1.03 Principal cycle network implementation
Undertake planning to deliver the principal cycle network to support more cycling, more often on safe,
direct and connected routes via:
„ standalone options analysis and business case development for cycling infrastructure on P P P
highest priority routes; and
„ explicit provision for cycling infrastructure as part of planning for other TMR funded projects on
all principal routes, in accordance with the department's Cycle Infrastructure Policy.
A1.04 Boating infrastructure
Continue to prioritise investment in boating infrastructure across the region, such as at Stanage P
Bay and Inkerman Creek, based on an assessment of demand and input from the community and
stakeholders using tools such as the Recreational Boating Facilities Demand Forecasting Study.
A1.05 Access for people with disabilities
Improve the end-to-end journey for people with a disability by working in collaboration with key P P P
stakeholders to achieve the objectives of the Disability Action Plan 2018–2022.
A1.06 Principal cycle network plan review
In collaboration with local governments, review and update the Central Queensland Principal
Cycle Network Plan every five years and accompanying Priority Route Maps every two years for the P P P
townships and cities in the Fitzroy region. Consider as part of the review an expanded geographic
scope to include additional townships across the region.

50 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation


Objective 1.1: A transport system that connects communities and provides reliable access to
essential goods and services across the Fitzroy region.
Objective 1.2: A multi-modal transport system that offers a range of accessible, efficient and
reliable transport options for residents and visitors.
Objective 1.3: A transport system that is integrated with land use, providing residents and visitors
with a range of viable transport options that promote active and sustainable transport modes.

Actions – medium/long-term 1.1 1.2 1.3

A1.07 Community based transport
Support local government in identifying opportunities to improve access to transport services
suited to their communities, particularly isolated communities such as Woorabinda. This may
include investigating new and existing shared transport services and community-based transport P P P
options, and how these may be supported through technology and tools that allow coordination
between transport providers as well as the integration of end-to-end journey planning, booking
and payment options.
A1.08 Network and area studies
Undertake and update multi-modal network and area studies and support implementation
of these plans through operational planning where appropriate to plan for anticipated future
transport demands, including those relating to population, employment and economic changes
and growth, including for major centres such as Rockhampton, Gracemere and the Capricorn
Coast, Gladstone and Emerald.
A1.09 Technology
Partner with local government through the Regional Roads and Transport Groups to identify
facilitation requirements and responsibilities, network impacts and potential benefits of
cooperative and automated as well as low and zero emission vehicles in the region and inform P P P
strategic policy and planning. The work should align with The Future is Electric - Queensland's
Electric Vehicle Strategy, and other relevant statewide strategies and plans, to ensure integration
and connectivity.
A1.10 Active transport
Support local governments to deliver targeted promotion, engagement, behaviour change and
educational activities to increase use of new high priority principal cycle routes under Transport
and Main Roads' Cycle Network Local Government Grants program.
A1.11 Long-distance passenger transport services improvement investigation
In collaboration with community and industry, explore the feasibility of improving long distance
passenger services, including additional routes, scheduling and service integration, to improve
accessibility and connectivity within and beyond the region. Options to be explored include
potential east-west air services (such as between Rockhampton, Emerald and Longreach) and
road-based services which provide improved access to regional activity centres for communities
with low car ownership (such as Woorabinda). Where possible, opportunities to improve fare
affordability should also be identified.

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 51

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

CASE STUDY: Demand Responsive Transport

Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) is a new type The DRT model offers a range of benefits with greater
of shared transport designed to make it easier to get flexibility and convenience for customers, and improved
around a local area when buses and trains aren't efficiency in service delivery. Service providers use
available. It is being trialled across Logan (in South sophisticated route optimisation software to create
East Queensland) to make it easier for Logan residents genuine shared trips – not just vehicle sharing –
who do not have walkable access to buses and trains to grouping passengers into flexible service routes. The
get around their local area. The trial is offered across a pre-booked, shared transport services are flexible and
number of suburban areas. adapt to customer demand. Unlike a typical bus, DRT
changes its routes and vehicles to suit the number of
Residents register to set up a DRT account and book passengers who want to travel and where they're going.
a service by phone and provide pick up location and
destination, planned travel time and information on any By matching vehicles and travel timetables with actual
special requirements such as luggage or accessibility demand, DRT offers a more efficient way to provide
information. Users also receive automated phone calls transport for people living in areas that may be lacking
as a reminder of an upcoming trip and SMS alerting that public transport services due to population size or
the driver is approaching. because the geography limits access of traditional
vehicles like buses. It also provides the most efficient
DRT sends out smaller vehicles like sedans or mini vans vehicle use during times of lower demand.
to pick up several passengers at once and take them to
selected destinations. This includes transport to local DRT may be an alternative service model that could be
bus and train stations (to connect with other TransLink adopted in the Fitzroy region as part of a wider Public
services) and selected local facilities - such as shops, Transport Plan to improve access within major towns
medical centres and libraries. and centres in the region.

Maxi taxi collecting passengers in Logan trial

52 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

To Charters Towers To Mackay

0 100

Fitzr o y D

DISTRICT Shoalwater



No r

l R oa d


rl b o



Clermont Sa Marlborough ROCKHAMPTON

rin a
R oad Bru

Coral Sea

y A1.01 A1.02 B
Capella D Yeppoon
A1.01 A1.08
A1.02 Emu Park
To Longreach

Rubyvale A1.08 Gracemere
Emerald A1.08
Blackwater E
Alpha Central West Lin e n Highway GLADSTONE
cor Black water Rail Sys Duaringa D

Ca D tem Mount REGIONAL

Bogantungan Morgan
Gregory Hi

Mount Larcom A1.01 A1.02 A1.08



ental Ro
il Sy

Woorabinda a Ra Calliope Seventeen Seventy
Springsure SHIRE Mour

lo p m

ad Agnes Water

Hig h w



en Miriam Vale
H ig

lo p m
n Deve

Dawso Banana
z ro

F it






Theodore BURNETT



DISTRICT Theod Childers

ore R

To Brisbane
Taroom Mundubbera
To Roma

Actions Port
Committed projects
Long distance bus routes Town with hospital
Construct/upgrade boating infrastructure
Train station Town with Principal Cycle Network identified (various locations)
Taxi National park Rosslyn Bay boat harbour channel –
Undertake minor dredging
University Ocean, lakes, rivers
C Eidsvold - Theodore Road – Undertake
Potential future air route transport project planning
D Construct cycleways (various locations)

Gavial-Gracemere Road – undertake

transport planning

Figure 7: Priority 1 region map This map is indicative to illustrate proposed strategies for the region and
is not intended to be accurate in terms of exact geographic extent.

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 53

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

Rockhampton A
o nR
0 5

Y ep kilometres



Mount Archer National Park


g ela
nds Ro

Dean Str
Nine M
ile Roa


t Li


o as n






A1.01 A1.02 A1.08
Highway B



ic Jellicoe



Gracemere t

Industrial Area


Actions Long distance bus stop Committed projects
Rockhampton Ring Road corridor Rail station Bruce Highway – Rockhampton Northern
planning and preservation A Access Upgrade – Duplicate from two to
Existing long distance bus route four lanes
Existing urban bus route B Capricorn Highway (Rockhampton –
Urban footprint Gracemere) – Duplicate from two to four lanes
Principal Cycle Network
C North Street (Murray Lane to Campbell Street) –
Potential future air route construct cycle lane

Figure 8: Priority 1 Rockhampton map This map is indicative to illustrate proposed strategies for the region and
is not intended to be accurate in terms of exact geographic extent.

54 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

4.2 Priority 2: Economic development

Gracemere saleyard

A transport system that supports economic

growth and diversification by providing Priority 2 aligns to:
efficient and effective access to markets and „ the Transport Coordination Plan’s objective for
destinations. efficiency and productivity
„ the State Infrastructure Plan’s focus on integrated
A transport system that supports economic development
transport infrastructure that improves the efficiency
and diversification will help position the region for a strong
of freight and unlocks the potential of critical supply
economic future. This will support growth in jobs, enable
businesses to expand and support the development of
new economic opportunities for the region’s residents. „ the Central Queensland Regional Plan’s outcome
for agriculture and resources industries within the
Reliable and efficient supply chains are critical in Central Queensland region to continue to grow with
managing the freight task for the Fitzroy region. Supporting certainty and investor confidence.
productivity with legible and consistent networks will
underpin the region’s economy. Productive supply chains,
which are able to meet current and future demand, help
attract business and improve profitability for industry.

At the centre of Queensland, the Fitzroy region plays a of work. The transport system needs to support these
significant role in the movement of Queensland’s freight, movements into the future and provide opportunity for
with origins and key destinations in the region. people to shift to other transport modes for their journey
to work.
Enabling people to efficiently and safely reach their
place of work contributes meaningfully to the regional Providing for the movement of tourists to destinations
economy. Travel to work in the Fitzroy region is principally throughout the region will support the growth of the self-
undertaken using private vehicles, which places pressure drive tourism market. The benefits of self-drive tourism
on the road network. This can result in increased road to rural and regional businesses include expenditure on
safety considerations, particularly for workers in the leisure activities and attractions, overnight stopovers and
resource industry who drive long distances to their place basic travel necessities (such as fuel and food).

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 55

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

Transport objectives Objective 2.2: A transport system that provides safe and
reliable access to the region’s natural assets and tourism
Objective 2.1: An integrated transport network that destinations.
increases the productivity and efficiency of supply chains. A well-integrated and safe transport network is required
The efficient movement of goods between producers, to support the tourism industry and attract more tourists
manufacturers and customers is vital to support to the region. Ease of access, wayfinding signage, clear
economic growth in the region. Improvements to transport and legible route choices, adequate rest stops and scenic
infrastructure that increase the efficiency of the freight lookouts enhance the region's appeal to potential tourists.
network will foster a more productive supply chain. The Well-maintained and enhanced transport infrastructure
optimisation of industry supply chains, through holistic also promotes access to the region via bus, coach, rail,
long-term planning for freight movements, will improve air and sea.
network connectivity and productivity.

Rockhampton Airport

56 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

Objective 2.1: An integrated transport network that increases the productivity and efficiency of
supply chains.
Objective 2.2: A transport system that provides safe and reliable access to the region’s natural
assets and tourism destinations.

Actions – short-term 2.1 2.2

A2.01 Regional freight plan
Develop an integrated multi-modal freight plan to identify and prioritise freight network
improvements to support supply chain efficiency across the region. The plan will consider current
and emerging freight demands including strategic locations for heavy vehicle rest and breakdown P
facilities; access and movement requirements for oversize overmass and high productivity
vehicles; first and last mile links; supply chain coordination models, and the role of the region's
ports (such as the Port of Gladstone and Port Alma), airports, rail terminals and key freight routes.
A2.02 Corridor, route and link planning
Update corridor, route and link planning for the State Strategic and State Regional road network
in the region. Identify important corridors and links which require inter and intra-regional planning
and coordination to enhance transport network connectivity to and within the region. Examples P P
include: Gladstone-Benaraby Road, Gladstone–Mt Larcom Road, Rockhampton–Yeppoon
Road, Gavial–Gracemere Road, Fitzroy Developmental Road, and the Dawson Highway between
Gladstone and Biloela.
A2.03 Tourism
In partnership with state and local tourism agencies, undertake a regional transport needs
analysis to identify the travel needs of tourists and visitors traveling to the region's key tourism P
destinations, such as the gemfields around Emerald, Carnarvon Gorge, Agnes Water and 1770,
Southern Great Barrier Reef Islands, Mt Morgan, Yeppoon and Great Keppel Island Group.
A2.04 Port access
Work with stakeholders to identify multi-modal access requirements for freight to the region's P
ports, including Gladstone Port and Port Alma.
A2.05 Supporting active transport tourism
Provide advice to local government, other state government agencies and tourism bodies to
support planning, design and construction of rail trails and tourism routes in the region to support P
active transport tourism – for example, the rail trail linking Yeppoon to Rockhampton (extension of
the Capricorn Coast Pineapple Rail Trail) and the cycle route linking Emu Park to Yeppoon.
A2.06 Bridge renewal
Undertake regional bridge renewal investigations and planning for bridge replacements or
structural enhancements across the state controlled road network for high priority structures in the
region. This includes undertaking options analysis/business case development to rehabilitate or
replace vulnerable culverts or bridges on roads such as the Dawson Highway, Burnett Highway and
Rockhampton-Yeppoon Road.

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 57

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities


Objective 2.1: An integrated transport network that increases the productivity and efficiency of
supply chains.
Objective 2.2: A transport system that provides safe and reliable access to the region’s natural
assets and tourism destinations.

Actions – medium/long-term 2.1 2.2

A2.07 Defence
Undertake long-term planning to ensure that the transport network is appropriate to meet
the requirements of the Defence industry in the Fitzroy region. Planning should consider the
Shoalwater Bay Training Area, Rockhampton Airport, Port Alma and Gladstone Port.
A2.08 Access to industrial areas
Work with stakeholders to plan for safe and appropriate levels of access to industrial areas in the
region, for example the industrial areas at Yamala, Gracemere, Parkhurst and Gladstone (including
the Gladstone State Development Area).
A2.09 North Coast Rail line
Develop a North Coast Line Action Plan to prioritise planning that will support rail freight and
passenger efficiency improvements. This may include opportunities to reduce the number of level P P
crossings, increase the length of passing loops, improve flood resilience, and re-align low speed
sections of the North Coast line.

Cotton gin adjacent to the Central Queensland Inland Port site, Yamala

58 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

To Charters Towers To Mackay

0 100

Fitzr o y D

DISTRICT Shoalwater



No r

l R oa d


rl b o



Sa Marlborough ROCKHAMPTON

R oad Br

Coral Sea

Capella hw

A ay Yeppoon
A2.05 A2.04
Emu Park
To Longreach


Rubyvale Gracemere E F
A2.03 Emerald A2.08
Blackwater A2.02
Alpha Central West Lin e
n Highway
Black water Rail Sys
Duaringa 4 A2.07GLADSTONE

Bogantungan A2.08
Mount Morgan REGIONAL
Mount Larcom
Gregory Hi

CQ Inland Port, D


ental Ro
il Sy

a Ra
Calliope Seventeen Seventy
Springsure SHIRE Woorabinda Mour

lo p m

ad Agnes Water


tal Miriam Vale A2.03

lo p m
n Deve


Dawso Rolleston Biloela

z ro

F it




ws ay B

H i g hw B

A2.03 Theodore BURNETT



ore R
oad Childers

To Brisbane
Taroom Mundubbera
Augathella Injune
To Roma

National Key freight routes Cattle feedlot Growing Central Queensland –
Committed projects
(1000+ head of cattle) potential agriculture precincts63
Cattle feedlot A Fitzroy Developmental Road –
Rail Mackenzie River undertake transport project planning
(500-999 head of cattle) 1 Agricultural Corridor
Multi-combination vehicle Cattle processing B Construct/replace bridges
Fitzroy River
routes (state-controlled roads) 2 Agricultural Corridor
(various locations)
Livestock saleyard
B-double (23-25m) C
Strengthen/upgrade bridges
Grain silos 3 Dawson River (various locations)
B-double and Agricultural Corridor
Type 1 road train Inland port D
Gladstone Port Access Road
4 Gladstone Agribusiness upgrade planning
B-double and Coal bearing areas Corridor
Type 1 and 2 road train E Yeppoon Rail Line upgrade
Other mining sites
Rockhampton Ring Road corridor
Actions F
planning and preservation
Other rail lines Important agricultural
Primary stock route areas
State strategic touring route National park
Ocean, lakes, rivers

Figure 9: Priority 2 region map This map is indicative to illustrate proposed strategies for the region and
is not intended to be accurate in terms of exact geographic extent.

63 Regional Development Australia Fitzroy and Central West Inc. (2014). Growing Central Queensland. www.rdafcw.com.au/growing-central-

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 59

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

Priority Port of Gladstone Master Plan

The Port of Gladstone is identified as one of industry. The priority Port of Gladstone underpins
only four priority ports under the Sustainable the growth and prosperity of the Fitzroy region and
Ports Development Act 2015, which recognises its sustainable growth will enable opportunities for
its significance to the future of the region and regional employment, trade and investment into the
Queensland. The Queensland Government is leading future, highlighting its significance to the regional,
master planning for the priority Port of Gladstone as state and national economies.
required by the Sustainable Ports Development Act
2015, and in response to the Reef 2050 Long-Term On 5 November 2018, the priority Port of Gladstone
Sustainability Plan. master plan was finalised and released. The master
plan establishes a long-term strategic outlook for the
The priority Port of Gladstone is Queensland's largest land and marine areas considered important for the
multi-commodity port, handling more than 30 different efficient development and operation of the port and
products including the export of coal, alumina, associated supply chain infrastructure, to ensure port
cement, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), petroleum and and port-related development is sustainably managed
grain. It also supports cruise shipping and the tourism while protecting the Great Barrier Reef.

Port of Gladstone

60 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

CASE STUDY: Improving cattle supply chains

Moving cattle from the farm gate to market is a key been used to assess infrastructure improvement
factor affecting the profitability of the cattle industry. scenarios linked to the Federal Government’s Northern
Transport impacts on animal condition and profitability, Australia Beef Roads Programme.
especially in Northern Australia where there are long
distances from production to market. Sufficient access For example, TranNSIT was used to assess potential
to truck stops on freight corridors is essential to cattle freight cost savings associated with improving
manage driver fatigue and animal welfare. Disruptions access (from B-double access to Type 1 road train
to the transport network are also common during wet access) to abattoirs in Rockhampton. The assessment
seasons, preventing stock reaching ports or abattoirs. found that improved access was expected to deliver
a saving of $1.63 per head of cattle. The Queensland
The inefficient movement of cattle impacts economic Government subsequently committed $10 million
viability and reduces the industry’s profitability and to a program of road network upgrades, which were
resilience and can erode the geographic advantage of completed in February 2017, providing access for
the north’s proximity to Asia-Pacific markets. Type 1 road trains. These upgrades have removed
the requirement for road trains travelling between
To understand and assess the efficiency of agricultural Gracemere saleyards and the Rockhampton abattoirs
supply chains, CSIRO developed the Transport Network to breakdown prior to entering Rockhampton from the
Strategic Investment Tool (TraNSIT). The tool is used Capricorn Highway, leading to improved supply-chain
to understand the impacts of infrastructure and policy efficiency and reduced transport costs.64
changes on agricultural supply chains. The tool has

Cattle property, Cooper Downs

64 CSIRO. (2016). Transport Network Strategic Investment Tool (TraNSIT) Application to Northern Australia Beef Roads Program.

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 61

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

4.3 Priority 3: Safety

Heavy vehicle passing through road works

A safe transport network that meets the

Priority 3 aligns to: demands of all users and manages interactions
„ the Transport Coordination Plan’s objective for
between incompatible network users.
safety and security
Transport infrastructure that provides for safe travel is only
„ the State Infrastructure Plan’s focus on infrastructure one element of transport network safety; transport user
that improves the capacity, safety and security of behaviour and vehicles are also significant contributors.
the transport network Customers should feel safe using the transport system and
„ the Central Queensland Regional Plan’s priority understand their role in ensuring the safety of themselves
outcome to achieve community benefits through and other travellers. The safety of all transport users is
improving accessibility to destinations and fundamental to the planning and management of the
improved safety and amenity. transport network. Arriving at a destination safely and
without incident is often assumed but each day crashes
occur. Fortunately, not all these are serious but even those
crashes that only result in vehicle damage and minor
injury have personal and economic implications.

Improving transport network safety can be achieved

through a combination of improved infrastructure,
information, communication technology and education.
Examples of initiatives that support and encourage safety
include rest areas to mitigate driver fatigue and improved
education on the unique characteristics of driving on
remote roads (such as interaction with road trains and
driving on unsealed roads).

62 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

Transport objectives Objective 3.2: All transport users understand safe travel
Objective 3.1: A transport network that is safe and reliable Education and awareness programs that target both
for all users. residents and travelling visitors have the ability to create
Enhancing and managing transport infrastructure is a sense of accountability and responsibility for all road
essential in creating a reliable transport network, users. Specifically, these programs encourage road users
particularly for road users. The standard of road to adhere to road and transport rules while making smart
infrastructure must support all road users—including decisions about how they travel and how to be proactive
cyclists and pedestrians—to travel safely, with reduced about safety.
rates of crashes, injuries and fatalities. Transport
infrastructure can improve safety by separating
incompatible road users (for example, cyclists and
trucks). A safe transport network also provides a better
travel experience for residents and visitors due to an
increased perception of personal safety and security.

Cyclist using on-road cycle lanes

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 63

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities


Objective 3.1: A transport network that is safe and reliable for all users.
Objective 3.2: All transport users understand safe travel behaviour.

Actions – short-term 3.1 3.2

A3.01 Intelligent transport systems
Identify opportunities for increasing the use of technology for signage, communicating real-time
information and road condition monitoring to improve the accuracy and timeliness of information
on network closures, weather and safety events.
A3.02 Education
Continue to develop region specific education, promotion and communication campaigns in
partnership with community, industry and other authorities to encourage safe travel behaviour on
roads, public transport and active transport pathways in the region.
A3.03 Road safety treatments
Continue to identify, prioritise and nominate locations, links and networks for road safety
treatments. Potential treatments for consideration include installation of wide centre-line on
sections of Gladstone-Benaraby Road and the Capricorn Highway to reduce the risk of head-on P
collisions, traffic operation plans for managing incidents on the Bruce Highway, intersection
treatments which prioritise emergency vehicle access and signage indicating sections of road with
a high crash history.
A3.04 Boating safety
Undertake boating safety initiatives for coastal and inland waterways and waterbodies.
A3.05 Improving mobile coverage
Investigate potential solutions to improve mobile communication coverage across the region’s P P
transport network (for example, at recognised rest stops).
A3.06 Rail crossings
Continue to improve safety at rail level crossings through initiatives such as reducing the number P P
of level crossings, improving infrastructure and exploring new technology to align with the
Queensland Level Crossing Safety Strategy 2012–2021.
A3.07 Stock routes
Continue to review and make recommendations to the Department of Natural Resources, Mines P P
and Energy for primary stock routes throughout the Fitzroy region to improve road safety and the
efficiency of agricultural practices.
Actions – medium/long-term
A3.08 Rest stops
Determine investment priorities for new or upgraded rest areas to address driver fatigue risks,
encourage safe travel, and to provide sufficient capacity and amenities to enhance customer P P
experiences and safety. Ensure planning and provision of rest areas addresses safety risks
associated with potential for incompatibility or conflicts between trucks and recreation vehicles.

64 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

To Charters Towers To Mackay

0 100

Fitzr o y D

DISTRICT Shoalwater



No r

l R oa d


rl b o




Clermont Sa Marlborough ROCKHAMPTON

rin a
R oad
Br A3.03

 F Coral Sea

 A B E hw

Capella  Yeppoon ay
To Longreach

  Emu Park
B C E  

ROCKHAMPTON  Port Alma
Rubyvale  J Gracemere  
Emerald A
 Blackwater  
Alpha Central West Lin e
   H
corn Highway
 pri Black water Rail Sys Duaringa 

 tem
Bogantungan Ca  MountMorgan GLADSTONE
Gregory Hi

 Mount Larcom   A B C E COUNCIL

 

 


ental Ro
ste  A3.03

 Springsure a Ra Calliope
SHIRE Woorabinda Mour  Seventeen Seventy

lo p m
 Agnes Water

ad   

Hig h w

tal   Vale

lo p m
C  Miriam
n Deve

Dawso  Rolleston 
Banana Biloela   
z ro

F it





y 


 I
Gin Gin



ore R
G oad Childers

To Brisbane

Taroom Mundubbera

Augathella Injune 
To Roma

Legend Committed projects

Rest area A Construct overtaking lanes/additional lanes (various locations)
Actions B Widen pavement (various locations)
National park
C Rehabilitate/reseal pavement (various locations)

D Rehabilitate/widen bridge/s and culvert/s (various locations)

Crash data 2013-2017*
E Improve intersection/s (various locations)
1-20 crashes requiring hospitalisation
F Bungundarra Road (sections) – Seal shoulder/s
21-40 crashes requiring hospitalisation
G Deearne Road – Form and pave
41+ crashes requiring hospitalisation
H Widen and seal/overlay (various locations)
 Fatal crashes
I Theodore - Moura Road – Safety improvements

J Pave and seal/construct to sealed standard (Various locations)

* Crash data only relates to roads within region

Figure 10: Priority 3 region map This map is indicative to illustrate proposed strategies for the region and
is not intended to be accurate in terms of exact geographic extent.

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 65

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

CASE STUDY: Wide centreline treatment

Crashes involving vehicles crossing over the centreline, between opposing directions of traffic. This extra
causing head-on collisions, are one of the most severe distance provides additional reaction time if a driver
types of crashes. The Department of Transport and unintentionally drifts across the centreline towards
Main Roads is committed to improving safety along oncoming traffic.
Queensland roads, particularly on long stretches of
highways where driver fatigue and unsafe overtaking Wide centreline treatments also increase road safety by
can contribute to these head-on crashes. In recent years providing additional space when motorists are passing
wide centreline treatments have become internationally cyclists or vehicles that are stopped on the side of the
recognised as an effective and relatively low-cost road, as well as when they are overtaking, as it allows
measure to reduce head-on collisions. for better visibility of oncoming traffic. The treatment
is often applied to heavily trafficked, high speed roads
Wide centreline treatments replace the existing dividing and highways and usually requires widening of the road
centreline/s on a road with two new lines approximately shoulder to accommodate the wider centreline.
one metre apart, which creates a greater distance

Wide centreline treatment, Bruce Highway, Gin Gin

66 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

4.4 Priority 4: Network resilience and sustainability

Flooded road, Rockhampton floods, 2011

A resilient and sustainable transport network

that mitigates the impacts of extreme weather Priority 4 aligns to:
events and supports natural values. „ the Transport Coordination Plan’s objectives for
environment and sustainability
Development and operation of a resilient and sustainable
transport system supports liveability for residents, „ the State Infrastructure Plan’s focus on reliable
economic development and protection of the natural transport infrastructure that is resilient and
environment. The effective prioritisation, coordination and adaptive to weather events and climate change
management of transport infrastructure and operations „ the Central Queensland Regional Plan’s priority
contribute to achieving a sustainable, efficient and
outcome to improving the reliability and
connected transport network.
condition of transport networks affected by
Resilience is the ability of the transport system to retain population and resource sector growth and the
performance during a disaster, or return to a normal state networks’ resilience during natural disasters.
of operation (or a desired level of functioning) quickly
following a disaster. The resilience of the transport
network is critical in emergency response immediately
after a disaster, with first responders requiring safe access Protecting natural values is important to the community
to address damage and community impacts. and the ongoing success of the region’s tourism industry.
Development of a sustainable transport system which
Extreme weather can lead to road closures, infrastructure
minimises environmental impacts will support protection
damage and delays across the region. The impacts cover
of the region’s natural values. Supporting and providing
not only the period during which the road is closed due
opportunities for sustainable transport options, including
to inundation or damage, but the time it takes for road
walking, cycling, public transport and low and zero
or bridge inspection prior to reopening, restrictions until
emission vehicles, is important to the development of a
damage is addressed and delays associated with road
more environmentally sustainable transport network.
works to repair damage. Resilience is also important in
improving the reliability of the transport network, as well
as decreasing repeat maintenance costs.

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 67

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

Transport objectives Objective 4.2: A sustainable transport system that

supports protection of the natural environment.
Objective 4.1: A resilient transport network that keeps the The Fitzroy region includes a range of natural attractions
Fitzroy region open and moving following weather events, which enhance liveability and amenity for residents and
and provides the emergency connections needed to keep attracts tourists. Protecting lifestyle and environmental
the region safe. values is critical to the prosperity of the region. Attracting
The closure of major roads, ports, airports and rail people to live in or visit the region supports local
tracks has significant impacts on freight transport, local businesses and helps grow the tourism industry.
businesses, visitors and residents in the region.
The transport network will be developed in a way that
Network closures are often inconvenient and can protects and enhances the region’s natural features.
significantly increase travel time and cost. Importantly, A transport system that is compatible with the
closures can also be unsafe and reliable access is environmental and lifestyle values of the region will:
required to support emergency connections (including
access for first responders following incidents and „ lessen impacts on the environment
emergencies) and enable safe network use. Improving „ protect lifestyle and amenity for communities
the resilience of the transport network increases the
safety of the region. „ support and promote more tourism in the region.


Objective 4.1 A resilient transport network that keeps the Fitzroy region open and moving following
weather events, and provides the emergency connections needed to keep the region safe.
Objective 4.2 A sustainable transport system that supports protection of the natural environment.

Actions – short-term 4.1 4.2

A4.01 Flooding investigations
Undertake transport network flooding investigations across the region to identify key flooding
locations, such as low lying areas affected by the Fitzroy River, Nogoa River and Dawson River, and P
understand requirements and improvements needed to reduce the impact of flooding and improve
the resilience of the network.
Actions – medium/long-term
A4.02 Disaster management
Undertake critical transport network response planning and support local and district disaster
management groups to improve accessibility and safety during extreme weather events (for P
example, improving access to Emerald in large rainfall events) including the resilience and
reliability of communication systems and processes.
A4.03 Climate change
Consider the effect of climate change in the planning of the transport network in the Fitzroy region, P
through long-term scenario modelling and analysis.
A4.04 Sustainable infrastructure
Consider natural systems and environmental processes when undertaking planning, design and
business cases for major transport infrastructure projects. This includes, for example, minimising P
impacts on the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, the Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park and
declared fish habitat areas, along with adjacent estuarine and marine habitats.

68 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

CASE STUDY: Flinders Highway Flood Study – a route approach

to addressing flood immunity
Northern Queensland’s Flinders Highway runs east– and economic assessments and accounting for
west across 770 kilometres connecting Cloncurry, simultaneous closures at multiple crossings during
and towns along its route, to Townsville. The Flinders storm events. The tool provides Transport and Main
Highway has a history of poor flood performance with Roads with a means of consistently comparing upgrade
long and frequent road closures during the wet season. options and prioritising investment in structures that
Although previous studies and infrastructure projects improve overall flood immunity, thereby providing the
had addressed a handful of individual crossings, there greatest economic benefit.
was no means of assessing overall flood immunity or
impacts for the overall route.65

The Flinders Highway Flood Study assessed the entire

route in terms of flood immunity and impacts on the
efficient movement of goods and services and providing
more reliable access for tourists and the community.
A tool was developed to inform decision making
through a holistic assessment of highway flooding
and its impacts by combining hydrologic, hydraulic
Water level marker indicating flooding depth on the Flinders Highway

CASE STUDY: Foamed bitumen pavements thwart Tropical

Cyclone Debbie
Tropical Cyclone Debbie crossed the Queensland display impressive strength in the face of catastrophic
coast near Airlie Beach in late March 2017, unleashing weather. While some conventional thin asphalt/granular
damaging winds and torrential rail. It then tracked pavements suffered catastrophic damage from flooding,
south to deliver wide spread flooding in several regions, foamed bitumen pavements in similar circumstances
including Rockhampton and areas in south-east have shown to be highly resilient.
Queensland and northern New South Wales.
By utilising foamed bitumen, Transport and Main Roads
Innovations in pavement technology have provided for is not only saving on the cost of construction—foamed
a more resilient transport network. The flooding bitumen costs less per cubic metre than asphalt—but
aftermath of Cyclone Debbie tested the practical also on the cost of maintaining and rehabilitating roads
effectiveness of foamed bitumen pavement when after natural disasters like ex-Tropical Cyclone Debbie.
three-metre floodwaters inundated Camp Cable Road
on the Mt Lindesay Highway. There were concerns that,
with the extent of the flooding, road condition would
be compromised. When waters receded, the foamed
bitumen pavement was found completely intact.

Recent heavy rainfall has also demonstrated the

resilience of the pavement on the Bruce Highway near
Bowen, in Warrill View, south of Ipswich, and on the
Yeppen floodway in Rockhampton.

Foamed bitumen pavements are an innovation of

Transport and Main Roads and when constructed in
the right environment with appropriate stabilisation
are more resilient to flooding. They have survived
unscathed in some of the worst-hit parts of the state and Flooding on Mt Lindesay Highway, March 2017

65 Department of Transport and Main Roads (2016). Flinders Highway Flood Study.

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 69

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

To Charters Towers To Mackay

0 100

Fitzr o y D

DISTRICT Shoalwater



No r

l R oa d


rl b o



Clermont Sa Marlborough ROCKHAMPTON

R oad

Coral Sea


Capella Yeppoon

Emu Park
To Longreach


Rubyvale Gracemere
Alpha Central West Lin e n Highway
pri A4.01 Black water Rail Sys Duaringa GLADSTONE

Ca tem
Bogantungan Mount Morgan REGIONAL
Gregory Hi

Mount Larcom


ental Ro
il Sy Calliope

Springsure Woorabinda a Ra Seventeen Seventy

lo p m
Agnes Water



tal Miriam Vale


lo p m
n Deve


Dawso Rolleston Biloela

z ro
F it






A4.01 Theodore BURNETT
Gin Gin



ore R
oad Childers

To Brisbane
Taroom Mundubbera
Augathella Injune
To Roma

Actions Maximum days state road closed due to flooding
0-5 days road closed
National park
6-10 days road closed
Ocean, lakes, rivers
11-15 days road closed
16-20 days road closed
* Data measured between December
21-50 days road closed and March/April of each financial year

Figure 11: Priority 4 region map This map is indicative to illustrate proposed strategies for the region and
is not intended to be accurate in terms of exact geographic extent.

70 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

Cotton field at Kiely's Farm, Emerald

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 71

Snorkelling, Heron Island

72 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019


Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 73

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

5.1 Taking action

Delivering the Fitzroy Regional Transport Plan will require: „ Informing the Queensland Transport and Roads
Investment Program (QTRIP)
„ further integration with the strategic direction of the QTRIP is released annually. It is a funded program of
region’s local governments work that will be delivered over the upcoming four
„ continued engagement with our stakeholders and years. Projects are listed on QTRIP after having gone
customers through an investment prioritisation process that will be
informed by this Plan.
„ collaborative and considered decision making
„ Aligning with the State Infrastructure Plan
„ a drive from all partners to deliver a safer, more Regional Transport Plans will inform the programs
efficient, reliable and integrated transport network. of work within the State Infrastructure Plan. QTRIP
This Plan will be used to inform transport planning informs the State Infrastructure Plan’s construction
priorities and investment decision making for the region. pipeline. Regional Transport Plans align planning and
The Plan will ensure that future investments address investment frameworks with the region’s challenges
priorities that matter to customers, stakeholders and the and opportunities.
community. „ Being considered in local and federal government
Figure 12 shows the importance of the Regional Transport investment decisions and plans
Plans in the Transport and Main Roads investment This Plan has been prepared in consultation with other
lifecycle. levels of government and considers their strategic
planning and policy documents.
Transport and Main Roads provides opportunities for
customers to provide input into planning actions outlined
„ Delivering the Transport System Planning Program
in this plan via the department’s website. Information on (TSPP)
our projects including planning, studies and construction The TSPP is a rolling program of planning projects
projects can be found at www.tmr.qld.gov.au/projects. across all modes and all regions with projects ranging
from network to link level and investment proposal
Transport and Main Roads and its planning partners are activities. Demonstrated alignment with RTPs is
responsible for ensuring the priorities and actions in the essential for planning projects to be eligible for funding
Plan are realised. They will be delivered by: under the TSPP.

Regional Transport Plan

Priority Priority
Action Action Action Action Action Action

Project definition and prioritisation

In consultation with partners Informs

Transport and Main Roads Local government

planning and
Transport system investment planning and programming

Capital investment Operating budget Queensland

Government planning
Safety, regulation, and investment
Transport infrastructure
passenger transport and
management and delivery
customer services Australian
Government planning
State and investment
Queensland Transport and
Aligns Roads Investment Program
updated annually Private sector
updated annually

Delivered projects and improved services

Figure 12: Regional Transport Plans are a critical step in Transport and Main Roads investment lifecycle

74 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

5.2 Delivering in partnership

More can be achieved when partnering with stakeholders Cooperative transport planning is the foundation for
to deliver shared goals using collective expertise and delivery of Regional Transport Plans. Each Plan will be
resources. Throughout the development of the Fitzroy delivered with a focus on cooperation, coordination and
Regional Transport Plan, Transport and Main Roads has collaboration. This approach builds on the framework for
built relationships with stakeholders from all levels of inter-agency cooperation established within the Roads
government, business and industry. These relationships and Transport Alliance (RTA). The RTA is a partnership
will be further developed in delivering the actions outlined between Transport and Main Roads and the Local
in this Plan. Opportunities for partnering include: Government Association of Queensland, on behalf of
local governments, for the stewardship of Queensland’s
„ collaborative planning leveraging knowledge from regional road and transport network.
researchers, universities and education providers
Local governments together with Transport and Main
„ inviting project development support from individuals Roads form Regional Roads and Transport Groups
or organisations with an interest in implementing an (RRTGs). Moving forward RRTGs will work collaboratively to
initiative or action prioritise investment on road and transport infrastructure
and should evolve further to influence the strategic
„ supporting and encouraging private sector investment
planning and management of regional transport networks.
through project facilitation to accelerate action delivery
This includes reviewing and identifying specific economic
and realise economic or commercial benefits, for
drivers, opportunities and challenges as they change over
example, through investment facilitation or public-
time to inform project identification and prioritisation.
private partnerships
The priorities and actions outlined in this Regional
„ providing resource support such as human resources,
Transport Plan will help focus RRTGs in their approach
equipment or material.
to strategic transport planning and local transport
infrastructure investments.

Gem Gallery, Deparado Mine, Rubyvale

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 75

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

5.3 Measuring success

Overall, the effectiveness of this Plan within the region will It is important to note that some of the measures of
be measured against the measures of success outlined for success may be updated as required to ensure they
each priority (Figure 13). These align to Transport and Main continue to provide an effective measurement of
Roads' Transport Coordination Plan 2017–2027 and will performance.
allow the department to track if Regional Transport Plans
are meeting transport system objectives.



Proportion of population in areas of unmet transport

Level of transport disadvantage Transport and
need (high mobility disadvantage and not served by
decreases. Main Roads
public transport).

Proportion of the population with good accessibility to

Greater access and connectivity to Transport and
a range of essential services in urban areas (by walking,
places, services and information. Main Roads
cycling or public transport).*

Proportion of people choosing to walk, Proportion of people choosing to walk, cycle and take
cycle and take public transport increases. public transport to work^.
of Statistics



Transport and
Freight productivity improves. Heavy vehicle operating costs
Main Roads

Transport supports the region's tourism Percentage variation from posted speed limit on state- Transport and
economy controlled roads** Main Roads

Figure 13: Measures of success and proposed indicators

* Rockhampton and Gladstone urban areas using the Land Use and Public Transport Accessibility Index (LUPTAI) model to estimate
levels of access to destinations by various modes.
** Proxy measure for improving reliability to access the region's tourism destinations via road.
^ Proxy measure for a more accessible transport system through an increased use of a greater range of transport options.

76 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation



Number of road crashes resulting in fatalities or Transport and

hospitalisation. Main Roads

Road crashes (resulting in fatalities or hospitalisation

casualties) per kilometre on state-controlled roads
Reduction in transport related incidents, Transport and
crashes, injuries and fatalities. Road crashes (resulting in fatalities or hospitalisation Main Roads
casualties) per 100 million vehicles kilometres travelled
on state-controlled roads.

Number of people killed or seriously injured in marine Transport and

incidents per 10,000 registered vehicles. Main Roads

Increase accessibility to
Proportion of the state-controlled transport network Transport and
telecommunication and digital
(road and rail) will mobile reception coverage. Main Roads



Frequency and total duration of road closures on the

Transport and
transport network (state-controlled roads) during flood
Main Roads
Reduced frequency and duration of events.
unplanned closures.
Frequency and total duration of unplanned closures on Transport and
the transport network (state-controlled roads). Main Roads

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 77

Introduction The Fitzroy Region Goals, challenges and opportunities

5.4 Monitoring and review

This Plan will be monitored, periodically reviewed and This review will also consider changes to land use,
updated to ensure it remains current and relevant. the region’s economy, environmental considerations,
demography, technological innovations, the progress of
In the short term, monitoring will focus on ensuring that significant infrastructure projects and any other factors
the actions put forward are prioritised and progressed which may require a shift in the priorities or objectives for
through departmental and local planning programs. As the region.
the Plan matures and planning and delivery is completed,
monitoring will focus on tracking progress against
objectives and measures of success (Figure 14).

It is intended that a review of the Plan will be carried out

every three-to-five years to maintain its alignment with
other government and non-government plans, programs
and initiatives.

Publish updated
Plan update Plan and report on

As the Plan has

Evaluate 'measures of success'

Review Plan
As the Plan
matures Monitor projects identified in forward planning and delivery programs
Track progress of initiatives undertaken through partnerships

Rolling update to action status

Initial reporting
Monitor progress on actions commenced and completed

YEAR 1 2 3 4 5+
Figure 14: Monitoring, reporting and review as the Plan matures

Further information
Please email TMR_Regional_Transport_Plans@tmr.qld.gov.au for further details on this or other Regional Transport Plans.

78 Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Implementation

Front cover, Fisherman's Landing, Port of Gladstone (background),
Gladstone Ports Corporation.
Inside front cover, Pineapples on sale at Farmer’s Market, Yeppoon,
Tourism and Events Queensland.
Page 4, Farm near Biloela, Tourism and Events Queensland.
Page 16, Walking on Wreck Beach, Great Keppel Island, Tourism and
Events Queensland.
Page 18, Planet Downs, Tourism and Events Queensland.
Page 19, Biloela Railway Station, Tourism and Events Queensland;
Rural landscape, Capella, Tourism and Events Queensland.
Page 20, Auckland Port Wharf, Tourism and Events Queensland;
Yeppoon Marina, Tourism and Events Queensland.
Page 21, Parkland, Woorabinda Aboriginal Council.
Page 26, Tilt Train at Gladstone, Tourism and Events Queensland.
Page 29, Great Keppel Island Marina, Tourism and Events
Queensland/Vince Valitutti.
Page 30, Bustard Head, Seventeen Seventy. Tourism and Events
Page 32, Alexandra Railway Bridge, Tourism and Events Queensland.
Page 36, Cattle truck, Central Highlands, Central Highlands Regional
Page 39, Mandarins growing near Emerald, Tourism and Events
Page 41, Alumina refinery, Gladstone, Tourism and Events
Page 44, Salt mine, Port Alma, Tourism and Events Queensland.
Page 46, Boolimba Bluff Walk Carnarvon National Park, Tourism and
Events Queensland.
Page 48, Yeppoon, Tourism and Events Queensland.
Page 49, Campervan at the Dawson River, Moura, Tourism and Events
Page 55, Gracemere saleyard, Tourism and Events Queensland.
Page 56, Rockhampton Airport, Rockhampton Regional Council.
Page 60, Port of Gladstone, Gladstone Ports Corporation.
Page 61, Cattle property, Cooper Downs, Tourism and Events
Page 71, Cotton field at Kiely’s Farm, Emerald, Tourism and Events
Page 72, Snorkelling Heron Island, Tourism and Events Queensland.
Page 75, Gem Gallery Deparado Mine, Rubyvale, Tourism and Events
Page 79, Warumbah Creek Gorge, Carnarvon National Park, Tourism
and Events Queensland.
The rights to images not listed are owned by the Department of
Transport and Main Roads.

Warumbah Creek Gorge, Carnarvon National Park

Regional Transport Plan | Fitzroy Region | 2019 79

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